Existing types of summons to the military registration and enlistment office

Do you want to get exemption from the army? We will help you legally! The conscription age in Russia begins at age 18, but young people can receive a summons to the military registration and enlistment office much earlier. The presentation of an official document does not mean an urgent call for service, since the purposes of the call are related not only to conscription activities, but also to issues related to military registration. If you receive a summons to join the army in 2022, study all the information and pay attention to the reason for your appearance. It is required to be indicated. In cases where the purpose of the call is not indicated and the form is filled out incorrectly, the document is considered invalid, and the recipient has every right to ignore the visit to the military registration and enlistment office.

Agenda content

Before you study what types of subpoenas there are from the district military registration and enlistment office, you need to understand what a subpoena is.

This is an official document obliging the citizen to appear at the local military commissariat on a specified date and time to undergo certain conscription activities.

The document contains the following information:

  • Full name, conscript registration address;
  • Military specialty according to the military ID;
  • List of documents that the conscript must provide to the military registration and enlistment office;
  • Address of the military institution where you need to arrive;
  • Date and time of appearance;
  • Seal of the military registration and enlistment office, signature of the head of the organization.

If the information is entered incorrectly or one of the points is not completed, the document can be declared invalid through the court.

What does a summons to the military registration and enlistment office look like?

A sample summons to the military registration and enlistment office looks like this:

Having received a summons, there is no need to panic, because this does not mean that you will definitely be drafted into the army. There are several reasons why you must appear before the appropriate authorities when summoned. In this article we will talk about all the features of this procedure.

Types of agendas

There are several options for notifications to appear at the district military registration and enlistment office. The form of the document to fill out is the same, only the purpose of visiting a military institution is different.

To clarify personal data

According to such a summons, a young man is summoned to register for military service, establish a personal file, or clarify personal data. In this case, the citizen simply must provide the employee of the institution with information about himself: official address of residence and registration address, place of work or name of the university where he studies, and other information.

This document does not oblige the conscript to undergo military service. Such a notice can be given at any time of the year, regardless of the conscription period.

To pass a medical examination

A preliminary medical examination is carried out when a citizen is registered with the military. The purpose of the procedure is to determine the degree of suitability for combat service.

The main medical examination is carried out before being sent to the army. Based on the test results, a special medical commission makes a decision on the conscript’s suitability for military service or exempts him from it for health reasons.

To pass the draft board

Notifications of this type are given to citizens of military age, according to which the draft commission will decide on the category of suitability for military service.

Most often, such a summons is given to conscripts whose personal file has been under consideration for a fairly long period.

To be sent to emergency service

This is the most basic document of all types of draft summons. It is awarded for the purpose of sending a conscript to a military unit for military service.

If a citizen ignores the notification, a criminal case will be initiated against him. He is considered a draft dodger. If a young man believes that the draft document was handed to him with violations, he has the right to file a claim with the court or the prosecutor's office. But this needs to be done within a week.

If we further understand what other legitimate military subpoenas there are, then it is worth noting the notification from the commissariat for sending to alternative service. In this case, the conscript is not sent to the army, but is left to serve on the spot.

Storage of military registration cards

Cards for those hired must be stored in a file cabinet in alphabetical order according to the following sections, numbered exactly like this:

  1. Reserve officers.
  2. Soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, warrant officers and midshipmen of the reserve.
  3. Female reserve conscripts.
  4. Conscripts.

If an enterprise has more than 500 employees registered with the military, employee cards with mobilization orders and marks of their presentation in military IDs should be placed in the 5th section of the card index. There they need to be sorted by team (batch) numbers based on the data from paragraph 7 of section. II card “Information on military registration”, and in them - in alphabetical order.

The following cards should be stored separately (in any order):

Removed from military registrationStored separately from the file cabinet until the next reconciliation with the military registration and enlistment office or local government body and then destroyed with the drawing up of a report about it
Who registered at the place of stay for a period of more than 3 months or at the place of residence (stay) not confirmed by registrationSeparated into separate groups and laid out in an order convenient for working with them

New military registration cards must be generated and stored in both paper and electronic form! (Clause 32 of the Instruction of the Ministry of Defense No. 700). Only the employee who maintains military records in the organization can make any changes to the electronic card database, as well as print them.

The procedure for delivering notifications from the military registration and enlistment office

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a summons must be delivered personally to the citizen to whom this document is addressed, and against signature. Only after meeting these requirements is the conscript obliged to report to a military institution to undergo certain conscription activities.

In other cases, the notice is recognized as not being served, and the conscript is not notified. Without a citizen’s personal signature, the document has no legal force. Failure to appear at the military registration and enlistment office is not recognized as evasion of military service; there are no grounds for bringing the conscript to justice.

By whom and how is the subpoena served?

According to the law, the summons must be served to the citizen personally against a signature. The detached spine with the conscript’s signature is attached to the file at the military registration and enlistment office. Let us pay special attention to the requirements of the law, according to which the service of summons from the military registration and enlistment office can be carried out by a strictly established circle of persons. Only the persons listed below have the right to serve summons on conscripts.

  • military registration and enlistment office workers.
  • employees of schools, colleges and universities (at the place of study).
  • employees and the head of the organization (at the place of work).
  • government representatives

How can this information help?

First of all, we note that parents and other relatives do not belong to the specified circle of persons, therefore they do not have the authority and are not obliged to notify citizens about the call to the military registration and enlistment office, including receiving documents for the conscript. If parents were given a summons from the military registration and enlistment office for a young man, such notification is not proper.

Clause 2 of Article 31 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” Citizens subject to conscription for military service are required to receive summons from the military commissariat against signature. Subpoenas are handed to citizens by employees of the military commissariat or at the citizen’s place of work (study) by managers and other officials (employees) of organizations responsible for military registration work. Subpoenas must indicate the legal consequences of citizens' failure to comply with the requirements set out in them.

Rights of military conscripts

Citizens of military age who wish to legally obtain a deferment from military service are advised to prepare for such a procedure in advance. First of all, before calling the district commissariat, it is necessary to collect a package of documents confirming the existence of grounds for deferment.

If you have health problems, it is recommended that you undergo a medical examination yourself at a third-party medical institution and obtain a certificate of exemption from military service.

You can also get a deferment for family reasons. Supporting documents can be: marriage certificate, child’s birth certificate, family composition statement, etc.

Conscripts who are university students can submit to the draft commission certificates from the educational institution, certified by the seal and signature of the rector.

Types of registration violations

What points can be considered a violation in the execution of the agenda? Such precedents are recorded in legislation and are expressed as follows:

World Conscript Day November 15

  • The form incorrectly indicated the reason for attendance.
  • The wording of the call to the military registration and enlistment office has a vague meaning.
  • There is no purpose for the call at all.
  • The validity of the call is questionable.

Having received a summons filled out with violations, you can ignore it, but lawyers still recommend appearing at the place of summons and clarifying the situation.

When can a summons come from the military registration and enlistment office?

A notification from the military registration and enlistment office to clarify changes in the conscript’s personal data can come at any time of the year.

Summons for conscription activities are served by law exclusively during the conscription period or immediately before its start.

The deadlines for the delivery of draft documents vary. They depend on the region of residence of the citizen and the specifics of his work. Most of the young guys are drafted into the army in the periods: 1.04-15.07 and 1.10-31.12. It is at this time that employees of district military registration and enlistment offices have the right by law to hand over draft documents to citizens of the Russian Federation.

Residents of the Far North and certain regions of the Russian Federation with similar natural conditions are called up for military service in the spring - starting from May 1, in the fall - from November 1.

Men of military age who live in villages and are involved in sowing and harvesting work are given military summonses from October 15 to December 31, i.e. 1 time per year.

Male teachers of educational institutions can be drafted into the army only from May 1 to July 15.

Notifications from the local commissariat for the purpose of passing a medical examination are provided to conscripts at any time of the year, even if they have a deferment from military service. In this case, attendance at the military registration and enlistment office is mandatory for everyone.

What to do if the summons has not arrived?

If you didn’t receive a summons this year, don’t rush to rejoice. The fact is that recently Russian legislation provides for the refusal to issue a military ID after 27 years, provided that you have not received a summons for the entire period of time. Military commissars state that in the absence of proper attention from the military registration and enlistment office, the young man must come to them himself and ask for a summons to a medical examination. Otherwise, he faces the risk of receiving the status of a draft dodger.

Summons for control appearance

When understanding what types of subpoenas there are, it is also necessary to note the summons document for control appearance. Such a notice is given after the citizen has passed the draft board.

Only conscripts who have been assigned categories of fitness for military service “A”, “B” are called to this event.

The purpose of the control turnout is to make it easier for recruits to stay on deployment and in the military unit. During this procedure, conscripts are explained in detail:

  1. When and what time should you arrive at the assembly point;
  2. What personal items are allowed to be carried with you, what are recommended to be taken with you to the unit;
  3. What documents should you have with you?
  4. What should be the appearance (hairstyle, acceptable clothing).

The conscript is not liable for failure to appear at the military registration and enlistment office for instruction following such a summons, because This is not considered evasion of military service. The main thing is to arrive at the assembly point on time to be sent to the military unit.

Refusal to receive a summons from the military registration and enlistment office

Refusing to receive a summons from the military registration and enlistment office is the same as putting a spoke in your own wheels. Such an action will entail unpredictable and extremely unpleasant consequences. We do not recommend refusing to serve a summons. The action is reckless and, frankly, stupid. The fact is that the military registration and enlistment office employees will invite witnesses and draw up an appropriate protocol. As a result, the conscript’s personal file, along with the protocol, will be sent to the investigative authorities. Further events will depend on the interrogator and the investigator.

The protocol of refusal to receive a summons indicates the citizen’s evasion of military duty. In general, the recommendation is clear: if a military registration and enlistment office employee comes to visit with a summons, do not interfere with his actions, receive the summons and sign on the tear-off counter, regardless of the legality of the call to the military registration and enlistment office.

Imposition of administrative sanctions

Administrative sanctions are imposed in the event of:

  • failure to appear at the military commissariat for events directly related to conscription;
  • failure to appear to clarify military registration data;
  • a single offense entails a fine of 500 rubles to 3,000 rubles, according to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Criminal prosecution

Criminal liability arises only in the event of systematic evasion of coming to the commissariat during conscription or failure to appear at the assembly point. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for liability for such actions in Article 328 (Part 1). According to this legal norm, draft evasion entails:

  • imposition of a fine in the form of a fixed amount (up to 200 thousand rubles, or in the amount of salary for a period of up to 18 months);
  • compulsory work for a period of up to 2 years;
  • arrest for a period of up to 6 months;
  • and the last resort is imprisonment for two years.

Are there good reasons for not showing up?

The current legislation provides for reasons, in the presence of which it is possible not to appear. Among them:

  • Illnesses or injuries resulting in loss of ability to work.
  • Caring for immediate family members or participating in the funeral process of these same persons.
  • Force majeure circumstances that could not be overcome.
  • Other reasons recognized by the institution as valid.

Relevant evidence must be shown to prove that the failure to appear was due to extenuating circumstances. Such a document can be a certificate of incapacity for work, other certificates and documents.

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