KV-3 instead of IS-2 or how KV-3 could become the main heavy Soviet tank of World War II

Hello, in this article I would like to tell you about the Soviet level 7 medium tank KV-13, let's take a look at it.

As far as you know, the KV-13 has excellent frontal armor - 120 mm. For a tier 7 medium tank this is very good, but these 120 mm are located at exactly the same angle as the IS. Sometimes even heavy tanks of levels 7-8 cannot penetrate such armor, but for most (almost all) tanks of levels 5 you are impenetrable.

Further, the mobility of the KV-13 is quite good: the KV-13 has a powerful engine, thanks to which it can quickly accelerate to maximum speed, and the agility of the tracks is simply excellent, similar to the T-50.

Well, the gun, here we could only wish for better - the average damage is 180hp and AP penetration is 144 mm, with such indicators you can only bend tanks of levels 6-7, but it will be levels 8-9, it’s a serious problem. Well, well, nothing.


My advice to you is that if you have a lot of credits or have a premium account, then when moving to the top gun, it is better to install a 122 mm gun and load gold shells.

  • You will need to open the top tracks - they will give the tank good agility and carrying capacity. Without them, you will not be able to place the top tower.
  • Open the top engine (power 600 hp), it will give good acceleration and mobility to the tank.
  • Top turret - will give 100 HP and the ability to install a top gun.
  • A pre-top 85mm gun, it will give you the opportunity to upgrade to a top gun and a heavy IS tank.
  • Top 85mm gun.
  • A top tower, it will add a little communication range.

This will make it much more interesting to move on to the top weapon.

KV-13 reservation scheme

Equipment, gear and ammunition:

List of equipment that can be installed on the KV-13:

Equipment for the KV-13 tank:

For the Active Action Rammer, Improved Ventilation, and Coated Optics equipment . On the first slot we install complex Rammer equipment, which increases the reload speed by 10% . On the second slot we install complex equipment Improved ventilation, which increases the level of proficiency in the main specialty and additional skills by 5% . On the last slot we install complex equipment Coated optics, which increases the viewing radius by 10% .

For the Ambush Sniper , you need to install the equipment "Improved Ventilation", "Stereo Tube" and "Camouflage Net" . On the first slot we install complex equipment Improved ventilation, which increases the level of proficiency in the main specialty and additional skills by 5% On the second slot we install removable equipment Stereo Tube, which increases the viewing radius 3 seconds after stopping. On the last slot we install the removable equipment Camouflage Network, which reduces the visibility of a stationary tank after stopping after 3 seconds.


List of equipment that can be installed on the KV-13:

The equipment should be equipped with a standard set of equipment: Small repair kit , Small first aid kit , Hand fire extinguisher . The fire extinguisher can be replaced with Lend-Lease oil , which will increase engine power by 5% . For tournaments or when there are a lot of credits, you can replace the fire extinguisher with Extra Ration 10% to all skills .


85 mm D-5T-85BM gun - we’ll take most of the armor-piercing shells, but against more armored enemies it’s worth taking a few premium sub-caliber shells, which will make the game easier. High-explosive fragmentation shells will be useful for us to shoot down the capture of the base and finish off opponents with a small margin of safety. The total ammunition load is 60


Assembly of equipment, equipment and ammunition - Active actions:


Assembly of equipment, equipment and ammunition - Defense:


How to play the KV-13

  1. The KV-13 is a good light tank destroyer, if you value allied artillery (even though there is nothing to value anymore:) then at the beginning of the battle stay at the base and wait for the fireflies.
  2. They won't be able to spin you around.
  3. Against medium tanks of levels 7 and below, you can safely go 1 on 1, excellent frontal armor will save and preserve your tank and HP. And make it hard for the enemy
  4. Target vulnerable spots on the tank, rotate your body (left, right). But it’s not worth going 1v1 against medium tanks of levels 8-9; it’s better to do it together with reinforcements.
  5. Heavy tanks are a heavier problem. If your opponent is a very slow heavy fighter (for example, KV-2 or KV-3), then you can wait until he shoots at someone, knock him off the hook and start playing tricks. But it’s better not to climb against fast strands, ask for help and then together you can easily disassemble it.
  6. Well, with a tank destroyer everything is clear, load a landmine, aim the gusli, shoot it down and drive into the back or side.
  7. Arta - the same as with PT, but much easier (less HP).

Also, good frontal armor and mass will allow you to carry out a good ram against classmates ST and LT.


  1. Crew commander (radio operator);
  2. Gunner;
  3. Driver mechanic;
  4. Charging.

Learning additional skills for the crew:

Standard crew for Active Actions:


For the first slot, we teach all crew members, except the commander, the “ Repair” , and for the commander the “ Sixth Sense” skill - the “Repair” skill speeds up the repair of damaged modules, and the “Sixth Sense” will allow you to determine whether his tank has been detected by the enemy. Also, all crew members need to learn the additional skill “ Combat Brotherhood” , which will improve the level of proficiency in the specialty - be sure to learn it all at once, preferably used in the second or third slot.

  • the Eagle Eye skill , which increases the viewing range.
  • For the gunner we learn the skill “ Smooth turret rotation” , which reduces the spread when turning the turret; and the Sniper , which increases the chances of causing damage to modules and crew members.
  • For the driver mechanic, we learn the “ Smooth Move” , which reduces the dispersion of the gun in motion; and the Off-Road King , which reduces drag on soft to medium ground when driving.
  • For the loader, we learn the skill “Non-contact ammo rack ,” which increases the strength of the ammo rack; and the skill “Desperate” , which reduces the reload time when less than 10% strength remains.

Studying skills and abilities of crew members for defense:


For the first slot, we teach all crew members the “ Camouflage” , and for the commander the “ Sixth Sense” skill - the “Camouflage” skill will reduce the overall visibility of the tank, and the “Sixth Sense” will allow you to determine whether his tank is detected by the enemy. Also, all crew members need to learn an additional skill “ Combat Brotherhood” , which improves the level of proficiency in the specialty, must be studied by everyone at once, preferably used in the second or third slot.

  • the Eagle Eye skill , which increases the viewing range.
  • For the gunner we learn the skill “ Smooth turret rotation” , which reduces the spread when turning the turret; and the Sniper , which increases the chances of causing damage to modules and crew members.
  • For the driver mechanic, we learn the “ Smooth Move” , which reduces the dispersion of the gun in motion; and the Off-Road King , which reduces drag on soft to medium ground when driving.
  • For the loader, we learn the skill “Non-contact ammo rack ,” which increases the strength of the ammo rack; and the skill “Desperate” , which reduces the reload time when less than 10% strength remains.

Brief summary:

Rush: The KV-13 is most suitable for rushing; thanks to its good speed and armor, you can make an excellent rush, for example on El-Hallouf.

Def: the KV-13 is practically unsuitable for def, the only thing that can save you is 120 mm armor, but you won’t last that long - the weak gun won’t allow you to defend yourself.

Well, the conclusion: the KV-13 is an excellent tank, after completing it you will get a lot of fun and positivity, I think that this is the best CT of the 7th level, especially since it has a fun 122-mm cannon, thanks to which the fun will increase even more.

Thank you all for your attention, good luck on the battlefields!


The next vehicle in our TOP will be a medium tank, which actually flies around the map no worse than a light tank. Of course, this is Dracula - a monster from the Halloween event with his own special mechanics for repairing tracks, which are repaired literally in a second. This is such an awesome feature.

Although this “flying black box” is nominally considered an ST, it can easily be classified as an LT, to which Dracula is in no way inferior in speed. The car, as you already understood, does not boast of security - just forget about the armor here, it simply doesn’t exist. The real disadvantages of the tank include its rather low armor penetration.

Among the advantages, in addition to mobility and the unique mechanics of repairing tracks, are good stabilization and fairly accurate shooting on the move. As many tankers in our game already know, mobility plays a huge role - if a tank has it, then implementing it becomes much easier than a slow, clumsy barn.

Pz.Kpfw. IV Schmalturm

If we go back to the distant past, this tank could be found in the “big tanks” branch of upgradeable vehicles. Then he was nerfed and brought into Blitz at level 6 as a premium tank. But in fact, there is no need to complain about this tank - it turned out to be very worthy for its level.

This is probably the most imposing tank at its level in direct hands. Perfect accuracy, good stabilization, excellent DPM and good armor penetration. The only thing the tank lacks is dynamics. Although it is a medium tank, it lags behind most other tanks in terms of dynamics.

Nowadays, this tank periodically appears in the premium store. If you get the opportunity to purchase it, we highly recommend doing so. The tank is very imposing and can give a lot of positive emotions.

Defender Mk.1

A drum for 4 shells, good armor penetration and some armor in the turret - this is a short summary of the advantages of this CT. This tank does not have any obvious disadvantages, but it also, in general, does not have any maximum parameters. Just a very balanced and comfortable tank, which is nice to play in random situations.

If you look at all the other tanks in the TOP, they will definitely have some disadvantages that you will have to get used to. With the same tank everything will be different. There are simply no disadvantages here that you would have to fight with. This is the very case when you can just take a tank and go into battle, and at the same time be sure that you will always be useful, regardless of the map and setup.

Historical reference

Soviet medium tank KV-13 (object 233) is a prototype of a tank from the Second World War. Created in the design bureau of the Chelyabinsk plant named after. Kirov at the end of 1941 - beginning of 1942. The task of its design was to replace the medium T-34 and heavy KV tanks with a “universal” tank. In the spring of 1942, the first prototype of the KV-13 was manufactured. Autumn tests of the same year revealed low mechanical reliability, the need to enhance armor protection and install a 3-seater turret. Work continued in December 1942 with the production of 2 modified prototypes. Despite the fact that the comments were taken into account, production of the KV-13 was discontinued in favor of continuing production of the T-34. It was replaced by the serial IS-1 tank in 1943, which became the development of the project of 2 improved prototypes.

Heavy KV tanks did not live up to expectations from them in the conditions of hostilities that unfolded from the first days of the fascist invasion of the USSR. There were complaints from the front about the poor operational reliability of heavy KV tanks. Technicians and drivers did not cope well with routine repairs due to poor training. The summer heat and a lot of dust overheated and clogged the engines. His excess weight did not add any CV points. The bridges could not support his weight, and in the swamps he simply drowned. This was the reason that at least 30% of the total number of tanks that took part in the battles in the summer of 1941 were lost during the fighting. Only in the fall did they begin to work on the weight of the KV-1 tank, and only in the spring of 1942 did official work begin. As always, they tried to solve the problem using makeshift methods, removing additional fuel tanks, mounted armor and reducing the ammunition load. The speed and maneuverability remained the same, but the combat characteristics changed, not for the better. Only in the spring of 1942 did real modernization begin. The KV-13 tank was accepted for production. The following remained unchanged: the set of weapons, equipment, power plant and crew. The project was approved by the People's Commissar and an order was received to create a prototype. It was planned to combine the powerful armor of the KV and the mobility of the T-34 into a single whole. The KV-13 was called: “medium tank with heavy armor.” The chassis has been radically changed. The 6 road wheels were replaced by 5 with a modified design. The width of the KV-13 became 2800 mm, and the body length - 6650 mm. The tank's turret has acquired a more streamlined appearance, maintaining its similarity with the KV-1s turret.

The serial KV-1s were superior in that all the main structural elements were cast. This made it possible to reduce the internal unused volume and thicken the frontal armor of the hull to 120 mm, and the turret to 85 mm. The minimal use of non-ferrous metals was an interesting feature of this tank. The shortest possible time was allocated for the assembly of the KV-13, and already in the first half of May the tank arrived for testing. The support and support rollers and lightweight tracks of the new tank had previously been tested on the production KV-1.

P.44 Pantera

This is a machine that has a very comfortable recharging mechanic. Let's even say this: this is the most comfortable recharging in the game. Only the Progetto 46 came closest to the Panther in this indicator. But it only came closer. These two cars are very similar - both are at level 8, have a recharge and play almost the same.

The P.44 Pantera is larger than its premium counterpart and has lower one-time damage. However, at the same time, reloading is faster and armor penetration is higher. It would seem that due to such dimensions the car should not be mobile, but in fact the Panther is a very mobile STV.

If premiumization did not cost so much, we could advise many to upgrade this tank to the category of premium vehicles and enjoy it to the fullest.

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