How many people were in the Soviet division?

The division's personnel reached 15,000-16,000 people (in the tsarist army - up to 21,000) and was armed with from 36 to 72 artillery pieces. The cavalry division had from 4 to 6 regiments with personnel from 4,000 to 9,000 people.

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The motorized rifle battalion (MSB) is the main combined arms tactical unit. As a rule, he performs tasks as part of a regiment. Sometimes used as a separate unit (For example, reconnaissance in force, tactical landing, etc.).

Military equipment armored personnel carriers or infantry fighting vehicles.

Total number of personnel:

  • Battalion on armored personnel carrier - 530 people. and 47 armored personnel carriers.
  • BMP battalion - 498 people. and 42 infantry fighting vehicles.

Motorized infantry regiments on infantry fighting vehicles operate as part of tank divisions.

The motorized rifle company (MSR) is the main unit of the battalion. 110 personnel. The company has 12 armored personnel carriers or infantry fighting vehicles. A motorized rifle company always operates as part of a battalion.

Mortar battery (MinBatr) - located in each company - 66 people and 8 mortars. Fire control platoon - 9 people and two fire platoons of 28 each. Mortar crew - 6 people. and 3 platoon commanders and a battery commander. The commander of the 1st platoon is a senior battery officer.

Machine gun platoon (MP) 18 people and 1 infantry fighting vehicle or armored personnel carrier.

Motorized rifle platoon (MSV) - 28 people, 3 armored personnel carriers or infantry fighting vehicles.

The command vehicle is different from the others: communications equipment, course plotter, etc.

Motorized rifle squad (MO). 2 departments for 9 people, one department for 8 people. Each department has 1 armored personnel carrier or infantry fighting vehicle. + Platoon commander and platoon commander. A sniper and a medic shooter are added to the 1st and 2nd platoons.

Battalion Medical Station (BMC)

Maintenance department.

Supply Platoon

In armored personnel carrier battalions: anti-aircraft missile platoon (anti-aircraft missile platoon), communications platoon, anti-tank, grenade launcher platoons.

The anti-tank platoon consists of 3 sections. In one compartment there are 3 crews of LNG-9, 2 compartments of 3 crews of Fagot. 42 personnel.

SPG-9: mounted anti-tank grenade launcher. Dangerous in 2 directions: the distance from the nearest person to the nozzle is at least 30 meters.

Bassoon is an anti-tank guided complex. Cumulative missile and guidance system. The probability of defeat is 85%.

BMP vehicles do not have an anti-tank platoon because... Each vehicle has its own anti-tank installation.

Tank battalion of a motorized rifle regiment 213 people 40 tanks.

  • Department of Management
  • Service department

For T-62 tanks (In other tanks the crew is not 4 people, but 3. Accordingly, the battalion will have fewer personnel)

Tank company: 55 people 13 tanks. Consists of 3 platoons: 4 tanks 16 people. The platoon commander is part of the tank battalion.

Tank battalion of a tank regiment - 31 tanks. There are 10 tanks in a company, 3 tanks in a platoon and a command tank. The rest is identical.

Attached units come under direct subordination to the formation commander. Supporting units do not report directly to the commander.

Means of strengthening in battle.

During an offensive, a motorized rifle battalion may be assigned:

  • 1-2 tank companies
  • to the 1st artillery battalion
  • anti-aircraft missile unit
  • engineering unit
  • chemical warfare unit

In defense, they provide fewer reinforcements.

A motorized rifle company may be assigned:

  • to the artillery battery
  • 1-2 tank platoons
  • grenade launcher unit
  • engineering division
  • anti-aircraft unit
  • chemical division
  • anti-tank unit (platoon or crew)

Additional Information

Below are answers to additional questions about platoons and their numbers. You will learn about platoon objectives, squad command and much more.

What tasks can a platoon perform?

The tasks performed by a platoon depend on which unit it belongs to:

  • Motorized rifle platoon. The platoon performs tasks in defense and offensive, counterattack, reconnaissance, march, movement to a specific area, internal armed conflict and other situations. If the mission is offensive, the platoon is assigned an attack target and the direction in which it should go.
  • Reconnaissance platoon. The platoon's task is to collect the data necessary to carry out the various combat missions assigned to the battalion. Determines data about the enemy's combat capabilities, plans, weak points, and combat zone (including terrain and weather conditions).
  • Fire platoon. Designed for fire support of main units. The combat mission is usually carried out within the division. At each line, the platoon is assigned a firing path and different firing points. The guns are assigned firing sectors (primary and secondary) in such a way that they partially overlap.
  • Platoon of tanks. Because the armor of tanks makes them relatively resistant to the destructive elements of artillery fire and nuclear blast waves compared to infantry or lightly armored vehicles, tank platoons can perform the following tasks alone and in cooperation with other branches of the military. defeat the opponent's defense;
  • conduct highly maneuverable combat operations;
  • destroy enemy reserve forces;
  • go deeper;
  • Capturing and maintaining the most important fronts;
  • ensure the rapid achievement of combat goals.
  • Anti-tank platoon. Designed to destroy enemy tanks and other armored vehicles. It can also be used to destroy other enemy firearms, including weapons on fortifications.
  • Airborne platoon. Designed to intercept the enemy from the air, disrupt command and control, intercept and destroy precision weapons, disrupt the development and deployment of reserves, and disrupt logistics and communications operations. Pluto can also:
      cover (with weapons) certain areas;
  • destroy landing enemy airborne troops;
  • break through enemy forces and perform other similar tasks;
  • be used as a quick reaction force.
  • Communications platoon. Designed for deployment of communication systems and control of formations and units of ground forces in peacetime and war. The tasks of the platoons also include the operation of automation systems and devices at the command post.
  • Engineer platoon. Designed to perform engineering support tasks for regiment combat operations. The immediate commander of the platoon is the head of the regiment's engineering service, subordinate to the regiment commander.
  • Medical Pluto. During silence, he provides medical and preventive care to military personnel, monitors nutrition, appropriate working and living conditions, and the condition of those on duty. During the war, he transports the wounded and sick from the regimental hospital, as well as:
      provision of full or limited professional medical care, first aid;
  • preparing the wounded and sick for transportation to medical institutions;
  • Treatment of mildly ill and wounded patients;
  • Organization of sanitary and anti-virus measures in units and on the territory of the contingent;
  • Providing medical units and departments with medical equipment;
  • Training of medical personnel for direct assignment;
  • participation in measures to protect against weapons of mass destruction and eliminate the consequences of their use.
  • Support platoon. The platoon receives, stores and transports materials in agreed quantities, delivers them to units and provides soldiers with material support, hot meals, and refueling equipment.
  • Who is in command of the platoon?

    The platoon leader can be at least a lieutenant and no more than a captain. Sometimes (very rarely) standard bearers or sergeants are appointed.

    What are the commander's tasks?

    The platoon commander in the Russian army personally trains and educates his subordinates. He is responsible for:

    • platoon combat readiness and safe execution of its combat missions;
    • general combat readiness, education, military discipline, mental state of platoon soldiers;
    • compliance with the established procedure in your department;
    • Platoon weapons, equipment and other material assets.

    The commander must know the full name, year of birth, nationality, pre-military profession, marital status (wife and children), strengths and weaknesses in training, business, personal and political characteristics of each of his men.

    How many platoons are there in a company, battalion and regiment?

    A company is a unit of infantry and some other branches of the armed forces. Usually this is part of a battalion. Consists of 3 or 4 platoons.

    A battalion is a unit that relies tactically on units such as ground, airborne, coastal and other forces. This may be a unit, unit, or individual unit within the formation. It consists of 9-12 platoons (3-4 companies).

    A regiment is a unit that is the main tactical unit of the Russian Armed Forces (Armed Forces). The regiment can be found in almost all types of armed forces, military units and special forces. Performs tasks within assigned department or independently. It consists of 27-36 platoons (3-6 battalions).

    Comparison of a platoon in the Soviet Army and in the Russian Army

    The differences in the number of platoons in the armies of the USSR and Russia are presented in the table below:

    CriterionSoviet armyRussian army
    Number of branches32-4
    Number of motorized rifle platoons, people.28 yearthirty
    Number of paratrooper platoons28 year24
    Number of tank platoons, people.9–169–12
    Number of reconnaissance platoons, people.12–1816–21
    Number of fire platoons, people.15–2621–28
    Number of anti-tank platoons, people.12-4212–22

    A platoon is a branch of the Russian Army. Its number depends on the detachment to which it belongs and on the number of units that make up the platoon. The extreme limits of the number in a platoon are from 9 to 45 people.

    How many people are in the platoons of different troops?

    A platoon is a military unit, the second largest unit. Usually it consists of 2-4 branches. Platoon size ranges from 9 to 45 people. Sometimes it can be divided into 2 half-platoons of 2 teams each. Platoons are either part of a company or autonomous.

    A squad is the smallest squad in the army. This is part of a platoon. The commander is the person in charge of a unit, which consists of conscripts and non-commissioned officers. Depending on the type of troops, the number of people in the detachment varies.

    The number of fighters depends on the functional purpose of the platoons:

    • motorized rifle platoon - 30 people;
    • firearms platoon - 21-28 people; tank platoon - 9-12 people;
    • tank platoon - 9-12 people; reconnaissance platoon - 16-21 people.
    • recognition - from 16 to 21 people; anti-tank - from 12 to 22 people; tanker - from 9 to 12 people; reconnaissance - from 16 to 21 people;
    • anti-tank from 12 to 22 people
    • in the air - 24 people;
    • communication - 14 people;
    • mechanics-sappers - 19 people;
    • medical - 23 people;
    • support - 20 people.

    Soldiers of platoons and squads are divided into brigades or combinations:

    • Fight. A group of men directly handling grenade launchers, machine guns and other types of collective weapons and military equipment. This is the lowest organizational unit for artillery, signal and other units. For example, in a rifle platoon there are 3-4 crews of 7 people each. In artillery and air defense units, the crew is the main structural unit of the formation and is structurally equivalent to a platoon when work is distributed among the crew members.
    • Crew. A group of people come together to perform common tasks on a moving vehicle. In the armed forces, this is a permanent unit (group of soldiers, squad) that is responsible for the management, maintenance and use of combat vehicles (tanks, self-propelled artillery, aircraft, etc.). For example, in a tank platoon there are 3 tankers, 3 people each.
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