Warships. Cruisers. Life of wonderful goddesses

Series: World Warships

Total books: 125

1) - 1. Dutch cruisers of the Second World War 7.57 Mb, 131 p.8) (read) (read page by page) - Alexander Donets 2) - 2. Warships of the Japanese fleet 10.1918-8.1945. Submarines 5.81 Mb, 527 pp. (read) (read page by page) - Yuri Valentinovich Apalkov 3) - Battleships of Japan. Part 1. “Fuso”, “Chen-Yen”, “Fuji”, “Yashima”, “Shikishima”, “Hatsuse”, “Asahi” and “Mikasa” (1875-1922) 5.57 Mb, 129 pp. (read) (read page by page) - Alexander Anatolyevich Belov 4) - Battleships of the “Canopus” type. 1896-1922 5.66 MB, 83s. (read) (read page by page) - Vladimir Vasilyevich Arbuzov - Yuri Prokopievich Eremin 5) - Armadillos of the “Centurion”, “Rinaun” and “Triomf” types. 1890-1920 6.19 MB, 85s. (read) (read page by page) - Vladimir Vasilyevich Arbuzov 6) - Battleships of the Courbet type. 1909-1945 5.96 MB, 85s. (read) (read page by page) - Yuri Iosifovich Alexandrov 7) - Battleships “Helgoland”, “Ostfriesland”, “Oldenburg” and “Thuringen”. 1907-1921 5.1 MB, 151s. (read) (read page by page) - Valery Borisovich Muzhenikov - Battleships of Germany. Part I. “Nassau” “Westphalen” “Rhineland” “Posen” 5.6 Mb, 138 pp. (read) (read page by page) - Valery Borisovich Muzhenikov 9) - Light cruisers of Italy. Part I. 1932-1945 Cruisers of the type “Bartolomeo Colleoni” and “Luigi Cadorna” 5.67 Mb, 69 p. (read) (read page by page) - Sergey Borisovich Trubitsyn 10) - Battleships of the type "Nelson" 6.94 Mb, 58 p. (read) (read page by page) - Yuri Valentinovich Apalkov 11) - Orion-class battleships. 1908-1930 14.83 MB, 175s. (read) (read page by page) - Boris Vasilyevich Kozlov 12) - Matsushima-class cruisers. 1888-1926 6.15 MB, 166s. (read) (read page by page) - Alexander Anatolyevich Belov 13) - Heavy cruisers of the “Admiral Hipper” type 5.95 Mb, 123 p. (read) (read page by page) - Vladimir Leonidovich Kofman 14) - Armored frigates “Minin” and “Pozharsky” 5.85 Mb, 161 p. (read) (read page by page) - Alexey Alekseevich Bocharov 15) - Squadron battleship "Poltava" 2.74 MB, 4s. (read) (read page by page) - Rafail Mikhailovich Melnikov 16) - Battleships "Richelieu" and "Jean Bar" 2.67 Mb, 92 p. (read) (read page by page) - Sergey Suliga 17) - Battleships of the “Wittelsbach”, “Braunschweig” and “Deutschland” types. 1899-1945 (Collection of articles and documents) 7.8 MB, 94 pages. (read) (read page by page) - Author unknown 18) - Heavy cruiser “Algeria” (1930-1942) 4.93 Mb, 92 p. (read) (read page by page) - Yuri Iosifovich Alexandrov 19) - On the battle cruiser Goeben 3.12 MB, 240s. (read) (read page by page) - Georg Koop 20) - Battleships of the United States of America. Part II. Battleships of the “New York”, “Oklahoma” and “Pennsylvania” types 10.6 MB, 375 pp. (read) (read page by page) - Alexander Vladimirovich Mandel - Viktor Vasilyevich Skoptsov 21) - Battleships of the United States of America. Part I. Battleships of the “South Carolina”, “Delaware”, “Florida” and “Wyoming” types. 8.92 MB, 211s. (read) (read page by page) - Viktor Vasilyevich Skoptsov - Alexey Vladimirovich Mandel 22) - Armored ships of the “Deutschland” type 7.22 Mb, 71 p. (read) (read page by page) - Andrey Aleksandrovich Mikhailov 23) - Battlecruisers “Derflinger”, “Lützow”, “Hindenburg” and “Mackensen”. 1907-1918 5.79 MB, 107s. (read) (read page by page) - Valery Borisovich Muzhenikov 24) - British submarines of the “E” type in the First World War. 1914-1918 5.14 MB, 92s. (read) (read page by page) - Galina Aleksandrovna Grebenshchikova 25) - Battleships of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Part I. 4.79 MB, 157 pp. (read) (read page by page) - Vitaly Valentinovich Poluyan 26) - Battleships of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Part II (IS Warships of the World) 3.7 Mb, 93 pp. (read) (read page by page) - Vitaly Valentinovich Poluyan 27) - Majestic-class battleships. 1893-1922 (IS Warships of the World) 5.33 Mb, 94 pp. (read) (read page by page) - Nikolai Anatolyevich Pakhomov 28) - The first battleships of Germany (I.S. Warships of the world) 7.74 Mb, 143 p. (read) (read page by page) - Alexey Aleksandrovich Bystrov 29) - Battleships of the “King George V” type. 1937-1958 7.18 MB, 101s. (read) (read page by page) - Andrey Aleksandrovich Mikhailov 30) - Battleships of the “Brittany” type (1912-1953) (IS Warships of the World) 6.74 Mb, 120 p. (read) (read page by page) - Yuri Iosifovich Alexandrov 31) - Battleships of the Conte di Cavour type 7.94 Mb, 47 p. (read) (read page by page) - A. A. Mikhailov 32) - Battleships of the “Queen Elizabeth” type 10.83 Mb, 151 p. (read) (read page by page) - Andrey Aleksandrovich Mikhailov 33) - Parament-turreted battleships “Glatton”, “Devastation”, “Thunderer” and “Dreadnought”. 1868-1908 6.2 MB, 91s. (read) (read page by page) - Pavel Mordovin 34) - Ultralight cruisers. 1930-1975 6.89 MB, 68s. (read) (read page by page) - Sergey Borisovich Trubitsyn 35) - Unread pages of Tsushima 3.92 MB, 224 pp. (read) (read page by page) - Vladimir Vasilyevich Tsybulko 36) - On the battleship “Peresvet”. 1903-1905 6.58 MB, 139 pp. (read) (read page by page) - Vasily Nilovich Cherkasov 37) - Battleships of the “Brandenburg” type 9.7 Mb, 97 p. (read) (read page by page) - Valery Borisovich Muzhenikov 38) - Destroyers of England in the Second World War. Part I (1925 -1945) 10.28 Mb, 128 pp. (read) (read page by page) - Oleg Alekseevich Rubanov 39) - Battleships of the "King George V" type (IS Warships of the World) 5.23 Mb, 151 p. (read) (read page by page) - Vladimir Leonidovich Kofman 40) - Battleships of the "Lion" and "Vangard" types (IS Warships of the World) 3.2 Mb, 76 p. (read) (read page by page) - Vladimir Leonidovich Kofman 41) - US destroyers 1916 - 1922. Part 1 (IS Warships of the World) 12.38 Mb, 281 pp. (read) - S.P. Antonov 42) - German light cruisers of the Second World War 4.98 Mb, 146 p. (read) (read page by page) - Vladimir Leonidovich Kofman 43) - Dutch cruisers of the Second World War 7.69 Mb, 130 p. (read) (read page by page) - Alexander Donets 44) - Minelayers of the “Amur” type. 1895-1941 8.13 MB, 122s. (read) (read page by page) - Vladimir Yakovlevich Krestyaninov 45) - Light cruisers of Japan. 1917-1945 24.18 MB, 78s. (read) (read page by page) - Andrey Aleksandrovich Mikhailov 46) - Japanese heavy cruisers. Volume 1: History of creation, design description, pre-war modernization. (IS. Warships of the world) 8.74 MB (read) (read page by page) - Sergey Vasilyevich Suliga 47) - Battleships of minor sea powers 7.01 MB, 62s. (read) (read page by page) - Sergey Borisovich Trubitsyn 48) - Light cruisers of the Nuremberg type. 1928-1945 6.95 MB, 67s. (read) (read page by page) - Sergey Borisovich Trubitsyn 49) - Battleships of the Kaiser and Koenig types. 1909-1918 10.82 MB, 197 pp. (read) (read page by page) - Valery Borisovich Muzhenikov 50) - Battlecruisers “Von der Tann”, “Moltke”, “Goeben” and “Seydlitz”. 1907-1918 7.63 MB, 153s. (read) (read page by page) — Valery Borisovich Muzhenikov

Books about ships

Books about ships will tell you everything about shipbuilding and its history. You will find out what the first primitive boats of our ancestors were like. How did sailing ships appear? How shipbuilding developed in different countries. Who developed the designs of the most famous ships. Why some captains became legends. What types of flotillas are there? What can the domestic fleet be proud of? What innovations in shipbuilding have appeared quite recently. Rostislavlev, L. Sailboats of the world. This publication is intended for those who are interested in shipbuilding and ship modeling, the book is dedicated to the design of sailing ships, it is equipped with similar drawings. The applied nature of the publication is determined by its release in the “World of Hobbies” series.

Panin, A. Yu. Ships and hydrofoils: the main design types of domestic ships and hydrofoils, (1915 - 1955). This is a scientific special study, an analysis of the technical characteristics of ships and the features of domestic shipbuilding. One of the best among similar scientific books, but not suitable for the general reader. Designed for professionals and subject matter experts.

Balakin S. Triumphants of Tsushima. Battleships of the Japanese Fleet Naval historians often turn to the Russo-Japanese War, describing the superiority of the Japanese fleet and the tactics of Japanese naval commanders. The book tells about the permanent missions of the Japanese fleet and the legendary Japanese ships that fought against Russia and contributed to the victory.

Alexandrov, Yu. A. Heavy cruisers of Japan. Another book about the Japanese fleet, but this time about the more tragic pages of its history. The book describes the stories of the cruisers Tone and Chikuma and other 16 ships of the same type and their battle against the United States. It was supposed to repeat the glory of Tsushima, but turned into a tragedy.

Grebenshchikova G. Battleship “Twelve Apostles”. Flagship of Admiral Lazarev. A popular historical essay dedicated to one of the legendary units of the Russian fleet, a ship from the Caucasian War, associated with the name of the legendary naval commander. The book was published in the “War at Sea” series and is recognized as one of the best in its genre.

Konstam, A. Liknor Bismarck: The Hunt for the Most Powerful Ship of the Third Reich. The book by the Scottish author, published in the series “Great Battles that Changed the Course of History,” is dedicated to the history of one ship, the legendary Nazi cruiser Bismarck, the main pride of the Nazi fleet, the destruction of which became a “matter of honor” for the British.

Goncharov, V.L. Trubitsyn S.B. Battleships Richelieu and Jean Bart: the best ships of the French fleet. A small book, one of the editions of the popular “War at Sea” series, turns us to the fleet of the Second World War and to the history of the creation and “combat exploits” of the two main ships of the French Navy, which became legends in the military history of this state.

Kudishin, I. V. Ships. A publication for the youngest but inquisitive readers, the next issue of the encyclopedia of the “Rosman” series, will tell you about what sailing is for, how a steamship differs from a motor ship, what a sailboat is, what types of merchant ships there are and much more interesting things.

Skvortsov, A. Cruiser Aurora and her “sistership” “Diana” and “Palada”. Everyone knows the history of the fatal shot of the famous “Authors”; much less is known about the ship’s military exploits. And the ships made in its “image and likeness” remained completely in the shadow of the legend. The book tells about three ships, the names of which were given by Emperor Nicholas II himself.

Petlevanny, M. Ships of the Warsaw Pact countries. The publication is of a reference nature and will be a good addition to the collection of books on military history. It presents a chronicle of all the ships belonging to the states of Eastern Europe during various periods of the existence of the Warsaw Pact,

Makarov S., Kuznetsov, N. Icebreaker Ermak. A collection of works devoted to the history of a unique icebreaker, one of the longest-living ships of the Russian fleet. The book is based on the work of Admiral Stepan Makarov, as well as the works of Candidate of Historical Sciences Nikolai Kuznetsov and other military historians.

Patyanin, S. M. Churchill’s famous cruisers. "Arethusa", "Penelope", "Galatea", "Aurora". In addition to the Russian Aurora, there was also a British one. Did you know? British Aurora is younger than ours, she is a hero of the Second World War. A book by a popular author, a recognized specialist in naval history, tells about this and other famous British fleets.

Anderson, R. C. Sailing ships: the history of navigation and shipbuilding from ancient times to the 19th century A book that, according to the author, could spawn a whole series of studies based on the materials of each of the chapters. The book covers the history of the sailing fleet in sufficient detail, touching on the main problems and subjects. The research is based on extensive material.

Ross, David. -Ships of the world from their origin to the present day: illustrated encyclopedia: (more than 1000 color illustrations). This publication is unique in its own way. It was published in the “All About War” series, but included not only military ships, but also passenger and merchant ships. All maritime history under one cover. An excellent book for educational purposes, with beautiful illustrations.

Sick A. Battleships. Illustrated encyclopedia. Battleships, battleships for short, what kind of ships they are, what they are intended for and what they are like. The entire history and all the varieties of these warships are placed under the cover of the encyclopedia and supplemented with colorful and useful illustrations.

Morison, D.S., Williams, R.T. Greek Oared Ships: A History of Navigation and Shipbuilding in Ancient Greece. The monograph of British antiquarians is the result of a deep and systematic study of the history of navigation of one of the most ancient maritime civilizations - ancient Greece. The authors pay attention to both technical and historical and cultural aspects.

Chernyshev A. A. - Heroic ships of the Great Patriotic War: Guards and Red Banner. A reference book that includes stories about ships and submarines that became the pride of the Soviet fleet during the Great Patriotic War, the book includes 86 ships whose exploits must be remembered. The publication is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory Day.

Morozov, M.E. Patyanin S.V. Military fleet of the III Reich: (all Hitler's ships). Another useful encyclopedic book from major naval historians. This publication provides a complete picture of the German Navy in World War II. The book is well structured and written in popular language.

Dashyan, A. V.; Patyanin, S. V.; Barabanov, M.S. All ships of the Second World War: a complete encyclopedia. This encyclopedic publication, compiled by prominent industry experts, includes descriptions of ships and submarines of various types. The publication includes ships from more than 50 countries that took part in battles on various fronts of World War II.

History of the Russian Fleet. This publication pursues educational goals. It is a detailed historical reference book, revealing the main plots of the history of the Russian fleet starting with Peter I, including descriptions of legendary ships and naval battles, and the stories of great naval commanders.

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Series “Warships of the World” (102 books)
Eastflot, R.R.
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Russian The history of the development of the navy from sailing ships to huge battleships is the subject of a series of books “Warships of the World”.

List of books:
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1. “Tsarevich” Part I. Squadron battleship. 1899-1906 — Melnikov Rafail Mikhailovich 2. “Tsesarevich” Part II. Battleship. 1906-1925 — Melnikov Rafail Mikhailovich 3. Admiral Andrew Cunningham — Likharev Dmitry Vitalievich 4. British submarines of the “E” type in the First World War. 1914-1918 — Grebenshchikova Galina Aleksandrovna 5. Turret armored frigates — Melnikov Rafail Mikhailovich 6. Large sea hunters of project 122 — Military affairs, Team of authors 7. Battleship “Navarin”. 1888-1905 - Arbuzov Vladimir Vasilievich 8. Coastal defense battleship "General-Admiral Apraksin" - Military Affairs, Team of authors 9. Armored ships of the "Deutschland" type - Mikhailov Andrey Aleksandrovich 10. Armored cruisers "Scharnhorst", "Gneisenau" and "Blücher" (1905 -1914) — Muzhenikov Valery Borisovich 11. Armored cruisers of Germany. Part I - Pakhomov Nikolay Anatolyevich 12. Armored frigates “Minin” and “Pozharsky” - Bocharov Alexey Alekseevich 13. Armored cruiser “Admiral Nakhimov” - Arbuzov Vladimir Vasilyevich 14. Battleships of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Part I - Poluyan Vitaly Valentinovich 15. Battleships of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Part II - Poluyan Vitaly Valentinovich 16. Battleships of the United States of America "Maine", "Texas", "Indiana", "Massachusetts", "Oregon" and "Iowa" - Belov Alexander Anatolyevich 17. Battleships of the "Brandenburg" type - Muzhenikov Valery Borisovich 18. Armadillos of the “Redoutable” type (1871-1921) - Pakhomov Nikolay Anatolyevich 19. Armadillos of the "Inflexible" type (1874-1908) - Mordovin Pavel Aleksandrovich 20. Armadillos of the "Kaiser" type - Muzhenikov Valery Borisovich 21. Armadillos of the "Canopus" type , 1896–1922 — Arbuzov Vladimir Vasilievich et al. 22. Battleships of the “Royal Sovereign” type - Vetter A. Yu. 23. Battleships of the “Wittelsbach”, “Brunschweig” and “Deutschland” types. 1899-1945 (Collection of articles and documents) - Military Affairs, Team of authors 24. Armadillos of the “Centurion”, “Rinaun” and “Triomph” types. 1890-1920 — Arbuzov Vladimir Vasilievich 25. Battleships of Japan — Belov Alexander Anatolyevich 26. Parament-turreted battleships “Glatton”, “Devastation”, “Thanderer” and “Dreadnought”. 1868-1908 — Mordovin Pavel Alexandrovich 27. Guards cruiser “Red Caucasus”. — Tsvetkov Igor Fedorovich 28. Dreadnoughts of the Baltic. 1914-1922 — Tsvetkov Igor Fedorovich et al. 29. Gunboats of the first squadron of the Pacific Fleet in the Russian-Japanese War, 1904–1905 - Sergei Valerievich Nesoleny 30. Corvettes “Vityaz” and “Rynda”. 1882-1922 - Nesoleny Sergey Valerievich 31. Cruiser "Ochakov" - Melnikov Rafail Mikhailovich 32. Cruiser I rank "Russia" (1895 - 1922) - Melnikov Rafail Mikhailovich 33. Cruiser I rank "Rurik" (1889-1904) - Melnikov Rafail Mikhailovich 34. Matsushima-class cruisers. 1888-1926 - Belov Alexander Anatolyevich 35. Light cruisers of Germany (1914 - 1918) Part 2 - Trubitsyn Sergey Borisovich 36. Light cruisers of Italy (1930-1974) - Trubitsyn Sergey Borisovich 37. Light cruisers of Italy. Part I. 1932-1945 Cruisers of the “Bartolomeo Colleoni” and “Luigi Cadorna” type - Trubitsyn Sergey Borisovich 38. Light cruisers of the “Nuremberg” type. 1928-1945 — Trubitsyn Sergey Borisovich 39. Light cruisers of Japan. 1917-1945 — Mikhailov Andrey Aleksandrovich 40. Battleships “Helgoland”, “Ostfriesland”, “Oldenburg” and “Thuringen”. 1907-1921 — Muzhenikov Valery Borisovich 41. Battleships “Egincourt”, “Canada” and “Erin”. 1910-1922 — Kozlov Boris Vasilievich 42. Battleships of Germany. Part I. “Nassau” “Westphalen” “Rhineland” “Posen” - Muzhenikov Valery Borisovich 43. Battleships of the United States of America. Part I. Battleships of the “South Carolina”, “Delaware”, “Florida” and “Wyoming” types - Skoptsov Viktor Vasilievich et al. 44. Battleships of the United States of America. Part II. Battleships of the “New York”, “Oklahoma” and “Pennsylvania” types - Mandel Alexander Vladimirovich et al. 45. Battleships of the "Brittany" type (1912-1953) - Yuri Iosifovich Aleksandrov 46. Battleships of the "Queen Elizabeth" type - Mikhailov Andrey Aleksandrovich 47. Battleships of the "Neptune" type. 1909-1928 — Kozlov Boris Vasilievich 48. Battleships of the “Orion” type. 1908-1930 — Kozlov Boris Vasilievich 49. Battleships of the “Sevastopol” type (1907-1914) Part I design and construction — Tsvetkov Igor Fedorovich 50. Battleships of the “Baern” type. The last dreadnoughts of the empire of Kaiser Wilhelm II - Titushkin Sergey Ivanovich 51. Battleships of the Vittorio Veneto type - Titushkin Sergey Ivanovich 52. Battleships of the Conte di Cavour type - Mikhailov Andrey Alexandrovich 53. Battleships of the Nagato type. 1911-1945 - Rubanov Oleg Alekseevich 54. Battleships of the "Nelson" type - Apalkov Yuri Valentinovich 55. Battleships of the "Kaiser" and "Konig" types. 1909-1918 — Muzhenikov Valery Borisovich 56. Battleships of Japan. 1909-1945 — Rubanov Oleg Alekseevich 57. Battlecruisers “Derflinger”, “Lutzow”, “Hindenburg” and “Mackensen”. 1907-1918 — Muzhenikov Valery Borisovich 58. Battlecruisers “Von der Tann”, “Moltke”, “Goeben” and “Seydlitz”. 1907-1918 — Muzhenikov Valery Borisovich 59. Battlecruisers of England. Part I - Muzhenikov Valery Borisovich 60. Battlecruisers of England. Part II - Muzhenikov Valery Borisovich 61. Battlecruisers of England. Part III - Muzhenikov Valery Borisovich 62. Battlecruisers of England. Part IV. 1915-1945 — Muzhenikov Valery Borisovich 63. Battlecruisers of Germany — Muzhenikov Valery Borisovich 64. Battlecruisers of Japan. 1911-1945 - Rubanov Oleg Alekseevich 65. Battleship "Andrew the First-Called" (1906-1925) - Melnikov Rafail Mikhailovich 66. Battleship "Emperor Paul I" (1906 - 1925) - Melnikov Rafail Mikhailovich 67. Battleships of minor sea powers - Trubitsyn Sergey Borisovich 68 Destroyers and escort ships of Germany. 1927-1945 - Trubitsyn Sergey Borisovich 69. Destroyers of the First Squadron of the Pacific Fleet in the Russian-Japanese War (1904-1905) - Nesoleny Sergey Valerievich 70. On the battleship “Peresvet”. 1903-1905 — Cherkasov Vasily Nilovich 71. On the battleship “Prince Suvorov”. Ten years from the life of a Russian sailor who died in the Battle of Tsushima - Vyrubov Petr Aleksandrovich 72. On the battlecruiser Goeben - Koop Georg 73. Unread pages of Tsushima - Tsybulko Vladimir Vasilievich 74. Exemplary battleships of France. Part I. “Joregiberi”. 1891-1934 — Pakhomov Nikolay Anatolyevich 75. Exemplary battleships of France. Part II. “Carnot” (1891-1922) - Pakhomov Nikolay Anatolyevich 76. Exemplary battleships of France. Part III. “Charles Martel” - Pakhomov Nikolay Anatolyevich 77. The first battleships of Germany - Bystrov Alexey Alexandrovich 78. The first Russian battleships (collection of articles and documents) - Gribovsky Vladimir Yulievich et al. 79. The first Russian destroyers - Melnikov Rafail Mikhailovich 80. The first Russian monitors (collection of articles and documents) - Military Affairs, Team of authors 81. The first Russian submarines. Part I. - Trusov Grigory Martynovich 82. Submarines of project 613 - Titushkin Sergey Ivanovich 83. Submarines of the “Bars” type (1913-1942) - Tsvetkov Igor Fedorovich 84. Semi-armored frigates “General-Admiral” and “Duke of Edinburgh”, 1869 –1918 — Unsalted Sergei Valerievich 85. Semi-armored frigates of the “Dmitry Donskoy” type. 1881-1905 — Alliluyev Alexander Alexandrovich 86. Semi-armored frigate “Memory of Azov” (1885-1925) — Melnikov Rafail Mikhailovich 87. Fifty years in the Russian Imperial Navy — Tsyvinsky Genrikh Faddeevich 88. Ultralight cruisers. 1930-1975 — Trubitsyn Sergey Borisovich 89. “Glory.” The last battleship of the pre-Tsushima shipbuilding era. (1901-1917) - Melnikov Rafail Mikhailovich 90. Heavy cruisers of Japan. Part I. - Alexandrov Yuri Iosifovich 91. Heavy cruiser “Algeria” (1930-1942) - Alexandrov Yuri Iosifovich 92. Destroyers of England in the Second World War. Part I (1925 -1945) - Rubanov Oleg Alekseevich 93. Destroyers and destroyers of Japan (1879-1945) - Patyanin Sergey Vladimirovich 94. Destroyers of the "Volunteer" class - Melnikov Rafail Mikhailovich 95. Destroyers of the "Kasatka" class ”(1898-1925) - Afonin Nikolay Nikolaevich 96. Destroyers of the Navigatori type - Trubitsyn Sergey Borisovich 97. Destroyers of the Novik type in the USSR Navy - Likhachev Pavel Vladimirovich 98. Destroyers of the Forel type (1898-1925) - Likhachev Pavel Vladimirovich 99. Squadron battleship “Rostislav”. (1893-1920) - Melnikov Rafail Mikhailovich 100. Squadron battleship "Poltava" - Melnikov Rafail Mikhailovich 101. Battleships of Japan. Part 1. “Fuso”, “Chen-Yen”, “Fuji”, “Yashima”, “Shikishima”, “Hatsuse”, “Asahi” and “Mikasa” - Belov A.I. 102. Battleships of the Courbet type. (1909-1945) - Alexandrov Yuri Iosifovich

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