The best military aircraft in the history of aviation: top 10

During participation in conflicts, air vehicles operate effectively, but fighters are the fastest to react and hit targets. Every major country has these in service and actively uses them. Today we will share with you and tell you what fastest fighter in the world 2021 and what he is capable of. Moreover, you will get acquainted with the ranking of the best. We will talk exclusively about operational aircraft, and such as the North American X-15 will not be included in this part, because it was only an experiment, which was immediately covered up and the device is not officially used. Besides, in rating of the best fighters Lockheed's YF-12 cannot be included because it is just a spy plane.

F-15 Eagle

In second place is the main potential opponent of the Su-27 - the American F-15 Eagle air superiority aircraft.
This machine also belongs to the fourth generation of fighters, but it took off about ten years before the Su-27. This aircraft is still in service with the US Air Force, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Japan. Having participated in several armed conflicts, the Eagle has over a hundred confirmed victories in aerial combat without a single loss - this is a real killer. The F-15 Eagle fought in the skies of Yugoslavia, Syria and Iraq. According to statements by the military of these countries, the Americans lost more than ten F-15 units. However, the problem is that no one has ever been able to provide the F-15 Eagle wreckage as evidence. Several modifications have been developed on the basis of this fighter; the F-15E Stike Eagle is considered the most advanced.

Third place. Sukhoi Su-35

For a long time, this fighter was something of a dark horse, since its production technology was kept in strong secrecy. This led to many potential buyers being hesitant to invest in such a seemingly risky project.

Everything changed when the Su-35 demonstrated itself in action. The fighters worked alongside the main attacking Russian Aerospace Forces forces, causing many to take notice. In the future, it is this aircraft that will form the backbone of the Russian military base in Syria.

In essence, it is a modernization of the Su-27 model. This can be judged by the identical airframe. However, this only proves that Russian aviation technology is durable and follows traditions.

"Ilya Muromets"

In ninth place in the top 10 is the legendary multi-engine aircraft created in Russia on the eve of the First World War. After its start, Ilya Muromets became the world's first heavy bomber. This aircraft set several records for flight range and payload. “Ilya Muromets” became the first successful project of the brilliant Kiev resident Igor Sikorsky.

The remaining countries participating in the First World War quickly appreciated Russia's successful experience - soon heavy multi-engine bombers appeared in service with France, Germany, and Great Britain.

Igor Sikorsky did not accept the revolution and emigrated from Russia to the USA.

Junkers Ju 87 "Stuka".

In eighth place in the top 10 is the single-engine German dive bomber Ju-87, one of the most famous combat aircraft of the Second World War. It became a symbol of the German Blitzkrieg in Western Europe and on the Eastern Front.

This aircraft had a non-retractable landing gear (Soviet soldiers called it “laptezhnik”), which significantly worsened its aerodynamics and reduced its speed, but the Ju 87 had no equal in bombing accuracy. Several innovative ideas were used in the design of the Stuka (air brakes, siren), thanks to which the aircraft became so effective. However, after the loss of air supremacy by German aviation, the Yu-87 became an easy target for enemy fighters.

Messerschmitt Bf.109

The famous Messerschmitt Bf.109 is the main fighter of World War II. It was he who reigned supreme in the Soviet skies until 1942. An exceptionally successful design allowed Messerschmitt to impose its tactics on other aircraft. He picked up speed well in a dive. A favorite technique of German pilots was the “falcon strike,” in which a fighter dives at the enemy and, after a quick attack, goes back to altitude.

This aircraft also had disadvantages. His short flight range prevented him from conquering the skies of England. Escorting the Messerschmitt bombers was also not easy. At low altitude he lost his speed advantage. By the end of the war, the Messers suffered greatly both from Soviet fighters from the east and from allied bombers from the west. But the Messerschmitt Bf.109, nevertheless, went down in legends as the best fighter of the Luftwaffe. In total, almost 34,000 of them were produced. This is the second most popular aircraft in history.


The Soviet MiG-21 was included in the American ranking of the best fighters of all time.

The five best fighters, as in other similar ratings, were chosen by experts from the American military-analytical magazine The National Interest (NI) according to the criterion of “efficiency - cost” and the innovativeness of the design for its time. According to the publication, the leaders among fighters of all times can be considered the French SPAD S.XIII from the First World War, the American Grumman F6F Hellcat and the German Messerschmitt Me-262 “Swallow” (Schwalbe) from the Second World War, the Soviet MiG-21 and the American McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle of the Cold War era.

The fighters were evaluated against the background of their contemporaries based on a combination of flight and tactical characteristics, including speed, maneuverability, climb rate, armament, and combat effectiveness. Of no small importance was the maintainability and cost of the combat vehicle.

Frenchman for aces

NI experts put the French SPAD S.XIII, a single-seat fighter of the First World War, in first place. A prototype of the aircraft made its first flight on April 4, 1917. The first copies reached the Western Front by the end of May 1917. The aircraft were used in aviation in Great Britain, Belgium, France, Italy and the USA. In the post-war years, aircraft of this type were exported to Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Japan and Poland. A total of 8,472 of these aircraft were built.

Bombers of all times

Military experts from the American publication The National Interest named the five best bombers of all time...

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The maximum take-off weight of the SPAD S.XIII was 845 kg.

The car was lifted into the air by an eight-cylinder engine from the Spanish-Swiss automobile factory “Hispano-Suiza” 8Be with a power of 200 hp.

With it, SPAD reached speeds of up to 224 km/h. The flight duration of the plane was two hours. The fighter is armed with two Vickers machine guns of 7.7 mm caliber.

The best Entente pilots fought on SPAD S.XIII during the First World War: Captain Eduard Vernoy Rickenbaker - the best ace of the United States (26 victories), Colonel Rene Paul Fonck - 72 personal and 3 group victories - the most successful ace of France , French fighter pilot Georges Marie Louis Jules Guynemer (53 victories).

The SPAD S.XIII was particularly notable for its combat effectiveness and ease of production. Created taking into account numerous recommendations from French aviators (including the French ace Georges Guynemer), the SPAD S.XIII was somewhat inferior to its German competitors in maneuverability, but had a significantly higher horizontal speed and rate of climb.

Japanese fighter

In second place was the American Grumman F6F Hellcat, a US carrier-based fighter during World War II. It represented a deep modernization of the F-4F Wildcat fighter. In June 1941, the US Navy entered into an agreement with Grumman to radically modernize the Wildcat. As a result, during the execution of the task, the engineers actually created a new aircraft with a different fuselage shape, landing gear design and a more powerful engine. Production of the F6F began in January 1943. The first combat flight was in August 1943.

During two years of fighting in the skies over the Pacific Ocean, American pilots flying the F6F shot down 5,156 aircraft (mostly Mitsubishi A6M) - more than all other American fighters combined. The Hellcat has flown 306 aces, including David McCampbell, the most successful ace in the US Navy (34 victories). American carrier-based aviation lost 270 of its aircraft during the war.

The winning ratio was 13:1 in favor of the Hellcats.

Together with the carrier-based Douglas SBD Dauntless dive bombers and Grumman TBF Avenger torpedo bombers, the Hellcats crushed both the air and sea power of the Japanese Empire.

A total of 12,275 of these fighters were produced. 1263 of them were transferred to the Royal Air Force.

Breakthrough of the Third Reich

In third place among the best is the Messerschmitt Me-262 “Swallow” (Schwalbe), a German turbojet fighter, bomber and reconnaissance aircraft from the Second World War. Messerschmitt-262 began to be designed at the end of 1938. It first flew on April 18, 1941, powered by a piston engine. The third prototype with two Jumo-004A turbojet engines took off on July 18, 1942. The main limiting factor in the adoption of the aircraft was the work to create an engine that would provide sufficient thrust and reliability.

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The Me-262 became the world's first serial turbojet aircraft and the world's first turbojet aircraft to participate in combat operations.

On 25 July 1944, a RAF Mosquito multi-role bomber from No. 544 Squadron, on a reconnaissance flight over Munich, was attacked several times by high-speed enemy aircraft. It later turned out that this aircraft was an Me-262 jet interceptor.

In many respects, the new aircraft was superior to traditional aircraft. Its speed - more than 800 km/h - was 150-300 km/h higher than the speed of the fastest fighters and bombers. The rate of climb of the new fighter was also beyond competition. Moreover, it was capable of vertical climb, something no Allied aircraft could do. The car was much easier to drive than the Messerschmit Bf-109. The Me-262 was inferior to traditional aircraft in turn radius and acceleration characteristics. But it maintained a high turning speed longer and had a very high dive speed.

Instead of high-octane aviation gasoline, which was becoming increasingly difficult to obtain in Germany, the aircraft used fuel that was easier to produce. The price of the Me-262 was five times higher than the Bf-109. Nevertheless, by the beginning of 1945, German industry was producing 36 Me-262 vehicles per week. By this time, the Luftwaffe had already received 564 aircraft. However, only 61 vehicles took part in the battles. About three times as many aircraft were distributed among training units, about 150 were shot down, and about 200 disassembled vehicles were stuck on the railway. During the war, a total of 1,930 (according to other sources - 1,933) Me-262 of various modifications were produced, but this number also includes 611 produced, but damaged or destroyed before being delivered to the aircraft units. 114 of them have been restored. Thus, 1433 vehicles were put into service.

During the battles, fighter modifications of the Me-262 shot down about 150 enemy aircraft with their own losses of about 100 aircraft. The main operational problems were the low level of training of the bulk of the pilots, the insufficient reliability of the Jumo-004 engines and their low combat survivability, as well as interruptions in the supply of fighter units against the backdrop of general chaos in defeated Germany.

Although the Me-262s were significantly faster than Allied aircraft, many were destroyed in combat due to the superior maneuverability of Allied piston-engined fighters. Three Me-262s were shot down by Soviet fighters.

The Me-262 arrived too late in the war to become the weapon of victory for the Third Reich.

Soviet champion

In fourth place is the MiG-21, a Soviet light supersonic front-line fighter of the third generation, developed by the Mikoyan and Gurevich Design Bureau in the mid-1950s. This was the first MiG with a delta wing. One of the most significant aircraft of the Cold War period, the MiG-21 was built taking into account the experience of the Korean War, where combat conditions themselves identified the need for a light, maneuverable fighter capable of reaching supersonic speed.

The MiG-21 is the most common supersonic aircraft in history, as well as the most popular third-generation fighter. During mass production, it was modified several times. The aircraft was used in many armed conflicts.

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This fighter was mass-produced from 1959 to 1985. A total of 11,496 MiG-21s were produced in the USSR, Czechoslovakia and India. A Czechoslovakian copy of this vehicle was produced under the name S-106. There was also a Chinese copy of the MiG-21 called the J-7. Its export version F7 continues to be produced today. As of 2012, approximately 2,500 J-7/F-7s were produced in China. The air forces of 39 countries were equipped with MiG-21 aircraft at different times. Due to mass production, the aircraft had a very low cost.

The MiG-21MF was even cheaper than the Soviet BMP-1.

American eagle

In fifth place is the McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle, an American fourth-generation all-weather fighter.

During the air war over Vietnam, American pilots learned two lessons: firstly, speed and technical sophistication are not a substitute for maneuverability, and secondly, missile weapons are not a substitute for a gun. There was an urgent need to create a specialized fighter for air combat, capable, however, not only of outmaneuvering the enemy in close combat, but also of attacking him with missiles at long distances, without visual contact.

The F-15 became such an aircraft. According to experts, the F-15 wing is a masterpiece of aerodynamic design.

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The aircraft entered service with the US Air Force in 1976. F-15 fighters have been used in the Middle East, the Persian Gulf and Yugoslavia.

The first combat use of the F-15 occurred on June 27, 1979. A group of Israeli aircraft during a missile and bomb attack on Palestinian positions in Lebanon was attacked by Syrian Air Force fighters. In this battle, F-15s shot down four MiG-21s. In subsequent years, Israeli Air Force F-15s repeatedly engaged in dogfights with Syrian MiG-21s over Lebanon. In total, from June 1979 to November 1985, the F-15s scored more than 50 aerial victories. The Israelis themselves had no losses. On June 2, 1989, Israeli F-15s shot down two Syrian MiG-29 fighters.

During Operation Desert Storm, US Air Force F-15s shot down 34 Iraqi planes and helicopters. The Americans claim that the F-15C fighters had no losses in air battles.

During the NATO operation against Yugoslavia (1999), American F-15s shot down four Yugoslav MiG-29s. All losses were confirmed by the Serbian side.

In total, in its history, F-15 aircraft have achieved more than 100 aerial victories without losses from enemy air forces.

Consolation prizes

As in all their ratings, The National Interest experts awarded several combat vehicles with honorable mentions.

Among them is the F-86 Saber, an American jet fighter developed by North American Aviation in the late 1940s. The F-86 entered service with the US Air Force in 1949. There were more than twenty modifications of the aircraft. It was produced in a large series and was in service in many countries around the world until the 1970s. It gained wide popularity during the Korean War of 1950–1953, being the only serious rival to the Soviet MiG-15 fighter.

Fokker D.VII is a German light high-speed fighter. Developed by Fokker. Its first flight took place in 1918. By November 11, 1918, 3,300 vehicles had been built. The plane is considered the best German fighter of the First World War. In the second half of 1918, Fokker D.VII aircraft accounted for 75% of the fleet of German fighter squadrons. This fighter was so good that the terms of the Compiègne Armistice of 1918 specifically included a clause obliging the destruction of all Fokker D.VII aircraft.

The Lockheed-Martin F-22 Raptor is a fifth-generation multirole fighter aircraft developed by Locheed Martin, Boeing and General Dynamics to replace the F-15 Eagle. The F-22 is the first fifth-generation fighter to enter service.

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The Messerschmitt Bf-109 is a German fighter aircraft that was in service with the Luftwaffe and Air Forces of various countries for almost 30 years. It was one of the two (along with FW.190) main Luftwaffe fighters (and their most popular aircraft) throughout the Second World War.

The total production of aircraft of the Bf-109 family exceeded 30 thousand units. It is one of the most popular aircraft in history, second only to the Soviet attack aircraft Il-2 (36,163 aircraft).

The Focke-Wulf FW-190 was a German fighter aircraft used by the Luftwaffe during World War II. The FW-190 has been used successfully as a high-altitude interceptor (especially the FW-190D), escort fighter, attack aircraft, and night fighter.

The Supermarine Spitfire was a British World War II fighter aircraft. Various modifications were used as a fighter, fighter-interceptor, high-altitude fighter, fighter-bomber and reconnaissance aircraft. A total of 20,351 Spitfires were built, including two-seat trainers. Some of the cars were delivered to the USSR under Lend-Lease. The North American P-51 Mustang is an American single-seat long-range fighter aircraft of World War II. 16,974 combat vehicles were produced.

The English Electric Lightning is a British fighter-interceptor developed in the mid-1950s. It was produced in more than 14 modifications.

The English Electric Lightning is the first production military aircraft capable of supersonic cruising flight without the use of afterburner.

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The Mitsubishi A6M Zero is a Japanese light carrier-based fighter aircraft from World War II. Produced from 1940 to 1945, a total of 10,939 units were built. The A6M had technical superiority over Allied aircraft until early 1942. One of the most famous aircraft in the Pacific theater of operations.

The Su-27 is a fourth-generation Soviet multi-role all-weather fighter aircraft developed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau. Designed to gain air superiority. The Su-27 is one of the main aircraft of the Russian Air Force; its modifications are in service in the CIS countries, India and China.

The General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon is an American fourth-generation multirole light fighter aircraft. The F-16, due to its versatility and relatively low cost, is the most popular fourth-generation fighter (over 4,540 aircraft built) and enjoys success on the international arms market. It is in service with the air forces of 25 countries. As of 2014, it is the most common combat aircraft in the world.

Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress

The most famous US bomber of those years is, of course, the Boeing B-17 “Flying Fortress”. The four-engine, heavy Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress bomber, hung on all sides with machine guns, gave rise to many heroic and fanatical stories. On the one hand, the pilots loved it for its ease of control and survivability, on the other hand, the losses among these bombers were indecently high. In one of the flights, out of 300 “Flying Fortresses”, 77 did not return. Why? Here we can mention the complete and defenselessness of the crew from fire from the front and the increased risk of fire. However, the main problem was convincing the American generals. At the beginning of the war, they thought that if there were a lot of bombers and they were flying high, then they could do without any escort. Luftwaffe fighters refuted this misconception. They taught harsh lessons. The Americans and British had to learn very quickly, change tactics, strategy and aircraft design. Strategic bombers contributed to the victory, but the cost was high. A third of the Flying Fortresses did not return to the airfields.


Mitsubishi A6M Zero

In honorable third place in the ranking of the best aircraft of World War II is the Japanese carrier-based fighter Mitsubishi A6M Zero. This is the most famous aircraft of the Pacific War. The history of this aircraft is very revealing. At the beginning of the war, it was almost the most advanced aircraft - light, maneuverable, high-tech, with an incredible flight range. For the Americans, Zero was an extremely unpleasant surprise; it was head and shoulders above everything they had at that time.

However, the Japanese worldview played a cruel joke on the Zero; no one thought about protecting it in air combat - gas tanks burned easily, the pilots were not covered by armor, and no one thought about parachutes. When hit, the Mitsubishi A6M Zero burst into flames like matches, and the Japanese pilots had no chance to escape. The Americans, in the end, learned to fight the Zeros; they flew in pairs and attacked from a height, escaping the battle on turns. They released the new Chance Vought F4U Corsair, Lockheed P-38 Lightning and Grumman F6F Hellcat fighters. The Americans admitted their mistakes and adapted, but the proud Japanese did not. Obsolete by the end of the war, the Zero became a kamikaze plane, a symbol of senseless resistance.


B-17 "Flying Fortress"

In fourth place in the top 10 is another World War II aircraft – the American B-17 strategic bomber. It was developed in 1934 and almost immediately became a legend. It was the first American production all-metal strategic bomber.

He carried out bombing attacks on German cities and took part in combat operations in the Pacific Ocean. Four engines provided the B-17 with a speed of over 500 km/h and a service ceiling of over 10 km, and nine (later twelve) 12.7 mm machine guns made this bomber a very difficult opponent for any fighter.

In addition, the B-17 was distinguished by fantastic reliability. There are documented cases where a plane returned to base with one engine running, with huge holes in the fuselage or with virtually no tail.


At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, German aviation did whatever it wanted in the skies of the USSR. Only in 1942 did a Soviet fighter appear that could fight on equal terms with the Messerschmitts and Focke-Wulfs. It was La-5, developed at the Lavochkin design bureau. It was created in great haste. The plane is designed so simply that there are not even the most basic instruments in the cockpit, such as an attitude indicator. But the La-5 pilots immediately liked it. In its first test flights, it shot down 16 enemy aircraft.

"La-5" bore the brunt of the battles in the skies over Stalingrad and the Kursk Bulge. Ace Ivan Kozhedub fought on it, and it was on it that the famous Alexei Maresyev flew with prosthetics. The only problem with La-5 that prevented it from rising higher in our ranking is its appearance. He is completely faceless and expressionless. When the Germans first saw this fighter, they immediately gave it the nickname “new rat.” And all because it was very similar to the legendary I-16 aircraft, nicknamed “rat”.



In seventh place in the top 10 is another legendary combat vehicle from the Second World War - the Soviet attack aircraft Il-2. Luftwaffe fighter pilots called this attack aircraft the “concrete plane,” and the German infantry called it the “Black Death” or “plague.”

Serial production of the Il-2 began on the very eve of the Great Patriotic War, at the beginning of 1941. In total, Soviet industry produced more than 36 thousand units of this machine.

The IL-2 had several innovative solutions in its design, the main one of which was the inclusion of armor directly into the power circuit of the aircraft. Before this, armor was also used to enhance the protection of aircraft, but it was simply hung on top of the hull, which significantly made the structure heavier.

Despite the high security of the aircraft, the losses of these aircraft in the first months of the war were very significant. There is information that the pilots were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for ten successful combat missions on the Il-2 (according to another version, for thirty).

Eurofighter Typhoon

The Eurofighter Typhoon combat fighter is the brainchild of four EU countries, which has proven its effectiveness in real armed conflicts. One of the main advantages of this aircraft is the ability to interfere with enemy radars, which makes it possible to adjust the flight of guided missiles. This, first of all, influenced the fact that the Eurofighter Typhoon became very “survivable” - getting into a fighter with such a system is quite difficult. The Typhoon also surpasses its counterparts in firing range (by as much as 100 km). Today there are about five hundred such fighters in the world, and each combat vehicle is manufactured using unique technology.

Saab JAS 39 Gripen

The Swedish army has been in service with the Saab JAS 39 Gripen combat fighter for thirty years now, which ranks 9th in our ranking. Its first demonstration flight took place in the 88th year of the last century. Today, this combat vehicle is equipped with some of the best technology in the world. The fourth generation fighter was created specifically for effective combat operations in the Scandinavian terrain - limited plains and harsh weather. The Saab JAS 39 Gripen is armed with a 30mm cannon, various types of bombs (depending on need), several types of missiles (guided and unguided).

Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II

Another development of the US Air Force was the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II, designed to replace outdated aircraft of this generation. The fighter entered service with both the US Navy and the Army - it is actively used on fleet aircraft carriers due to its short take-off run distance and braking distance during landing. Also, the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II is capable of vertical takeoff. After the fighter was developed and entered into mass production, it was exported to other countries of the world, the first of which was Great Britain. The aircraft is equipped with advanced electronics and powerful weapons.

F-16 Fighting Falcon

The seventh place in the fighter rating is occupied by the American F-16 Fighting Falcon. At one time, this combat vehicle was among the most popular in the world - the low cost of its production and high quality characteristics allowed US military factories to produce these vehicles in large quantities for export to other countries. There are currently over 4,700 F-16 Fighting Falcons worldwide. These combat vehicles have proven themselves in more than a hundred combat operations around the world.

Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor

The American Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor ranks first in the “best fighters in the world” rating. In fact, it shares the palm with the Russian Su-57. Raptor is a 5th generation fighter, presented to the public in the second half of 1990. It is capable of performing many purposes and combat missions. At the moment, the Raptor is recognized as an advanced development by American designers in this area. Among the advantages of the combat vehicle is complete invisibility from enemy radars. The Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor is characterized as a fighter with high maneuverability, low fuel consumption and a relatively low weight. Only two cases of loss of these fighters in combat operations have been recorded.

43 83

Grumman F-14 Tomcat

Country: USA, Speed: 2485 km/h

For a long time, the development of a carrier-based fighter in the 4th generation, which received variable wing geometry, was underway. It first flew at the end of 1970 and began to be used by the American Army in '74. At the moment, it is no longer a member of the US Air Force, but is operated by Iran. Therefore, when they find out which fighter is the fastest, they also remember it. The plane is designed for two people at once, one controls the flight, and the second is responsible for the weapons. The main gun is 20 millimeters, with 675 shells in reserve.

  • Length: 19.1 m
  • Wingspan: 19.45 m
  • Speed: 2485 km/h
  • Takeoff weight: 33.72 tons
  • Ceiling: 16.15 km

Comparison of combat (military) aircraft

Modern military aircraft are rapidly moving forward, expanding their capabilities and attracting more and more forces.

Modern domestic combat aircraft of the world owe their appearance to the development and popularization of aviation, which was greatly facilitated by the flights of pilots N. Popov, M. Efimov, A. Shiukov, S. Utochkin, B. Rossiysky and such talented designers as I. Sikorsky, Ya. Gakkel, V. Slesarev, I. Steglau.

On our portal, anyone can compare combat aircraft in a few clicks. This procedure will not cause you any difficulty, as it is extremely simple.

Modern aviation, with the quantitative growth and development of the air fleet, is playing an increasingly important role in combat operations. Along with the widespread use of aircraft during the day in good weather, they began to be used at night in difficult weather conditions. Ground forces operations have always been carried out with the active participation of aircraft, providing support during combat operations. It covered the troops from enemy air strikes and aerial reconnaissance, supported the infantry, and conducted aerial reconnaissance.

Since the beginning of the use of aircraft in combat, their role in conflicts has been constantly growing. And this is especially true for the last 30-50 years. From year to year, military aircraft receive more and more powerful combat weapons, more advanced electronics, their speed increases, and their visibility on radar screens decreases. Today, aviation is capable of resolving the conflict alone or playing a key role in it. This has never happened before in the military sector of mankind.

With the advent of new communications systems, precision-guided munitions and satellite navigation/targeting, the power and role of the air force has greatly increased. Modern and future combat aircraft are also changing a lot. The use of engines of new designs, modern materials, and sophisticated electrical engineering makes it possible to call a new generation combat aircraft the crown of scientific and technological progress.

Today, many aviation countries are developing a fifth-generation fighter, except the United States, since America already has the F-35 Lightning and F-22 Raptor fighters. They have long been tested and put into service. China, Japan and Russia are still lagging behind in this matter.

Today, in combat tactics, more and more attention is paid to fighter equipment, which is responsible for creating no-fly zones, escorting aircraft and ships, and enemy air defense. Therefore, the share of aircraft in the total volume of arms trade is almost 50%. offers you to compare combat aircraft, which will take you a few minutes, saving you a lot of time that would have been spent searching for all the information. No more than four military aircraft can be compared at a time.

For a long time, the main tasks that fell on the “shoulders” of fighters were to gain air superiority, protect ground targets from enemy air forces, escort civil and military aircraft, and, less often, strike various enemy ground targets.

Today, fighters have become more functional, capable of delivering powerful strikes against both enemy ground infrastructure and aviation. If previously they were only a defensive type of weapon, now they are more often used in an offensive capacity.

Every year, promising global and Russian aviation receives an impetus for the development of nanotechnology throughout the world. Aircraft are being improved, speed, power and flight altitude are increasing, and range and carrying capacity are being taken into account. In addition, great opportunities have opened up the use of new materials. Designers in many countries around the world are persistently looking for ways to achieve high flight speeds.

First place. Sukhoi T-50

The first place is occupied by the Russian fifth-generation fighter. It is distinguished by the ability to engage in combat with several opponents at once, some of them may be in the airspace, while others may be on the ground. This was achieved due to increased maneuverability and a number of advanced technologies.

The aircraft is highly valued not only by domestic specialists, but also by Western experts, who specifically noted Russia’s progress in the area of ​​visibility reduction technologies. However, the T-50 has not yet been put into full operation. At the moment, tests are being carried out, and behind closed doors. Even the final version of the prototype has not yet been made public.

Top 5 bombers

For combat operations with a large-scale destruction radius, all countries have powerful bombers in their arsenal. Their task is to deliver bombs and missiles to the enemy's location in order to launch an airstrike.

Northrop B-2 Spirit

The American bomber has a “flying wing” design, and the surface of the body is covered with anti-location materials. The aircraft was produced for 11 years from 1988 to 1999. A total of 21 units were produced during this time. With a mass of 171,000 kg, the V-2 is capable of reaching speeds of up to 1010 km/h. This is achieved due to a powerful power plant of 4 engines of 7700 kgf each. With full fuel tanks (73 tons), it flies up to 11 thousand km one way. Nuclear equipment is installed on board, as well as bombs and missiles. The total weight of ammunition is 27 tons.

Tu 160

The coolest and most powerful supersonic bomber in the world. With a take-off weight of 275 tons, the aircraft accelerates to 2200 km/h. This is achieved through four engines of 18,000 kgf, which can develop up to 25,000 kgf each in afterburner. Flight range without refueling is 14 thousand km. Armament on board - 45 tons.

Rockwell B 1 Lancer

Another supersonic aircraft that has been in service with the United States since the 80s of the last century. There is space for 4 people on board. crew. Weight up to 177 tons. 4 engines, power up to 132.8 kgf. It reaches speeds of up to 2300 km/h and covers a distance of 9820 km without refueling.

Tu 95MS

Equipped with turbo propeller engines with a power of up to 15 thousand hp. With. every. Capable of accelerating to 945 km/h. Without refueling it reaches a distance of up to 15 thousand km. Was in service with Russia and Ukraine. Carries up to 20 tons of cargo, including on an external sling.

Tu 22M3

Intended for long-range strategic aviation, it is in service with Russia. Flight altitude up to 13 km, speed up to 2300 km/h. The fuel capacity is up to 50 tons. The wingspan is 35 m. Guided missiles with a range of up to 500 km are placed on board. There is also the possibility of additional equipment with hypersonic missiles and precision guided bombs. The design documentation for the famous Tu 95 bomber was agreed upon and approved in 1951, and a year later its prototype took to the skies for the first time. Serial production began in 1955.


Country: Russia, Speed: 2500

Another fastest fighter in the world 2021 as of today. It was developed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau and is classified as the 4th generation. A carrier of nuclear weapons, it made its first flight in 1977, and in 1985 it began to be actively used in various armies. In the basic version, the aircraft was equipped with a double-circuit engine weighing 1488 kilograms. By standards, another of Russia's fastest fighters uses the Beryozka system for defense. While flying the Su-27, the well-known Pugachev, for the first time in history, reproduced the “Cobra”, one of the highest aerobatic maneuvers.

  • Length: 21.93 m
  • Wingspan: 14.69 m
  • Speed: 2500 km/h
  • Take-off weight: 30 tons
  • Ceiling: 18 km

Dassault Rafale

The list of the most powerful fighters also includes the pride of the French armed forces - the Dassault Rafale. The creators claim that the only factor that hinders the incredible rise of this combat vehicle is its high cost. The Dassault Rafale has been in service with the French army for 50 years; it has shown itself excellently in armed conflicts several times. However, today this fighter is used only for training and demonstration flights. Also, its name often appeared in plane crashes, but the French side argued each time that the reason for this was the human factor.

Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet

Opens the top 10 best Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet fighters. It is in service with the US Army and is a carrier-based fighter-bomber and attack aircraft. Combat vehicles of this type are very popular for placement on aircraft carriers. This fighter is equipped with a 6-barreled cannon that is capable of firing at a rate of 6,000 rounds per minute. Nine external mounts allow the aircraft to be equipped with a wide range of different weapons, including: simple and laser-guided missiles, many types of bombs, as well as weapons that allow effective combat against enemy ships, and a system that prevents the aircraft from being tracked on radar.


This fighter is one of the most famous Soviet aircraft in the West. It was created in the late 40s, had a large number of modifications, and was produced under Soviet license in several countries around the world. The MiG-15 first appeared in the skies of Korea and created a real sensation in the West. Until this point, Soviet technology had been considered backward and outdated, but this fighter jet became a cold shower for Western strategists.

The Americans were preparing an armada of strategic bombers to launch nuclear strikes on the territory of the USSR, but familiarity with the MiG-15 made it clear that the chances of breaking through the screen of Soviet fighters were minimal.

The main opponent of the MiG-15 in the Korean skies was the American F-86 Saber fighter, however, according to most experts, the Soviet aircraft was superior to its opponent.

Fokker DR1 Triplane

This German aircraft is one of the most famous fighter aircraft of the First World War. It was created in 1917 and became a real engineering breakthrough of that era. The Fokker DR1 Triplane was flown by the famous German ace Manfred von Richthofen, better known to the general public as the “Red Baron”.

Compared to biplanes, the Fokker DR1 Triplane fighter had much greater maneuverability and climb rate.

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