Ready-made drawings of popular knives, nuances of making your own

A butcher knife is a special type of knife that differs from a regular one both in its shape and in the way it is used. With a butcher knife you cannot cut sausage or bread; it can only be used as a weapon. The handle of such a knife is perpendicular to its blade; the shape of this weapon resembles the letter “T” (sometimes “G”). Butt knives belong to the group of awkward knives. These weapons, as a rule, have modest dimensions and are perfect for concealed carry. Because of their shape and features of use, butcher knives are often called “fist daggers.”

In our country, butcher knives appeared relatively recently, around the end of the 90s. Despite their growing popularity every year, butcher knives still remain a not very understandable exotic for Russia. There is a widespread belief that a stab knife is a typical weapon of the criminal world. And although it is not true, the first truly mass-produced butcher knife in Russia was named “Taganka”, probably in honor of the famous Moscow prison. Since then, it has become an unofficial designation for all knives of this type in our country.

In fact, the United States is considered the birthplace of this type of bladed weapon, and to be even more precise, in its modern form it appeared in the American Wild West. Therefore, the butting knife has another name - push dagger (push - push, dagger - dagger), under which it is known today throughout the world. This weapon gained particular popularity in the mid-19th century during the so-called Gold Rush in Alaska and California.

Currently, the market offers a wide selection of butt-type knives to suit every taste and budget. In most countries they are not classified as bladed weapons and are therefore freely available. Basically, butcher knives are used for self-defense, although they can also perform some household tasks: for example, skinning or cutting meat. Some manufacturers add additional tools to the design of their products: bottle openers, screwdrivers, etc.

The main advantages of a butcher knife are:

  • small sizes;
  • reliability and durability;
  • convenience and ease of handling.

If you are looking for a melee weapon for self-defense, then a push-dagger is an ideal option. With this knife you will be able to protect your life and health, but at the same time you are unlikely to be able to kill your opponent or cause serious damage to him. Thus, with a stab knife, you are less likely to exceed the required degree of self-defense and end up in the dock. Although, of course, you can kill with the help of this weapon.

You can also add that you don’t have to buy a butcher knife. You can easily make it yourself by downloading the drawing and manufacturing instructions from the Internet. But the correct choice of a butcher knife will be discussed below. First I would like to say a few words about the history of this curious weapon.


By the way, the drawing for the falchion is also quite complicated.
Photos are small in size so that it is convenient for you to view them from your mobile phone. To view and print the actual dimensions of the drawings, you need to download the archive from Yandex Disk. Edged weapons have attracted people with their brilliance and hidden power since the times when people just began to master metal processing. The legendary karambit is a knife with a rich history. The first mention of it dates back to the 14th century among the Minangkbau people inhabiting the island of Sumatra. There it was used in wars with other islanders, and in peaceful life it was used for household needs. How a novice artist can cope with the task of creating an image of a weapon on paper with the greatest realism, how to draw a karambit easily and quickly so that the image turns out beautiful and original, we will consider below.

Falchion Knife (Falchion).

Not the most popular knife among Counter Strike players. The falchion is quite cheap on the site, but has an unusual animation when attacking. The photo shows the skin falchion.

Drawing of a knife Falchion Knife (Falchion)

Poke knife - transformer The one mini

DIY crossbow, drawings and dimensions.
option 2 I bought this knife for my collection. It is quite unusual and I have never seen such a form factor before. The knife is very beautiful and will decorate my collection. The cost of the knife was 8 dollars and... Shipping cost about the same. The knife was sent to me quickly, via Swiss Post, and the journey took about a month. The knife was in a box, without any inscriptions, and the cover lay separately and it was all wrapped in bubble wrap. It arrived without damage.

At the moment, the seller does not have this knife, just like any other goods. I hope that he just went on vacation, since in his store there were many more interesting, from an aesthetic point of view, knives. I wrote him a letter, but have not received a response yet.

I searched for this knife to insert a link into the review, both on Ali and on other sites, but to no avail. I hope that among the visitors to the site there is a person who knows something about this knife or its ancestor (something tells me that the Chinese simply copied it).

Information from the seller's page:

Knife The one mini Made of 440 stainless steel Single-sided blade sharpening. Genuine leather case for safe and easy carrying Bone handle Blade length: 7.5cm Total length: 15.2cm

In principle, the information is reliable, except that I cannot determine the material of the inserts on the handle. Judging by the channels and irregularities, they indeed look like polished bone ones, but not of the highest quality.

As you already understood, the knife has 2 positions. It unfolds using a button on the back, at the bottom. The ride is smooth, there are no backlashes.

In the thrust knife position, it fits in the hand like a glove, it is comfortable to hold and its size seems acceptable.

But in the unfolded position it looks very small, even tiny and is suitable, perhaps, for peeling potatoes.

The sharpening is not bad, even sharp, there are no special complaints.

The sheath fits like a glove, but the sheath itself is of low quality, although, apparently, it is actually made of genuine leather.


The knife matches the description and photos from the seller's page. The quality of the steel was of little interest to me, since I bought it only “for the shelf,” and I was pleased with the purchase. There was no compromise in this model, since it is too small not in the butting position, but if you make it larger, then the butting position will be too large. On the other hand, the knife is called The one mini, as indicated by the engraving on the blade, and this may mean that there is an older version (and the logo also resembles the logo of mini cars). As a result, the result is a very interesting and beautiful knife that will complement any collection. Unfortunately, I was unable to disassemble it, since I do not have the appropriate tool, and with a small screwdriver I was able to unscrew only 1 screw. The question of the possibility of purchasing it remains open and I hope for the help of the Muskovites. In order to avoid unnecessary and inappropriate comments, I hasten to inform you that this knife is not a bladed weapon.

Thank you for your attention, have a successful and productive day everyone! Chuchundra

Optimal knife sizes

It is known that a knife cuts with its blade, which is inseparable from the blade. The longer the blade and, accordingly, the blade, the greater the cutting ability of the knife. Does it follow from this that it is possible and worthwhile to enlarge the knife according to the principle “the bigger the better”?

Cutting ability is only one of the many properties of a knife. In itself, it does not mean much apart from utilitarianism, which manifests itself in the suitability of a tool, in this case a knife, for performing certain types of work. A knife with a blade that is too long becomes much less convenient for work that requires precise cutting or repeated cuts. At a certain size, a knife can completely change its quality and cease to be a knife, turning into a cleaver or machete, that is, a tool, by definition, intended not for cutting, but for chopping. But in this case, we are interested not only in the user properties of the knife (we will talk about them in more detail another time), but also in the purely technical side of the possibilities of increasing its size.

An awkward classic knife of a reasonable size and shape, which I would willingly take with me on a long trip through deserted areas, is the F-1 from the Swedish company Fallkniven. Blade length 97 mm, thickness 4.5 mm (although I would prefer 4 mm), weight 150 g. Its weight and dimensions allow comfortable and easy carrying, on the one hand, and use for the vast majority of work required in the field, with another

For a classic folding knife, there are no typical technical obstacles to increasing it to any limits. In extreme cases, the knife will turn into the already mentioned cleaver or machete, or even a sword, perhaps even a two-handed one. Another thing is whether it is worth carrying such a weight, which is also very inconvenient for performing the vast majority of work of a completely peaceful nature.

Please note that in a well-equipped kitchen there are several knives of very different sizes, from a short one, with a 6-8 cm blade for peeling vegetables, to a very hefty one, with a 25-30 cm blade for cutting bread or large pieces of meat into even slices. But in field conditions, a person is forced to make do with one knife, so it must be moderately universal, allowing, with a sufficient degree of convenience, productivity and safety, to perform most of the work that can and should be done with a knife.

I here deliberately do not take into account the likely use of a knife as a weapon. You won’t be able to brush off a pack of winter wolves or a connecting rod bear not only with a knife, but even with a two-handed sword. And against a person in the traveler’s “arsenal” there are more suitable objects that can be used for self-defense - at least an ax or a spatula, and a simple wooden “dryn” is quite suitable. I do not take into account restrictions of a purely social nature - who cares what kind of knife a traveler in a deserted area carries. The main thing is the ease of carrying and working with the chosen knife; everything else is unimportant.

The bias towards ease of wearing and general laziness, however, still does not come at the expense of cutting properties. Light as a feather (hence, apparently, the name) Bill Moran Featherweight from the American company Spyderco (blade length 99 mm, thickness - 3 mm, knife weight - 84 g). A thin blade, flat to the blade, cuts perfectly, but is a completely useless “crowbar” or “machete”

My personal experience shows that the most universal, suitable in the vast majority of situations that arise daily in the field, is a clumsy knife with a blade about 10 cm long. With its help you can cook food (and this is the need that arises most often), and an animal or cut the fish and plan the peg, but you never know what else needs to be done. And the fact that such a knife is inconvenient to chop, dig, split or break something out is a complaint akin to the fact that it is damn inconvenient to transport large-diameter reinforced concrete sewer pipes in a passenger car or knock down lampposts with a ramming blow...

The heaviest knives that I agree to carry on myself in the field, and the largest that I can use to do anything useful and meaningful (A). Moreover, a fair margin of safety, as well as the high quality of materials and workmanship, will “forgive” the user even some abuse, for example, chopping thin green branches or hitting the butt of a blade with a log in order to split another log (I don’t recommend it, but sometimes it can come in handy). From top to bottom: M5 from the Italian company Lionsteel (blade length 115 mm, thickness 4.5 mm, weight 220 g); S-1 Forest Knife from the Swedish company Fallkniven (blade length 130 mm, thickness 5 mm, weight 190 g); X?42 Field Knife from the American company SOG (blade length 127 mm, thickness 4.75 mm, weight 180 g). To compare sizes - M5 Lionsteel in hand (B)

A bias towards “steepness”, when the user, going on a paid safari and pretending to be a “white bwana”, does not carry anything special on himself and is not going to do anything significant with a knife - for this he has guides and porters. And you won’t get much use out of such a knife, both because of its size and weight, the shape of the blade and, especially, the presence of a developed guard - but it looks very respectable and convincing. Primo Corso from the Italian company Extrema Ratio (blade length 176 mm, thickness 5 mm, weight 285 g), but in the company’s model range there are even larger, thicker and heavier knives

I definitely wouldn’t recommend equipping yourself with a knife with a blade longer than 12–13 cm on a hike. It's not just a matter of completely meaningless daily carrying around extra weight. Simply doing something meaningful with such a knife, although possible in principle, is very inconvenient and unproductive. It turns out something like masochism or a difficult struggle with oneself, and this, really, is not a very appropriate activity in the field, where, as a rule, there are already enough difficulties, moreover, natural ones, and not created by one’s own hands. But if someone really wants it, well, that’s his business...

But it makes even less sense to excessively increase the size of a folding knife. Here, not only considerations of ease of use come into play, although for an overly large folding knife, it is the inconvenience of carrying and using that manifests itself especially sharply, since it clearly follows from the peculiarities of its design. Let's look at them in a little more detail.

The main feature of a folding knife is the relationship between the length of the blade and the handle, determined by the fact that in the folded position the blade should be completely hidden in the handle. That is, the handle should be no shorter than the blade. In reality, it is necessary to make it longer by at least 20–25% in order to ensure the necessary strength and rigidity of the movable joint. That is, with a blade length of 10 cm, the required handle length should be at least 12 cm, or even more. Well, this is not a problem yet; the handle length of about 11–13 cm seems to be optimal for any knife. Simply because such dimensions are uniquely determined by the more or less reasonably assumed dimensions of a human palm, “Lilliputians” and “giants” are extremely rare.

Excessively large folding knives, called mega-folders in English-language publications. From top to bottom: Tatanka Spyderco (blade length 128 mm, thickness 4 mm, weight 261 g), Spec Elite II SOG (blade length 127 mm, thickness 4.1 mm, weight 210 g), MF2 Extrema Ratio (blade length 113 mm, thickness 4 mm, weight 195 g)

But then it turns out that a folding knife with a blade length of, for example, 15 cm should have a handle of almost 20 cm. Why is it needed? A two-handed sword can still be imagined, but a two-handed knife with a blade “only” 13–15 cm long is much more difficult.

Megafolder in hand. The photo clearly shows that the handle, which is able to accommodate a 5-inch blade in the folded position, is much larger than is necessary for a confident and reliable grip in a normal male palm. This not only significantly increases the weight of the knife, but also negatively affects the convenience and accuracy of its operation (A). It’s also good if the designer provides for the possibility of intercepting the knife closer to the blade for precise work, while ensuring not only the convenience of the user, but also his safety (B). If, however, this is not possible, the functionality of the knife is significantly limited (C)

For comparison, a folding knife is shown in the hand, which I personally consider to be the upper limit of what is reasonable. As you can see, the handle provides a reliable grip with any palm, including a very large and/or gloved one, but does not have too much unnecessary part that is unnecessary to provide a grip. However, even such a knife already creates certain inconveniences when worn every day in urban conditions and is more suitable for country trips. Military Spyderco, blade length 102 mm, thickness 4 mm, weight 130 g

Seriously speaking, the excessive length of the handle makes an already large knife even longer and more inconvenient to use, while adding absolutely nothing to adequately improve cutting abilities - it’s not the handle that cuts, after all. In fact, the extra part of the handle, which is unnecessary for holding the knife during operation, clearly and completely unproductively increases the size and, above all, the weight of the item being carried. Moreover, a folding knife and its lock are nothing more than a more or less complex system of levers that experience and transmit certain forces when working with a knife. And the accuracy and reliability of this system ensures not only the convenience and performance of using the knife, but also the safety of the user. As the length of the blade increases, the length of the lever arm to which the force is applied increases. Therefore, to ensure proper strength and rigidity of the structure, everything that perceives this force must be stronger, and therefore thicker, wider, heavier, which increases the size and weight not even proportionally to the size, but progressively. The cost of production, by the way, too. Making a non-folding knife with a blade of the same length and a handle of normal dimensions corresponding to a human palm, as a rule, turns out to be much simpler and cheaper.

An example of a very unsuccessful megafolder, discontinued shortly after launch, is Rukus from the American company Benchmade (A). As they say, “it was smooth on paper...”. So it is here - it turned out that the wide and thick, and therefore heavy blade is not held very reliably in the closed position and easily protrudes from the handle even with not too sudden movements under the influence of its weight and inertia. Which, when worn with the point up, can pose a very specific danger to the user (B). A completely frivolous, simply “dead” clip also unreliably holds a large, heavy knife in a pocket ©. Apparently, not everything and not always can be simply mechanically increased in size... (blade length 110 mm, thickness 4.1 mm, weight 220 g)

The Go-N-Heavy megafolder, offered as a result of cooperation between the American companies CRKT and Ruger, is already too much in all respects, something like a heavy tank among folding knives (blade length 127 mm, thickness 4.7 mm, weight 310 g). Everything here is exaggeratedly strong and, therefore, heavy - the thick aluminum handle, the blade rotation axis, and the locking element of the lock. Carrying such a knife in your pocket would not be very convenient, but if you put it in the side pocket of your trousers and start running... But the manufacturer does not provide for such self-torture, the knife is not equipped with a clip at all, but is sold complete with a belt sheath made of thick and hard nylon

It seems that only the Spyderco designers came up with the idea that a folding knife with an exaggeratedly long and heavy blade cannot be equipped with a lock that is simply enlarged to the appropriate size, but is ordinary in design, both to ensure strength and reliability, on the one hand, and ease of maintenance by the user On the other hand, a fundamentally different design of the lock is needed. Therefore, Spyderco developed a special PowerLock lock for the megafolder, which they do not use on normal-sized knives. The result is obvious: no matter how much you shake the closed knife, you will never shake the blade out of the handle, but the lock is serviced clearly and conveniently. This is a technically competent, reasonable and completely responsible decision, and I personally would applaud it with a pure heart... if I were a fan of folding knives of this size

A somewhat simplified diagram illustrating how the forces on the component parts of a folding knife increase as the length of its blade increases. Consequently, ensuring the necessary strength and safety is not necessarily achievable by simply mechanically increasing some structural elements. For example, it is necessary to increase not only the thickness of the blade rotation axis and the opening limiter, but also the dies in which they are set. That is, not only the length of the handle, but also its width and thickness. But it is known that volume and mass grow in proportion to the third power of linear dimensions...

A non-folding knife with a blade about five inches long has a much more favorable blade length to overall knife length ratio. In addition, it is lighter, simpler in design, and therefore more reliable, stronger, and cheaper too. Its handle, as a rule, fits noticeably more comfortably in the palm and provides a more confident and reliable grip, since it should not accommodate the blade in the closed position. That is why, if someone thinks that he needs a folding knife with a five-inch blade, then in reality he needs a classic, awkward knife of this size

An example of legislative paranoia: in some jurisdictions, such as California, you can carry a folding knife of any size, but you cannot carry a non-folding one, also of any size. How narrow-minded, fixated, or a “true believer” one must be to seriously imagine that public order and security would significantly benefit from this - I simply cannot imagine. But this is the law!

By the way, about bungling and abuse. My articles are of a purely review nature, and I would not like to extol any company or its products in them. However, objectivity and a sense of duty to readers oblige me to draw attention to another pleasant exception to the general rule, “allowed” by Spyderco. Because of all the megafolders that have passed through my hands, only their product was equipped with a sign included in the packaging warning that due to the large size of the knife, special care should be taken when closing it. I can explain on my own behalf - just so as not to create a “guillotine” for your own fingers. The same sign quite reasonably informs the user that the knife is not intended for chopping

A modern and very correct replica of the medieval Spanish “megafolder”

Therefore, a folding knife with a blade more than 4 inches (about 10 cm) in length, compared to a non-folding knife with the same blade, is usually heavier, more expensive, less convenient to use, less durable, reliable, safe, demanding more time and effort to bring it into working position. At the same time, it is somewhat more comfortable to wear - and this is its only advantage.

As you can see, the balance of advantages and disadvantages clearly shows that if someone thinks that he needs a folding knife with a blade of more than 10 cm, then in reality he just needs a classic, awkward knife of the appropriate size. Why, for what purposes is a completely different question.

However, there is at least one relatively reasonable argument that can justify the need to purchase a large folding knife. Oddly enough, its basis is not technical or utilitarian at all, but... legislative. There are jurisdictions in which you can legally carry a folding knife of any size, but it is illegal to carry a non-folding knife, again regardless of its size. An example is the American state of California. It is completely pointless to search for any logic in such restrictions. It’s just that someone once convinced the legislators of the correctness of this and not another decision, and they voted for it, giving it the force of law. Who convinced and how? Most often, using the effect of populist, loud, and often simply hysterical slogans about “public safety” on “servants of the people” who are more or less incompetent in this matter. Sometimes pursuing the narrowly specific interests of certain circles. What difference does it actually make, how exactly and why? It is important that they voted - and obvious stupidity became law. And, as you know, they don’t argue with the law.

If you dig deep into the nooks and crannies of human psychology, then perhaps you will find another reason for purchasing a folding knife that is too large. But it is no longer practical or even legislative, but psychological or even psychiatric. Something like “I understand everything perfectly, but I really want to.” Show off in front of friends, in front of the fair sex, and sometimes just in front of yourself - what a cool guy I am. Here the arguments of common sense retreat to the thirty-last, worn-out place...

There is also a certain limitation - also, I would say, of a technical and psychological nature. The fact is that any knife with a blade longer than 12–13 cm (it weighs, accordingly, at least 200–250 g, and a folding one - all 250–300 g) provokes the user into action, in general incompatible with the competent use of a knife or, at a minimum, reckless, bungling. With such a knife you are tempted to bite or chop something - simply to cut out of clumsiness, impatience or primitive laziness, as well as to pry something open using the knife as a lever. What is there to be afraid of - what a thick blade there is - 4.5, or even 5 mm, you can’t even break it on purpose! And it is completely forgotten that a folding knife, no matter what size, remains folding, and that its “critical points” were, are and will always remain not dimensions, not weight, not external persuasiveness, and not even thickness and strength blade, but the connection between the blade and the handle and the lock, which are in no way adapted to absorb shock and dynamic loads. So we “pull” with a clumsy knife, and at best the result will be inadequate in relation to what was expected - after all, this is not an ax or even a machete, but at worst... Anything can happen, with a certain amount of bad luck, not only the knife, but and the user himself.

However, if someone really wants it, and financial resources allow it, you are always welcome. Manufacturers offer, among others, overly large folding knives, usually called mega-folders in English-language publications. I must immediately admit that there are not too many of them on the market, perhaps precisely because of their utilitarian meaninglessness and low suitability for practical use.

We will talk about the opposite extreme, that is, about the possibilities of reducing the size of a knife and its consequences, in the next issue of the magazine.

Historical reference.

A folding knife, including an overly large one, was not born yesterday or even the day before yesterday - its age is at least 500–600 years, if not more. In medieval Spain, even before the advent of firearms, commoners were forbidden to carry bladed weapons, that is, swords or daggers (however, such restrictions existed in many countries during the era of feudalism).

But how then can the common people protect themselves from robbers who did not recognize legal restrictions? Or from the nobles, who were not too different from the mentioned robbers in their morals and behavior?

The solution was found in a “some” increase in the size of the traditional Spanish navaja knife, which translated means a folding knife, the carrying of which was not prohibited to anyone. Therefore, robbers used them no less willingly.

There were specimens with blades as long as an elbow, that is, about 0.5 m. One such knife is described in detail in the novel “Captain Fracasse” by the French writer Théophile Gautier, precisely as the weapon of a highwayman.

Equipped with a primitive lock, which can be considered the prototype of modern back locks, such a knife, of course, could not compete on equal terms with a sword, but it still gave some chances, and it looked much more convincing. Apparently this state of affairs suited everyone or almost everyone - in some provinces of Spain, a very large navaja tucked into the back of a wide red sash became an integral attribute of the folk costume.

Any exaggerations often turn out to have an unexpected, nasty side. During the Napoleonic occupation of Spain and the liberation guerrilla war of the Spaniards under the banner of guerilla (guerrilla, which means small war), the French could well have hanged anyone who had found a navaja of even normal, typically “peaceful” utilitarian sizes.

Selecting handle material

Whip whip: origin, varieties, methods of self-production

Even the most carefully thought-out blade shape loses half its effectiveness with an uncomfortable handle. The quality of throwing depends on this part: whether the knife will fly in the intended direction, whether the hand will get tired depends on the handle. The material used to make it must be durable to withstand constant impacts and pleasant to the touch. It should not freeze to the skin during frost and should not absorb moisture.

Throwing knife with a handle made of wood.

The handle of a throwing knife has the following requirements:

  • light weight;
  • easy to process;
  • availability.

The material that meets the specified requirements is wood that has undergone the necessary processing. The blanks are made from dense types of wood: maple, ash or apple.

In the blanks, which have already been given the desired shape, small holes are made for fitting onto the shank. Holes in the rectangle are made at the stage of connecting the handle and blade. This is due to the fact that the transverse dimensions of the shank can change during the manufacturing process.

Knife device

No matter what heavy-duty steel a hunting knife is made of, the effectiveness of its use directly depends on its shape. Perhaps you don’t need to prove to anyone that you can’t cut up a rabbit or clean fish with a table knife. Therefore, shape is a decisive factor for a hunting knife. Although the knife has a fairly simple design, in order to speak on a professional level it is worth familiarizing yourself with its structure and the specific names of its parts.

Knife parts

  1. Blade
  2. Knife handle
  3. The lower sharp side is called the cutting edge
  4. The upper side opposite the cutting edge is the butt
  5. The lower, beveled part of the blade is called the bevel
  6. Longitudinal gutters on the side planes are called valleys
  7. The base of the blade adjacent to the handle is called the fifth
  8. Blade tip
  9. Between the blade and the handle there is a guard that protects against cuts.
  10. The end part of the handle is the butt
  11. At the end of the butt there is usually a hole for a lanyard

Form of slopes

Depending on the purpose of the knife, different types of sharpening are done, which is determined by the shape of the slopes.

  1. Straight wedge - this knife is good for cutting. However, due to the thin cutting edge, it is not particularly strong and must be made of very good steel.
  2. With straight triggers - a “Scandinavian” knife. More durable, but the cut quality is worse than the first type.
  3. With concave - razor slopes. Blade with a particularly thin cutting edge. Best cutting properties. This sharpening is mainly used for cutting knives.
  4. With convex - lens-shaped slopes. A blade of this cross-section has particular strength, especially during chopping blows.
  5. Straight wedge with European connections. Similar in principle to a straight wedge, but the cutting edge has a more obtuse angle, which gives greater strength.

For hunting knives, the most suitable knives are those with wedge-shaped or straight triggers. They are quite durable. They can safely cut anything, including chopping bones and wood. Moreover, they are easy to sharpen, even in the field, without fear of ruining the mirror.

Recently, the gear type, the so-called “serrated” one, has become popular. Knives with such sharpening do not need to be sharpened until they stop cutting altogether, because the “lifetime” of their factory sharpening is very long, it can be several seasons. True, so-called survival knives are mostly made with this sharpening, but there are quite a few hunters who prefer this type of knife.

If the cross-section of the blade mainly determines the sharpness and strength of the knife, then its functionality directly depends on its shape. Now there are many classic forms of hunting knives, created by people from different countries and continents, over many centuries of hunting experience. The variety of knives is determined by the geometric shape of their blade. Here are some of the most common ones.

The most convenient for a hunter are knives that allow you to perform both cutting and stabbing actions. The most famous of the purely hunting ones are: Drop-Point, Clip-Point, Trailing-point, Upswept-point, and of the cutting ones, this is the Skinner knife. In order not to bother with tricky names, we offer photos of the four most successful, in our opinion, types of knives for hunters, so that you can clearly see what suits you.

DIY making

Single-barreled hunting rifles: features, review of popular models

If you cannot choose a push-dagger that suits your hand or want to get a high-quality knife in a single copy, you can make it yourself. For manufacturing, you will definitely need a drawing, a steel blank, material for the handle and a set of tools. The drawing is needed to understand what shape your future knife will be.

Stages of work:

  1. A drawing is drawn;
  2. A steel blank is cut out;
  3. Holes are drilled in the handle to secure the linings;
  4. Using a grinder, slopes are created on the blade;
  5. The blade is polished;
  6. The elements of the handle linings are turned and secured.

Many difficulties may arise during work. For example, a grinder is a rather specific tool; if you don’t have one (and most likely you won’t), you’ll have to make the cuts on an electric sharpener, which requires a lot of experience. Usually the sharpening turns out well after making 5-6 knives. When drilling holes in hardened steel, you may need a drill press. Sanding is a fairly lengthy process that involves the use of sandpaper of different grits.

A butcher knife is an interesting self-defense weapon. Whether you purchase a serial copy or make it yourself, the main thing to remember is that it is better to resolve any conflict peacefully, avoiding unnecessary bloodshed.

Author of the article:


I am interested in martial arts with weapons and historical fencing. I write about weapons and military equipment because it is interesting and familiar to me. I often learn a lot of new things and want to share these facts with people who are interested in military issues.

Manufacturer's choice

Finland, China, and the USA are considered centers for the production of quality knives. This is facilitated by the general culture of handling hunting equipment by the population of these countries, a capacious market, a modern material and technical base, and competition among manufacturers.


The products of large American manufacturers Spyderco, SOG, Kershaw, Buck, Benchmade, Cold Steel are well known. The SOG Recon Bowie has become a cult classic. American companies are developers of all kinds of innovations. For example, Axis Lock (Bench), Arc lock (SOG) for folding models, a system for quickly opening a SAT knife. Knives from designer workshops are highly appreciated. Hunters and collectors appreciate the Rendall mod 5 for its laconic design and workmanship.

Finnish products are represented by traditional knives: leukku, puuko, tommy. There is always a demand for them due to their proven form, high performance and reputation of the oldest companies Ahti, Lisakki, Roselli. French cutting knives are beyond competition. A folding fishing knife from Opinel with an original lock is equally in demand by fishermen and hunters.

SOG Kershaw

Buck Benchmade

Cold Steel


Russian manufacturers are trying to keep up with world leaders. The products of LLC PP Kizlyar, Air (Zlatoust), BASKo, Northern Crown are in constant demand. The products of the original workshops Medved, Pampukhi, and Shirogorova are widely known. Domestic craftsmen most often use stainless or chrome-plated steel to make specialized knives. Its main brands are much cheaper, but in terms of their characteristics they are practically in no way inferior to their foreign analogues.

Northern Crown




How to do it yourself

The butterfly knife has a simple design, which allows you to make this knife yourself at home. To make it you will need some material, tools and a drawing of a bolusong, which can be found on the Internet. Required Tools

  • Bulgarian;
  • grinding and cutting wheels;
  • vice;
  • drill;
  • set of nozzles for metal carving;
  • center punch;
  • hammer;
  • screws;
  • round and flat file;
  • sandpaper.

Bolsong drawings differ only in design. The mechanism for opening the blade is the same for all.

Butterfly knife drawingButterfly knife diagram

Next, you should draw or find and print a sketch of the knife. For the manufacture of a blade, stainless steel with a thickness of 2 to 4 mm is best suited. You can also use an old circular saw blade or an old knife. When making the handle, it is best to use soft metals up to 3 mm.

Manufacturing process

  1. The first step is to transfer the sketch of the drawing onto a metal blank.
  2. After marking, secure and process the workpiece, cutting the metal as close as possible to the marking. During the manufacture of the handle, which consists of 2 parts, you will need to make 4 blanks, 2 for each part. Then process the resulting parts using a file and grinder. The width of one plate should not exceed 14 mm.
  3. After processing, holes should be drilled in the plates. The part of the plate that will be attached to the handle using a hinge should be drilled with drills of various sizes. Then, using hinges, fasten the handle plates. After fastening, you should drill a hole up to 2.5 mm on one part of the plate, and drill two holes on the other part, 3 and 5.5 mm. Two plates form one part of the knife handle. Carry out the same operation with other plates.
  4. After drilling the plates, the handle should be sanded and riveted. There should be holes of approximately 3 mm in places for riveting. After sanding all the parts, you should take 1 part of the handle and assemble it from two halves, screwing them together with screws into 3 mm holes. Perform the same operation with the other part of the knife.
  5. Next, you should make a clamp that will securely fix the knife handles in the open position. We drill a 2.5 - 3 mm hole in one prefabricated handle; the latch will be attached to this hole using a rivet. It is best to use a piece of lead for the retainer. You can shape the future retainer using a flat needle file. Lead is a soft metal that can be easily processed. After giving the desired shape, you should drill a hole in the clamp, similar to the hole in the handle, and secure it with a rivet.
  6. After working with the handle of the future knife, you need to start drilling and sharpening the blade. The work is done using a file and a grinder. Having received the blade of the desired shape, you need to drill 3 holes: 2 - 3 mm each and 1 - up to 5 mm, then grind the metal. The sharp part of the blade should be on the handle with a lock.
  7. The final stage is assembling all the parts. The first step is to make a rivet in the blade of the blade with a central hole of 5 mm; this will be a latch that helps to extend the blade when opening one part of the knife. Then, by pulling the hinges out of the handle, attach 4 parts to the blade, placing 2 parts on one side of the blade, where the hole is 3 mm, and riveting on both sides. Carry out the same operation with the other side. After assembly, check the knife for opening and closing.

There is still no consensus on what a butterfly knife is needed for. Balisongs cannot be called comfortable in everyday life. A review of the butterfly knife showed that it is used as a decorative or collector's item. Criminals use it to exert psychological pressure on the victim during a robbery. Among young people it has established itself as an element of a subculture.

Construction type

Hunting knives are usually divided into two groups - models with a fixed blade and with a folding blade.

Fixed knife

Fixed length blades with a synthetic handle are best suited for big game hunting. These knives are used to remove skins and also perform auxiliary operations, such as trimming branches.


  1. High strength, suitable for high load operations.
  2. Reliability achieved due to the absence of moving elements.
  3. Easy to care for the instrument compared to folding models.


  1. Big sizes.
  2. The need for a special sheath.
  3. Inconvenient to wear.

Photo of a knife with a fixed blade length


Not all operations require large knives. For hunting small game and most auxiliary activities (cutting up game, household work), the possibilities provided by folding models are sufficient.

The standard blade length is from 8 to 12 cm, and the blade thickness is 2.5–4 mm. Some models are equipped with an additional blade.


  1. Compact, unobtrusive when carried.
  2. Safe to wear.
  3. Convenient activation mechanism.
  4. Suitable not only for hunting, but also for everyday use.


  1. In most performance characteristics they are inferior to models with fixed blades.
  2. Labor-intensive cleaning.
  3. The folding mechanism sometimes breaks.

Photo of a folding knife

Knife sizes

It is customary to divide knives into three types when it comes to classifying them by size:

  1. Classic blades. They have a length of 12–13 cm, a blade width of 3–3.5 cm, and a weight of 120–180 g. These knives are convenient for long-term painstaking work. They are suitable for cutting up carcasses and skinning, but if necessary they are used for finishing game.
  2. Big knives. Length from 13 to 17 cm. Designed for chopping blows or carelessly cutting up a carcass. It is not easy to carry out delicate work with such a tool. The weight of such models starts from 180–200 g. Large knives are heavy, but at the same time very durable.
  3. Folding models. The best option for cutting small carcasses and household work.

Drawings of throwing knives

It is important to understand that each knife is designed for a specific use. A butcher, fisherman or hunter will use different tools

Therefore, when choosing a drawing, you should first decide on the ultimate purpose of application.

You also need to pay attention to the size so that the tool is convenient to use. You can borrow some part using one picture you like, or an entire element from a finished drawing

The template will help turn your idea into reality.


Throwing knife "Gadfly", drawings of which are also easy to find, are made of Zlatoust steel. An original find in the design is the use of a cord as a handle.

Drawing of the Gadfly knife.


From the same) there is another throwing knife called “Strike”. Characteristic differences are the increased size and weight, which allow it to be thrown over longer distances.

Knife drawing Strike.


Cobra throwing knives are manufactured in the city of Zlatoust. Drawings of knives of various models are publicly available on the Internet, but today only one is officially produced. The developers chose to produce one, but well-designed and balanced knife. Factory produced items are painted red to make the item easier to find.

Cobra knife drawing.

How to use drawings

You need to print the sketch onto cardboard or thick paper. The scale of the drawing and the knife should be one to one. If another person will make the workpiece, the requirements should be detailed and the dimensions indicated on the drawing. Cut out a stencil and lean it against a sheet of metal, circle it with a center punch or marker. Make the workpiece with a margin of 1-2 mm and then remove the excess with a file or other tool.

Bowie Knife (Bowie).

The design of the knife clearly demonstrates the characteristic bevel to the tip of the blade. Among players, the bowie knife is quite common and has standard fighting qualities.

Drawing of a knife Bowie Knife (Bowie)

Knife skins sale

Manifestation in culture[ | ]

To the cinema

  • In the movie Platoon, the stab knife was carried by Staff Sergeant Robert Barnes, played by Tom Berenger.
  • In the film “Face/Off,” the main villain tried to stab John Travolta’s character with a knife.
  • In the movie The Hero Returns, the main villain used a stab knife in a fight with Arnold Schwarzenegger's hero.
  • In the movie I, Frankenstein, the main character had a butcher knife with a triple cross engraved on it.
  • In the film The Purge 3, the main character, Leo Barnes, carried a stab knife.
  • In the movie Taken 2, Liam Neeson's character fights with a man who soon uses a stabbing knife.
  • In the movie Inferno, the head of a secret organization, Harry Sims, played by Irrfan Khan, used a stab knife on Omar Sy's character, Christophe Bouchard.
  • In the movie John Wick 2, the character Ares used the Cold Steel Safe Maker I model.

In games

  • In the game Kane & Lynch: Dead Men, one of the main characters named Adam "Kane" Marcus carries a stab knife.
  • In the game "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive" as a weapon, replacing a knife.
  • In the game "Call of Duty: Ghosts" in the mission "Federation Day" when killing a person on the balcony, it was used by the main character.
  • In the game "Brawl Stars" it is used as the main weapon by the character "Crow"

On TV screens

In the TV show Deadly Warrior, Episode 18 (Season 2), which compares the KGB and the CIA, a boot knife is introduced as a KGB agent's weapon.

In TV series

In the series “White Night,” Sergei Tumanov uses a homemade stiletto, made from a faceted bayonet.

Knife with hook blade cs go

One of the knife skins (one of the most expensive categories). It has a fixed blade, at the end of which there is a hook bent towards the butt. Initially intended for rescuers and special forces. The blade is located between the fingers clenched into a fist (the blade itself is fixed perpendicularly).

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How to put a knife skin on a pirate

To find a knife in the list, just start typing in the name. The pirated version presents all possible knife options that are in the game.

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Price on Steam, statistics

The most expensive knife with a hook blade: StatTrak Knife with a hook blade |
Bloody Web (quality: new from factory). This knife costs $603 ( 38,000 rubles). On average, the price ranges from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles. The cheapest knife on the trading platform: Knife with hook blade | Northern forest (quality: battle-hardened) Price: $60 (3900r)

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Knife with hook blade cs go drawing

The drawing for making this knife can be freely found on the Internet. Manufacturing is completely safe from the point of view of the law, since this knife is not a bladed weapon.

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Making in real life

Craftsmen make similar knives according to drawings and put them up for sale on online sites. Finding such a knife is not difficult, since it does not fall under the definition of “edged weapon”, since there is no limiter between the butt and the blade. In addition, at some sites there are serial samples painted to resemble their gaming counterparts. Buying such a high-quality and well-sharpened knife is a big problem. Even with self-sharpening, it will quickly become dull, since the steel in such mass production is of rather mediocre quality.

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If desired, this knife can be made from plywood, and then repainted to match the desired skin.

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In hunting stores you can also find real, unpainted, fully “working” knives. After that, all that remains is to paint them and shape them.

And again, good afternoon, dear user and guest of the Playntrade active portal. This time you will be provided with everything about drawings of knives from cs go, for example a hunting knife, butterflies and karambit. And the editor RadioactiveRuS will help with all this information

Advantages and disadvantages

First, understand one thing: the ideal weapon does not exist, just like the ideal knife. There is no such blade that would suit absolutely all tasks. You can only select 1-2 of the most suitable weapons for a particular hunter. Such knives are used to perform specific functions with a small set of basic auxiliary ones.

Any hunting knife has both advantages and disadvantages. The more specific the design of the blade, the less suitable it is for performing a wide range of functions.

Hunting knives have a number of advantages over knives of other formats and, undoubtedly, over kitchen knives:

  • a wide range of models for different tasks and specific requests. No need to adapt. You just need to clearly understand for what purposes you plan to use the knife;
  • blades are durable, designed for specific functions during a hunting trip and are therefore extremely useful;
  • Most often, the knife handle is made in such a way as to protect the fingers and hand from slipping onto the blade.

There are also disadvantages, which are listed below:

  • high-quality and multifunctional blades, made of good steel and with a wide range of characteristics, are quite expensive. However, it is a very good investment. Since with the help of such a tool you can not only perform a wide range of functions, but at a certain moment it can even save a life. Especially, the high cost is noticeable when it is necessary to have several high-quality knives for different purposes;
  • difficulty in choosing without the necessary knowledge and experience;
  • Any item requires high-quality and careful care. Expensive and high-quality items require special care, which can take more time.

Personally selected weapons have virtually no shortcomings. Therefore, you should approach your choice very carefully and carefully, so as not only to spend your money profitably, but also to choose the most useful tool for yourself.

Remember 2 important details:

  • the most expensive knife is not necessarily the best one specifically for you and your tasks;
  • beautiful knives are definitely not the best (with rare exceptions).

Spike knives in CS:GO

Spike knives are truly a distinctive type of bladed weapon among others in all of CS:GO. Such weapons were added back in 2015, placed at that time in a newly created case, which was called “dark”. We can say that this knife is equal in originality to the karambit, or to the butterfly.

This knife has always been distinguished by the method of its grip, because this edged weapon is held like a kind of corkscrew. The handle, in turn, has some kind of T-shaped variation, and the blade itself will be located by the owner between the middle and another finger - the ring finger. For easy circulation of this weapon, when used for self-defense, the length of this blade itself will not exceed more than ten centimeters.

If we forget about this factor, then the butted type of knives can be called one of the most dangerous among other bladed weapons. If you turn the knife towards your opponent's body, then after using a piercing type of blow, you can be absolutely sure that significant physical harm has been caused, and the enemy has been completely neutralized. Despite the danger of this knife, it is used for housekeeping, but not to neutralize one’s opponent.

What are poke knives in CS:GO?

In Counter Strike Global Offensive, the thrust type of knives looks like two small blades. The design was fully adapted for this game, and also included elements of a tactical weapon, a cool look. There are as many as three compartments on the handle, which most likely provide the ability to firmly grip the knife. In the hands, the knives will look roughly the same as the original version, like holding a corkscrew or something similar. You can immediately notice that the blade was well sharpened, so it is definitely intended for piercing and painful blows in the game.

The animation, in general, is very interesting when playing. The knife in the right hand will rotate, and its companion, the left knife, will be held with some grace at the very tip of the player’s fingers. This animation is quite logical for miniature knives. We can definitely say that the animation corresponds to the original and unusual type of bladed weapon. For animation in the game, in any case, thrust knives receive 10 points out of 10 possible scores.

If we completely forget about the type of knives that is unusual for CS:GO, then the thrust weapon has exactly the same characteristics as all the others. By interacting with thrust knives, you can get maximum movement in the game. You can kill an enemy in the back with one hit with the right mouse button. In competitive mode, the player is rewarded for killing with a knife with a whole bag of money - $1,500. In the case of using the left mouse button, that is, inflicting a quick attack, the player will have to hit the enemy several times for a possible kill.

Cost and rarity of butt knives in cs go

The very first case from where they started falling was the dark case. You can get a knife directly from this box, the price is minimal, but butcher knives also have a fairly low cost. It is the thrust knives that are one of the cheapest melee weapons in all of Counter Strike Global Offensive.

If we talk about the highest cost of these knives, then butcher knives will cost 20-30 thousand rubles. This is an incredibly low figure, especially when the same karambit can be found for 70 thousand rubles or more. The rarest and most expensive coloring was: night and quality from the factory, marble gradient stattrak from the factory and wave coloring. What can you say about the Stattrak version of butcher knives? The minimum cost in this case is soot and it will cost 4,500 rubles.

Bottom line

Spike knives are very popular knives throughout CS:GO, at least because of their cost. These are butcher knives that are different from other knives. However, butcher knives are edged weapons for the amateur. They are quite miniature, convenient and have excellent animation, and all this at a low cost; it is unlikely that there will ever be a knife in the game with such an indicator of price and quality. After all, this is the only melee weapon that a player can take in two hands at once. Of course, poke knives will be an excellent companion for playing CS:GO and if the opportunity arises, they will be a wonderful acquisition.

Knife steel

The steel from which the knife is made is the most important thing that distinguishes a real hunting knife from a consumer knife or a decorative souvenir. As a rule, hunting knives are made from steel with a high carbon content, which ensures its hardness, or from alloyed steels with the addition of other metals. Metal hardness is measured in HRC units (Rockwell). The higher the carbon content, the harder the steel and the longer the knife blade will remain sharp; a very high carbon content will make the metal brittle. In practice, it has been determined that the hardness of hunting knife steel should be in the range of 55 - 60 HRC. On knives from some Russian manufacturers, the HRC hardness is applied in the form of a mark directly on the base of the blade.

But most knives do not have such data; sometimes the steel grade is applied. But this means nothing to an ignorant person. And since there are a lot of steel grades, you can find out its characteristics only using a table, which is usually not available in the store. And a copy of the certificate, which you can request, is a document that only reflects that the knife is not a bladed weapon. The certificate information sheet may contain this information, but not always. At best, you may be given instructions for the product, which often indicate the steel grade without its characteristics. But conscientious manufacturers are not afraid to indicate data on the hardness of steel, which means they can be trusted.

So you have to rely on your own knowledge. Therefore, the information we offer will be very useful to you. Moreover, keep in mind that in addition to hardness, very important characteristics of knife steel are its anti-corrosion, wear resistance, hardening ability, strength, toughness, resistance to heat, etc., which are achieved by using certain additives in the steel such as: chromium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, silicon, vanadium. Different countries use different steel classification systems to mark steel. According to the AISI system, the designation 10xx means that the steel is carbon, or 50xx is steel with chrome, etc. According to the SAE system, letter indexing is used, so A-2 tool steel, W-2 with the addition of vanadium. Most often we have several main grades of knife steels.

  • 65X13 - domestic stainless steel has a hardness of 56-58 units. Used by our knife manufacturers. Easily processed. Knives made of this steel are easy to sharpen, but the cutting edge becomes dull quite quickly. The characteristics are similar to the imported 420 and 425mod. The advantage is that it does not rust at all.
  • 95X18 - higher quality steel. Rockwell hardness up to 59 units. Strong enough and flexible enough. Knives made from this steel are difficult to sharpen well, but the blade will remain sharp for a long time. It is considered one of the best steels of domestic knife steels. Imported analogue steel 440V.
  • X12MF - hardness on the Rockwell scale 60 - 62HRC. It has high strength and holds the cutting edge well. In an aggressive environment, dark spots may appear on the blade, so a knife made of this steel requires care. Imported analogues: German X155CrMo12.1, Swedish SKD-11 and American D2.
  • 110Х18МШД - Russian steel, stainless steel of high strength and wear resistance. Rockwell hardness 58 - 61HRC. Excellent combination of cutting and strength properties. Has excellent corrosion resistance. Imported analogues: German X105CrMo17/1.4125, American 440C Crusible Metals, Japanese SUS440C
  • 9ХС - Russian tool alloy steel. Rockwell hardness: 60 - 63HRС Used for the manufacture of drills, reamers, taps, dies and other metal-cutting tools. For some time now it has been used for manual forging of blades. It has excellent cutting qualities and holds an edge perfectly. Well-known imported analogues are German 150Cr14, 90CrSi and 90CrSi5.
  • XB5 is a chrome-tungsten alloy tool steel, practically the hardest tool steel. It has a Rockwell hardness of 63 - 67HRc. In everyday life it is called “diamond steel”. Typically used for the manufacture of tools for processing materials of increased hardness. With proper heat treatment, the hardness of a knife made of this steel can reach 69-70 HRc.

Fishing knife

Why do you need a special fishing knife, because all these operations can be performed with any knife, you say? When fishing, problems often occur that are very difficult or even impossible to solve with a regular knife. For example, pulling a hook, spoon or wobbler out of the mouth of a predatory fish without getting hurt, or cleaning fish from scales...

Read more >

Hunting knives made of Damascus steel are quite common. Of course, this is not the old Damascus, invented in the Middle Ages in India, and still has no analogues, because the secret of producing this steel was lost. Blades made of this steel are particularly hard and flexible. Ancient Persian warriors could wear a Damascus steel blade around their waist without fear of breaking it. And, despite its thinness, a Damascus steel blade could easily cut through an enemy’s saber.

Of course, now knives made from real Damascus are museum rarities or the most valuable property of Arab sheikhs and very wealthy collectors of ancient edged weapons. But, nevertheless, Damascus steel has received a second life in a new modern version. A new technology for manufacturing such steel has been developed. Such products are produced by repeated forging in several layers of metal and subsequent hardening. The result is a blade with a metal surface entwined with curls, like an ancient Damascus, and having a hardness of about 60 HRC. By tradition, this steel is also called Damascus. In Russia there are several knife manufacturers using this technology. Dagestan artisans from the city of Kizlyar were especially successful in this. The knives made there are called “Kizlyar”.

Such knives are very popular among a certain category of hunters and have a hardness of up to 60 HRC from different manufacturers. In terms of cutting properties, knives made from Damascus steel are significantly superior to those made from steel of other brands. Their only drawback is that they rust and require constant care. A Damascus knife should not be left wet; if dark spots appear, they must be removed by polishing and it is better to keep them covered with a neutral lubricant, and then it can serve for a very long time.

Knives made of so-called damask steel have properties similar to Damascus steel. Moreover, a patterned pattern is also visible on the surface of damask steel products. Many people think that these are the same thing. However, historians believe that damask steel and damascus are two different metals. Damascus is multi-layer steel, and damask steel acquires a pattern due to the properties of the metal itself. But history hid both from us; both recipes were lost by humanity. Well, be that as it may, it is known for certain that the recipe for Russian damask steel was created in the 30s of the nineteenth century by the Russian metallurgical engineer Pavel Petrovich Anosov at the Zlatoust plant. The blades made of steel, called “Anosovskaya”, were very good - hard and not inferior in strength to overseas ones.

In 1851, blades made from Anosov damask steel were presented for the first time at the London Exhibition. The British decided to test the strength of Russian damask steel blades. They hacked at the English blade with the Russians, after which a large notch formed on the English blade, and an almost invisible spot on the Anosov blade. The British bent a blade made of Anosov damask steel into an arc, and after that it straightened on its own and remained absolutely straight. Several dozen blades and many knives with Kara-Taban and Khorosan patterns were made from this damask steel. But it so happened that they all scattered around the world. Now there is only one saber in the Hermitage with a kara-taban pattern, donated by Pavel Anosov to Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich. Unfortunately, the Anosov steel recipe also disappeared. And the damask steel knives currently made by Zlatoust craftsmen are products made from metal cast using modern technologies. They also have high hardness, but no one can yet achieve flexibility similar to those old models. But, nevertheless, knives made from Zlatoust damask steel are popular not only in our country, but also in many countries around the world.

Modern models

In recent years, the demand for butcher knives has been growing, which has forced modern companies to set up production. Among the most popular modern models it is worth noting:

1. Taganka produced by “Russian Darts” is the first manufacturer producing butting knives in the CIS countries. The company produces push-daggers with different types of handles, so everyone can choose the optimal model.

Taganka butting knife produced by Russian Darts.

2. Paul Chen Citizen. The model is made in China, but it is very different from the classic models. It folds and can be locked in different positions, allowing the tool to be used as a regular folding knife or push-dagger.

Butcher knife Paul Chen Citizen

3. Viking Nordway. The K323 butcher knife has a stylish design and wide functionality.

Viking Nordway K323 butcher knife.

4. Cold Steel Safe Maker I. The American model has an aggressive design. Has a distinctive dagger blade that improves insight.

Cold Steel Safe Maker I butcher knife.

5. Cold Steel Safe Keeper III. The model is from the same American manufacturer, but in addition to self-defense, it can be used to break glass in a car during an accident.

Cold Steel Safe Keeper III butcher knife.

Popular manufacturers

Hunting, tourism, fishing are popular types of recreation that cannot be imagined without a high-quality knife. It is for this reason that there are many well-known brands that produce suitable products:

  1. Chrysostom The assortment of the domestic company is represented by 16 grades of steel, including Damascus. The handles are made from walnut, birch, beech, and aluminum. Author's models are decorated with valuable stones and unusual materials. The best models are Bekas, Caucasus, Artybash.
  2. Kizlyar. The brand's products are certified in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Author's blades, which are distinguished by their durability, reliability and original appearance, are extremely popular. The range includes a variety of knives with ergonomic handles and double-sided sharpening. The best lines are KO-1, KO-2, Stalker, Cerberus.
  3. Cold Steel. The American company produces steel blades with a hardness of 57–62 HCR. The best line is Tanto, consisting of 16 knives with a long blade, sharpening angle of 25, 28, 31 degrees.
  4. Benchmade. An American company, from its assortment you can choose a knife to suit every taste - frontal, with a peg, semi-automatic, in the shape of a butterfly. The blade is made from carbon steel with a hardness of 58, 61, 64 HCR. The best models are Griptiltan, Adamas, Freek, Barrage.
  5. Spyderco. A Japanese brand that produces the most elegant hunting blades with a hardness of 62–64 HCR. The manufacturer is famous for its folding designs, which quickly unfold thanks to the round hole on the blade. The best models are Spyderco Bill Moran, Police, RONIN 2.
  6. Mora of Sweden. The Swedish manufacturer produces original hunting knives designed in Scandinavian style. Models have small blades - up to 10 cm, different cutting edge heights. The best options are Mora 2000 NeverLost Edition, Mora Knife Clipper 860MG.
  7. Hello. A Norwegian company, most of the knives produced are made by hand. The blades are made of special black steel with high performance characteristics. Hunting models most often have a fixed blade. The handle is made from hard wood, Karelian birch. The best models are BraKar H-90, Fiskekniv H-62.

Hunting knives are indispensable devices in the wild. If necessary, a sharp blade will help you deal with an animal, gut a fish, or sharpen tent stakes. Thanks to the wide variety of manufacturing materials, design features, and types of blades, you can choose the ideal model in accordance with its purpose.



Cold Steel

Helle Mora of Sweden

Zlatoust Kizlyar

Drawing technique

Karambits can be different. There are several modifications of classic Malay knives. How to draw a karambit that will look organic? The curved shape and hole on the handle are its main difference. The basis of the image is a set of simple figures.

  1. The first step is to orient the silhouette on a sheet of paper - we draw the contours of the future knife strictly in the center.
  2. Next, we improve the handle, carefully drawing out the details - a round hole for the finger, convexities and unevenness of the handle, the heads of the fixing bolts. Using a soft pencil, add volume to the drawing using shadows.
  3. The next stage is the blade. To give the blade a sharp effect, use a hard pencil for drawing.

The initial sketch of the image is ready.

Rules of care

Knife care is required, regardless of its design and steel grade. There are a few simple rules that must be followed to keep edged weapons in good condition:

  1. Wash the blade after each use.
  2. Lubricate the blade with gun oil. This will help prevent rust from occurring.
  3. Treat the wooden handle with oil, otherwise the wood will dry out.
  4. Store and carry in a sheath or case.
  5. Do not perform operations unusual for it with the blade - chopping wood, making holes, etc.

Origin story

Easily recognizable due to its peculiar curved shape. It has a hole on the handle for the index finger, and a sickle-shaped blade measuring from 3 to 10 centimeters is sharpened on the inside

In order to use a knife in combat, it is important to have special equipment. Hold it with a reverse grip, pointing the blade away from you

There are three main versions of the origin of karambit, each of them is interesting. If you believe the first version of origin, then this knife came from a sickle for harvesting crops - indeed, there is a similarity in the shape and processing of the blade. The next version says that for greater expression in cockfighting popular on the island, small curved blades were tied to the birds’ paws. This hypothesis is supported by the translation of the phrase Karambit Lawi Ayam - “spur of the rooster”. The third option claims that from the very beginning it was a military weapon, and the Indian brass knuckles served as a model for it. Without discussing the excellent qualities of these knives in close combat, it is worth noting that they are valued for their graceful lines and external beauty. How to draw a karambit in order to capture its image on paper, we will consider below.

Drawings of knives from CS GO

Among the most popular drawings and templates of cs go knives, we can recall the following:

Bayonet (Bayonet)

A very common melee weapon that every gamer receives in any location. Such a weapon can be used in conjunction with a firearm, attaching a bayonet to an automatic (or semi-automatic) rifle, or used separately, like a knife. There are many skins, various pictures and templates for the bayonet mount. The design of a cs go knife bayonet allows you to make it from durable paper or cardboard, plywood, tin, or make wooden knives.

Bayonet M9 (Bayonet M9)

Another bayonet is the Bayonet M9, which can also be attached to firearms. This representative of a melee weapon costs one and a half times more than its regular counterpart, and you can also find a lot of skins, templates and designs online. The diagram of the M9 knife from cs go will give you the opportunity to make such a knife with your own hands, or order it from professionals.

Hunter Knife

The hunter's knife has a predatory appearance and was one of the first to appear in the gameplay. If you want to make a hunting knife from cs go, you can copy the drawing either on our website or find it on another resource on the Internet. In gameplay, these knives can be found in a special case for hunters, and the cost of these melee weapons is one of the lowest. A drawing of a hunting knife from cs go is presented below.

Butterfly Knife

Butterfly knives can be called one of the most popular due to their decorative nature and the number of skins that are created for them. A drawing of a butterfly from cs go makes it possible to create an exact copy of the knife that is used in the gameplay.

In the game, this type of bladed weapon appeared during Operation Breakthrough, and after that, drawings of a butterfly knife began to be in great demand among gamers who are fans of the game Counter Strike. If you also like the butterfly knife, you can download the drawing on our website.

Flip Knife

Folding knives in the game are more decorative due to the fact that the developers attached a long blade to these bladed weapons. In gaming, the folding knife, or flipper as gamers call it, has been used for more than five years. Therefore, the drawing of a flip knife from cs go is in demand both among fans of the game CS GO and among those who make souvenir weapons.

You can see a detailed drawing of a folding knife from CS GO in front of you and you can download it to make a template using which you can make an exact copy of a knife from CS GO.

Falchion Knife

This cold weapon appeared in the gameplay during the operation “Operation Bloodhound”. To find a falchion in the game, you will need to find a weapon case with the same name, or you will need to go to the trading platform, where you will be charged 2.6 thousand rubles for such a melee weapon.

Knife with hook blade (Gut Knife)

This knife can be called one of the most predatory and dangerous due to the hook on the blade. Gamers themselves call this cold weapon the Ripper or the Butcher's knife. If you like the cs go hook knife, you can find and copy the drawing of this short-range weapon on our website. After this, you can make your own knife with a hook blade from cs go, a drawing of which is provided.

Shadow Daggers

This type of melee weapon is the only one in the game where you can use two knives. The wide blades, short in length (ten centimeters each), make it possible to simultaneously deliver two piercing blows, which allows you to inflict the greatest damage on the enemy.

Butt knives are held in the hands like brass knuckles, and the wide blade protrudes between the middle and ring fingers. If you liked the butt knives in cs go, you will find the drawing on our website and you can copy it.


This short-range weapon has the most predatory appearance due to its curved blade, the tip of which is very sharp. Good sharpening of the blade allows you to strike, and the ability to use a normal and reverse grip makes edged weapons very dangerous in battle.

There are a large number of weapon skins for such a knife, which can make the karambit very attractive. If you like the karambit knife, the drawing of this weapon is at your service.

We wrote about all the knives that are available in the game Counter Strike and gave short descriptions for these types of bladed weapons. If you like knives from cs go, then you can copy the drawings from us and then make templates and stencils for knives. This will allow you to get exact copies of the weapons that you liked in the gameplay.

Previous CS GO WeaponsToy knives from CS GO Next CS GO Weapons Pictures of all knives from CS GO

Butterfly Knife.

These knives (they can still be easily googled online using the tag cuts) also have an unusual animation and are considered a rarity among players. However, this rarity is not due to the low popularity of the butterfly, but, on the contrary, to its rarity and high price in relation to other knives. Butterfly knife... Its design is beautiful, isn’t it? By the way, the English language gives another very poetic name for this weapon - balisong. A deadly thing with a very beautiful name!

Drawings of knives cs go


The drawing of a karambit knife from cs go looks like this:

Drawing of a karambit knife from cs go

It consists of several parts that you will have to work hard to make it look similar to the original; then all that remains is to carefully glue/connect all the fragments. Karambit can be painted in any color you like, or if you are a good artist, you can try and make a copy of one of the coloring pages in the game. The knife itself is one of the most popular in cs go. It looks like a curved blade. You need to hold it in your hands with a reverse grip, with your finger inserted into the hole on the handle. Its blade is sickle-shaped and usually ranges from 3 to 10 centimeters.

Butterfly knife

The butterfly knife is one of the most unique and unusual weapons, which has the second name bolsong.

Drawing of a butterfly knife from cs go

The “butterfly” can be brought into combat mode with lightning-fast swings of the hand. Interesting fact: this knife is banned in many countries. There are a bunch of types and types: with a curved blade, (like a karambit) straight, short. Metal and wood are used as materials for the handle. The butterfly knife from cs go drawing is one of the most difficult to implement.

Bayonet knife

This knife is an “old man”, both in CS:GO and in real life. The first prototypes of the knife were already during the Second World War, since then the design has not changed much. It still remains an effective melee weapon. Used in the ranks of the modern army.

Drawing of a bayonet knife from cs go

The bayonet-knife from cs go drawing, compared to others, is more detailed, has small parts on the handle - its manufacture will take a lot of time. In the game, it appeared at the beta test stage of the game, where it was a standard knife for counter-terrorists.

How to choose

Choosing a suitable hunting knife is a responsible matter, since the cost of quality products is quite high. There is no need to rush, it is better to consider in detail all the important criteria:

  1. Dimensions. The traditional length of the blade is 10–13 cm, width - up to 3.5 cm. The optimal weight varies from 120 to 300 g, depending on the purpose of the model.
  2. Configuration and parameters. Based on the intended tasks, a general-purpose model (Drop-point, Clip-point, Bowie) or a cutting knife (Skinner) is selected.
  3. Material of manufacture. A high-quality blade consists of carbon or alloy steel with a hardness of up to 60 HCR. The best materials for the handle are wood and synthetic fibers.
  4. Sharpening angle. For hunting needs, you should choose models with classic parameters of 30–40 degrees. Some users prefer 25–300, it all depends on individual preference. The 45 degree blade is suitable for rough work.

If you need to choose a fishing knife, you should give preference to stainless steel, which successfully withstands contact with water. The optimal length is 14–21 cm. The handle should not be slippery; options made of thermoplastic, rubber, and lavsan are optimal.

It is important to choose a knife from quality materials

Choose the right sharpening angle To perform various tasks, prefer a general-purpose model The knife handle should be ergonomic and non-slippery The optimal weight of the product is from 120 to 300 g


The main purpose of a butcher knife is a means of self-defense [ source not specified 527 days

]. In this case, striking techniques can be used, as in a fist fight using brass knuckles. The blade of a stabbing knife most often has a double-edged sharpening and a short length; a stabbing blow inflicted by it with subsequent rotation inside the wound can cause heavy bleeding and painful shock due to extensive tissue rupture. The advantages of the thrust knife design include its simplicity, reliability and the practical impossibility of knocking the knife out of the hand - it is clamped between the fingers and can be held even in an open palm. The disadvantages are that when hitting a hard surface (for example, hitting a bone) with sufficiently great force, the blade rotates along the fingers.

Hunting knife steel

The material used to make the blade is critical to the performance of the knife. The stopping power, quality of sharpening and service life of the product depend on the characteristics of the steel. The best models have high strength and anti-corrosion properties. A good knife should easily cut through hides or carcasses while maintaining the original sharpness level for as long as possible.

The properties of steel depend on its grade (chemical composition) and the method of producing the product. Currently, carbon (iron + carbon) and alloy steel grades (with the addition of chemical elements to improve the characteristics of the metal) are used for the production of blades. The table below presents the main steel grades that are used in the production of hunting knives, as well as the inherent characteristics of products made from these metals.

NameRockwell hardness (in HRC)Blade surfacePerformance characteristics
ХВ5 (diamond steel)63–67grainy surfaceexcellent cutting and anti-corrosion properties
Bulat64–66gray background with minor grainy inclusionsincreased hardness, elasticity, the need for careful care (in the absence of alloying elements in damask steel)
Damascus steel56–63diverse multi-layered pattern, alternating light and dark surfaceshardness, elasticity, need for special care
Х12МФ (stamped steel with the addition of alloying elements)62–65plain surface with reflectionhigh anti-corrosion qualities, unsuitable for impact and chopping applications
Tool steelР12, Р12М - tungsten and tungsten-molybdenum grades65–68plain gray surfacethe best choice when high cutting performance, wear and rust resistance are required; poor elasticity and insufficient resistance to mechanical damage
HVG61–70gray tonality with small granular inclusions
Forged stainless steel 95x1858–63mirror surface

Table of steels (grade, chemical composition and hardness)

Paper karambit: gluing method

A very important point is gluing all the elements of the knife. The shape and then how the subsequent coating will lie on the base depends on this method. Therefore, let's figure out how to properly perform the gluing step.

  1. Once you have cut out several templates, apply PVA glue to each layer and attach to each other;
  2. Saturate with super glue (also called cyanoacrylate), that is, drop a few drops of glue on the ends and wide parts, and then spread the entire consistency over the craft with a small piece of paper. The glue should cover everything without leaving any gaps.

    Glue the blade first, and then the handle. And only after that attach both components to each other.

  3. When the entire product is thoroughly dry after the glue, coat it with automotive primer. And only after that you can paint with aerosol paints.


For the handle it is better to choose matte paint.

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