The ballad of the Winchester: a weapon for the Terminator and more...

A robot man with a glowing red eye chasing a young girl - according to director David Cameron, he saw the basis for the plot of the science-fiction action film in a dream. The villain is an invulnerable robot based on a “cybernetic organism.”

On October 26, 1984, The Terminator was released, an action film directed and written by David Cameron. The plot centers on a humanoid robot from the near future, who was given the task of destroying Sarah Connor, the mother of the future leader of the Resistance, John. The role of the Terminator was played by the rising Hollywood star Arnold Schwarzenegger.

(Official logo of the Terminator franchise. Credit: Paramount Pictures)


  • Movie: Terminator
  • Creator: James Cameron
  • Feature films: Terminator (1984) Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) Television series: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, season 1 (2008) Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, season 2 (2009) Feature films: Terminator: Salvation (2009) Terminator: Genisys (2015) Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)

The film collected more than $70 million at the American and global box office and was liked by the audience so much that in 1991 D. Cameron released a sequel: “Terminator 2 - Judgment Day.” From a two-part action film, “The Terminator” has turned into a multimedia franchise: a series has been filmed with the participation of cyborgs, comics and cartoons have been published.

(Logo of the SkyNet combat information and control system. Author: Vasilisilio)

According to the creators, the artificial intelligence Skynet (SkyNet “Heavenly Network”) constantly improved its combat units, releasing new, more invulnerable models.


Another big star of Judgment Day. It was the M-79 that brought the heroes victory over the T-1000. It’s worth saying that in reality, the ammunition he uses has a fuse that activates the fuse only after the grenade has flown a certain distance. This is done for safety reasons: so that the fragments do not hit the shooter himself. On more modern grenades this distance is at least 14 meters; on early examples it was about three meters. In one of the scenes, the T-800 managed to blow up a door that was literally a couple of steps away from it.

T-600, "Terminator", 1984

The first humanoid robot with a metal frame covered with artificial skin. Thanks to this “camouflage”, it is possible to distinguish a car from a person at a great distance.

(First model was the T-600 Terminator, then modified to the T-800. Image credit: Dick Thomas Johnson)

The T-600 cyborg is single-task: in addition to the main goal, it is not capable of processing additional tasks. Deprived of emotions, flexibility in overcoming obstacles.


  • Height: - 2.2 m.
  • Armament: six-barrel Gatling gun, hand grenade launcher with a backpack supply of grenades.
  • Vulnerable spot: neurocenter in the occipital region.

It was first mentioned in the first part of “Terminator” by Kyle Reeves, who played D. Connor’s father.


The first terminators capable of imitating human speech and partly facial expressions. The artificial neural network and Telepathic Communication Implant Cores allowed them to act not only under the direct control of Skynet or autonomously, but also to communicate with each other at a distance, if necessary, joining forces in the “hive” mode.

They could see both in the visible part of the spectrum and in the infrared; the optical sensors were protected by shockproof lenses. The chest could change volume to simulate breathing. The energy source was a small reactor plant with two fuel elements running on iridium isotopes, which was located in the chest.

The use of new technologies has made it possible to reduce all the necessary parts, both external and internal, so that there is room for redundancy (for example, hydraulic systems) and additional protection. The T-800 became 20% lighter and 40% stronger, and also significantly more maneuverable than the T-600. As standard, terminators of this model were equipped with plasma rifles, but they could also use human weapons: the database contained all the necessary information.

Since artificial leather was expensive and took a long time to build up, the T-800 was released without it for hunting partisans. This, of course, reduced the camouflage effect to zero, but it also had its advantages: the terminator could reach a speed comparable to that of a car. No skin could stand it.

T-800, "Terminator", 1984

A more advanced model of the Terminator. Unlike the T-600, it has a more durable metal skeleton, invulnerable to conventional small arms. To maximize resemblance to humans, living tissue was implanted into the frame.

(Arnold Schwarzenegger as T-800)

The T-800 is multitasking and can change your voice. When performing the main task, he is able to choose the best solution to the problem. The power plant is a nuclear mini-reactor in the chest area. Very tenacious, continues to perform a task with missing limbs. Due to the peculiarities of tissue implantation, it causes a negative reaction in dogs.


  • Height: 1.9 m;
  • Intelligence: more advanced, self-learning intelligence;
  • Structure: reinforced exoskeleton;
  • Battery life: 120 years.

The T-800 is known throughout the world thanks to the acting work of Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose phrases from parts 1 and 2 are analyzed into quotes. At the end of Terminator 2: Judgment Day, the machine sacrificed itself to save humanity.

The ballad of the Winchester: a weapon for the Terminator and more...

Here it is: the M1887 Winchester - one of the iconic examples of American small arms in the hands of the Terminator...

At first glance and in appearance, it seems like an easy thing - This luxurious plain is slowly crossed on horseback.
But we, unfortunately, know how hawks break from their chains, how it can be cramped to death even in the most endless steppe. (“The Man from Capuchin Boulevard”, Julius Kim) Weapons and companies.
This is the third part of our ballad, and in it we will talk about what happened after the famous “Winchester” of 1873 was created. What happened was that in 1878, John Moses Browning, who by that time already owned a family arms company, received a patent for his single-shot rifle with a vertical bolt operated by a lever, which turned out to be very good. After that, the Winchester Repeating Arms Company drew attention to it (and its creator), and that’s where it all began. Winchester bought the rights to it for $8,000 and began producing it as the Model 1885, and Browning began to work closely with this company already in 1883. And although fewer than 200,000 of these rifles were produced, they were in production from 1885 to 1920.

The large-caliber double-barreled shotgun was a very popular weapon in the Wild West. Still from the movie “Stagecoach” (1986)

But it was not with this rifle that he glorified himself and the company for which he worked, but primarily with the Winchester lever-type shotgun Model 1887. It is with this gun that “cute” Arnold acts in his hands in the second episode of “Terminator” and the fact that he was armed with this particular gun is not at all surprising.

Marksmanship weapons

The Browning M1885 rifle had an original reloading bracket combined with a pistol grip!

The fact is that all the “Winchesters” before him were, in fact, cavalry carbines and were only copies of the Henry rifle. Apparently, such dependence to a certain extent burdened the owners of the company, and they decided to release something completely new and in no way connected with it. And most importantly, it had to be a large-caliber shotgun - at that time a popular weapon among hunters, travelers, police officers and sheriffs.

And this is how it leaned down to reload!

And the M1887 became just such a weapon, and the truly first successful large-caliber repeating shotgun, produced for such a long time. At the same time, at first John Browning intended to equip the new shotgun with a pump-action reloading mechanism, which, in his opinion, was more suitable for such a multi-shot gun, but the vice-president of the company, T. Bennett, stated that Winchester was known as a “lever-action weapon company” and therefore the new gun must also be “lever-action” so that it is easily recognizable. They say that a recognizable brand will have better sales, and he was partly right. Only later, after the introduction of smokeless powder, did Winchester accept the Browning Model 1893 pump-action shotgun (an early version of the Model 1897) and begin producing it.

With the first shot - on the spot!

Model 1887

Well, the M1887 shotgun, reloaded with a Henry bracket, as before, fired 12-gauge black powder cartridges. Moreover, Browning came up with a completely unique design that did not exist before. True, Browning himself did not really believe in the prospects of a shotgun with a Henry bracket, but an order is an order, and it turned out that this was exactly the option that people were waiting for at that time. Hunters, postal workers, and police began to buy guns, but, however, still not in such quantities as rifled models. Moreover, as Browning assumed, as soon as guns with reloading using a moving fore-end appeared, sales of the 1887 model plummeted.

M1887. The shutter is closed. Trigger pulled

The M1901 shotgun lasted a little longer, most likely due to its unusual caliber - 10 gauge. But only 14.5 thousand of these guns were produced from 1901 to 1920. And the M1887 was produced from 1887 to 1901 and a total of 65,000 copies were produced in the “plain” ($30) and “fancy” ($48) versions.

It is interesting that in appearance the M1887 is similar only in its lever, but in general this gun is unusual both in its appearance and in its design. Moreover, it is the design of this gun that evokes admiration for both its functionality and simplicity.

And this is how Arnold shot from it...

The travel of the reloading lever was, of course, very large, but the locking mechanism was quite light and durable. Everything is according to Newton: you win in strength, you lose in distance!

Let's start with the fact that for a gun chambered for 12-gauge cartridges, it has a very short bolt box, and there is no window for loading the magazine, as well as for ejecting spent cartridges. There are no large moving parts in the design, and the bolt itself is small and does not move back and forth, as in a classic “hard drive,” but in an arc. And when it opens in this way, the cartridge case is removed from the chamber, and it is not thrown back, not into the shooter’s face, but... up, and at the same time it is twisted...

Semi-pistol grip M1887 and its stock

The shape of the gun stock, in general, is traditional for American rifles with a Henry brace, but, on the other hand, it is unusual in that it creates a “humpbacked silhouette” on the gun. When working with a gun, this shape turned out to be convenient and ergonomic, although due to the high barrel line, the M1887 gives increased barrel toss when fired.

The weapon is unusual in many ways...

It is also charged in an unusual way, namely through the shutter. To do this, lower the bracket down, open the bolt and... insert ammunition into the opened hole of the magazine. That is, it is charged directly through the top of the receiver. In this case, you can insert one cartridge into the chamber, and the remaining five into the tubular magazine.

Operation diagram of the M1887 shotgun

The designer also provided protection against accidental shots: a small protrusion was made on the trigger, so that until the bolt was closed, it would not be possible to press the hook all the way.

An interesting design feature was the following: a cartridge from the magazine could not fall into the feed tray until the shooter pulled the trigger. It turns out that by closing the bolt and pulling the bracket, it was impossible to send the cartridge into the chamber. It was also necessary to pull the trigger. That is, an idle descent is required. Moreover, again, it is important to remember that the mechanism requires clear and sharp practice of all the movements necessary for reloading. And the lever must be pulled all the way!

M1887. The shutter is open (two extractor teeth and the feed lever are clearly visible at once). But the reloading lever is not pulled down all the way...

By the way, the trigger on it was traditionally open, and it could be carefully released and then put at half-cock. Thus, the gun can be carried quite safely with a cartridge in the chamber, and before firing you can only “pull” the trigger. The trigger itself (both when cocked and in the deflated position) practically does not protrude from the bolt box, which, together with its original shape, does not allow it to catch on anything, and at the same time cock and release it safely, holding it with just one finger.

And here the lever is retracted to the end, you can see the magazine pusher, which presses on the feeder tray

As noted above, the active production period of the M1887 was relatively short. The advent of pump-action shotguns immediately turned shotguns with a Henry bracket into “second-class” weapons. But be that as it may, it was this “Winchester” that also left its mark on history. Well, in our country he became famous after the screening of the movie “Terminator 2”, in which he became almost the constant companion of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Well, it is clear that companies were immediately found that began producing it years after its production was discontinued.

M1887 Italian. Price: $1,539.00 (Photo from company website)

Currently, reproductions of the 1901 are produced by the Australian company ADI ltd and the Chinese NORINCO (12 gauge). The Italian company, specializing in the production of copies of antique weapons, was also concerned with its production. The company produces weapons of the highest quality and at the same time... considerable cost. In addition, you can shoot from it, that is, you can feel like a sheriff of the Wild West, and even Arnold himself. By the way, the famous Bonnie and Clyde also used this gun.

But this gun is just from Terminator 2. Also Chiappa and price: $1,449.00 (Photo from the company’s website)

Well, the creative collaboration of John Browning did not end there. He then made the Model 1897 pump-action shotgun and modifications of the traditional Winchester M1886, M1892, M1894, and M1895, as well as a semi-automatic rifle for the Model 8. Many of them are still in production in one form or another even today. But we’ll tell you about all these “hard drives” next time...

PS Photos provided by Alain Daubresse, owner of the Littlegun website

To be continued…

T-1000, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, 1991

In 2029, Skynet released a cyborg constructed using a mimicking polyalloy. The basis is a liquid metal alloy with the addition of nanorobots.

(Robert Patrick as T-1000, the image of a policeman)

The robot is capable of taking on the appearance of any person, down to clothing, which requires contact with the person being copied. Transformation takes a short time due to overvoltage of the power system. The limbs can be modified at the request of the robot (turn into points, hooks, blades). Firearms do no harm. Components destroyed by physical impact are capable of combining into a single organism at a distance of up to 12 km.


  • Height : 170-185 cm;
  • Movement: High speed of movement - up to 40 km/h;
  • Abilities: mimic, change voice;
  • Resistance: to impacts, any gunshots, flames;
  • Recovery ability: short-term disorientation (ballistic shock) upon physical impact, rapid ability to recover


  • concentrated acid;
  • hits from large-caliber bullets;
  • extremely high or low temperature.

Actors who played T-1000: Robert Patrick, Lee Benhon. Films: “Terminator 2: Judgment Day”, “Terminator Genisys”.

Performance characteristics of the BMPT Terminator

— Layout diagram: classic — Crew, people: 5 — Developer: UVZ — Years of production: since 2001

Weight of BMPT Terminator

— 48 tons

Dimensions of BMPT Terminator

— Hull length, mm: 6960 — Length with gun forward, mm: 7200 — Hull width, mm: 3370, 3800 — Height, mm: 1940, 3440 — Ground clearance, mm: 406

Armor BMPT Terminator

— Type of armor: rolled and cast steel and multi-layer combined, projectile-resistant, with dynamic protection.

Armament BMPT Terminator

— Gun caliber and brand: 2 × 30-mm 2A42 — Gun type: rifled small-caliber automatic gun — Gun ammunition: 900 rounds — VN angles, degrees: −5…45 — GN angles, degrees: 360 — Firing range, km : manpower - up to 4000 m; lightly armored vehicles - up to 1500 m; air targets - up to 2000 m with subsonic speeds and slant range up to 2500 m - Sights: main gunner's sight - combined with optical and thermal imaging channels, laser-beam control channel - missile and laser rangefinder commander's sight - panoramic with thermal imaging channel and laser rangefinder sights grenade launcher operators - combined day/night "Agat-MP" navigation system GLONASS - Machine guns: 1 × 7.62 PKTM - 2000 rounds - Other weapons: PU KUV "Ataka-T" - 4 UR 9M120-1 (9M120-1F, 9M120 -1F-1) 2 × AG-17D - 600 rounds

Engine BMPT Terminator

— Engine type: V-92S2 — Engine power, l. s.: 1000

Speed ​​BMPT Terminator

— Speed ​​on the highway, km/h: 65 — Cruising range on the highway, km: 550

— Specific power, l. s./t: 20.45 — Suspension type: individual torsion bar — Climbability, deg.: 30 — Crossable wall, m: 0.85 — Crossable ditch, m: 2.7±0.1 — Crossable ford, m: 5, 1.8, 1.2

T-X (Terminator X), “Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines”, 2003

A more advanced version of the T-800 was called TX. Unlike the “Iron Arnie” cyborg, instead of living flesh, liquid metal is integrated into the metal frame, like the “thousandth” model. Can change appearance, deprived of the ability to take any form. Well armed, he was the main villain in the third part of “Terminator”.

(Kristanna Loken as TX)


  • Type: gynoid;
  • Height: 190 cm;
  • Weapons: built-in flamethrower, plasma emitters, bladed weapons;
  • Invulnerability: to ballistic impacts from large-caliber bullets.

“Terminatrix” in “Rise of the Machines” was played by American actress Kristanna Loken. The main difference from the predecessor T-1000, which could only use external weapons, the TX is able to independently take the shape of any weapon with its hands, is more mobile, flexible and has less time for ballistic shock and a quick recovery cycle after any physical impact.

T-500T (Tank)

Essentially, this is a T-500, which has fast-firing plasma rifles with its own power sources, enhanced cooling system and coprocessors. The destruction of coprocessors was not particularly critical for shooting - in these cases, control was simply taken over by the main “brain”. The overall efficiency, of course, decreased, but not much. In addition, sensors, armor, electronics, optics and power supply have been improved.

The changes, however, were more quantitative than qualitative. The main design flaws of the T-500T were the location and poor protection of the cables (damage to them could not only disable the gun, but also cause a plasma explosion), as well as insufficient protection of the compartment with fuel cells.

T-1, “Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines”, “Terminator: May the Savior Come” 2003, 2009

The T-1 combat autonomous platform was installed on a tracked chassis. The rather fragile frame was covered with sheet armor of gray or white color. The robot in the films performed a security function.

(Battlefield T-1 robot at the Terminator exhibition. Author: Dick Thomas Johnson)

T-1 has a simplified intelligence programmed to recognize "friend or foe". Easily reprogrammed by more advanced machines.


  • Type : combat platform on a tracked chassis;
  • Armament: six-barrel machine gun Minigun caliber 7.62 mm - 2 pcs.

It is the TX robot that launches T-1 to destroy people at the very beginning of the uprising of the machines. T-1 is also found in the 4th part of the film saga at a later time after nuclear strikes during a long war. Judging by the moments in the films, the protection of this type of vehicle is insufficient; the armored frame has an insufficiently impact-resistant design.


During the helicopter chase, the T-1000 uses an MP5K submachine gun. In reality it was a Heckler & Koch SP89 that had a foregrip added and converted to allow full automatic fire.


By the way, when the T-1000 sits in a helicopter, it has four arms. He controls one pair, shoots and reloads the other. Surprisingly, I have seen this moment several times in lists of bloopers from the film. Apparently the idea that the T-1000 could well grow an extra pair of arms for convenience never occurred to their compilers.

T-888, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, 2008

Sarcastic and humorous T-800 - this is how you can call the improved “three eight” model. The cyborg had self-healing components and mechanisms; its endoskeleton was made of coltan, a metal stronger than titanium.

(Cromartie character in T-888 model)

Artificial intelligence is capable of solving problems in extraordinary ways: for example, 888, in order to eliminate a criminal in prison, deliberately commits a crime and ends up with the police in order to be as close to the victim as possible. Thanks to the ability to skillfully imitate emotions, “three eights” easily make contact and fit into people’s society.


  • Height: individual for each model;
  • Material: endoskeleton: coltan;
  • Individual features: the ability to operate a machine without a head.

The T-888 appeared in the TV series Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. More than 10 cyborgs of this modification were used to eliminate characters, as well as search for coltan for the manufacture of other terminators.

T-500R (Reaver)

Of all the “five hundred”, the T-500R was perhaps the most unpleasant for the Resistance and left a difficult memory about itself. He is also the least anthropomorphic: it seems that the rule “humanoidness is inversely proportional to efficiency” worked for terminators at that time.

This model did not have a “head” (the sensors and processor were housed in a well-protected case), but there were huge claws on the “fingers”-manipulators and artificial intelligence with a sadistic bent. The T-500R preferred to hunt from ambush, where it was almost impossible to detect. He pounced on the victim and tore it apart with his claws, trying to kill as long and painfully as possible. The screams of the torn victims were recorded and then used as bait for other people.

T-1001, "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles", 2008

T-1001 is a liquid metal terminator with more advanced mimicry. It has all the advantages and disadvantages of the previous model.

(Shirley Manson as Catherine Weaver's T-1001)

In the series "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" one thousand one, the model is an influential woman named Catherine Weaver, who runs a large company. Interesting fact: the role of the Terminator was played by Garbage vocalist Shirley Manson.


  • Properties: analogous to T-1000.

Browning Hi-Power

In the psychiatric hospital, T-1000 borrowed a Browning Hi-Power pistol from a guard. It was he who was in the hands of the robot in the episode of passing through the bars. True, in the subsequent shootout the T-1000 managed to fire 23 shots from a 13-round pistol. But who really cares about such little things?


By the way, the flattened bullets that Sarah takes out of the T-800’s body are not a prop. To obtain them, James Cameron personally took a Browning and fired several clips into a steel plate.

T889-F (Cameron Phillips), Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, 2008

Cameron Phillips is a cyborg bodyguard of John Connor. The car in the image of a 17-year-old girl should not have attracted attention due to its fragile physique and young age.

(Summer Glau as T889-F Cameron Phillips)

The 889th modification differs from its predecessor in its ability to consume food and liquids, and determine the emotional state of a person by looking at the skin. Capable of imitating emotions very believably.


  • Height: 1.69 m;
  • Weight: 52 kg;
  • Type: gynoid;
  • Features: high skin regeneration.

The role of Cameron Philips was played by American actress Summer Glau. The creators of the series named the character in honor of the first director, David Cameron.

TH (Terminator Hybrid), Marcus Wright, “Terminator: May the Savior Come” 2009

Marcus Wright, a criminal, bequeathed his body to Cyberdyne Systems Corporation after his execution in 2003. After reactivation in 2018, he became a hybrid cyborg with a working brain and heart. The brain is protected by a steel skull, and there are steel plates on the chest and abdomen.

(Marcus Wright after being attacked by Resistance soldiers. Image credit: Cinematographer Shane Hurlbut)

Marcus has superhuman strength and speed of movement. Able to independently regenerate damaged tissue.


  • Height: 1.78 m;
  • Application: close combat;
  • Endoskeleton: combined;
  • Pain threshold: high;
  • Endurance: ultra-high.

Actor Sam Worthington was invited to play the role of Marcus Wright in the film “Terminator: May the Savior Come.”

T-3000, "Terminator: Genesis" 2015

Unlike cyborgs of the 1000 series, the T-3000 consists of the smallest “smart” mechanisms - nanites. The basis for creating a robot is a living person.

(John Connor in the form of the T-3000 robot. Character creator James Cameron)

The transformation occurs after being infected with nanites. The resulting endoskeleton is capable of performing the same functions as liquid metal, including mimicry.


  • Height: individual;
  • Pain sensitivity: absent;
  • Vulnerabilities: unknown;
  • Abilities: mimic, portray emotions: high.

John Connor himself suffered the fate of becoming a cyborg of the three thousandth series, while his memory was preserved with a slight change in personality. T-3000 appeared in 2029.


Skynet also produced “sets” of terminators—machines that worked together.
In the fight against people, a combination using “Flying Hunters” - autonomous combat drone aircraft, originally created by people to search for the enemy and transmit their location - has proven itself. There were dozens of variations of Flying Hunters, including quite large ones - like the flying battleship HK-Transport. Small devices were attached to them. For example, Mini-Hunters are lightly armored robots equipped with jet engines and gyroscopes, which Hunters release to clear enemy hideouts. Or reconnaissance balloons (the same mini-hunters, but without weapons).

The team also included a very large device - the Reaper, a huge armored terminator that had four manipulators for capturing “organic material” - in other words, people. Captured victims were taken to cyborgization and processing centers for the production of organic-coated robots.

On the body, the Reaper could carry two motor-terminators - hybrids of a terminator with a motorcycle chassis, designed for reconnaissance, searching for people and capturing those who escaped the Reaper.

Hard work in one direction could not but lead to a breakthrough. And it became the T-8xx series. As it turned out later, the T-8xx were superior to the terminators of further models.

To camouflage these machines, Skynet began using real, “living” skin—genetically enhanced tissue grown on top of a titanium endoskeleton. She had the ability to quickly regenerate - about seven times better than a human. Like the “seven hundred”, the imitation of blood circulation was preserved; Body odor, sweat, tears and other secretions were also convincingly modeled. T-8xx have learned to very accurately fake the human voice, and in a wide range. To prevent people from suspecting something was wrong, the “camouflage” of each Terminator sent to Resistance bases was created individually—there were no “twins.”

These terminators had much more flexible artificial intelligence than previous models (and in some ways they also benefited from subsequent ones). When creating the T-8xx, Skynet came closer to simulating the human brain. In addition to the abundance of built-in programs (from the analysis of human emotions and body language to chemical analysis, they were capable of self-learning. True, the independent thoughts of the terminators were still suppressed - Skynet tried not to allow freemen.

In approximately 95% of cases, people mistook representatives of the T-8xx line for their fellow tribesmen. This, together with the phenomenal survivability of the “eight hundred”, led to the heaviest losses: the damage from the actions of the T-8xx exceeded the damage from the “lemons” by about two hundred times! With the introduction of this series, Skynet came closer to destroying humanity than ever before.

Among the T-8xx series, three most famous models stand out.

T-5000 (ultra-perfect cyborg), “Terminator: Genisys” 2015

The ability to infect people with nanobots is the most advanced ability of the T-5000 cyborg. Another advantage is high combat effectiveness and survivability. It is not known exactly what properties the machine has, but the terminator quickly dealt with John Connor's group when sending him to the past.

(Ultimate T-5000, played by Matt Smith. Image source:

It is assumed that Skynet decided to make its own copy in case the central core of its processor was destroyed, and chose a humanoid machine as the carrier. If you can’t defeat the resistance, you need to lead it, Skynet decided.


  • Properties: similar to T-3000.

Distinctive ability: a single copy, an individual carrier of nanorobots for D. Connor. Matt Smith played the T-5000 robot in the film Terminator Genisys.

Variety of functions

The fourth "Terminator" is memorable for the variety of robot roles. There are simply fighting vehicles, there is the familiar T-800, there are hydroterminators, flying machines, fighting humanoid robots the size of a house, as well as hybrids - machines that have integrated the human brain.

The script, which was changed at the very last moment, “went into the garden” of Isaac Asimov and was immediately reminiscent of many stories about artificially created creatures. Terminators appeared in it for the first time, performing the role of servants. A scene was written in which Terminator gardeners tended a garden in a city inhabited by cyborgs. By the way, this is not an original idea - a similar future world was described in a series of comics based on the film "Terminator", published in the late 80s.

But “The Terminator” itself was not an original idea, inheriting many elements from 20th-century science fiction. It was inherited so intensely that the writer Harlan Ellison filed a lawsuit against Cameron, claiming that the plot of “Terminator” was an episode of the TV series “The Twilight Zone”, the script of which the writer worked on based on his own story.

Machines that don't try to kill everyone (whether they have a human brain or a microchip) are much closer to our reality today. In the comics of the 80s, for the first time, something appeared that today could probably be built without AI: female Terminators, child Terminators, dog Terminators.

Cameron initially did not have “peaceful” cars. In the picture above you see Centurion - this is a huge walking four-legged robot created to protect critical Skynet facilities. Armed with plasma weapons.

The concepts for the T-2 had a lot of amazing technology. For example, a huge trilobite robot of unknown purpose (except for the main goal of all robots - the destruction of all humanity).

Skynet's robotic train, which remained at the concept stage. Perhaps, if The Terminator had a budget like Avatar, we would have seen a completely different film.

Giger tried to bring something similar to a robotic train to life on screen for many years. His nightmare train had a retractable scoop behind each car that threw people running on the platform inside - where they were chewed, and thick blood ran through the train. The result was only 5 seconds of the train in the film "Specialty", from which nothing is really clear. But there is still a chance to see AI hidden in railway cars - one day, perhaps, the film adaptation of Stephen King's The Dark Tower will get to the plot about a crazy train.

We were lucky that the first films included at least something from the war of the future. In the screenshot above you can see the “Hunter Killer (HK) Drone”, but its larger, heavily armed version, the HK-Bomber, present in the concepts, remained only in the drawings.

Cameron drew the Skynet underground complex and even the time machine itself, but budget restrictions did not allow these objects to be brought to life on screen.

There was no money for the first “Terminator” and the special effects were done in a makeshift way. The budget for Terminator 2 was already exceeded, so the time machine was shown only in the fifth film. Although it would be better not to show it. From the point of view of the logic of time travel, too many questions arise for the film "Genesis".

Critics of Terminator 4 often focus on Skynet's headquarters, which looks like a factory built by humans. In Cameron's original concepts, factories are created by machines for machines and bear little resemblance to the creations of human hands.

You can see the similarities to the city of machines in The Matrix - another home for AI.

Rev-9, Terminator: Dark Fate, 2022

The main evil one in the last part of the Terminator, capable of splitting into two independent forms - in the form of an exoskeleton and liquid metal, controlled by a single intellect.

(Legion is a computer network from an alternative course of events)

Cyborg created a new artificial intelligence called "Legion".

(Scene from Rev-9. Image credit: Rendol112211)

Rev-9 is designed to penetrate human society: it mimics perfectly, depicts emotions, knows how to joke, and thinks outside the box.


  • Endoskeleton: ultra-strong, with added carbon fiber;
  • Weapons: modified limbs;
  • Superpowers: separation of the polyalloy part from the frame.

The role of the Model 9 cyborg killer was played by actor Gabriel Luna in the film Terminator: Dark Fate.

Description of the T4 Terminator pistol

The barrel of the weapon has restrictive ridges that make it impossible to fire metal bullets. The pistol is reloaded manually by jerking the fore-end, the barrel is locked with a wedge located in the bolt. The wedge engages with the barrel shank.

The Terminator barrel box is made of aluminum alloy and is sized to fit short 12-gauge traumatic cartridges. The magazine is located underneath and holds 4 rounds. Ammunition must be reloaded one at a time through the hole at the bottom of the box. A fifth cartridge may be in the barrel. The trigger is not self-cocking, the safety is placed at the base of the trigger guard.

Grace, "Terminator: Dark Fate", 2022

A fragile girl with light blue eyes became a cyborg against her will: during one of the battles with droids, she was mortally wounded and was made a cyborg.

(Grace. Image: ScreenRant)

After the introduction of such improvements, a person’s capabilities increase significantly: the skin receives protective armor, the strength of the arms and legs increases tenfold. There are also disadvantages: a short lifespan, the need to use medications after a combat trance.

Operating principle

The principle of operation of the Winchester is similar to the operation of similar smoothbore shotguns equipped with a Henry bracket.

In order to load the Winchester, you need to move the Henry brace in the direction of the muzzle. Ammunition is inserted into the opened magazine. Next, the bracket returns to its original position, simultaneously cocking the hammer, as well as chambering the cartridge from the feeder into the chamber. The lever system rises up and is in line. From below, the entire system is supported by the Henry bracket itself. At this time, the bolt is fixed at the breech of the barrel, and the next cartridge is pushed out of the magazine into the feeder.

After pressing the trigger, the hammer strikes the bolt piston, which in turn strikes the primer. A shot is fired.

It is worth noting that fully charging the magazine can take quite a lot of time. But manufacturers have provided the possibility of accelerated charging. The essence of this method is to independently place one cartridge in the chamber and the other on the feed tray. After closing the staple, two shots can be fired immediately.

A special feature of the hard drive is that the cartridge will not be fed into the tray until the person pulls the trigger. The trigger itself is open, which allows you to completely control it. You can manually move it back, preparing the Winchester for shooting, or, on the contrary, carefully return it to its place.

An open trigger allows you to carry a weapon with a cartridge inside the chamber without fear of spontaneous firing. You just need to manually cock this trigger.

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