New rules and changes to the Weapons Law from 2022

If you have long dreamed of buying yourself a classic double-barreled shotgun or a powerful pneumatic gun and already see yourself as a kind of experienced hunter, but a bunch of difficulties and incomprehensible documents are preventing you from taking a step towards your dream? Then keep the instructions with explanations, and become one step closer to your dream.

According to the current legislation, not only military personnel and law enforcement officers, but also ordinary citizens can own weapons. However, before going to a gun store, you will have to go through many preparatory steps. The most important thing to do is to obtain a weapons permit. Without such a document, you will not be able to legally store your arsenal at home - this would be a criminal offense with quite severe penalties. You also need to take into account that in most cases you will need a license to purchase weapons - this is not the same thing as a permit; you will have to be licensed separately.

In order to spend as little time as possible on solving administrative issues, we recommend that you figure out in advance how to obtain a weapons permit in 2022. Even if you have already gone through this procedure before, it would still be a good idea to refresh and update your knowledge. Indeed, over the past few years, the rules for obtaining permits have changed several times. To make your preparation easier, the experts of the Trophy online store have prepared a detailed action plan for you, analyzed all the significant nuances and latest changes, and also prepared answers to frequently asked questions.

Who is allowed to have a gun?

The state strictly monitors the issuance of permits to store and use weapons; not everyone can obtain such a document.

“Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 21, as well as people undergoing military service, or having military ranks or high ranks of justice, can purchase firearms of limited destruction,” lawyer Denis Tikhonov shared with RIA Novosti

Hunting enthusiasts can get smooth-bore, pneumatic and throwing weapons. Athletes are issued a license for pneumatic and smoothbore equipment. Long-barreled and short-barreled (the second type must be kept exclusively in the shooting club) rifled weapons are allowed only to people with the titles “Master of Sports” and “Master of Sports of International Class”

A weapons license is issued to citizens with permanent registration, provided there is no outstanding criminal record

, any administrative penalties related to violation of public safety, and contraindications for health reasons.

“People over 18 years of age can purchase gas, smooth-bore long-barreled weapons for self-defense or sports, hunting, signal, bladed weapons designed to be worn with national costumes or Cossack uniforms,” said Denis Tikhonov.

About hunting not with your own gun and from the age of 16

photo: Mikhail Semina
I’ll immediately express my opinion that the Project makes different impressions.

On the one hand, some of our citizens who have a hunting license, but for some reason cannot purchase a hunting weapon, will be able to hunt with weapons received for use.

Our citizens over the age of 16 and those who are not yet 18 will receive the same right.

Foreign hunters who are currently experiencing difficulties with the import and export of their hunting weapons will be able to come to hunt.

On the other hand, due to such hunters, there will be some filling of the hunting grounds with people who want to hunt.

The project, if the proposed changes to the Federal Law on Weapons and the Federal Law on Hunting are adopted, will create legal grounds for the transfer of hunting weapons and ammunition for temporary use to citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens for the purposes of hunting.

For these purposes, the Federal Law on Weapons is proposed to be supplemented with a new Article 24.1 Transfer of hunting weapons and ammunition to citizens, their carrying and use for hunting purposes.

Parts 3–6 of this article are intended to establish new grounds for the possibility of hunting. This is a permit to carry and use weapons by citizens of the Russian Federation who do not own weapons and do not plan to acquire them.

They plan to issue it to them for 5 years (Part 10), but at the same time, such hunters are prohibited from transporting the specified weapon in the absence of an individual - the owner of such a weapon or an authorized representative of the legal entity that transferred the specified weapon in accordance with the requirements established by this article (Part 11) .

If a citizen fails to return the hunting weapon transferred to him in accordance with this article within the period established by the lease agreement (specified in the transfer and acceptance certificate), the citizen bears responsibility established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. (part 12).

The procedure for obtaining such permission is described in detail in parts 4, 6 - for citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached 18 years of age, and for those who have not reached this, but are 16 years old, in part 5 of the new article. Common to all of these ages is filing an application with the federal executive body authorized in the field of arms trafficking or its territorial body (hereinafter referred to as the Authorized Body).

photo: Semina Mikhail

The following must be attached to the application:

1) an identification document of a citizen of the Russian Federation,

2) a medical report on the absence of medical contraindications to owning a weapon, as well as a medical report on the absence of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their metabolites in the human body, obtained after undergoing chemical and toxicological studies of the presence of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their metabolites in the human body,

3) documents on completion of appropriate training and testing of knowledge of the rules for safe handling of weapons and the availability of skills in safe handling of weapons;

4) a hunting license of a unified federal standard.

A mandatory condition is the consent of the legal representative of a citizen who has reached 16, but has not reached 18 years of age, to obtain permission from the authorized body to carry and use weapons.

Such citizens, in addition to the above documents, must be from 16 to 18 years old and must also submit an identification document of the legal representative of a citizen of the Russian Federation (clause 2 of part 5 of article 24.1 of the Draft).

Citizens of the Russian Federation serving in state paramilitary organizations and having military ranks or special ranks or class ranks of justice, also apply to the Authorized Body to obtain the said permit.

They attach the following documents to it:

1) an identification document of a citizen of the Russian Federation;

2) a document confirming his service in the relevant organization and the presence of a military or special rank or class rank of justice;

3) a hunting license of a unified federal standard.

The authorized body, within 10 working days from the date of its submission, considers the received Application and makes a decision (Part 8).

The grounds for refusal to issue a permit (Part 9) are: 1) failure by the applicant to provide the necessary documents; 2) the occurrence of those provided for in paragraphs 3-5, 8 and 10 of part twentieth of Article 13 of the Federal Law on Hunting.

Having received this permit, an adult citizen of the Russian Federation receives the right to receive from weapon owners, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out activities in the field of hunting, hunting weapons for carrying and using them for hunting purposes.

The transfer of hunting weapons and ammunition for temporary use can be carried out under certain conditions.

For example, such weapons must be carried and used for hunting purposes either in the presence of the owner (an individual or a representative of the hunting user) or on the territory of the hunting grounds assigned to the hunting user.

Moreover, with regard to the possibility of transfer by legal entities - hunting users of hunting weapons and cartridges for temporary use, a mandatory lease agreement (or an act of acceptance and transfer of weapons) is being drafted, indicating the identification data of the weapon, rental periods and a number of other measures.

The draft article 24.1 of the Federal Law on Weapons also proposes to allow hunting on the same grounds for foreign citizens who have reached 18 years of age (parts 7, 13 – 15).

photo: Semina Mikhail

It is planned to issue them permits to carry and use hunting weapons and cartridges for them by the Authorized Body upon applications from legal entities or individual entrepreneurs conducting hunting (or their authorized representatives) for the duration of the agreement concluded with a foreign citizen for the provision of services in the field of hunting, but no more than 90 days.

The project proposes that the named legal entities and individual entrepreneurs have appropriate hunting agreements.

In order to ensure public safety in connection with the proposed changes, the draft law provides for a number of additional requirements for the procedure for the circulation of hunting weapons and ammunition transferred for temporary use.

These are: the possibility of transferring no more than one weapon to one person, a ban on transporting transferred weapons in the absence of the owner of the weapon or his authorized representative, the obligation of the owner of the weapon to immediately, but no later than 24 hours, notify about the loss of the weapon, and a number of other measures.

In addition, the Project plans that information about controlled weapons and ammunition, as well as information about weapon owners, will be taken into account in the state information system, the operator of which is the Authorized Body.

The rules for recording, carrying, transporting, transporting and destroying weapons are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation (Part 1 of Article 25 of the Draft).

The project proposes to reduce the time required for making entries in the hunting register about issued and canceled hunting tickets, the presence of which is one of the mandatory conditions for owning a hunting weapon. It is also envisaged to establish interdepartmental electronic interaction between the Ministry of Natural Resources and the National Guard.

The project also proposes some other changes. For example, to eliminate excessive requirements, as the developers considered, to the species composition of hunting firearms owned by a citizen (new edition of Part 11 of Article 13 of the Federal Law on Weapons).

The author, in the prescribed manner and within the allotted time, managed to send his proposal for this innovation to the developers. For the purposes of the Project, he proposed not to change the named part, but to add a new part, indicating the number and type of weapons transferred for carrying and use. Of course, from those already permitted by the Federal Law on Weapons.

The proposal, in my opinion, will be able to protect our rights when introducing a new permit. We will find out later whether he will be accepted. After the second reading in the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Vyacheslav Mikhailov November 1, 2022 at 10:46 am

What weapons can you buy in Russia?

In Russia, in addition to gas weapons, without permission you can purchase pneumatic weapons with a muzzle energy (kinetic energy of a bullet) of no more than 7.5 J and a caliber up to 4.5 mm inclusive (intended for sports and recreational shooting), antique products (for example, for replenishment home collection), various copies of weapons (models that are not capable of shooting), household knives, some types of stun guns and fencing rapiers.

Weapons prohibited for circulation in Russia

In accordance with the federal law “On Weapons”, the circulation of the following types is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation

  • long-barreled firearms with a magazine capacity of more than 10 rounds (with the exception of some types of sporting weapons);
  • firearms that are shaped to imitate other objects;
  • smooth-bore firearms chambered for rifled barrel cartridges;
  • civilian firearms of limited destruction with a muzzle energy of over 91 J and service firearms of limited destruction with a bullet kinetic energy of over 150 J.
  • flails (weights attached to the handle with a chain or rope), brass knuckles, boomerangs, etc.;
  • cartridges with armor-piercing, incendiary, explosive or tracer bullets, as well as cartridges with shot shells for gas pistols and revolvers;
  • some types of gas weapons that are equipped with nerve agents, poisons, and other substances prohibited for use;
  • electroshock devices and spark gaps having output parameters that exceed the values ​​​​established by the state standard of the Russian Federation;
  • cold bladed weapons, knives, blades, the blades of which are either automatically removed from the handle when a button or lever is pressed and fixed by them, or extended due to gravity and automatically fixed (the length of the blade and blade is more than 90 mm).

Types of licenses and permits

Gun licenses vary depending on the type of equipment. There are licenses for gas, traumatic firearms, long-barreled smoothbore firearms, hunting rifles and pneumatic weapons (with muzzle energy of more than 7.5 J). Permissions also come in several types

  1. ROH (permission to store and carry weapons).
  2. Loa (license to purchase, store and carry self-defense weapons).
  3. RSOa (permission to store long-barreled, smooth-bore self-defense weapons, without the right to carry).
  4. RKSa (permission to store and carry short-barreled firearms).

What applies to traumatic weapons

The law does not have a definition of trauma as such, because this term is used at the everyday level. In essence, trauma is a weapon that has limited damage.

For a pistol to be considered traumatic, the following restrictions must be met:

  • muzzle energy at the moment of shooting is not higher than 91 J;
  • the number of cartridges in the magazine or drum (for revolvers) is no more than 10 units.

Pros and cons of owning an injury

Psychological calm.
With a pistol, you can be sure that you will protect yourself and your family members at any time. With a traumatic pistol in your hands you can scare off attackers, thereby avoiding a skirmish

Weapons are allowed to be used even on the street if someone threatens your safety

Exceeding self-defense may result in administrative or even criminal penalties, depending on the damage caused

Applying for a permit will take a long time. To obtain the necessary permits, you will have to undergo a series of doctors and training in handling trauma.

In case of real danger, you are unlikely to have time to get a weapon and use it. After all, if a traumatic weapon is stored in a safe, then it must be without a clip

General procedure

To obtain permission, you must go through several stages. Let's look at the main ones.

Obtaining a medical certificate

It is necessary to undergo an examination by a psychiatrist, narcologist and ophthalmologist, as well as be tested for the absence of psychotropics and narcotic substances in the body
. The express test is paid for and is carried out on site during an examination by a specialist doctor. You can obtain a medical certificate both at the clinic at the place of registration and at private medical centers.

Gun safety training

To obtain a license or permit to purchase, store and carry weapons, you need to provide the Licensing and Permitting Department (LRO) of the Russian Guard with a document confirming that you have completed training in the safe handling of weapons, which is carried out at a shooting club or shooting range.

The courses last about five days. The average price for obtaining a certificate of completed training for residents of Moscow is 5 thousand rubles.

Employees in government agencies, people with military and special ranks who were dismissed with the right to receive a pension do not need to study.
In this case, instead of a certificate, you will need to provide certificates from the place of work and about the securing of the weapon. To purchase smooth-bore equipment, training is completed only once, in contrast to owners of traumatic weapons, who must receive a knowledge test every five years if they want to renew their permit.

Trauma shooting training

The first step to obtain a license for a weapon of limited destruction is to learn the rules and skills of safe handling of traumatic weapons, obtain a diploma of completion (the certificate is for those who have already studied and are now recertified every 5 years). There are about five non-state educational institutions in Moscow that have received a license to teach the rules of safe handling of weapons, have their programs approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and carry out such training and training in shooting from OOOP. 6 academic hours are allotted for study. During preparation, firing exercises are required. For example, you can complete the Training Program at the Hunter Shooting Complex of DOSAAF Russia:

Primary training in the rules and skills of safe handling of weapons of limited destruction with final certification - 5,700 rubles .

Carrying out periodic inspections when renewing a permit - 3,500 rubles .

Only after this should you contact the licensing and permitting service employees at your place of residence to obtain a permit for a traumatic weapon. Without a document confirming the completion of training in the rules and skills of safe handling of weapons of limited destruction, LRO employees do not have the right to accept documents and issue a license for an LLC.

Buying a safe

Buying a safe is an important step in the legal purchase of a weapon. This is the only way to obtain a certificate from the local police officer, which is required when applying for a license. The external and internal appearance of the safe must comply with the following parameters

  1. The weapon cabinet is made of steel.
  2. The door is equipped with a lock.
  3. Inside the safe there is a compartment for cartridges (trazer).

More detailed requirements for storing weapons are presented in this section
; the full catalog of gun safes is presented at the link. After installing the equipment, anyone wishing to purchase a weapon contacts the police department at their place of residence in order to call a local police officer to check whether the safe meets all requirements.

Obtaining a hunting license

In order to obtain permission for hunting, edged, smooth-bore and rifled weapons and to legally engage in hunting, you need to issue a special ticket. You can purchase it by contacting the MFC or the regional Ministry of Natural Resources, as well as using the government services portal.

Attached to the application in electronic form: a scanned copy of the first page of the passport, a black and white or color full-face photograph measuring 3*4 cm. You can pick up the ticket in five working days at the MFC department that was specified when submitting the request

When applying in person to the MFC, you must provide identification documents and bring a printed photograph.
After one working week, the applicant can come to the MFC again and pick up the finished hunting ticket. Despite the fact that in 2022, passing the hunting minimum (confirmation of the basic theoretical basis) is not required, everyone who wants to purchase a ticket must have the following knowledge:

  • hunting rules and safety precautions;
  • basics of safe handling of weapons;
  • basic concepts of fauna (class of mammals, class of birds, rodents, carnivores, lagomorphs, insectivores);
  • basic concepts of biology of wild animals.

Obtaining a license to purchase weapons

Permission to buy a weapon is issued by the licensing and permitting department of the Russian National Guard, current information about the address and work schedule of which has been published. An application for a license can be submitted both in person and online through the portal. The response comes within 30 calendar days, after which the citizen receives a license, which is valid for six months

Required documents

The following documents must be attached to the application for a license:

  • copy of the passport;
  • medical certificate in form No. 002 - O/u;
  • certificate of completed training in safe handling of weapons;
  • the application for a license with an attached photograph;
  • hunting license (if necessary).

Purchasing weapons

You can buy new or consignment weapons at any gun store or on the Internet on specialized forums such as GUNZ.RU. In order to buy a weapon, you will need to provide your original passport and the appropriate license.

Registration of weapons

Within two weeks after purchasing a weapon, it must be registered with the licensing and permitting department in order to obtain permission for further storage and carrying. Until this document is issued, purchasing and possessing cartridges is prohibited by the Criminal Code ( ).

Extension of a weapons storage permit

A weapons storage permit must be renewed every five years.
You can apply for this service to the licensing and permitting department, which is part of the Russian National Guard. In addition to filling out a request to extend the permit, you need to contact the local police officer to check the conditions for storing weapons, as well as to draw up a report required by LRO employees. A written notification with a response will be sent to your email address within 10 days. In order to renew the permit, you need to prepare the following documents: a copy of your passport, medical certificate No. 002 - O/u, two matte photographs measuring 3*4 cm, a copy of the previously issued license, a receipt for payment of the state fee.

We issue a hunting license

Please note: this document is not required to obtain a license, however, without it you will not be able to obtain permission to carry and transport your gun. Therefore, it is better to get it right away. In addition, if you have a hunting license, then 5 years after purchasing a smooth-bore weapon you will be able to obtain a license for a rifle. This document also gives the right to purchase hunting knives, crossbows, and bows.

The easiest way to obtain a hunter's license is through the MFC. We prepare the application either in advance according to the sample, or directly to the MFC. We attach scanned copies of the passport to it (2-3 pages and registration), 2 photos 3x4. A ticket is issued on average within 5 working days, after which you receive a notification that it is ready. We pick up the document at the same MFC.

You can also issue a hunting license through the port of State Services or OLRR.

Previously, to obtain a ticket it was also necessary to pass the hunting minimum, but now this requirement has been abolished. In addition, the document of the new sample is valid for an indefinite period, and you do not have to pay anything to receive it. Thus, even if you do not intend to become a professional hunter, obtaining a hunting license will still be useful.

Features of obtaining a second license

According to clause 9.3. Order of the Federal Service of National Guard Troops dated August 18, 2022, in order to obtain a license again, you do not need to re-assemble the entire package of documents. Unlike the first procedure for obtaining a license to purchase weapons, the second time it will be enough to submit an application online at government services or come to the LRO in person along with your passport.

Getting a license

When we have all the documents in hand, we submit an application for a license. This can be done either in person at the OLRR or through State Services. Regardless of which option you choose, it will take up to 30 days to produce the document - and rarely can you get it faster. The validity period of a license to purchase a weapon also does not depend on the method of obtaining it and is 6 months. During this period, you can purchase weapons products both in a store and from a private seller.

The difference between electronic and personal submission lies, first of all, in convenience. At OLRR you can spend quite a long time in queues, but through your personal account on State Services you can do everything as comfortably as possible. The only thing is to carefully check all the data you enter on the portal. Any typo will result in your application being rejected and you will have to resubmit and wait 30 days again.

And how much a weapons license costs depends on the application option you choose. If you visit the OLRR in person, you will have to pay 2,000 rubles. When paying the fee through State Services, there is a 30% discount - i.e. you will pay only 1400 rubles.

After your application for a license is accepted by the department, you will definitely be visited by a local police officer. His task is to make sure that you have provided the necessary conditions for storing weapons and ammunition (in other words, you have installed a safe). The district police officer must also confirm that you have no prior police reports or other disciplinary contraindications. If no violations are detected, he issues the appropriate Act. If the local police officer is in no hurry to visit you, then you can contact him yourself.

In any case, you will have to go to the licenses and permits department to obtain a ready-made license. Don't forget to take the original documents with you.

Refusal to extend the permit

The grounds for refusal to renew a permit to store and use weapons may be as follows:

  1. Incomplete set of documents.
  2. Failure to pay state duty.
  3. There are errors in the information.
  4. Lack of permanent registration by the applicant.
  5. Presence of medical contraindications to gun ownership.
  6. Inability to ensure conditions for the safety of equipment.
  7. Committing two or more administrative offenses during the year that are associated with a violation of public order and safety.
  8. A court decision by which the applicant is deprived of his weapon.
  9. Unexpunged conviction.

If at least one of the above points is present, the citizen will receive a written refusal to extend the permit. In this case, you can correct the mistake and resubmit the application or appeal the refusal in court.

Restoring permission

Loss, damage or theft of a permit deprives a citizen of the right to keep weapons and carry them with them. In order to regain the ability to use the equipment, it is necessary to restore the document. First of all, you should contact the Licensing and Permitting Department (LPR) with a photocopy of your passport and two photographs measuring 3*4 cm (a record of the availability of other documents is already stored in the department’s archives) and write an application there to receive a duplicate. Afterwards you need to pay the state fee again. However, no penalties are provided for the loss of a document.

Revocation of license

A citizen has the right to voluntarily refuse a weapons license, or may lose the document by decision of the authorities that originally issued it. According to Article 13 of Federal Law No. 150 Federal Law “Cancellation of a license is possible in the following cases:

  1. The occurrence of circumstances provided for by law in which obtaining a license or permit for a weapon is prohibited (lack of proper storage conditions, administrative violations, etc.).
  2. Cancellation of a hunting license.
  3. Issuance of an appropriate court decision to deprive a citizen of the right to acquire, store and carry weapons.
  4. Death of the license holder or dissolution of the company (if the weapons permit was granted to a legal entity).

How long to wait for a permit

Registration of a permit takes about four months, and this period is divided into several stages:

  • The applicant must take courses for 2-3 months;
  • 2-7 days are allocated for passing the medical examination;
  • It takes 10 days for a decision to be made to issue or prohibit the issuance of a permit to carry a traumatic weapon.

This is important because a traumatic type of weapon can cause harm to others, so permission to carry it must be approached responsibly.

Rules for carrying weapons

You can carry and use purchased weapons only with official permission.
With a license, the owner only has the right to bring the equipment after purchase to the house, and then to the Russian Guard unit in order to register it. When carrying a weapon, you must always have a passport and a permit from the ROH. However, there are cases in which you cannot take weapons with you, even if you have all the necessary documents on hand:

  1. Holding rallies, street processions, demonstrations and other public events.
  2. State of alcoholic intoxication.
  3. Located on the territory of schools, kindergartens and entertainment venues.

In the latter case, only security guards of such organizations are allowed to have weapons.

You cannot carry any long-barreled equipment on your person or use it for self-defense. It can only be transported or transported (to the hunting site or to the shooting range) in a special case and unloaded.

Violation of the rules of carrying weapons is punishable in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: from a fine in the amount of 2 - 5 thousand rubles to deprivation of a weapons permit for a period of one to two years.
At the same time, criminal liability in the form of imprisonment for a term of up to 15 years is provided for illegal trafficking of weapons.

Renewal of weapons permit

The permit is issued for a period of 5 years - after that it must be changed. And here is what you will face in 2022 for an expired weapons permit:

  • a fine of 1-1.5 thousand rubles if the delay ranged from 1 day to several weeks (usually no more than 1 month);
  • a fine of 3 thousand for delays of longer duration.

In addition, until you provide all the necessary documents and receive a new permit, the weapon may be confiscated from you.

In some cases, there may be no penalty for delay. In particular, in 2022, the Russian Guard, by order of April 17, postponed the renewal deadlines for permits that expired from April 6 to August 1 to the beginning of September. With this measure, the department supported those who, due to anti-Covid restrictions, could not renew their permit during the specified period.

To avoid getting a fine and problems with the Law, you need to update your permit in a timely manner. Moreover, this must be done not only when the document expires, but also in a number of other cases - and depending on the situation, you must meet a certain time frame:

  • You must submit an application to renew your weapons permit at least 1 month before the expiration date of the old document;
  • if you have changed your personal data, for example, full name or registration address, then you must contact the OLRR within 7 days;
  • if the permit is lost, then you need to apply for a new one within the same 7 days;
  • If a document is damaged or damaged, request a replacement immediately.

Our step-by-step instructions for renewing your weapons license in 2022 will help you avoid mistakes and not waste extra time.

Who will not have their permit renewed?

You will not be able to obtain a new permit if:

  • were registered with a psychiatric or drug treatment clinic;
  • were accused of drug trafficking or a crime involving the use of firearms;
  • convicted under a criminal article (it absolutely does not matter which one);
  • made changes to the design of their weapons - they installed a barrel for more powerful ammunition, increased the magazine capacity, etc.;
  • lost their permanent registration.

Preparing documents

The set of documents and procedures here is the same as when initially obtaining permission:

  • application in the prescribed form;
  • certificate of no criminal record;
  • medical certificate for a weapons permit in form No. 002-О/у;
  • photocopy of passport (page with personal data and page with registration address);
  • photocopy of the current license;
  • if you own a smooth-bore or rifled weapon - a certificate of verification of storage conditions, signed by the district police officer;
  • payment receipt - the fee for renewing a weapons permit in 2022 is 500 rubles when paying through a bank and 350 rubles when paying through State Services;
  • to renew the registration certificate - a hunting license;
  • for rifled weapons - a photocopy of the technical passport pages containing identification information.

If you are hunting professionally, you will need an order from the head of the hunting farm or hunting organization.

As for re-training, you do not have to undergo it if you meet the deadlines allotted for re-registration. In this case, the old exam is read back to you. If you miss the extension, you will have to take the courses – and, therefore, pay for them – again.

You will also have to re-submit your weapon for inspection to the OLRR.

Submit application and documents

There are 2 options available here - personally contacting the OLRR or submitting an application to renew your weapons permit through State Services. The second option is more convenient for many reasons - at least, you don’t need to go anywhere. The general procedure in this case is as follows:

  1. Log in to the portal using your account (it must be confirmed).
  2. We find it through a search or catalogue.
  3. We fill in all the fields - the convenience of State Services is that most of the personal data is filled in automatically, and this significantly reduces the likelihood of errors and generally simplifies the process.
  4. We select the appropriate OLRR for us at the place of registration and sign up for a convenient date and time to inspect the weapon and receive the corresponding certificate.
  5. We attach scanned copies of all documents, including a certificate for renewing a weapons license, a Certificate of verification of storage conditions and all others.
  6. We send the application for consideration.

If everything is done correctly, a new permit will be prepared for you within 30 days. You will be notified of readiness by SMS, email and/or through a personal account on the State Services website. To receive the document, make an appointment with the OLRR through the same State Services or by phone.

Procedure and conditions for the use of weapons

In addition to obtaining permission to use a weapon, the owner needs to know the general rules for its use, the violation of which carries criminal liability.
According to the law, for self-defense you can use any weapon and even objects that are at hand (be it a pistol, hunting knife, shotgun or brick)

. If violence is used against a person that is dangerous to his life or health, then causing any harm to the attacker is not a crime. The fact of self-defense does not entail criminal liability.

However, if the attacker is wounded or killed, then the one who had to defend himself must prove that the enemy’s actions actually posed a real threat to life. In the absence of evidence, the defender will have to bear criminal liability for his actions.

The procedure for the use of weapons by citizens is prescribed in.

The owner is obliged to immediately (no later than 24 hours) report each case of use of equipment to the internal affairs bodies and the local unit of the federal executive body authorized in the field of arms trafficking.
But there is an exception: you can shoot without warning in cases where there is an immediate danger to the life and health of people. The use of weapons is prohibited towards women, persons with obvious signs of disability and minors

, unless these categories of citizens commit an armed or group attack.


How to wear an injury

Carry the pistol in a closed holster, with the safety on, and without a cartridge in the chamber. The permit must also be carried with you, as well as a passport or other identification document.

It is allowed to use trauma in such a way as not to exceed the level of permissible self-defense and not to cause serious harm to the attacker. To do this, you must be able to correctly assess the degree of danger and handle the weapon correctly, use the pistol consciously and only when there is a real need for it.

Carrying and using traumatic weapons without permission is prohibited. You need to take care of obtaining a license before purchasing a pistol and purchase it on time. After a certain period of time, you need to renew the documents so that you can use the trauma equipment legally. The owner of a weapon who does not have such documents is held accountable under Art. 20.8 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

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