Rules for carrying traumatic weapons in 2022





Traumatic weapons without a license - liability for illegal possession under the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Many fans of traumatic weapons are wondering whether it is possible to possess them without special permission, whether it is possible to buy traumatic weapons without a license. Will there be special sanctions for this? This article provides answers and a complete explanation to this question. So, do you need to get a license to use a traumatic pistol? Will there be any sale of traumatic weapons without a license?

Modern types of traumatic weapons are purchased for the most part for personal protection. According to modern legislation, such weapons can be legally purchased, carried, stored and used only with special permission. Every person who purchases such a weapon must understand that any pistol is a means of protection; it can only be used in certain situations, in particular, when there are certain reasons to believe that his health and life are in danger.

Documents for renewing a weapons license in 2022

You should begin preparing to renew your weapons license three months before its expiration. According to the regulations, licensing service employees are given 30 days to consider the submitted application. Accordingly, an application for renewal of a weapons license should be submitted no later than a month before its expiration. It should be borne in mind that along with the application, a very extensive package of documentation will need to be submitted for consideration by the LRHR staff. Therefore, it is recommended to start collecting all the necessary certificates at least 3 months in advance.

The list of documents required to renew a weapons license in 2022 is as follows:

  • An application made in writing according to the established format. A standard sample will be provided to you directly at the licensing and permitting department.
  • Photocopies of the main page of the passport (with full name and photo) and the page on which the registration address is indicated.
  • Two matte color photographs measuring 3 by 4 cm.
  • A photocopy of the license to be renewed.
  • An act on checking the compliance of weapons storage conditions with the required standards. Issued to local police officers within a week after inspecting the gun safe.
  • Bank receipt confirming payment of the state duty.
  • Medical certificate confirming that there are no contraindications to owning a weapon. Previously, a certificate was issued in form No. 046, but according to the new rules, form No. 002-0u or No. 003-0u is required.
  • If you need to renew your license for a hunting weapon, you will need to present your hunting license to the licensing department staff.
  • Firearms inspection report. Issued by OLLR employees themselves.
  • Document confirming completion of training courses in handling firearms.

To obtain a certificate of inspection of a gun safe for compliance with its standards, you should contact the territorial police department with an application. After this, a local police officer will come to you and inspect your safe. The regulatory requirements for it, despite the changes made to the law “On Weapons,” have not changed. If the gun safe meets the standards, then the district police officer will draw up a report within a week and give it to you.

Only civilians must obtain a medical certificate when renewing a weapons license. Employees of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office, the FSB and other law enforcement agencies who have service weapons do not need to obtain a separate medical certificate. It should also be remembered that employees of the licensing and permitting department have the right to request for review, in addition to photocopies, original documents. Therefore, you should have them ready when submitting your application.

In 2022, the fee for renewing a weapons license has increased - instead of the previous 250 rubles, this procedure now costs 500. Among other changes, mention should be made of the abolition of the need for retraining before each renewal of a weapons license. Before 2013, firearm owners had to retake the exam each time they passed.

Where can I get a license?

The decision to purchase a traumatic weapon must be justified. The future owner must clearly understand what responsibility falls on him. Obtaining a license in this case is not a bureaucratic banality, but is a necessary measure taken by the state to ensure control over the circulation of weapons.

The competent authority responsible for licensing is the Office of the National Guard, which has departments for licensing and permitting work. It is to this department of their municipality, city or district that citizens should contact. It is important to understand that no other structure has the right to issue a weapons license.

There are three ways to contact the OLRR:

  1. report directly to the department;
  2. register on the government services portal;
  3. contact the MFC.

The result of such an application will be uniform - the citizen will receive a permit in the licensing department if all the requirements are met.

To obtain permission for an injury, you will have to collect the necessary documents and also take certain actions. In this case, it is advisable to adhere to the step-by-step algorithm, which will be given below.

Who is not issued a license to use traumatic weapons?

Before starting the procedure for obtaining a permit for the legal possession of such a means of self-defense, you should study the existing nuances in advance

Particular attention should be paid to the so-called black list of citizens to whom a license is not issued:

  1. Citizens under 18 years of age.
  2. People who have committed an intentional crime of minor gravity and have served time for it. They can only be served 3 years after the end of the sentence. If your freedom is restricted for more than two years, you can obtain a license for injury only 6 years from the date of release from prison.
  3. Former criminals who have committed a particularly serious act, for whom 8 years have not passed after serving their sentence, also cannot own any type of weapon.
  4. Persons with mental disabilities.

Also, the reason for refusal may be the presence of at least one administrative offense on the part of the applicant, especially when it comes to an attack on public safety. In this case, you can submit documents only after a year. The document is not issued to persons registered with a narcologist. Serious illnesses and poor vision can also block the path to a license.

Important! Having a negative reference from the police may prevent you from obtaining a license to own a traumatic pistol. However, such a decision can be challenged in court if there is an official refusal from the LRO

What storage is considered illegal?

The licensing procedure consists of a series of steps that formally confirm that a candidate meets legal requirements. Having prepared a set of documents, the civilian requests permission to purchase trauma equipment. After purchase, the weapon must be registered within a certain period of time - with the parallel issuance of a license. If this is not done, the actions of the violator fall under the article on illegal trafficking of weapons.

The “Weapons Law” specifies not only the owner’s licensing obligation, but also contains standards for traumatic weapons. By definition, this is a firearm barrel designed to hit a target with special cartridges. The weapon is not intended for shooting at a living target, causing significant harm.

The energy of the traumatic muzzle should not exceed 91 J. A special requirement is placed on both the pistol clip and the revolver cylinder. Magazine capacity is no more than 10 rounds. In this case, there may be two trigger mechanisms. This means that the pistol fires by self-cocking, but does not fire in automatic bursts.

Government Resolution No. 814, edited in 2022, is important. This act approves measures to control the circulation of civilian weapons. In addition, it has been established that citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to purchase and carry traumatic weapons in order to ensure their safety. The same document lays down the rules for the circulation of weapons.

Requirements for applicants

  • To purchase a weapon, a citizen of the Russian Federation must be an adult and have a permanent residence permit.
  • It is imperative to have a hunting license, a certificate of completion of weapons handling courses and a certificate from the hospital to confirm the absence of diseases that will not allow you to buy a rifle.
  • For rifled models, you must have more than 5 years of experience in owning a smoothbore rifle or pistol.
  • The next requirement is the presence of a safe or gun cabinet in the house to accommodate cartridges and rifles. Compliance with this condition is checked by local police officers at the police station at the place of registration. They draw up an act that is submitted to the OLRR.

Important! Papers for owning and using weapons are issued to people who have not been prosecuted under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

How to make a ticket required for hunting?

A hunting license allows you to hunt wild birds and animals without violating the law.
Its effect extends to any region of the Russian Federation without time restrictions. The ticket is issued to the Committee for Natural Resources, Environmental Protection and Environmental Safety. The easiest way is to submit documents through your personal account on the Unified Portal. A copy of the passport pages and 2 photographs 3 x 4 cm are added to the application. After 5 working days, the ticket will be ready.

Passing a medical examination and obtaining a medical certificate

To obtain the paper, you must contact the medical institution at the place of registration. The person will be given papers for examination by an ophthalmologist, therapist, narcologist and psychiatrist. Additionally, tests are taken to confirm the absence or presence of narcotic and psychotropic substances.

From January 1, 2022, instead of form 046-1, certificates 002-О/у are issued.

Members of the commission prepare a conclusion, which is certified by a seal. For reference, you must add 1 photo 3 x 4 cm. The certificate is valid for 1 year from the date of issue. If a person is diagnosed with a mental or eye disorder, he is prohibited from owning a rifle or pistol.

Handling training

To undergo training, you need to contact licensed institutions. Bring the following documents with you:

  • copy of passport;
  • a certificate from the hospital confirming the absence of contraindications;
  • license or permit;
  • 2 photographs 3 x 4 cm.

On the spot, the person signs the contract and writes a statement. Training begins with a lecture, after which they go to the shooting range. Next comes certification, which consists of tests and testing of practical skills. Upon completion of the exam, a corresponding certificate and report are issued. Typically, the course lasts 1 day.

Storage rules

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 814 of July 21, 1998 requires that rifles and cartridges be in the apartment where the person lives. For storage use safes or metal cabinets with locks. It is allowed to install boxes made of durable materials or wood with iron lining. The main condition is that strangers should not be allowed to see them.

Important! According to Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 288 of April 12, 1999, the distance between the safe and the entrance doors is more than 1.5 m from the entrance doors, 0.5 m from the windows to the storage room. The gap between the cartridge package and the heating unit must be at least 1 m

Registration of injuries

Online users often ask whether traumatic weapons need to be registered. The procedure for registering a traumatic weapon is reminiscent of registering a hunting weapon, only if for the latter it is necessary to provide a ticket, then the traumatic weapon will be registered only with documents received from the seller.

After the purchase, the citizen is obliged to come to the OLRR within two weeks, where he submits the weapon for inspection. Examination shows that this model is used as a weapon of limited destruction and cannot be made into a real firearm. Registration involves recording a personnel number in a special journal.

From this moment the countdown of the ownership period begins. This is especially true when a citizen wants to obtain a permit for a rifle. After registration, the owner is issued a permit to carry and store the barrel. However, he must come to the OLRR with a holster.

Recommendations for choosing a traumatic pistol

To buy a good traumatizer, you should pay attention not only to the quality of the device, but also to your own preferences

It is important to determine what kind of pistol the applicant wants: compact or large, powerful or accurate. A small device is easy to put into your pocket, and a large weapon makes a more intimidating impression

Criterias of choice:

A small device can be easily stored in a pocket, while a large weapon makes a more intimidating impression. Criterias of choice:

  • power, type of ammunition;
  • quality and reliability of assembly;
  • ratio of indicators and price;
  • specifications;
  • reviews and expert opinions.

Having considered the main parameters of choice, you should analyze each point and apply it to several models that are considered the most popular on the arms market now. Equally important is the packaging of the product. If the device does not have a passport, then most likely it was made in a clandestine factory and no government organization will accept it for licensing.

Other nuances:

  1. The device must guarantee trouble-free and reliable operation.
  2. If a person wants to carry a weapon in a holster, then it is better that it is original, from the factory, and comes immediately with the weapon.
  3. You should choose an item that will be convenient to serve. If the buyer is a beginner, then you should not buy a pistol with a complex configuration. This will greatly complicate the disassembly and cleaning process.
  4. Take into account the design and material of manufacture. If most of the parts are plastic, then you should not expect a long service life.
  5. Maintainability and tuning capabilities. There are several techniques for legally reworking injuries that will significantly improve performance indicators.

A cheap device will not have impressive performance. If we consider a trauma device costing up to 10,000 rubles, then it will have: mediocre power, poor accuracy at a distance of more than 5 meters, and the internal mechanism is made of high-quality material, but plastic.

Is it legal to buy trauma equipment through an online store without a license?

The crime rate in Russia is quite high, which causes many people to purchase special protective equipment. Traumatic pistols are one of the popular solutions to the problem of self-defense in our time.

They do not cause critical damage to health and are not combat pistols, but the use of such weapons is permitted only in exceptional situations when their owner or members of his family are in danger.

But you can very easily buy firearms through an online store without a license, unlike firearms.

How to choose a traumatic pistol

Now on the market there is a huge number of traumatic weapons, both domestic, made in Russia, and foreign.

You can choose a copy model of a recognizable pistol or a regular version with rubber bullets. The main differences between the models are the accuracy of the shot, the power of the cartridges and, in fact, the price.

The price range for a traumatic pistol is from 5 to 50 thousand rubles.

To correctly select the right model, you need to decide why the owner needs such a pistol: target shooting, self-defense, or simply as a valuable and beautiful toy, similar to the historical model.

  • Muzzle energy value. This factor is important for shooting efficiency.
  • Ease of use: how it fits in the hand, is it convenient to carry, is the traumatic gun a comfortable weight.
  • The number of bullets that fits in the magazine.
  • The possibility of repair, its difficulty and high cost.

To legally store and use traumatic weapons, you must obtain a license and permission for it.

  • First of all, you need to take special training courses.
  • After completing the courses, an exam is taken to test the acquired knowledge.
  • It is necessary to purchase and install a safe at home where the pistol will be stored.
  • Buy the gun itself.
  • Register your purchase, obtain permission to store it and obtain a license.


In order to obtain a license, you need to enroll in special courses and successfully complete them. They are conducted by special certified institutions, where an exam on knowledge of the studied material is taken.

The first stage of training includes a theoretical course, where the student learns about the existence and content of regulations that are related to the possession of weapons of this type. They also teach how to properly store traumatic pistols.

At the second stage, practice begins. Shooting, pistol training and first aid training in case of accidental injury take place here.

Getting permission

To purchase, own and store traumatic weapons, you must also obtain a special permit. Without it, a weapon found on a person is considered illegal and prohibited by law.

After purchasing a weapon, you must provide the following to the police station within 14 days:

  • A photocopy of the permit to purchase a weapon with a note from the seller from whom the purchase was made.
  • Written statement.
  • Two photographs 3 by 4 cm.
  • Pay the state fee.
  • In addition to the basic documents, you need to provide the police with used cartridges in a special bag.

Lack of license and permission

Unfortunately, nowadays you can easily buy trauma equipment through an online store without a license. Therefore, a huge number of youth make a huge mistake by thinking that no one will find out about their illegal purchase and they will go unpunished. But that's not true. What happens to carrying a traumatic weapon without a license and permission?

According to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the illegal use of a traumatic gun or pistol entails the imposition of an administrative fine on its owner or, in especially dangerous cases, even criminal prosecution.

Illegal storage and disposal of weapons and ammunition may be punished by a fine of 500 to 2000 rubles (Article 20.8 of the Administrative Code).

The illegal use, carrying or sale of weapons, as well as the threat of using them against third parties, are punished much more severely under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 119 and 122).

In fact, getting a special license and permit for a weapon is much easier than it seems to the average person: go through training with an exam, pay the fee, buy and use it.

People who think that it will be much easier and cheaper to buy a weapon clandestinely are very mistaken, because if they find themselves in an emergency situation, they simply will not be able to legally use their weapon and protect their lives.

It will be much safer to get a license and not worry about your own protection.

Permit Training

First of all, it is important that a person has a conscious desire to receive this type of modern weapon, and it is also important to understand what kind of responsibility is assigned to him. In addition, you will need to do the following:

  • Training required;
  • It is important to obtain special permission to purchase weapons;
  • A pistol is being purchased;
  • Permission to use weapons is obtained.

You can undergo training in special organizations where training courses are organized. They are designed for this purpose and certified for this purpose. After completing the training, you will receive a document confirming completion of qualified training and passing the exam.

Permit for traumatic weapons through State Services - features

Currently, it is becoming possible to obtain permission to use traumatic weapons through the State Services website.

The term “traumatic weapon” is not described in detail at the legislative level. Despite this, the legislation defines the main differences between traumatic weapons:

  • the number of cartridges should not exceed ten;
  • the energy of a completed shot cannot exceed 91 J;
  • the use of weapons is permitted only in exceptional situations when self-defense is required;
  • Only automatic type cartridges are allowed to be used.

Typically, Russians use OOPR, and less often - smooth-bore firearms, for which traumatic-type cartridges are used. An example of the first category would be a pistol, a barrelless device proposed by domestic manufacturers. Owners of traumatic weapons must obtain a license in accordance with legal regulations.

How to properly apply for a license online

Initially, you will need to complete a special training program and obtain a medical certificate. After this, you can collect the established package of documents, but you need to take into account the terms of their legal force.

During the courses, you can gain the necessary knowledge on how to store and properly use weapons. After successfully passing the exam and obtaining a medical report, you can contact the authorized organization, namely the authorized police department. You need to focus on the organization taking into account your existing registration.

To purchase and use traumatic weapons, you will need the following documents:

  • A correctly completed application, which must be completed taking into account current legislative norms;
  • A duplicate of a valid Russian passport;
  • A check that confirms payment of the established state duty (500 - 2000 rubles);
  • A certificate confirming successful completion of training;
  • A medical certificate that confirms the ability to use the purchased weapon without risk to its owner and surrounding people. For this reason, undergoing examinations is a mandatory step.

You will need to see doctors who will conduct a general examination, vision test, determination of addiction to drugs, and assessment of mental state.

Documents confirming no criminal record will also be required.

It is recommended to contact the LRO of the Russian Guard, presenting all the necessary documents, which will certainly be studied in the future. You only need to contact the territorial office of the LRO to ensure that the necessary certificates are provided. After receiving the documents, a license to purchase weapons is issued, valid for six months. During this time, you can buy a suitable pistol and obtain permission to use it. The permitting process involves several mandatory steps. If the certificates are not provided, the procedure cannot be carried out.

State duty: cost and payment options

Before submitting the established documentary package for obtaining a license or permit, you will need to pay a state fee. Payment can be made at any bank.

You can buy a weapon by paying a state fee of two thousand rubles. To legally store weapons, you will need a special permit, which will cost 500 rubles.

Once the license or permit is approved, the person will receive a notification confirming the need to pay the established fee. Payment is made through a bank or a special terminal installed in an authorized organization:

A license will cost from 10 to 200 rubles.

You will have to pay even less for the permit, namely 10–50 rubles.

Pneumatic guns

“Pneumatics” are civilian self-defense weapons that do not require permission or a license for purchase and storage. According to the law, the power of a shot must be less than 7.5 J, and to have something to compare with: this figure for a Kalashnikov assault rifle is 2000 J.

The caliber of a bullet in an air pistol intended for protection against hooligans cannot exceed 4.5 mm. If you shoot from a pneumatic gun at close range (less than 3 m), you can cause harm to health.

But the most important thing: a person intuitively always aims at the head, and after all, he can hit the enemy in the eye. Therefore, all means of self-defense must be used with great caution.

It is noteworthy that it rarely comes to shooting, because almost all models of air pistols look so realistic that they have a sobering effect on any prudent criminal
Do not carry the pistol in an open bag or keep it in plain sight. If only for the reason that he may become the object of attention of criminals.

If a person in a critical situation had to use a pneumatic weapon for self-defense without preparation, then it may fall into the hands of an attacker during an attack.

The “pneumatic” has a fairly heavy body, which means that it can be used as brass knuckles. But most often, an air pistol takes on the function of psychological influence - it looks so realistic.

How to legally buy a combat pistol in the Russian Federation? And why doesn't it need a license?

This article fully complies with the requirements of the Federal Law “On Weapons” No. 150-FZ dated December 13, 1996

and does not contradict other legal acts that regulate the circulation of weapons in the Russian Federation.BAIKAL-442

I am sure: many of you, dear readers, believe that it is impossible to buy combat short-barreled rifled weapons (KS) in Russia.

De jure, of course, you are right: citizens themselves cannot purchase CS in a store, even if they want to do this by going through the procedure of obtaining a license to purchase weapons.

However, de facto it is still possible to obtain a combat pistol for personal use, and you do not need to have licenses or permits. In this article I will tell you how to do this.

Shoot to your health!

I decided to write this article after visiting the Biserovo-Sporting shooting range. I will tell you about this wonderful place in a separate article, and now about the short-barreled weapon that I shot there.


It was Baikal-442 in 9x18 caliber.

In fact, this pistol is a modern sports and training version of the PM, which has many versions - from the Baikal factory you can order a pistol completely customized to the customer’s needs: in addition to a convenient magazine release button, the pistol has an adjustable rear sight, it can be made with a handle for a single-stack , or a double-row magazine - the capacity is either 8, 10 or 12 rounds of 9x18 PM. By the way, Baikal-442 was also produced chambered for 9x19 Luger, however, this version was not widely used and it is quite difficult to find information about it.

And here is a highly artistic performance of BAIKAL-442 with a single-row magazine

Any fan of PM-shaped weapons would like to have such a PM.
Of course, you can buy the legendary “Makarych” - MP-79-9TM - chambered for the classic 9 r.a. cartridge.
or the “knock-out-of-your-shoes” MP-80-13T chambered for .45 Rubber. But, as my experience has shown, “injury” is “a 30% gun.” I may not say anything new, but still: combat PM and “Makarych” are like heaven and earth in use.

The weapons seem to be similar, but, of course, the shooting sensations cannot be compared.

Look how the first shots in my life from Baikal-442 came out lumpy:

“To hit, you need to shoot! “- commented the instructor. The video clearly shows: I reassembled the grip for the first 4 shots, I was able to control the pistol (and even with wet palms) only with a “fresh” magazine - after the 12th shot I was able to control the weapon normally.

The result of shooting at 25 meters. Considering that I didn’t have glasses or contacts, and my vision was 0.6 and 0.5 in my left and right eyes, respectively, a good result.

Would you say “something always gets in the way of a bad dancer”?
Maybe. But the main conclusion I made is that you need to shoot more often in order to be able to control the weapon, especially the PM, which is not the easiest pistol for a beginner.

“Without SMS and registration?”


So we moved on to purchasing a personal sports training pistol. I’ll say right away: this purchase is different from those you are used to making. Formally, the purchased pistol, even if it is a Viking, will not belong to you - it will be stored at the shooting range.

In gun slang it sounds like “I bought a short barrel at a shooting range,” but in fact, you are assigned a personal weapon that is stored at the shooting facility. You choose which shooting range to choose, but keep in mind: you will also buy ammunition for it there and conduct training with it.

Why is a license not required? But because from the point of view of the law, namely the Government Decree of July 21.

1998 No. 814, in order to obtain a weapon at a shooting facility, it is enough not to have grounds for refusal to obtain the appropriate licenses for the acquisition and permits for storing weapons. T.

That is, if necessary, you will simply need to undergo a medical examination for the right to own a weapon, or obtain a permit from the ROXa, RSOa or RX series, so as not to have to make certificates every year (it will be cheaper).

Can't wear it?


Whatever one may say, you cannot take a pistol purchased at a shooting club outside of it without completing the appropriate documents. Moreover, wearing it is prohibited; only transportation can be carried out.

But, there is an opportunity to make a knight move. For example, you visit the “Object” shooting club and shoot there with an MP-446 (Viking) pistol.

It will not be possible to remove this barrel from there, but you can have the same pistol in its “traumatic” role.

OOOP MP-356 in caliber 10x28

The same can be done if you shoot from Baikal-442. I have not seen practical shooters with this pistol at competitions, but if you love PMs, no one forbids you to secure such a KS at the shooting range, and carry a “traumat” with you - “Makarych” in 9 r.a. or .45 Rubber.


License-free self-defense products

Back in 1996, the Federal Law “On Weapons” was released, and was revised 23 times. In Art. 1 provides a complete classification of self-defense means, and Art. 3 the length of the knife blade and muzzle energy are determined. A citizen using such “defenders” must have complete information about their characteristics (type of gas), light intensity or number of decibels emitted by a light or noise gun, etc. Based on Art. 13 Federal Law, a person who has reached the age of majority has the right to acquire:

  1. An aerosol can containing a mixture approved for use.
  2. Stun gun.
  3. “Pneumatics” with a caliber of up to 4.5 mm, with a muzzle energy of no more than 7.5 J.
  4. Flare pistol caliber 6 mm.

In Art. 32 of the Law indicated above, clearly defines the cases when and how a citizen can use means of self-defense.

Attention! In the event of danger, a citizen has the right to use any available means for self-defense, even those that are not included in the official list.

For example, these can be rubber clubs, brass knuckles, knives, but provided that the length of their blade does not exceed 90 mm and the blade is non-throwing.

Aerosol can

The most popular self-defense means

  1. Airguns. Outwardly, it is very similar to a firearm, and sometimes it is not necessary to use it, because a not very brave criminal can be frightened by just the sight of it. Do I need a permit for pneumatic guns? If it complies with the parameters specified in the relevant regulations, then no permits or licenses are required.
  2. Gas cartridges. They are one of the best means of self-defense, and the main task is to have time to use it, because seasoned criminals are not afraid of “this stuff.” Gas self-defense weapons are not only cans, but also pistols that fire a special mixture.
  3. Stun guns. These are devices that contain two wires that form an electric charge, the power of which can cool the ardor of the aggressor for a long time.

Stun gun

How to renew your hunting weapons permit in 2022

  • The weapon is in disrepair.
  • The original design of the weapon was "modernized" (changed).
  • Over the past 5 years, you have been observed in a drug treatment clinic or a neuropsychiatric clinic. This situation suggests that you are not entirely able to adequately respond to stimuli, and it is better for you not to come into contact with the weapon.
  • There is no safe, despite the fact that previously (when you first received/renewed your permit 5 years ago) there was one.
  • You missed the deadline for renewing your document registration in 2020.
  • Submission of documents later than a month before the end of the permit.
  • There were incidents involving you more than 2 times over the past year, the reason was administrative violations in the field of public order.
  • Safes, drawers and cabinets must be equipped with a reliable locking mechanism. They must be made of high-strength metals. In the case of boxes, wood covered with iron is allowed.
  • If you have a collection of weapons, then state documents regulate equipping the premises with a security and fire alarm. The doorway must be equipped with a metal door, with an additional frame and several locks.
  • If the apartment is located on the first or last floor, it is also necessary to install bars on the windows of the room in which the collection is located.

Is it possible to avoid punishment

By observing the following rules for storing and carrying your traumatic weapon, liability for violating the requirements of the license itself can be avoided:

  1. Do not wear the injury in crowded places, such as clinics, hospitals, catering establishments, cinemas, theaters, shopping centers, etc. (unless this is part of the work activity, for example, a security service located at a security facility).
  2. Do not carry a weapon while intoxicated, even slightly.
  3. Have no more than two weapons, the type of which is permitted by the license.
  4. Do not modify the weapon by installing additional accessories on it, such as a silencer or a device for night vision, for example. Their installation is strictly prohibited by current legislation.
  5. Keep weapons only in a locked safe so that no one else has access to them.

Use a gun only in cases of extreme necessity, when you need to protect yourself. And then, before doing this, you must first shoot in the air as a warning. And only if this does not help calm down the one who wants to attack you, you can use your means of self-defense to neutralize the enemy.

And don’t forget that there is only one step from an ordinary offense to a crime. It is enough to commit a criminal offense with the help of a pistol intended for self-defense, having crossed the line.

Features of wearing a traumatic weapon

  1. A holster with a traumatic weapon must be carefully sheathed. There should be no cartridge in the chamber; the weapon itself should be on safety. The owner of the injury must have the appropriate permission with him, as well as a document that can confirm his identity.
  2. It must be remembered that a traumatic weapon is a special self-defense weapon. Sometimes excessive ardor and one wrong step can lead to serious consequences, sending an ordinary law-abiding citizen to the dock. This is why you should think carefully about responsibility before you press the button.


  1. Changes to gun laws in 2022
  2. Obtaining a weapons license
  3. Safe for storing weapons
  4. Storage of weapons in the Russian Federation
  5. Carrying weapons in Russia
  6. Concealed Weapons
  7. Application for a weapon
  8. Weapon storage room
  9. State duty for renewing a weapons permit
  10. Illegal arms trafficking in Russia
  11. Weapons for self-defense without permission or license
  12. How much does a weapons permit cost?
  13. Weapons license through State Services
  14. Documents for obtaining and renewing a weapons license
  15. Obtaining a license for smoothbore weapons
  16. Safety precautions when handling weapons
  17. Medical examination and certificate 046-1 for weapons
  18. Rules for transporting weapons
  19. Certificate for weapons form 002-О/у
  20. Registration and weapons
  21. Gun safety training
  22. Chilled Weapons
  23. Gun permits in 2022

Traumatic weapon

  1. License for traumatic weapons
  2. Training for traumatic weapons
  3. Carrying a traumatic weapon
  4. Documents for a license for traumatic weapons
  5. Traumatic weapons without a license
  6. Do I need a permit for trauma?

Hunting weapon

  1. License for hunting weapons
  2. Renew your permit for a hunting weapon
  3. Rules for storing hunting weapons and ammunition
  4. Documents for a permit for hunting weapons
  5. Rifled weapons for hunting

Cold steel and gas weapons

  1. License for edged weapons
  2. Storage and carrying of edged weapons
  3. Gas weapon license
  4. Gas pistol without a license

All about weapons

  1. Procedure for using weapons
  2. Classification of firearms
  3. How to get a hunting license
  4. Getting a hunting permit
  5. Self-defense
  6. Pepper spray
  7. The most powerful stun guns
  8. Weapon training
  9. Police and weapons
  10. Weapon calibers
  11. 12 gauge cartridges
  12. 16 gauge cartridges
  13. 20 and 410 caliber cartridges
  14. Hunting minimum
  15. Poaching – Fine
  16. Seizure of weapons
  17. How to get a job in the police
  18. Crossbows and bows
  19. Quadcopter permit
  20. Permit for stun gun
  21. Self-defense when attacked with a knife
  22. Self-defense techniques for women
  23. How to choose a safe?
  24. Treasure hunting
  25. Which metal detector is better?
  26. Cleaning weapons
  27. Flare gun
  28. Airsoft weapons
  29. Collimator sight

Other licenses

  1. Detective activity
  2. Law on Private Security Activities
  3. Get a security guard license
  4. Renew your security guard license
  5. Job responsibilities of a security guard
  6. Ministry of Emergency Situations license

All about the army

  1. Autumn call 2020
  2. Certificate instead of a military ID
  3. Articles in the military ID
  4. International passport and military ID
  5. Military ID after 27 years
  6. Military ID upon hiring
  7. Why do you need a military ID?
  8. Categories of suitability for the Russian Army
  9. Restore military ID
  10. Flat feet
  11. Diseases and the army
  12. Summons to the military registration and enlistment office
  13. Deferment from the army
  14. Avoid the army

Criminal record

  1. Where to get a certificate of no criminal record
  2. Can you join the army with a criminal record?
  3. Certificate of no criminal record
  4. Certificate of good conduct through State Services
  5. Certificate of good conduct through the MFC
  6. Certificate of good conduct in Moscow
  7. Certificate of good conduct in St. Petersburg
  8. Expungement of a criminal record
  9. Validity period of a certificate of no criminal record
  10. Check criminal record
  11. Help for work
  12. Article for murder in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
  13. Causing harm to health
  14. Causing minor harm to health
  15. Causing moderate harm to health
  16. Causing grievous bodily harm
  17. Intentional damage to property
  18. Exceeding the limits of necessary defense
  19. Exceeding official authority
  20. Checking your passport for validity
  • Author: Vladimir
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Purchasing weapons

You will not be given permission to purchase weapons immediately. It will take several days to verify the provided documents. It is believed that one day after the application is submitted, the department must make a decision on whether the applicant meets or does not meet the requirements.

During this time, a citizen can receive a refusal by notification. The reason may be an incorrectly completed application or lack of documents, non-compliance with the age limit, or the presence of an outstanding criminal record.

Practice shows that it will not be possible to quickly prepare documents. This takes several weeks. But when the treasured piece of paper is in your hands, you are officially allowed to buy a traumatic weapon.

You shouldn’t rush into making a purchase, but you shouldn’t delay the matter either. If you do not purchase a weapon within 6 months, your license will be revoked. In any gun store, the buyer has many models of traumatic weapons to choose from. For those who are encountering trauma for the first time, it is necessary to remember that the model should be chosen based on its purpose.

  • On the one hand, the pistol must effectively protect the owner from the attacker in the event of the latter’s aggression.
  • On the other hand, the unsuccessful use of traumatism as self-defense will be interpreted as exceeding the limits of necessary defense.

The best option for beginners is the Osa barrelless pistol. It is also used as a signal weapon for noise and light exposure. You should also focus on price. It is advisable to choose an inexpensive specimen as your first barrel in life. The received permit will make it possible to purchase only smooth-bore weapons, since the requirements for rifled weapons are more stringent.

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