Can I carry an air pistol? Basic rules for carrying air guns

The next article will again be on legal topics. For the purposes of self-defense, worldwide bending and just normal showing off, the population of the Russian Federation every year is more and more eager to purchase pneumatics and carry them with them. This is where people have many questions, in particular about carrying and storing air guns. Today we will try to consider this topic in more detail. So, is it possible to carry an air pistol and how to properly store it?

Simple and complex

Regarding pneumatic weapons, the situation is even more interesting than among other types of weapons. And the problem of whether you can carry an air pistol with you is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

The fact is that air guns are often perceived by many people as one thing - half toy, half real. In fact, similar-looking air pistols can belong to completely different categories, and the consequences of carrying them can vary greatly. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly understand which air pistol is a weapon and which is not. It also doesn’t hurt to understand the licensing rules for a particular type of air gun in order to know exactly all the legal aspects and whether it is possible to carry a particular model of air gun.

Procedure for transporting pneumatic devices

The owner can transport the air gun in a personal vehicle to the shooting site (shooting range, shooting range), but in compliance with the established rules for transporting pneumatic weapons:

  1. Licensed pneumatics.
    It is allowed to transport up to 5 units at a time, but provided that the device has previously been registered with the OLRR. The owner needs to unload the rifle, then completely disassemble it. Components and ammunition are placed separately in a case or case. Another task of the user is to limit access to weapons to third parties as much as possible. A driver must not hide a licensed airgun in a car - this is an offence.
  2. KSOI.
    Transportation in a car is recommended according to the rules described earlier. If there is no bag or case, the gun may be in the glove compartment, but after complete disassembly. Gas cartridges are stored separately. It is better to leave the bullets in their original packaging so that the traffic police officer can quickly assess their intended use.
  3. Rifles without a license.
    It is advisable to remove the trigger mechanism (trigger mechanism) from spring-piston and PCP devices. This will cause discomfort to the user, but there is a plus - the traffic police inspector will not have any complaints.

Muzzle energy as the main indicator

In order to understand whether you can carry an air pistol with you, you need to know what category of air guns it belongs to. Moreover, for this there is no need to dive deeply into technical details. You just need to know one single number - the muzzle energy of a particular sample. It is this parameter that determines whether an air pistol can be carried without permission, or whether it must be officially registered and obtain documents.

The Weapons Law identifies four main categories of air guns.

Can I carry an air gun up to 3 J?

The law does not classify pistols with a muzzle energy of up to three joules as weapons, in fact considering them as a toy. And the answer to the question whether it is possible to carry an air pistol with you, where the bullet energy does not exceed 3 J, will always be positive. Of course, unless in a particular case a special resolution stipulates otherwise, as was the case, for example, during the football championship. However, one should never forget that the demonstrative open carrying of such a pistol can attract the attention of law enforcement officers. In addition, threats to other people, even using such “toy” weapons, also entail quite tangible responsibility. Therefore, “pneumatic guns” of this category, being a toy from the point of view of the law, must always remain a weapon in the eyes of their owner. Accordingly, it is necessary to constantly remember the responsibility imposed on the owner.

How not to use pneumatics

Having clarified the question of how old you can be to own an air pistol, many young people believe that it is allowed to use it anywhere. This is wrong. It is prohibited to fire weapons of any class in public places . A law enforcement officer who records a violation may:

  • seize weapons for examination;
  • draw up a protocol of administrative violation;
  • detain the owner of a pneumatic weapon on suspicion of violating the law.

Most likely, the situation will not develop until the trial. But consequences are possible in the form of a large fine and deprivation of the right to purchase, carry, or store weapons for a period of 12 months. After the examination, the air pistol will be returned. In case of deprivation of the right to keep and carry it, it will be handed over to a close relative or authorized representative.

Already a weapon, but not completely

The most popular category of pneumatics. This category includes pneumatic weapons with energy up to 7.5 J. In this case, another limitation appears - the maximum caliber is 4.5 mm.

However, the overwhelming majority of pneumatic models offered in stores are precisely 4.5 mm caliber, so there will be no difficulties with this parameter. In addition, manufacturers are tailoring their products to meet the requirements of the Gun Act in order to increase sales. Thus, in the description of many air rifles you can find the wording that a weakened spring is installed. That is, the manufacturer adjusts the weapon, designed to withstand heavier loads, to the requirements of federal law. But at the same time, it remains technically possible to modernize the model by installing a more powerful spring, which, accordingly, transfers the weapon to another category.


Despite the fact that an air pistol does not belong to the combat category, it is a weapon. Its main purpose is hunting, sport shooting and preparation for the use of firearms. Due to the fact that air weapons are relatively safe, a permit is not required in most situations.

The need for permission depends on the power of the selected model

The Law “On Weapons” regulates all the features of the procedure associated with the purchase of pneumatics, focusing on muzzle energy standards.

To purchase guns with a power of up to 7.5 J, there is no need to obtain official documents. At higher rates, the buyer is required to order the appropriate papers, which are drawn up in the Licensing and Permitting Department. To do this, you must present a passport and a license, which is required for any type of aerial weapon.

Table 3. Features of guns depending on power

Power, J.Permission
until 3Belongs to the category of toy pistols. No permitting documentation is required.
up to 7.5More advanced category. A permit is not required for purchase, but regulations have been developed regarding going outside with pneumatic guns. Carrying a pistol is prohibited:
  • at public events;
  • in residential areas in assembled form.
up to 25This group includes hunting weapons and sports pneumatics. To purchase high-power air vents, you need the appropriate documents.

In addition to muzzle energy, the diameter of the caliber is taken into account to obtain resolution. In order not to issue permits, it should be no more than 4.5 mm.

Representatives of modern pneumatics have the following calibers (mm);

  • 4,5;
  • 5,6;
  • 6,0;
  • 6,35.

The shot is carried out using bullets in the form of caps, spherical, cylindrical or round.

Features of obtaining a license

If you plan to purchase a weapon that exceeds the permissible parameters, it is necessary to issue permits. First of all, a license is issued. You should prepare this document before purchasing pneumatics. Otherwise, the seller will not be able to sell the selected product. As with the permit, when purchasing air pistols with a power of up to 7.5 J and a caliber of 4.5 mm, no additional paperwork is required.

In terms of its functional purpose, the license is as close as possible to the permit

To register a license, you must visit the LRO and fill out the appropriate application.

List of documents to be presented:

  • copy and original passport;
  • 2 photos size 30x40 mm;
  • certificate from a medical institution in form 046-1;
  • paper confirming successful completion of the safety exam;
  • a receipt for payment of a one-time fee (details and amount are taken to the LRO department).

If you purchase a hunting rifle, you must present a hunting license, which is issued at the MFC at the place of registration or on the website When purchasing a sports rifle, you need a document certifying your ability to engage in sports shooting. Persons under 18 years of age or who have a criminal record for particularly serious crimes using weapons are not issued a license.

The processing time for a license request is about 10 days. At the end of this period, a notification about the status of the document is sent by email. If a positive decision is made, you must visit the LRO within 2 weeks and pick up the issued license. The document is valid for 5 years.

Features of obtaining a permit for an air pistol

A permit for pneumatics in the Russian Federation allows for its free storage, carrying and intended use.

After purchasing a weapon, you need to purchase a safe that is suitable in size.

Within 2 weeks after purchasing the pneumatic, you must contact the LRO to obtain a permit. To do this, you will need a passport and a previously issued license. Material costs for obtaining permits will range from 2,000 to 3,000 rubles.

During the process of processing an application for a permit, the owner of the purchased pistol is visited by a local inspector to check the storage conditions of the pneumatic gun. Within 10 days, a corresponding notification of the issuance of a permit will be sent to the mailbox specified in the application.

Features of wearing pneumatics

After receiving all the necessary documents, you should carefully read the rules for carrying weapons. It is prohibited to go outside with a pistol in the following situations:

  • during alcohol intoxication;
  • in public and educational institutions;
  • in recreational areas equipped with a point of sale of alcohol;
  • at public events.

It is also not allowed to carry loaded air rifles in populated areas. The weapon may only be used in uninhabited areas.

At the legislative level, administrative measures are prescribed for ignoring the rules for carrying and storing purchased weapons. In monetary terms, the violator will have to pay a fine ranging from 500 to 2,000 rubles. In case of particularly serious violations, the owner is deprived of the right to store, carry or purchase for a period of 6 to 12 months.

Persons who have purchased pneumatic weapons that require the issuance of permits must undergo special training. Military personnel and citizens who previously held a license in the past are not subject to this rule.

Reasons for popularity

The great popularity of pneumatics up to 7.5 J is due to the fact that, although they are weapons, there are minimal restrictions on their purchase and storage. In fact, the only limitation is reaching the age of majority. Weapons of this class are not licensed; you just need to present your passport upon purchase.

The law does not provide for special regulations on where weapons must be stored, that is, formally there is no need for a safe. However, reasonable precautions must be taken when storing weapons in this category, since they are quite capable of, for example, putting out an eye. Accordingly, it is better to keep such specimens in a disassembled or semi-disassembled state and better discharged.

But if there are no restrictions on storing this weapon, then there are already restrictions on carrying it. And the question of whether it is possible to carry an air pistol with you already has a slightly different answer than in the case of pneumatics up to 3 J. The law specifies two main restrictions. It is prohibited to carry pneumatic weapons, both in working and disassembled form, in places where public events are held. And also you cannot wear such products in populated areas when equipped. That is, when transporting this weapon around the city, it is necessary to remove the magazine or gas cartridge.

Airgun storage

Different types of air guns follow the same principle of storage. Basically, this rule applies only to those units that are already classified as small arms, hunting or sports and have a power from 7.5 to 25 or more joules.

During transportation and storage, it is necessary that the weapon be disassembled. The cylinders or shutter mechanism must be completely removed. The barrel itself, butt, handles and other parts of the air gun must be placed in a box or case. Storing rifles is quite problematic. If this is a weapon of high power from 25 and above, then you need to organize your own safe for it. This is a legal rule that must be followed. Cartridges and additional devices must also be kept separate from the weapon and placed in special boxes.

It is also worth paying attention to how weapons of different power categories are carried by type. If in the first case up to 3 joules can be carried open, then in the case of weapons from 7.5 and above it is necessary to move it only in a special case or in a disassembled state. It is strictly prohibited to carry open and loaded weapons into public places, as this will be considered hooliganism.

Big milestone

Pneumatics, whose power exceeds 7.5 J, can already be called a full-fledged weapon. It is subject to licensing, which immediately narrows the circle of its potential buyers. For example, according to the Law “On Weapons”, athletes of bullet sports have the right to purchase such products for training.

To purchase, they need to obtain a document that confirms this, and then, based on it, receive the purchase license itself. Of course, getting the desired license for such a weapon is much easier than for a full-fledged firearm, nevertheless, this is already an official action with all the ensuing consequences. To obtain a license, you will need a medical certificate of physical and mental fitness to own a weapon. And first-time purchasers should also undergo training to learn how to handle them safely. And the opportunity to obtain a license appears only after passing an exam on mastering the rules of handling weapons. Also, to store models with an energy indicator over 7.5 J, a full-fledged safe is required.

Cost of a license for air guns in MIP

Types of servicesMore detailsPrice
ConsultationExplanation of the provisions of Law No. 150-FZ and the rules for the purchase, storage, and display of pneumatics. Explanation of the consequences of purchasing a weapon without a license. Explanation of the procedure for completing the primary licensing procedure. from 1 000
Collection of documentsWe will draw up an application to the police department and help you obtain a hunting license and confirm your membership in a sports section. We will tell you how to obtain a medical certificate in form 046-1. We will make the necessary photocopies. from 3 000
Payment of state dutyOur employees will contribute funds to the budget to pay the state fee collected when granting a permit for pneumaticsfrom 500
Obtaining an initial licenseAssistance in completing the entire licensing procedure, including medical examination, preparation of papers and transferring them to the police department.from 8 000
Additional permits for each additional weaponThe license is issued for the purchase of one unit of pneumatic weapons. To buy another pistol or rifle, you need to get an additional permit from the police department. from 5 000
Permit for turnkey pneumatic weaponsA full range of licensing services for individuals and legal entities purchasing pneumatics.from 11 000

Pneumatic monsters

The last category of pneumatic weapons consists of models with an energy indicator of over 25 J. They are not separately identified in the Law “On Weapons” and require the same actions when obtaining a license. The only difference is that the law does not provide for pneumatic weapons used for hunting and having an energy exceeding 25 J. That is, only athletes of bullet sports can purchase pneumatics of this category if they have the necessary documents and recommendations, and hunters are not allowed to shoot from them. Although this does not negate the fact that many air rifles are initially designed by the manufacturer to be modified to increase power.

The situation in other CIS countries

Many pneumatic connoisseurs are interested in whether it is possible to freely carry an air pistol in neighboring countries. Despite the fact that weapons legislation in the post-Soviet space is quite similar to that in different countries, since it is based on a single Soviet model, it is gradually evolving and begins to differ from Russia. We found out whether it is possible to carry an air pistol in Russia. What about our neighbors? Let us pay attention to the two countries that cooperate most closely with Russia – Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Recommendations for using air guns

The average character is able to say: there is no use for an air pistol if it must be carried, purchased and stored according to the rules, and its use can result in troubles and fines. But this formulation of the question does not correspond to reality. You can use an air pistol in deserted places or specially equipped rooms.

Important! Bullets pose a risk of injury. Therefore, it is advisable to shoot with safety glasses and at a specially equipped target area. It should include an effective bullet catcher: made of straw, in the form of a mound of soft soil, a device made of an inclined durable slab that deflects bullets into a container of water.

The rules for purchasing, carrying and storing air pistols are quite simple. If they are followed, no one can prevent the owner of such a weapon from having fun, learning or improving his shooting skills.


Is it possible to carry an air pistol in Belarus? In the Republic of Belarus, as well as in the Russian Federation, weapons do not include samples up to 3 J, considered as toys. Samples with a caliber of up to 4.5 mm and a bullet energy of up to 7.5 J are weapons, but are not subject to licensing. In general, the situation with pneumatic weapons in Belarus is identical to that in Russia. With one exception. Pneumatics more powerful than 25 J are completely prohibited. Whereas in Russia it is allowed for athletes and prohibited for hunters. But such pneumatics make up an insignificant part of the overall airgun market. As a rule, people are interested in more affordable samples. It should also be noted that in Belarus, even pneumatic weapons with energy from 3 to 7.5 J are supposed to be stored in a safe. That is, a standard “air” weakened to 7.5 J does not require a license, but you must have a safe.

Pneumatic storage rules

The procedure for storing pneumatic weapons is established by Article 22 of the Federal Law “On Weapons”. An “aircraft” without a license does not need to be registered with the OLRR (licensing and permitting department) at the place of registration. These devices are stored with precautions.

Storing a permit-free “air” at home

How to store air guns at home? Leaving an unlicensed pistol or rifle “just anywhere” is wrong. Especially when children are running around the living space. A safe is an ideal solution, but not all owners buy it to store low-power pneumatics. Alternative options are a case or case. A tight container will prevent the device from falling into children’s hands and will extend its service life.

It is important to choose a place to store pneumatics. A balcony or garage are not suitable premises. High humidity and temperature changes are favorable conditions for rust formation. It is best to store the weapon in a dark, dry place, such as a locked cabinet.

If the humidity in the living room is slightly too high, it is recommended to put several bags of sorbent or shoe silica gel in the weapons container.

Reason to buy a gun safe

Is a safe for air guns required under a license? According to Russian legislation, these devices are stored in a special order:

Basic requirements for the box:

  1. Only factory-made versions are acceptable.
    We need to discard the idea of ​​assembling a safe using a makeshift method. Yes, money will be saved, but it will take a lot of time to argue with the local police officer. The guarantor of reliability is a certificate of conformity.
  2. Several compartments are better.
    It is correct to store any “air” separately from equipment. The gun and carbon dioxide canisters should not be placed together to avoid accidental explosion of the containers.
  3. The lock must be reliable.
    A cheap locking mechanism will cause discomfort to the owner of the pneumatic gun - it will jam and then fail. You should not skimp on this issue, especially in matters of ensuring the safety of the device.
  4. Thick walls.
    For storing expensive licensed pneumatics (PCP, professional sporting rifles), a box with a wall thickness of 2 mm is better suited. The requirement is not mandatory, but it will help protect the device in the event of a fire.
  5. Moisture-resistant surface.
    Another desirable, but important requirement to ensure the long life of the gun box.

The tightness of the safe and its dimensions are important. There are no gaps on the body of the box, and there is enough space to store a pistol or rifle or equipment.

The weapon box is not installed in a visible place. You can build a safe into the wall. It is recommended to fix the box with several dowel nails or self-tapping screws to the floor and wall.


Citizens are required to obtain a permit to carry pneumatic weapons if the shot force exceeds 7.5 J.

General requirements for storing pistols and rifles

It is unacceptable for all types of pneumatics to be in a charged state in a safe (or other place). The magazine has been removed from the device and is not loaded. The duration of storage does not matter. Having a bullet inside the device will lead to copper plating or galvanizing of the bore.

The correct position of the “air”:

  1. Pistols
    are stored horizontally on a flat surface, or vertically with the barrel up.
  2. Rifles
    - only vertical storage with the muzzle up.

Any other positioning of the pistol or rifle will result in gun oil leaking from the bore.


The owner is required to clean and lubricate the weapon after each use, especially before long-term storage.

Storage of pneumatics in an educational institution

An educational organization is allowed to use unlicensed pneumatics for classes and shooting competitions. Storage requirements are common to all types of pneumatics. The device must be kept in a gun safe.

The room where the box is installed is isolated and closed with 2 doors:

  1. standard – external;
  2. lattice - internal.

Door locks are reliable and function properly. An autonomous alarm system is installed at the place where the “air” is stored, and a working fire extinguisher (another fire extinguishing agent) is placed.


The “air” should not leave the building of the educational institution: it should be stored in another place or transferred to third parties. A secondary school is prohibited from storing illegal air guns and destroying the serial number of the device.

Responsible persons for the storage of pneumatic weapons are the director of the educational institution, the physical education teacher.

Insidious caliber

So, we found out that the general requirements for pneumatic weapons in Russia and its closest neighbors are very similar. There is one more small nuance - the 4.5 mm caliber that constantly appears in the law.

At first glance, there is no reason for such attention to caliber. In fact, legislators had objective reasons for this ban. The next most common airgun caliber in the world is 5.5 mm. And it is well suited for converting air guns into firearms. Suffice it to remember that the caliber of the AK-74 is 5.45 mm. In addition, there are construction cartridges based on 5.45 mm caliber cartridges. And purchasing construction cartridges does not require special documents. For this reason, pneumatics over 4.5 mm are prohibited for circulation, because there have always been many craftsmen with golden hands in Russia.

Liability and fines

All citizens of the Russian Federation bear full responsibility for violations of the law. Depending on the degree of the offense committed, a person may face not only a fine, but even a real sentence:

  1. For transporting pneumatic weapons with violations, a person will have to pay a fine of 3,000 - 5,000 rubles. The weapon is subject to confiscation by the police. If it is impossible to pay the fine, it may be replaced by correctional labor after an appropriate court decision.
  2. If there was no license when transporting a pneumatic weapon, the fine increases to 10,000 - 30,000 rubles, with the product being confiscated by the police (if there is a license, it is simply not presented by the citizen - it is cancelled). It is also possible to replace it with correctional work. There is a ban on owning an aircraft for a period of 3 years.
  3. If an accident occurs during transportation (grievous harm was caused to the health of another person, passengers of public transport, etc.), a criminal case is opened. The person faces up to 7 years in prison and a lifelong ban on owning and carrying pneumatic weapons.

For violation of transportation rules, owners of compressed air weapons are punished to the fullest extent of the law. You should take this procedure responsibly so as not to receive a real sentence.

Is it possible to carry an air pistol with you, basic rules

In conclusion, we are trying to derive the main rules for people who already own or are interested in air guns.

The first and main rule is that you need to know exactly the characteristics of your weapon and its compliance with legal standards. To do this, it is very advisable to buy pneumatics only in specialized stores, and not from hand. Here is a small digression. Pneumatic guns up to 3 J can be sold by anyone - from the point of view of the law, this is a toy. But copies from 3 to 7.5 J (don’t forget about the 4.5 mm caliber) inclusive (and this is the main part of the turnover) can only be sold by specialized weapons stores. That is, being an adult, you can purchase them without presenting additional documents. But if you later want to sell the toy, then you should know that this is illegal.

Private individuals cannot sell pneumatics up to 7.5 J; they can only try to sell it to a store. In this case, it is pointless to discuss whether this state of affairs is fair or not, but it is a fact that must be taken into account. Therefore, by buying pneumatics up to 7.5 J from your hands, you become a participant in an illegal transaction. And there are no guarantees that the product will comply with the seller’s assurances. So, you can buy pneumatics over 7.5 J under the guise of being weaker, but this can be fraught with serious problems with the law.

The second rule is that even the most harmless pneumatics must be stored in places inaccessible to children and strangers. And it's better disassembled. Even the weakest air pistol is quite capable of knocking out an eye. You should never forget about this.

The third rule is that when transporting pneumatic weapons, you should not draw attention to it, much less point it at people. Even if the weapon is unloaded and meets the standard of up to 7.5 J, nothing prevents police officers from seizing it for examination, and detaining the owner for hooliganism, for example. Weapons are always a responsibility, and you should not forget about it.

Types of air guns by power

Basically, air guns are divided into types depending on their trigger mechanism and driving force. For firing, compressed air cylinders and pneumatic cartridges with a multi-compressor shutter can be used. To a greater extent, types of pneumatic weapons are divided precisely by power, expressed in joules. In total, the models are divided into three main groups:

  • Up to 3 J.
  • Up to 7.5 J.
  • Up to 25 J.

Each group has its own characteristics and characteristics. It is noteworthy that many models can imitate real combat units. Today on the markets there are interesting designs that are created based on prototypes from films, as well as from computer games. A person, having collected all the necessary documents, can easily purchase such a weapon if he follows all legally established forms and also receives permits for the use of such items.

Do not forget that pneumatic weapons with a power of even up to 3 joules can cause serious harm to health or make a person disabled. The cartridges, of course, differ from those used in traumatic types. However, you should not forget that the speed of the bullet here is much higher. This can cause penetrating injuries and cause severe bleeding.

It is better to keep weapons away from children so that they cannot harm themselves. It can be used for any purpose. To a large extent, each of the presented groups of pneumatic weapons is used as a sporting weapon.

Many of the pneumatic shooting enthusiasts also practice frequently. To do this, you can purchase an additional shooting solution in the form of rails and sights. The big advantage of air guns of any power is minimal recoil. The noise from use and firing is also practically inaudible, and the range of the cartridge can be up to 100 m at high power.

Up to 3 J

The first group of pneumatic weapons opens with a unit with a power of up to 3 joules. These are mainly rifles with so-called muzzle energy and pistols. Most of them are represented in replicas of real combat units. A notable feature of the group up to 3 J is that, according to legal requirements, such low-power pneumatics can be sold freely.

In other words, such devices do not fall under the category of weapons, which must be registered and additional permits must be issued for them. Another feature is that any citizen of the Russian Federation can purchase weapons up to 3 joules from official stores that have a trading license and are over 18 years of age.

The main purpose of this class of weapon is practical shooting practice. Most of the models that will be described below have various spring-piston and gas-cylinder shutter mechanisms.

In addition, there are multi-compression models. Another popular trend has been the use of air guns up to 3 joules in military tactical games called Hardball.

For many, it is pneumatic weapons up to 3 J that become the first thing in life and allow them to get used to and learn how to use such equipment.

The main features include the following:

  • They can be divided into low-power rifles and pistols, gas-cylinder multi-compression, spring-piston and pre-inflated types of mechanism.
  • Can be used for a wide range of purposes.
  • A large number of models are similar to the original combat units.
  • Various types of optical sights are available for such weapons.
  • Depending on the specific model, it is also possible to increase power, especially for rifles.
  • The 3J muzzle energy is great for first-time shooting ranges for novice users.
  • Weapon ammunition is varied, ranging from bullets and balls with a caliber of 4 mm and ending with bullets with a diameter of 6.35 mm.
  • All slats are adjustable.
  • It is possible to choose both smooth-bore and rifled weapons of this type.
  • All pistols and rifles have safeties.
  • The materials used range from wood and plastic to metal.
  • The initial speed when fired is from 70 m/s.

Among the main functional features of weapons up to 3 J of power, one can highlight the active production of various models. The market offers a large number of variations and replicas of real types of pistols, machine guns and shotguns. In addition, the minimum muzzle power, which is 3 J, allows you to legally bypass the requirements for obtaining permits for the use and storage of these types of units.

Another feature is the possibility of simple modifications, which can significantly increase power. If a bolt mechanism is used, in order to increase the firing range, it is enough to replace the standard springs with more powerful ones. There is also the possibility of modification by changing the sights and installing other additional elements that increase the accuracy of the shot.

Air pistol MP-654K-20

Bullet caliber4.5 mm
Operating principleGas cylinder
Magazine capacity13 rounds
Shutter typeMobile
Simulated recoilNo
Material of manufactureSteel
Trigger typeSemi-automatic

Up to 7.5 J

Pneumatics of this power up to 7.5 J have a similar type of design and the same shutter mechanisms. The only difference between them is that they have reinforced parts to provide more power. This affects two parameters: the speed of the bullet and its range.

The average speed when fired is 170 m per second. The striking range of pneumatic weapons is up to 7.5 J and is approximately 30-50 m. It can be noted that, in principle, they have similar design options, as well as replicas of real units of military equipment.

If we look at specific models of pistols, they are much more powerful than younger models. This suggests that the striking force of such weapons is higher. Based on this, there is already a legislative restriction that does not give the right to freely move with weapons of such power or use them in open areas. Below, after describing the types, detailed rules for wearing, using and storing weapons of each type and power will be presented.

It must also be emphasized that air guns, rifles, machine guns, and pistols with a power of up to 7.5 joules can also cause serious harm to health. Both smooth-bore and rifled weapons are used for firing. The damaging effect of the shot he fires can injure or even kill a small animal.

Therefore, you should not carelessly handle these types of pistols and machine guns, and also carefully assemble, disassemble and use them in open areas, so as not to accidentally cause harm.

It is worth noting that pneumatic weapons from 3 to seven with 7.5 do not require a license to store or use such technical units. However, if the power is more than 7.5 J, then permitting documents will be required.

Pneumatic submachine gun MP-661K-08 "Drozd", bunker

Barrel caliber4.5 mm
Trigger principleProvides CO2 gas cylinder
Full magazine capacity400 rounds
Bullet speed140 m/s
Weapon bodyPlastic
Barrel and trigger materialWeapon steel
Control blockElectronic
Rate of shots per minuteUp to 600

Up to 25 J

The last category includes samples with increased power up to 25 J. This category requires registration requirements, as well as obtaining a license giving the right to store and use this type of weapon. It is worth understanding that there is much more responsibility when storing such small arms, because they are already included in the list of sporting and hunting weapons.

This is one of the most dangerous types of pneumatic units, which can cause injury and even death. As for the appearance itself, it also all depends on how much power is used inside. Typically, all parameters depend on the bolt mechanisms, as well as high-pressure pumps, which allow the bullet to be pushed out over longer distances and at high speeds.

Basically, these are all hunting pneumatics, allowing you to fire a shot at a short distance and hit small game. The distinctive features of such weapons are the complete absence of sound when fired, as well as the preservation of the skin of the killed animal, thanks to the small diameter of the bullet hole.

Another advantage of such powerful pneumatic weapons is their distinctive cost compared to combat weapons. The average price of a rifle ranges from 10 to 50,000 rubles. Used options can be purchased even cheaper. The cost of a normal gunpowder rifle starts from 50-60 thousand rubles.

Another advantage is also considered to be ease of maintenance, because there is practically no formation of soot and other corrosion, which subsequently greatly affects the shot. All locking mechanisms are also more stable. Therefore, if you want to purchase this kind of air rifle for hunting up to 25 J, they will be just right for beginners.

Air rifle Ataman M2R

Bullet speedUp to 300 m/s
Magazine capacity8 rounds
ProducedIn the Russian Federation
Caliber7.62 mm
Ammo typeLead
Internal magazine typeDrum
Barrel typeThreaded
Full Length1.1 meters
Barrel length64 cm
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