Is it possible to carry a rubber baton for self-defense?

Do you often walk through dark courtyards? Do you live in an area full of drunks, AUE teenagers and other marginal characters? Or are you a beautiful girl, and people pester you everywhere they can and cannot?

There is a way out: carry an adequate means of self-defense with you. Let's figure out what is the best way to protect yourself from inadequate people, and what you should not take into your hands under any circumstances.

What Really Works

Aerosol gun

  • Price : ~20$ for the pistol itself (we took the price for “UDAR”, but there are other models), +100-150 rubles for each shot.
  • Permit : not needed, can be purchased from 18 years of age upon presentation of a passport.
  • Effect : pain appears in the eyes, tears flow profusely, and when the spray gets into the mouth, coughing and saliva flow in a stream. Depending on where exactly the spray hits and how much of it there is, the effect can last from 30-60 minutes to a day.

To put it simply, an aerosol gun is a pepper spray at maximum speed. It works roughly like a water pistol: it throws out a powerful jet of vigorous liquid 2-3 meters away, and several mini-cans (BAMs) are loaded into the pistol at once - that is, it will help even if the opponent is not 1. This thing looks pretty funny, it’s unlikely someone will carry it in their pocket, but putting the BLOW in the glove compartment of a car or throwing it in a backpack is worth it, its efficiency is exemplary.

Pepper spray

  • Price from
  • Permission
    : not required, can be purchased from 18 years of age.
  • Effect
    : Same as an aerosol gun.

Probably the most common and adequate means of self-defense. Cylinders come in a bunch of different sizes and cost pennies. They saved a lot of people from troubles, allowing an inadequate opponent to cool down and remain unharmed. The main thing is not just to buy a cylinder, but also to learn how to use it, so that in an extreme situation everything is done automatically. Therefore, be prepared to spend money on a couple of copies purely for training.

Not always, but it can help

Keychain siren

  • Price 5-10
  • Effect
    : When activated, makes a loud sound that attracts attention and can scare off an attacker. This is not a full-fledged self-defense tool, but similar keychains work well on dogs.

In principle, a key fob is of little use against attackers, since a person himself may scream during an attack. But screaming will not scare away stray dogs, and the sound of a siren can disperse even aggressive dogs. A keychain like this would definitely come in handy in a miniature girl’s bag.

What makes no sense to use

Stun gun

With a power of 3 W (the maximum allowed in the Russian Federation), a shock with a shocker causes tolerable pain and sometimes cramps the muscles. At the same time, the aggressor remains on his feet, conscious, and is likely to only become embittered and act more decisively. For real self-defense, when you need to quickly render your opponent incapacitated and retreat, the effectiveness of the shockers allowed in our country is near zero.

Add here this minus: you need to let the enemy come within arm's length and apply the shocker tightly to the body, which is already dangerous for the defender. And shockers that “shoot” with wires are prohibited in Russia.


A good pocket knife can be useful in a lot of different situations, but considering it as a means of self-defense is unforgivably stupid. Have you heard the phrase “take out a knife - cut. So, not every ordinary citizen can actually do this, and hoping that in a dangerous situation it will be enough just to scare the attacker with a knife is absurd. Secondly, there is a huge risk of going to prison yourself for exceeding self-defense measures. Do you need such a perspective when protecting yourself from some gopnik in the yard?

Air gun

Pistols that can be carried without permission (up to 7.5 J of power and a caliber of 4.5 mm) are easier to compare with a children's toy. Yes, if it hits open skin from several meters it will hurt, the bullet will leave a bruise or even pierce the skin until it bleeds. But this certainly won’t stop the aggressor. And even if he’s wearing at least a windbreaker and a thin sweater, even if he’s shot at point-blank range, he won’t feel anything.

Telescopic baton

Firstly, it is prohibited not only to wear, but also to sell. Moreover, a criminal case is opened for selling, and an administrative case for carrying.

Secondly, just like a knife, you need to know how to handle it. In skillful hands, such a baton can actually protect against several attackers at the same time, although the criminal consequences for the consequences of such protection are quite real.

Tactical pencil

A funny advertising scam, designed for the narrow-minded. Looks cool, but requires the ability to fight. Plus, you will have to let your opponent come even closer than if you had a stun gun in your hand. Can be worn to have something to break glass if necessary.

Brass knuckles

A dangerous thing if placed on the hands of anyone who knows how to fight. And absolutely useless as a means of situational self-defense. In addition, wearing it is prohibited by law, and it is even impossible to legally obtain a license for brass knuckles, unlike some types of bladed weapons, in Russia.


A really useful means of self-defense for a person who does not know how to fight is pepper spray or an aerosol gun. Everything else is either useless or prohibited by Russian law. But we will be interested in reading an alternative point of view. Write in x what you personally chose for yourself.

Topic: Rating of instant coffee. 10 best cans and outright slag

PR-73: description

Among the wide variety of special equipment, the rubber stick-73 has gained particular popularity since 1973. It is a product consisting of:

  • From the holder - a comfortable and rigid handle.
  • A lanyard, or leather loop, necessary for fixing and relaxing the hand. This makes it possible to carry out striking and defensive actions. The chrome-tanned loop is made of nylon or leather. The width is 10 mm. An acceptable length allows you to adjust the loop according to your hand.
  • A flexible striking element, due to which this stick, unlike a regular one, when swinging, receives additional acceleration in the last phase of the impact. In this case, a gain is achieved in both speed and strength.
  • The rubber stick weighs 73 g.
  • Size: 650 mm.
  • Diameter: 32 mm.

Rubber baton: subtleties of ownership and popular models

A rubber baton is a special tool for police officers, riot police and other law enforcement services. It can be used by security personnel and ordinary citizens, but in the latter case it is necessary to take into account the type of model. Some types of special tools of this class can only be used by trained people. This applies to models with a built-in stun gun or irritant charge.

Legality of purchasing a rubber baton

In some countries around the world it is illegal to purchase a police baton. In Russia, the law defines these products as special equipment. Due to this:

  • the legislation does not provide for a ban on the purchase of such products in a store, delivery by mail or courier service;
  • a citizen can freely store a special tool; its presence will not raise questions among the servants of the law.

Security guard at work

Some classes of rubber baton are not covered by the Weapons Law. Therefore, you can still buy these products for self-defense.

Types of rubber batons

Products in this class are constantly being improved. In some countries, police officers have begun to be issued batons with built-in stun guns. Some models are equipped with a tear gas charge.

Sometimes police officers are given telescopic metal batons or models with a spring mechanism that are more comfortable to carry.

The folding mechanism ensures concealed carrying and allows, if necessary, to quickly bring the product into a combat position.

There are many models on the market. Police officers, security guards and citizens often have batons of the following types:

  • PR-73;
  • RDU-50;
  • PR-89;
  • PRT.

Policemen with batons

There are other popular options. Each product has its own characteristics.


The PR-73 baton does not have a special side holder. It is inconvenient to strike backhandedly with it. The standard length is 65-70 cm. The PR-73 baton received its name based on the year it was added to service. The product began to be used in the USSR in 1973. The rubber stick does not have reinforcing inserts. This eliminates the possibility of impact-crushing action. Average weight 750 grams.


The rubber baton RDU-50 allows you to deliver more accurate strikes. The product is equipped with a holding loop and a handle with a lanyard. This provides a tighter grip. The risk of the weapon slipping out of your hand is minimal. The average weight of the model is 700 grams.

Baton (rubber stick) PG-M - a legal means of self-defense

Police officers, security personnel, and correctional institutions are armed with rubber truncheons, which are not capable of causing fatal damage, but can subdue someone who is too excited. The baton PG-M (in Ukrainian, Russian version PG-R) is one of the common options for such equipment. This model is produced by the Fort research and production association from the city of Vinnitsa (Ukraine).

Baton Review

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Inability to cause significant harm to a person.
  • The product can be purchased freely, no permission is required.
  • Thanks to the rubber flexibility of the baton, it increases the energy of impact during swing and impact.
  • If you hit him on the head with a rubber stick, it will not be fatal.


  • Quite large dimensions and decent weight - not very convenient to carry around.
  • If the attacker is too aggressive and assertive (or there are several attackers), then it is difficult to defend with one baton.
  • Often it is necessary to have time to make a pre-emptive strike - sometimes the speed of reaction may not be enough.
  • During a street fight there may not be enough toughness.

Purpose, operating principle

  • This item is designed to protect against blows, as well as inflict them.
  • He is also able to hold the enemy and control him.
  • In addition to law enforcement officers, civilians also buy batons for self-defense.

Of course, it’s strange to carry such an accessory with you, but in a car it won’t be at all out of place.

Rubber baton PG-M (photo)


NameValueUnits of measurement

Manufacturing methodcasting
Material of manufacturerubber
Guarantee period1year

Construction of a baton (rubber stick) PG-M

This one-piece model is molded from a rubber compound in the form of a rod, and has a dedicated handle and a belt loop for easy carrying. Thanks to the loop, the handle does not slip out of the hands of the baton owner.

Options and packaging

The kit includes the baton itself (in other words, a rubber stick) with a belt loop threaded through special holes in the upper part of the handle. If desired, you can additionally order a leather holder that allows you to carry the accessory on your belt.

The packaging is polyethylene. Instructions in Ukrainian are included.

How to use

  • A rubber stick can significantly increase the leverage of the hand, moving away from the enemy and preventing him from, for example, making a grab or using a knife. Optimally, while moving, deliver swinging blows to the limbs.
  • When attacking, it is necessary to carry out preemptive strikes. For example, when the enemy is about to attack, but he himself does not expect the attack. Or he is going to use a knife, a broken bottle, or a stick.
  • It is convenient to hit your hand when gripping the knife to knock it out. After the strike, you should retreat to a safe distance. Having, in addition to a baton, also a shield, you can act more effectively.
  • We also separately talk about the correct use of a rubber baton for protection, and also give permitted blows with such a stick.
  • Read below about the price of such special equipment as rubber sticks.
  • This video will tell you how to use the PG-M rubber stick correctly:

Product prices

These rubber batons sell for about twenty-five dollars. It all depends on where you decide to buy a rubber baton.

In various online stores, the cost may vary (in Ukraine from 140 to 300 hryvnia, in Russia - from 400 rubles and more). You can also try to make something similar yourself.

Owner reviews

  • The item, as the owners say, is quite effective. Especially if you hit bare skin, and then (after a couple of seconds) repeat the blow at the same point.

  • An overly active alcoholic, having received a slap on the wrist and hip, quickly sat down on his butt. The next day he calmed down and even apologized.
  • Anyone who has used a baton advises hitting exposed skin, trying to cause pain in the opponent. Moreover, you need to hit with force, keeping in mind the elasticity of the rubber.


Examples include the following models:

  • RDU-50 (Russian production) 50 centimeters long, weighing 700 grams and 3 centimeters in diameter. Costs 300 rubles.
  • PR-73 or PR-73M (also from a Russian manufacturer. It has a length of 65 to 70 centimeters, a diameter of 3 or 3.2 centimeters, weight 700 or 750 grams.
  • PR-13 (Ukrainian) has a length of 46 centimeters and costs about 105 hryvnia.
  • Tonfa also performed well (24-59).

This video will tell you about the use of the PG-M rubber stick and its analogues:


As you can see, the telescopic baton is quite effective, easy to transport and safe for the user as a means of self-defense against the actions of intruders. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to purchase an expensive factory-assembled device. If a person wishes and has the means and materials, a telescopic baton can be made with his own hands.

When danger arises, a folding baton turns out to be a more useful means of self-defense compared to the same gas canister. The folding rod is quickly brought into working condition. However, most opponents do not expect the telescopic device to be abruptly removed from the pocket. Therefore, the owner of the baton has the opportunity to take the enemy by surprise. Even if the attacker manages to place blocks with his hands, a sharp blow from a heavy rod causes the most painful, disastrous consequences, no matter where it lands.

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Do I need a permit for a telescopic baton?

The carrying and use of rubber truncheons by private security service employees has become a common occurrence for us today.

At the same time, not all Russian citizens have an accurate idea of ​​the exact purpose of this special security equipment and its types.

Also, few people have detailed information about the possibilities of using rubber batons by security guards and police officers and the legislative framework that regulates this area.

Our article provides a detailed description of a rubber stick as a special security device. Its main types and legal norms governing the use of a police baton are noted here.

The review also describes some techniques for effectively using a rubber stick as a weapon of self-defense.

All information was provided by employees of the private security company Legis, who have professional training and extensive experience in the use of rubber sticks and tonfas when providing security services in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Krasnodar.

Rubber stick for a security guard: general description

A rubber stick (baton) is a special security device used for active defense. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, it is included in the ammunition of police officers and private security guards. Rubber batons are used for self-defense when repelling an attack, as well as when detaining an intruder who offers physical resistance.

The structure of the rubber baton is a molded rod made by vulcanization. At one end there is a handle with a lanyard. Some models of the rubber stick use an additional perpendicular handle. This variety is designed in the likeness of the tonfa, a traditional bladed weapon used in martial arts.

Rubber sticks, like other special security equipment (for example, handcuffs) are an integral part of ammunition. Therefore, special hard cases or rings attached to the belt are used to carry them. You can obtain more detailed information on the characteristics of rubber batons from our specialists by filling out an application for the provision of security services.

Target areas

Before the 1970s, the most popular way of using a police baton was to simply "brain" suspects (hit their heads with a full force, downward motion) to stun them or knock them unconscious through a concussion, similar to the practice of pre-trick baton with the barrel of a revolver. However, this practice was both unreliable and intermittently lethal: resistance to concussion varies considerably among individuals, and the differences in force between required to shake a suspect into non-resistance and one that would break their skull tend to be narrow and unpredictable.

Also, civil lawsuits and allegations of police brutality have led to revised training for officers. In modern police training it is not permitted to hit the skull, sternum, spine or groin unless such an attack is imminent and carried out in defense of life. The main targets now are large nerve groups, such as the common peroneal nerve in the middle of the thigh, and numerous, easily targeted muscle groups, such as the quadriceps or biceps. The approved baton swing method has also changed, with the full force "beating" strike prohibited in non-life-threatening circumstances, and replaced with a lighter "throw" pistol motion in which only the tip of the baton actually strikes the target.

Taken together, these changes are intended to produce compliance through transient neurapraxia (temporary muscle pain, spasm and paralysis due to nerve damage) instead of the bone fractures and concussion that characterized their earlier use.

Do I need any permits to purchase a rubber baton?

Alex Malkovich

Pro (640) 10 years ago

Buying and selling, as well as wearing special equipment, RP (rubber stick) handcuffs, is carried out with the availability of appropriate documents.

Wearing special equipment without permission falls under an administrative violation. To carry, you need a permit (private security guard ID, license) if you are a civilian.

You can purchase without permission a stun gun (the most effective, it comes in the form of a baton) and a gas aerosol canister. According to Article 13 of the Law on Weapons.

PC user

Master (1536) 5 years ago

I know gun law inside and out. But especially for your sake, I once again opened Article 13 of the Russian Federation Weapons Law. WHERE? Where is this written? Give me a quote from any source where Article 13 of the Weapons Law states that handcuffs cannot be purchased or that they are subject to any kind of registration. Where?! After all, there are two lists of special equipment.

Self-defense and special equipment in their normal meaning. And as far as I know, handcuffs fall under the category of special means of self-defense, which means they are allowed to be worn freely. And whether to sell or not is the right of the store administration. They have every right to refuse to sell you, citing a clause established by them.

And by the way, they should provide you with this piece of paper. Otherwise the refusal will be illegal.

Mikhail Meronen

Pro (527) 10 years ago The rubber baton is a special tool.
That is, you can purchase it without permission. You can also wear it. The law does not prohibit this. Just like walking with a baseball bat. But in the case of using this special. funds in the event of proceedings in law enforcement agencies, problems will certainly arise. Andrey Kritsyn
Student (103) 5 years ago

Why would there be problems, so I contacted the failed department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Arkhangelsk region regarding permission for storage and use.

I was told that the law has no restrictions on the circulation of the rubber stick RDU-50, but the rubber stick (I don’t know the contact.

I contacted the lawyers and they answered in writing that there is no ban on storing and using a rubber baton for self-defense. That is, I often have sleep until the limits of necessary defense are exceeded.

Mikhail Sizko

Student (186) 4 years ago

There is only one type of PR that you can carry with you. The rest are sold only with a certificate. But a whip or a whip acts much like a club, even more powerful. XO is not. Special means too.


Pro (619) 2 years ago

rubber ram stick sold in ozone)))

Do I need a permit to carry a rubber baton?

A rubber stick is a special tool and special permission is required to wear it. Invites a representative of the administration, a security officer and is seized with the preparation of a Seizure Certificate.

Is it possible to sell a telescopic baton?

However, you can often find telescopic batons on sale. ... Taking into account the ban on the sale of telescopic batons as bladed weapons with shock-crushing action, these sellers must violate Art. 22 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. However, not all telescopic batons are melee weapons.

Is it possible to carry a baton with you?

For example, you can carry a telescopic baton with you, but its impact can crush human bones. The use of a baton is punishable by criminal charges, as is the use of nunchucks and brass knuckles. Police do not advise carrying kitchen knives for self-defense.

Is it possible to have a telescopic baton with you?

In Russia, there is no ban on specifically telescopic batons, but prohibits “other (in addition to flails, brass knuckles, shurikens and boomerangs) objects of shock-crushing and throwing action specially adapted for use as weapons, with the exception of sports equipment and the specified objects, ...

Do you need permission from neighbors to build an attic?

Can I carry a rubber baton with me?

Based on the norms of the Federal Law of December 13, 1996 No. 150-FZ “On Weapons,” a rubber stick (bludgeon) is not suitable for use as a weapon of impact-crushing objects, but is a special means.

Is it possible to carry an telescopic baton in a car?

There are no legal restrictions for wearing or transporting it. It can, of course, be stored in a car, but often police officers ask you to move the bat from the passenger compartment to the trunk.

How much does a telescopic baton cost?

Telescopic spring baton Folding baton is a means of self-defense that is effective when used in protection against animals and when… RUB 1,500.

What weapons can you carry for self-defense?

For self-defense, Russian citizens, after receiving a license, can purchase smooth-bore and gas weapons, as well as weapons of limited destruction. For hunting you can buy smooth-bore, pneumatic, throwing small arms and edged weapons.

What is allowed for self-defense?

7 types of self-defense weapons that are allowed in Russia

  • Knife The knife is one of the most popular means of self-defense in Russia, especially among various militant subcultures. ...
  • Pepper Sprays Pepper spray is a completely different matter. ...
  • Stun guns...
  • Airguns …
  • Flare gun...
  • Crossbow and bow...
  • Available means

Aug 21 2022

What can be used as a self-defense weapon?

My self-defense: What and how you can protect yourself from attack

  • Pepper spray Some self-defense products (for example, a traumatic pistol) require a special license - others can be purchased without special documents. ...
  • Stun gun Another popular means of self-defense is a stun gun. ...
  • Traumatic pistol …
  • Brass knuckles...
  • Knife

Is it possible to carry a baton in a car?

The presence of a police baton in the car of an ordinary citizen

Based on the norms of the Federal Law of December 13, 1996 No. 150-FZ “On Weapons,” a rubber stick (bludgeon) is not suitable for use as a weapon of impact-crushing objects, but is a special means.

What is not a bladed weapon?

Thus, the list of edged weapons includes: a variety of knives (including “Finnish”), daggers, brass knuckles, sabers and telescopic batons. But products that are certified as household appliances are not considered bladed weapons by law.

Do I need a permit for a telescopic baton in Ukraine?

Now the use of such weapons is very popular. The baton is considered a weapon with a shock-crushing effect. ... The question immediately arises: is it possible to legally use a baton in Ukraine. It is safe to say that there is no governing law.

What is PR in the police?

A police baton (rubber stick, rubber baton) is a non-lethal weapon (special tool) that is used by law enforcement officers (police officers), security and law enforcement agencies, and the penitentiary system.

How much does a rubber baton cost?

Rubber stick (baton) PR-“Taran” (PR-T), with a side handle, buy in Moscow at a price of 588 rubles | Security World

Legal status

Russian legislation contains a rule on acceptable self-defense, including the use of special means, which include a baton. The legislator regulates the limit of self-defense, limiting the actions of the defending citizen to the degree of threat from the attacker.

This means that in an attempted theft, using a baton on the thief and causing moderate or severe injury will result in criminal prosecution for the defender.

Defense with a baton should pursue the principle of sufficiency, which means removing the threat and neutralizing attacks on property and the life and health of a citizen.

Therefore, when using a baton for an attacker, the degree of threat and the possible consequences of using such a weapon should be assessed. A baton in the hands of a citizen is capable of inflicting injuries incompatible with life to the attacker and, provided there is no direct threat to life (an attack on a citizen using bladed weapons or firearms, statements and murderous intentions against a citizen), a person who will inflict injuries incompatible with life on the attacker, which will entail his death - will suffer criminal punishment for exceeding the limits of necessary self-defense.

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