How to make a baton for self-defense with your own hands at home?

Today, for any person, the issue of their own safety is important. After all, for psychological comfort it is so important to know that family and loved ones are always protected and that life and their health are not under threat. And for this reason, the constant demand for various methods of self-defense is growing, and new models and variants of such means are appearing on sale. Some people choose a stun gun, some choose a stun gun, others choose a gas spray.

However, the version of the baton of various modifications, tested by time and practical experience, never ceases to remain among the most popular types of self-defense means.

Making a baton

A baton is the simplest and most reliable means of defense. It’s impossible to imagine anything simpler. It can be made of wood, rubber or any other material.

This is a pretty accurate weapon. It can be used to deliver quick and powerful strikes.

As a result, severe damage may be caused to the enemy. The main disadvantage of this means of self-defense is the size of the baton. It is inconvenient to carry with you.

Accordingly, it is better to use it at home, protecting the home and its inhabitants from intruders.

You may be interested in an article about what homemade kubotan and yawara weapons are.

Do I need a permit to carry a rubber baton?

A rubber stick is a special tool and special permission is required to wear it. Invites a representative of the administration, a security officer and is seized with the preparation of a Seizure Certificate.

Is it possible to sell a telescopic baton?

However, you can often find telescopic batons on sale. ... Taking into account the ban on the sale of telescopic batons as bladed weapons with shock-crushing action, these sellers must violate Art. 22 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. However, not all telescopic batons are melee weapons.

Is it possible to carry a baton with you?

For example, you can carry a telescopic baton with you, but its impact can crush human bones. The use of a baton is punishable by criminal charges, as is the use of nunchucks and brass knuckles. Police do not advise carrying kitchen knives for self-defense.

Is it possible to have a telescopic baton with you?

In Russia, there is no ban on specifically telescopic batons, but prohibits “other (in addition to flails, brass knuckles, shurikens and boomerangs) objects of shock-crushing and throwing action specially adapted for use as weapons, with the exception of sports equipment and the specified objects, ...

Do you need permission from neighbors to build an attic?

Can I carry a rubber baton with me?

Based on the norms of the Federal Law of December 13, 1996 No. 150-FZ “On Weapons,” a rubber stick (bludgeon) is not suitable for use as a weapon of impact-crushing objects, but is a special means.

Is it possible to carry an telescopic baton in a car?

There are no legal restrictions for wearing or transporting it. It can, of course, be stored in a car, but often police officers ask you to move the bat from the passenger compartment to the trunk.

How much does a telescopic baton cost?

Telescopic spring baton Folding baton is a means of self-defense that is effective when used in protection against animals and when… RUB 1,500.

What weapons can you carry for self-defense?

For self-defense, Russian citizens, after receiving a license, can purchase smooth-bore and gas weapons, as well as weapons of limited destruction. For hunting you can buy smooth-bore, pneumatic, throwing small arms and edged weapons.

What is allowed for self-defense?

7 types of self-defense weapons that are allowed in Russia

  • Knife The knife is one of the most popular means of self-defense in Russia, especially among various militant subcultures. ...
  • Pepper Sprays Pepper spray is a completely different matter. ...
  • Stun guns...
  • Airguns …
  • Flare gun...
  • Crossbow and bow...
  • Available means

Aug 21 2022

What can be used as a self-defense weapon?

My self-defense: What and how you can protect yourself from attack

  • Pepper spray Some self-defense products (for example, a traumatic pistol) require a special license - others can be purchased without special documents. ...
  • Stun gun Another popular means of self-defense is a stun gun. ...
  • Traumatic pistol …
  • Brass knuckles...
  • Knife

Is it possible to carry a baton in a car?

The presence of a police baton in the car of an ordinary citizen

Based on the norms of the Federal Law of December 13, 1996 No. 150-FZ “On Weapons,” a rubber stick (bludgeon) is not suitable for use as a weapon of impact-crushing objects, but is a special means.

What is not a bladed weapon?

Thus, the list of edged weapons includes: a variety of knives (including “Finnish”), daggers, brass knuckles, sabers and telescopic batons. But products that are certified as household appliances are not considered bladed weapons by law.

Do I need a permit for a telescopic baton in Ukraine?

Now the use of such weapons is very popular. The baton is considered a weapon with a shock-crushing effect. ... The question immediately arises: is it possible to legally use a baton in Ukraine. It is safe to say that there is no governing law.

What is PR in the police?

A police baton (rubber stick, rubber baton) is a non-lethal weapon (special tool) that is used by law enforcement officers (police officers), security and law enforcement agencies, and the penitentiary system.

How much does a rubber baton cost?

Rubber stick (baton) PR-“Taran” (PR-T), with a side handle, buy in Moscow at a price of 588 rubles | Security World

Do-it-yourself double-barreled wooden shotgun. First and

Today, toy stores offer such a large and colorful selection that parents are clutching their heads and children are drooling. Unfortunately, the economic situation and one’s own capabilities do not always allow one to have enough income to please one’s own child with a good gift. Hands and head help us! You can always make some of the toys yourself. Many craftsmen cut cars, horses, whatever they want out of wood and sell them.

Wood is a very convenient material; with minimal skill in handling it and the necessary tools, you can do a lot. For girls, you can cut out dolls, furniture, dishes from it, and for boys - a car, a gun, a sword. The question of how to make weapons from wood is of great interest to them!

Wooden weapon options

In fact, you can do a lot, the main thing is, why do you need a specific thing? For a child who will play in the yard, for using weapons for their intended purpose, for role-playing games, for hunting, or maybe for a costume? Homemade weapons made of wood will take the shape and appearance that you desire.

If the main purpose is a game, then the main thing in this case is durability. All paint and thin fragile parts will fall off in a few days, if not immediately. When schools hold military training camps, and schoolchildren are given wooden Kalashnikov assault rifles, 50% of the guys tear off magazines on the first or second day. But these machines are made in bulk, not really caring about beauty, painting them in one color and trying to make them stronger. How to make a weapon out of wood that won't break, you ask? No way, the item will remain intact only if you do not use your product.

Articles on the topic (click to view)

For roleplayers, the situation is much more complicated; they need weapons that are both beautiful and durable, so they often use other materials. If it is wood, then they make two swords or knives, one beautiful, the other durable.

Material selection and processing

The choice of material determines how much processing time will be required. Birch is a very strong and unyielding tree; it is good for making a club; without special treatment the product will be heavy. Aspen, poplar, and pine are softer and easy and pleasant to work with. Oak is rare in many regions of Russia, but if you decide to make a weapon with your own hands from wood, you are unlikely to find better material. It is easier to process than birch, lighter in weight and stronger than pine, and retains its quality well over time.

The wood for products must be free of knots, wood holes, rot, with a uniform direction of fibers, and without curvature. It is necessary to dry it, preferably in a dry room or under a canopy. It is necessary that the wood dries evenly without direct exposure to sunlight, otherwise it will begin to crack and bend.

Making a Club

The simplest wooden weapon is a club or stick. What could be simpler, break off a branch and you're done. But if you suddenly decide to take this issue seriously, you want to make a durable, light, comfortable product, then you are faced with the question “how”. Making a weapon out of wood according to all the rules is not easy.

For the club, choose a young tree of suitable size. They cut down closer to the root, since at the butt the fibers begin to intertwine, making the material even more durable. Then, carefully, so as not to damage the top layers, remove the bark, cut off the knots, give the desired shape to the handle, and if necessary, soak the workpiece in water or special brines for a day. Then the drying begins, a fire is lit and, using the smoke, protecting the future club from the flames, it is dried. As soon as the tree has turned black, the blackness is removed with fine sand or hard grass. This is repeated six times, the surface becomes smooth and dry. Even if birch was chosen, the final product will be light and durable. Such wood does not rot.

Using the same principle, our ancestors made strong arrows and spears without steel tips.

Shield and sword

How to make weapons from wood for role-playing games and historical reconstructions? If for beauty and ambience, then it is very convenient to cut out a shape from plywood with a jigsaw, smooth the edge, varnish, paint, and insert decorations. If the paint is good, without holding the item in your hands, it will be difficult to determine what material it is made of. For combat, it is worth making a weapon from thick, durable wood, with a comfortable handle, so that the vibration from the impact is less transferred to the hand, otherwise you can damage the hand or simply drop the object during the first hard collision.

Material selection and processing

The choice of material determines how much processing time will be required. Birch is a very strong and unruly tree; it is excellent for making a club; without special processing the product will be heavy. Aspen, poplar, and pine are softer and easy and pleasant to work with. Oak is rare in many regions of Russia, but if you decide to make a weapon with your own hands from wood, you are unlikely to find a cooler material. It is easier to process than birch, light in weight and stronger than pine, and wonderfully preserves its quality over time. The wood for the products must be free of knots, wood holes, rot, with a consistent fiber direction, and without curvature. You need to dry it, preferably in a dry room or under a canopy. It is necessary for the wood to dry evenly without direct exposure to bright rays, otherwise it will then begin to crack and bend.

Police batons

The telescopic police baton is particularly compact in size. When folded, products in this category take up minimal free space, making them ideal for concealed carry under outerwear. When attached to a tactical vest or secured to a utility belt, this collapsible telescopic baton causes less discomfort compared to a clumsy rubber baton with a cross handle.

The use of a folding device allows you to end any conflict almost after the first targeted, accentuated strike. However, the use of a police baton requires a careful approach, since there is a significantly increased risk of causing irreparable harm to the health of the enemy.

Rubber baton: subtleties of ownership and popular models

A rubber baton is a special tool for police officers, riot police and other law enforcement services. It can be used by security personnel and ordinary citizens, but in the latter case it is necessary to take into account the type of model. Some types of special tools of this class can only be used by trained people. This applies to models with a built-in stun gun or irritant charge.

Legality of purchasing a rubber baton

In some countries around the world it is illegal to purchase a police baton. In Russia, the law defines these products as special equipment. Due to this:

  • the legislation does not provide for a ban on the purchase of such products in a store, delivery by mail or courier service;
  • a citizen can freely store a special tool; its presence will not raise questions among the servants of the law.

Security guard at work

Some classes of rubber baton are not covered by the Weapons Law. Therefore, you can still buy these products for self-defense.

Types of rubber batons

Products in this class are constantly being improved. In some countries, police officers have begun to be issued batons with built-in stun guns. Some models are equipped with a tear gas charge.

Sometimes police officers are given telescopic metal batons or models with a spring mechanism that are more comfortable to carry.

The folding mechanism ensures concealed carrying and allows, if necessary, to quickly bring the product into a combat position.

There are many models on the market. Police officers, security guards and citizens often have batons of the following types:

  • PR-73;
  • RDU-50;
  • PR-89;
  • PRT.

Policemen with batons

There are other popular options. Each product has its own characteristics.


The PR-73 baton does not have a special side holder. It is inconvenient to strike backhandedly with it. The standard length is 65-70 cm. The PR-73 baton received its name based on the year it was added to service. The product began to be used in the USSR in 1973. The rubber stick does not have reinforcing inserts. This eliminates the possibility of impact-crushing action. Average weight 750 grams.


The rubber baton RDU-50 allows you to deliver more accurate strikes. The product is equipped with a holding loop and a handle with a lanyard. This provides a tighter grip. The risk of the weapon slipping out of your hand is minimal. The average weight of the model is 700 grams.

Manufacturing a product on a lathe

How to make a high quality telescopic baton? Such a tool is made on a lathe from ordinary steel. The advantage of this design is that additional turning of internal and external surfaces is not required. Sanding is also not needed.

If there is no turner who can cut out the entire object, you can order it in separate parts from several craftsmen or in several stages from one. But this will take a long time.

The effectiveness level of this weapon is quite high. A blow to a limb is painful and paralyzes a person for some time. If you hit him on the head or neck, you can easily kill a person.

Carrying the baton is also very convenient. It will fit perfectly in a mobile phone case. In order to open the weapon, just take it and wave your hand.

The baton will open and the links will lock into place. It is more difficult to fold, since the components are firmly fixed. To fold the product, hit the thick end of the weapon on a hard surface. The opening of the baton also affects the enemy psychologically.

In case of a fight, it is recommended to keep the baton on a strap that serves as a reliable fixation. This way the enemy will not be able to knock it out of his hands.

Shield and sword

How to make weapons from wood for role-playing games and historical reconstructions? If for beauty and ambiance, then it is very comfortable to cut out a shape from plywood with a jigsaw, smooth the edge, varnish, paint, insert decorations. With excellent paint, without holding the item in your hands, it will be difficult to determine what material it is made of. For combat, it is worth making a weapon from thick, strong wood, with a comfortable handle, so that the vibration from the blow is less transferred to the hand; on the contrary, it is possible to damage the hand or easily drop the object at the first hard impact.

The shield is beautifully made from plywood, but for battle it is better to use iron-bound or iron versions with a shock-absorbing lining. During reconstructions they usually show a wall-to-wall battle, in which it is very difficult to deliver a powerful blow to the shield. Excellent and strong is necessary for individual combat; for all other cases, plywood is suitable.

American baton model

A folding telescopic baton of the American model should be no more than half a meter. To make it, you need to prepare 4-5 10 cm steel tubes with different diameters.

Make sure that each pipe fits snugly into the other. The inside of the pipes must be sealed so that when opened, the inside does not fall out. You also need a weighting agent located on the smallest pipe. It looks like a knob. A very short club is of little use.

How to make the simplest baton for self-defense

Since the method of using a baton is considered the simplest and most effective, there are many ways to make such a weapon from a variety of available materials. They all differ in both manufacturing method and materials, as well as the method of operation, device features and requirements for delivering the most effective blows.

A simple baton that does not require special skills to use, is usually made from materials available on hand and is inexpensive. The degree of its reliability is very relative, however, how quickly the attacker can be neutralized depends on how it is used and on the skills of the person using it.

  • For example, a baton made of wood will resemble a baseball bat in shape and characteristics. The principle of its use is approximately the same: with a good swing, a series of chopping blows is applied to the limbs with the aim of quickly incapacitating it. The bat itself is a solid piece of wood, which is given the appropriate shape: the handle area is more elongated and has a smaller radius for maximum comfort in its grip, and the upper part is more massive and is where the blows are delivered.
  • You may also have a wardrobe item such as a sock . Even with this simplest thing at first glance, you can perfectly resist an attack. To do this, an ordinary sock is filled with available bulk material. It can be river or street sand, small shot, even grits. The sock is not completely filled, but 2/3 - this is the ratio that allows you to distribute the contents of the sock most evenly and deliver sensitive blows. For high efficiency, it is necessary to give the greatest amplitude of movement to such an improvised bat, that is, the arm span should be maximum.
  • A regular garden hose can also make an excellent substitute or base for a makeshift bat. To do this, take about 30-40 cm of such a hose, insert a slightly smaller trigger of fittings or thick wire twisted several times into it: it should go into the hole in the hose. The hose is sealed on both sides with a welded seam or very firmly tied with a synthetic rope. Inconspicuous and not particularly presentable in appearance, this type of homemade baton delivers very sensitive blows and quickly neutralizes an enemy of any size and with any physical characteristics.

However, along with the listed options for homemade batons, there are a number of options that are known to everyone and a certain property or material is taken as the basis for their creation. Let's look at the most popular ones that can be quickly made from scrap materials yourself.

The following video will tell you how to make a samurai club:

Special types of devices

Since the main characteristics of any type of baton should be considered its reliability during use, the ability to deliver sensitive blows and the possibility of use by both men and women, the following varieties can be considered especially in demand:

  • telescopic baton , which is a combination of several parts made of metal or durable plastic, connected to each other according to the principle of a telescope. If necessary (during use), these parts extend one from the other to their maximum length, which allows striking even at a distance. By the way, model 21 from ESP, a baton with a Lightning shocker, as well as products with a flashlight from Police (30000V and Bailong Police BL-B95) are especially popular in stores;
  • from paper . This material is available to everyone, and behind its apparent simplicity and unreliability lies many possibilities that can be used to effectively repel a surprise attack;
  • made of wood . This material has been serving people for a long time; its versatility in use is explained by such qualities as a high degree of strength, the ability to give it almost any shape, as well as low cost;
  • The police baton is probably known to many today. And even if you haven’t experienced its high degree of effectiveness, its characteristics make it possible to understand why this particular type of baton is adopted by the police. Popular models include PG-M, PR-73, and Tonfa.

Let's take a closer look at all of the listed options for batons, which have gained the most popularity today and can be made independently. And first, let's find out how to make a folding telescopic baton at home with your own hands.


Thanks to the power of the Internet, you can find many options for making a baton, whose operating principle is based on the mechanism of using a telescope. Parts aligned one against the other, removed if necessary, provide the range of strikes and allow you to use this device as efficiently as possible.

The specifics of execution are fundamentally similar in all cases; the material from which the components are made may differ. The general scheme for making a homemade telescopic baton can be considered using the following example:

  1. take two (or more, then you get not a two-knee, but a three- or more-knee telescopic baton) pipes from any material (it can be metal or high-strength plastic. One part is inserted into the other, and at the end of the one that has a larger diameter, a lock is installed that will not allow the smaller diameter part to jump out.The lock is a flat metal plate.
  2. The second part of the baton with a smaller diameter is chamfered, which prevents the second knee from rotating inside the first.
  3. When the second elbow is extended, the lock slides along the chamfer and is tightly fixed in a special slot for it.
  4. To prevent the lock from falling into the slot, its base can be wrapped with any material, for example, a wide clothesline. After the second knee is extended, the lock snaps into place and is positioned in one position.
  5. Each elbow, regardless of their number, has its own lock, which secures the parts in the extended position.

Such a telescopic baton is perfect for use in a surprise attack, and the material for its manufacture should be used with high mechanical resistance characteristics to increase its strength.

High-strength plastic or metal is perfect for making a telescopic baton at home. Drawings of how to make a telescopic baton with your own hands are available online.

Read below to learn how to make a police baton out of paper.

A homemade telescopic baton is presented in the video below:

From paper

At first glance, paper seems to be a material with a high degree of softness, but at the same time it can become the basis for a means of self-defense. After all, paper is also distinguished by such qualities as increased density, especially when rolling several sheets together, as well as the almost impossibility of tearing them.

Therefore, to make this type of baton, you should use several sheets of paper, which will increase the hardness of such an improvised baton and extend its service life. So, the execution scheme looks like this:

  1. Take several (or you can have many, 15-25) sheets of plain paper and roll them into the tightest possible tube.
  2. A tube of paper is wrapped tightly and in several layers with wide tape, which increases the degree of density and resistance to external influences: the tape perfectly protects the paper from getting wet, impacted, and deformed. Both ends should be “muffled” with the same tape.
  3. Now, to make it more convenient to hold such a baton in your hand, you can make a handle at one of the ends. To do this, take dark-colored tape with a non-slip surface and wrap several layers around the base of the baton at one end.

A baton made in this way has high strength, is quite durable, is not considered a weapon (which can be considered a plus when meeting a policeman), and when used it is capable of delivering blows of noticeable force. You can even store such a baton in a car or a medium-sized bag: its length can vary depending on personal preferences.

However, the most optimal and convenient length of such a baton is considered to be equal to the length of the forearm of the person using it.

Next you will learn how to make a baton from wood.

Made of wood

To make a baton from wood, a type of wood is taken that holds its shape well and is resistant to strong mechanical stress. It could be Birch, oak, ash. The listed tree species are durable, accessible and easily take the required shape.

To make a baton, you should take a piece of wood approximately 8-9 cm thick and a length corresponding to the length of the forearm: a baton of this size is easier to hold in your hands and easier to hold while striking. The log is shaped like a baseball bat, where the main part - the upper one - has an expanded shape towards the end: it is in it that the bulk of the baton is concentrated and should be used to strike the enemy.

The handle is more narrowed, it is given the most rounded shape. Once shaped, the wood should be carefully ground to prevent parts from penetrating the skin during use. It is then impregnated with a special wood product to prevent environmental damage and varnished. The surface of the handle should not be completely smooth to avoid slipping, but slightly grooved.

The cost of such a baton is relatively low, so a wooden baton can be considered a completely budget option. However, its severity may cause some inconvenience during operation, especially for people with little physical fitness.

Next, we consider a do-it-yourself police rubber baton.


The police baton is known to everyone: made of thick rubber, it does not leave serious damage on the surface of the skin, but has the ability to fully feel the pain of the blows inflicted. However, you can make it at home from wood - this way it will hold its shape better, and the impact force will be very serious.

For manufacturing, a tree approximately 3-5 cm thick of suitable length is taken and given a cylindrical regular shape. You should take a piece of the same size 6 cm long - this will be a characteristic handle that will be comfortable to hold on to while repelling an attack. In the main part of the baton, a thin hole is drilled using a drill, into which a self-tapping screw is inserted of such length that on one side of the baton body you can screw a handle onto it using a screwdriver.

By tightly screwing the handle, we get an almost finished baton in the form of a police version. You can coat it with varnish for better preservation.

Other options

You can also make a baton yourself from such improvised materials as a metal pipe, a piece of garden hose, which is strengthened by threading a thin metal pipe or a piece of reinforcement inside it. Fixed on both sides, such a baton will save you in an extreme situation and will allow you to be confident in the ability to repel a sudden attack.

However, you should be extremely careful with the legal aspect of using a homemade baton. Although its classification may be difficult, if it is used, and especially if it causes damage to the enemy, even when resisting, administrative liability may arise.

A baton with a handle can also be made by hand, as you will learn about in the video below:

How to make a baton with your own hands?

You need to understand that the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for criminal penalties for the sale of edged weapons. This means that a telescopic baton, made with your own hands, can be confiscated by law enforcement agencies, and a fine of 300 rubles is imposed on the owner.

To assemble the telescopic device yourself, it is advisable to use a lathe. Metal plates can be used as the main manufacturing material, preferably hardened steel. This is the only way to ensure a long service life for a homemade baton.

Metal plates do not need to be carefully processed. This way you can make a telescopic baton with your own hands much faster.

It is recommended to perform the work in the following sequence:

  • to begin with, several individual tubes of different diameters are made from steel plates;
  • before assembly, you need to make sure that all the component elements can be connected into a single whole;
  • at the end of each tube a seal is created in the form of a leather or rubber cuff;
  • on the segment that will play the role of the end of the baton, a heavy knob is installed;
  • then tubes of smaller diameter are threaded into wider cylinders, and the baton is equipped with a rubber or wooden handle.

Classic telescopic baton design

This model includes the following parts:

  • lock;
  • stub;
  • first knee;
  • second knee.

The basis of the first bend is a steel pipe, at the end of which there is a slot. A lock is inserted into it. The basis for the second elbow is metal reinforcement. One side of the rod is chamfered so that the second bend does not rotate in the first.

The chamfer ensures the sliding of the lock, which snaps into the slot. It is located at its end. When the second bend is extended, the lock falls into the groove and is fixed in the extended state.

A do-it-yourself telescopic baton can be constructed differently. It can be made from three or four parts. Accordingly, the number of castles increases.

The plug covers the back of the baton to prevent the inside knee from flying out the other side. The plug can be made of wood in the form of a cork or metal with threads.

How to make a dummy machine gun from wood

Often, ordinary plywood is an excellent material for creating a dummy. Using one of the methods, you can easily make a machine model with your own hands.

To work you will need the following “basic” tools and accessories:

  • Plywood. It is not necessary to use a whole sheet of material; in most cases, scraps are sufficient. However, it is important that the pieces are of the appropriate size and thickness. Sometimes it is worth choosing thicker plywood, since during use the layout may be subject to significant loads;
  • Tools. This list includes both devices for grinding and cutting. To make various recesses and holes on the surface of the dummy, you need to have a carpenter's knife or chisel on hand. While for sanding several sheets of sandpaper of varying degrees of grit are sufficient;
  • Protective covering. The future product must first be coated with a special compound that protects it from moisture. And then cover the dummy with wear-resistant paint. Black wood paint is most often used. But you can also use silver.
  • Glue. In order for all parts of the machine to be securely fastened, it is necessary to use epoxy resin as glue. If it is not available, then you can get by with PVA glue. And in some cases even superglue;

To create a real dummy, you need to find a sketch of a real machine in advance. It is advisable that all exact dimensions are indicated on the drawing.

When all the components of the future dummy have already been cut out of plywood, you need to glue them together and securely fasten them until they dry completely. Clamps will be very useful in this process. They will securely fix all the parts together.

In order for the “blank” to take the shape of the desired machine, it is necessary to recreate all the holes and recesses. Use a jigsaw for this, first drilling the holes and then shaping them.

The dummy must have a realistic appearance. This means you will need to work hard. If you do not have enough experience working with cutters, it is better to start with simpler parts. Otherwise, you may accidentally damage the product and the work will have to start from scratch. However, the result should please you with its similarity to the original.

Pay special attention to sanding. To give the necessary smoothness, carefully sand the dummy with sandpaper. First, go over the entire surface with coarse sandpaper. For example, marked M - 100. And then use small paper for finishing.

Of course, it is necessary to paint the dummy. Please note that the colors must match the original of this machine model. Choose paints of the desired shades.

DIY wood crafts

However, you should not think that wooden products will require any special skills or tools. At home, you can make exclusive things yourself that will arouse the admiration of your friends and relatives.

Wooden LED clock

This watch was originally made by Kouji Iwasaki. On the wooden panel we can see not only the time, but also the date. They have a built-in alarm clock. The four-digit version can be made independently at home.

Step-by-step instructions for producing wooden LED clocks.

  1. For the window you will need a thin piece of balsa. This is necessary so that the light from the clock can pass through this window unhindered.
  2. For the box itself you will need four plywood walls. For precise cutting, you can use a laser. In order to assemble all the walls without any problems, you can use superglue or hot glue. Remember to leave the back and front open. This is necessary in order to insert the watch there without any problems.
  3. Watch. After you have assembled the box, you can insert the watch into it. Using glue, fix it in the box. Make sure everything is securely fastened.
  4. If there is a button to turn off the alarm clock, you must make a small piece of wood for it. You need to insert this button into a specially made hole and glue it to the hour button.
  5. You can close the box with glue.

Your product is ready. All that remains is to connect them to the network and enjoy their work.

Magic amulet

In order to make a talisman that will protect you from evil spirits, you will need small bamboo skewers (you can use toothpicks if you want to make a small amulet). To do this, you must first tie the sticks together, and then carefully wind the threads around them. The color of the threads can be any, depending on your preferences and tastes.

Recommendation: first study the instructions on how to properly wind the threads on sticks to get an amulet.

Wooden furniture

A more complex production option is wooden furniture. Unfortunately, here you need to have a professional tool, as well as knowledge of carpentry.

The easiest style that a beginner can handle is the rustic style. He will be able to emphasize the natural beauty of the rough material. Small knots and cracks are welcome here.

Wood crafts can also be made for schoolchildren. Together with your parents, you can learn how to make doll furniture from twigs and tree roots. To make a fairy-tale gazebo you will need a small plastic cup, pebbles, small twigs, cardboard, and hot glue. Cut the cup approximately in half.

Cover it with pebbles and insert a cardboard circle on top to fit the hole. Next, you can glue small branches in a circle to create a fence. Longer branches will serve as supports for the roof, which must also be glued.

DIY wood crafts are a great opportunity to maintain your health. It is known that working with natural materials helps strengthen the psychological health of the craftsman. Each master, when making his product, puts his soul and love into it.

In the modern world there is even a Woodcarving movement that works with wood. They manage to create real works of art. After looking at their work, you may be inspired to repeat several of their works yourself or with the help of a qualified master working with natural materials.

Weapons for self-defense

So, let's look at the weapons that you can make with your own hands.

  1. Flail
  2. Club
  3. Nunchakus
  4. Sling
  5. Brass knuckles
  6. Yawara
  7. Slingshot
  8. Samopal
  9. Other

All self-defense weapons have their own characteristics, and not all weapons on the list are legal. For example, for self-propelled guns and brass knuckles, you can be punished according to every severity of the law.


To put it boldly, a flail is a weight on a rope, a shock-crushing weapon that can quickly subdue a criminal. As a load, you can use whatever is desirable - nuts, a stone, a hammer, a lead blank, and in general any weighty object. We will also need a rope with a loop at the end, which will be put on the hand so that the rope does not fall off. You can not put the rope on your hand, but tie it to a handle of a comfortable length made of wood or other material. The length of the rope from the load can be different, but the optimal one is 40-50 cm. We tie the rope to the load, make a loop at the end and that’s it, we have a solid weapon ready. The weight of the cargo should be 150 grams and above. Of course, such weapons can cause damage to a criminal without any problems, but when using any of the listed items, the main thing is not to become a bandit yourself. The weapon works on a swing and the working part of the weapon is the load that needs to hit a certain part of the body. You can carry the brush with you everywhere because it is super compact. You can put it in your purse or pocket, and it will help you out at the right time.


The baton is a particularly primitive and well-known item of self-defense. There are many types of batons that can help you get out of a difficult situation. You can use the most primitive straight baton, a baton with two handles, which has a wider range of actions. You are allowed to use two short clubs for self-defense, with the support of which you can defend yourself very effectively. As a last resort, any stick that is not very long and fits well in the palm will do. We can also use bits, which are also quite effective. Unfortunately, we cannot carry a baton in our purse. At best, it can fit in a backpack.


The weapon is effective, exciting, but not as primitive as it might seem. You need to learn how to use it, and the first time you pick it up - the main thing is not to break your forehead - virtually every person who picks up the nunchucks the first time hits himself on the head with it. Be careful with this weapon, and before using it in real life, learn how to use it - believe me, it's worth it. Nunchakus became famous to a greater extent due to the mythical martial arts master - Bruce Lee. After watching films with Bruce Lee, you will be able to appreciate the superiority of such weapons as nunchucks. They consist of 2 pieces of wood, or pieces of any other durable material. At home, we can primitively connect two pieces of wood with a rope. We make holes at the ends of the segments in the middle, approximately 2-3 cm, and holes through each diameter that passes through the central hole. In the middle we get a drilled letter “T”. We take a rope, insert one end on one side and take it out from the center, and the other end from the other side, and also take it out from the center, and for comfort you can use wire. It turns out that from the center, we will have two ends of the rope peeking out. Next, we insert the ropes into the center of another segment, take them out on the sides and tie them at the top. Nunchucks can be small, and they can be carried in a purse, backpack, or in the belt of your pants.


An absolutely good self-defense weapon, but in order to use it, you need to prepare it in advance - load it, and only after that you will be able to stop the criminal. A sling looks like this: a rope with a “pocket” in the middle, like in a slingshot, in which a stone is placed. At one end there is a loop that is put on the finger, on the 2nd knot. We put a stone in our pocket and, with simple movements, send the stone to the target. That's every rule, but the point is that you need to know how to use these weapons, and here at the beginning too - the main thing is not to cause damage to yourself. To make a sling, you need rope and a thick piece of material for the “pocket” - leather works perfectly. It doesn’t take a lot of intelligence to attach cut leather to a rope, so we won’t consider this.

Brass knuckles

It's time to look at the brass knuckles. This is a fairly ancient weapon, the existence of which many people know. Brass knuckles are a weapon with shock-crushing action. To use brass knuckles, they put it on the fingers, clench a fist and strike with the fist in which the brass knuckles are clamped. Due to the fact that an object is clamped in the palm, the blow is intensified, and the blow is also many times more powerful due to the weight of the brass knuckles, and due to its outer part, which is the working part. The sides of the brass knuckles can also be the working parts. If when striking with a fist, the main points of contact are the knuckles of the large fingers, which do not have such a large area, then when striking with brass knuckles, the point of contact is each striking part of the brass knuckles, which allows you to influence a larger area. There are different brass knuckles, but they have the same thesis. At home, brass knuckles can be made from lead or wood. From lead : we make a mold and pour molten lead into it. From wood : we cut it out, but the weight will be much less. Brass knuckles can also include fighting rings, and the most primitive fighting ring can be made at home from a huge nut that you can put on your finger. On the machine, we sharpen the nut to fit the finger and sharpen the top as needed. I would like to point out that owning brass knuckles or a fighting ring is actually not permissible without practicing striking techniques. First, learn, and only then think about using brass knuckles. This is such an ingenious weapon for self-defense. But that is not all. Let's continue.


Yawara is also an ancient weapon of self-defense, but in order to use it, you also need to practice a little, or maybe a lot. Yawara is a wooden stick that is longer than the width of your palm. She is allowed to deliver stabbing blows to different points of the body, and these blows will be quite painful if you have the preparation. Yavar can be made from an ordinary stick by sharpening it on a machine or with a knife. A similar weapon is the Kubotan. Yawara and Kubotan have different histories, but, nevertheless, they are similar in the thesis of the action. The main difference between the kubotan is that on the edge there is a hole for a ring on which you can hang whatever you want, making it more convenient for each key. Yawaru and kubotan can be carried both in your pocket and in your purse. The main condition is knowledge to use.


The slingshot, despite its virgin appearance, is a rather dangerous weapon. If the slingshot has a strong, good rubber band, then the slingshot projectile will be able to fly long and swiftly, which, if it hits the body, can cause pain and leave a bruise, and if it hits the head, it can simply cause pain, but there may be more important results - it all depends on the rubber band and the projectile. You can purchase a slingshot, and a slingshot that has a forearm support is especially suitable. You can make a slingshot yourself from wood or reinforcement. But the main thing here is to find excellent rubber and shells.


Samopal is a particularly solid weapon for self-defense among those listed. You can load a self-propelled gun with whatever you want - bent nails, salt, pellets. The self-propelled gun consists of a handle and a pipe. The handle is for comfort, and so as not to get burned, and we fill the pipe with gunpowder (sulfur) and charge. A hole is made on top of the pipe so that the sulfur in the middle can be set on fire. The pipe must have thick walls so that it does not burst, and be perfectly riveted at the end so that it does not swell. This is a very unsafe weapon for self-defense, which I suggest not using at all.


As for other weapons, I can suggest the following: Opener . The most ordinary can opener can become a real weapon in the right hands. Screwdriver . As a specialized item it does not pose any danger, but if it is used as a weapon, it becomes very dangerous. Scissors . Ordinary nail scissors, which can serve as a stabbing weapon, or heavy household scissors, which can be used as an impact weapon, are perfect for self-defense. Fork . An ordinary fork can also become a stabbing weapon. An attempt to systematize homemade shooting games from Soviet childhood from memory... From simple to complex... Match shooters are primitive in production, tiny, but fire hazardous. A match shooter from a clothespin fired a match, whether it was burning or not.

The head of the match was wrapped in foil from a cigarette pack, heated by another lit match and pssh, the match flies along the thesis of a rocket.

The photo shows a remake, but the thesis is the same, when a match ignites from a box grater, a shot occurs.

Match shooter from a fountain pen. From simple to complex... Darts. Primitive, but dangerous if it enters a living organism.

Approximately “darts”, we chose to use needles from sewing machines, they are heavier.

A dart made from a welding electrode was thrown into trees, but it was very unsafe. Spitting tubes.

A metal tube for spitting plasticine or mastic balls. A large reserve of mastic or plasticine was molded directly onto the tube, from which a slice was pinched off and loaded into the tube. Apart from moral damage, such spitting did not cause anything to its victim. The pipe was also made from a thick rod from a pen and they were shot with grain, which even happened in bursts. And it was allowed to shoot chewed paper or blotting paper from any chemical pencil in class without raising any doubts.

This is a beautiful plant that I have known since childhood. When we had a vulgar epidemic of rowan spitting from tubes in our yard, hogweeds seemed to us a good option for making weapons. Needless to say, everyone walked around with burns afterwards. At a minimum, around the mouth, and at most, someone was talking about a burned stomach and other things. I had a burn on my hand - approximately the size of a modern five-ruble coin. And only now I learned that it is not the hot hogweed itself, but that it washes off the ultraviolet protection from the skin with its juice. Look and be careful with him.

We also found long glass tubes at the dump of an electric lamp factory and shot berries from afar and powerfully. Sikalka or dousing.

A sikalka was made from an empty shampoo bottle or a liter plastic bottle of “Belizna”. A hole was made in the cork with a hot nail on the stove and half of a ballpoint pen without a refill was inserted into it. All this was sealed with mastic or plasticine.

They also made portable sikalkas from a perfume bottle with a push-button liquid supply. The tip was removed from the ball rod, and the ball was knocked out with a needle and hammer. The resulting nozzle was heated over a fire and fused into the hole in the perfume plug. Every press of a button and a few drops of water fly 5-7 meters. Practiced at school. I didn't find the photo. Crossbows.

A block, an elastic band from panties and a clothespin. They shot small pebbles, sometimes at each other. The most ideal models broke the bottle. Unsafe if in contact with eyes.

This crossbow model is more serious.

Pocket crossbow. Slingshots. They were divided into bracket and “stone” ones according to the type of charge.

The staple slingshot was made, as usual, from a single-core insulated aluminum wire from electrical wiring. The insulation was carefully cut in a circle near the ends, an elastic band (Hungarian) was attached under it, and everything was ready. Shooting brackets were made from thinner wire. Unsafe if in contact with eyes.

The stone slingshot is much more serious and dangerous. A medical tourniquet was screwed onto a wooden spear, one that was attached to a piece of skin. They shot stones over great distances. Homemade bows.

They were made from whatever was desired. From a stick with an elastic band, a hazel branch with a bowstring, to complex combined structures.

Fantasy had no limits, everything was limited by probabilities. Homemade crossbows.One of the crowning achievements of children's creativity. Safety of use was determined by the tension power of the bowstring and the type of arrowhead. From simple to complex... Air balloons. One of the crowning achievements of children's creativity.

They were made, as usual, from a bicycle pump, to the nipple of which, using epoxy, a barrel (smooth tube) was glued. All this was attached with electrical tape to a wooden fore-end, plus a rubber band. Loading was done from the end of the barrel by wetting it with saliva and laying plasticine with further sucking it inside the barrel bore (chock!) by steeply cocking the pump handle back. When it hit a person it left bruises.

Hunting weapon

Do you remember running around the yards with slingshots as a child? If you haven't run, be sure to try it, you will like it. Modern elastic materials impart such striking power to a small metal ball or pebble that, with proper skill, you can knock down targets from thirty paces. But the frame of a slingshot can be easily made from wood.

Drawings of weapons made of wood for hunting are quite common. This is how crossbows and bows are made. It's not that difficult to make a wooden frame; it requires sleight of hand and no magic. But there is an important detail that is necessary to make small arms lethal and effective over long distances. For this you need shoulders that are flexible and strong, as well as a bowstring. There are old technologies for making shoulders, but nowadays it is too labor-intensive and difficult to implement at home. It is easier to use modern materials such as plastic.

It is best to make the main frame from wood, and the shoulders from flexible, rot-resistant plastic; a synthetic cord will go to the bowstring. A little decoration and paint, and you’ll get a very attractive and effective bow.

Firearms mockups

No matter how much one would like to, it is unthinkable to make a homemade firearm out of wood that will shoot. Maybe for one or two shots, and it’s not a fact that the weapon won’t explode when the gunpowder explodes.

All self-propelled schemes are reduced to one algorithm. The tree is a frame to which the barrel is attached, a trigger mechanism with a spring, and occasionally a magazine is added. Inconvenient, short-lived, but cheap and fierce.

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