How to make a karambit knife from paper, cardboard, with your own hands: step-by-step instructions, photos

The CS GO game is not only about shootouts, grenades, explosions, new weapons and a lot of action. The game has close combat, in which you cannot do without a knife. If the situation is conducive to a silent murder or the action takes place in a round of “knives,” then a pistol is definitely not useful, but a good blade is just the weapon you need. Moreover, the payment for murder with a knife will be double. All CS GO knives are very diverse, and the player can buy any new skin for the knife he likes. Every player must have a knife; there are a huge number of them in the game. How many? Now we will look at all their types (we will determine which one is the coolest!) and present drawings of knives.

Karambit knife weapon: details, drawing, diagram for paper cutting

This article is about how to make a karambit knife from paper yourself. In it you will find several diagrams with step-by-step instructions and photographs of ready-made karambit knives, made and painted with your own hands.

Our first karambit pattern will help you make a knife like the one in the photo above.

Scheme of a karambit knife made of paper

  • To make karambit from paper, it is better to use thick white sheets. They are thicker than regular office printing paper, but thinner than cardboard. I hope you understand what I'm talking about.

IMPORTANT: It is better to use glue that is not PVA or office glue, but one of those sold in construction stores. Clear liquid wallpaper adhesive or baseboard adhesive will work. They are much better in quality than office glue.

  • First, we glue together the parts of the karambit core, which are indicated in the diagram in light green.
  • Then we glue the side parts, marked in blue, to the core, 6 on each side.
  • After this, we attach the parts painted lilac in the drawing to the karambit blank.
  • At the end we glue decorative overlays. When all the blanks are glued together, place the paper karambit on a flat surface, put a book on top, and then put something heavy on top to make a press. And then leave it to dry.

When all the paper karambit parts are glued together, it will look like this:

DIY paper karambit knife

How to decorate a karambit knife made of paper?

  • To decorate a karambit knife made of paper, it is best to use watercolors or oil paints , because they give beautiful shades, mixing with each other, and allow you to create a gradient pattern.
  • First you need to paint the karambit knife white to get rid of pencil marks.
  • We paint the knife handle with several shades of gray. We paint the triangle near the blade dark gray , and paint the finger grooves a very light gray.

How to make karambit from paper: paint the knife handle

  • We paint the remaining part of the handle with gray, which is obtained by mixing the two previous shades. To decorate the knife blade and the ring at the end of the handle intended for the finger, you need to use several shades of blue, yellow and red.

How to decorate a karambit knife made of paper?

  • Our finished karambit knife will look like this. It turns out to be very bright and similar to the karambit that you can equip your character with in KS GO.

This coloring of a paper karambit knife is called “shimmering marble” or “marble fade” in KS GO.

Karambit from KS GO

Advantages and disadvantages, practical application of karambits

All types of bladed weapons have their advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of karambit include :

  • compactness;
  • can easily be hidden unnoticed under clothing;
  • when using, the knife can be held with a forward or reverse grip;
  • the originality of the shape of the blade gives a certain superiority during the battle;
  • a ring on the handle, with its help you can easily rotate the weapon (for combat tactics or psychological influence).

But where there is originality, there is also specificity, since in order to wield this edged weapon, you need to gain experience and get used to it.

The disadvantages of karambit include:

  • it is difficult to sharpen;
  • quite uncomfortable to wear;
  • it takes a lot of strength to strike directly;
  • It's hard to take out and put into the sheath.

How to make a karambit knife weapon from A4 paper: step-by-step instructions

Our next paper weapon model looks very cool. This is Wolverine's Claws . And they are easier to make than karambit, because you only need to glue together parts of the same size.

How to make Wolverine claws from paper

In our diagram “Wolverine's Claws from Paper” there are only two parts: brass knuckles and a claw. And for work we will need not only regular paper glue, but also superglue to reliably glue the claws to the brass knuckles.

Weapons KS GO Wolverine Claws made of paper, diagram

How to make a karambit knife weapon from A4 paper:

  • First, cut out the templates from paper.
  • We stack the album sheets together; cutting is most convenient if you fold about five sheets together.
  • For each claw you need to glue at least ten sheets of paper together, and for brass knuckles at least twenty.
  • You can also use cardboard instead of paper. Then the claws need to be made from one sheet of thick cardboard, and the brass knuckles from three sheets glued together.
  • In the next photo all the details have already been cut out.
  • On each claw we cut a square groove, the width of which is equal to the thickness of the brass knuckles.

Paper weapons step by step instructions

  • When all the parts of the weapon are ready, glue them together. Lubricate the groove on each claw with superglue and attach it to the brass knuckles.

Paper weapons Wolverine Claws step by step instructions

  • When the paper weapon is ready, paint it with black paint, and then draw stripes with a silver marker.

DIY paper weapons, step-by-step instructions

Drawings of popular models

The choice of material, dimensions, shape depends on the purpose: fishing, working in the kitchen, hunting, protection from enemies. A product with sharpening, handle protection, a blade over 90 mm, and a spine thickness of 2.5 mm or more is considered dangerous. When choosing a suitable drawing, you can see a butcher knife equipped with a T-shaped handle; it is usually used for concealed carry. Depending on the purpose, there are kitchen, tourist, hunting, fishing, and throwing structures.

A master who is going to make a switchblade with his own hands must have special skills. The model is very interesting, but difficult to implement.


When creating drawings of knives intended for cooking, you must remember that the tool is often used for cutting food on a cutting board. It is for this reason that the blade must have a straight shape so that the fit to the surface is complete. You can check the convenience of the future blade using plywood. The template is transferred to the material, cut out, and then tested.

When creating a drawing, you should pay attention to the shape of the handle. It is better to avoid sharp edges that cause discomfort. Ergonomic options that match the structure of the hands are optimal. It is quite difficult to determine which configuration will be the most practical, so it is easier to use a ready-made model with dimensions. A high-quality knife, made yourself, will be an excellent helper in the kitchen.


Touring blades must be reliable, durable, and comfortable, since they are intended for use in extreme conditions. The choice of suitable materials is of great importance when making a knife. The configuration can be anything. Typically, the choice of model is carried out in accordance with the intended tasks and individual preferences of the owner.

The dimensions of the blade are determined so that the intended use of the product is as effective and safe as possible. A camping knife is used to perform several tasks:

  • Cooking;
  • cutting ropes, ropes, fishing lines;
  • sharpening stakes for setting up a tent;
  • protection from attacks by wild animals.

An excellent option would be a drawing of the famous Bowie knife with a characteristic bevel on the tip of the blade. When creating a sketch, you must remember that the tip is located on the midline if you draw a stripe along the entire product, including the handle.

Experienced tourists prefer to carry several blades with them for different purposes. Drawings of folding knives with multiple blades and other useful accessories are relevant for such situations. Pencil structures are used as auxiliary ones, since they are not designed for high loads.


Hunting requires a particularly careful selection of ammunition. The cost of knives suitable for this craft is quite high, so most often the models are made independently. A suitable option would be a tanto knife, which you can make yourself. The design is characterized by high penetration properties, so it is suitable for fighting predators and cutting game.

When making such a knife, you must strictly follow the drawing, use recommended materials, and observe the parameters. It is better to start the production process by creating a plywood template, the size of which corresponds to the real product. The finishing of the handle deserves special attention; here the master can realize any creative ideas.


The main task of this model is cutting fish carcasses. In addition, a fishing knife is used to repair gear, cut fishing line, build a tent and prepare food. Designs that are used in wild conditions must have versatility and convenience.

A wooden model will help you design the model correctly. It is necessary to check how the blade lies in your hand and whether it is comfortable to use. At this stage, possible adjustments are made.

When choosing materials, you should give preference to those that are not afraid of water. The blade is usually made of stainless steel, the handle is made of hard wood or plastic. If fishing is only a hobby, a small frontal knife that can easily fit in a pocket is suitable. This blade is ideal for solving basic everyday tasks.


This type of blade is classified as a combat blade; if necessary, you can make a knife with your own hands that will not be included in the category of prohibited ones. The configuration of the model is designed taking into account aerodynamic features, so making the drawing yourself is a difficult task. It is better to use ready-made sketches and strictly follow the recommendations of specialists.

The same material is usually used to make the blade and handle; the handle is not supplemented with linings. First of all, a model is made of wood, which allows you to check the balance of the model and the accuracy of the calculations. If necessary, the drawings are adjusted.

Regardless of the chosen blade model, the main condition for effective work is the presence of a high-quality drawing of the handle and blade of the knife. The most successful options are the result of many years of work and scientific testing. With the help of accurate sketches, adherence to dimensions, and recommendations from specialists, you can independently make an excellent tool or tool for all occasions.

How to make a Tiger Tooth karambit out of paper?

KS GO has a lot of beautiful karambit knives, copies of which you can buy or make from paper with your own hands.

Karambit knives from the game KS GO

To make a tiger tooth karambit , use the diagram. Draw a knife on a piece of checkered paper. If one cell is equal to 1 centimeter, then the length of the knife will be 18 cm.

How to make karambit Tiger Tooth from paper

Now you will need to cut out parts from paper or cardboard that will need to be glued to the handle of the knife and blade to achieve the effect of convexities. Cut out several blanks from paper and stick them on top of each other. In the diagram, the parts are indicated in yellow.

DIY Karambit Tiger Tooth made from paper

Wait for the glue to dry and paint the knife with watercolors.

Do-it-yourself karambit Tiger tooth

How to make a karambit knife from a cardboard box?

To make a karambit knife from a cardboard box, packaging for gift candies is suitable. If there is no such box, take a tea bag. If you glue such cardboard in several layers, the knife will be quite strong. But the shoe packaging may be too soft. Corrugated cardboard may be suitable for gluing raised parts.

Scheme of kurambit made of cardboard

INTERESTING : Karambit is a real dangerous weapon that was used in Japan many centuries ago. There is a version that the prototype of this knife was a tiger claw. However, in our country, karambit is not considered a bladed weapon, and you can buy it without special permission.

Purposes of creation

The reader may have a reasonable question: is it reasonable in Russia, where carrying knives is illegal, to popularize their creation? Undoubtedly, military weapons should not be made at home. But a wooden knife with a short blade is safe enough so that the most vigilant law enforcement officer will not have any objections.

Why do you need a wooden blade?

There are two main motives for its creation:

  1. Practicing knife fighting and self-defense techniques without weapons is carried out using blades that most reliably imitate the shape of real ones, but are safer. A plywood karambit will not cause serious damage, even if dropped on it;
  2. In addition, for the last twenty-five years since the publication of J. R. R. Tolkien’s immortal trilogy in Russia, role-playing games based on fantasy and historical works have been very popular among our compatriots. Obviously, here, too, a reliable but safe imitation of a weapon will come in handy.

Karambit Bloody web made of paper: diagram, instructions

The basis for the karambit knife Bloody Web is made as described above, and such a knife can be painted with watercolors or acrylic paints.

As an option, we offer you another scheme according to which you can make a karambit knife Bloody Web from paper.

Karambit Bloody Web diagram

Karambit paper knife: photos of the best

Of course, store-bought karambit knives look like very beautiful toys for grown men. But a homemade karambit knife made from paper can be no less beautiful.

Homemade karambit from KS GO

Knives with the Tiger Tooth , as they are called in the game, look very impressive.

Do-it-yourself karambit bloody web

Only by looking closely at this photo can you understand that the Bloody Web on the karambit was drawn, and the knife was made by hand.

Coloring karambit: gradient pattern

Karambit with a gradient pattern looks very bright and unusual. Any person who is familiar with KS GO, seeing such a knife on you, will immediately remember the game.

The next photo is not a real karambit, just a pencil drawing, but the choice of shades and execution are wonderful. We think that if you paint a homemade paper karambit in the same way, it will turn out great.

Karambit, pencil drawing

The knife in the next photo was purchased, but the mosaic pattern on it is simply mesmerizing.

Karambit with original design


So, how can you make a fairly reliable imitation with your own hands?

Sawing blanks

Dear reader, do you have a jigsaw? Yes? Great, put it aside and forget about it.

There are two ways to cut a wooden blank of complex shape from plywood with a thickness of 4 - 12 mm:

  1. Hand jigsaw;
  2. An improvised cutter, which can be a stationary circular saw or an angle grinder with a saw blade installed. In the latter case, the workpiece is securely fixed with a clamp.

Attention: if you are going to work with a grinder converted into a saw, do not forget about safety glasses and be extremely careful. In particular, you can put the tool on the table only after the disk has completely stopped.

The holes in the handle are selected with a ballerina or a feather drill of the appropriate diameter.


Universal PVA glue is quite suitable for it. The price of a small tube that we will need will be no more than 20-30 rubles.

The pieces will have to be glued and dried under pressure:

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