How to make a potato cannon with your own hands - assembling a potato cannon from sewer pipes

When buying an air rifle, many people prefer spring-piston models due to their low cost and the absence of the need to buy a pump or high-pressure cylinder. But not all shooting enthusiasts know that making a PCP air rifle with your own hands is not such an impossible task. Few owners of fractures like shooting so much that they are willing to pay 15-20 thousand for the purchase of a PCP rifle and another five thousand for a pump (the cylinder costs closer to ten thousand). But many would like to have a PCP rifle at a similar price and are willing to buy a pump. Of course, owning a PCP must start with a high-pressure air source, either a pump or a cylinder with a charging station (which can be refilled from divers or firefighter friends).

So what to do if you want a rifle, but don’t have much money? There is an exit. A do-it-yourself air rifle is a real opportunity to have an inexpensive air rifle. Quite a lot of different kits are sold on the air gun market (from the English kit - assembly kit, designer). The price of a kit equipped to convert a spring (multi-compression) model into a PCP version is in the range of 6-8 thousand rubles. As a rule, from the technical side of the issue, no difficulties arise. All you need is a file, pliers and a hammer.

Do-it-yourself balloon drawings

Subsequently, a navigator will be created in the first post.
P.S. for the future for everyone. Guys. Only verified drawings. We don't screw it up. Of course, I understand a little about this matter, but I can’t physically check everything.

The stem-plate of the combat valve (material St.40 X, St.45(

Rail clamp and optics stopper 2 in 1.

drawings of the PCP device. All.

I’ll make a reservation right away. These are drawings of one of my first prototypes. Some of the design was borrowed from other people's products, some was designed by me.

This product will be difficult to assemble. she's cunning... she's not. whoever gets confused will understand. This product has some mistakes and outright flaws. But with all that, he vaccinates Vorontos quite regularly and accurately.

These drawings once circulated at my work in the design bureau under the very nose of the chief engineer. so the names of the parts are also tricky. hidden.

By posting the drawings here, I realize that someone may deviate from the materials and dimensions indicated on the drawings. without testing, quickly jump to vaccinate the bird and get a plug in your violent head.


I solemnly

I declare that following these drawings, TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT OF MY ADJUSTMENTS, IT IS POSSIBLE TO ASSEMBLE YOURSELF A BUDGET ENTRY LEVEL VACCINator where you can study, train and gain intelligence and experience in the field of PCP. while shooting, in principle, you won’t feel sorry for him.

I am posting photos of the drawings here in order. Each drawing has its own number and everything that is required. The photos are not compressed, so you can print them in A4 format in sufficient quality.


Then, after the photo, I provide WRITTEN explanations using the drawing numbers as to what needs to be done differently in the detail.

Here you can download the GM assembly. Please note that the drawing in AUTO CAD 2009 (.dwg) format is archived in 7z

although the assembly is missing some small details. but it will become clear where and how each part should be placed.

a little about how GM works.

You can also see this pestle in many photos in this post


Then I can write a thread about how to assemble this miracle. and what fasteners should go where.


Dear readers! The article was published a long time ago and was written for specific videos in the “humor” category. Over time, many creators have chosen to remove their videos from YouTube. Nothing can be done about this, and there is no point in rewriting the article from scratch. So I leave the corresponding inserts in place of the removed rollers. For history, many of the carved examples of manufacturing were quite interesting.

The original idea of ​​the article was far removed from the current content; drawings, diagrams, manuals, the best original works, etc. were planned.

But after viewing the available information on YouTube, the worldview on this problem has changed; what happens next can contribute to causing nervous paralysis and the wildest criticism. So it’s better for the faint of heart to look for something else. And yes... there will be a lot of videos so that you can experience the same thing that I did. But first, a little educational program on this Wednesday, so that the hearts of seasoned pneumatic pipes certainly don’t skip a beat.


It remains to be seen who the very magicians of modern cheap pneumatics are. No, gentlemen, these are not plumbers or even Mario. In the video, it is mostly children who are making samples of light hardball weapons... Apparently, children of hardball players (since a bottle of “Vstrel” was spotted, I really love it). Or airsoft plumbers (judging by plastic trends). Or partially conjugated... Let’s not get carried away with such a terrible “Santo Barbara”, but something here is clearly not clean. I suggest you start getting acquainted with exemplary videos from around the world.

DIY air rifle toy

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Homemade products for hooligans. Everything about slingshots, shooters, scarecrows, pipes, firecrackers, school wars, etc., etc.

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There are no moderators here How to make a spinning cork on a thread - entertainment from childhood.

Remember this
super smoker, buzzer, mower, or just a cool plug on a string - a little thing that you could spin during breaks.
How many copies of these things were made, and how many were selected by strict teachers! There were a ton of options for making these super buzzers, from buttons to Pepsi caps. I liked the latter more, because they are more beautiful, more massive and there is room for imagination and options... Read more → How to make a target for pneumatics like in a shooting gallery with your own hands.

One day I decided to buy an air gun, aka pneumatics, aka an air rifle. I dreamed of it since childhood, but somehow it didn’t work out. Friends had one, but they only let me shoot. And finally it happened, my child demanded my help and swore an oath to take care of the rifle from his mother.

By the way, I have the “TRP Badge” (I got it from my grandfather), so I needed to confirm its possession of effective shooting.

Dedicated to the freaks who tore off the spoiler from “The Raging Anti-Virgin”.

How to make a slingshot from a ball and a plastic bottle

I decided to mention something that is not quite on my topic, but it’s autumn outside, and shells for all kinds of shooters and bullets are ripe. I remember when I was a child we used to shoot everything from slingshots, pipes and homemade air guns. Today I will share with young hooligans the simplest recipe - a balloon shooter based on the pulling principle.

How to make a moonshine still with your own hands plus step-by-step instructions for preparing the drink

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