How to renew a license for a traumatic weapon

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Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to self-defense. The Weapons Law describes two categories of civilian self-defense weapons purchased under licenses. Let's take a closer look at what a limited-kill firearm is, how limited-kill firearms differ, how to obtain a permit for a traumatic weapon, how to buy a limited-kill weapon, how to store it, what the procedure for transporting a limited-kill weapon is, and the rules for carrying limited-kill weapons.

Weapons of limited destruction

According to Article 3 of the Weapons Law, there are two categories of civilian self-defense weapons acquired under licenses:

Firearms of limited destruction (pistol, revolver, barrelless firearms of domestic production) with traumatic cartridges, gas cartridges and light-sound cartridges;

Gas weapons: gas pistols and revolvers, including cartridges for them, filled with tear or irritant substances;

According to the current Weapons Law, citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to acquire:

  • OOOP - you can buy up to two weapons;
  • gas weapons - you can own up to five weapons.

Firearms of limited destruction are short-barreled weapons and barrelless weapons intended for mechanical destruction of a living target at a distance by throwing equipment of a traumatic cartridge, receiving directed movement due to the energy of a powder or other charge, and not intended to cause death to a person.

Use of traumatic weapons

Weapons of limited destruction refer to civilian weapons of self-defense, that is, they are purchased by citizens to protect life, health and their property. These are the core values ​​that a citizen can defend with legally owned weapons. You can use traumatic weapons only in cases where there is a direct threat to life, health and property. The use of OOOP is determined by the weapons law. Article 24 states that a citizen has the right to use weapons to protect health, life and his property. That is, in the case of self-defense, roughly speaking. Determining where the line between self-defense and non-self-defense lies is quite difficult. A citizen must correlate the actions inflicted on him or their severity with the consequences that may occur after he uses the OOOP weapon. Having used OOOP, you must immediately report it to the police.

Trauma shooting training

The first step to obtain a license for a weapon of limited destruction is to learn the rules and skills of safe handling of traumatic weapons, obtain a diploma of completion (the certificate is for those who have already studied and are now recertified every 5 years). There are about five non-state educational institutions in Moscow that have received a license to teach the rules of safe handling of weapons, have their programs approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and carry out such training and training in shooting from OOOP. 6 academic hours are allotted for study. During preparation, firing exercises are required. For example, you can complete the Training Program at the Hunter Shooting Complex of DOSAAF Russia:

Primary training in the rules and skills of safe handling of weapons of limited destruction with final certification - 5,700 rubles .

Carrying out periodic inspections when renewing a permit - 3,500 rubles .

Only after this should you contact the licensing and permitting service employees at your place of residence to obtain a permit for a traumatic weapon. Without a document confirming the completion of training in the rules and skills of safe handling of weapons of limited destruction, LRO employees do not have the right to accept documents and issue a license for an LLC.

Equipment for storage space

The next step is quite controversial. The paradox is that you first need to prepare a place to store weapons, and only then apply for a permit. But do not forget that the licensing department may refuse a submitted application, so before purchasing a safe you should once again familiarize yourself with the procedure for issuing a license to determine compliance with the requirements.

A gun safe must provide reliable protection against unauthorized entry. Firearms should not fall into the hands of a child or stranger. Gun stores have a variety of safes to choose from. When choosing, remember that the safe must be securely attached to the wall and also have a locking mechanism.

The procedure for providing services for obtaining weapons licenses is determined by law. It stipulates that the district police officer will come to inspect the storage location while processing the submitted documents. In practice, things are somewhat different. After installing the safe, it is advisable to invite the local inspector yourself and ask to draw up an inspection report. This act is submitted along with other documents to the department.

License for traumatism

To obtain a license for a firearm of limited destruction (for the initial purchase of a weapon), the applicant collects a package of documents and submits them to the licensing and permitting department at the place of residence. Below is a list of OOO. By the way, the best advice for obtaining a permit for trauma is to look into your LRO and look at the stand to see what is required.

So, to obtain a license for an LLC, you must provide the following to the LRO:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (and a copy);
  • application for a license to purchase limited-kill firearms and ammunition for them.

The following are attached to the application:

  • medical certificate confirming that there are no contraindications to owning a weapon related to visual impairment, mental illness, alcoholism or drug addiction. Medical certificate form 046-1 (a certificate received at a non-state medical institution is provided with a copy of the license to provide medical services) the validity period of the medical certificate is 6 months;
  • copies of documents confirming completion of appropriate training and periodic testing of knowledge of the rules of safe handling of weapons and availability of skills in safe handling of weapons. Copies of documents are submitted along with the originals and certified by the signature of the employee.


  • Three 3x4 photographs (matte).
  • Receipt of payment of the license fee upon acceptance

Required documents

The renewal of licenses is handled by the licensing and permitting department, which is now part of the Russian Guard. They are sent to the OLRR after collecting the following set of documents:

  • application - can be written at home or in the department according to the provided sample;
  • photocopy of passport (when submitting, the original document must also be submitted);
  • photo 3x4, color, 2 pieces;
  • valid license;
  • document confirming payment of state duty;
  • medical certificates - form No. 002-O/u, No. 003-O/u (the latter is sometimes not required);
  • report from the district police officer on storage conditions and the presence of a safe;
  • certificate of technical serviceability of the injury;
  • certificate of passing the examination on the handling and storage of weapons.

The license gives the right to own 1 copy of a traumatic weapon.

Buy a traumatic weapon (PW)

To legally purchase a limited-kill firearm, you must complete a series of sequential steps. So, the algorithm of actions for acquiring weapons of limited destruction is as follows:

1. Obtain a license to purchase LLCP (firearms of limited destruction)

Educational institution:

Complete training in the rules and skills of safe handling of weapons of limited destruction and receive a document confirming completion of the training.


Obtain medical certificate 046-1. A narcologist, psychiatrist, ophthalmologist and therapist must determine your health status and allow you to use a firearm of limited destruction.

Photo studio:

Make 3x4 matte photographs.


Make a copy of several pages of your passport: pages 2, 3 and registration.


Pay the license fee.

Licensing and permitting department at the place of residence:

Provide all collected documents and write an application for a license to purchase limited-kill firearms and ammunition for them.

Obtain a license for an LLC (no more than 30 days from the date of registration of the application)

2. Buy a traumatic weapon and register it


Within 6 months, present your passport at the store, a license to purchase weapons of limited destruction and buy an LLC.

Licensing and permitting department at the place of residence:

Provide the purchased weapon and an application for registration of a weapon of limited destruction.

Features of permit renewal: timing and cost

You will need to pay for the medical commission, the exam and the state fee.

It will take approximately an hour to complete the examination at the PND. In this case you need to pay 700 rubles. However, in some Russian cities and hospitals the examination can be done for free. The same duration of appointment can be planned when visiting a narcologist, and 2 issued certificates will cost 1,200 rubles. To obtain papers in Form-002 you need to spend a couple of hours and about 1300-1800 rubles.

It will take up to 2 hours to check the weapon and storage conditions.

Testing theoretical knowledge and existing skills requires 2 hours of time. To take the exam you need to pay approximately 3,500 rubles.

OLRR employees will be able to check the applicant’s data and report the results within 30 days.

The state fee is paid at the bank or on the State Services Portal. The second option involves payment of 350 rubles, and the second - 500.

Storage of firearms of limited destruction

The procedure for storing weapons in the weapons law is described in detail. In particular, it is stated that “Storage of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them is permitted... to citizens who have received permission from the internal affairs bodies to store or store and carry weapons. Civilian and service weapons must be stored in conditions that ensure their safety, security of storage and prevent access to them by unauthorized persons.”

In short, to store any weapon, a citizen must have a safe installed, the keys to which must be held only by the owner of the weapon, so that no stranger can take and use his weapon. By the way, the impossibility of ensuring the accounting and safety of weapons or the failure to ensure these conditions is one of the grounds for refusing to issue a license for an LLC.

Carrying a weapon of limited destruction

Naturally, you can carry a traumatic weapon with you if you have received permission to store and carry it. The rules for carrying OOOP provide for carrying a firearm of limited destruction without a cartridge in the chamber, with a loaded magazine or drum, with the safety on and in a sheathed state in a holster. You must have identification documents with you, as well as a license or permit to store and carry weapons issued by the internal affairs authorities.

In principle, carrying weapons is always carried out on the basis of licenses or permits issued by internal affairs bodies for storing and carrying specific types, types and models of weapons.

Transportation of weapons of limited destruction

According to paragraph 75 of the Rules for the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition on the territory of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 814-1998, without a special permit, weapons can be transported only within the subject of the Russian Federation where they are registered. Owners of sporting and hunting weapons do not need to receive it to participate in hunting and sporting events.

As for the owners of gas weapons, firearms of limited destruction, for transporting weapons to another subject of the Russian Federation in accordance with paragraphs 62, 66 and 24 of the Instructions on organizing the work of internal affairs bodies to control the circulation of civilian and service weapons and cartridges for them on the territory of the Russian Federation Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 288-1999. it is necessary to obtain permission from the internal affairs body to transport weapons of the RTG series (Appendix No. 18 to the Instructions), which issued a license or permit for its storage and carrying. The transportation permit indicates the types (types) of weapons being transported, license (permit) data, as well as the route (from the starting point to the final point).

A fee is charged for issuing a RTG series permit for the transportation of LLCs. The permit is valid for up to one month.

For gun owners – changes from 2022

After acceptance of the application, the decision is made within the period established by law - 30 days . If LRO employees fail to comply with this deadline and there is a clear delay in making a decision, you can appeal the actions of the official to a higher police authority (ULRR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia) or to court.

How much does it cost to renew a license?

If we add up all the costs of renewing the license, we get a total cost of about 3-5 thousand rubles . Since you will no longer need to take a firearms course, the final amount is significantly less than what it would cost to initially obtain a permit.

At the same time, if the license was not renewed on time, you will have to undergo paid training again.

Documents should be submitted to renew a permit for smooth-bore weapons to the Licensing and Permitting Divisions of the Russian Guard, which exist in each region and in most cities. There are inter-district branches for rural areas. Find out which one you belong to on the website of the Russian Guard or on the government services portal. The opening hours of the branches are also indicated here.

Here are the documents that the LRR department will require from you to re-register a weapon:


  • statement
  • copy of passport
    (page spreads with photo and registration at place of residence);
  • copy of the current license
  • certificate of verification of storage conditions
    (for rifled and smooth-bore, issued by the district police officer upon request);
  • a receipt
    stating that the state duty has been paid;
  • medical certificate in form
    No. 002-0/u or No. 003-0/u. Issued after passing a medical examination at a clinic or medical center;
  • hunting license
    (if you are keen on hunting and are submitting documents to renew your permit for a hunting weapon) and a copy of the technical passport (if the weapon is a long-barreled firearm with a rifled barrel) - only pages that indicate the type, brand, serial number, date of manufacture, stamp on the date of the event control shooting and certification mark or control shooting protocol;
  • an order from the head of an organization
    or hunting enterprise (operating in accordance with the statutory objectives in the field of hunting), which confirms the applicant’s right to engage in professional activities related to hunting (represented by the applicant engaged in professional activities related to hunting);
  • certificate of passing an exam
    in handling weapons (if you apply for a new license in a timely manner, you do not need to undergo training, a knowledge test is enough);
  • 2 photos 3x4 cm

Already at the department, the employee will draw up a technical inspection report, which is included in the documents for the renewal of smooth-bore weapons and any other.

As of October 1, 2017, one-time fees for the provision of licensing and permitting services have been abolished, and the state fee for renewing a permit for traumatic weapons in 2022 is 500 rubles

. Any payment method: cash through a bank branch, from a card through an ATM or online banking. When submitting an application through the government services website, the state fee for renewing a weapons permit in 2021 is paid with a 30% discount and will cost 350 rubles. The discount is valid for electronic submission of an application and non-cash payment via a bank card, e-wallet or mobile phone.

When applying for a service, you will need to collect the following documents (the list is established in clause 9 of Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated May 5, 2012 No. 408 ):

  1. Statement. A sample and form will be provided at the licensing and permitting center.
  2. Passport.
  3. 2 photographs (3x4 cm).
  4. Medical certificate of form No. 002-О/у and 003-О/у. According to the order of the Ministry of Health dated June 30, 2016 No. 441- “On the procedure for conducting a medical examination...” examinations are carried out by an ophthalmologist, a psychiatrist-narcologist and a psychiatrist.
  5. Hunting license and its copy, if the applicant decided to renew the permit for a hunting rifle
  6. Receipt for paid state duty.
  7. If the weapon is used for professional activities (hunting), then you will need an order from the head of the organization to confirm this.

The whole procedure consists of three stages:

  1. Contacting the Licensing and Permitting Department (hereinafter referred to as the LRO) with an application (addressed to the head of the LRO) and documents.
  2. A local inspector checks the conditions in which weapons and ammunition are stored. Based on the results of the inspection, an inspection report is drawn up, which is also sent to the LRO.
  3. Waiting for notification from LRO. It is sent by mail to your residential address.

Employees are given 2 working days to register the submitted application. The period for providing the service is 30 days .

Renewing a license costs 500 rubles .

Remember. By submitting an application on the State Services website and paying the fine by card, via telephone or WebMoney, a 30% discount . The state duty will cost 350 rubles. The discount is valid until January 2022.

Time to read the material: ~ 12 minutes

Mandatory conditions are:

  • — Availability of Russian citizenship and permanent registration.
  • — The age of majority is 18 years and above (in the future it is planned to increase it to 21 years).
  • — No criminal record (or the criminal record must be expunged).
  • — The issuance of a license may be denied to citizens who have previously been charged with violating public order, have been convicted of manufacturing weapons, are registered with the police, etc. These cases are not specified in the law, but are an unspoken reason for the refusal. However, if you are denied permission, you can always appeal this decision in court.
  • — Good vision and absence of drug addiction and psychological illnesses.

How to obtain a license to purchase weapons:

  1. 1. Obtaining medical certificates (passing a medical examination)
  2. 2. Completion of specialized training.
  3. 3. Purchase a safe, install it and invite the local police officer to inspect it.
  4. 4. Apply for a license to purchase weapons.
  5. 5. Select and purchase weapons
  6. 6. Submit documents for ROHA (permission to store and carry hunting and firearms) to obtain a license to carry traumatic weapons.

To obtain a license you will need to collect the following package of documents:

  1. 1. Statement.
  2. 2. Original passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a photocopy.
  3. 3. Document confirming completion of training.
  4. 4. Certificate from the local police officer.
  5. 5. Certificate of passing a medical commission.
  6. 6. Receipt for payment of state duty.
  7. 7. Two photographs measuring 3x4 cm.

You can submit documents for obtaining a license in 2 ways: contact the linear permitting department or submit an application through the application “State - “License for the acquisition of OOP”.

The term for providing the service is 30 calendar days.

Once you have a license to purchase a traumatic weapon in your hands, you are given six months to purchase. If during this time period you do not come to the linear extension department of law enforcement agencies to register injuries, the permit will be revoked. Remember that you need to register your weapon within 14 days of your successful purchase (no matter whether it’s new or used). After all, without registration you will not be given a permit to carry. The validity period of such a permit is 5 years. Moreover, in order not to repeat the entire procedure again, you should submit an application for renewal 3 months in advance.

  • — The cost of training is on average 4–6 thousand rubles.
  • — Payment of the state duty for the purchase – 2000 rubles + state duty for obtaining permission to carry an injury – 500 rubles. Total 2500 rubles.
  • — Obtaining a weapons certificate – 2–2.5 thousand rubles.

As you can see, to obtain certificates legally you need to set aside at least 15,000 rubles - a lot, but necessary.

Remember that in addition to the license and the trauma itself, you will definitely need to purchase a safe, a holster (for carrying), cartridges, gun lubricant and other accessories (which ones will depend on the chosen type of weapon).

The choice of trauma is huge. As, indeed, are the prices for it. As a rule, prices for a new OOP start from 5 thousand rubles. The upper limit is limited only by your financial capabilities. On the shelves of weapons stores you can find “injuries” for 65,000 rubles, and even more. And this is not the limit.

The Russian Arms Pawnshop offers an excellent opportunity to save money. Here you will find excellent used weapons at competitive prices - from 1,500 rubles. Buying on the secondary market is a great opportunity to save money without sacrificing quality. After all, quite often the previous owners hand over the weapon to a thrift store without ever firing it.

Preliminary preparation for the license renewal procedure consists of the following actions:

  • First, you should contact the police department at your place of residence, where they notify officers of your desire to extend the validity of your license.
  • Upon submission of the application, department employees will send a request to the district police officer, who will come to the applicant’s house and check the place where the weapons are stored. If the requirements are met, a positive response will be given.
  • With a positive verdict and the weapon, they return to the police department to check its serviceability.

If the police give permission to renew the current license, you can begin collecting documents.

To submit an application to the LRO for a license renewal, you must collect the following package of documents:

  • a copy of a valid document permitting the storage and use of hunting weapons;
  • two photographs measuring 3x4 cm;
  • medical certificate from a narcologist and psychologist in form No. 002/u;
  • passport and a copy of page 1 and place of registration, which must be permanent;
  • a report with a positive verdict from the local police officer;
  • a report from police officers on the serviceability of the weapon owned by the owner;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • hunting license – you can submit a copy of the document certified by a notary.

Rifled weapons also require a license to use, the renewal of which occurs in accordance with the above sequence and the provision of the given list of documents.

An addition to the list of documents is the mandatory provision of a certificate that confirms the applicant’s professional hunting activities.

To do this, you can contact the head of the hunting farm.

As mentioned above, from January 1, 2022, amended current legislation allowed gun owners to extend the validity of a previously obtained license for another 5 years. Therefore, the medical examination of the applicant takes place in a simplified form.

To do this, it will be enough to submit a certificate of form No. 002/u - the form is used by a psychologist and a narcologist to formalize their verdict on the fact of permission to use hunting weapons further.

Through State Services you can apply for a license renewal after preliminary actions.

In this case, you will need to do the following:

  1. Register on the portal and receive confirmed user status.
  2. Next, select the license renewal service – Security and law and order, Permit to store and carry weapons, Renewal of license to store and carry weapons.
  3. Fill out the application electronically by uploading scanned document files.
  4. Wait for the application to be accepted for consideration and a positive verdict from the LRO.

Upon a positive decision, the applicant will be sent a letter with full instructions for completing the procedure.

In this case, it will be enough to contact the LRO department to provide original documents and obtain a license.

They are sent to the MFC after preliminary preparation and with the documents specified above. You can apply for a license renewal here.

Thus, it turns out that the MFC transfers a package of documents and an application to the LRO for subsequent verification of the received data. After receiving the verdict, the applicant will pick up a completed document or a certificate of refusal with a reasoned response.

Often, employees of authorized bodies or LROs refuse to renew an applicant’s license, which may occur due to the following reasons:

  • there are medical contraindications - during the period of validity of a previously obtained license, the owner of the weapon was brought to proceedings for the discovery of psychotropic or narcotic drugs in the urine;
  • during the validity period of the license, the owner committed a serious crime - as a rule, in such situations, the weapon is immediately confiscated by law enforcement officers;
  • the applicant is currently in prison or has just been released after serving a sentence for a serious crime - expungement of a criminal record never becomes a reason for obtaining a positive decision;
  • in the last year before the license expired, the owner was twice brought to administrative responsibility;
  • the applicant does not have permanent registration;
  • the existing weapon is faulty at the time of inspection.

It should be noted that in this case practically nothing can be changed.

Work on errors cannot be carried out without consequences, therefore only in exceptional cases can a license be renewed upon repeated application to the LRO.

A license to purchase a weapon and a permit to carry and store weapons are two different documents. First you need to get a license, then buy a weapon, register it and get a permit.

  • A license is required to purchase some types of weapons.

For example:

— if you want to buy a gas pistol, revolver or shotgun, you need a license;

— to purchase a stun gun, gas cartridge or air pistol with a caliber of up to 4.5 mm, a license is not required.

  • The permit gives the right to carry and (or) store weapons.

When choosing a weapon, ask the store in advance whether a license is required to purchase it. If necessary, follow the instructions.

  • Get medical certificates:
  1. On the absence of contraindications to gun ownership
  2. About the absence of narcotic and psychotropic substances in the body

To do this, get examined by an ophthalmologist, narcologist and psychiatrist.

Help is paid. They are valid for one year.

  • Take preparatory courses if you are getting a license for the first time.

Courses are needed to confirm that you know how to handle weapons, know the design features, safe use techniques and legal requirements.

Courses can be taken at licensed training centers. You need a medical certificate, which you have already received for your license, a passport and photographs.

Training is paid.

The courses take place in a few hours. Then you need to pass the exam.

A certificate of completion of courses and a certificate of knowledge testing will be asked when applying for a license.

  • Buy a safe.
    Weapons should not be stored in a closet or garage to prevent them from falling into the hands of those who do not know how to handle them.

Safes vary in steel thickness, lock type, and mounting method. Consult several stores or experts.

The safe must be made of high-strength materials and be locked. It is better to attach it to the wall or floor.

  • Apply for a license.
    This can be done through State Services or in person through the territorial division of the Russian Guard.

Please attach to your application: medical certificates and documents confirming the completion of courses.

The storage conditions of weapons and ammunition will be checked at your home.

The state fee for issuing a license is 2,000 rubles.

The decision to issue a license will be made within 30 days.

One license can buy one weapon.

  • In specialized stores.
  • From hand. The law does not prohibit this, but there may be problems: the pistol turns out to be stolen or wanted.

To purchase a weapon, present your passport and license.

After purchase, the weapon must be registered. The law gives two weeks for this.

You can submit an application through State Services.

To register you need: a license, a passport and the weapon itself.

Weapons can only be used for those purposes that are specified in the permits and comply with the law.

  • Sports weapons - only for training and competitions within sports facilities.
  • Hunting - for hunting.

One type of weapon can only be stored, the other can be carried and stored.

  • A long gun can only be taken out for transportation, repair or sale, or registration, although it can be considered a means of self-defense.
  • Pepper spray, gas spray, gas pistol or stun gun do not require a permit and you can walk around with them.
  • A traumatic pistol requires a license and permission. If a storage permit is issued, it can only be stored at home and used for self-defense if the home is attacked. If you have permission to store and carry, then you can carry.

The applicant will need to contact the permitting department and collect a certain package of documents, which is mandatory for the upcoming receipt of a license to use traumatic weapons:

  1. Medical certificate, which must be issued in form No. 046-1.
  2. Completed application. It is necessary to provide correct passport information and statement data.
  3. Original and copy of completed pages of the Russian passport.
  4. Two photos. The size of the photographs taken must be 3*4.

The permission obtained will be for a truly limited period of time. The document is provided for 5 years only. After this, you will need to take care of obtaining an up-to-date document or getting rid of traumatic weapons. To do this, you will need to go to the registration section and provide passport information, SNILS, and provide current contact information. In addition, you will need to obtain a code combination for subsequent activation of the profile being created. The code can be found in a specialized center or ordered delivery of the corresponding letter.

An electronic signature may be used to verify your account.

Based on the results of the event, you can receive a report (an inspection report of the automatic weapons used). Then the citizen will need to submit the weapon to the police department within a specified time frame so that professionals can check its serviceability.

Then the applicant is required to collect the established package of documents, which is presented for the successful implementation of the planned event. If at least one certificate is missing, renewal will not be possible.

Frequently asked questions about weapons of limited destruction

How to buy a traumatic weapon? Collect the documents indicated above and submit them to the LRO. If everything is in order with the documents, after passing the checks (no more than 30 days), the licensing and permitting department issues a license to purchase the LLC. The LLCOP license is valid for 6 months. During this period, a citizen must purchase weapons:

  • If a citizen bought an LLC, then he needs to contact the LRO to register a firearm of limited destruction.
  • If a citizen does not buy a weapon of limited destruction, then after 6 months the license for the LLC will be invalid and must be returned to the internal affairs authorities.
  • If the license to purchase a firearm of limited destruction is lost, it is also necessary to inform the LRO.
  • In case of cancellation of licenses or permits, a citizen can apply for them again only after one year.

At what age can you buy a firearm of limited destruction (traumatic weapon) , young people are often interested. We inform you that in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation, those wishing to buy an LLC must be 18 years old. Therefore, you can buy weapons of limited destruction only after turning 18 years old. (Unless amendments to the weapons law are adopted, increasing the age to 21 years).

I already have a license to keep and carry firearms, after 5 years will I have to go through training again? - some LLC owners are interested. After 5 years, individuals who have previously completed training will have to obtain a certificate of knowledge that they actually know how to handle a firearm. The test includes testing the theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired by a citizen as a result of training in the rules and skills of safe handling of weapons of limited destruction.

Are there any special rules for former officers? Yes, for former and current officers who have military ranks, special ranks and who have retired, specifically to retire, there are their own rules. They are not required to provide a diploma when obtaining a LLC license or a certificate when renewing a LLC permit. In principle, athletes and masters of sports who have documents, too.

What about hunters? During initial contact, hunters are trained in the same way. But in the future, the next time hunters apply, they don’t need this need. Because they already have permission to store and carry weapons.

With an expunged criminal record or an administrative violation, can problems arise when obtaining a permit for a traumatic weapon? If the criminal record has been expunged, the citizen has the right to apply for a LLC license. However, if he has administrative violations, then the permit may be refused. An administrative offense is valid for a year. After a year, it is automatically extinguished and you can apply for a license for an LLC.

If a gun is stolen, what should you do? It is necessary to urgently contact the internal affairs authorities that issued this permit for this weapon. In this case, there will be an immediate notification of the loss of a weapon or its theft, registration with the ZIC and State Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, so that it is possible to prevent crimes committed with the help of this weapon.

Possible reasons for refusal

In some cases, citizens are denied license renewals. What are the possible reasons for refusal:

  • For health – visual impairment, hand injuries, detection of drug or alcohol addiction, mental and neurological disorders.
  • Identification of storage violations.
  • Inadequate condition of the pistol - defects, breakdowns, modifications of the design discovered during inspection.
  • Incidents involving injury in which the police considered the owner’s actions to be unlawful. The license may not be revoked immediately, but renewal will be refused.
  • Administrative violations, criminal case initiated against the owner.

If an application is rejected, the licensing authorities are required to notify the applicant of the reasons for the refusal. You can appeal the decision of the OLRR in court.

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