How to obtain a license for traumatic weapons through government services

Before moving on to a direct conversation about how to obtain permission to purchase traumatic weapons through government services, let us dwell on the principles of operation of a single portal. It is known that queues at the tax office, passport office, traffic police and other government agencies have already become legendary, and this is not at all a matter of people who are not interested in their work. It’s just that document flow takes on such a large scale that the staff of one or another institution simply cannot cope with processing all the information.

Modern approach

The first attempt to correct the current situation with the influx of clients was the creation of multifunctional centers. They can receive up to two dozen visitors at a time on all issues related to government services. The optimization did not end there, and it was decided to organize something similar on the Internet.

The development of a unified data processing system ended with the creation of an entire portal, which was called the Unified Portal of Public Services.

Every citizen wishing to receive services online was required to register on the portal. He provided all the detailed information about himself. Naturally, the site developers guarantee complete confidentiality of information, but the user must give consent to the processing of data. This means that basic data (passport series and number, TIN, certificate number, etc.) is available in all government agencies.

One of the services is obtaining a weapons license. To be precise, this service consists of submitting an application, but it cannot be carried out completely online, since the law requires such steps as passing a medical examination, training and knowledge testing. But even such a stage as filing an application requires clarification. Many citizens prefer traditional ways of doing business, accompanied by hours of waiting in queues, because they think that the ESIA is a complex and incomprehensible system.

Passing a medical examination and obtaining a certificate

Passing a medical commission is a mandatory procedure to obtain a license and permit. The applicant must pass:

  • therapist;
  • psychiatrist-neurologist;
  • psychiatrist-narcologist;
  • ophthalmologist.

A certificate in form 002-О/у (about the absence of contraindications to owning a weapon) is issued based on the conclusion of a therapist and an ophthalmologist. But before undergoing a general medical examination, a citizen must obtain certificates from a psychoneurological and drug dispensary (from which it is necessary to obtain a certificate in form 003-O/u confirming the absence of narcotic or psychotropic substances in the body). Both certificates are valid for 1 year.

A medical examination can be done both in a public clinic and in a private one, but provided that it has licenses:

  1. to carry out the activities of a psychiatrist;
  2. to carry out the activities of a narcologist;
  3. for a medical examination.

Submitting an application, step-by-step instructions

A license for injury through state services is issued in the same way as for a hunting smooth-bore weapon. If the user is already registered in the ESIA system, then this government service will be available to him.

Using the phone number, which is currently the login, you enter your personal account on the website The main page of the personal account is designed so that the user can see important messages, tax debts or fines, and have quick access to the most popular services. Their full list is in the “Services” section. To get into it, you need to select the appropriate tab at the top of the page.

On the page that opens, a list of all categories of services that can be received on this portal is presented in the form of icons. We are interested in .

In the list of services themselves, you must select “Permit to store and carry weapons.” As a result, a new page will open, which presents three ways to implement this service.

  1. The first service is related to the re-registration of weapons. It is provided to citizens whose license has not expired, but who decide to purchase a different type/model of weapon.
  2. In the second point (which we need to select), it is possible to obtain a weapons permit for those who have never received one before.
  3. The third point is the permit renewal service.

Next, we get to a page called “service card”. Here you can get acquainted with its full description, as well as find out who exactly provides this service. The application execution time is 14 days from the date of registration of the application, and the state fee is 500 rubles.

It should immediately be noted that the development of events from this moment can take place according to two scenarios: receiving an electronic service or personally visiting the licensing department. In any case, the permit is given personally to the owner, so it will not be possible to fully receive the service without leaving home.

Simplified registration process

In order to register the right to carry and store weapons through State Services in a simplified version, you need to provide the following information on the official website: user’s full name, phone number and valid e-mail. At the next stage, you will need to enter the code received in the form of an SMS message or to the specified email address.

Electronic service

On the left side of the page there is an algorithm of activities for obtaining the selected service. If you decide to obtain a license for a traumatic weapon through the “electronic service” item, then the sequence of actions will be presented in the following steps.

  • Formation of an application online. To do this, you will need to fill out basic forms where the applicant’s personal data is entered. You will need to enter the details of your passport, the license under which this type of weapon was purchased, and the registration certificate of the traumatic pistol for which the permit is being issued. Photos can be uploaded from any digital media.
  • Make an appointment with the LRR department. In this case, the user can select the department that is most suitable for its geographical location and indicate a time convenient for it.
  • Waiting for notification. After checking the documents, a decision is made to issue or refuse a permit. The corresponding notification will be carried out in a way convenient for you. In any case, the incoming message is duplicated in the portal’s personal account.

  • Visit to the licensing department. When visiting in person, you will have to bring the originals of the documents whose details were indicated in the application. It is also necessary to present the weapon for inspection. A purchase license gives the right not only to buy an injury, but also to wear it for six months. Department employees are required to provide you with the details for payment of the state fee.
  • The next step is to pay a one-time fee. It can be done through any bank. The bank operator will issue a payment document using the specified details.
  • Getting permission. The paper is issued in person, so you will have to visit the OLRR again.

Grounds for refusal

After registration, the application will be considered within 30 calendar days. Department employees will send a message about payment of the state fee if there are no complaints regarding the application. By the way, through the State Services, the size of the bribe to the state treasury is slightly smaller. Please note that a license will be denied for the following reasons:

  • the applicant is a minor;
  • serving a sentence in a correctional institution;
  • unexpunged criminal record;
  • the presence of bad habits, which is why they were registered with a drug treatment center;
  • health problems;
  • lack of permanent residence in the Russian Federation.

If you do not obtain permission to carry a traumatic weapon, an administrative penalty will follow with the confiscation of the illegally acquired pistol.

Therefore, you need to use State Services and submit a timely application 3 months before the expiration of the previous license.

Ignorance of the laws does not relieve liability, but criminal prosecution only applies to firearms. Some craftsmen change the barrel on a traumatic gun for firing ammunition. For such a modification you can earn a real sentence in the penal colony.

Personal visit to the permitting department

When selecting this item, the user creates an electronic queue to visit the department. In principle, the work of the portal ends here, but the introduction of electronic queues has significantly reduced the problem of a massive influx of citizens. Further actions are presented in the form of an algorithm.

  • At the specified time, you must visit the OLRR according to its work schedule. The list of documents that you need to take with you has already been listed in the previous paragraph.
  • Department staff will review your documents individually. Each subsequent step will be agreed upon. This applies to inspecting the weapon and checking its serviceability. You will then receive a receipt for the state fee.
  • Payment of a one-time fee. Here, this step is absolutely no different from a similar step when receiving an electronic service. You'll have to go to the bank and pay 500 rubles.
  • Obtaining a license.

Obtaining a weapons license through State Services

The initial stage can be considered completed when the applicant receives notification of the consideration of the application. To complete the procedure, you need to come to the licensing authority with the original documents. Also, at the time of the visit, the state fee must be paid. Employees of the Russian Guard inspect the weapon, compare the actual data with the information in the electronic application and indicate the license readiness period. On the appointed day, you need to visit the government office again and pick up a license with which you can buy weapons and ammunition.

How to get the service

If everything is relatively clear with the information, then the question of how to directly obtain a government service remains open. Pay attention to the right side of the page. There is a link “Get a service” on it. By clicking on this link you will be taken to an electronic application form. Since some personal data is available for processing, some fields will already be filled in. There is no need to worry that your data has become publicly available, since you are in your personal account.

  • Information about the applicant contains basic information, such as SNILS, TIN and passport data.
  • The “Contact Information” section is not required, but awareness depends on the number of ways to contact you. It is advisable to provide both a telephone number and an email address.
  • The next field contains information about the registered address. Here is the address that appears in the passport. If the actual address does not match, then this must be indicated by placing the appropriate icon and entering the exact address at the place of residence.
  • The recipient of the application is exactly the department that you have chosen. If you are registered in the system correctly, then all available departments will be presented in a nested list. You just have to choose the most suitable one.

  • In the text field you must indicate the main parameters (model and caliber) of the traumatizer.
  • Since a permit to carry a weapon is issued only if you have a purchase permit, the last document, or rather its data, must be indicated in the application. This is the series, number and date of issue.
  • In the “Purpose” of the purchase, you must select “Self-defense” for a traumatic weapon or “Hunting” for a gun.
  • When purchasing a weapon, try to write down as much information as possible about the seller, as this information will have to be entered when applying for a license.
  • Finally, uploading documents is also done using a form. In the information you will find out what requirements apply to photographs. After filling out all the fields, you must click the “Submit Application” button.

Courses, training and exam

The course program usually includes three compulsory areas:

  • basic firearms safety;
  • legal aspects of the circulation and handling of weapons, as well as the rights and obligations of a person who has permission to use weapons;
  • practical shooting lessons.

The training lasts 6 academic hours, excluding the exam. An educational organization must also have a number of criteria, namely: having a license and accreditation to carry out educational activities on training in the use of weapons.

In order to take courses, the organization or center that conducts such classes and issues certificates of completion must provide:

  • passport and its copy (including the page about registration in the Russian Federation);
  • medical certificates in forms 002-О/у and 003-О/у, which were mentioned earlier (they will then need to be provided to obtain a license);
  • three photos of the student.

Upon completion of the theoretical and practical part of the training, the person is issued a certificate of completion of the courses.

Why can they refuse to issue a license?

The question of the reasons for refusal to issue a permit has been raised more than once. This topic is fully regulated by the Weapons Law. There may be several reasons: a criminal record or being under investigation, administrative offenses or a failed medical examination. But when fulfilling legal requirements, sometimes situations arise in which the applicant receives a refusal. A misunderstanding arises here, because according to the law, the department must satisfy the citizen’s request.

The fact is that the system itself can verify the authenticity of the data. If the automatically filled fields have been changed, then you will most likely receive a refusal. The reason for this will be inaccurate data.

OLRR employees can initiate a refusal personally and motivate this by the fact that the conditions for storing weapons do not meet the requirements. This tough approach is fully explained by the potential danger that any weapon carries. To successfully register, you must first become familiar with the legislative framework.

Requirements for applicants

  1. Applicant's age. In accordance with Federal Law No. 150, a person who has reached the age of 21 can purchase a traumatic weapon, but there is also an exception to this rule (from 18 years of age):
      citizens who have completed military service;
  2. serving in state paramilitary bodies;
  3. having a military rank or a class rank of justice.
  4. No criminal record. Sometimes, not only a criminal record (including an expunged one), but also the very fact of being held criminally liable can become an obstacle.
  5. No medical contraindications. We are talking not only about the certificates required for obtaining a license from a psychoneurological dispensary and a drug dispensary. The general medical certificate established by form 002-O/u requires the conclusion of a therapist and an ophthalmologist.
  6. Citizens must take courses on the safe use of firearms.

Such courses can only be taught by organizations accredited by authorized government bodies.

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