Weapons of limited destruction: how to get a license? Storage and carrying of weapons of limited destruction

Today, more and more citizens are thinking about purchasing one or another means of self-defense, ensuring personal safety, as well as the safety of their home. The easiest thing, of course, is to purchase something that does not require a mandatory license and is not strictly controlled by the police department, such as, say, an electric shock device or a tear gas canister. But those who decide to purchase weapons for protection should first of all take care of compliance with all legal requirements currently in force. Otherwise, instead of a reliable remedy, it is quite possible to receive criminal liability.

According to the main document regulating the acquisition, licensing and ownership of weapons throughout the Russian Federation - Federal Law No. 150 FZ of December 13, 1996 “On Weapons” (hereinafter in the article - the Federal Law “On Weapons”), it is possible to purchase the following means for self-defense :

  • gas weapons: this category includes various types of gas revolvers and pistols, as well as sprayers, that is, those same “gas cans”
  • smooth-bore firearms (long-barreled),
  • stun guns that meet established technical requirements,
  • firearms of limited destruction (LDW).

The latter concept, as a separate category of weapons, appeared in the text of the law relatively recently, only in 2011, in connection with changes introduced by deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation to the Federal Law “On Weapons”. The need to define this type of means of self-defense was caused by a violent public reaction to the increasingly frequent cases when, in domestic conflicts, most often unreasonably, citizens used weapons of limited destruction, loaded with traumatic cartridges.

After legislative changes in the Federal Law “On Weapons”, not only a clear definition appeared of what can be considered a legal LLC, but also the requirements for the acquisition, possession, storage and, importantly, the legal use of this means of self-defense have become significantly more stringent.

What is a weapon of limited destruction?

The Federal Law “On Weapons” defines it this way: the category “Firearms of limited destruction” includes barrelless or short-barreled weapons that are intended to hit a target at a distance suitable for the use of a throwing (traumatic) cartridge that causes injury, but not harm leading to death outcome.

OOOP is also subject to the requirements for all types of self-defense weapons:

  • lack of technical ability to fire in bursts,
  • magazine capacity of 10 rounds or less,
  • lack of technical ability to use live ammunition for shooting,
  • full compliance with all requirements and restrictions of forensic science.

An important detail: unlike long-barreled firearms, legally purchased weapons of limited destruction are allowed by law not only to be stored in the home, but also to be carried on one’s person.

The types of cartridges that are supposed to be used in OOOP are separately considered. The Federal Law “On Weapons” distinguishes the following types of ammunition for ammunition:

  • traumatic action,
  • light and sound action,
  • gas action,
  • signal.

comparison table

The OSA pistol, developed by designer G. A. Bideev from the Sergiev Posad Research Institute of Applied Chemistry, was adopted by more than 17 countries, including the United States and several NATO member countries. A lightweight four-shot barrelless pistol of 18x45 caliber with a laser pointer is powered by a battery, a pulse-magnetic generator, or a mini-generator. Shoots traumatic, gas, light, stun, and signal cartridges. It is impossible to place this example in a comparison table with another pistol.

Makarov pistol

R 22 T

Housing materialWeapon steelAluminium alloy
Barrel materialWeapon steelSteel
Caliber9 mm10 mm
Barrel typethreadedSmoothbore with 2 bulges, with reduced clearance in the muzzle, with external load reduction zonesSmoothbore with 2 pins
Initial bullet speed315 m/s300-310 m/sec315 m/s
Muzzle energy30030 – 70 J36 J
Dimensions161x127x30.5 mm170x115x35 mm
Sighting rangeUp to 50 mUp to 10 m
Cartridge9 mm PM9 mm R.A.10x22 T
Weight without cartridges0.730 kg0.630 kg0.600 kg

The performance of other brands of pistols when comparing the combat and trauma versions retain the above ratios.

OOOP certification, weapons certified as OOOP

After the above-mentioned changes were made to the Federal Law, certificates for self-defense weapons became invalid in the summer of 2011. In this regard, all weapons intended for civil self-defense had to undergo recertification.

Thus, the following LLC models received certificates: “Osa-PB4”, Taurus LOM-13, MP-461, “Cordon”, “Lider-M”, Shark, WASP R, “Shaman”, “Groza-01”, Grand -Power T-12, TT-T, Steyr M-A1, MP-353, PM-T, MP-78-9TM, MP-80-13E, MP-79-9.

Note: these OOOP models were the first to be certified. Other models also have the possibility of re-certification, so when purchasing a weapon of limited destruction, you just need to make sure that you have a valid certificate.

The new certification rules also affected cartridges produced for OOOP, which at the moment, according to the new certificates, are called “cartridges for OOOP”. The law allows them to be applied exclusively to OP pistols.


The magazine of the MP-353 pistol has become the subject of much controversy. The fact is that, despite the large handle, which is significantly thicker than that of the Makarych, the magazine of the model in question initially held only 7 rounds. Moreover, this decision had neither design nor legislative reasons. The pistol grip can easily accommodate a two-round clip of 14 rounds. To do this, designers would not even have to come up with any special tricks - easy adaptation would be enough. Fortunately, the manufacturer heard the indignation of the shooters and increased the magazine capacity to 9 rounds, which is only 1 round less than the legal maximum.

The store does not need any modifications or adjustments; it works perfectly, as they say, “out of the box.” At the factory, the magazine eject button is installed on the left side, but if desired, the shooter can move it to the right side. Thus, the pistol can be fully adapted for left-handed shooting.

Service LLC

The Federal Law “On Weapons” defines very clearly what a weapon should be for official purposes. So, it must have a magazine capacity of 10 rounds or less and exclude the possibility of firing in bursts. Another essential requirement is that it must have differences established by law from civilian and military weapons.

Weapons of limited destruction are also allowed to be used as service weapons subject to the following conditions:

  • Full compliance with all forensic requirements.
  • The technical possibility of firing any cartridges intended for combat and all types of smooth-bore and rifled weapons from the OOOP must be completely excluded.
  • The energy of a shot with traumatic cartridges should be no more than 150 J.

In particular, in 2012, limited-destruction service weapons were included in the standards for providing weapons and ammunition to private security companies from the standard of 1 unit of LLC with traumatic cartridges for two security guards.

Main differences from combat

There are weapon models designed specifically for security forces such as security services, police, and security guards. During the production of a serial pistol, changes are made to the design that reduce the power and range of the shot. Externally, a traumatic pistol of a certain brand is hardly distinguishable from a combat pistol; it has the same or close to the original dimensions and weight.

Basically, they narrow the lumen of the inner part of the barrel with tides, sagging, pins, notches, which only a soft rubber bullet can pass through. Weakening the springs will reduce the speed of the bullet's departure, the expanding dimensions of the muzzle opening will reduce the force of the powder gases, and shorten the striking distance.

At a distance of more than 5-7 m, the spread of bullets is greatly increased, and shooting becomes ineffective. It is prohibited to shoot from a distance of less than 1 m.

They tried to make traumatic bullets self-destructive, but now they are no longer used. Rubber and plastic bullets have sometimes killed people when they hit the head, throat, neck or heart area. Therefore, it was forbidden to shoot in the head and chest. A pistol for self-defense may have a laser target designator, but silencers and night vision optics cannot be attached to it.

Who has the right to purchase LLC

You need to know that not every citizen of the Russian Federation can become the owner of a POO. Article 13 of the Federal Law “On Weapons” defines the full circle of citizens who have the right to obtain permission to purchase firearms of limited destruction. Such people are:

• citizens of the Russian Federation who are over 21 years old.

It is worth noting here that for other self-defense weapons, the age of the purchaser is 18 years or older.

• citizens of the Russian Federation, under 21 years of age, but undergoing military service in the State Military District (state paramilitary organizations) and having a military rank or other special ranks and ranks provided for by the Federal Law “On Weapons”.

The age cannot be reduced even by decision of the competent authorities, as is allowed in the case of hunting weapons.

It should also be remembered that in order to obtain permission to purchase an LLC, it is necessary to undergo a special training course in the safe handling of weapons at an educational or sports institution that provides such training under a license. After training, a certificate and a certificate of knowledge testing are issued, which is mandatory submitted to the LRO (licensing and permitting department) of the Department of Internal Affairs. Retraining and knowledge testing will have to be repeated every five years.

How to obtain a license (permit) for POO, list of required documents

A permit for a weapon of limited destruction is issued at the licensing and permitting department of the Department of Internal Affairs at the place of registration.

List of documents that must be submitted to the LRO Department of Internal Affairs in order to obtain a license to purchase an LLC:

  • application for permission,
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and copies of passport pages,
  • a document confirming completion of training and knowledge testing on the safe handling of firearms with an attached certificate of knowledge testing,
  • medical report in form 046-1 (attached to it is a copy of the medical institution’s license),
  • extracts from a psychoneurological and drug treatment clinic confirming that the future owner of the weapon is not registered,
  • receipt of payment of state duty,
  • three 3x4 photographs.

You can purchase an LLC only after receiving permission! A license to purchase firearms of limited destruction is given for five years. During this time, the citizen enjoys the right to purchase for himself no more than two weapons.

To purchase an LLC, the license must be presented in the store along with the passport of the future owner.

The next step after making the purchase should be the registration of the purchased self-defense weapon in the LRO of the Department of Internal Affairs at the place of permanent registration of the owner of the LLC. The Federal Law “On Weapons” requires this to be done within fourteen days from the date of purchase.

To renew a license, three months before the expiration date of the permit, you must submit to the LRO the same package of documents as for obtaining the permit.


It’s worth dwelling on the barrel in more detail, not only because the barrel-cartridge system is the basis for the characteristics of a pistol, and especially a traumatic one, but also because for the traumatic guns produced at the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant, the barrel was and remains a sore spot. In the traumatic version of the Yarygin pistol, this detail causes double impressions: the quality of the barrel has increased, but it has not been eliminated from the main problem - IzhMech designers are working hard to ensure that the bullet, passing through the barrel, receives maximum deformation.

Structurally, the barrel of the MP-353 is similar to the barrel of its brother in the workshop - MP-80-13T. In the bore there is a pair of “teeth” (welded trapezoidal partitions), which are designed to stop a solid projectile if the owner of the weapon tries to shoot one. When you look at these “teeth,” you get the impression that they would simply tear the rubber bullet apart, but this problem does not arise with modern bullets. It will appear if the manufacturer increases the speed of the bullet. Over time, the sharp edges of the “teeth” are ground down by bullets, and the resistance decreases somewhat. The “teeth” are welded into the barrel, so their installation does not affect its strength characteristics.

Limitations for license applicants

In addition to the age restrictions determined by the Federal Law “On Weapons,” there are other reasons why the LRO has grounds to refuse an applicant to obtain a license to purchase firearms of limited destruction:

  1. absence of a medical report (form 046-1) and (or) an extract from a psychoneurological and narcological dispensary,
  2. if the applicant for the purchase of weapons is registered in a psychoneurological or drug treatment clinic,
  3. in the presence of diseases that legally exclude the possibility of owning weapons of limited destruction,
  4. in the absence of documents confirming training in the rules of safe handling of OOOP,
  5. having an outstanding conviction for intentional crimes,
  6. serving a suspended or actual sentence for a crime committed,
  7. if the applicant does not have a permanent place of residence,
  8. in case of repeated commission of administrative offenses (within a year),
  9. deprived of the right to own weapons in accordance with a court decision.

Punishment for exceeding the limits of permissible self-defense

Exceeding the limits of permissible self-defense implies that shooting from a traumatic pistol or revolver caused serious bodily harm to the attacker, and also if the shooter unintentionally killed the attacker. The criminal law of the Russian Federation is imperfect, and exceeding the limits of self-defense, due to the lack of specific legislative norms on the term “self-defense,” the defendant may be charged with serious crimes - for example, an attack on the life of another person.

Responsibility for exceeding the limits of necessary self-defense is established by Articles 108 and 114 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

How to store OOOP at home

An integral and mandatory rule for issuing this license is the creation of conditions that ensure home storage of firearms of limited destruction and special cartridges only in a safe or in a special metal box with a secure lock.

The availability of storage space in the home of the purchaser of weapons must be checked by the local police detective. A conclusion is drawn up on checking the availability of storage conditions, which can be obtained from the district police officer yourself. But, as a rule, this document is requested by the licensing and permitting department, therefore the conclusion is not indicated in the list of mandatory documents for licensing.

Wearing OOOP

Carrying an OOOP, like any firearm, is subject to a number of restrictions. In particular, it is possible to carry an LLC only on the basis of an issued license or special permit. An important detail: if a citizen has a firearm of limited destruction on him, a license for it or a permit to carry and store it must also always be on hand. In addition, along with the permit or license, be sure to carry identification documents of the owner.

Carrying a weapon of limited destruction is possible with a magazine loaded with cartridges, but only in a holster, with the safety on and without a cartridge in the chamber.

It is prohibited to carry self-defense weapons, even if you have a permit, when participating in events involving large crowds of people: rallies, processions, parades, cultural, sports and other events, except for the cases provided for by the Federal Law “On Weapons”. There is also a ban on carrying firearms in educational institutions, in leisure establishments that sell alcoholic beverages (bar, restaurant, etc.), and a ban on carrying firearms while drunk.

What are the consequences for the owner of an LLC for non-compliance with wearing rules? The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for punishment in the form of a fine from 500 to 2000 rubles or temporary deprivation of the legal right to purchase LLC, carry LLC, or store LLC from six months to a year. Only under strict and strict observance of all conditions established by law is it permissible to carry a firearm of limited destruction. A permit to store and carry must contain information about the model, type and type of LLC.


The pistol has the following strengths:

  1. High structural reliability with no defective parts.
  2. Not bad accuracy.
  3. Comfortable handle that is suitable for shooting with one or both hands.
  4. Smooth descent, which directly affects the comfort of shooting and indirectly affects its accuracy.
  5. Orientation of working bodies for use by right-handed or left-handed people.
  6. Volume store.
  7. Reliable all-metal bolt that will not crack if a bullet gets stuck in the barrel. If you re-shoot a rubber bullet stuck in the “teeth”, only the plastic shell of the bolt will be damaged.
  8. Relatively low price.

Transportation LLC

Transportation of weapons of limited destruction within the region is carried out on the basis of a license or permit for storage and carrying issued by the Department of Internal Affairs. For safety reasons, transportation is carried out disassembled, in a special case or case. During transportation, the owner must have a license to purchase weapons of limited destruction and an identity card (passport). Within any populated areas, transportation of OOOP in a charged state is strictly prohibited. No more than five pieces of self-defense weapons and 400 or less pieces of ammunition for them are allowed to be transported at the same time. In other words, transportation, as well as carrying firearms of limited destruction, is legally difficult, although possible.

If it is intended to export the LLC outside the region, then a separate transportation permit must be issued at the licensing and permitting department.

Rules for the destruction of OOOP and cartridges for it

If there is no longer a need for self-defense weapons, or in cases where the license for a weapon of limited destruction is revoked or liquidated, the question arises: how can you destroy or otherwise get rid of the weapons you own? According to the Federal Law “On Weapons”, LLCs can be sold by first notifying the police department where the weapon is registered.

If the weapon or cartridges become unusable, according to the Rules for the circulation of civilian and service weapons, they are transferred free of charge to the supplier or seller for destruction at the request of the legal owner.

How and in what cases is it possible to use OOOP

It is not in vain that the legislator emphasizes that firearms of limited destruction refer exclusively to weapons of self-defense. Moreover, any case of use of personal or service weapons is subject to investigation and review to determine the justification of such action. There are many restrictions on the methods of using weapons of limited destruction, along with the use of any other firearm, as well as for situations when this action will be legal.

The main rule for using OOOP is to use exclusively weapons that are legally owned and only in cases where the use of firearms of limited destruction is necessary defense, and perhaps an extreme necessity. Another question is that it can be used both to preserve and protect health and life, and to protect property.

Violation of the principles and rules for the use of weapons of limited destruction established by law can entail unpleasant and even severe legal consequences.

So, how and in what cases to use OOOP for self-defense, so as not to turn from a victim into a suspect, and then into a defendant.

  1. To take out, threaten to use and use a weapon only in case of a visible threat to life and health, for example, if there is an object in the hands of the attacker that looks like a weapon, or in the case of a group attack, when there is more than one attacker.
  2. Before using a weapon, there must be a clear warning of the intention to use it, for example, a shot in the air, a warning shout, or jerking the bolt.
  3. It is unacceptable to aim at the head, heart or groin area. Such actions may be regarded as intentional harm.
  4. It is necessary to report the use of OOOP to the police department within no more than 24 hours. All assistance from the Department of Internal Affairs, the presence of a lawyer and a well-written explanation are welcome.
  5. In cases where we are not talking about armed or group attacks, the law prohibits the use of weapons of limited destruction against women, minors and people who have obvious signs of disability.


At first glance, the sights of the MP-353 pistol are unremarkable - the usual front and rear sights. To notice their advantage, you need to point the gun at the target. The fact is that there are light dots on the front and rear sights. This simple design solution allows the shooter to aim much easier and faster. Considering that most attacks occur in the dark, the use of light marks on the sighting devices of traumatic weapons is very useful. Of course, a front and rear sight with light marks cannot be compared to a laser designator in terms of ease of aiming, but they are much more effective than a “bare” front and rear sight. And besides, the use of a laser designator increases the already substantial dimensions of the pistol, which negatively affects the comfort of its concealed carry.

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