How to obtain a weapons permit, what is the procedure for passing through the authorities

Even though the free circulation of civilian weapons is prohibited in our country, it is still possible to purchase them. To do this, you must have a permit. This document is issued by the licensing department and allows state control over each trunk.

A permit to purchase weapons gives a citizen the authority to buy smooth-bore hunting weapons, weapons for self-defense, weapons of limited destruction or traumatic weapons, gas revolvers, as well as pneumatic weapons with powerful shot energy.

To obtain a weapons permit, several conditions must be met. In addition, you must go through the registration procedure, which entails collecting a certain package of documents. But to obtain these documents you will have to follow a sequence of actions. We will present them step by step so that every reader can use this article as a guide.

First, let's formulate the conditions. Before you start registering a firearm, you need to check that all these conditions are met.

Who can get permission

  • Any citizen who is 18 years of age or older can obtain a permit for a hunting weapon, as well as for an OOOP, pneumatic or gas weapon. At the same time, he must have permanent or temporary registration.
  • Over the past year, the applicant for a permit should not have been held administratively liable under articles related to violation of public order.
  • The applicant must not have an outstanding criminal record. By the way, a conviction for serious crimes, even after expungement, will become an obstacle to owning weapons.
  • A citizen should not be registered with a narcologist or psychiatrist. It must also meet other medical criteria.

To obtain a permit for rifled weapons, the requirements are somewhat expanded. They are supplemented by the requirement to have five years of experience in owning smooth-bore weapons. There is also a stricter approach to age limits. The citizen must be 21 years old.

Some people don’t understand how to get a rifle at the age of 21, because with five years of experience, the owner of the weapon will be at least 23 years old. The fact is that you can obtain a permit for a rifled weapon if there is a petition from the employer, who reports that carrying a weapon with a rifled barrel is caused by production necessity. Similar concessions are made to athletes who have proven their high level of professionalism.

Applying for a firearms license in 2022 and 2022.

Updated 11/24/2021

The same rules for registering weapons and obtaining a license apply to traumatic weapons, pneumatic weapons exceeding 7.5 J, firearms for sports and gas weapons.

Before informing you how to obtain a license in 2022, please note the following fact that from June 28, 2022

, with a very high degree of probability,
new amendments
to the law “On Weapons” will come into force.

These amendments do not fundamentally change anything in the weapons registration scheme, but they place restrictions on the acquisition of certain types of weapons, namely:

  • semi-automatic shotguns with a built-in or detachable magazine can only be purchased 2 years after the purchase of a single-barreled or double-barreled smoothbore weapon.
  • Weapons with Lancaster and Paradox drills will be relegated to the categories of rifled weapons.

Lancaster and Paradox are a cross between smooth-bore weapons and rifled weapons. Their characteristics are superior to smooth-bore ones, but do not reach those of rifled ones. What gives them such advantages over smooth-bore weapons? Paradox has rifling in the muzzle of the barrel, due to which the bullet receives longitudinal rotation, which stabilizes its flight, and therefore accuracy increases. In Lancaster, the oval-screw drilling of the barrel serves as a bullet flight stabilizer.

To date, the amendments have not yet entered into force, which means that if you obtain a license before June 28, 2022, you will have the opportunity to purchase this type of weapon, which will subsequently be unavailable to a novice hunter.

Let’s look in detail at how a license to purchase a weapon is issued in 2022.

1) Obtaining a medical report

Let us remind you that you can hunt only after obtaining a hunting license. This is done at the MFC. You need to have 2 3x4 photos and a passport with you, as well as a certificate in form No. 002-O/u “Medical report on the absence of medical contraindications to owning a weapon.”

To obtain it, you must obtain medical reports

• about the absence of contraindications to the acquisition of weapons • about the absence of narcotic and psychotropic substances in the body ( form 003-О/а

) • results of examination by an ophthalmologist

To obtain these conclusions, you need to undergo examination by an ophthalmologist, narcologist and psychiatrist. Such certificates are paid.

We recommend seeing doctors in the following order:

— The narcologist will issue a referral for examination. If no traces of drugs are found, you will be given a medical certificate confirming the absence of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their metabolites in the human body according to form No. 003-О/а

. — The psychiatrist will conduct an examination and may also prescribe laboratory tests. If the doctor does not identify any contraindications to the use of weapons, he will issue an appropriate conclusion. — To be examined by an ophthalmologist, you can go to a clinic or any medical center that provides such services.

Conclusions are valid for one year. A medical examination must be carried out regularly, once every 5 years.

2) Preparatory training courses

Gun owners are required to complete preparatory training courses. To do this, you need to provide the original and a copy of your passport (first spread and registration page), medical report form 002-О/у

, medical reports form
003-О/а , as well as 2 photos measuring 3x4, printed on matte paper in b/w or color. Be careful, the courses take at least 6 hours to complete.

In Moscow, the cost of training varies around 6-8 thousand rubles.

3) Buying a gun safe

The cost of a gun safe starts from 3 thousand rubles. Do not forget that its dimensions should take into account the size of your future weapon.

For the illegal acquisition and storage of certain types of weapons, criminal liability may arise under Art. 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

4) License (State Services or National Guard)
A license to purchase weapons and a permit to carry and store are two different documents. First, a license is issued, and then the weapon is registered and permission to store and carry is obtained.

Deadlines and state fees:

license: 30 days and 2000 rubles permission: 14 days and 500 rubles

When registering through State Services, a 30% discount


The period for processing documents cannot exceed 30 days from the date of registration of the application.

The list of required documents at the State Services is extensive, but do not be alarmed: future gun owners are divided into three large groups. Depending on this, the lists differ.

Required documents for civilians:

• a medical certificate confirming that there are no contraindications to owning a weapon • documents on completion of appropriate training and periodic testing of knowledge of the rules of safe handling of weapons and the availability of skills in safe handling of weapons (in non-state educational organizations) • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation • when registering a weapon for hunting purposes it will be required hunting license

Required documents for athletes:

• a copy of a sports passport/order of a sports organization or educational institution (confirming participation in sports using firearms) • a copy of a document confirming participation in sports involving the use of firearms, issued by a sports organization or educational organization in accordance with the statutory tasks performed by these organizations in the field of physical culture and sports • a petition from an all-Russian sports federation, accredited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, for the issuance of an appropriate license indicating the type of sport associated with the use of sports weapons • a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation • a medical report on the absence of contraindications to the possession of weapons

Documents for law enforcement agencies:

• a document confirming the appropriate status of applicants who, in accordance with Article 13 of the Law “On Weapons”, do not undergo appropriate training and (or) testing of knowledge of the rules for safe handling of weapons and the availability of skills in safe handling of weapons • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

What is a license?

The license consists of 3 stubs. One takes the magazine, the second takes the Russian Guard, and the last stub remains with the owner of the weapon.

5) Shop. Buying weapons

Having a license, you can safely purchase weapons.

For the purchase, storage and carrying of weapons without a license and permit - a fine of 3,000 to 5,000 rubles with confiscation of weapons and ammunition, or administrative arrest for up to 15 days. clause 6 art. 20.9 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

6) OLRR - Russian Guard

After purchasing a weapon, all that remains is to register with the OLRR and obtain a ROH - permission to store and carry weapons. There is no need to delay registration; according to the law, this is given only 14 days. You must have a license to purchase weapons and the weapons themselves.

Rosgvardia employees check the numbers on weapons, store purchase licenses and instead issue you a certificate of transportation of weapons. After 14 days, you will receive a ROX or RX for the purchased weapon (one of the license stubs remains with the Russian Guard, and the last one is received by the owner of the weapon).

Congratulations! From now on, you legally own a gun. The ROC is valid for 5 years, then the permit must be renewed. During these 5 years, to obtain new permits for the purchase of weapons, you will not need to provide medical certificates or a certificate of completion of weapons courses: you only need an application, a passport of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Arts.

A license for rifled weapons can be purchased only 5 years after the purchase of smooth-bore weapons; in this case, there is no need to take preparatory courses.

In what cases is a license revoked?

The license is revoked for the following reasons:

- Because of voluntary refusal. - Due to the death of the owner of the gun or pistol. — Due to changes in the current regulations. — By court order or offenses provided for in Article 20.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

We also want to draw attention to the cases in which you may be denied a license. In accordance with Article 13 of the Federal Law of December 13, 1996 No. 150-FZ “On Weapons”, a license to purchase weapons is not issued to citizens of the Russian Federation:

1) who have not reached the age established by this Federal Law;

2) who have not submitted a medical report on the absence of medical contraindications to the possession of weapons and a medical report on the absence of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their metabolites in the human body;

3) having an unexpunged or unexpunged conviction for a crime committed intentionally, or having an expunged or expunged conviction for a grave or especially grave crime committed with the use of a weapon;

4) serving a sentence for a crime committed;

5) repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility within a year for committing an administrative offense encroaching on public order and public safety or the established management procedure, an administrative offense related to violation of hunting rules, or an administrative offense in the field of trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues or precursors, plants containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors, or parts thereof containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors, with the exception of administrative offenses related to the consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor’s prescription or new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances substances - until the end of the period during which the person is considered subject to administrative punishment;

6) without permanent residence;

7) who have not submitted to the federal executive body authorized in the field of arms trafficking, or its territorial body, documents on completion of appropriate training and other documents specified in this Federal Law;

8) deprived by a court decision of the right to purchase weapons;

9) registered with health care institutions for mental illness, alcoholism or drug addiction;

10) subjected to administrative punishment for the consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor’s prescription or new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances - until the end of the period during which the person is considered subject to administrative punishment.

Obtaining a hunting license

The algorithm for obtaining a permit for a hunting weapon differs from the algorithms defined for other types of weapons in that here you will first have to obtain a hunting license. This procedure is not so complicated, but it will take some time.

You must provide two photographs 2.5 by 3.5 cm to the MFC and contact a specialist. An application for a hunting ticket can also be submitted through government services. The procedure for obtaining a ticket requires passing the hunting minimum, but practice shows that it all comes down to the fact that the hunter simply signs that he is familiar with this minimum.

You can receive the finished document from natural resource management within a week. It should be given out completely free of charge. Today, the hunting ticket has been brought to a unified format; it has no validity period, so hunting enthusiasts, if they are law-abiding citizens, go through this procedure once.

Personal visit to the permitting department

When selecting this item, the user creates an electronic queue to visit the department. In principle, the work of the portal ends here, but the introduction of electronic queues has significantly reduced the problem of a massive influx of citizens. Further actions are presented in the form of an algorithm.

  • At the specified time, you must visit the OLRR according to its work schedule. The list of documents that you need to take with you has already been listed in the previous paragraph.
  • Department staff will review your documents individually. Each subsequent step will be agreed upon. This applies to inspecting the weapon and checking its serviceability. You will then receive a receipt for the state fee.
  • Payment of a one-time fee. Here, this step is absolutely no different from a similar step when receiving an electronic service. You'll have to go to the bank and pay 500 rubles.
  • Obtaining a license.

Arrangement of weapons storage area

For an individual, the main condition that must be observed when storing weapons is the presence of a metal safe. You can even make it yourself by upholstering a wooden box with iron. It is important that it has a locking mechanism. If you decide to buy a safe, then you should provide for the possibility of purchasing additional trunks, which means that the safe must be suitable in size for the required number of trunks.

A small nuance follows. The procedure for obtaining a permit, which is approved by law, implies that the permitting department employees themselves send a request to the district police officer to check the storage conditions of the safe, that is, the applicant does not have to take any action.

In practice, everyone prefers to complete this procedure as quickly as possible, so they take an inspection report form from the OLRR, go to the district police officer and invite him to inspect the premises.

In some cases, the district police officer gets by by looking at a photo of the safe taken on his phone. Next, he draws up an act, which is submitted to the department with the rest of the necessary documents.

Basic requirements for potential owners

So, you have decided to become a hunter and buy a gun. What is needed for this?

You must meet a number of requirements and parameters:

  • live to the full age of 18;
  • be a capable citizen and have a passport;
  • have permanent registration in your passport;
  • to be a hunter officially - to have a hunting license;
  • prove your knowledge of the use and storage of weapons - pass an exam and receive a commission’s conclusion;
  • provide a medical commission’s conclusion about your health and moral stability (certificate from drug and neuropsychiatric dispensaries and a military ID);
  • do not have a current criminal record for intentional crimes or a prohibiting court decision;
  • not have more than one administrative violation per year and none due to drugs or psychotropics;
  • provide conditions for storing weapons (place of residence and safe).

If you fit into the Procrustean bed of these requirements, you can start collecting documents.

Training and exams

When you submit your application, you will be required to provide two documents:

  1. certificate indicating completion of courses;
  2. certificate indicating successful completion of the exam.

In the process of collecting a package of documents, you need to select a training center that would provide training. Now this is not a problem, since such centers are opening in every city. Check with them for documents that allow them to conduct educational activities.

The Internet will help you prepare for the exam. On some sites you can take training remotely, but you won’t be able to save money. “Live” communication is recommended, because the classes also include practice in fire training.

The training process covers legal issues, safety precautions, rules for handling weapons, and fire training. The exam consists of two parts. In the first part you need to answer the questions on the ticket. Then you will have to do practical exercises. The entire training period and passing the exam will take 2-3 days.

Obtaining a medical certificate

An important document in the list is a medical certificate. Many articles on issuing a gun permit contain information that is not entirely up-to-date. They indicate that a certificate issued in form 046 is required. Today, a certificate of form 002-О/у is required. Two statements must be attached to it. One from a narcologist, and the other from a psychiatrist. In addition to these papers, according to recently adopted changes, the applicant must provide the results of the analysis of chemical technical information.

Upon receipt of this document, the citizen will have to decide which medical institution he will go to. It should be assumed that the institution must have appropriate accreditation. It is advisable that the institution have a narcologist and a psychiatrist on staff. It doesn’t matter at all whether it is a budget organization or a private clinic.

If these doctors do not accept you, then you will have to go to a drug dispensary and a mental health dispensary for the appropriate certificates. In addition to the fact that you will have to pay for a general medical examination, you also need to pay for each certificate.

Having collected statements from a psychiatrist and narcologist, as well as attaching the results of the CTI analysis to them, you can return to the clinic for further examination. The final conclusion on the medical certificate is given by the therapist. To obtain a weapons permit, this certificate is required.

Obtaining permission to purchase a gun

After training, you must contact the Licensing and Permitting Department (LRO) of the police at your place of residence, where, if you have submitted the necessary documents, you will be issued a purchase permit.

In the Moscow region, an analogue of such a department is the unified Center for licensing and permitting work of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region. Residents of the Moscow region can ask all questions that arise during the licensing procedure by calling the advisory department at 8(495)609-49-35.

You must submit to the LRO:

  • an application of the established form, which is filled out on the spot. In addition to your personal data, the application indicates the place where the weapon will be stored. We recommend purchasing a safe for these purposes in advance. The application can also be submitted on the unified government services portal by specifying “license to purchase hunting weapons” in the search bar;
  • medical certificate in form 046-1;
  • copy of the passport;
  • certificate of payment of a fee of 100 rubles;
  • 3x4 photo.

The documents are reviewed for 1 month, after which the applicant is given a permit or a refusal of permission to purchase a hunting weapon. The grounds for refusal may be:

  • inability to store weapons (checked at the place of residence by the local police officer);
  • not all or the wrong documents were provided;
  • having a criminal record for committing an intentional crime;
  • failure to provide information about the absence of narcotic and psychotropic substances in the applicant’s blood;
  • lack of a specific place of residence;
  • other grounds that are directly provided for by the law “On Weapons” (minor age, mental disorders, etc.).

If the decision is positive, the weapon must be purchased within six months from the date the purchase permit was issued; after six months, it will have to be obtained again. The issued license is valid for five years.

Additional documents

All labor-intensive work can be considered completed. All that remains is to make photocopies of the documents. The provision of services states that the list of documents contains only a photocopy of the passport. It is necessary to make a copy of the first page and the page on which the registration is located.

But since each department sets a number of personal requirements, it is recommended to make photocopies of all available documents. It’s better to take the initiative here than to miss your turn later to collect the missing documents.

Don't forget to stop by the photo studio. The list of documents contains photographs. You must submit two photographs measuring 3 by 4 cm. They are made on matte paper. Photo format: black and white. There are certain requirements for photographs for documents, but if you go to a normal photo salon, the master will take care of these concerns.

How to apply

Until recently, there was no alternative to the method of filing an application. All citizens came for an appointment at the OLRR and were served on a first-come, first-served basis. The application is a form that is filled out by the applicant himself. It can be said that the application is not submitted in any arbitrary form. An employee, providing assistance in writing an application, is forced to spend more than 15 minutes of time on one client. With such a speed of service, queues are inevitable.

Fundamental changes occurred when multifunctional centers opened throughout the country. These institutions centrally provide public services. Each visitor previously agrees to the processing of personal data. It is through data exchange that such work is possible.

You can get a permit for hunting weapons, and for other weapons, through the MFC. But the advantage of this method is that there are no queues, since employees receive several citizens at once. In addition, the applicant does not write an application, which is completed electronically. The package of documents is submitted there, but you will have to obtain a license from the OLRR.

Citizens have the opportunity to submit an application independently by registering on the portal He must log into his personal account and enter the name of the service or part of a phrase in the search bar. Next, select the desired service from the list provided and familiarize yourself with the procedure for its provision.

After reading all the information, you must click the “Get service” link. The application is a simple form with most of the fields already filled in. You should clarify the relevance of the records and attach scans of all documents.

After submitting your application, you must wait for official notification. This will be a refusal if the requirements specified at the beginning of the article are not met, or it will be accepted for consideration, then the notification will indicate on what date the appearance at the LRR department is scheduled.

Public services portal

To visualize the financial costs that accompany obtaining permits and find out how much a weapons permit costs, let’s look at how the entire algorithm is performed step by step. Moreover, we will consider not the theoretical aspect, which is described in the law, but a practical case, as close as possible to the realities of life.

First, let's choose a method for submitting an application. The cost of a weapons license will not depend on this; simply by submitting an application through the government services portal, you can significantly reduce the overall time for processing documents. Registration on the portal is completely free. To do this, you must provide reliable data.

It is important to remember that if you decide to use the portal in practice, then there should not be any fictitious data, only relevant information.

A verification code will be sent to the specified phone number, which must be entered during registration.

You will need to enter documents by uploading scanned versions of them in the form. The idea with electronic documents is that the department to which you are sending them will print them. But in the absence of proper office equipment, you will definitely be asked to appear at the OLRR to provide the original documents. What is the advantage of the public services portal? In the electronic queue. There is no need to wait for hours for your turn if you can sign up on the portal. For the rest, civilization has not yet reached the departments.

Permit system in Russia

Every potential gun owner must be aware of the full degree of responsibility that falls on him. Considering the huge amount of weapons that are not only in the hands of military personnel, but also in civilian hands, we note that it is not so easy to conduct control activities.

Control issues are dealt with by the Russian National Guard, which oversees the entire licensing system. The structural unit here is the licensing department, which is created in any municipality. Before you start filling out the documents, you need to clarify the location, address and work hours of your department.

OLRR is responsible for issuing permits for the purchase of weapons, registering weapons, issuing licenses for storing weapons, preparing accompanying documentation for the repair, transportation or sale of weapons, as well as monitoring the activities of private security companies and detective agencies.

It is important to understand that, having received a weapons permit, you are obliged to strictly comply with the documentation regulations. The permit is valid for six months. During this time, you must select a barrel from a gun store. But after purchase you are given only 14 days to submit this barrel to the OLRR. After registration, all that remains is to issue a storage license. You are now considered a full and law-abiding gun owner.


How to get a weapons permit in St. Petersburg? To obtain a weapons license in Russia, you need to go through several stages: a medical examination, training, and review of documents. This is quite a long process. To successfully overcome it, it is important to know what rules need to be followed and where to take the weapons exam.

How to get a weapons license?

The procedure for obtaining a weapons license is complex and lengthy. We've put together a guide with key steps that you can easily follow.

Applying for a weapons permit (step-by-step instructions):

  • take courses on safe use;
  • save documents confirming your training;
  • install a safe;
  • receive a report from the local police officer who will confirm that the storage rules are being followed;
  • pass a medical examination;
  • take 2 color photos 3x4;
  • submit the necessary documents and application to the linear permitting department;
  • Expect a response from the LRO within 30 days (up to 14 days if you submitted an application through State Services).

How to obtain a permit for a traumatic weapon?

Are you looking for a reliable place to take training courses?
We will be glad to see you at our courses, which last only one day. In our center you will learn everything you need to own a pistol, and you will also be able to pass exams. The license will allow you to purchase a traumatic pistol to carry with you for self-defense.

Please note: the license will be valid for five years, after which it must be renewed. Otherwise, you risk receiving a fine and more serious punishment under the laws of the Russian Federation.

Do I need a permit for air guns?

A special license is not required for air pistols that are used for paintball and airsoft, since the muzzle energy of these weapons is less than 7.5 J. If the pistol you need fits this category, you do not have to worry about obtaining a permit.
But if we are talking about a weapon whose muzzle energy ranges from 7.5 to 25 J, you are required to obtain a permit. It is issued exclusively after the age of eighteen and allows the use of weapons for five years. Afterwards, you must renew the validity of the document in the same way as when you first received it.

Rules for safe handling of weapons for self-defense

In accordance with the provisions of the Law on Weapons, adults who purchase any weapon for the first time must undergo special training.
During the lesson, they gain knowledge of what safety requirements must be observed when using it. Our courses contain theory and practice. The training is carried out in one day, at the end of which an exam is taken in the format of a computer test. Whether you will be given a permit largely depends on its results.

When renewing your license, you may be asked to test your knowledge by taking a second exam. Get ready for this!

Weapon license renewal 2022 (step by step instructions)

Every five years, the gun owner is required to renew his license, and this will be just as difficult as when he first received it.
How to update resolution:

  • pass a knowledge test;
  • request a report from the local police officer;
  • prepare certificates according to the same list as when you first received permission.

The exact list of documents depends on what kind of weapon you have, as well as several other factors. Call us and we will tell you what certificates and copies you should prepare.

In addition, in our center you can learn how to handle weapons, practice at a shooting range with an instructor and pass an exam.

Full Weapons Exam Test 2021

The test for obtaining a permit for any weapon is taken at the end of the training course on its safe use.
First, you will study the theory, namely: the basics of weapons circulation and safety requirements for their storage and use. Next, you will have a short practice at the shooting range at the training center.

At the end, when these stages are completed, you will be allowed to take the exam - a test that is taken on a computer.

You can successfully complete the courses in our center in just one day - it's fast and convenient! We also provide support in the preparation of all necessary documents.

How to obtain a shotgun permit?

This type of weapon is classified as a firearm.
Accordingly, you must undergo special training and medical examination to be eligible to use it. If you store or use a smooth-bore weapon without a license, you risk receiving an administrative penalty. The procedure for obtaining a permit to purchase a hunting rifle:

  • pass a medical examination;
  • obtain the appropriate certificate;
  • undergo training;
  • contact LRO.

We offer our consultations at any stage. Contact Fort North to get your license quickly and easily.

How to obtain a permit for a rifle?

The procedure for obtaining a permit for a rifled gun for hunting is similar to obtaining a license for the use of smooth-bore weapons.
But there is an important difference: a permit will be issued only if you already have a smoothbore (more than five years). If you fail to comply with this condition, you may face criminal prosecution. At the training center, we will simply and easily advise you on all issues related to obtaining a license both for the first time and again. You don’t need to make an appointment with our specialists in advance; come when it’s convenient for you.

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