Rifled firearms: overview, how to choose and how to obtain permission

A rifled firearm is distinguished from a smooth-bore weapon by helical-shaped convex rifling lines (usually within 7 pieces) inside the barrel along its entire length. They twist the bullet by a belt made of soft metal (most often brass), aligning its trajectory, causing the bullet to fly further and more accurately.

Rifled hunting weapon

Types of rifling profiles

The rifling twists both from right to left and from left to right.

Each cut has:

  • combat edge, which twists the bullet;
  • blank edge (clearly visible from the muzzle of the barrel);
  • bottom (“tip” of the rifling);
  • fields (gaps between grooves - it is by them that the caliber is measured).

Rifling design

Procedure for obtaining a license

At the initial stage, a citizen needs to prepare a package of documentation, and then contact the Licensing and Permitting Department of the territorial division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to write an application according to the accepted template.
The law defines deadlines for consideration of an individual’s application, but due to the high workload of the territorial departments of the OLRR, processing of documentation may take longer. Important! The application for a permit is considered within two weeks from the date of receipt of the package of documents. The period for consideration of an application for a license is slightly longer and is one calendar month.

A refusal to issue a license may be issued if an incomplete package of documentation is provided. There is also a high probability of a negative decision being made if the citizen previously committed acts provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation or administrative offenses. If the refusal is unlawful, the individual has the right to appeal it by filing a statement of claim in court.

Attention! The validity period of the license is limited by the norms of Legislative Acts and is six calendar months from the date of issue. After purchasing a sporting weapon, a citizen is required to contact the OLLR of the territorial unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the place of registration to submit an application for registration of the purchased equipment

The registration procedure also includes obtaining a special permit to store and carry sporting weapons

After purchasing a sporting weapon, a citizen must contact the OLLR of the territorial unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the place of registration to submit an application for registration of the purchased equipment. The registration procedure also includes obtaining a special permit to store and carry sporting weapons.

What is a small arms caliber?

So, the difference between a heavy machine gun and a small-caliber automatic cannon lies in their caliber. What is the caliber of a firearm?

The caliber of a rifled firearm is the distance between the fields of the rifling for rifled firearms, or the internal diameter of the bore for smooth-bore weapons. Caliber is measured in millimeters or fractions of an inch (inch = 2.54 cm). In Russia and most other countries, calibers are measured in millimeters. However, a hundred years ago, not millimeters, but lines were used for these purposes. Line = 1/10 inch. For example, the Mosin rifle model 1891/30, which is well known to us, had a caliber equal to three lines (for which it was called a “three-line”), that is, in terms of the units of measurement familiar to us, its caliber was 7.62 mm.

In the UK, gauge is measured in thousandths of an inch, and in the US in hundredths of an inch. A caliber equal to 0.5 inches in the USA will be designated - .50, and in the UK - .500, where the zero is not placed before the dot.

Comparison table of calibers:

in millimetersin fractions of an inch (US)in fractions of an inch (UK)true value in mm.
7.76, 7.63,
10.0.40, .41.41010.0-10.2


Today in the world there are more than a hundred different bullets for rifled hunting weapons.

In the USA, Russia and Great Britain, caliber is usually defined differently. In the USA, caliber is measured in hundredths of an inch, in the UK in thousandths of an inch, and in Russia in millimeters.

For example, the US caliber 9 mm, well known in Russia and the CIS countries, is designated as .38 or 38 caliber, and in the UK it is caliber .0357. This is precisely what explains some of the confusion (for the uninitiated) in the calibers of rifled cartridges in retail chains.

In Russia, it is traditional to divide weapons into three groups based on caliber:

  • Small-caliber . This category includes rifled hunting rifles, adapted to fire cartridges up to 6.5 millimeters (most often 5.6 mm). It is this group that includes the popular rifled hunting carbines. It is mainly used for hunting small animals with valuable fur, since its use causes minimal damage to the animal's skin.
  • Medium caliber . The limits of this caliber are from 6.5 to 9.0 millimeters. Naturally, the extremely popular 7.62 mm rifled weapon also falls into this category. By the way, the Mosin rifle, which is better known among ordinary people and history experts as the “three-ruler”, received its popular name precisely from the caliber. The fact is that before the 1917 revolution, it was customary to measure caliber in lines. According to this measurement system, it was equal to 0.1 inches, or translated into the modern metric system it was 2.54 millimeters, respectively, 7.62 millimeters was exactly three (0.1 inch) lines. This type is best used for medium game, since the power is still not enough to hunt a large and strong animal.
  • Large caliber rifled weapon . This line starts with 9 millimeters and ends with a caliber of 20 millimeters. Anything with a higher caliber value is classified as artillery. Its destructive power is simply amazing. As a rule, these are short-barreled carbines, but there are also hunting revolvers of this caliber. Such rifled weapons are preferred by hunters who want to shoot game immediately and on the spot.

Principles of distribution of calibers according to hunting objects.

The most suitable for hunting large birds (grouse, wood grouse, sometimes goose) and small animals (fox) is a rifled weapon of .22 Hornet caliber; .222Rem; .22-250; .223Rem; 5.6x50Rmag; 5.6x39; 5.6x52R; 5.6×57; 5.6x57R and .243Win. Undoubtedly, they have different energies and indicators of bullet flatness on the trajectory, but, as a rule, they allow one to hunt the mentioned species quite successfully, without causing much damage to the carcasses or skin of the game.

The .22Hornet is used at firing distances up to 150 m, 5.6x57 and 243 up to 300 m, the rest - up to 200-250 m. It should be remembered that light .22-caliber bullets are significantly drifted by the wind along the trajectory. For example, a Norma cartridge bullet of .222Rem caliber weighing 3.24 g in an average wind of 5 m/s blowing at an angle of 90 degrees to the trajectory will deflect at a distance of 250 m by 44 cm, which will lead to a guaranteed miss when shooting at a fox looking not only directly at the shooter, but also standing sideways.

Moreover, the wind is often not constant in vector and strength, and therefore cannot be taken into account accurately. Heavier bullets are blown away by the wind much less, so a .308 caliber bullet weighing 9.7 g will be blown away by half as much in the example shown.

However, it should be remembered that in many regions hunting birds with rifled weapons is prohibited.

Medium game usually means animals weighing up to 100-150 kg, such as wolves, roe deer, small and medium wild boar, sika deer, small elk, etc. However, it is clear that the approach to shooting a European roe deer weighing 30 kg and a moose calf weighing 150 kg should be different.

It would probably be correct to divide medium-sized animals into two groups:

  • First group: animals weighing up to 60-80 kg. These are European and Siberian roe deer, saiga, wolf, etc. A good choice would be: 223Rem; 5.6x50R; 5.6×57; 5.6x57R with heavy expansive bullets weighing 4-5 grams at distances up to 200 m. Any options for .243Win equipment and other 6.5 mm caliber cartridges (6.5x55; x57, etc.) are good at all reasonable shooting distances. Jacketed bullets of 7 mm cartridges (7x57; x57R; .270Win; 7x64; 7x65R) and .30 calibers are suitable (7.62x39 is very good at distances up to 200 m, .308Win; .30-06 and 7.62x54R) , also at any distances that allow you to make a confident shot in place.
  • Second group: animals weighing 100-150 kg. These are small spotted deer, mountain sheep, reindeer, small and medium wild boar, small elk, etc. Here we can talk about the use of 6.5 mm calibers only at distances of up to 150, in extreme cases up to 200 m, and even then with the most heavy expansion bullets. 7 mm calibers with hollow-point bullets are preferred. The .30 calibers listed above are also good, in versions with hollow-point bullets. You can confidently shoot 8mm ammo (8x57, 8x64 and 8x68), with hollow point bullets only being extremely powerful in the latter two calibers. Large game for the territory of Russia usually means animals with a body weight of 150-200 kg or more. These are large deer (elk, deer, wapiti), wild boars and bears. Moreover, the last two types of game are extremely resistant to wounds.

The minimum suitable for hunting these animals seems to be a weapon of .30 caliber (however, in no case is it 7.62x39, but .308Win; 7.62x54R; .300Win Mag; .30-06) with the heaviest expansive parts possible in them bullets and at distances up to 200 m. 8 mm ammunition, also with hollow-point bullets, would be much more suitable. But the best performance in this case is provided by .338Win Mag cartridges; .35Wheelen (up to 200 m); 9.3x74R; 9.3×62 and 9.3×64, as well as .375H&H Mag, allowing you to confidently not only hit the game, but in most cases quickly enough to stop it at the point of impact of the bullet, or not far from it.

Selection of rifled weapons

In order to decide on the choice of rifled weapon, you first need to decide for yourself what animal you will hunt, in what way and from what distance.

According to the principle of operation, rifled weapons for hunting are divided into two types:

  • Bolt-action rifled hunting weapon
  • Rifled semi-automatic self-loading hunting weapon

Each of these types has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of rifled weapons with a bolt action include:

  • Higher accuracy and hence shot accuracy
  • Easy to clean and maintain

The disadvantage of this type of weapon is the inability to quickly fire the next shot, which is extremely necessary for some types of hunting.

The advantages of semi-automatic self-loading rifled weapons include:

  • The ability to quickly fire the second and subsequent shots if necessary.

The disadvantage of this type of weapon is:

  • Less accuracy and, accordingly, shot accuracy compared to rifled weapons with a bolt action.
  • Need for more thorough cleaning and maintenance

The main objects of hunting with rifled hunting weapons in Russia are wild boar and elk. If you prefer hunting wild boar from a tower, your best choice is a rifled weapon with a bolt action, but if you prefer driven hunting for wild boar or elk, then the optimal choice would be a semi-automatic self-loading rifled weapon.


Initially, rifled guns loaded through muzzles, which were used from the 16th to the 19th centuries, were called fittings. They were two to three times superior to smooth-bore weapons, and were also distinguished by good shooting accuracy, so they were widely used among the troops. In the middle of the 19th century, up to a third of the soldiers of the advanced armies fought with fittings. However, the low rate of fire and high cost limited the use of such rifles.

In the modern understanding, fittings are a special type of hunting weapon, a rifle with breaking barrels. Such guns are rarely chosen as the first rifled weapon; they are usually purchased after gaining experience in using a carbine. Many experienced hunters prefer them.

The main advantages of fittings:

  • the second shot can be fired almost instantly, since all you need to do is move your finger to the other trigger;
  • unions have better balance than bolt-on carabiners, although this is not true for all models.

At the same time, in terms of shooting accuracy, the fittings are inferior to bolt-on carbines.

In total, three types can be distinguished:

  • with one barrel;
  • with two barrels;
  • combination fittings with two, three or four barrels.

A double-barrel fitting can have barrels of the same caliber or different ones. Combined models combine rifled barrels with smoothbore ones. The most popular are rifles and combination shotguns with two or three barrels. The nozzle barrels can be positioned vertically and horizontally. Vertical models provide better shooting accuracy and are therefore more preferable.

The initial speed of a fired bullet can exceed one and a half kilometers per second, while the firing range without changing the trajectory is about four hundred meters. Possible fitting calibers are from 6.99 to 15.25 mm. They are used primarily for hunting large and strong animals. The longest-range models are almost as good as carbines in their characteristics.

Examples of double-barreled shotguns and combination shotguns:

  • MP-251;
  • Finnsport 512;
  • BRNO ZH 340;
  • Antonio Zoli Express;
  • Antonio Zoli Corona;
  • Browning Express Erice;
  • Beretta S689 Silver Sable;
  • Blaser 95;
  • Blaser 97;
  • Merkel 2022.

An example of a three-barrel model is Antonio Zoli Drilling. This gun has two smooth barrels and one rifled barrel.

Shooting from rifled weapons

Shooting from rifled weapons and smooth-bore weapons has a common base. Many hunters who are accustomed to shooting from a shotgun make a mistake. And it lies in the fact that he forgets about the sighting devices of the carbine and the fitting. Many, having seen the animal, shoot offhand, not noticing the sight slot, not the front sight and, accordingly, a miss. To properly aim a rifle with open sights, it is necessary to align the cut of the front sight with the upper edges of the sight slot.

When aiming with a ring sight, it is necessary that the top of the front sight is inside the ring, and then aligned with the target. When shooting with open and ring sights, three points are aligned: the sight slot, the front sight and the target. Often you have to shoot at a moving target. If the animal passes across the shooting plane at a trot at a distance of up to 50 m from the hunter, you should not take the lead.

Which one to choose

In Russia, it is customary to divide rifled hunting rifles into three large, fundamentally different groups, without taking into account the caliber of rifled weapons:

Semi-automatic rifled hunting weapon (quite often called self-loading). As a rule, such a gun has a removable (or stationary) magazine for five or ten rounds. Reloading occurs automatically due to energy transmitted using powder gases.

Non-self-loading. In this type, reloading occurs after manually pulling the shutter

A tangible advantage compared to a semi-automatic one is reliability, but the disadvantage is the low rate of fire, which is vital for hunting large animals.

Combined rifled hunting weapon. Feature – the presence of two types of trunks

As a rule, there are two smooth barrels, and under them there is one large-caliber rifled barrel. Quite often it is located on top and has a small caliber and is used for hunting small animals. The disadvantage of this species is its heavy weight, which requires the hunter to be in good physical shape.

Hunting long-barreled pistols and hunting revolvers are a separate category.

Review of popular domestic models

Domestic-made hunting barrels are very popular in Russia. Nowadays there are quite a lot of new rifled hunting weapons, but among the popular models of Russian hunting weapons it is worth highlighting several.

Carbine Elk

Self-loading carbine chambered for 7.62 caliber cartridges. The magazine is non-removable and can hold five rounds. The sight allows you to hit targets at a distance of 100 meters to half a kilometer. Optics can be used. The weight of the carbine is 3,200 grams. Designed for operation in the temperature range from -50 to +50 0C.

Carbine Vepr

In fact, it is a slightly truncated version of the Kalashnikov light machine gun. Caliber - 7.62. Magazine capacity 3.5 or 10 rounds. Self-loading. Sight up to 350 meters. Optics can be used. Weight 4,000 grams.

Carbine Sobol

Caliber 5.6 millimeters. The carbine has three magazines of five rounds each. The sight allows you to conduct accurate fire at targets at a distance of 25 and 75 meters. Optics can be used. It weighs 3,000 grams.

Carbine Tiger

Created on the basis of the Dragunov rifle. Caliber 7.62. Has a magazine for 5 or 10 rounds. The sight allows shooting at a distance of up to 300 meters. Optics can be used. Weight 4,100 grams.

Saiga carbine

It has several modifications with calibers of 5.45, 5.56 and 7.62 millimeters, which allows it to be used for various types of hunting. Magazine for 5 or 10 rounds. The sight is possible at a distance of up to 300 meters. Optics can be used. The rifled carbine weighs 3,600 grams.

Foreign models are also represented on the Russian market. Unfortunately, hunting revolvers, popular in Europe and the USA, are not widely used in Russia.

Rules for hunting with rifled weapons 2022

A very pressing question regarding the use of rifled weapons when hunting.

All other representatives of upland and mountain game are not subject to spring hunting with weapons that have rifling in the barrel.

In this understanding, rifled weapons include not only long-barreled single-barreled firearms with rifling throughout the barrel, but also the rifled barrel of a combination gun


Now you just need to find out which bird belongs to upland and mountain game in order to finally understand the ban on feathered game.

Borovaya game

They consider hazel grouse, partridge (tundra and white), woodcock, black grouse and wood grouse.

Snowcocks and chukars are considered to be mountain game

This is especially true for hunting periods. I think the federal document should set only framework values, and the subjects of the federation should have the authority to determine for themselves when to open or close hunting for certain species. The same applies to the possibility of dividing the territories of the subjects into zones, establishing different hunting periods in the zones. Here I mean, first of all, the timing of the spring hunt.

II. Spring hunting dates

If we talk about the timing of spring hunting, then it is necessary to return to the 16-day spring season according to the pen. 16 days is two weeks and three days off. No matter how changeable the spring weather is, during this time it will give the hunter a holiday at least once. And with a 10-day period, it’s a complete guessing game: if you get in, you won’t get in.

Moreover, by virtue of the “Model Safety Rules for Handling Hunting Weapons and Conducting Hunts Using Hunting Firearms on the Territory of the RSFSR” of 1983, zeroing is provided.

Zeroing is a separate independent type of shooting and does not apply to training or practice shooting.

Performed during the production, repair and operation of weapons.

LRR, as a structural subdivision of the Russian Guard, the federal executive body (FOIV), is not vested with the right to clarify federal legislation, especially not related to its field of activity: hunting.

Hunting issues are controlled by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation.

Accordingly, any explanations from employees of the Russian Guard, especially on hunting issues, are obviously illegal and have no legal significance.

My first firearm. Part 2: Which rifled weapon to choose?

At the moment of transition to the “major league” of rifled weapons, even an experienced “smoothbore” operator’s eyes widen and he wants to buy everything: a sniper rifle, definitely some kind of Kalashnikov, something from the times of the Great Patriotic War, the “Arch” of a potential enemy and “ Wow, wrap up that machine gun too!”

Let's start with the fact that if you didn't just keep some kind of double-barreled shotgun in a safe for 5 years, but trained and improved your shooting skills, you may come to the conclusion that, in general, you don't need a rifled gun. This may well be the case. Judge for yourself: rifled weapons are not cheap, stores don’t supply cartridges for free either, and a smoothbore requires regular “walking.”

But, of course, I’m lying =)

Saiga MK in caliber 7.62×39 and Saiga 9×19.
Photo by the author. I don’t know a single person who shoots who has voluntarily refused to own a firearm with a rifled barrel. The ability to shoot at 100 meters and much further, the beauty and aesthetics of a unitary bullet cartridge, the variety of calibers and the sound of falling cartridges - it’s hard to resist.

Which manufacturer and cartridge factory to indirectly attribute your money to, as in the case of a smoothbore, depends on what you want and your financial capabilities. I will not repeat the disclaimer about practicing athletes and hunters from the 1st part of the article: these categories of shooters are beyond the scope of this article.

The content of the article

The blood of a sniper flows through my veins!

Shooting at a distance of 100 meters.
Photo by the author. This is great, you have chosen a very interesting shooting discipline. Currently, sports (civilian) sniping in our country is developing very actively, and reloading rifled cartridges is no longer illegal, but first things first.

Civilian sniping requires a shooter with good shooting skills, a fairly accurate bolt-action or semi-automatic rifle, an optical sight and an accurate cartridge. There are many variables and options in this complex; it makes no sense to sort them all out. I will only emphasize the main thing. A "reasonably accurate" weapon means a weapon that is truly accurate, not just something with a scope. Optics only make it possible to aim better and quickly make adjustments.

However, no scope, even the most expensive, will perform a miracle with a weapon!

So, if someone thinks that they will take a “Saiga” or “Vepr”, put an optical sight on it, a cheek rest, a bipod and shoot far and accurately, they will be disappointed. The “Tiger” (the civilian version of the SVD) will most likely also become a disorder, since even “two-minute” barrels, not to mention “one-minute” ones, are quite rare. To shoot for “a minute” (29 mm at the centers of holes at 100 meters) from this legendary sniper, as they say, “out of the box” (that is, from the factory), you must be very lucky with the weapon! In other words, miracles do not happen - what is Caesar's is Caesar's.

So what does the author want to say with this? - you ask. Here's what:

Get your money ready

Photo by the author.
Sniping is not a cheap activity: accurate weapons, which still need to be found under sanctions, cost a lot, and the price of an optical sight is often commensurate with the cost of a good barrel. But this is bought once, and “consumables” - cartridges - can be easily purchased at weapons retail, where there is a large selection of them.

I will immediately upset the reader who breathed a sigh of relief at this: it will not be possible to unlock the potential of an accurate, good rifle with purchased cartridges. Even if we are talking about expensive domestic and extremely expensive foreign ammunition. You will have to make the heap cartridge yourself. I am convinced that reloading is a separate direction in the hobby of shooting, and therefore it deserves a separate discussion. Therefore, that’s all about sniping for now.

I want it like special forces!

Photo by the author.
Despite the fact that clearly defined and formalized shooting disciplines of this type are still in their infancy, there is nothing reprehensible in practicing tactical (let’s call it that) shooting. And if you are also not unfamiliar with external surroundings - camouflage, unloading and other military equipment - then you will not only shoot cool, but you will also look cool at the same time. I'm not being ironic at all.

Let me give you just one piece of advice. Whatever carbine you choose, don’t rush into its “merciless” tuning. Telescopic stocks, sports triggers, rails, handles, collimators, tactical belts - these are all great, but they are often distracting and sometimes even harmful. To master a weapon in its original form: with a standard stock, with open sights, without any bells and whistles - it’s worth a lot.

Having learned to shoot, aiming with a front sight in the rear sight, you will shoot faster and more accurately with a collimator, but only this way, and not vice versa; By forming a uniform insert into the weapon, you will intelligently approach the height and length of the butt.

You will understand how comfortable it is for you to carry a weapon, which belt will interfere when shooting from the left shoulder, and which will not. Many other useful thoughts will come to your mind: about the futility of chasing magic DTKs (muzzle brakes-compensators), and about the optionality of camouflage painting of weapons, and even about the fact that you can wait a little while buying a front handle with a bipod extending out of it.

It's understandable to want to make your gun look as good as in the movies, but don't let it overshadow the development of your shooting skills and take a toll on your wallet.

Two words about “little things”

Photo by the author.
Small bore rifles chambered for rimfire are more common in indoor shooting ranges than on shooting ranges. Often their destiny is 50 m. This is due not only to the usual length of the old Soviet shooting ranges, but also to the ballistics of the 5.6 mm (.22 LR) cartridge - the distance of a direct shot from a small-caliber weapon is very small, the subsonic bullet is very sensitive to wind and narrower after 200 m it decreases almost vertically.

But at fifty meters this is a very accurate weapon, and shooting from small guns should not be underestimated.

In addition, a shot from a small-caliber weapon is not loud, meaning hearing protection is not required; the return is very small; Side-fire cartridges are relatively inexpensive, and the benefits of thoughtful shooting at paper are difficult to overestimate.

Mosin, Weaver, Picatinny...

Rifled weapons from the times of the Great Patriotic War undoubtedly have a certain appeal. Maybe this is due to childhood memories of war films. Or maybe just the understanding that the defenders of our Motherland went into battle with these weapons makes owning such items special.

Mass-produced weapons, which include small arms from the Second World War, were produced primarily based on simplicity and low cost of production, as well as reliability in operation. It is not for nothing that one of the best examples of that time is considered a simple, stamped submachine gun of the Sudaev system.

The Mosin, Tokarev rifles, Simonov carbines and other models that are often found on sale cannot but please the shooter’s eye. Shooting with them is interesting, educational and useful, and the cartridges are not so expensive.

What surprises me personally is the undisguised desire of some manufacturers to offer all kinds of tuning for such weapons, and, even more, the willingness of shooters to buy them.

Mosin rifle in a stock from the Orsis company. Photo by the author.

For heaven's sake, why does SKS have a detachable magazine? To make a Kalashnikov out of him? It still won’t work: it will still be the same SKS, but not with a clip, but with a magazine. Why does the legendary Mosin rifle need a milled stock with all sorts of adjustments and slats? Yes, such a stock costs more than a rifle, even in the sniper version! And that bar over there - is it for a pre-objective attachment worth half a million? Are you serious? The only thing more senseless and more harmful than this is the “castration” of such weapons to a state of emasculation.

In conclusion, let me make one last statement. I am convinced that historical weapons deserve to remain in their original form: beautiful and not very, practical and not quite, but, without a doubt, charismatic. The way it was intended by the designers and accepted by the army under the conditions of that time. But “squeezing” improved accuracy and ergonomics out of such weapons using tuning, trying to make a modern weapon out of it, is a dead end.

However, all flowers bloom, and everyone decides for themselves. Have fun shooting and accurate shots!

Posted by Russ | Tac-T.ru

Types of hunting rifles:

1. Regular.

2. Magnum weapon (hereinafter referred to as MO).

In both cases, the caliber is selected depending on the size of the animal and the hunting strategy. For example, hunting a large game will be more effective with a caliber of 7-8 mm. Fans of hunting from towers and approach should bet on non-collapsible models, which are more stable in comparison with collapsible weapons and give a more concentrated fight (by at least 15%).

The further away the target, the less energy the bullet hits it. Therefore, experienced hunters try to reduce the distance to potential prey as much as possible. Conventional guns, as a rule, please with their accuracy at 150-200 meters, and MO in capable hands - at a 300-meter distance. It is noteworthy that MO is also deadly for more distant game.

But the beast is not an easy target, so the shot is calculated with certainty. For this purpose, tables are used containing information on the power (J) of cartridges and ammunition bullets. In this regard, it will be useful to know that the same cartridge can contain different amounts of gunpowder, bullets...

Methods for creating rifling

  • cut through with a cutter one at a time (the highest quality);
  • cut through everything at once;
  • push with a “toothed” mandrel (quickly and cheaply);
  • forge, placing it on a core of the desired shape (quickly and reliably);
  • cast by placing it on a core of the desired shape;
  • wash electrolytically (often used for artillery).

See also the article Artillery Parabellum and its characteristics

Getting permission

The thing is that the rules provide for the possession by a citizen of a hunting weapon with a smooth barrel for the previous five years. They issue a license for the purchase of rifled weapons from the police, from the department at the citizen’s place of residence, or from the LRO department. Therefore, you should first prepare documents for the LRO. There are no fundamental differences between rifled and smooth-bore weapons.

The LRO requires:

  1. Hunter's ticket.
  2. The presence of a place equipped according to specially approved requirements in which storage will take place (this can be a safe or a durable metal box tightly attached to the wall) in the house or apartment where the rifled gun will be located.

It is worth noting that obtaining a license for a rifle is a necessary and very responsible action. After this, you should undergo an examination by specialists at a medical institution and receive a certificate 046-1. Having received a license for a rifled weapon, you can go to the store to purchase rifled hunting weapons (it is worth remembering that a license for a rifled weapon has a strictly limited validity period, determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation at six months).

After purchase, you must register with the LRO. You must register your weapon within 14 days from the date of purchase (the store must note the date of purchase). It is the registration of the purchase with the LRO that provides the answer to the question of how to obtain a permit for a rifled weapon, since when registering a weapon with the LRO, a permit for a rifled weapon is also issued at the same time, which is valid for five years.

To reissue a permit, you must contact the LRO with the following documents:

  1. Hunter's ticket (a copy of it is included in the package of documents).
  2. A permit (previously issued and expiring), to ensure completeness of the package of documents, you should also take care of its copy.
  3. A document that proves your identity. As a rule, this is a passport (in addition, the LRO requires additional copies of pages from it, which contain information about registration and a photograph of the citizen).
  4. Statement.
  5. Certificate from a medical institution in form No. 046-1.
  6. A report written by the district inspector, which describes the results of his personal inspection of conditions and compliance with storage rules.
  7. Two 3x4 photographs.

In addition, you must have the weapon itself, the permit for which is being renewed. It should also be remembered that an application for renewal of a permit for rifled hunting weapons should be submitted before the expiration date specified in it. If this requirement is ignored, a fine may be imposed or even the weapon itself may be confiscated.

The period for consideration of an application to extend a permit is limited by law to two weeks. As for consumables, cartridges for rifled hunting weapons are purchased in specialized stores.

Important points when obtaining a license for a hunting firearm with a rifled barrel

  • To purchase a hunting long-barreled firearm with a rifled barrel, you must have five years of experience in owning a smooth-bore long-barreled weapon.

Article 13 N 150-FZ “On Weapons” (as amended on 12/08/2020)

  • A citizen can purchase up to five units of long-barreled rifled hunting weapons.

Article 13 N 150-FZ “On Weapons” (as amended on 12/08/2020)

  • All registration actions are carried out at the place of permanent registration.

Article 13 N 150-FZ “On Weapons” (as amended on 12/08/2020)

  • Registration of a license through the State Services portal allows you to receive a 30% discount on payment of the state fee.
  • From October 1, 2022, long-barreled hunting firearms with a rifled barrel must be subjected to control shooting once every 15 years. This period is counted from the moment the weapon was purchased in the store. You can carry out the shooting and obtain a protocol from the OLRR of the Russian Guard and from licensed commercial organizations.

Article 13(1) N 150-FZ “On Weapons” (as amended on 12/08/2020)

  • Citizens who have an unexpunged or unexpunged conviction for a crime committed intentionally, or who have an expunged or expunged conviction for a grave or especially grave crime committed with the use of a weapon and who have medical contraindications are not allowed to own weapons.

Article 13 N 150-FZ “On Weapons” (as amended on 12/08/2020)

  • Once you become a gun owner, you will only be able to purchase ammunition of the caliber specified on your permit.

Article 18 N 150-FZ “On Weapons” (as amended on 12/08/2020)

  • Every 5 years, the owner of the weapon is required to renew the permit and obtain a conclusion that there are no medical contraindications to owning a weapon.

Article 13 N 150-FZ “On Weapons” (as amended on 12/08/2020)

  • The presence of administrative violations may serve as a reason for refusal to issue a license.

Article 13 N 150-FZ “On Weapons” (as amended on 12/08/2020).

! Important: when obtaining a “rifling” license, you can use the documents that you prepared to re-register your smoothbore weapon.

How is a rifle different from a carbine and why do we have problems with terminology?

The caliber of a rifled handgun and the length of the barrel determine the name, or more precisely, the classification of small arms.

  • AKM - automatic carbine;
  • AK-74 - automatic rifle;
  • 5.45 mm cartridge - rifle cartridge.

Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov and the Kalashnikov assault rifle... or rather the Kalashnikov automatic carbine!

These terms are international and more correct than our “machine guns”. The word “automatic” itself is not even a technical term! The same, by the way, applies to the “term” “self-loading carbine,” which, for example, is the well-known Simonov Self-loading Carbine (SKS) in Russia. “According to science,” this product should be called a semi-automatic carbine. The Dragunov sniper rifle (SVD) is nothing more than a semi-automatic rifle. This is a normal international and, first of all, Russian classification.

Hunting rules 2022: new edition of hunting rules in the Russian Federation

As you know, a hunting permit has its own expiration date, as well as a limit on the production of a particular type of game. In 2015, an innovation was introduced into the law, according to which the hunter undertakes to notify the employees of the place where the permit was obtained about what kind of game he caught and how much. That is. as detailed information as possible A number of changes also affected the rules for hunting ungulates and bears.

The following deadlines remain valid for 2022:

  • 10.07-24.07 - hunting with the use of firearms and pneumatic weapons is prohibited;
  • 07.25-11.15 - hunting with weapons, hunting dogs and birds of prey is permitted.
  • 10.07-31.12 - hunting for field game is allowed using dogs, without the use of weapons;
  • starting from 01.08 - hunting for waterfowl with dogs is allowed, without the use of weapons;
  • starting from -1.08 - hunting foxes and hare with dogs is allowed, without the use of weapons;
  • starting from 25.08 - hunting for fox and hare with dogs and using weapons is allowed;
  • 01.07-31.07 - hunting for marmot-baibak is allowed;
  • 01.10-28.02 - hunting for European beaver is allowed.

Check with our consultant for details.

Citizens can train a hunting dog at any time. There are specially designated places for this, namely, areas for racing and special places for training animals. Please note that any type of hunting in such places is prohibited.

One of the changes is that it is allowed to be with dogs without a leash in the areas for driving and training animals in hunting grounds at any time. You can train a hunting dog at any time, but without the use of firearms, bladed weapons or pneumatic weapons.

If you go hunting with a specially trained hunting dog, you are required to have with you a document about the origin of the animal and a veterinary passport with a note from the state veterinary service stating that the dog does not have rabies, is vaccinated, etc. The document must be confirmed by the current year.

There have been a number of changes in terms of hunting periods for roe deer, bears, moose, and wolves. Hunting for saiga was banned, while the period for hunting bears in the spring was increased, expanding it.

Those hunters who open fire at information signs will be subject to administrative punishment.

Hunting legislation


How to obtain a permit for rifled weapons in Ukraine

A permit for rifled weapons consists of two parts: a permit to purchase and a permit to carry and store. To obtain a permit to purchase, you must contact the territorial department of the administrative police service and provide the inspector with the following documents: • an application for a permit, written in the name of the head of the police department ;• a completed application;• a health certificate, which states that there are no factors preventing the use of weapons;• a certificate of no criminal record;• a copy of the insurance contract;• a document confirming training in the equipment and rules for the use of weapons;• a payment receipt state duties.

One of the features of the permit to purchase, carry and store firearms is that it is signed by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, his deputies, and the heads of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The fee for issuing permits is established according to a single tariff approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of December 28, 1995 No. 1060, namely: • 3.40 UAH. – for providing consultation;• 8.50 UAH. – for registration of a weapon; • 8.50 UAH. - for paperwork.

When you come to receive permission to purchase weapons, you must present a passport or other identification document. After purchasing a weapon, it must be registered with the police department within 10 days.

To obtain a permit to store and carry weapons, the following documents are submitted:• an application for a permit written in the name of the head of the internal affairs department;• a duplicate of a permit to purchase a weapon, which contains a store mark about the weapon sold, or another document confirming the purchase of a weapon ;• three photos measuring 3x4;• a copy of the insurance contract, only if it was not submitted when obtaining a permit to purchase a weapon;• a receipt for payment of the state duty.

After the deadline for completing the documents has expired, the applicant must contact the Department of Internal Affairs and pick up the completed certificate.

It should be remembered that all persons who have received permission for both smooth-bore and rifled weapons are registered in the Ministry of Internal Affairs system by entering information about them into the Arsenal automated system. In addition to this, a case is opened for each owner in the relevant police administrative service department.

According to the law, it is possible to transfer weapons from one owner to another, and all documents are drawn up at the police department at the place where the weapon is registered. All information about the previous owner is included in the permit, and a duplicate is given to the new owner to register the weapon at his place of residence.

Handling hunting rifles

to shoot your weapon with the same ammunition you will use to hunt. The sniper scope or its removal may require re-sighting. You need to wash and clean your weapon after each shooting, and as a preventive measure - once every three months.

By law, you need to store rifled weapons where you live, in a metal cabinet (safe) with a secure lock, unloaded, with the triggers pulled, in a case. Ammunition - separately (although this is not stated in regulatory documents, it is much safer).

The weapon must be transported unassembled, in a case.

The weapon can only be loaded at hunting and shooting ranges. It should be carried with the safety catch or triggers pulled.

A rifled gun must be unloaded before obstacles:

  • rubble;
  • ditches;
  • steep and slippery slopes;
  • water obstacles, etc.

and also when leaving the forest:

  • at least 200 m before a populated area;
  • practically - shot is dangerous even at 300-400 m;
  • buckshot - at 500-700 m;
  • bullets - up to 5 km.

Administrative liability is established for those who:

  • does not discharge weapons in populated areas;
  • shoots closer than 100 m from housing;
  • hunts drunk;
  • when drunk he carries collected weapons;
  • rides with a loaded weapon (except for hunting - from snowmobiles, boats, boats, etc.);

The storage permit is canceled if the owner received a hunting license through a hunting society and then left it. Within a month he must:

  • or get rid of the weapon - sell it to a thrift store or donate it;
  • or get a new hunting license.

In the event of the death of the owner, as well as the loss or theft of a gun, the police must be immediately reported. Firearms for hunting that have become unusable are handed over to a special commission. Sale without police permission is prohibited!

Main calibers of rifled hunting weapons

There are a huge number of different calibers of hunting rifles, but only a few of them are most widespread among hunters.

  • 22LR is one of the most common calibers of hunting rifles, often called “small” by hunters. This type of cartridge was developed for initial shooting training, but due to its inexpensive cost and widespread use, it has gained great popularity among commercial hunters who use it to hunt fur-bearing animals and upland game.
  • 22WMR - a cartridge of this caliber is similar to the previous one, but unlike it, it has more power and, accordingly, a longer range of an aimed shot. The 22WMR caliber cartridge can be used to hunt all types of game birds and fur-bearing animals.
  • 223REM is one of the most common calibers of rifled hunting rifles, which has excellent characteristics in terms of power and shot range. One of the most versatile calibers, it can be used to catch all types of game birds, as well as small and medium-sized animals, up to the wolf.
  • 243 is a rather interesting caliber, although not so popular among hunters in our country. The peculiarity of this caliber is that it allows you to shoot at a medium-sized animal at a long distance. The main caliber for use in mountain hunting.
  • 308WIN is one of the most, if not the most popular caliber among hunters in our country. Allows you to fire a shot at a medium-sized and even large-sized animal at a distance of up to 300 meters. Has moderate recoil. There is a large selection of cartridges of this caliber in stores.
  • 7.62-54R is a cartridge caliber of military origin, similar in characteristics to the 308WIN cartridge. Allows you to hunt medium and large sized animals. The letter R in the cartridge name indicates that the cartridge case has a protruding flange.
  • 30-06 - inherently the most powerful cartridge among 7.62 caliber cartridges, it is the most popular caliber in the USA. Caliber 30-06 sprg. is the progenitor of all 300 calibers. The very fact that this caliber has been used by hunters for more than a century speaks for itself. Caliber 30-06 is suitable for hunting ungulates and bear. Although many hunters successfully hunt smaller game with it.
  • The 9.3×62 is a powerful caliber designed for hunting big game at short range. It should be noted that the 9.3×62 caliber has quite noticeable recoil, and for many hunters shooting from a weapon of this caliber will not be very comfortable.

How to choose a rifle

Rifled firearms are conventionally divided into 4 types:

TypeNumber of trunksShopBarrel lengthPurpose
Union1-2 (breakable)Nofullfor a large animal
Rifle1 (bolt or self-loading)May befullDepending on caliber
Carbine1 (bolt-on, break-in or self-loading)May beshortenedDepending on caliber
Combined models2-4May befullDepending on caliber

Depending on the purpose (what size of game you plan to hunt), you should select the caliber of the gun.

Hunting rifle calibers are measured in millimeters and contain in the designation the diameter multiplied by the length (5.6x39 or 7.62x53).

Cartridges of the same caliber can be of different lengths. Some shotguns use a cartridge designed for a rifled pistol.

Possible hunting cartridgesCharacteristicPurpose
4.37x45.6 (.17 Remington)For shooting from a rest positionRodents, prairie dogs
5,45×39Soviet huntingFor small game, including fur-bearing animals;
5.6×15 (.22LR)Very inexpensive
5.6×39 (.220 Russian)Affordable Soviet!
5.56x45 (.223 Rem)the most common, up to 250-300 m, low recoilfor a medium-sized wild animal: hare, fox, raccoon dog
5.56x54.1 (.222 Remington)Inexpensive cartridgeSmall game (rodents), as well as fox, roe deer and even wolves
5.6x34 (.22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire)For both carabiners and fittingsSmall rodents, rabbits, birds, maximum coyote and jackal
6.2×52 (.243 Winchester)Popular with huntersMedium-sized ungulates
6,5×55European hunting cartridge originally from Swedensmall game, bird (grouse, fox, raccoon dog, small wild boar)
7×57European hunting cartridge with good accuracyWild boar, deer, elk, antelope, mouflon, chamois... You can even beat an elephant!
7x64.5 (.270 Winchester)Inexpensive, good for mountain huntingDeer, roe deer, zebras, foxes, etc.
7.62x51 (.308 Win)powerful, 250-350 mfor medium and large game
7.62Х54 Rcivilian version of the army
7.62×67 (.300 Winchester Magnum)Long and short distancesMedium ungulates
7.62x72 (.300 Rem Ultra Mag)for a large animal
7.8x72.6 (.300 Win Short Mag)
7.65×53 ArgentinoAmerican hunting cartridge, still in production todayFor all types of North American game, except brown bear
8x68 SS means that the caliber is calculated by the bottom of the riflingFor a large animal
8.6×70 (.338 Lapua Magnum, SAA 4640)PopularBears of all sizes, dangerous felines and ungulates
8.6x84.8 (.338 Winchester Magnum)The most popular "magnum"On large animals
9x33R (.357 Magnum)Also produced in Russia
9.1x64 (.35 Remington)American rifleMedium beast in a wooded area
9.3×62 MauserFor Mauser carbinesMedium and large game
9.3×64 mm Brenneke
9.3×74 mmPopular European hunting cartridgesFor big game, for safari, especially for the “big five”: elephant, lion, leopard, rhinoceros, buffalo
9.53x91 (.375 H&H Magnum)
10.57×74 (.416 Rigby)
11.63×64 (.458 Winchester Magnum)Reliable for hot climates
11.63×71 (.458 Lott)High power cartridges for hunting fittings
12.1×83 (.470 Nitro Express)
12.8x80 (505 Gibbs)
14.9x70, 14.9x76 (.577 Nitro Express, .577 NE)
14.9x94 (.577 Tyrannosaur, .577 T-Rex)

15.2×76 (.600 Nitro Express)

17.78x89 (.700 Nitro Express)

Heavy duty American and British hunting cartridges

See also the article Remington 700 rifle and its history

In general, compared to smoothbore weapons:

  • high-precision rifled weapons;
  • much higher accuracy;
  • The bullet range is also significantly higher.

Disadvantages of rifled weapons:

  • costs more;
  • heavier;
  • there is a greater risk of debris getting into the trunk and bad consequences.

Greetings, friends!

Several years ago, interesting carbines and rifles began to appear on the firearms market. De jure they are smoothbore, but de facto they have ballistics similar to rifled weapons when fired at a hundred meters

It is not surprising that such “guns” began to attract the attention of athletes and gun enthusiasts from all over the country.

These “paradoxical” carbines and rifles can increasingly be seen in the hands of Russian shooters. But such “seething” of the under-rifled market could not but alert our legislators and the executive branch...

I will now tell you about the secret of the “paradox”, the possibility of banning “quasi-rifles” and other features of owning “Lancasters” and “paradoxes”. Let's start!

Selecting a rifle caliber

Once you have decided on the type of action of your rifle, you need to select a caliber. In order for you to decide for yourself what caliber of rifled weapon you need, decide who you will mainly hunt and from what distance. Then look at the ballistics of your chosen caliber for those conditions. This way you can choose the caliber you need.

At the same time, be sure to take into account the cost of cartridges and their selection in stores in your city. If you choose a caliber that is too exotic, then there may be problems with the price and availability of such cartridges in the store.

Who can be hunted with rifled weapons in the Russian Federation 2022

Practitioners criticize it, pointing out the inadequacy and complicated procedure for obtaining vouchers, but there is no alternative yet. This is a law specifically about the conservation of hunting resources, so it only touches upon hunting rules in passing. Amendments have been made to 209-FZ several times: the latest edition dates back to August 3, 2022, and came into force on September 4.

The changes affected the extension of the principles of humaneness in the treatment of animals to hunting dogs undergoing training. Article 55.1 was introduced to regulate this process. The law has an article entirely devoted to the rules of hunting - 23. It states that the rules are the basis on which both hunting itself and resource conservation are built.

Listed below are the rules:

General rules of hunting in the Russian Federation

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment created Order No. 512, which establishes certain requirements regarding hunting. All this is done to preserve natural resources. Official rules do not apply to wild animals living in places owned by legal entities or individuals.

What a hunter should have with him while hunting:

hunting license; weapons permit; permission to extract hunting resources; if a hunter hunts in hunting grounds, he must have a permit with him; permit for birds of prey.

Every hunter must have these documents with him, otherwise, if an official demands them and there are no documents, punishment will follow. If the game was obtained illegally, they have the right to confiscate it. You can hunt individually or in a group. In the second case, a responsible person is initially appointed who will keep control of everything that happens, while carrying the relevant documents.

use weapons at a distance of less than 200 meters from the nearest populated area; use weapons in poor visibility unless you are absolutely sure that you are aiming specifically at the target; open fire on game near electrical wires; open fire on information signs; drive the game in such a way that the other participants in the hunt are located on different sides.

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