How to renew a permit for a hunting weapon 2022: documents, deadlines, state duty, renewal rules

A previously obtained hunting rifle license must be renewed once every five years. To do this, you need to collect the relevant documents and apply with them to the police permitting department at your place of residence.

The basic rules for renewal can be found on the government services website, where it is indicated what the procedure is and what data must be provided by the applicant. At the same time, most citizens prefer to apply in person - for them, the article describes the procedure for renewing a permit to use hunting weapons.

Preparing to submit an application to the LRO

Approximately two months before the expiration of the five-year license period, the owner of a hunting weapon must:

  • contact the police department at your place of residence and explain that you intend to renew your license for a specific type of weapon - you will be asked to write a corresponding statement;
  • After your visit to the police department, the local police officer is obliged to check the storage location of the hunting rifle and the presence of a safe. The district police officer draws up a report on the completed check of compliance with storage rules, which is included in the list of necessary documents for renewal;
  • The hunting rifle must be presented to the police station - law enforcement agencies must ensure that it is in working order.

Once all this is prepared, you can begin collecting the documents that will be needed to renew your hunting weapons permit at the police licensing department.

How to properly store hunting weapons in 2022

Firearms require proper storage. The conditions must ensure its safety, security, and the absence of access to it by unauthorized people. To store weapons and ammunition, the owner can purchase a safe, cabinet or box, which must be made of metal and equipped with a reliable locking device. It is permissible to use a wooden structure, but provided that the surfaces are upholstered with metal sheets.

The safe is installed at the owner’s place of residence. If the actual address does not match the registration, the district permitting department must be notified of the storage location. The owner of the weapon must keep the key in a secret place that no one has access to and must not give it to other people. If one family has several weapons, each of them gets its own box.

Documents for LRO

To apply to the LRO you will need:

  • a copy of a valid permit for a hunting rifle;
  • two matte black and white photographs (3x4);
  • medical certificate form 046-1 - the same as for the initial issuance of a license; to obtain it you must pass a medical commission. Certificates from a narcological and psychoneurological dispensary, as well as a certificate confirming the absence of psychotropic or narcotic substances in the blood, will also be needed (see how to obtain a permit for a hunting weapon);
  • passport and its copy;
  • a report from the local police commissioner about the absence of violations in the possession of a gun;
  • receipt of payment of the fee. In 2022, the state fee for renewing a permit for a hunting shotgun is 500 rubles ;
  • hunting license or its certified copy;
  • if it is necessary to renew a license for a rifle, you must provide proof of professional hunting activity (for example, an order from the head of a hunting enterprise). When renewing a shotgun license, this document does not need to be submitted.

Basic Documentary Requirements

It is recommended to go to the OLRR only with the following documentation:

  • A valid passport to confirm the identity and basic information about the citizen;
  • a correctly completed application;
  • four photographs, which must be taken in traditional sizes;
  • an expiring certificate for the use of weapons;
  • conclusion on the results of the medical commission;
  • certificate issued in form 002-О/у;
  • documents IPA, ND, HTI, which are valid only for one year;
  • a report that will need to be obtained from the local police officer after checking the storage conditions of the weapon (the document remains valid for 7 days);
  • certificate confirming successful completion of the exam;
  • coupon confirming the fulfillment of payment obligations.

All of the above documents will need to be photocopied.

Extension through the public services portal

It is very simple to apply for a license renewal through government services: in the search bar you need to type “weapon license” and select the appropriate government service, the application for which is accepted online. After the service is completed, using the SMS notification service, the applicant is notified of the time and place where he can receive a decision on his application.

Both in person and through government services, an application for renewal must be submitted to the LRO one month before its expiration (clause 67 of the Instruction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the control of weapons circulation dated April 12, 1999).

What is the procedure for renewing a weapons license?

It is assumed that certain stages must be completed.

Initially, you need to pass a medical examination. To do this, you will need to visit the PND and take one medical report, and 2 certificates from the narcological clinic. At the medical center you will need to obtain certificates from an ophthalmologist and therapist, as well as conclusions confirming applications to the ND, PND. This stage is mandatory, because there must be no health contraindications.

You will also need to correctly fill out the application for its subsequent submission to the authorized organization.

The next step is to go to the nearest police station. In this case, the local police officer will come home and check how properly the existing weapons are stored. The police officer will then complete the required reporting.

You will also need to visit the OLRR.

Every citizen will have to test their knowledge of the use of traumatic weapons. In this case, you need to pass a two-stage exam:

  1. Initially, you need to undergo special testing in the created account.
  2. The second stage is practical. Participation in special shooting ranges, which are held at a shooting range, is expected. The event is optional for state military personnel who have military ranks or special ranks that determine their class affiliation.

You will also need to pay a state fee.

After a positive decision has been made on the submitted application, you need to find out the data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in order to subsequently carry out all the necessary settlements with the organization. You can now obtain an updated permit. To do this, you will need to visit the OLRR yourself. In this case, the result of consideration of the application can be obtained at the existing postal address.

If the deadline for applying for an extension is missed

If for some reason you have not taken measures to renew your license to carry and store hunting weapons, this entails administrative liability under Art. 20.11 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

  • The violator may be fined in the amount of 1,000 to 3,000 rubles .
  • In practice, the amount of the fine depends on the period for which the owner of the hunting rifle was “late”: if we are talking about several weeks, it may be limited to 1000-1500 rubles,
  • If the delay is longer, the maximum fine will be imposed.

In addition, before you pay the fine, the police officer has the right to confiscate your hunting rifle and return it back only after renewing your license.


Even if you still have photographs from the time you first received your license, they will not be suitable for re-issuing the document. The fact is that the photo is considered relevant for a year.

While we are waiting for the local police officer to pay us a visit, we can, for example, go to a photo salon. Modern photo printing tools allow you to get ready-made photographs in 10-15 minutes. A professional photographer knows the basic requirements for permission photography, but you should be aware of these requirements too.

  • Photo size – 3 cm by 4 cm.
  • Number of photos – 2 pieces.
  • Matte photo paper.
  • The angle is full face.
  • There is no headdress.
  • No sunglasses.
  • The background is light and monochromatic.

Why may they refuse to renew a permit?

During the five years that the originally issued permit is valid, a lot can change. For example, a citizen who has a weapon may be under supervision in a psychoneurological or drug treatment clinic and be registered with these institutions. There may also be administrative or criminal liability. Thus, the reasons for refusal to renew a permit may be:

  • if, according to medical criteria, contraindications to gun ownership are identified (for example, vision has decreased significantly, traces of psychotropic or narcotic substances are found in the blood, etc.);
  • if the owner of a hunting rifle has committed a serious or especially serious crime using a weapon (not necessarily the type for which the license renewal is being applied for), and whether the criminal record has been expunged does not matter;
  • if the applicant is serving a sentence (any) or has already served it, but the criminal record has not yet been expunged;
  • if in the last year before the renewal, the owner of the gun was again brought to administrative responsibility for committing a public offense or an offense related to drug trafficking, while the period of validity of the administrative punishment has not yet expired;
  • if the applicant does not have a specific place of residence;
  • if the weapon is faulty.

Only for rifled weapons...

The next point may be skipped by those hunters who prefer to use a smoothbore, since we are talking about rifles, that is, weapons with a rifled barrel. Due to the fact that certain characteristics of rifled weapons increase many times over, the law tightens the requirements for those who obtain or renew a license for such weapons.

  1. Firstly, this concerns the age category. The citizen must be 21 years old at the time of filing the application.
  2. Secondly, experience in owning smooth-bore weapons is required, which is 5 years.

Often, citizens use rifled weapons in their work activities (hunting farm workers, rangers). Here you can make a slight deviation from the rules. The farm or other employer is required to issue a certificate stating that the use of rifled weapons is associated with the direct performance of functional duties. This certificate must also be presented to the OLRR.

Payment of state duty

Payment of the state duty can be done in several ways. If you take all the necessary details from the licensing department employee, then any bank will be able to make a payment using them. The receipt for the fee should be kept, as it will have to be submitted along with the package of documents.

If the provision of an electronic service is implied, then it is more convenient to pay the fee directly on the portal. To do this, you will have to provide some bank card information. In this case, no receipt is needed. All information that the applicant has paid for the service will be transferred to the department.

Training, is it necessary?

Another incident arises when we see in some articles that in order to renew a license it is necessary to undergo training. Let us immediately note that this is not so. If you had a license in your hands, which you decided to replace due to its expiration, then 5 years ago you had to attend courses and take an exam.

The course completion certificate is issued once, so there is no need to re-train. What cannot be said about the exam, you will have to remember the theory and pass the standard. But the cost of this procedure is much lower than for beginners, since when completing training you have to pay for the courses themselves and for the exam. One exam will cost approximately 1000 rubles.

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