Applying for a firearms license in 2022 and 2022.

Even a child understands the potential danger that a weapon poses, provided that the appropriate conversation has been held with him, but if any child can own a toy gun, then to purchase a real weapon, a special permit or license is required, which is issued strictly in accordance with the law Federal level “On Weapons”.

This law establishes the procedure for obtaining a license, registering a weapon, storing it and carrying it. It also states at what age you can get a weapons license. However, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question for a number of reasons:

  • the classification considers several types of weapons;
  • There are several types of licenses;
  • third-party factors are taken into account.

Purpose of a weapons permit

Acting as a document of title, a license allows a citizen to perform specified actions with a weapon. Law enforcement officers will have no questions if a citizen wants to purchase a weapon; he can also safely store it at home or carry it with him. It is understood that the presence of a permit extends to the corresponding cartridges for this type of weapon.

From the entire variety of hand-held weapons, you should first exclude those types that do not require a special license; these are pneumatic weapons, the shot energy of which does not exceed 7.5 J. With such energy, a bullet is not capable of injuring a person.

Moreover, while models with energy up to 3 J are sold freely, more powerful ones will require a passport. Such pneumatics should not be registered. Gas cartridges and stun guns also act as means of self-defense and do not require accompanying documentation.

A weapons permit is not only a document for resolving problems with police officers, but also evidence that the citizen meets all the requirements for applicants for ownership, he has completed the necessary training and is familiar with the procedure in various situations when the use of weapons is permitted.

Responsibility for violating the rules for storing and carrying hunting weapons

From the moment the license for permission and storage is issued, the owner of a hunting rifle is obliged to comply with the requirements clearly regulated by the Law “On Weapons”, otherwise administrative or criminal liability will arise:

  • a hunting rifle may be confiscated, and a fine of 25,000 to 40,000 rubles may be imposed. if, at the request of a hunting inspector or other law enforcement representatives, you did not present a permit to carry and store (Article 8.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);
  • 1 month before the expiration of the five-year period, you must take care of renewing your license. If for some reason the hunter does not apply to extend the validity of the permit, then he will be brought to administrative responsibility under Article 20.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (fine up to three thousand rubles);
  • if the owner of the gun violated the transportation rules (for example, the gun is transported loaded and without a case), then administrative liability arises in the form of a fine of up to one and a half thousand rubles ;
  • in cases where shooting is carried out in populated areas, the violator faces confiscation of weapons and ammunition, as well as deprivation of the right to carry and store for up to one and a half years;
  • if the rules for storing weapons are violated (for example, outside a safe), as a result of which another citizen took advantage of this and fired a shot at a person, then the owner may be charged in a criminal case under Article 224 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Careless storage”. In this case, the punishment varies from a fine to imprisonment for a period of 2 years ;
  • The criminal law also provides for a penalty of up to four years in prison if a hunting rifle was purchased illegally (without going through the procedure that we have studied in detail).

Types of licenses

The concept of a weapons permit is quite multifaceted, since a license can establish the right to one of the following actions:

  • storage;
  • wearing;
  • application;
  • hunting.

Control by the Federal executive authorities over storage is due to potential danger. Weapons must be kept in a special safe. When obtaining a license, the presence of such a safe is checked by a local inspector.

In isolated cases, having a storage license implies the right to use weapons. In the opposite situation, when only the right to use is confirmed, it can be stored only in compliance with the requirements established by law.

Hunter licensing is a separate item. Only the holder of a special document can obtain the right to purchase, store, and use hunting weapons.

Gun safety training

You should only undergo training for a hunting weapon permit in special institutions that have the right to issue an official document upon completion of training. You can find out in which educational institutions you can obtain skills in handling a hunting rifle at the police department at your place of residence or on the Internet. You can additionally prepare for the test by studying the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Weapons”.

The cost of training does not exceed 10,000 rubles , the duration of the courses is limited to several days. From the previously prepared documents you will need:

  • passport, its photocopy;
  • medical documents;
  • 2 photos.

At the end of the theoretical and practical courses, you will have to pass an exam and receive documentary evidence of completion of training.

Age criteria for obtaining a license

One of the mandatory requirements that must be met in order to obtain a license for a traumatic weapon or other type of weapon is that the applicant has reached a certain age threshold. All provisions regarding this issue are discussed in Article 13 of Federal Law No. 150; this law was adopted back in 1996, but is regularly edited. The most recent changes came into force in March 2022.

The new category, which emerged in 2011, unites several types of weapons that, by their intended purpose, cause mechanical damage, but do not pose a threat to the life of a living target. It's called a firearm of limited destruction. All trauma weapons, as well as some gas pistols, fall into this category. Most gas weapon manufacturers have refused certification, so their products are not included in the LLC group.

Citizens can only purchase weapons if they are 21 years old or older. But persons currently serving in units considered paramilitary and having any military ranks or distinctions have the opportunity to legally purchase an LLC before turning 21 years of age. The lowest threshold is automatically set to 18 years.

In simple words, if you are not a military personnel with a rank, then you can only get a permit for injury if you are 21 years old.

Gas, sporting and hunting weapons, as well as smooth-bore firearms, the purpose of which is to ensure self-defense, are permitted to be purchased from the age of 18. For reference, we note that some types of weapons are worn together with the costumes of certain nationalities. This also includes the Cossack uniform. They can also be purchased by a citizen after he/she comes of age. The lower age limit for permission to purchase a gun for hunting can be reduced by a decision of regional legislative bodies by a maximum of two years.

Gas and traumatic pistols, which also include barrelless firearms produced in Russia, require more than just a license. They must be registered after purchase within 14 days. Delay in registration with law enforcement agencies is fraught with serious fines. The license is issued for 5 years and can be renewed, and the registration procedure is carried out once.

It is important to understand that different types of licenses can be issued for weapons. In particular, smooth-bore, gas or traumatic weapons intended for self-defense can be purchased under the appropriate license, but are prohibited from being carried in the absence of a permit to carry.

It is not difficult to calculate the age limit for purchasing a hunting weapon with a rifled barrel rather than a smooth one. According to the current Federal Law, this type of weapon can only be purchased if you are a professional hunter or if you have owned a smoothbore gun for five years.

As for age, after receiving documentary evidence of professional hunting activity, you can immediately obtain the right to purchase a rifle with a rifled barrel, that is, theoretically, at 18 years of age. In the absence of one - at 23 years old. In parallel, the applicant should not have any complaints from the authorized bodies regarding the storage, transportation, or production of weapons, and there should also be no recorded violations of hunting rules.

Purchasing a gas pistol

Once you have found out the answer to whether you need a license for a gas pistol in Russia, you can purchase it with peace of mind. But there are still some nuances in this matter.

It is quite difficult to call all the devices listed above weapons, but still, to some extent, they are weapons. The purchase of such weapons can only be made if you are over 18 years old and have become an adult.

This weapon is allowed only for the very reason that it is practically harmless. Killing a person with the same gas pistol is unrealistic. Moreover, it is extremely difficult to even injure a person with such weapons.

You need to know that wearing so-called balloons around the city is prohibited. You can use them at home or at shooting ranges.

How to apply for a license

The procedure for obtaining a weapons license is well defined, so in different regions of the Russian Federation the procedure for obtaining a weapons license is the same. The first document that initiates the start of the process is a citizen’s application. Licensing ends with the issuance of a special certificate on the original form. A complete list of documents must be presented at the information stand of the licensing department. The absence of at least one release package is the reason for refusing to issue a permit.

The response time of the authorized body to a citizen’s application is 30 days. Consequently, maximum time is also allocated to complete the entire registration procedure. For a longer period, a license cannot be issued by law.

The package of documents includes a certificate of passing a special medical commission. The procedure for obtaining it can be found at the territorial clinic. You will be required to undergo short-term training on how to handle weapons and provide the appropriate documentation. You will have to present your passport and take photographs in advance. Additionally, when applying for a permit for a hunting rifle, you will need to present a hunter's ticket.

The proportion of citizens who were denied permission is quite large. The law establishes several reasons that are valid grounds for such a refusal.

  • First of all, a court decision on the ban.
  • The most common reason is an incorrectly collected package of documents.
  • Serious consequences, including denial of a license, will result from forgery of documents.
  • Before making a decision, the district police officer checks the availability of a safe for future weapons. If there is none, then permission will be denied.

Obtaining a license does not mean permission to use weapons arbitrarily. If a citizen uses it in the wrong place or in a situation that the law does not provide for, then he may be deprived of his license. A citizen may voluntarily refuse a weapons permit. In the event of his death, the heirs become the owner of the weapon, but they will immediately have to obtain a license, at least for storage, otherwise the weapon must be handed over to the police.

What documents need to be prepared?

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and four color matte photographs 3x4 cm.
  • A completed application for a license to purchase weapons (can be submitted on the State Services portal or the licensing and permitting authority of the Office of the Russian Guard (OLRR).
  • Two medical reports on forms No. 002-O/u and No. 003-O/u (you will need two 3x4 photographs).
  • State-issued hunting license.
  • A valid shotgun permit and a copy of it (to confirm five years of experience).
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