The nuances of obtaining a permit and license for traumatic weapons in 2022

Every person has the right to protect himself and his loved ones from criminal attacks, including self-defense.
The presence of weapons helps with this like nothing else. Pepper and gas sprays do not always help stop a criminal, and many are thinking about purchasing weapons of limited destruction.

Do I need to obtain a permit and license for weapons and how to obtain documents? How to properly store weapons for self-defense and how much does it cost to obtain a permit? You will learn this and much more from our article.

Do I need a permit for traumatic weapons in 2022?

Traumatic weapons were previously unofficially called “non-lethal”. However, due to the increasing frequency of accidents when using it, it is difficult to call it such. Such weapons include:

  • civilian firearms without a barrel;
  • gas pistols and revolvers (with rubber bullets);
  • limited-kill firearms;
  • service firearms of limited destruction (cartridges of traumatic effect).

The purpose of using these types is the self-defense of persons from criminal attacks on life and health (in other categories of crimes, the use of such weapons in defense is unacceptable) of themselves, as well as persons close to them. Is it possible to buy weapons without a license and permission? In order to purchase one of these types of weapons (except for service weapons), you must undergo special training and obtain a license . This is a requirement.

Where to start registering weapons

Traumatic weapons do not suddenly appear in the form of a gift, so the acquisition must be carefully prepared, which will reduce time costs. It is recommended that you first familiarize yourself with the law on weapons in its latest edition. You can read the articles selectively, identifying those that relate to trauma. This law determines that a certain category of citizens cannot obtain a license.

  • Minor citizens.
  • Having an outstanding criminal record.
  • Registered with a narcologist or psychiatrist.
  • Having punishments under an article of the administrative code related to violation of public order.

If you do not fit into any of these categories, then you can safely start collecting documents. Let’s imagine a step-by-step algorithm that must be followed so as not to waste time running through the authorities several times.

The legislative framework

  1. Federal Law No. 150 “On Weapons”. This act regulates the grounds for issuing a license for certain types of weapons, their circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation, the use and grounds for refusal or cancellation of permission to issue weapons.
  2. Government Decree No. 865 of August 28, 2012, which contains the Regulations on the use and circulation of firearms.
  3. Government Decree No. 814 of July 21, 1998, which also contains provisions on the circulation of weapons.
  4. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 288 of 04/12/1999, which is an instruction to the above-mentioned Resolution No. 814.
  5. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 408 of 05/05/2012, which regulates the procedure for issuing permits to persons to store weapons and ammunition for them.

Is it possible to buy an injury without a license?

Initially, anyone could have traumatic pistols. But due to the increasing number of cases of them causing serious harm to health, sometimes even fatal if they hit the eye or carotid artery at close range, Russian legislation has established a ban on the free sale of this means of self-defense without a special license to carry, store and purchase. Despite the fact that, compared to a military firearm, a traumatic pistol does not cause severe damage to health, its use is possible only if there is a real danger to the owner or close relatives.

Traumatic pistols include self-defense weapons that fire rubber bullets, the caliber (diameter) of which varies depending on the model.

The most popular models of traumatic weapons:

  • “Osa” PB-4 is a barrelless version, which is a whole functional complex, with traumatic, light-sound, lighting, signal or aerosol cartridges. The initial muzzle power of 120 J was slightly reduced, which reduced the level of injuries. Available in several versions and widely used in various law enforcement agencies.
  • The Makarych IZH-79 pistol is a clone of the famous PM Makarov’s firearm. Available in several types with different calibers of rubber cartridges: from 7.6 to 13 mm. The larger the diameter of the barrel, the higher the injury caused and the increase in impact force.
  • “Groza R-04” is a reliable traumatic weapon with a 9 mm caliber, convenient and easy to use.

How and where can I obtain a purchase license?

A license is an authorization act for the acquisition of weapons of limited destruction, on the basis of which the weapon itself and permission to operate it are acquired.

The act is executed on a numbered form, which contains:

  • photograph of the license holder;
  • his full name;
  • place of registration;
  • date of issue and expiration of the license;
  • name of the LRO and signature of the head of the department with a transcript.

The license is certified by two official seals of the Russian Guard: a seal that goes over the photo of the licensee and goes over the signature of the head of the department.

The photo shows what a license to purchase a traumatic weapon looks like:


A license for traumatic weapons is issued by the licensing and permitting department of the Russian Guard. His tasks include:

  • issuing permission to purchase, store and use weapons;
  • interaction with law enforcement agencies in solving crimes related to illegal weapons trafficking;
  • interaction with society in order to prevent offenses and crimes in the above area.

The basis for obtaining a license is the following information presented by a citizen of the Russian Federation to the licensing and permitting department:

  • personal statement of a citizen;
  • applicant's passport;
  • certificate of successful completion of training courses on safe handling of weapons;
  • medical report on the absence of obstacles to the use of weapons (in form 002-О/у);
  • certificates from PND and ND in form 003-О/у;
  • receipt of payment of the state fee for purchasing a license;
  • certificate of no criminal record.

The license gives the citizen the right to purchase a weapon within six months, after which it will be revoked.

Where to go in Samara

In 2022, in Samara, Samara region, to obtain a weapons permit, you can contact the following territorial divisions of the Russian Guard.

Office of the Russian Guard for the Samara Region

Full name no data Name no data District Leninsky E-mail Phone +7 (duty department) +7 (on issues of circulation of civilian weapons) Head no data Address Samara region, Samara, Vilonovskaya street, 2 Operating hours no data Website https://

Department of Private Security - Samara

Full name of the educational institution for the city of Samara - FFGKU UVO VNG of Russia for the Samara region Name of the educational institution for the city of Samara Kirovsky District E-mail no data Phone +7 Head no data Address Samara region, Samara, Young Pioneers Avenue, 161 Opening hours no data Website https: //

Licensing and Permitting Department - Samara

Full name Department of licensing and permitting work for the city of Samara and the Volzhsky district of the Office of the Russian Guard for the Samara region Name of the OLRR for the city of Samara and the Volzhsky district District Zheleznodorozhny E-mail no data Phone +7 Head Orlov Dmitry Aleksandrovich Address Samara region, Samara, Karl Marx Avenue, 39 Opening hours Tuesday-Friday: from 09:00 to 17:00 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month Saturday: from 09:00 to 13:00 Website

Center for licensing and permitting work in the Samara region

Full name of the TsLRR Office of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation for the Samara Region Name of the TsLRR Department of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region District Oktyabrsky E-mail no data Phone +7 Head Sazonov Dmitry Viktorovich Address Samara Region, Samara, Bolnichnaya Street, 33 Opening hours Tuesday-Friday: from 09:00 to 17:00 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month Saturday: from 09:00 to 13:00 Website

Storage and carrying

Having one license is not enough. On its basis, weapons are purchased, but within 14 days after this, the person must also purchase a permit. It is given for a specific type of traumatic weapon.

The permit states:

  1. model and caliber of weapon;
  2. serial number;
  3. validity period (date of issue and expiration of the permit - just like a license, the purchased weapon is valid for 5 years);
  4. name of the authority that issued the permit;
  5. Full name and signature of the head of the authority, as well as the official seal.

The following photo shows what a sample permit to carry and store weapons of limited destruction looks like:

Who issues?

What is needed to obtain a permit? The permit is issued by the licensing and permitting department of the Russian Guard upon presentation of a previously obtained license and the following list of documents:

  • application for a permit;
  • information about the purchased weapon.

A citizen must also have:

  • specially equipped safe for storage;
  • holster.

The purchase permit is valid for 5 years.

Is it possible to get permission quickly?

A license is issued within no more than a month from the date of registration of the application.

It is not possible to quickly obtain a permit for a traumatic weapon, since this process is regulated by law and such a document cannot be purchased in the metro. In any case, you will have to pass a medical examination in 2-3 days, successfully complete special courses (2-3 months), wait for the decision of the Russian Guard to refuse or allow the issuance of a permit, and only after that receive a ready permit.

Obtaining a permit for a traumatic weapon is possible both by independently collecting the necessary documents, and by contacting an organization that provides legal assistance in obtaining and renewing a permit. With the latter option, the process of obtaining permission will be slightly faster.

It is not recommended to resort to illegally acquiring a permit - in this case, you face criminal liability for forgery of documents.

Requirements for applicants

  1. Applicant's age. In accordance with Federal Law No. 150, a person who has reached the age of 21 can purchase a traumatic weapon, but there is also an exception to this rule (from 18 years of age):
      citizens who have completed military service;
  2. serving in state paramilitary bodies;
  3. having a military rank or a class rank of justice.
  4. No criminal record. Sometimes, not only a criminal record (including an expunged one), but also the very fact of being held criminally liable can become an obstacle.
  5. No medical contraindications. We are talking not only about the certificates required for obtaining a license from a psychoneurological dispensary and a drug dispensary. The general medical certificate established by form 002-O/u requires the conclusion of a therapist and an ophthalmologist.
  6. Citizens must take courses on the safe use of firearms.

Such courses can only be taught by organizations accredited by authorized government bodies.

Passing a medical examination and obtaining a certificate

Passing a medical commission is a mandatory procedure to obtain a license and permit. The applicant must pass:

  • therapist;
  • psychiatrist-neurologist;
  • psychiatrist-narcologist;
  • ophthalmologist.

A certificate in form 002-О/у (about the absence of contraindications to owning a weapon) is issued based on the conclusion of a therapist and an ophthalmologist. But before undergoing a general medical examination, a citizen must obtain certificates from a psychoneurological and drug dispensary (from which it is necessary to obtain a certificate in form 003-O/u confirming the absence of narcotic or psychotropic substances in the body). Both certificates are valid for 1 year.

A medical examination can be done both in a public clinic and in a private one, but provided that it has licenses:

  1. to carry out the activities of a psychiatrist;
  2. to carry out the activities of a narcologist;
  3. for a medical examination.

Self-defense equipment that does not require a license

There are several types of self-defense means that do not require mandatory permission:

  • Air pistols or revolvers - the muzzle force (power) should not exceed 7.5 J, and the bullet diameter should not exceed 4.5 mm.
  • Gas cartridges with various fillings are especially popular among representatives of the “weaker sex”, they take up little space, and are easy to use. The main requirement for the owner is the age of majority.
  • Stun guns - allow you to immobilize an attacker, operate on batteries and require skill to use. The maximum effect is achieved by direct touch, and this is not always possible, especially in winter.
  • “Udar” is a device that is a combination of gas and pneumatic weapons that shoots special capsules containing liquid. It works well regardless of the weather or time of year.

The signal, noise, starting type pistol - “Zoraki 914” is not a military weapon and is used for its intended purpose in sports competitions. It creates a loud noise effect with the emission of flames and is more suitable for signaling in case of danger or as a dog repeller. The Zoraki model fires blank cartridges. By unscrewing and removing the special plug, the gun can be used as a flare gun. It is allowed to buy a Zoraki injury without a license, but using it as a means of self-defense is prohibited by law. In addition, there is also a prohibition on sending this product by mail.

Courses, training and exam

The course program usually includes three compulsory areas:

  • basic firearms safety;
  • legal aspects of the circulation and handling of weapons, as well as the rights and obligations of a person who has permission to use weapons;
  • practical shooting lessons.

The training lasts 6 academic hours, excluding the exam. An educational organization must also have a number of criteria, namely: having a license and accreditation to carry out educational activities on training in the use of weapons.

In order to take courses, the organization or center that conducts such classes and issues certificates of completion must provide:

  • passport and its copy (including the page about registration in the Russian Federation);
  • medical certificates in forms 002-О/у and 003-О/у, which were mentioned earlier (they will then need to be provided to obtain a license);
  • three photos of the student.

Upon completion of the theoretical and practical part of the training, the person is issued a certificate of completion of the courses.

Possible reasons for refusal

You can become familiar with the conditions that prevent you from obtaining a permit by studying the text of the Federal Law “On Weapons” No. 150. MFC and police employees are guided by the provisions of this Law, which imposes restrictions if the following conditions are met:

  • health problems;
  • presence of administrative offenses during the last year;
  • current criminal record;
  • inappropriate storage conditions, etc.

A police officer has the right to check compliance with the requirements of the law at any time and to cancel a previously issued document if violations are detected.
The procedure for obtaining and renewing a weapons permit in the Russian Federation is considered one of the most stringent. Only if all the requirements are met does a citizen have the opportunity to store and use “firearms” for personal purposes (without violating laws). Practice shows that contacting the MFC increases the chances and also reduces moral and material costs.

Proper storage

Government Decree No. 814 regulates the procedure for storing weapons , including traumatic weapons, and ammunition for them in Art. 59. The citizen undertakes to install a safe or metal cabinet (or wooden, but lined with iron material), which will be closed from unauthorized persons with a combination or other lock. Wherein:

  1. safe wall thickness – at least 1 mm;
  2. must be mounted on bolts of at least 6 mm thickness;
  3. The safe itself is located indoors.

When applying for a license and permit, an OLRR employee will conduct an on-site inspection to ensure that the safe is present and installed correctly. In addition to the safe, the person will need a holster in which to carry a weapon.

Purchasing a safe

A gun safe is not a personal desire, but a real requirement. The fact is that the law establishes a procedure for issuing a weapons permit, which clearly states that during the period of verification of the submitted documents, the local inspector conducts an inspection of the place and conditions of storage of weapons. Later, the inspector is required to submit a report to the department based on the results of the inspection.

In practice, you should do things a little differently. First, a safe is purchased and installed in the room. The safe must be attached to the wall and lock securely. Then a police officer is invited, who immediately writes a report on the inspection. The citizen attaches this conclusion to all other documents.

How much does it cost: state duty and other expenses

First of all, in order to obtain a permit and license, a person will have to pay for training courses on handling weapons , the cost varies depending on the center or organization. The average price varies from 4.5 to 6 thousand rubles. Secondly, a medical commission can also cost a pretty penny.

If it is produced in government institutions, only chemical and toxicological research will be paid. Each region sets its own price (on average, it will range from 1 to 4.5 thousand rubles).

License and permit for traumatic weapons, in accordance with Art. 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, subject to state duty:

  • issuance of a license – 2000 rubles;
  • issuing a permit – 500 rubles.

Subsequently, both the license and the permit are subject to renewal (500 rubles for a permit; 250 rubles for renewal of a license).

Multifunctional center “My Documents” - Makhachkala

Where to go

NameMultifunctional center “My Documents” - Makhachkala
Phone number+7
What is the addressRepublic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, Khizroeva street, 81g
When it worksMonday-Saturday: from 08:00 to 20:00
Mail[email protected]
Region of the Russian FederationDagestan (republic)

Hunting season in Makhachkala in 2022

Address on the map

How to complete: required papers

  • Application from a citizen for the issuance of a license and (or) permit.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Receipts for payment of state duty.
  • Certificate of completion of a firearms safety course.
  • Certificates in form 002-О/у and 003-О/у from medical institutions and dispensaries.
  • Report from an employee of the Russian Guard on checking the presence of a specially installed safe.
  • Certificate of no criminal record.
  • 2 photos 3x4.

The application and package of documents are reviewed by the LRO within 10 days.

How to obtain a license and permit for the following types of weapons:

  • hunting;
  • emasculated;
  • pneumatic;
  • sports;
  • cold,

read the linked articles.

Hunting tickets

There are different weapons licenses, roughly speaking: for injuries and for guns. A federal hunting permit is required for a license. ticket for hunting and purchasing discounted vouchers - regional.

2.1. Federal hunting license (in person)

Print or save the hunting minimum to your phone, very useful reading, read it at your leisure. Knowledge was required when conducting hunts. minimum in the regional society of hunters.

Minimum hunting requirements (2)

Who issues: Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Omsk Region (Ministry of Natural Resources) Address: Omsk, st. Kuibysheva, 63 Work schedule: Monday – Thursday from 8:30 to 17:45, break from 13:00 to 14:00 Friday from 8:30 to 16:30, break from 13:00 to 14:00 Contact phone : +7(3812)393-549, +7(3812)393-526 – department of administrative practice and licensing activities of the department for the protection, control and conservation of wildlife and hunting resources Price: free

Required documents:

  1. Application: I downloaded the sample here, filled it out, turned in the printed form
  2. Consent to check personal data (so that they themselves make a request for a clean criminal record), the form is also available on the service page
  3. Copy of passport (can be done there too)
  4. 2 photos 30x40, one photo will be used, and the other will be used for crusts

I was nearby, so I stopped by in person: the offices were right at the entrance, they took the documents, they did it in 5 days.

2.2. Federal hunting license (government services)

We skip it, because Unfortunately, in our region, federal hunting tickets are not yet issued through government services.

2.3. Regional hunting license (in person)

Even I remember that it used to be called the regional hunting union and is located in the same building as the Hunt for Pushkin store. If you pay fees (every year before April 30), then the regional ticket gives significant discounts on vouchers. For example, the season for members is 1700, for non-members 4600

Difference in prices for vouchers for members and non-members of the hunting society

Who issues: OROO "Omsk Regional Society of Hunters and Fishers" Address: Omsk, st. Pushkina, 115 Working hours: Monday-Friday from 8:30 to 17:30 Contact phone number: Price: 900 rub.

Required documents:

  1. Passport
  2. Two photographs 3x4 cm (color or black and white)
  3. Application for membership in the society (fill out the form according to the established template)

Minimum hunting requirements (2)

On the second floor they gave out a sample application, a hunting minimum for study, downstairs I passed an exam on the hunting and fishing minimum (testing is carried out on hunting rules, safety precautions in hunting and fishing, handling of hunting weapons, knowledge of the types of hunting resources that are objects of hunting in the Omsk region )

I gave 900 rubles to the cashier. - entrance fee.

Through State Services

This service is available to persons who are registered on this portal. To proceed to ordering a license, you must select the “Security and Order” section. License to purchase weapons/type of license.


The procedure for obtaining a license has a certain algorithm:

  1. Select delivery method:
      order an electronic service;
  2. through a personal visit to the LRO.
  3. Filling out an application that must contain:
    • information about the applicant (full name, gender, date of birth);
    • passport details;

  4. SNILS;
  5. TIN;
  6. Place of Birth;
  7. LRO division;
  8. the type of weapon for which a license is purchased;
  9. information about the institution where the certificate of completion of the weapons handling course was received.
  10. The application must be accompanied by scanned copies of the training certificate, medical certificates and passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

  11. Payment of state duty . When paying through the State Services website, there is a 30% discount, that is, you will have to pay not 2 thousand, but 1400 rubles.
  12. Receiving a message from the LRO . It will indicate the decision to visit the department in person or to refuse due to insufficient information provided.
  13. Visit to LRO . The applicant must provide the originals of all documents specified in the list above upon personal appointment.


In addition to submitting documents through State Services or in person, the applicant can submit them through the MFC. To do this, you will need a similar package of documents as when submitting an application in person.

Terms of consideration

Documents are reviewed within 10 days. itself takes 30 days .

Purchasing process

After receiving a license, a person has 6 months to purchase a weapon. After the weapon is purchased, the citizen notifies the LRO within 14 days, which replaces the license with a permit. A separate permit is issued for each weapon.

What to do after receiving a license

The license obtained from OLRR is valid for six months. During this time, you should try to buy a pistol. If it is not purchased within 6 months, it must be returned.

The injury license is issued in three identical copies. One stays with the OLRR, the other with the gun dealer, and the third with the gun owner. When purchasing in a store, you must provide a license and passport. If a pistol is purchased secondhand, it must be re-registered. This can be done in a weapons store or in the OLRR at the place of residence of the person who is selling.

Then you can obtain permission to carry and store. The application and papers for this must be submitted within 2 weeks after purchasing the pistol.

Rules and procedure for renewal

What to do if your license and weapons permit expire? As with the initial receipt, the permit can be renewed through a personal visit, through the State Services website or the MFC 3 months before the expiration of the five-year period . For this you need:

  • application for extension;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • valid permit;
  • an act of checking the storage conditions of weapons, which was issued by an LRO employee;
  • medical certificates (similar to obtaining a license);
  • certificate of completion of weapons handling training;
  • 2 photographs 3x4;
  • Receipt for payment of state duty (500 rubles).

For more details on renewing your weapons permit, read the article at the link.

What happens if the documents are late?

In accordance with Art. 20.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, if the deadlines for re-registration of weapons are violated and the documents are expired, this entails a fine of 1 to 3 thousand rubles.

Find out if you can avoid a fine if you overstay your weapons permit in the article at the link.

Multifunctional center “My Documents” - Makhachkala

Where to apply

EstablishmentMultifunctional center “My Documents” - Makhachkala
What is the addressRepublic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, Akushinsky Avenue, 44b
Mail[email protected]
Institution website
Opening hoursMonday-Saturday: from 08:00 to 20:00
Region of the Russian FederationDagestan (republic)

On the map

Responsibility and punishment


In accordance with Part 6 of Art. 20.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the violator for the specified actions without a license or permit is subject to:

  1. fine (from 3 to 5 thousand rubles) with confiscation of weapons;
  2. administrative arrest (5-15 days) with confiscation.


Criminal liability for illegal handling of traumatic weapons is provided only in case of its sale (Part 4 of Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and is punishable by:

  • compulsory (up to 480 hours) or correctional labor (1-2 years);
  • restriction of freedom (up to 2 years) or forced labor (similar period);
  • arrest (3-6 months);
  • imprisonment for up to 2 years (an additional fine of up to 80 rubles may be imposed).

Liability may also arise for negligent storage if this resulted in death or serious injury to another person (Article 224):

  • fine (up to 100 thousand rubles);
  • compulsory (up to 360 hours) or corrective labor (up to 1 year);
  • restriction of freedom (up to 1 year) or arrest (up to 6 months).

If such an act resulted in the death of 2 or more persons - imprisonment for up to 2 years.

In order to purchase a traumatic weapon, a person must purchase a license , which will be the basis for its purchase and subsequent obtaining permission to store, carry and use. The permit must be renewed 3 months before the expiration of the five-year validity period.

Multifunctional center “My Documents” - Makhachkala

Where to go

EstablishmentMultifunctional center “My Documents” - Makhachkala
In what areaLeninist
Mail[email protected]
In what region of the Russian Federation is it located?Dagestan (republic)
What is the addressRepublic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, Nasrutdinova Avenue, 1
Organization website
When it worksMonday-Saturday: from 08:00 to 20:00
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