Do I need a license for a traumatic weapon and what is needed to obtain it?

In Russia, free circulation of weapons is prohibited. This prohibition means a certain taboo imposed on the possibility of acquiring weapons, storing and carrying them. This does not apply to all types of weapons. For example, pneumatics with certain indicators do not require special permits. Of all the types of weapons intended for self-defense, traumatic pistols are of particular interest.

The reason for such popularity lies in the fact that its design is similar to a real military weapon, but it is not intended to hit a target, because the traumatic weapon should only cause some damage to the enemy when firing rubber bullets.

Incompetent handling of traumatic weapons can lead to death, therefore a license for traumatic weapons is issued only to those who have completed the necessary training.

First of all, let’s figure out whether it is necessary to have a permit for a traumatic pistol in Russia, because the law on weapons does not say anything about traumatic pistols. The fact is that all weapons that are secretly considered traumatic are defined by law as firearms of limited destruction. The same law states that a special permit must be obtained for an LLC. This is a document with which you can purchase five units of LLC, carry it in compliance with established rules, and also store it at home in a special safe.

Where can I get a license?

The decision to purchase a traumatic weapon must be justified. The future owner must clearly understand what responsibility falls on him. Obtaining a license in this case is not a bureaucratic banality, but is a necessary measure taken by the state to ensure control over the circulation of weapons.

The competent authority responsible for licensing is the Office of the National Guard, which has departments for licensing and permitting work. It is to this department of their municipality, city or district that citizens should contact. It is important to understand that no other structure has the right to issue a weapons license.

There are three ways to contact the OLRR:

  1. report directly to the department;
  2. register on the government services portal;
  3. contact the MFC.

The result of such an application will be uniform - the citizen will receive a permit in the licensing department if all the requirements are met.

To obtain permission for an injury, you will have to collect the necessary documents and also take certain actions. In this case, it is advisable to adhere to the step-by-step algorithm, which will be given below.

Popular models

Traumatic weapons are popularly called traumatoma. The following brands are in demand in everyday use:

  1. "Wasp" PB-4-1 . This is a representative of barrelless versions of Russian traumatic weapons. Cartridges 18x45 mm. In the original models, the bullets were rubber, weighing almost 12 g, and the shot power was 120 J. Later, the power was reduced to reduce the risk of serious injury.
  2. "Thunderstorm R-04s" . This is one of the most reliable and simplest traumatic weapons to use. Revolver caliber 9 mm. When firing a shot from this weapon, the recoil is not felt as much. The shot accuracy is high.
  3. Pistol "Makarych" , which is an almost complete copy of the Makarov PM. Compact, reliable and solid.

Completion of training

The training procedure is important both for licensing authorities and for the citizen himself.

  • On the one hand, a certificate of completion of the course indicates that the applicant for a permit was given a series of lectures on safe handling of weapons.
  • On the other hand, a short educational program will be beneficial, especially for those who have never held a weapon in their hands.

Only training centers accredited for this type of activity have the right to conduct training. To avoid becoming a target of fraud, check your documents first.

The training program contains a number of legal issues, questions on fire training, and safety rules. There are also practical classes to practice skills such as loading and unloading weapons, aiming and shooting.

The training lasts only 2-3 days and ends with passing exams. There is a division into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part is represented by answering questions on the ticket, and the practical part is represented by shooting. As a result, the citizen must receive a certificate of completion of the courses and a certificate confirming the successful passing of the exams.

The cost of such training is about 5 thousand rubles. If the exam was not passed, then a re-examination is provided, but you will have to pay 1000 rubles for it. The number of samples is not limited, but each sample is paid.

Device "Blow"

It is used to shoot at an attacker using a liquid solution: a mixture of a gas can and a pistol.

Such weapons are charged with capsules filled with liquid. Designed for 2 thousand shots. Reliable and reusable weapons that do not require a license.


  • works regardless of weather conditions;
  • firing range 5 meters;
  • can be used in confined spaces;
  • the liquid is sprayed directionally;
  • minimal risk of harming yourself;
  • compact.


  • you need to aim carefully;
  • they need to shoot with their left hand;
  • If the capsules turn out to be of poor quality, the device will misfire, and the capsules may fall out or leak.

Medical commission

The next important requirement for an applicant to purchase a weapon is compliance with medical criteria. To do this, you must obtain a certificate of completion of a medical examination. The certificate is provided in a strictly established form 002-О/у. This form has recently replaced Form 046, which is still discussed in many sources on the topic of obtaining a license.

You can undergo a medical examination at a territorial clinic, as well as at any private clinic that has permits to conduct medical examinations. The difficulty is that you need to get a mark from a psychiatrist and a narcologist. A citizen must not be registered with a drug dispensary or mental health dispensary. If the chosen clinic does not have a narcologist or psychiatrist, you will have to contact dispensaries for the appropriate certificates.

An important innovation in the medical examination was a blood test, which is aimed at identifying narcotic substances in the blood. Such analysis is carried out for a fee. The total cost of a medical certificate is about 1,500 rubles, it is valid for 1 year.

Equipment for storage space

The next step is quite controversial. The paradox is that you first need to prepare a place to store weapons, and only then apply for a permit. But do not forget that the licensing department may refuse a submitted application, so before purchasing a safe you should once again familiarize yourself with the procedure for issuing a license to determine compliance with the requirements.

A gun safe must provide reliable protection against unauthorized entry. Firearms should not fall into the hands of a child or stranger. Gun stores have a variety of safes to choose from. When choosing, remember that the safe must be securely attached to the wall and also have a locking mechanism.

The procedure for providing services for obtaining weapons licenses is determined by law. It stipulates that the district police officer will come to inspect the storage location while processing the submitted documents. In practice, things are somewhat different. After installing the safe, it is advisable to invite the local inspector yourself and ask to draw up an inspection report. This act is submitted along with other documents to the department.

Gas canister

Gas weapons (spray) are the first thing that comes to mind when mentioning weapons without a license. The cans are:

  • gas;
  • pepper;
  • nerve-paralytic action.

Spray cans are especially popular among women because they weigh little, take up little space, and are easy to use. When purchasing this type of weapon, confirmation is required that the buyer is over 18 years of age.

The spray cans produced today contain pepper, its synthetic analogues, and tear substances.

Advantages of the can:

  • used on the principle of liquid spraying;
  • is inexpensive;
  • easy to use, even mentally: not everyone can shoot a pistol, but spraying liquid is much easier;
  • compact;
  • Its small size and weight allow you to always carry it with you.


  1. It’s not a very frightening weapon; it won’t scare off an aggressor; the psychological effect is minimal. The attacker can speed up the movement and have time to prevent the victim from using the spray can (for this reason it must be used immediately).
  2. Even with watery eyes, the attacker can continue to attack.
  3. Do not use in a closed room (elevator, corridor, stairs), otherwise you may get hurt.
  4. You need to aim as accurately as possible and take into account the direction of the wind, otherwise the spray cloud may get into your eyes.

Submitting an application

After all the steps described above, you should have enough documents to apply and receive a permit for a traumatic weapon. You should check their list again.

  • Photocopies of completed passport pages.
  • Two photographs of 3 cm by 4 cm format.
  • Report from the local inspector on the compliance of the conditions for storing weapons.
  • Certificate from a medical institution in form 002 O/u.
  • Certificate of completion of courses.
  • Certificate of successful completion of exams.

But the most important document remains the citizen’s personal statement. It can be prepared in advance by downloading the form on the Internet, or when visiting the department. The OLRR employee is obliged to give you a sample application or indicate its location on the information stand. The procedure for obtaining a personal injury license will only be initiated after the application has been submitted.

Most of the problems associated with bureaucratic delays arose due to long queues at the OLRR. After electronic services were introduced, the queues were significantly reduced. In the multifunctional center, every citizen has the opportunity to request any government service. A permit for a traumatic pistol is also such. When contacting the MFC, employees will ask you to give written consent to the processing of personal data. This is necessary because requests are made to third-party government agencies.

An alternative way to submit an application is to register on the government services portal. This allows you to select the necessary services and submit an application electronically. During registration, you must provide accurate personal information, as the system will check them for a certain time. The search bar will help you find the service you need. The system selects the municipality automatically, according to the user’s registration data.

Having defined the service, you must click on the “Get service” link. You will see a trivial application form, which will be partly already filled out. All you have to do is fill in the missing data and attach files with scanned documents. Looking ahead, we note that an application submitted in this way is considered by the department in the general manner. A department employee will print out the completed application, and all you have to do is sign.

Popular models

Traumatic weapons are popularly called traumatoma. The following brands are in demand in everyday use:

  1. "Wasp" PB-4-1 . This is a representative of barrelless versions of Russian traumatic weapons. Cartridges 18x45 mm. In the original models, the bullets were rubber, weighing almost 12 g, and the shot power was 120 J. Later, the power was reduced to reduce the risk of serious injury.
  2. "Thunderstorm R-04s" . This is one of the most reliable and simplest traumatic weapons to use. Revolver caliber 9 mm. When firing a shot from this weapon, the recoil is not felt as much. The shot accuracy is high.
  3. Pistol "Makarych" , which is an almost complete copy of the Makarov PM. Compact, reliable and solid.

Purchasing weapons

You will not be given permission to purchase weapons immediately. It will take several days to verify the provided documents. It is believed that one day after the application is submitted, the department must make a decision on whether the applicant meets or does not meet the requirements.

During this time, a citizen can receive a refusal by notification. The reason may be an incorrectly completed application or lack of documents, non-compliance with the age limit, or the presence of an outstanding criminal record.

Practice shows that it will not be possible to quickly prepare documents. This takes several weeks. But when the treasured piece of paper is in your hands, you are officially allowed to buy a traumatic weapon.

You shouldn’t rush into making a purchase, but you shouldn’t delay the matter either. If you do not purchase a weapon within 6 months, your license will be revoked. In any gun store, the buyer has many models of traumatic weapons to choose from. For those who are encountering trauma for the first time, it is necessary to remember that the model should be chosen based on its purpose.

  • On the one hand, the pistol must effectively protect the owner from the attacker in the event of the latter’s aggression.
  • On the other hand, the unsuccessful use of traumatism as self-defense will be interpreted as exceeding the limits of necessary defense.

The best option for beginners is the Osa barrelless pistol. It is also used as a signal weapon for noise and light exposure. You should also focus on price. It is advisable to choose an inexpensive specimen as your first barrel in life. The received permit will make it possible to purchase only smooth-bore weapons, since the requirements for rifled weapons are more stringent.

Characteristics of the AK-47

Caliber7.62 mm
Firing modessingle/automatic
Weapon length87 cm
Length including bayonet107 cm
Store capacity30 rounds
Weight without cartridges4.07 kg
Weight with loaded magazine4.7 kg
Effective firing range650 m
Weapon rate of fire660 rounds per minute
Effective shot range on a tall figure550 m
Rifling in the barrel4 things. with a pitch of 240 mm
Chuck used7.62 x 39 mm
Initial bullet speed715 m/s

The Kalashnikov assault rifle was created in the forties of the 20th century. At first, the weak point was the accuracy of fire. However, at that time it was not considered the most important characteristic. Since its creation, the machine has had excellent reliability, reliability, guaranteed service life, mechanical strength, and others. According to them, this weapon was one of the best in the world.

AKM and AKS-74U

Work on improving weapons did not stop, and in new models the problem with accuracy was solved. For example, the AKM, when firing at 800 m, showed a spread of 64 cm vertically and 90 cm horizontally. For the AK-74, these characteristics are respectively 48 and 64 cm.

Registration of injuries

Online users often ask whether traumatic weapons need to be registered. The procedure for registering a traumatic weapon is reminiscent of registering a hunting weapon, only if for the latter it is necessary to provide a ticket, then the traumatic weapon will be registered only with documents received from the seller.

After the purchase, the citizen is obliged to come to the OLRR within two weeks, where he submits the weapon for inspection. Examination shows that this model is used as a weapon of limited destruction and cannot be made into a real firearm. Registration involves recording a personnel number in a special journal.

From this moment the countdown of the ownership period begins. This is especially true when a citizen wants to obtain a permit for a rifle. After registration, the owner is issued a permit to carry and store the barrel. However, he must come to the OLRR with a holster.

When you do and don't need permission to buy pneumatics

All air pistols are divided into several groups according to the muzzle energy of the bullet.

  1. Models up to 3 Joules do not require permits. Carrying an air pistol of this type can also be carried out without restrictions. The only thing the owner should remember is that replicas of real combat models of firearms can attract the close attention of law enforcement officers.
  2. For devices with energy from 3 to 7.5 J (not inclusive) there is no need to obtain an air gun permit. However, the gun owner must comply with a number of requirements. In particular, follow the rules for carrying an air pistol.
  3. A license for an air pistol is required if its energy is in the range from 7.5 to 25 J. In this case, it is necessary to obtain permission to purchase from law enforcement agencies. After purchasing a pistol in specialized stores, you must hand over your license stub to record and control the period of ownership of the weapon. In addition, for models of this class, a permit to carry an air pistol is issued.

Important! On models with energy from 25 J, belonging to the special and sports classes, the entire range of permits is required. These are licenses to purchase, secure storage in an equipped safe, and carry weapons.

Transportation of traumatic weapons

When transporting weapons, you must have special accompanying documents. Such documents are not required for the transportation of traumatized goods, but it must be carried out within the area where the owner is registered. A traumatic pistol should only be carried in a holster.

The remaining rules are rather related to common sense. So, you should not display weapons in public places. The reaction of others may be ambiguous. Weapons are already seen not as a means of defense, but as a means of aggression.

Additional questions about obtaining a license

A trauma license is issued for 5 years. After this period, you do not have the right not only to use it, but also to store it at home. You should think about extending the document. The law stipulates that a citizen must submit an application and collect the necessary documents three months before the expiration of the current license.

This is due to the fact that the new document will be issued for a certain period of time. During this time, the old document must be valid. Otherwise, the citizen will face administrative punishment.

Every gun owner should understand the importance of the accounting work carried out by the licensing department. Due to the fact that all guns are registered, and the fact of the use of weapons is noted in a special journal, it is possible to control the legality of the use of weapons.

If the owner managed to buy a gun on the “black” market and does not have any permits, then a criminal case is opened against him for illegal possession of weapons. Thus, illegal trauma will bring many problems.

To reduce the number of illegal weapons, attempts are being made to simplify the registration system. The very opening of the MFC and the work of the public services portal have made it possible to increase the motivation of citizens. However, when renewing your license, you will have to take the exam again. This does not apply to training. The need to pass the exam is negatively assessed by the owners of trauma weapons, but if you think sensibly, this only increases the safety of carrying weapons.

Stun gun

This is a miniature device with two wires. When the corresponding button is pressed, an electric shock is given.

The power of the discharge can throw an adult off balance. In some types, you can adjust the discharge power.

The most vulnerable spots of a person for a stun gun:

  • neck;
  • groin;
  • hands;
  • back;
  • breast.

Advantages of a stun gun:

  • deprives the attacker of the ability to move for a short time, and the victim can escape;
  • hits the target from a distance of about 4 meters (models that shoot with electrodes have this capability);
  • compact, small in size, does not take up much space;
  • does not arouse suspicion, it can be disguised as a mobile phone;
  • will not provoke the attacker to further aggression.


  • most models require direct contact with the attacker;
  • We are dependent on batteries, we need to take care of them: always change or charge them, otherwise the owner of a non-working stun gun will be in danger and will anger the aggressor even more if he tries to use it;
  • In winter, a shocker will not always have an effect through a thick layer of clothing.

When choosing a stun gun, it is better to purchase one with a higher current strength.

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