What is a cold weapon SHP: everything you need to know about cold pistols

The purchase of firearms in the Russian Federation is highly limited. The law especially strictly limits the ability to purchase combat pistols and revolvers (the only exceptions are sports variants). With a long-barreled weapon the situation is simpler, but there are pitfalls here too. For example, automatic rifles are completely absent from circulation, and shotguns and carbines with rifled barrels can only be purchased after 5 years of holding a license for smooth-bore weapons.

Another exception to the rule was cold weapons capable of firing specialized cartridges. Such products are purchased by collectors (the SVDs have been written off from the warehouse, deactivated and sold into civilian hands) or for the needs of the film industry.

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Definition of the term “cold weapon” SHP

In short, a product (converted combat or originally released as such) is called a blank product, which, due to a number of design modifications made, is not capable of firing lethal ammunition. Even if the owner tries to fire a live cartridge from a cold Kalashnikov assault rifle, the machine will be destroyed. And to all of the above,

It must be remembered that converting an aerosol pistol into a traumatic one is a criminal offense and is prohibited by the law of the Russian Federation.

It is divided into two large groups, which have differences in design:

  • Products that are completely incapable of firing. Such options are most often monoliths and cannot be disassembled. Most often purchased as a gift or for personal collections;
  • Products that retain the ability to fire blank ammunition. In such samples, the internal mechanics are fully functional, and the automation reacts correctly to the impact of muzzle energy (self-loading and automatic rifles, pistols, submachine guns). Typically purchased for collections, film props, and as a teaching tool.

Once a combat pistol is cooled, it ceases to fall under the law prohibiting the possession of short-barreled weapons. It can be purchased by any citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of majority.

It is interesting that the deactivated models, unable to fire special cartridges, in fact belong to the MMG category - “mass-dimensional model”. In this version, anyone can buy it.

For convenience, agricultural products are divided into classes:

  • Short-barreled;
  • Long-barreled;

In turn, the short-barreled one is divided into subgroups:

  • Revolvers;
  • Pistols;

Long-barreled weapons are divided into 3 groups:

  • Not self-loading;
  • Self-loading;
  • Automatic;

Modern models are rarely converted to fire blank cartridges. Most often, older models with a military history that were used in certain military conflicts are found on sale.

Idle, as an analogue of combat

Within the framework of the law, it is possible to purchase only a cold version of a military weapon, and there must be a passport with the name “decommissioned cold weapon” of such and such a model with the ability to simulate a shot from it with a light-sound cartridge, with official seals and a test and safety report. SHPs are made on the basis of combat samples, they even have the serial number. They mainly use products written off from warehouses, and in some cases they use defects.

Do not purchase agricultural products from dubious sellers without documents! Choose only official stores.

Scope of application

There are several common scenarios for using cold weapons:

  1. Collectibles or as a gift. Probably the most common use of SHP and MMG weapons. No special documents are required for purchase, and it is not particularly expensive;
  2. In popular culture. No one will put real pistols in the hands of photographers or directors, and they have to be content with watered-down products. Military tactical games fall into this category;
  3. Development and training with weapons. Probably not the most common use case for a blank weapon;
  4. Self-defense. The strangest and most unpromising way to use weapon SHP.


What do those who sell empty guns think about the new law?

KP was unable to find businessmen who would be willing to talk openly about this topic. They are afraid of a slippery topic. However, one of the sellers agreed to an informal meeting.

A three-minute walk from Lubyanka Square I dive into the courtyards of historical mansions. Dmitry, 35 years old, meets me; he has been selling “bachelors” since they were legalized in 2012.

— Can you help me get it to the office? - he asks and opens the trunk of the car. Inside there are about 40 machine guns and pistols. The seller showed the product to the next customers before I arrived.

— Bloggers are filming a video on YouTube. They took two “Bratkovsky” AKSU (folding shortened Kalashnikov assault rifle. - Author). It was developed for paratroopers, but thanks to the TV series “Gangster Petersburg” the machine gun gained such fame,” explains Dmitry.

We go up to the store: a room without a sign with a couple of display cases and shelves. Buyers are clearly undemanding when it comes to service. According to the businessman, more often he travels himself upon request. And the office rented more to store its property. The main buyers are men who take it as a gift to friends. Some people buy it for self-defense.

The Beretta (17,500 rubles), the Colt (19,000) and the Makarov pistol (16,900) are returning to display cases. We display several types of Kalash rifles on stands (from 25 to 60 thousand). Here are the legendary rifles of the past - Simonov and Mosin (from 20 to 50 thousand). Nearby is a Winchester cowboy rifle for 75,000.

“I can negotiate an exclusive Kalashnikov or PPSh in a gold case - 350 thousand each,” says the seller. — I know where to buy a Maxim machine gun (a large one, on a machine with wheels. - Author), but the price there will be under half a million rubles.

- And they all shoot?

- Absolutely! But not with live rounds, but with flash-noise cartridges—blank ones. True, if we are talking about retro samples, cartridges are tight. Buying for modern machine guns and pistols is not a problem. One cartridge costs 18 - 25 rubles. But if you just want to hang a copy on the wall or show it to children at a life safety lesson, there is MMG, a mass-dimensional model. They don't shoot at all and are cheaper.

By the way.

Photo: Dmitry POLUKHIN

How are such weapons made?

SHP is not produced immediately like this. For production, scrapped or defective products are used, which are sent to the factory for processing. It is at the enterprise that the future fate of machine guns, pistols and carbines is decided. Most of it goes to scrap metal, and the rest is dismantled. From the resulting parts, they begin to assemble deactivated versions of military weapons capable of firing blank ammunition.

Each part has its own number and often they are mixed when assembling an agricultural product. As a result, the chamber, barrel, and receiver have different serial numbers. Collectors really appreciate models that have all the same numbers.


Processing the barrel for firing blank cartridges is very simple - it is tightly welded to the frame. This is necessary to exclude the possibility of converting the SHP model into a full-fledged combat model. The exception is models in which the automation is based on the stroke of the barrel. The chamber for blank ammunition is being modified. In some versions, the barrel is locked with a sleeve, after which it is compressed from the outside. Thus, the barrel bore is tightly blocked.


Additional pins are always installed on this part of a new cooled weapon. This is necessary to block the full movement of the entire bolt group and to prevent the chamber from fully locking.


To cool the receiver, additional pins are welded inside, which prevent the SHP from being converted into a combat one. Changes vary depending on the weapon model. A mark is engraved on the outside indicating that the product is deactivated.


— Is a cold weapon dangerous?

Dmitry takes out his smartphone. Opens a video from your collection. In the shot, a man brings a gun close to a watermelon. Bang - the pot-bellied one shatters into pieces. Then the shooter moves the muzzle 20 centimeters and pulls the trigger again. The crust just caved in.

— Conclusion: if you poke and shoot at a person, it will sting normally. From a distance there is no effect other than a roar. But what danger did the deputies see in it, if from the point of view of injury, axes are much more harmful? - the businessman is perplexed. - Let's register all the axes then. And then there are toy guns - they also rob banks.

What you need to buy a cold weapon

Most often in our country people want to buy pistols, revolvers and short-barreled assault rifles. Let's figure out what a cold weapon is and how it differs in acquisition from combat options. It is worth immediately understanding that signal pistols and revolvers do not fall under the category of agricultural weapons.

When purchasing a weapon, remember that it used to be a full-fledged combat pistol or machine gun.

Briefly, the question “what is a cold weapon” can be answered as follows - a weapon whose main mechanisms or barrel are sufficiently rendered unsuitable for firing cartridges with live and solid-state bullets. You can cool any sample and in any condition of the weapon itself - be it a pistol, revolver or sniper rifle.

Brief recommendations for purchasing SHP weapons:

  • Decide in advance what you need the cooled weapon for - collecting, training, etc.;
  • You should only purchase an SHP pistol or carbine from a trusted store. The weapon must be supplied with documentation (a passport describing the deactivation method and entering all part numbers);
  • You can only purchase a chilled product if you are 18 years old or older. No gun permit is required to purchase.

It’s very easy to feel the difference between the SHP pistol and the signal version. To create a blank, defective products are used, they are cooled and sold. Signal pistols are made from a full-fledged military product.

Do I need permission to purchase and store?

To purchase a cold product, you do not need to have a special permit; you just need to be an adult and legally capable. The exception is wholesale purchases (this is available only to legal entities). Special conditions for storing a cooled product are not required, but ammunition must be hidden in a place inaccessible to children and strangers.

What weapons are sold as decommissioned

In Federal Law No. 150, or more precisely in Article 13, there is the concept of decommissioned weapons. It is in this category that all cold trunks fall. Previously, agricultural production was not regulated by anything and was not mentioned in the laws of the Russian Federation.

Who buys agricultural products

Disposable items are purchased by collectors, individuals, military and various civilian organizations. For example, military historical communities or participants in role-playing games willingly buy agricultural products from eras of interest to them.

Self-defense situations

In any situation requiring self-defense, SHP is of little use. It cannot fire even rubber bullets, like traumatic pistols. Moreover, it may attract additional attention from the police if they feel that the cooled pistol was acquired in the wrong way.

Storage and wearing conditions

Unlike military or traumatic weapons, SHP does not require permission to carry. The cooled product can be carried in a backpack or bag, without open display, this will avoid attracting unnecessary attention to the owner.

Find out why a medical certificate for a weapon is required.

Scope of application

The scope of use of deactivated weapons is quite diverse. You can meet him as:

  • manuals for training and military training;
  • an exhibit exhibited for viewing at exhibitions or in museums;
  • collectibles;
  • props in cinema and theater;
  • main accessories in military-historical reconstructions and quests;
  • home, cafe or restaurant decoration.

Visually emasculated weapons do not differ from their combat counterparts, but they have a huge functional difference. More on this further...

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