MP 371: do you need a permit for a flash-noise weapon, can you carry it with you?

Zoraki LOM-S

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First, a few words about the main characteristics of the revolver:

Manufacturer countryTürkiye
Caliber5.6 mm
Combat prototypeabsent
Standard construction cartridges are used for shooting.5.6x16 mm
Drum calculatedfor 9 rounds
Mademade of zinc alloy with blued finish
Has a length143 mm
Weight750 g
Material from which the levorver is madeis a special iron alloy
Plasticonly grip pads
For corrosion protectionLOM-S parts are covered with a blued layer

It can be said that the sound effect when firing from the LOM-S is almost no different from the sound of a standard combat pistol.

Zoraki LOM-S

The drum tilts to the left and makes it possible to quickly reload, as well as extract spent cartridges.

Advantages and disadvantages: can be purchased without a license

Let's talk about the pros first.

  1. A characteristic feature of the pistol is that, once loaded, it is ready to fire; all that remains is to press the trigger.
  2. The simplicity and reliability of the design is ideal for teaching shooting skills.
  3. To tilt the drum, just press the button to the left of it.
  4. By clamping the rod in the front of the drum, you can remove cartridges from your chambers without straining. You can do this with one free hand.
  5. The availability of a signal pistol is determined by the fact that it can be purchased without a license (having a caliber of only 5.6mm, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, it is not subject to the 6mm restriction ban).
  6. Upon purchase, in addition to the pistol itself, the owner also receives a special attachment for a rocket launcher, designed to send signals using special rockets.
  7. The LOM-S fires in semi-automatic mode!

Disassembling the pistol

Disassembling the Zoraki LOM-S pistol

Thanks to the use of precision casting, the design of the trigger mechanism is as simple as possible, which leaves its mark on the process of disassembling and assembling the left-hander.

  1. Disassembly should begin with the handle.
  2. Next, after cocking the hammer, to fix the parts, insert a paper clip into the hole of the mainspring rod.
  3. We fix the drum pusher with a second paper clip, for which we insert it into the hole located next to the manufacturer’s logo.
  4. All that remains is to pull the trigger and start unscrewing the bolts, which does not present any difficulty.
  5. By removing the cover from the trigger, we gain access to all its parts.

The Makarov pistol. More information about the noise shot simulator

Nowadays, plastic cartridge simulators are being created for signal pistols. The latter are a sound signal, and the pistol is reloaded manually after each shot.

Steel cartridges are used to make the process of firing a weapon realistic, including removing and ejecting a cartridge from the chamber, as well as putting a new one into the chamber.

PM weapons copy combat models, which can also be said about its functional characteristics. The pistols are safe to use and reliable. They are needed to create sound signals and attract attention.

There may be different configurations of such weapons. Each shot requires re-loading the cartridges by hand. Another available option is to reproduce the shot by removing and ejecting the cartridge. Alternatively, this can be done by sending ammunition into the chamber.

Types and purpose

Light and sound weapons can only fire signal cartridges, say, sound, light or smoke.

It will not help you fight off a gang of criminals, however, shooting in the air or towards the offender will help you gain time and escape.

We must not forget that most models are created as an exact copy of an existing military weapon and therefore can be used for bluffing in the event of an attack.

Even a conscientious, sober person will not be able to immediately navigate the speed of the attack, let alone an alcoholic, drug addict or homeless person, who most often pose a danger to a city dweller.

Such a scarecrow is extremely effective in a situation where one loud sound or flash of light is enough to avoid an attack, say, if we are talking about a pack of dogs. For these purposes, there are even special models of light and sound weapons “Antidog”.

Important: registration of anti-dogs, tourist flare guns, sports signal pistols, as well as flash-noise weapons with a caliber of less than 0.4 mm is not required.

In their shape, they most often resemble rocket launchers. For lovers of dangerous tourism, there are special models. Their power is enough to force even a wolf or a bear to retreat. Also, many of these models can be used as tourist rocket launchers, but for this you will have to acquire special cartridges.

Models and purpose

Art. 1 Federal Law “On Weapons”: the “signal” category includes weapons, the design of which provides exclusively for the generation of signals (either light/smoke or sound).

Important: According to what cartridges are used to give signals, “signals” are divided into two groups:

  • light-smoke;
  • sound.

Models designed to provide light/smoke signals are usually called “rocket launchers” . The design of such pistols provides for the release of a single charge and the use of special cartridges.

Light-smoke models have different calibers and, although they are only capable of sending signals, they still belong to the category of civilian weapons (clause 4 of article 3 of the Federal Law “On Weapons”), as a result of which citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to purchase, store and use them only if you have a license.

Signal weapons for sending noise signals are models that differ from “rocket launchers” in a design more similar to military weapons. The principle of operation is similar to combat models, however, the barrel channels in noise signal pistols are usually sealed.

This eliminates the possibility of causing any physical harm - their task is mental influence in cases of self-defense and giving a starting signal. Such weapons are not subject to licensing.

How to convert a signal pistol into a combat pistol?

If we do not take into account those cases when gun owners alter or modify their pistols for entertaining purposes, then the conclusion arises that in Russia, as in European countries, those who are not allowed by law to buy traumatic weapons resort to this. Or we could be talking about individuals selling combat units on the black market.

The difficulty lies in the fact that legalizing design changes is almost impossible. If law enforcement officers stop a citizen with such a weapon and without the appropriate documentation, then he will face the punishment provided for in Article 222. There is liability for possession of firearms.

Circumstances may also be discovered that prove the detainee’s attitude towards the conversion of weapons. In this case, his actions are aggravated by Article 223. For the illegal manufacture of weapons, a citizen can receive a real prison sentence.

The MP-371 models are often redesigned. They are created on the basis of Makarov pistols, so for the MP-371 you can select the necessary spare parts (this can be spare magazines or trigger parts).

Some, for selfish or experimental purposes, remake the MP-371 for firearms or traumatic cartridges. In this case, the pistol is often adapted to the existing cartridges. Without serious interference in the design of the weapon itself, the MP-371 can be modified for traumatic cartridges 10 x 22 and 9 PA, or for cartridges for service or combat pistols 9 x 17 and 9 x 18, respectively. In any case, the barrel (the main part of the weapon) must be made.

The quality of the pistol, as well as the absence or presence of rifling, determines the capabilities and technical potential. And yet, we remind you that the reconstruction of the MP-371 signal pistols for combat or traumatic pistol cartridges falls under Article 223 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and the storage of such weapons and cartridges for them is subject to Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

It must be said that the model in question is far from an ideal “donor” for adaptation to a firearm.

It was designed in accordance with forensic requirements, which also take into account the possibility of using the main parts of the pistol (bolt, frame, barrel) in combat weapon models. The pistol bolt is weakened by removing the anti-stall ridges and thinning the sides, and a weakening cut is made on the “beard.”

The frame has a weakened barrel stand, made with the simulator barrel as a single whole. Because of this, all reconstructions of the MP-371 for combat or traumatic cartridges can provoke either the breakdown of the weapon during shooting, or its short life. But the above does not reduce liability for the illegal conversion of signal pistols into firearms.


Despite the fact that the Osa traumatic pistol is designed to fire large-caliber rubber bullets, it can also be used as a light-sound weapon, you just need to load it with the appropriate type of ammunition.

“Wasp”, depending on the model, can have two or four barrels. It is charged according to the cartridge-barrel principle. Four barrels - four shots.

Hitting a person with a light and sound projectile from the Wasp causes disorientation in space, lasting from 10 to 30 seconds. In addition, contact with the face causes burns.

An important advantage: the small dimensions of light and sound self-defense weapons allow the Wasp to be carried unnoticed and suddenly used, which will be an unpleasant surprise for the aggressor.

You can also use just light (lighting) cartridges, but the stunning effect from them will be less.

You can learn useful information about which self-defense pistols are allowed without a permit or license from this article.

Legislation on the use of signal weapons in self-defense situations

The use of signal weapons, in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, is always justified when there is a confirmed need for self-defense. This situation can be defined as the protection of an individual or his rights in the event of an illegal attack on them. In other cases, the use of signal weapons is strictly punishable by law.

People who have the right to carry and store signal weapons use them only in the situations considered. Otherwise, they can harm both other people and themselves.

Caution should never be forgotten, it is also important to follow established rules and take into account existing restrictions

Types of signal weapons

Signal weapons are included in the civilian category, and in order to carry them, you must obtain a certificate of conformity. This document is the basis for the sale of such pistols and the ammunition needed for them.

All noise weapons are conventionally divided into two types:

  • electronic pistols;
  • weapons using gunpowder.

The first type is becoming more and more popular during sports competitions. This is due to the reliability and accuracy of the pistol.

Starting weapons that use gunpowder to fire are divided into two types:

  • store;
  • revolver type.

Let's look at the super compact "Retay P114 Black".

Cartridges that are suitable for it:

  • light;
  • light and noise;
  • noise

Cartridges used to produce a sound and light signal are effective at night and have found their use in signal flares. Using a flare gun in an emergency can save its owner's life.

Area of ​​use:

  • repelling animals;
  • reconstruction of military actions;
  • weapons training;
  • signal for help;
  • sound signals.

Signal ammunition

The ammunition supplied with the rocket launcher comes in a wide range. They can be classified according to the presence of parachutes, the effect of the action and the number of stars. The simplest charges include single-star signal cartridges, but there are also ammunition with several colors, as well as smoke bombs. The maximum lifting height reaches 150 m, but this figure is relevant for favorable conditions of use.

The pyrotechnic projectile launched by a pen-shaped flare gun is visible from a distance of several kilometers. Recently, combined cartridges have become widespread, in which, along with color visual signaling, a noise effect is provided - it is provided by a howling pyrotechnic whistle.

Makarov MP-371 sonic scarecrow gun

The history of the Makarov pistol, popular in the Soviet Union, began immediately after the war in 1947, when Nikolai Fedorovich Makarov took part in a competition to develop a promising compact weapon chambered for a 9 mm cartridge.

After four years of painstaking calculations, research and testing, the PM was officially put into service in 1951.

The appearance repeats its prototype down to the smallest detail: it is made of the same weapons-grade steel and is produced at the same Izhevsk Baikal Mechanical Plant. See photo:

MP-371 (Makarova)

Read about the Makarov air pistol here.

Operational and technical characteristics:

The pistol has a caliber4.5 mm
Shopcapacity 8 cartridges
Weight730 gr
Standard dimensions for Makarov162x31x127 mm

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The principles of operation of this signal pistol are identical to the smallest details to the principles of its combat counterpart. It was this feature that made it possible to talk about its high reliability.

  1. The cartridges used are plastic or brass simulators that contain Zhevelo-N igniters designed for hunting.
  2. In turn, simulators made of steel are suitable for reusable use. A characteristic feature of the MP-371 is the need to reload after each shot fired.
  3. Unlike the standard barrel of its combat prototype, the Makarov starter pistol has a special rod with a longitudinal slot, on top of which is a metal cylinder. It is through it that powder gases are released when fired.

If you are in doubt about the choice, read the article about which Makarov air pistol is better to choose.

The principle and procedure for disassembling weapons

The principle and procedure for disassembling the MP-371 is similar to the Makarov pneumatic gun. The first step is to remove the magazine. Then, having previously pressed the trigger guard down, you need to pull the bolt frame in the rear direction and lift its back part up. Thus, the bolt and frame of the pistol are separated. Watch the video:

After all ammunition has been used up, the bolt carrier of the pistol is locked.

It is also worth reading the review of the Makarov air pistol.

Advantages and disadvantages: no need to obtain a carry permit

  1. One of the advantages of the pistol is its complete safety and non-traumatic nature.
  2. It does not fall within the 6mm limit, so no special permits or documents are needed to use it. Although, given the technical features and capabilities of the model, this is more of a psychological weapon, since it is not capable of causing injury.
  3. The Makarov scare pistol, the price of which makes it very affordable, will allow even a beginner to develop the most basic skills in using weapons.

As for the shortcomings, they are minor.

  1. For example, a pistol equipped with automatic equipment shoots only with brass cartridges, otherwise it quickly fails.
  2. MP-371 can only be used to produce sound signals. This is an independent unit and is not interchangeable with the combat model.

Another example of the starting version of the scarecrow pistol, photos of which are widely presented on the Internet, is its imported analogue called LOM-S.

Purpose and effectiveness of signal weapons

This highly specialized type of weapon is suitable exclusively for self-defense and nothing else. In general, a signal pistol is characterized exclusively by a psychological effect. But even this is enough for protection if needed.

Previously, the main purpose of signal pistols was to give sound signals during sports competitions. Nowadays, this weapon is often used as a means of personal protection.

Even taking into account its purely psychological influence on an attacker, a flare pistol is often used for self-defense. Since the weapon has a serious noise effect and a realistic appearance, you may get the impression that you are using a real combat pistol. The offender will be afraid to attack an armed person.

Cartridges for this type of weapon are needed only to cause the corresponding loud sound effect. The trigger is pulled out, the mechanism fires the cartridge under a certain pressure, the result is a shot that does not harm anyone. An adjustable fuse protects against uncontrolled operation.

What weapons can be purchased without permission and license: list

What other weapons can you buy without permission? A stun gun falls into this category. This means of protection is safe and quite compact. As for the owner, the stun gun will not cause him any harm. But the aggressor can suffer significantly.

It is best to have a weapon with a small number of volts, but at the same time have a large current. Thanks to this property, it will be possible to remove a person from an active state for about 30 minutes. If you purchase a weaker stun gun, you must take into account that the device does not work if the attacker is wearing warm clothes. Therefore, it is necessary to find a more vulnerable and open place on his body. For example, you can point a stun gun at the neck area. However, in the case of self-defense, the defender does not always have such an opportunity.

The main disadvantage of using this weapon is the fairly close contact with the aggressor. But with the help of a stun gun you can scare away angry dogs. It affects animals with its high-frequency crackling sound.

In our turbulent times, many people are interested in what weapons can be owned without permission. One of these products is the Pioneer pistol. This weapon for self-defense also does not require special permission. It combines a rocket launcher, gas and signal pistol. Today, the Pioneer is the best weapon for self-defense, but you need to learn how to use it correctly.

Advantages of this pistol:

  1. It is compact and lightweight.
  2. It can be recharged fairly quickly.
  3. Its handle has a replaceable clip.
  4. It shoots at about 5m.
  5. There is a bar and an aiming front sight.

Main disadvantages:

  1. Expensive.
  2. There is no laser target pointer.
  3. It can be quite hard to pull the trigger.

We continue to consider what weapons are allowed in Russia for self-defense. Many people believe that it is possible to use a regular gas pistol without special permission, as long as the canister is allowed. This self-defense weapon is controversial. Its principle of operation is approximately the same as that of a gas spray. The only difference is that the latter is cheaper, but it is much easier to maintain.

The main advantage of a gas pistol is that it can be used to exert good psychological pressure on the aggressor. Outwardly, it is very similar to a military weapon. In most cases, when a criminal sees a gun in the hands of a victim, he changes his mind about committing rash actions.

However, to purchase and carry a gas pistol, you need permission (in accordance with Article 13 of Federal Law 150). For violation of this rule, a fine of 500 to 5000 rubles is imposed. with the confiscation of cartridges and a pistol.

Currently, many people are wondering whether it is possible to buy a gun without a permit. This is allowed if its muzzle energy does not exceed 7.5 J and its caliber does not exceed 4.5 mm. Air pistols fire rubber bullets. The main task of such weapons is to influence the aggressor. Air pistols are very similar to firearms. Thanks to this, it is possible to quickly disorganize the attacker. However, it should be noted that this is also a weapon. Therefore, if an air pistol has a caliber of more than 4.5 mm, it requires a license.

Airsoft guns

Another striking representative of a purely psychological self-defense weapon is a weapon designed for playing airsoft.

Airsoft pistols are exact copies of military models, and even a specialist may find it difficult to determine by eye whether they are a toy or not.

But, as in the case of weak models of signal pistols, they have no practical use, and if the criminal is not afraid of its appearance, then the only thing the owner of the “toy” can do is use it as brass knuckles.

Take note: the advantages and disadvantages of airsoft pistols are almost the same as those of signal pistols, with the exception that among airsoft weapons there are almost completely no samples suitable for real self-defense.

So is it worth buying a starter pistol for self-defense? If the goal is only to scare the enemy and attract attention, then it is worth it, but if there is a possibility of serious danger, then it is better to purchase a more effective means, for example, a gas pistol “UDAR” or “Dobrynya”. You shouldn’t even try to get serious army signal pistols (flare guns) - the likelihood of ending up in the dock for murder committed while exceeding the limits of self-defense is too high. Watch a video review of the Dobrynya aerosol pistol:

You shouldn’t even try to get serious army signal pistols (flare guns) - the likelihood of ending up in the dock for murder committed while exceeding the limits of self-defense is too high. Watch a video review of the Dobrynya aerosol pistol:

The nuances of using noise (starting) pistols

The demand for signal weapons can be explained by the wide range of their applications. It is worth noting the following options for using such weapons:

  • for personal protection. Thanks to the noise shot, it is possible to inform about an attack or scare the bandits;
  • during the competition. When athletes begin a race, they must hear a certain sound signaling the start of the competition. The pistol is equipped with noise cartridges that also emit a light flash during a shot. Thus, participants in sports competitions receive a signal about the start of the race, and timekeepers can start counting the time in time;
  • for self-defense. Although the signal pistol is not a military weapon, it can be used to scare away dogs or intruders.

There are new, small-sized models of noise guns. Due to the small diameter and weight of the weapon, it can even be carried in a woman’s handbag.


The starting pistol was previously used only for sporting events. There was no talk of any other use of this type of weapon. Its purpose was determined by the name itself - starting, that is, to give a signal in swimming, athletics, horse racing, greyhound racing and other competitions.

Moreover, to start the stopwatches, the stewards relied not on the sound of the shot, but on the smoke or flash from it. This was due to the fact that the sound, due to the slow speed of transmission, could give some error in time.

In order for all athletes to be in equal conditions and, if possible, to simultaneously hear the sound of a shot, since the 70s of the last century, loudspeakers (speakers) began to be used to transmit it.

The attitude towards starting pistols was ambiguous. In 2009, a petition was submitted to the Olympic Committee on behalf of the State of Washington to abolish the use of starting pistols at the Olympic Games. This request was justified by the fact that a shot from a weapon, even if not a combat weapon, insults the memory of black athletes. Their ancestors lived in slavery under the threat of execution and often fled from armed men. The request was rejected.

In the process of developing automatic timing, attempts were made to abandon firearms and completely replace them with an electronic device that simulates both the sound of a shot and the flash itself. For the first time, such analogues of starting pistols were tested at the Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996. At the next Olympics, the starting firearm returned again. But e-guns were used at the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver. Apparently, the future belongs to these electronic devices.

Sporting pistols, reenactors and cooled weapons

There are two types of light and sound weapons, in relation to which there are still many legislative issues: sports pistols (starters) and cold weapons, in particular those used by reenactors.

In the first case, everything is relatively simple: the acquisition and storage of sports equipment is absolutely legal and does not require registration (with the exception of small arms used in competitive shooting).

As long as the starting gun is used on a treadmill, no problems will arise. But if you use it for self-defense, this could become the beginning of a criminal case.

Under no circumstances should the starter be used as a weapon of self-defense if it is certified as sports equipment.

A weapon that was once a combat weapon, but due to special operations, has lost such status, is a weapon that has been emasculated. Legislatively, it ceases to be considered a small arms weapon immediately after it loses the ability to use live ammunition.

This procedure is carried out at specially certified factories (most often - weapons manufacturing companies, say, the Kalashnikov concern).

Making changes to the design of such weapons is prohibited by law. The legal complexity of SHP (dry weapon) is that even without the ability to fire a live cartridge, it can still cause serious moral or physical harm. For example, some models have burst firing functions, which can seriously damage your eardrums or cause a panic attack. So, for example, the Russian Guard has been fighting for several years now about mandatory licensing of any agricultural weapon and assigning it a status equivalent to military weapons.

Judicial practice is as follows: as long as the agricultural product hangs on the wall, is pleasing to the eye and does not bother anyone, there will definitely be no claims against the owner. If it was fired, then a decision in favor of the owner can only be made if the necessary self-defense is proven. The use of such weapons for filming films or historical reconstructions is highly discouraged and requires special approval from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Obtaining such paper is difficult, and therefore you can find reenactors using agricultural products illegally. In this case, criminal cases are not initiated for two reasons: the remoteness of such events from human settlements and the absence of victims. However, if we theoretically assume a random check in the forest (or, more likely, at a traffic police post), then the owner of the agricultural enterprise may have serious problems.

Do you need a permit for cold weapons in Russia?

Lack of awareness of the legislation, which stipulates the rules for the acquisition and storage of decommissioned weapons, leads to the fact that many citizens do not dare to purchase them, even if there is a need for it. Others, on the contrary, manage to break the law, although, as such, a license for cold weapons is not provided.

Let’s take a closer look at all the nuances associated with visiting a gun store. Basically, the purchase of this type of weapon is carried out through specialized stores, using online orders, as well as through private advertisements. In Russia, sales are currently free, but there are a number of rules that, for your own safety, it is advisable to adhere to. If everything has become clear with the acquisition permit, then one more question remains: “Do I need to obtain a license to store agricultural products?”

The first thing you should focus on is having a special passport. It indicates the type of deactivation. In turn, such a passport can be considered proof that the weapon is empty. It will make it easier to transport a machine gun or pistol.

You can store agricultural products at home, and you do not need to equip a special safe. The law says nothing about this. But for his own peace of mind, he needs to choose a place where access for children is limited. There is no prohibition on carrying or transporting a cold model, with the exception of export from the country. You will have to present a special certificate at customs.

The layouts can be freely carried along the street, with one “but”. By attracting the attention of passers-by, you can become the object of surveillance by police officers. If the weapon does not have a passport that records the fact of deactivation, then you will have to fork out for a fine.

As a piece of advice, we recommend that you do not show your weapons to others. In addition, the pistol must be worn in a holster, and the AKM model in a special case; these requirements form the rules for carrying a cold weapon.

Five years after receiving the license, the document requires renewal. To do this, you must provide the same documents, a copy of the already issued license.

An extension may be refused for the following reasons:

  • bringing to administrative responsibility;
  • identification of significant defects, design changes;
  • violation of the rules for storing traumatic weapons.

It is recommended to submit an application for license renewal 2 months before its expiration; this time should be enough to complete all formal procedures.

  1. Permit for hunting weapons
  2. Permit for air guns
  3. Permit for traumatic weapons
  4. Permit for bladed and gas weapons
  5. Documents and registration of weapons
  6. Classification of firearms
  7. Security guard license
  8. Military ID
  9. Criminal record

Noise pistol "Stalker"

The main purpose is for sports and recreational shooting and mastering the skills of handling pistols. At the same time, the design of the Stalker signal pistols is so realistic and repeats the model of a military weapon that at first glance, inexperienced users will mistake it for a combat model. Polymer materials and metal alloys are used for manufacturing, which ensures excellent product quality.

The advantage of this type of weapon is its small size. It easily fits into a belt holster, carried in a bag, backpack, and so on. All models of signal pistols are supplied for sale exclusively in the factory version. Do not forget that any unauthorized change in design involves criminal liability.

Starting revolvers are considered multi-shot weapon models.

They are often used during competitions. This weapon is more reliable.

The weapon's drum rotates using the shooter's muscular strength, and if it misfires, a second shot can be fired immediately. Signal revolvers are usually equipped with various devices and backup cartridges.

Model range "Ekol"

Ekol starting pistols are produced by the Turkish company Voltran Ekol. It provides the market with models of a wide variety of weapons. There are small compact models for concealed carry, and there are also large, impressive products - analogues of the Beretta.

Minimalism in weapon design goes well with its functionality. Some models come complete with cases for storing the product, which saves the owner from additional expenses.

The Ekol Major Black model is one of the most popular among small pistols:

  • caliber – 9 mm;
  • 7-round magazine;
  • weight – 570 grams;
  • length – 162 mm;
  • height – 115 mm;
  • width – 30 mm;
  • type of ammunition - noise cartridges.

This “baby” will fit perfectly in a lady’s handbag and, on occasion, will help out its owner with a deafening shot. The most important thing is that no woman will be able to harm herself if she handles a weapon carelessly.

The variety of models will satisfy the most picky buyer, and he will definitely choose a suitable starting pistol. The price can range from $70 to $200 or more, everything will depend on the model of the pistol. All products are distinguished by quality and reliability.

Cartridges for signal pistol

In their design and features of use, signal pistols are similar to their combat counterparts. But the characteristic difference is considered to be the material of production (usually we are talking about zinc alloy) and the ability to shoot exclusively with blank (noise) cartridges. Many people use such weapons during military reconstructions. Signal guns use a noise, flash or light cartridge.

It is safe to use, because such a pistol cannot harm anyone. By law, an individual has the right to buy a starting weapon less than 6 mm without a license. Therefore, becoming the owner of a signal pistol is not at all difficult; the only limitation may be age. The buyer must be over eighteen years of age.

Popular models of signal revolvers

The "Guardian" signal revolver is produced by the Izhevsk Arms Plant. It is the first type of signal firearm developed in Russia. Currently out of production due to numerous defects. Available only under license and is a fairly common collector's item. The main buyers are hunters (a shot can be heard reliably for one kilometer), sports judges and security structures. The main disadvantage of the Sentinel signal revolver is the need to cock the hammer before each shot. Also, during operation, the fragile frame design was noted.

Flare pistols

Flare pistols may look like an exact copy of some combat models, or have a different appearance from them.

Their main task, as self-defense weapons, is to have a psychological effect on the aggressor, and also to attract the attention of passers-by or the police using the sound of a shot and a flash of flame. Also, using the sound effect of a flare gun, you can disperse a pack of stray dogs.

Flare pistols vary greatly in caliber and appearance, as well as in purpose. And if a starting pistol can only scare the enemy, then an army rocket launcher can kill a person outright.

From this article you will learn which weapons for self-defense do not require permission and a license.

But signal flares designed for military purposes are not available for free sale, and those “signals” that can be bought in a hunting or self-defense store are practically useless against a serious enemy. Moreover, the signal cartridge charge can bounce off thick clothing (jackets, sheepskin coats).Advantages:

  • Psychological effect.
  • A loud sound of a shot and a flash.
  • Serious military models are very effective in self-defense.


  • When firing from an army rocket launcher, there is a high probability of death for the enemy.
  • Powerful samples are not available for free sale.
  • Weak samples of “signals” are unsuitable if the enemy is not afraid.


Data that are tactical and technical characteristics are indicated by the manufacturer. If all the data really matches, then the instance receives a certificate of conformity. It is advisable to always carry this document with you. If there is no certificate, then a law enforcement officer has the right to seize the weapon and send it for examination.

The pistol comes with a magazine and 30 rounds of ammunition. The factory provides a two-year warranty. Modifications MP-371-02 and MP-371-03 differ in the set of kits and appearance. In later modifications, a characteristic Makarov tint, better known as a “beard,” can be found on the slide. The internal structure of the bolt is also different (a different shape of the cut, which prevents conversion into a military weapon), but the pistols are identical in their technical characteristics.

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