Correct aiming from the PM (Makarov pistol). what does the number on the rear sight of a Makarov pistol mean?

Checking the combat of pistols and bringing them to normal combat is carried out at ranges for PM 25 meters, for APS 50 meters (with the sight set at 100 meters), with cartridges from the same batch.

Shooting is carried out at a black circle with a diameter of 25 cm mounted on a shield 1 meter high and 0.5 m wide. The aiming point is the middle of the lower edge of the black circle or the center of the circle (Fig. 14 a, b).

Rice. 14. Test targets

The aiming point should be approximately at eye level of the shooter. The normal position of the STP is marked along a plumb line above the aiming point (with chalk or colored pencil). Which should be 12.5 cm above the aiming point, or coincide with it if the aiming point is the center of the circle for the PM, and 13 cm above the TP or coincide with it for the APS.

The combat check for PM pistols is carried out standing from the hand or from a rest.

When shooting from a rest, the hand with the pistol should be suspended and not touch the rest.

The combat check of APS pistols is carried out from a prone position with the butt attached to the holster.

To check the firing of pistols, the sighters fire 4 shots, aiming carefully and uniformly.

At the end of the shooting, the target is inspected and the accuracy of the battle and the position of the STP are determined by the location of the holes.

The accuracy of a pistol's firing is considered normal if all four holes or three (with one clearly torn off) fit into a circle (dimension) with a diameter of 15 cm for PM and 20 cm for APS. With normal combat accuracy, the commander determines the STP and measures the magnitude of its deviation from the CT.

The rear sight for the PM is replaced by a lower (higher) one if the STP is higher (lower) than the CT, the rear sight is moved to the left (right) if the STP is to the right (left) of the CT.

Increasing (decreasing) the rear sight by 1 mm changes the position of the STP in the corresponding direction by 19 cm.

When replacing one rear sight with another, its height changes by 0.25 mm. The rear sights are distributed by number as follows:


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