Pneumatic weapons in Russia: can you carry them with you, do you need a permit or license, the law


Air guns are the most affordable and widespread. But despite its supposed relative safety, in the wrong hands it can cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, the law strictly controls the purchase, registration and handling procedures of pneumatics. And for violation of legal requirements, liability and administrative penalties are provided.

Air guns: legal definition

Art. 1 of the law establishes the definition of pneumatic weapons. In accordance with it, pneumatics is a type of weapon that can be used to hit a target at a distance using a projectile, the movement of which is carried out due to the energy of compressed, liquefied or solidified gas.

On the territory of Russia, the acquisition of such weapons is usually associated with sporting activities or for hunting.

Is an air pistol or shotgun a real weapon?

From the point of view of the law, pneumatic weapons with muzzle energy from 3 to 25 Joules are also considered “civilian weapons” (Article No. 3 of the law).

An air pistol permit is not required in 2022 if it has a shot energy of less than 3 J! In this case, it will be considered nothing more than a toy.

Safety precautions

Despite the low energy of a shot from a pneumatic weapon, if handled incorrectly, it becomes a threat to the health and life of both the shooter and those present nearby. Therefore, before you start shooting with air guns, study safety precautions.

Safety precautions are a mandatory set of strict rules that are drawn up to prevent accidents. In many ways, they comply with the rules for handling firearms.

If you have a weapon in your hands, handle it as if it were loaded. Attentiveness and accuracy should not depend on whether you are about to shoot or simply moving the weapon from place to place. Any contact with a weapon should be handled responsibly and with care. A person who has a pneumatic weapon in his hands must ensure that the muzzle is not pointed at other people. Moreover, you cannot deliberately aim at people if the owner is sure that the pneumatic gun is not loaded, even as a joke. The weapon should be held with the barrel pointed to the ground or vertically upward. You can also point the barrel towards targets.

When aiming at the shooting range, or when moving with the gun raised while hunting, do not place your finger on the trigger. Place it on the bracket. This will prevent any accidental pressing of the trigger. For the same reasons, you cannot remove the weapon from the safety until you have made a balanced and deliberate decision to fire.

The weapon should be loaded and cocked when entering the firing position, and not earlier. In all other cases, the weapon must be unloaded:

  • during storage;
  • during the transportation;
  • when traveling to the shooting site and at transitions during the hunt.
  • at rest stops;
  • after shooting practice;
  • during the transfer of weapons to other hands;
  • when you get your hands on a weapon.

Violation of some of these rules will result in administrative fines.

The presence of a scope on an air rifle implies additional safety requirements:

  • The field of view from the optical sight is slightly narrower than the affected area. This explains the fact that the viewing horizon of the optics is slightly higher than the horizon of the barrel. Therefore, there is a possibility that an object that is very close to the shooter and invisible through the sight may fall into the affected area.
  • When firing, the eyepiece must not touch the face, otherwise the shooter will be injured as a result of the recoil of the weapon. The injury is not serious, but it is better to avoid it.

If the shooter is performing target practice from a distance of no more than 10 meters, it is better to protect his eyes with shooting safety glasses. If you practice indoors, use ear protection.

Before shooting, inspect the weapon and ammunition. Firstly, this will ensure that the weapon is in good working order and not damaged. It is prohibited to fire shots from a faulty weapon. If problems are identified, carefully unload the rifle and take it to a gunsmith for repairs.

Secondly, you need to make sure that there is no water, snow, earth or other foreign objects in the trunk that could get there when moving through the forest or were used to store weapons. If there is anything in the barrel, use a cleaning rod to clean it out. Shaking, blowing, or firing to release the muzzle may cause the barrel to burst if the object is firmly held there. Therefore, when going hunting or to the shooting range, take a gun cleaning kit with you.

It is allowed to use only cartridges suitable for a specific type of weapon. Look for information about the type and caliber in the instructions for your type of weapon. And when purchasing, check the characteristics of the cartridges according to the markings.

Air guns require regular maintenance and cleaning. Clean only after making sure that the weapon is unloaded and after removing the gas cylinder. If the weapon is not in use, perform preventive lubrication every 2 to 3 months. Air pistols are cleaned after every 250 shots. It is best to clean air rifles for hunting after each use when you return home. Also, between shots, wipe the muzzle channel from moisture and condensation. For rules and procedures for cleaning each weapon model, see the instructions for it.

It is prohibited to use air guns after drinking alcohol. Most gun-related accidents occur when people attempt to shoot while intoxicated. This happens because alcohol slows down the body's reactions and dulls the senses. Even experienced hunters in this state will not be able to completely control the situation. Therefore, firing an air gun while drunk can be dangerous.

Is it possible to buy pneumatics without a license and what kind?

Art. 9 of the said federal law establishes a rule according to which the acquisition of weapons or ammunition for them on the territory of the Russian Federation is accompanied by the issuance of a license.

The authority to issue a permit is vested in the federal executive body in charge of arms trafficking. A license is issued on the basis of a written application from persons.

Its validity period is half a year.

A license is not required when purchasing pneumatic sporting weapons with a power of no more than 7.5 J (Joules) and a caliber of up to 4.5 mm. These are important thresholds mentioned in several places in the Act.

Do I need a license for a Makarov air pistol or other “aircraft”?

As previously mentioned, the need to obtain a license is directly related to the power of pneumatic equipment. So, for example, in the case of purchasing a pneumatic Makarov, the power of which is less than 7.5 Joules, obtaining a license is not provided.

In accordance with the law (Article 13), the same rule applies in the case of purchasing an air rifle, the power of which is no more than 7.5 J. Its caliber must be no more than 4.5 millimeters.

For gun owners – changes from 2022

1. Licenses for the acquisition of civilian weapons issued to citizens of the Russian Federation before the entry into force of this Federal Law are recognized as valid.

2. If, in connection with the entry into force of this Federal Law, citizens of the Russian Federation who legally own civilian weapons or have a license to acquire them lose the right to purchase such weapons due to circumstances that occurred before the day this Federal Law entered into force law, they are allowed to store, store and carry weapons on the basis of previously issued relevant permits, including their subsequent renewal.

3. Citizens and legal entities that purchased decommissioned weapons before the entry into force of this Federal Law, no later than one year from the date of its entry into force, are obliged, in the manner and form established by the federal executive body authorized in the field of arms trafficking, notify the federal executive body authorized in the field of arms trafficking, or its territorial body, about the presence of decommissioned weapons.

1. This Federal Law comes into force one year after the day of its official publication, with the exception of the third subparagraph “c” of paragraph 7 and paragraph 8 of Article 1 of this Federal Law.

2. Paragraph three of subparagraph “c” of paragraph 7 and paragraph 8 of Article 1 of this Federal Law come into force on January 1, 2022.

of the Russian Federation V. PUTIN
Moscow, Kremlin

June 28, 2022

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The terms described below will be used in legal interpretations hereafter. I recommend you read it, there are some interesting points.

weapons - devices and objects that are structurally designed to hit a living or other target, or to send signals;

firearms - a weapon designed to mechanically hit a target at a distance with thrown equipment that receives directional movement due to the energy of a powder or other charge;

pneumatic weapon - a weapon designed to hit a target at a distance with a projectile that receives directional movement due to the energy of compressed, liquefied or solidified gas;

ammunition - weapons and projectile equipment intended to hit a target and containing explosive, propelling, pyrotechnic or expelling charges or a combination thereof;

cartridge - a device intended for firing from a weapon, combining into one unit with the help of a cartridge case the means of initiation, the propellant charge and the projectile equipment;

Weapons do not include products certified as household and industrial products, sports equipment that is structurally similar to weapons (hereinafter referred to as products structurally similar to weapons).

I don’t think any special comments on definitions are necessary. You can find fault with the words, but if you approach with a cool head, then everything seems to be fine. I’ll give you a transcript of the last paragraph a little later.

Procedure for purchasing air pistols and rifles according to the law

What is needed to purchase this category of weapons? Let's look at this issue below.

As noted earlier, the person purchasing pneumatics must be an adult when it comes to power of more than 3 J, since this category of weapons is sold only to persons over eighteen years of age.

When purchasing a hunting air rifle, pistol or other weapon, it must be registered with the Department of Internal Affairs at the buyer’s place of residence. Registration is carried out to obtain a permit to carry this deadly item, valid for 5 years.

To obtain a license, a person prepares a medical report, form 046 - 1, stating that there are no medical contraindications to obtaining the right to use weapons.

When purchasing sports pneumatics, a person will have to provide documents indicating that he is engaged in the relevant sport.

Rules for the use of air guns

It is permissible to use pneumatics in two areas.

So, according to Art. 3 of the law in question, the use of the specified type of equipment is allowed:

  1. in sports, for example, shooting at paper or cardboard targets;
  2. For the purpose of hunting, as previously mentioned, small animals and birds.

Where can you shoot with pneumatics: is it possible to shoot in a city or town

Based on the norms provided for by administrative legislation, shooting with pneumatic guns is permitted only in those places that meet safety conditions.

Such places are considered:

  • Polygon;
  • Shooting gallery;
  • Stand.

These places must belong to organizations that have received permission from municipal authorities and that comply with the developed safety rules.

Federal Law of June 28, 2021 N 231-FZ

  1. Interference with the trigger mechanism, for example, adjusting the trigger and changing the firing pin, will now be punishable under Article 223 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
  2. Lancasters, paradoxes and all “quasi-rifled” civilian weapons are now equated to weapons with a rifled barrel.

SHP, MMG, decommissioned educational equipment - now need to be registered. And not only those that you will buy later, but also what is already in the collection:

First quote: “Licenses for the acquisition of civilian weapons issued before the entry into force of this Federal Law to citizens of the Russian Federation are recognized as valid.”

Second quote: “If, in connection with the entry into force of this Federal Law, citizens of the Russian Federation who legally own civilian weapons or a license to acquire them lose the right to purchase such weapons due to circumstances that occurred before the date of entry into force of this Federal Law, they are allowed to store, store and carry weapons on the basis of previously issued relevant permits, including their subsequent renewal.”

On the one hand, well, that's all. On the other hand, I don’t believe that such idiotic changes will be able to function normally without autumn adjustments. (Adjustments to pills) Unless, of course, the goal is to make everyone and everything a nightmare. If this is the goal, then there are no questions, everything is clear.


There is no need to pester the State Duma with the same messages. Do you think someone will read them after realizing that they are the same? Hardly. But the feeling that gun owners are complete idiots will remain.


Leave the federation alone. They are not for you and me. They are for themselves. They have nothing to do with ordinary saiga breeders.


, the law will come into force in a year. Anyone who manages to buy smooth cars, Lancasters, etc. before the law comes into force will be forgiven. For the first time. But they will most likely stop producing cartridges sooner. Therefore, a barrel without 15,000+ rounds of ammunition in the kit does not make much sense. Well, or you need to stock up on consumables for the reload properly. And most importantly, you need to have time to buy it all.

Humanity learned to blow a cannonball through a tube at the same time as the invention of archery. Europeans came to replace gunpowder with air around the 15th century, and in the Soviet Union, the production of pneumatics began after the end of the Second World War.

In the modern era, pneumatic weapons do not compete with military weapons, but coexist peacefully. At the same time, the entertainment world of “aircraft” has grown out of the framework of shooting ranges. Although seemingly safe, the shot can cause serious damage and in some cases even be fatal.

Representatives of pneumatics are differentiated by quality, design, purpose and cost

Air pistol damage

Despite the fact that many believe that air pistols or rifles are harmless, according to statistics, more people die from their use than from the use of real hunting rifles!

In this regard, every person using this type of equipment should know that the most severe damage can be caused to the following organs:

  • Heart;
  • Organs of vision;
  • Necks;
  • Groin;
  • Visku.

Storing air guns at school

When it comes to storing pneumatics at school, first of all it should be noted that both the director of the educational institution and the teacher training students are responsible for its storage and proper use.

Pneumatic weapons must be stored in a specially equipped room, separate from other types of weapons available in the school.

Storage is carried out in cabinets or racks that exclude the possibility of removal or entry into the room.

Hunting with air rifles in Russia: what the law says

So, in accordance with current legislation, pneumatics that are allowed for use for hunting purposes are pneumatics with a power of more than 7.5 J.

The list of animals that can be hunted using this type of weapon is strictly limited.

Hunting is allowed on:

  • Protein;
  • Protein - flying squirrel;
  • Crow;
  • Ryabchikov;
  • Gorlits;
  • Chipmunks.

To hunt, a person must present the received hunting license and permission to carry and store weapons.

Walking in the forest without the specified documents, but with a weapon, is fraught with administrative fines.

It is allowed to stay in the forest without documents and with a weapon only if it is in a case, disassembled and unloaded.

Punishment for shooting with pneumatic guns in the city

Now let's take a closer look at the liability facing a person who used an air pistol within the city, depending on the circumstances and location. As in the previous case, here are some specific examples:

  1. In case of accidental use of a weapon (for example, if the pistol fired when dropped), its owner faces a fine of 10 to 15 thousand rubles. In 99% of cases, the court will confiscate the weapon, and may also issue a ban on the further acquisition and carrying of pneumatic weapons with a power exceeding 3 J.
  2. For shooting from an air rifle or pistol with a power exceeding 7.5 J, criminal liability is provided in the form of imprisonment for up to 2 years or a fine of 100 to 300 thousand rubles. In this case, it is worth taking into account the intent of the shooter (if he was defending himself or loved ones from an attack, then the punishment may be mitigated).
  3. For killing or injuring a person using magnum and supermagnum class pneumatics (above 7.5 J), an article on intentional harm to health is assigned. And this is not surprising, because such pneumatics must be carried in a discharged state and cannot be used in the city.

And these are just the main points that are worth paying attention to. To summarize, I would like to say that if you are the owner of a pneumatic weapon whose power exceeds 7.5 J, then using such weapons in the city is strictly prohibited. Pistols and rifles with a power from 3 J to 7.5 J are allowed to be used in the city only if one of the people is in serious danger (and even then it is worth preparing for lengthy legal proceedings). But shooting from pneumatics up to 3 J is not prohibited by law, unless, of course, it threatens the health of other citizens and does not disturb anyone’s peace.

Pneumatics for self-defense

As previously mentioned, the use of pneumatics is allowed only for hunting and sports.

The use of this type of weapon for self-defense is not allowed!

This is due to the fact that in some cases, serious harm to the health of a third party can be caused when using equipment.

Such actions will correspond to an excess of permissible measures of self-defense, and will be qualified as an act punishable by criminal law.

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