Expired license for traumatic weapons: what to do. Renewing a license for a traumatic weapon: step-by-step instructions

Sooner or later, every person who has an “injury” is faced with the fact that his license for a traumatic weapon has expired. This phenomenon imposes a ban on wearing and storing the mentioned object. Its presence in a citizen can entail criminal liability. However, with the right actions, problems can be avoided. What is it about? What to do if the license for a particular traumatic weapon has expired? How can I reissue it? Is it possible to extend the validity of the document? What papers are useful in this situation? Understanding all these aspects is not as difficult as it might seem.

Extension or re-registration

The first step is to understand what exactly you will have to do if your license for a traumatic weapon has expired. Such objects are a fairly common form of self-defense. But the law in Russia states that the owner of a “trauma” is required to have permission in the established form to store and carry weapons.

If the license has expired, it can be renewed. This is normal practice. There is no need to fill out the paperwork again. Only if we are talking about new weapons. Accordingly, the delay of the license provides for the extension of the mentioned document.


Despite this, we must take into account that the right to carry and store traumatic weapons can be lost over time. Even if the citizen has a license in the established form.

A traumatic pistol (like other weapons) cannot be carried or stored:

  • incapacitated persons;
  • minors;
  • who have committed an administrative violation (restriction for a year);
  • people without a fixed place of residence;
  • convicted or in custody;
  • persons registered in drug and psychodispensaries;
  • for those who did not provide a complete package of papers for registration/renewal of a license.

In any case, if the document you are studying has expired, you will have to think about renewing it. This is not as difficult to do as it seems. Often, the initial registration of the appropriate permit is more troublesome.

Traumatic weapon

Unfortunately, no one is yet safe from encounters with robbers, aggressive hooligans or people in a state of acute mental disorder. As practice shows, in such cases, neither physical strength nor any martial arts techniques often help. On the other hand, the “short-barreled” weapon, so coveted by many firearms enthusiasts, is also not a panacea. Using it can easily lead the defender straight to the dock, not to mention the ethical side of the issue. A possible way out of this difficult situation could be the purchase of a traumatic pistol. Theoretically, such a means of self-defense can stop an attacker without causing significant harm to his health.

Where to go

The first question that a citizen has is: “Where should I go if my license for a traumatic weapon has expired?” It is advisable not to delay its extension. But where is this operation performed?

Today, citizens can bring their idea to life in the following bodies:

  • district department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • MFC (in some regions);
  • portal "Government Services".

More and more often, the population is using the latter scenario. Nevertheless, appeals to the Ministry of Internal Affairs still have good demand among citizens. This is the fastest, simplest and most effective solution.


Do you want to renew your license for a traumatic weapon? What is needed to achieve the task? With proper preparation, this process will not take much time.

The algorithm of actions looks something like this:

  1. Collection of all necessary papers to renew the document. A complete list of them will be presented later.
  2. Complete gun safety training. This stage is mandatory, especially during the initial execution of the mentioned document. Special courses are organized to obtain a license for traumatic weapons. You can learn how to safely handle such items only in special educational institutions that have received permission from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  3. Medical examination of the body. Every citizen is required to report on his health to the licensing authority.
  4. Submitting an application for license renewal. For example, for a traumatic pistol. The application is accompanied by a package of documents collected in advance, a medical certificate and an extract issued by the training center.
  5. Payment of the state fee for the operation.
  6. Waiting for a decision. If everything is done correctly, the citizen will have his gun license renewed. Otherwise, you will either have to accept the ban, or correct the mistakes made and resubmit the request to one or another body.

In fact, there is nothing difficult about this. In particular, if the citizen already had a license. The main thing is to hurry up with its extension.

How to renew a license for a traumatic weapon

To obtain an extension of a permit for a traumatic weapon, you need to collect a certain package of documents. In such articles, special attention is paid to this point. Remember that you have limited time to complete the renewal, so it is important not to waste it collecting paperwork.

The list of documents includes:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Photo 3x4 cm with a matte surface without a corner.
  • Certificate of passing a medical examination, issued in form 002-О/у.
  • A valid permit or a copy thereof.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.

In one of the paragraphs, we indicated that the notification may include a refusal to renew the validity of the document. Such a decision is made by the OLRR not spontaneously, but due to the presence of compelling reasons.

  • Bringing a citizen to administrative responsibility due to a violation of public order.
  • Storage of weapons not in accordance with established rules. An example would be storage outside a safe. In this case, the permit will not be extended, despite the fact that the district police officer did not find any violations when the application was first submitted. Please note that a special safe must be equipped before purchasing any firearms, including hunting ones.

Documents should be submitted to renew a permit for smooth-bore weapons to the Licensing and Permitting Divisions of the Russian Guard, which exist in each region and in most cities. There are inter-district branches for rural areas. Find out which one you belong to on the website of the Russian Guard or on the government services portal. The opening hours of the branches are also indicated here.

Here are the documents that the LRR department will require from you to re-register a weapon:


  • statement
  • copy of passport
    (page spreads with photo and registration at place of residence);
  • copy of the current license
  • certificate of verification of storage conditions
    (for rifled and smooth-bore, issued by the district police officer upon request);
  • a receipt
    stating that the state duty has been paid;
  • medical certificate in form
    No. 002-0/u or No. 003-0/u. Issued after passing a medical examination at a clinic or medical center;
  • hunting license
    (if you are keen on hunting and are submitting documents to renew your permit for a hunting weapon) and a copy of the technical passport (if the weapon is a long-barreled firearm with a rifled barrel) - only pages that indicate the type, brand, serial number, date of manufacture, stamp on the date of the event control shooting and certification mark or control shooting protocol;
  • an order from the head of an organization
    or hunting enterprise (operating in accordance with the statutory objectives in the field of hunting), which confirms the applicant’s right to engage in professional activities related to hunting (represented by the applicant engaged in professional activities related to hunting);
  • certificate of passing an exam
    in handling weapons (if you apply for a new license in a timely manner, you do not need to undergo training, a knowledge test is enough);
  • 2 photos 3x4 cm

Already at the department, the employee will draw up a technical inspection report, which is included in the documents for the renewal of smooth-bore weapons and any other.

As of October 1, 2017, one-time fees for the provision of licensing and permitting services have been abolished, and the state fee for renewing a permit for traumatic weapons in 2022 is 500 rubles

. Any payment method: cash through a bank branch, from a card through an ATM or online banking. When submitting an application through the government services website, the state fee for renewing a weapons permit in 2021 is paid with a 30% discount and will cost 350 rubles. The discount is valid for electronic submission of an application and non-cash payment via a bank card, e-wallet or mobile phone.

In this section - renewal of a weapons license 2021

, step-by-step instructions for those who are registered on the government services website.

Renewing your permit online is the fastest way to complete documents. The most convenient way to renew a weapons license 2022 is through State Services; for this you will need:

  1. Register on the government services website
    (the procedure is described on the main page).
  2. Go to your personal account and in the search type “Extension of permission to store and carry hunting, pneumatic, firearms or firearms and ammunition for them.” Another way is to open the “Categories” section, then “Weapon registration”, select the type of weapon, then the “License renewal” section.
  3. Fill out the application form
    (most of the personal information is filled in automatically with the data you provided when registering on the site).
  4. Select the licensing department
    at the place of permanent registration (temporary will not work), make an appointment to draw up an inspection report.
  5. Enter information about the weapons you have
    (purpose, model, permit details). It doesn’t matter here whether you are renewing your permit for a rifle, smooth-bore or sporting weapon - the form is the same.
  6. Attach scans
    of the required documents (the package is the same as for personal submission through the LRR office).
  7. Confirm that
    the application and documents have been sent for consideration.

Once all required documents have been submitted, the countdown begins and a renewed license is issued after 30 days. If the document is ready earlier, you will be notified by SMS message. To obtain a renewal of a license for a traumatic weapon in 2022 in paper form, you should make an appointment at the LRR department through the government services portal or by calling the department.

The applicant will need to contact the permitting department and collect a certain package of documents, which is mandatory for the upcoming receipt of a license to use traumatic weapons:

  1. Medical certificate, which must be issued in form No. 046-1.
  2. Completed application. It is necessary to provide correct passport information and statement data.
  3. Original and copy of completed pages of the Russian passport.
  4. Two photos. The size of the photographs taken must be 3*4.

The permission obtained will be for a truly limited period of time. The document is provided for 5 years only. After this, you will need to take care of obtaining an up-to-date document or getting rid of traumatic weapons. To do this, you will need to go to the registration section and provide passport information, SNILS, and provide current contact information. In addition, you will need to obtain a code combination for subsequent activation of the profile being created. The code can be found in a specialized center or ordered delivery of the corresponding letter.

An electronic signature may be used to verify your account.

Based on the results of the event, you can receive a report (an inspection report of the automatic weapons used). Then the citizen will need to submit the weapon to the police department within a specified time frame so that professionals can check its serviceability.

Then the applicant is required to collect the established package of documents, which is presented for the successful implementation of the planned event. If at least one certificate is missing, renewal will not be possible.

The documents will need to be submitted to the OLRR in the future. Documents must be submitted within the deadlines specified in the current Russian legislation.

About the medical examination

Has your license for traumatic weapons expired? As already mentioned, a person will have to undergo a medical examination, during which the state of health will be confirmed.

Private medical centers offer entire complexes for obtaining an extract of the established form. It is enough to contact one or another institution and ask to sign up for an examination to obtain a license to carry and store traumatic weapons.

What doctors will you have to see? Among them are:

  • therapist (family doctor/general practitioner);
  • narcologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • neurologist;
  • ophthalmologist.

In this case, it is usually not necessary to see a neurologist. But you will have to bring certificates from a narcologist and a psychiatrist. After all, every citizen is obliged to prove his adequacy. After a medical examination, the person will be given a certificate of form 046-1. This is what will come in handy in the future.

The legislative framework

Before you think about buying a weapon, you need to consider federal legislation, what the law dictates in this case. According to Article 24 of the Federal Law on Weapons No. 150-FZ, for Russian citizens, weapons should not be used unless absolutely necessary and should not cause harm to third parties. Citizens of the Russian Federation can use the weapons they have to protect life, health and property. In this case, the following circumstances must be taken into account:

  1. Weapons must be legally owned.
  2. The use of a weapon must be preceded by a clearly expressed warning to the person against whom the weapon is used.

It is prohibited to use firearms:

  • In relation to women, persons with obvious signs of disability, minors, when their age is obvious or known, with the exception of cases of an armed or group attack by these persons.
  • In the event of the use of a weapon, the owner is obliged, no later than 24 hours, to inform the internal affairs body about the fact of the use of a weapon.

There are a number of restrictions on carrying weapons. Prohibited:

  • Carrying a weapon while intoxicated.
  • Carry a weapon while participating in meetings, rallies, demonstrations, sports and other public events.
  • Drawing a weapon if there is no reason to use it.
  • Use weapons of cultural value, antique, collectible weapons.

About documents

Do you need a license for a traumatic weapon? Documents requested by government agencies during initial or repeated paperwork play an important role. There is no serious paperwork involved in implementing the process. Some problems may arise when passing the medical commission, but nothing more.

So, if a person has an expired license for a traumatic weapon, he must bring with a statement of the established form:

  • passport;
  • medical certificate;
  • certificate of completion of training in a special institution;
  • photographs (2 pieces, size 3x4);
  • military ID (for men);
  • hunting license (if we are talking about hunting weapons);
  • old license.

It would be enough. Usually citizens make do with the first 4 papers. They are submitted to the relevant registration authority along with:

  • permission to purchase weapons (especially when obtaining a license for the first time);
  • receipt of payment of the duty (100 rubles);
  • weapon insurance;
  • spent cartridges in special packaging.

In addition, a citizen must submit his weapon for inspection to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. All accompanying documents issued upon purchase will have to be attached to it.

About training

The next important step is training. As already mentioned, a citizen must take special courses to obtain a license for traumatic weapons. This operation is necessary both for the initial execution of the document and for its renewal.

At courses in special institutions (you will have to learn about them separately in each region) you will learn:

  • use weapons carefully;
  • will introduce you to the law “On Weapons”;
  • will tell you how to store and carry weapons;
  • will report liability for lack of a license.

All this is extremely useful. The training will not be in vain. Only after this the registration authority will make a positive decision on the extension of the mentioned paper. In addition, you will have to buy a safe to store weapons. Without it, permission in the established form will not be obtained.

What does the law on pneumatics say?

Pneumatic weapons are one of the types of civilian weapons intended for certain types of sports or hunting. The principle of operation is the ejection of a projectile under the influence of gas under pressure. The ammunition is a single structure consisting of a bullet, a valve and a charge.

Based on the type of pneumatic system design, weapons permitted in the Russian Federation are divided into two main types:

The use of different designs determines the main parameter of the weapon - muzzle energy, which is characterized by the kinetic energy of the pneumatic cartridge. In accordance with GOST R 51612-2000 “Pneumatic weapons,” muzzle energy is calculated using formulas based on the average mass of a bullet of a certain caliber and the measured time of its flight.

The time is calculated from the moment the shot is fired until the bullet reaches a distance of 1 m from the muzzle of the barrel and is determined taking into account the effect of air resistance.

The value of this indicator allows us to classify pneumatics:

Products with a muzzle energy of less than 3 J, but having in their design the main parts of a firearm, are also considered to be air guns.

Important! In accordance with the Federal Law of December 13, 1996 No. 150-FZ “On Weapons,” pneumatic weapons are not intended for self-defense.

Which pneumatic weapons require a permit and which do not?

Pneumatic weapons with a muzzle energy of no more than 7.5 J and a caliber of up to 4.5 mm are not subject to registration and do not require a license for the right to use.

For other weapons with higher performance, a permit is required.


Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18 can purchase pneumatic weapons.

Punishment for violations

In accordance with Art. 20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses for violations that infringe on public order and public safety, the following penalties are provided:

  • clause 9 – installation of a special silencer or night vision sight – fine from 2000 to 2500 rubles. with confiscation of an illegally installed device
  • clause 10 – illegal sale or transfer to another civilian – fine of up to 5,000 rubles. with confiscation of weapons
  • clause 11 – violation of registration deadlines – fine of up to 3,000 rubles.
  • clause 13.1 – violation of the rules when shooting in a specially designated place – fine of up to 5,000 rubles. with or without confiscation
  • clause 13.2 – firing a weapon within a city or other populated area, as well as in places where such actions are prohibited – a fine of up to 50,000 rubles. with confiscation of weapons and ammunition

In accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, penalties may be as follows:

Thus, prosecution is possible even for violations when using a pistol with minimal muzzle energy.

Submitting an application

Do you need a license to purchase traumatic weapons? As soon as a person submits an application in the prescribed form to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he will have to “sit at his desk” for a while. What does it mean?

Each citizen undergoes a small certification. It usually consists of 10 questions related to storing and carrying traumatic weapons. All knowledge will be obtained in the courses. Usually there are no problems with the exam. Sometimes certification is carried out directly at the educational institution, after which the citizen is given a certificate of successful completion of a training course in the use of traumatic weapons.

The procedure for purchasing traumatic weapons

Buying a traumatic pistol does not come down to a trivial visit to a gun store. To legally carry weapons and ammunition, you must first obtain a purchase permit and then register the purchased weapon with the licensing department.

At the first stage, you will have to undergo training on safety issues when handling weapons. Regardless of your experience, such training is mandatory for everyone. Proof of completion of the course is a certificate of completion and successful passing of examinations.

The purchase of weapons itself should take place in special weapons stores. When registering a revolver, you will need documents confirming the activities of the seller, so a pistol purchased from a dubious person can cause a lot of difficulties in registration.


It is important to understand that the delay of any document entails certain consequences. Liability for an expired license for a traumatic weapon is often expressed by a fine. This is an administrative violation that does not scare the population too much.

How is such a scenario punishable? The fine for an expired license for traumatic weapons in Russia today ranges from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. The exact amount is determined individually.

In addition, the citizen will have to either close the license or renew it after paying the invoice. Sometimes there are exceptions to the rules - delay is punishable by a regular warning. A fine is not always issued, but very often.

What applies to traumatic weapons

The concept of “traumatic weapon” is not directly provided for by the Federal Law “On Weapons”, but the legislator has defined its main features:

  • “drum” capacity is no more than 10 rounds;
  • muzzle energy when fired does not exceed 91 J;
  • intended exclusively for self-defense;
  • It is permissible to use only traumatic cartridges.

Basically, firearms of limited destruction (LDL) are used as traumatic weapons in Russia, and less often - smooth-bore firearms with traumatic cartridges. An example of an OOO can be considered a pistol, a barrelless device (domestic production only).

To legally use a traumatic weapon, you must obtain a license in the manner prescribed by law.

It is one of the types of civilian weapons for self-defense. This determines its main task - protection.

This type includes firearms that have a limited degree of damage (abbreviated as OOOP) and use special cartridges with traumatic effects.

A special permit is required for:

  • its application;
  • storage;
  • carrying with you.

The following categories of citizens have the right to wear it:

  • some officials;
  • military personnel;
  • citizens for the purpose of self-defense;
  • for shooting practice and training;
  • persons for whom the state provides such a right because they need protection;
  • workers of various professions whose tasks include hunting and protecting domestic animals from predators.

Technical features are determined at the legislative level.

These include:

  1. Limitation of muzzle energy. It cannot exceed 91 Joules.
  2. Only traumatic cartridges can be used. Even if it is technically possible to use cartridges of a different type, the owner does not have the right to do so.
  3. The purpose for which it can be used is self-defense. Use for other purposes is prohibited.
  4. You cannot load more than ten rounds into it at a time.

Closing the license

Now it is clear what the punishment for an expired license for a traumatic weapon is in Russia. If this document has ceased to be valid, it must either be renewed or abandoned. Leaving the “trauma” at home, as some people advise, is prohibited. It is a crime.

To close a license you need to:

  1. Collect documents for weapons.
  2. Write an application to cancel the previously mentioned paper.
  3. Submit a written request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  4. Hand over the weapon (for destruction or to a consignment store).

Only this procedure will help avoid additional attention from government agencies. This is normal. All traumatic weapons are registered and observed under special control.

How to sell a traumatic pistol: features, rules and necessary documents

  1. March 7, 2021
  2. Marina Lobacheva

A traumatic pistol is a serious weapon, the storage and use of which requires special permission and optimal conditions in residential real estate. If a person decides to sell a weapon, then he must understand the rules for implementing this process.

Otherwise, the citizen will be held accountable. How to sell a traumatic pistol?

It can be sold to specialized consignment stores, which then resell the weapon to other users who have the necessary documents for these purposes.

The basic rules that the seller must follow are given in the Federal Law “On Weapons”.

In 2022, it is planned to introduce certain changes to the legislation, on the basis of which the conditions for the sale of weapons will be tightened. How to sell a traumatic weapon to another person? It is advisable to sell weapons to a consignment store and not to a private individual.

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