What weapons can be purchased without permission and license: list

  • March 2, 2020
  • Legislation
  • Natalia Evdokimova

According to the Federal Law “On Weapons” (Article 13), a person who has reached the age of eighteen and is a citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to purchase without a license various types of weapons for self-defense, which will be discussed in this article.


The requirements for means of self-defense are provided for in Article 3 of Federal Law No. 150 “On Weapons”. It contains a list of means that civilians are allowed to use. In doing so, gun owners must pursue the following goals:

  1. Hunting.
  2. Education.
  3. Personal protection.
  4. Use as sports equipment.

Most existing weapons require a permit. According to the Federal Law “On Weapons” (Article 13), you can purchase without a license:

  1. Tear gas aerosol (canister).
  2. Electroshock device.
  3. Signal revolver.
  4. Pneumatic weapons whose muzzle energy does not exceed 7.5 J and whose caliber is less than 4.5 mm.

Let's look at all these types in more detail.

Separation by barrel type

Air guns can be divided by loading method or barrel type.

  • The first group includes guns with a breaking barrel when the spring is cocked.
  • The second group includes weapons in which the barrel remains solid, and the spring is cocked with a special lever.

It is traditionally believed that specimens with a fractured barrel are less durable due to wear of the hinge joints.

Gas weapon

Very often, many people wonder what weapons can be used without permission. A gas can can be used. It is the most affordable and simple weapon for self-defense. However, it does not require any permission. A gas canister is a container containing a caustic substance called an irritant. Today, five types of such substances are allowed to be used on the territory of the Russian Federation. They are capable of depriving a person of the ability to act actively for some time. When entering the body, irritants cause:

  1. Copious tears.
  2. Temporary loss of vision.
  3. Stinging in the eyes. Blood begins to flow from the nose.
  4. Severe skin irritation.

Spray cans are often equipped with a special fuse. Therefore, you won’t be able to press them accidentally. Thanks to this, the owner can avoid accidents.

Rules for purchase, storage and use

Everyone chooses a weapon for self-defense for themselves, depending on the degree of protection they need, but still, several general rules should be taken into account:

  • A signal weapon is used to scare away dogs, but if it is used against a person and causes serious harm to his health, this will result in criminal liability.
  • Flash and noise devices will help protect you from both animals and humans. But here it is worth considering that you cannot shoot at a distance of 50 cm, this can cause serious harm to the health of the attacker.
  • Stun guns are more suitable for those who are in direct contact with people, for example, taxi drivers, security guards.
  • Gas spray , a very versatile tool for different situations, which does not require a license. The most important thing is not to harm yourself if, for example, an attacker attacks you in the elevator.

Rules for storing weapons for self-defense:

  1. Weapons for self-defense do not require special storage conditions, the only thing is that they must be kept out of the reach of children.
  2. As for cold weapons, you must have a certificate of conformity in your hands when transporting them.

Recommendations for selection

  • In terms of price-quality ratio, the best choice would be a gas canister. It is easy to use and suitable for both ladies and young men.
  • A stun gun is also a good universal option. Modern developers produce models that can operate at short distances and do not require direct contact with the attacker.

Liability for exceeding permissible defense

The limits of self-defense are regulated by Art. 37 and art. 39 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. You should not attack the attacker first - self-defense is to prevent or repel the attack. If, while defending yourself, you cause serious harm to the health of the attacker, you may well be held accountable.

Exceeding necessary self-defense may result in the following liability:

  • correctional labor – 12 months;
  • restriction of liberty or imprisonment – ​​up to 12 months;
  • forced labor – up to 12 months.

Find out what will happen if you overstay your weapons permit in the article at the link.

Before purchasing a self-defense product, be guided by the fact that it is available without a license or special permits, is easy to use, and small in size. Don't forget to adequately evaluate your own character. If you are a short-tempered person, it may be worth learning some hand-to-hand combat techniques instead of having dangerous weapons on hand.

Electroshock devices

What other weapons can you buy without permission? A stun gun falls into this category. This means of protection is safe and quite compact. As for the owner, the stun gun will not cause him any harm. But the aggressor can suffer significantly.

It is best to have a weapon with a small number of volts, but at the same time have a large current. Thanks to this property, it will be possible to remove a person from an active state for about 30 minutes. If you purchase a weaker stun gun, you must take into account that the device does not work if the attacker is wearing warm clothes. Therefore, it is necessary to find a more vulnerable and open place on his body. For example, you can point a stun gun at the neck area. However, in the case of self-defense, the defender does not always have such an opportunity.

The main disadvantage of using this weapon is the fairly close contact with the aggressor. But with the help of a stun gun you can scare away angry dogs. It affects animals with its high-frequency crackling sound.


In our turbulent times, many people are interested in what weapons can be owned without permission. One of these products is the Pioneer pistol. This weapon for self-defense also does not require special permission. It combines a rocket launcher, gas and signal pistol. Today, the Pioneer is the best weapon for self-defense, but you need to learn how to use it correctly.

Advantages of this pistol:

  1. It is compact and lightweight.
  2. It can be recharged fairly quickly.
  3. Its handle has a replaceable clip.
  4. It shoots at about 5m.
  5. There is a bar and an aiming front sight.

Main disadvantages:

  1. Expensive.
  2. There is no laser target pointer.
  3. It can be quite hard to pull the trigger.

Gas pistol

We continue to consider what weapons are allowed in Russia for self-defense. Many people believe that it is possible to use a regular gas pistol without special permission, as long as the canister is allowed. This self-defense weapon is controversial. Its principle of operation is approximately the same as that of a gas spray. The only difference is that the latter is cheaper, but it is much easier to maintain.

The main advantage of a gas pistol is that it can be used to exert good psychological pressure on the aggressor. Outwardly, it is very similar to a military weapon. In most cases, when a criminal sees a gun in the hands of a victim, he changes his mind about committing rash actions.

However, to purchase and carry a gas pistol, you need permission (in accordance with Article 13 of Federal Law 150). For violation of this rule, a fine of 500 to 5000 rubles is imposed. with the confiscation of cartridges and a pistol.

The legislative framework

Before you think about buying a weapon, you need to consider federal legislation, what the law dictates in this case. According to Article 24 of the Federal Law on Weapons No. 150-FZ, for Russian citizens, weapons should not be used unless absolutely necessary and should not cause harm to third parties. Citizens of the Russian Federation can use the weapons they have to protect life, health and property. In this case, the following circumstances must be taken into account:

  1. Weapons must be legally owned.
  2. The use of a weapon must be preceded by a clearly expressed warning to the person against whom the weapon is used.

It is prohibited to use firearms:

  • In relation to women, persons with obvious signs of disability, minors, when their age is obvious or known, with the exception of cases of an armed or group attack by these persons.
  • In the event of the use of a weapon, the owner is obliged, no later than 24 hours, to inform the internal affairs body about the fact of the use of a weapon.

There are a number of restrictions on carrying weapons. Prohibited:

  • Carrying a weapon while intoxicated.
  • Carry a weapon while participating in meetings, rallies, demonstrations, sports and other public events.
  • Drawing a weapon if there is no reason to use it.
  • Use weapons of cultural value, antique, collectible weapons.

Air gun

Currently, many people are wondering whether it is possible to buy a gun without a permit. This is allowed if its muzzle energy does not exceed 7.5 J and its caliber does not exceed 4.5 mm. Air pistols fire rubber bullets. The main task of such weapons is to influence the aggressor. Air pistols are very similar to firearms. Thanks to this, it is possible to quickly disorganize the attacker. However, it should be noted that this is also a weapon. Therefore, if an air pistol has a caliber of more than 4.5 mm, it requires a license.

Cancellation of licenses

Permission to purchase weapons may be revoked. This is permitted in the following cases:

  1. A voluntary refusal was issued.
  2. Failure to comply with the rules for storing a combat unit.
  3. Death of a citizen.
  4. If your hunting license has expired.
  5. If a corresponding court order has been issued.


What weapons can be used without permission? These include the “Udar” pistol. This self-defense device is something between a gas canister and an air gun. It is based on the use of a liquid solution and is a Russian-made mechanical sprayer. Its advantages:

  1. Duration of use. On average, one device is enough to fire 2000 shots.
  2. Firing range. Regardless of the weather, it is possible to make shots up to 5 m.
  3. Can be used indoors.

The main disadvantages of this weapon, which does not require a permit, are:

  1. Precision is required to hit the aggressor.
  2. There are misfires, but only if low-quality capsules are used.
  3. This device is not suitable for left-handed people.

License Renewal

We found out whether you need a license for an air gun. But what if it has already expired? In this case, the license is extended. To do this you need:

  1. Compose your application correctly.
  2. Provide a list of documents. These include: a medical certificate, a receipt for payment of the state fee and a certificate of completion of training in a specialized center.
  3. Within 10 days, a decision is made allowing or prohibiting the renewal of the license.

The permit is valid for each weapon for 5 years. It is very important to renew it in advance. Approximately three months before the expiration of the license, you must fill out an application for renewal and prepare a package of documents.

After all stages have been completed, the certificate itself is issued. The first page of the document contains the personal data of the weapon owner, as well as the date and place of issue of the document. On the second page, marks are placed on the purchase of combat units.


What weapons can you purchase for self-defense without a license or permit? One of them is the OSA pistol. This device operates on the principle of a combination of sound and light. Thanks to this, you can quickly throw your opponent off balance.

To use these weapons, according to legal documents from 2022, a special permit was required. Currently, sellers claim that this pistol can be purchased without a license, citing changes in legislation. However, no one can name the exact names of the documents. Therefore, this issue needs to be clarified at the licensing and permitting department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at your place of residence in order to avoid troubles.

The main advantage of this type of weapon, which can be purchased without permission, is:

  1. Low cost.
  2. Compactness of the device.
  3. The gun is easy and simple to use.
  4. He is able to scare off several attackers.

The main disadvantage is the possibility of blinding and stunning the shooter. This must be taken into account when using this weapon. Some experts recommend closing your eyes when you pull the trigger.

Stun guns

Stun guns are another type of self-defense equipment that can be purchased without a permit. According to their principle of operation, they are a capacitive battery capable of storing a charge, with two electrodes. A powerful discharge occurs between these electrodes when the button is pressed. It is known that air turns from a dielectric into a conductor if a voltage of 30 thousand volts is applied at a distance of 1 cm. Now it’s clear why the discharge of a stun gun is excellent for defense, as it can disorient the enemy. Security guards are armed with such devices.

In gun stores, the buyer has a variety of models from a variety of manufacturers to choose from. The most optimal option is with variable (adjustable) power. The shocker is capable of immobilizing the enemy for a certain time. During this time, the victim of the attack may have time to retreat or run away. Some models operate at fairly large distances. It is not necessary for them to come close to the enemy. Such devices fire electrodes, hitting a target within a radius of up to 4 meters.

The stun gun is not without its negative qualities.

  1. Firstly, those models that require direct contact may be useless if, for example, a woman acts.
  2. Secondly, you need to constantly monitor the battery charge.
  3. Thirdly, a shocker may be useless in winter, when the enemy is wearing a thick jacket or coat.

Household knives

When answering the question of what weapons can be purchased without a permit, mention should be made of knives. True, not all of them fall into this category. Many knives are considered to be edged weapons. As you know, it requires appropriate permission. Before purchasing any knife, you must read the documentation that comes with it.

It indicates whether the item is a melee weapon or not. Currently, in our country, those knives are prohibited whose blade length is more than 90 cm, as well as those that have an automatic ejection of the blade. The knife should be used with extreme caution in critical situations. For self-defense, it is more difficult to use than, for example, a gas spray.

Flare gun

Many people wonder what weapons can be purchased without a permit, so that later there will be no problems with the law. Flare guns are devices that are also included in the list. True, not all models. This self-defense weapon is used only to exert a psychological impact on the aggressor. In most cases, flare guns are sold only with a license.

However, if the caliber of a weapon is less than 4.5 mm, it does not require registration. Therefore, you are not required to have a license to carry it. Weapons intended for self-defense have up to 5 rubber cartridges in the drum. Its average shot range can reach 7 meters.

Spear gun

It is an element of underwater equipment. The Ministry of Internal Affairs does not issue certificates for its storage, carrying, or even transportation. Therefore, answering the question of what weapons can be purchased without a permit, one should also mention an underwater gun. However, nowadays there are quite often cases where customs officers, as well as fisheries inspectors, illegally detain fishermen who have such a device.

There are some requirements regarding the use of this type of weapon:

  • It must be intended for spearfishing only.
  • Under no circumstances should it be used in crowded areas, such as beaches.
  • It is imperative to store, carry, and transport the underwater gun in a special case.

Important Liability Issues

We have examined in detail the most popular types of weapons that are suitable as means of self-defense. These weapons can be purchased, stored and carried without a license. Despite this, in case of improper use of weapons, certain penalties are defined for citizens, and sometimes they may be subject to criminal liability.

Let's start with weapon storage. The law does not stipulate that the listed types of weapons must be kept in a separate safe. Indeed, a local police officer will not come to you and demand to show you the conditions for storing weapons. However, for safety reasons, especially if you have children, you yourself must prevent the weapon from accidentally falling into the hands of strangers. We recommend setting up a full-fledged safe, just like for licensed weapons.

Although weapons can be carried freely, there are certain rules. For example, you cannot display weapons in crowded places. Even logically, others may see you as a danger if you demonstratively display a weapon. They have every right to contact the police.

Use weapons only in extreme cases, when you or your loved ones are truly in danger. Otherwise, you will be punished under a fairly severe article; from a victim you will quickly turn into a criminal.

How to choose a self-defense product

When figuring out what weapons can be purchased without a permit, many people pay attention to the knife. Of all the means for self-defense, it is the most accessible and cheapest. However, please note that some knives require a permit. When purchasing any model, you should definitely check whether special documents are needed for this. Currently, there are a huge number of different self-defense products on the market.

To choose the most suitable weapon for yourself, you should familiarize yourself with several recommendations:

  1. You should trust only trusted manufacturers. For example, if we consider an ordinary cheap Chinese spray can, then its effectiveness is in question.
  2. When choosing pepper or gas spray, you need to pay attention to its service life. Expired devices should not be used under any circumstances.
  3. Stun guns and pepper sprays for self-defense are the simplest and most affordable means. They do their job very well. In addition, they are reliable and very compact.
  4. A knife for protection is the safest means, but also less convenient. To use it, you must have certain skills. If you do manage to wound your opponent, it can cause the latter to bleed seriously. Unfortunately, there are situations when the wounds turn out to be incompatible with life, so the enemy dies. The person who defended himself from the attack becomes a murderer. According to the laws of our country, he is imprisoned for up to 2 years.

All this must be taken into account when choosing a means of self-defense. Weapons must be purely individual. Before purchasing, you need to familiarize yourself with its characteristics, main advantages and disadvantages. Only after comparing all the pros and cons can you buy the product.

Requirements for the safe

It must be bolted to the wall indoors. Thanks to this method of fastening, it will be possible to eliminate the possibility of theft. The following requirements apply to the safe:

  1. It must be fire resistant.
  2. Made of metal.
  3. The wall thickness should not be less than 2 mm.
  4. The castle is a must. It can be coded or with a key. This is necessary in order to prevent theft of weapons.

In addition, you need to know the rules for the location of the safe. They are as follows:

  1. The distance between heating radiators and other heat sources should not be less than 1 m.
  2. The distance to the nearest window is at least 50 cm.

It is best to purchase a safe in Israel or Germany. Such products have quite a lot of special sections for ammunition, pneumatics and equipment. As for cheap Chinese safes, it is better to avoid them.

Police officers sometimes deliberately provoke the owner to violate the rules. During their visit, they may ask the person's relatives to provide them with a combat unit for inspection. Under no circumstances should this be done. Close relatives do not have the right to this. If you violate this rule, the owner of the combat unit may have his license revoked. Only he himself has the right to open the safe. In addition, the owner of the combat unit will be held administratively liable for violating the rules.

Recommendations from experts

It is best to avoid dangerous situations that will lead to the need to defend yourself. However, in other cases they are inevitable. Experts advise:

  1. Take a short self-defense course, where you will learn the basic rules of defense. This will significantly increase the chances of a successful outcome.
  2. Don't panic, be decisive, hide your fear.
  3. Focus on the psychological factor, try to scare the attacker with one type of weapon (even before using it).
  4. Aim correctly. A failed shot will anger the aggressor even more.
  5. Check the condition of the weapon regularly. Then at the right time it will not fail.

We looked at what weapons for self-defense can be purchased in Russia without a license or permit.

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