Cold weapons: what is it, purpose, ammunition

Cold weapons - what is it? Firstly, it is designed to be fired with special non-live ammunition. The use of other charges without additional intervention in the design is simply impossible. And if a person intends to bring him to a fighting state, he is under the threat of criminal liability. Most often, this type of weapon is used in the process of cinematic filming, in theatrical performances, and also as collector's items.


In order not to decipher the special terms in each paragraph of the article, we will immediately define the terminology and abbreviations used.

  • SHP : blank cartridge system;
  • Remake : weapons of modern release;
  • Deactivate weapon : rendering the weapon unusable for actual shooting. It is carried out only in special factories. Confirmed by a Russian deactivation certificate. Deactivation of weapons by private craftsmen is prohibited and punishable.

How does deactivation occur?

There are many ways to deactivate a weapon's SHP. Each of them is applied depending on which sample is subject to write-off and deactivation, and by whom (which plant) this process will be performed. This business is carried out by authorized persons who have special permission (license, certificate, etc.) to legally conduct this activity. These are factories specializing in the production of this type of weapon. The law specifies who has the right to perform this function, therefore, serious punishment is provided for unauthorized changes in the technical characteristics of agricultural products.

Deactivating a weapon can be done as follows:

  • the chamber and firing pin are completely or partially removed;
  • the gas piston is completely or partially removed;
  • the cartridge rammer and ejector are completely or partially removed;
  • cutting and pinning of the trunk is carried out;
  • edges are removed in the magazine, etc.

After carrying out the above-described manipulations, the blank weapon is sent for examination, where it is carefully checked and a final decision is made based on the findings. The sample is assigned a corresponding number and a passport, which contains all the necessary data.

It is important to know! If the deactivation certificate and passport are issued by a foreign enterprise, then the product may be considered illegal in the territory of another country. An illegal item is subject to forced seizure. For this reason, it is recommended to pay attention to existing laws in this area and monitor possible changes.

What is a cold weapon?

This type of civilian weapon is made from decommissioned samples of real military weapons that were used and decommissioned for one reason or another.

As a result of deactivation of a decommissioned weapon, it cannot fire live ammunition. However, and this is important, a cooled weapon can fire shots with special light-sound or noise cartridges to fully simulate a combat shot.

In some cases, cooled weapons are made from new ones. They are specially aged, creating the illusion of long use.

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The main difference between a cold weapon and an MMG (mass-dimensional model) is the ability to fire noise pathans from it.

For example, a 10TK caliber cartridge is used to simulate shots from decommissioned weapons PM SKh, Makarov SO, Kedr PP-91-SKh. It is important to understand that this cartridge cannot injure others, but its shot is very similar to a combat shot in both sound and light.

cold Kalashnikov light machine guns

Production Features

It is impossible not to clarify, when describing a cold weapon, what it is in terms of production. On the domestic market, such specimens are represented mainly by handicraft producers. Among the mass producers of this product in Russia, one of the first was. Most of the analog guns from this manufacturer are mock-ups as close as possible to the combat model.

Typically, these modifications are made by converting combat units into civilian ones. For example, on the MA-AK-SKH model in a redesigned form, blank shots cannot be fired in automatic mode. The prototype of this barrel was VPO-133.

By the way, it is worth noting that the majority of starting pistols with a caliber of nine millimeters or less belong to the cooled type of weapon.

Where are cold weapons made?

Cold weapons are produced at special enterprises using one of the deactivation methods. The choice of deactivation method depends on a number of factors, but more often it is a change in the main elements of the weapon without the possibility of restoration.

For example:

  • Overlapping the bore;
  • Changing the dimensions of the receiver (welding a pin);
  • Change the shutter configuration;
  • Change caliber.

Thanks to deactivation, it is no longer possible to fire shots using a cartridge that contains a bullet that does not have the property of killing. However, it remains possible to simulate a cartridge shot using a light and sound effect.

cold Kalashnikov light machine gun


The barrel is welded directly to the frame and has a pair of pins that avoid the use of live rounds. In the same element there is a groove, seventy millimeters long, into which a safety plate is inserted, fixed by welding. All seams are made carefully and do not at all spoil the exterior or interior appearance of the SO-AVT-40 rifle.

The store has a shortened feeder designed for blank cartridges. The spring has also undergone changes - it has become more pliable, but does not allow jamming or distortion. A standard set of ten charges is placed in the chamber.

It is worth noting that in the cooled version, the weapon retained the ability to fire in automatic mode. True, experts do not recommend getting carried away with them, since the internal mechanisms wear out faster and are not designed for such use. The gas regulator can be set to a convenient value; the sound of the shot is quite loud and drawn-out.

Why do you need cold weapons for SHP?

Cooled weapons are needed for both educational and cultural purposes. An example is its regular use during the filming of films and theater productions. It is popular among reenactors. It is used as training material, since it can be disassembled almost like a combat weapon.

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Collectors of all flocks love decommissioned weapons, as well as those who like to demonstrate a light and sound imitation of a shot in public.

AK-12 Kalashnikov emasculated

Arguments in favor of choosing a particular model

If I personally had to choose, I would choose the R-411 due to its greater authenticity and similarity to the combat PM, both externally and technically. This sample is best suited for training in disassembly and assembly, and can also be used to train beginners in combat shooting so that they do not close their eyes when firing. Plus, it is not worn off anywhere in unnecessary places, like VPO-525, and even retains authentic serial numbers.

I would choose PM-SO only if there is a critical shortage of funds for the purchase - its guides are sharpened in the same way as those of the VPO-525, the barrel has undergone a double alteration (from combat to traumatic, and from there to signal) and literally gives itself away with its appearance, and also the awkward cut of the bolt only spoils the overall appearance of the once military weapon.

Legal status of cold weapons

In September 2012, its legal sale was allowed. Federal Law No. 113 was adopted. It gives citizens of the Russian Federation the opportunity to buy and have copies of weapons. Including weapons in which shots are fired using blank cartridges (SHP).

Changes made to this law

A weapon that has been drained is a decommissioned weapon. This type of weapon is not a combat weapon. You can purchase it without a license if the person is already 18 years old.

There is no need to register anything. But its use is allowed only in specialized places, since its use is legally equivalent to that of a civilian firearm. This important point should not be forgotten.

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However, you cannot buy decommissioned decommissioned weapons remotely, only by visiting a specialized store in person.

It is strictly forbidden to carry a weapon without any protection, namely a case. The box doesn't go through. There is also no need to display such weapons in crowded places.

Violation of legal norms may be regarded as the use of military weapons.

Comparison of the cooled Makarov pistol PM R411 and PM SO

As mentioned above, the R-411 is produced at the enterprise that produced Makarov combat pistols. That is why this model is considered the most authentic of all the models presented above - the main parameters indicating this are that the R-411, as a rule, is made from serial pistols of the first releases, as well as the “spirit of IzhMash” allegedly present in them.

Advantages and disadvantages

A sample that fully corresponds to military weapons

Original serial numbers

High cost of the pistol

PM-SO, in turn, is a product of tertiary processing - initially the combat model was converted into a weapon of limited destruction (traumatic) and only then, from a decommissioned traumatic weapon, it was processed into an SHP pistol. PM-SO is produced by the PMK Kurs enterprise, registered in the Astrakhan region.

Advantages and disadvantages

Low cost

Multiple design redesigns

"New" serial numbers

Incomplete appearance matches the combat pistol

In addition to some technological solutions necessary for the production of the Makarov in its cooled version, both models have two noticeable visual differences - the cheaper PM-SO has a cut in the bolt, which immediately identifies it as a “non-combat” weapon. The second difference will be the coupling, which does not allow the use of cartridges with a striking element - in the Astrakhan pistol it is located closer to the muzzle of the barrel, and is immediately noticeable.

Technically, both pistols are made almost identically, but the PM-SO has a weakened bolt mechanism, the barrel and bolt are made of a single element, as well as the poorer quality of other components. But at the same time, it significantly benefits in price - the difference between the two samples is at least 2,000 rubles.


ModelPM-SOPM-SKH (VPO-525)R-411
ManufacturerPMK “Kurs”“Hammer Arms”IzhMash
Caliber10x24 mm TK10x24 mm TK10x24 mm TK
Material of manufactureSteel, plasticSteel, plasticSteel, plastic
Weapon length, mm165165165
Weight, kg0,790,790,79
Firing modesinglesingleSingle
Magazine capacity7 rounds7 rounds7 rounds

Useful tips when purchasing

The first piece of advice is to not purchase a second-hand weapon if you plan to shoot it. Few people will be able to determine by eye the suitability of the mechanism for shooting - such pistols can only be used as training aids for practicing skills in disassembling and assembling weapons.

Secondly, when purchasing an SHP pistol in a store, it is recommended to buy spare magazines and holsters there as well - this will help to develop high-speed shooting skills.

The third tip is that it is recommended to purchase a separate place for storing the pistol. Even though it is not dangerous, and the shot cannot cause barotrauma to the ear, it is not recommended to trust it to strangers, and especially to children.

Any citizen who has reached the age of majority can buy a cooled pistol and ammunition. But at the same time, the citizen acquires some responsibilities for maintaining public order.

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