Rosgvardia: what is it, purpose, legislative regulation

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In 2016, the National Guard and the Rogguard appeared in Russia. These are law enforcement agencies that protect public order, participate in operations against terrorists, help police officers in apprehending criminals, etc. The main task is to protect the interests of the state and the constitutional order.

  • National Guard and Rosgvardia: composition
  • 10 main tasks of the Russian Guard
  • Differences from the police
  • Last news

What functions will the new division have?

  • Participation together with the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation in protecting public order, ensuring public safety and the state of emergency
  • Participation in the fight against terrorism and in ensuring the legal regime of the counter-terrorism operation
  • Participation in the fight against extremism
  • Participation in the territorial defense of the Russian Federation
  • Participation in the protection of important government facilities and special cargo
  • Providing assistance to the border authorities of the Federal Security Service in protecting the state border of the Russian Federation
  • Exercising federal state control (supervision) over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of arms trafficking and in the field of private security activities, as well as the implementation of private security

A little history

The first attempt to create a National Guard was made by Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin. Taking the experience of his Western colleagues as a basis, the president instructed Vice-President Rutskoi to form a special unit designed to protect the constitutional system of the country and ensure the maintenance of law and order in the internal territory.

Selection for the guard even began among military personnel of the operational brigades of the internal troops, however, the ministers of defense and internal affairs spoke out against the formation of the national guard. It was decided to postpone the project.

Procedure for using weapons

  • It is prohibited to use firearms against women with visible signs of pregnancy, persons with obvious signs of disability and minors, except in cases where these persons provide armed resistance, commit a group or other attack that threatens the life and health of citizens or a member of the National Guard.
  • It is prohibited to use firearms in large crowds of citizens if, as a result of its use, random persons may be injured
  • It is permitted to use firearms for self-defense when a detainee tries to approach “with a naked bladed weapon or firearm or with objects with which bodily harm can be caused to a soldier of the National Guard, while reducing the distance specified by the serviceman, as well as when trying to touch his firearm weapons"
  • Before using physical force, special means and firearms, a serviceman of the National Guard is obliged to inform the persons against whom (their) use is intended ... that he is a serviceman of the troops of the National Guard, warn them of his intention and provide them with the opportunity and time to carry out legal requirements of a serviceman of the Russian Guard troops
  • An exception will be situations where delay in the use of physical force or special means “creates an immediate threat to the life and health of a citizen or a member of the National Guard or may entail other grave consequences”
  • The serviceman must act “taking into account the current situation, the nature and degree of danger” of the actions of persons against whom physical force, weapons or special means are used, but at the same time “must strive to minimize any damage”, and provide first aid to the injured citizen

Conscript service in the Russian Guard

Many citizens are interested in how young people can get into the army in the Russian Guard, what needs to be done for this, what requirements must be met?

Only a small number of conscripts will be able to get into the Russian Guard during military service. This opportunity is provided if there is preliminary agreement between the military commissariat and a certain military unit, which is part of the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation.

To get into the Russian Guard, soldiers must enlist in the National Guard troops in a specialized military unit, but recruitment into such military units takes place irregularly and not in all regions of the country. As practice shows, conscription into the troops of the Russian Guard is carried out with some certain stability in the North Caucasus and in some large regions of the Russian Federation.

Rights, duties and responsibilities of a conscript soldier in the National Guard

The Russian Guard plays a significant and important role in the army and the country as a whole. What do conscript soldiers who are lucky enough to join the National Guard do? When entering military service in the Russian Guard, each young man is assigned specific responsibilities; he is assigned many different functions and tasks. All duties of a conscript are enshrined in general military regulations.

Unlike regular service in conventional military units, service in the National Guard will require a soldier to have great strength and actively take part in combat duties, outfits and guard duty. Thus, we can conclude that the National Guard bears a greater responsibility when compared with conscript soldiers of other military formations. But this responsibility for national units is compensated by various privileges and benefits.

Sergeants or soldiers who have successfully served in the Russian Guard will be able to easily get a job in the internal affairs bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or other law enforcement agencies.

National Guard and Rosgvardia: composition

Since both departments were created relatively recently (April 2016), the question arises, what are these structures and what do they do? First of all, it should be noted that this is the same law enforcement agency, which has 2 generally accepted names - the National Guard and the Russian Guard.

The National Guard is a special unit of internal troops within the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Its activities are regulated by Federal Law No. 226 and presidential decrees. According to various sources, the department numbers from 350 to 400 thousand people - both conscripts and contract soldiers. The structure is headed by Army General Viktor Zolotov. These are armed forces whose main purpose is to suppress riots and maintain law and order throughout the country.

The department also includes:

  • internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • riot police;
  • SOBR;
  • FSUE "Security";
  • aviation operational response center;
  • private security;
  • departments that carry out licensing (issuing weapons and security).

Differences from the police

At first glance, it is not clear how the functions of the National Guard and the police differ, since from the description of the tasks it is clear that the main directions of their activities largely coincide. However, there are certain differences:

  1. The National Guard reports directly to the President. She provides relevant reports, monitors the situation and strictly implements his orders. The police are subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  2. The Russian Guard troops have expanded powers, since they can perform the same functions as the police, as well as license the issuance of weapons, control their circulation, issue security licenses, etc.
  3. Finally, the main function of the National Guard is to protect the interests of the state and society as a whole, i.e. maintaining law and order in a specific city, region and country. The police are largely involved in protecting the rights of citizens and organizations.

In practice, this means that the police deal with “minor” incidents - for example, detaining a citizen in a state of intoxication, a preventive conversation between a local police officer and a noisy neighbor, conducting a case of a store robbery, etc. Rosgvardeytsy mainly take part in those cases that involve mass disorder and crimes against the constitutional order. However, they can also help the police in preventive work with citizens, arresting criminals and other important tasks.

The National Guard will be able to shoot without warning

Members of the National Guard of the Russian Federation will be able to:

check citizens' documents and detain them for no more than three hours

suspected of encroaching on someone else's property;

conduct vehicle inspections;

enter the living quarters of citizens

when performing combat service to ensure an emergency situation, to save the lives of citizens and public safety;

cordon off areas

, including when suppressing riots;

Photo: Dmitry Korotaev, Kommersant

in a state of emergency - prohibit the movement of cars and pedestrians, use citizens' cars

to travel to the scene of an emergency or to pursue criminals;

use firearms when escaping persons sentenced to imprisonment

committed with weapons or on vehicles, aircraft, sea or river vessels.

Contract service in the Russian Guard

Having found out what the Russian Guard is and what kind of troops it is in the Russian Army, how selection is carried out there for military service, it remains to clarify how to get there under a contract. In order to enlist on a contract basis in the National Guard, a citizen must be between 18 and 31 years old. In addition, they will not consider a candidate who does not have conscription service in the army.

First of all, those soldiers who served in the airborne troops, marines, special forces or border troops will be selected. It will be a plus if the citizen has experience working in law enforcement agencies or security forces. If an applicant for a place in the Russian Guard is already serving in the police, then he is not at all required to pass qualifying exams.

In other cases, young people must undergo qualifying events, which include:

  • Passing a medical commission and receiving fitness category “A”;
  • Passing an interview with a psychologist to determine stress resistance and adequacy in a particular stressful situation;
  • Passing all physical fitness standards.

Not only males, but also females can join the squad. The requirements for them are the same as for men. Girls in the National Guard detachment can apply for positions in the medical field, in communications, printing departments, and they are also selected as lawyers, operators, translators, cooks and others.

The National Guard is formed from conscript and contract soldiers. 80% of the guards are recruited on a contract basis, and the remaining 20% ​​consists of conscripts. The duration of service for them is also one year.

How to conclude a contract for service in the Russian Guard

Commanders of military units of the National Guard deal with the issue of recruiting citizens to serve on a contract basis. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to contact the commander of the military unit with which it is planned to conclude an agreement. It is also necessary to provide a complete list of documents that will be requested.

If the contract applicant fully meets all initial requirements, his application will be registered and forwarded for further consideration. Once pre-approval has been received, the candidate will be required to undergo a medical examination, an interview with a psychologist, and a physical fitness test within one month. In parallel with the completion of all the listed activities, information about the citizen’s education, the presence or absence of a criminal record, as well as his personality in general will be checked.

After the checks are completed, all information received about the candidate for service is filed in one folder with the personal file. From the moment you apply to sign a contract, the verification can last up to 90 days, and in some cases up to 4 months; you need to be mentally prepared for this. At the end of all verification activities, the commission will make a decision on concluding a contract and assigning the appropriate rank to the recruit.

Conditions of service for Russian Guards

The Russian Guard is what kind of unit in the Russian army? This is, first of all, a special forces detachment that is ready at any moment to defend its state and its people. The detachment's working conditions are very difficult and sometimes fighters are sent to work in remote areas with a difficult climate. The departments always operate in a coordinated manner and work according to a busy and often irregular schedule.

While serving under a contract, a serviceman is given at least one day of rest per week, but no more than six days per month. Basically, rest days fall on weekends or holidays, but if called to duty on these days, a serviceman can count on receiving legal rest on any other day in the middle of the week.

Reasons for refusal to enroll in the Russian Guard

As the practice of many citizens shows, not everyone succeeds in getting into the Russian Guard; you can be refused in the following cases:

  • The citizen was declared incompetent or partially capable of work by the court;
  • Having a criminal record;
  • If a relative of the candidate for service already works in the National Guard will be his immediate superior;
  • Submission of an incomplete package of documents required for verification, refusal to provide personal data;
  • If a person was deprived of Russian citizenship;
  • Has an unsatisfactory state of health;
  • The data provided contained false information;
  • The candidate has citizenship of another country.

Thus, the Russian Guard and the army are closely related, although their tasks are slightly different. Feedback from citizens suggests that getting into service as a guardsman is quite difficult. It is necessary to pass a rigorous selection process based on all criteria: health, stress resistance and physical characteristics. In addition, there are many other reasons why one may be denied the opportunity to become a National Guard member.

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