122-mm multiple launch rocket system 9K59 "Prima"

122-mm multiple launch rocket system 9K59 "Prima"

An improved version of the Grad, which never made it into service with the troops.

In the mid-1970s, the limited capabilities of the standard 122-mm 9K51 Grad MLRS, which was put into service with the Soviet Army in 1963, became clear. When developing the new system, the task was to increase the efficiency of firing and at the same time maintain continuity in ammunition with the Grad.

Work began in December 1976. The lead developer is NPO Splav, the developer of the combat vehicle is the State Design Bureau of Compressor Engineering of the Ministry of Aviation Industry (now NPP Start as part of the Technodinamika holding of the Rostec state corporation). The chief designer of the entire system is Gennady Denezhkin, the chief designer of the combat vehicle is Alexander Yaskin.

In 1988, the system was adopted and officially launched into mass production. However, mass production was never established; as a result, at the very beginning of the 1990s, due to financial difficulties, the production of Prima was discontinued. At the moment, there are no plans to resume Prima production due to the placement of an order for the upgraded 122 mm 9K51M Tornado-G systems.

Compared to the 9K51 Grad, the Prima MLRS has significantly improved efficiency indicators. In particular, solving similar fire missions requires 5-19 times fewer combat vehicles than when using Grads. The system has a 7-8 times larger affected area than the Grad, and is capable of being in a firing position 4-5 times less time. Unlike the Grad, the loading process is automated.

The number of guide tubes for rocket projectiles was increased from 40 to 50. The vehicle was able to fire at a variable rate (this increases accuracy and accuracy). Shooting can be carried out both from the cockpit and from a remote control.

The system uses all types of Grad MLRS ammunition; in addition, the 9 M53F projectile was specially developed for it, equipped with a detachable warhead with 36 combat elements containing a total of 2,450 finished fragments. The use of a detachable head allows for a nearly vertical approach to the target. This ensures the circular dispersion of damaging elements during detonation and increases the area of ​​continuous damage. The command to set the warhead separation time is entered remotely from the cockpit of the combat vehicle.

In addition, the 9 M53K cluster projectile and the 9 M43 smoke-smoking rocket projectile (used for setting up smoke screens) were developed for the system.

TTX systems:

  • Combat weight: 13.8 tons
  • Maximum speed of the combat vehicle: up to 85 km/h on the highway
  • Cruising range: more than 1000 km on the highway
  • Caliber: 122.4 mm
  • Firing range: up to 20.5 km
  • Full salvo time: 30 sec
  • Recharge time: 10 minutes
  • Damage area: 190 thousand square meters. m.
  • Projectile length: 302−304 cm
  • Projectile weight: 70 kg
  • Warhead weight: 20−26 kg
  • Machine calculation: 3 people


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Gurov S. V.

Post-war MLRS BM-13NN • BM-13NM • BM-13NMM • BMD-20 • BM-24 • BM-24T • BM-14 • RPU-14 • 9K51 Grad (BM-21) • 9K54 Grad-V (BM-21V ) • 9K55 Grad-1 • 9K59 Prima • 9K132 Grad-P • A-215 Grad-M • DP-62 Damba • 9K57 Hurricane (BM-27) • 9K512 “Uragan-1M” • 9K58 Smerch (BM-30) • Tornado (9K51M “Tornado-G” • “9K515 Tornado-S”) Heavy flamethrower systems TOS-1 “Buratino” • TOS-1A “Solntsepek”
  • 82-mm automatic mortar 2B9 "Vasilyok"
  • 82-mm man-portable mortar 2B14-1 “Tray”
  • 82-mm man-portable mortar 2B24
  • 82-mm man-portable mortar 2B25 "Gall"
  • 120-mm towed mortar 2B-23 “Nona-M1”
  • 76-mm mountain gun mod. 1958 (M-99)
  • 120 mm gun 2B16 "Nona-K"
  • 120 mm 2S23 “Nona-SVK”
  • 120 mm 2S31 "Vienna"
  • 120 mm 2S34 “Hosta”
Regimental artillery
  • 120 mm mortar mod. 1955 (M-120)
  • 120-mm transportable mortar 2B11
  • 122 mm howitzer D-30
  • 122-mm howitzer 2S1 “Gvozdika”
  • 152 mm howitzer 2A61
  • 120 mm 2S9 “Nona-S”
  • 9K55 "Grad-1"
Divisional artillery
  • 85 mm D-48 cannon
  • 100 mm T-12 gun
  • 100 mm MT-12 Rapier cannon
  • 125-mm cannon "Sprut-B" (2A45M)
  • 160-mm mortar mod. 1949 (M-160)
  • 152 mm howitzer 2A65 "Msta-B"
  • 152 mm howitzer 2S3 "Akatsiya"
  • 152-mm howitzer 2S19 “Msta-S”
  • 140 mm BM-14
  • 140 mm RPU-14
  • 122 mm BM-21 "Grad"
  • 122 mm BM-21V "Grad-V"
  • 122 mm 9K59 "Prima"
  • TOS-1 "Pinocchio"
Corps/Army Artillery
  • 152 mm gun-howitzer D-20
  • 240 mm BM-24
  • 240 mm BM-24T
  • 220 mm BM-27 "Hurricane"
Reserve Artillery of the Supreme High Command
  • 180 mm S-23 gun
  • 203 mm 2S7 "Pion" gun
  • 203 mm howitzer B-4M
  • 200 mm BMD-20
  • 300 mm BM-30 “Smerch”
Medium caliber
  • 85-mm anti-aircraft gun KS-18
  • 100 mm anti-aircraft gun KSM-65
  • 100 mm anti-aircraft gun KS-19
Small caliber
  • 23 mm ZU-23 cannon
  • 23-mm ZSU-23-4 “Shilka”
  • 57 mm S-60 automatic cannon
  • 57 mm ZSU-57-2
  • 30 mm 2S6 "Tunguska"
  • 30 mm 96K6 "Pantsir-S1"
Naval artilleryNaval artillery
> 99mm
  • SM-2-1
  • AK-100
  • A-190
  • AK-130
  • A-192
> 57mm
  • SM-24-ZIF
  • ZIF-31
  • ZIF-75
  • AK-725
  • AK-726
  • AK-176
  • A-220
  • A-220M
> 20mm
  • U-23
  • 84-KM
  • 2M-3
  • 2M-8
  • 70-K
  • AT 11
  • SM-20-ZIF
  • AK-230
  • AK-630
  • 6K30GSh
  • AK-630M-2
Coastal artillery
  • KSM-65
  • SM-4-1
  • SM-9-1
  • BR-108
  • A-222 "Bereg"
  • DP-62 “Damba”


The M-21 Field Rocket System, better known as the MLRS "Grad"
(GRAU Index -
- multiple launch rocket system) includes the BM-21 combat vehicle (GRAU Index -
, chassis "Ural-375D", later was the BM-21-1 combat vehicle was created on a modified chassis of the Ural-4320 all-terrain truck), the M-21OF unguided rocket of 122 mm caliber (standard, later a whole family of projectiles of this caliber was developed). To transport shells in boxes, commercial trucks can be used, and for transportation without boxes, a transport vehicle with a set of 9F37 racks can be used. The M-21 system was created to equip divisional artillery at NII-147 (now JSC NPO SPLAV (Tula) under the leadership of chief designer Alexander Nikitovich Ganichev, as well as related enterprises, including NII-6 (Moscow) and SKB-203 (Sverdlovsk, now Yekaterinburg

According to the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Podolsk), several types of missiles were studied during the work


  • with a combined powder starting engine and a solid-fuel sustainer ramjet in the form of four nacelles with air intakes, which were mounted autonomously in the tail section;
  • a projectile with the same design scheme, with the difference that the solid fuel of the main engine was concentrated in one central compartment in the form of two cylinders, and with incomplete combustion, its products flowed through four holes into the nacelles, where they were completely burned in the air flow;
  • projectile with rigid stabilizers;
  • a projectile with folding stabilizer block blades;

As a result of the work carried out, an unguided M-21OF rocket was created (with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead, including two welded corrugated bushings to ensure increased fragmentation impact) and a two-chamber rocket engine with a single charge, but of different sizes, from ballistic solid fuel in each chamber and a stabilizer block with folding blades

Excerpt characterizing Prima (MLRS)

- What did you do? - I did, I proposed. Mother! Mother! - she shouted. The Countess could not believe her ears. Denisov proposed. To whom? This tiny girl Natasha, who had recently been playing with dolls and was now taking lessons. - Natasha, that’s complete nonsense! – she said, still hoping that it was a joke. - Well, that's nonsense! “I’m telling you the truth,” Natasha said angrily. – I came to ask what to do, and you tell me: “nonsense”... The Countess shrugged. “If it’s true that Monsieur Denisov proposed to you, then tell him that he’s a fool, that’s all.” “No, he’s not a fool,” Natasha said offendedly and seriously. - Well, what do you want? You are all in love these days. Well, you’re in love, so marry him! – the countess said, laughing angrily. - With God blessing! - No, mom, I’m not in love with him, I must not be in love with him. - Well, tell him so. - Mom, are you angry? You’re not angry, my dear, what’s my fault? - No, what about it, my friend? If you want, I’ll go and tell him,” said the countess, smiling. - No, I’ll do it myself, just teach me. Everything is easy for you,” she added, responding to her smile. - If only you could see how he told me this! After all, I know that he didn’t mean to say this, but he said it by accident. - Well, you still have to refuse. - No, don't. I feel so sorry for him! He is so cute. - Well, then accept the offer. “And then it’s time to get married,” the mother said angrily and mockingly. - No, mom, I feel so sorry for him. I don't know how I'll say it. “You don’t have anything to say, I’ll say it myself,” said the countess, indignant that they dared to look at this little Natasha as if she were big. “No, no way, I myself, and you listen at the door,” and Natasha ran through the living room into the hall, where Denisov was sitting on the same chair, by the clavichord, covering his face with his hands. He jumped up at the sound of her light steps. “Natalie,” he said, approaching her with quick steps, “decide my fate.” It's in your hands! - Vasily Dmitrich, I feel so sorry for you!... No, but you are so nice... but don’t... this... otherwise I will always love you. Denisov bent over her hand, and she heard strange sounds, incomprehensible to her. She kissed his black, matted, curly head. At this time, the hasty noise of the countess's dress was heard. She approached them. “Vasily Dmitrich, I thank you for the honor,” said the countess in an embarrassed voice, but which seemed stern to Denisov, “but my daughter is so young, and I thought that you, as a friend of my son, would turn to me first.” In this case, you would not put me in the need of refusal. “Gafinya,” Denisov said with downcast eyes and a guilty look, he wanted to say something else and faltered. Natasha could not calmly see him so pitiful. She began to sob loudly. “Countess, I am guilty before you,” Denisov continued in a broken voice, “but know that I adore your daughter and your entire family so much that I would give two lives...” He looked at the countess and, noticing her stern face... “Well, farewell, lady,” he said, kissed her hand and, without looking at Natasha, walked out of the room with quick, decisive steps. The next day, Rostov saw off Denisov, who did not want to stay in Moscow for another day. Denisov was seen off at the gypsies by all his Moscow friends, and he did not remember how they put him in the sleigh and how they took him to the first three stations. After Denisov’s departure, Rostov, waiting for the money that the old count could not suddenly collect, spent another two weeks in Moscow, without leaving the house, and mainly in the young ladies’ room. Sonya was more tender and devoted to him than before. She seemed to want to show him that his loss was a feat for which she now loves him even more; but Nikolai now considered himself unworthy of her. He filled the girls' albums with poems and notes, and without saying goodbye to any of his acquaintances, finally sending all 43 thousand and receiving Dolokhov's signature, he left at the end of November to catch up with the regiment, which was already in Poland. After his explanation with his wife, Pierre went to St. Petersburg. In Torzhok there were no horses at the station, or the caretaker did not want them. Pierre had to wait. Without undressing, he lay down on a leather sofa in front of a round table, put his big feet in warm boots on this table and thought. – Will you order the suitcases to be brought in? Make the bed, would you like some tea? – asked the valet. Pierre did not answer because he did not hear or see anything. He began to think at the last station and continued to think about the same thing - about something so important that he did not pay any attention to what was happening around him. Not only was he not interested in the fact that he would arrive in St. Petersburg later or earlier, or whether he would or would not have a place to rest at this station, but it was still in comparison with the thoughts that occupied him now whether he would stay for a few days. hours or a lifetime at this station. The caretaker, the caretaker, the valet, the woman with Torzhkov sewing came into the room, offering their services. Pierre, without changing his position with his legs raised, looked at them through his glasses, and did not understand what they could need and how they could all live without resolving the questions that occupied him. And he was preoccupied with the same questions from the very day he returned from Sokolniki after the duel and spent the first, painful, sleepless night; only now, in the solitude of the journey, did they take possession of him with special power. No matter what he started to think about, he returned to the same questions that he could not solve, and could not stop asking himself. It was as if the main screw on which his whole life was held had turned in his head. The screw did not go in further, did not go out, but spun, not grabbing anything, still on the same groove, and it was impossible to stop turning it. The caretaker came in and humbly began to ask His Excellency to wait only two hours, after which he would give courier for His Excellency (what will happen, will happen). The caretaker was obviously lying and only wanted to get extra money from the passerby. “Was it bad or good?” Pierre asked himself. “For me it’s good, for another person passing through it’s bad, but for him it’s inevitable, because he has nothing to eat: he said that an officer beat him for this. And the officer nailed him because he needed to go faster. And I shot at Dolokhov because I considered myself insulted, and Louis XVI was executed because he was considered a criminal, and a year later they killed those who executed him, also for something. What's wrong? What well? What should you love, what should you hate? Why live, and what am I? What is life, what is death? What force controls everything?” he asked himself. And there was no answer to any of these questions, except one, not a logical answer, not to these questions at all. The answer was: “If you die, everything will end. You’ll die and find out everything, or you’ll stop asking.” But it was also scary to die. The Torzhkov merchant offered her goods in a shrill voice, especially goat shoes. “I have hundreds of rubles that I have nowhere to put, and she stands in a torn fur coat and timidly looks at me,” thought Pierre. And why is this money needed? Can this money add exactly one hair to her happiness, peace of mind? Could anything in the world make her and me less susceptible to evil and death? Death, which will end everything and which should come today or tomorrow, is still in a moment, in comparison with eternity.” And he again pressed the screw that was not gripping anything, and the screw still turned in the same place. His servant handed him a book of the novel in letters to m m e Suza, cut in half. [Madame Suza.] He began to read about the suffering and virtuous struggle of some Amelie de Mansfeld. [Amalia Mansfeld] “And why did she fight against her seducer,” he thought, “when she loved him? God could not put into her soul aspirations that were contrary to His will. My ex-wife didn't fight and maybe she was right. Nothing has been found, Pierre told himself again, nothing has been invented. We can only know that we know nothing. And this is the highest degree of human wisdom." Everything in himself and around him seemed to him confusing, meaningless and disgusting. But in this very disgust for everything around him, Pierre found a kind of irritating pleasure. “I dare to ask your Excellency to make room for a little bit, for them,” said the caretaker, entering the room and leading behind him another traveler who had been stopped for lack of horses. The man passing by was a squat, broad-boned, yellow, wrinkled old man with gray overhanging eyebrows over shiny eyes of an indeterminate grayish color. Pierre took his feet off the table, stood up and lay down on the bed prepared for him, occasionally glancing at the newcomer, who with a sullenly tired look, without looking at Pierre, was heavily undressing with the help of a servant. Left in a worn-out sheepskin coat covered with nankin and in felt boots on thin, bony legs, the traveler sat down on the sofa, leaning his very large, short-cropped head, wide at the temples, against the back and looked at Bezukhy. The stern, intelligent and insightful expression of this look struck Pierre. He wanted to talk to the passerby, but when he was about to turn to him with a question about the road, the passerby had already closed his eyes and folded his wrinkled old hands, on the finger of one of which there was a large cast-iron ring with the image of Adam’s head, sat motionless, either resting, or about thinking deeply and calmly about something, as it seemed to Pierre. The traveler's servant was covered with wrinkles, also a yellow old man, without a mustache or beard, which apparently had not been shaved, and had never grown on him. A nimble old servant dismantled the cellar, prepared the tea table, and brought a boiling samovar. When everything was ready, the traveler opened his eyes, moved closer to the table and poured himself one glass of tea, poured another for the beardless old man and handed it to him. Pierre began to feel uneasy and necessary, and even inevitable, to enter into a conversation with this passing person. The servant brought back his empty, overturned glass with a half-eaten piece of sugar and asked if anything was needed.

Instructions for working with Prima Tora (Eternal Call)

A manufacturer from the Eternal Call has recorded a series of videos on working with Prima Tora. The author of the video is probably the owner of this workshop, so he actively advertises his equipment at every opportunity. This does not interfere with viewing at all.

You will find a comprehensive story about the possibilities and subtleties of working with Prima, as well as instructions for assembling and distilling mash on this moonshine still. I highly recommend viewing to anyone who wants to assemble and configure the column correctly the first time.

Appearance, price and manufacturer of the Prima Tora device

Prima Tora looks very strange.

Exterior view of the Prima Tora column

Even the unique shape of the new Wayne 5 device is even more understandable, although their operating principle is extremely similar. Even the refrigerator uses the Dimroth principle, and not the shell-and-tube principle, as in 99% of distillation columns.

The price of the device depends on the configuration. The standard price of the entire set with drawers is 15,900 rubles , but in most cases the distillation cube is purchased separately or the old one is used.

Column in dismountable condition

Who makes these devices? In most cases, the name Lucky and the private workshop Eternal Call . The guys from Eternal Call make the highest quality and most expensive models. There is jewelry welding, no problems with service and in general everything is good, but expensive.

I found an offer on the Internet for a 2-inch column for 11,500 rubles , but I don’t want to trust such sellers. I believe that it is better to pay more and get a really high-quality brand or not buy anything at all.

Prima Tora made of copper (from Lucky)

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