Military duty for citizens of the Russian Federation - what is it?

Conscription into the army

The concept of conscription is defined by the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” No. 53-FZ of 1998 (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 53-FZ) and the Regulations on Conscription, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 663 of 2006.

According to these documents, conscription is understood as a set of measures aimed at providing the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with personnel.

The call includes:

  • Medical examination by a commission of medical specialists of persons registered with the military.
  • Meeting of the draft committee.
  • The appearance of conscripts and their direction to the place of service.

Deferment from conscription

Not everyone wanted to serve in the army, citing the poverty of the family, for which the loss of workers was tantamount to death. Replacement by another family member was not always possible. Therefore, sometimes it was necessary to go to court to obtain a deferment or even exemption from military duty for a particular young man.

Military service was abolished for:

  • The only son of his parents,
  • The only breadwinner in the family
  • A young man whose older brother is in military service or has already served.

Family list of the city of Aleksandrovsk, which contains the names of those who completed military service and received discharge certificates.

What is the algorithm for conscription into the army?

The conscript’s interaction with the military registration and enlistment office and the army is structured according to the following scheme:

  1. Registration. Produced from January 1 to March 31 of the year in which the citizen turns 17 years old. The conscript undergoes the first medical examination, which can immediately declare him unfit or give him a deferment. Based on the results, you are given a certificate of registration, which you will have to contact the military registration and enlistment office with in the future.
  2. Passing the draft board. Upon reaching 18 full years of age, the conscript again undergoes a medical examination, and the draft commission decides whether he will serve, and if so, where. The commissions work twice a year within the time limits determined by Law No. 53-FZ.
  3. Reporting to the assembly point and being sent to the unit.
  4. Completion of initial training and oath. After this, the conscript becomes a “full-fledged” soldier and can be sent to perform combat missions. In particular, only after taking the oath is he given the weapon assigned to him.

Who carried out military service

Males at the age of 21 were subject to conscription for military service. The classes of peasants and bourgeois bore this duty. At the end of the 19th century, literate young men who could read and write were given benefits, according to which their service life was reduced from 6 years to 4.

Each family had the right to replace the conscript with another son. Such relaxations were introduced for economic reasons: it was necessary to provide support to peasant farms.

Order to the Clergyman of the Setvagovskaya Church of the Novogrudok district, Minsk province, 1910. In order to begin compiling the draft list for 1910 on March 1, the Volost Administration requests that by this time a copy of the metric parts for persons subject to military service in the current year be sent to it.

Residents of the Russian Empire, classified as small nationalities and other peoples, did not bear military service. From the second half of the 1880s they were allowed to serve under special conditions.

Call-up dates

According to Article 25 of Law No. 53-FZ, conscription into the army is carried out twice a year - in spring and autumn.


The main spring conscription takes place from April 1 to July 15 of the current year. However there are exceptions:

  • For residents of the Far North - from May 1 to July 15.
  • For citizens working in agriculture and engaged in sowing or harvesting, there is no spring conscription at all - they are conscripted only in the fall.
  • For teaching staff – from May 1 to July 15. There is no fall call for them.


Autumn conscription takes place from October 1 to December 31 . The exceptions are:

  1. Residents of the Far North are called up from November 1 to December 31.
  2. Rural residents engaged in field work - October 15 to December 31.

Life time

The duration of conscription service is determined by Art. 38 of Law No. 53-FZ. According to paragraph “e” of Part 1 of this article, conscripts after 2007 serve 12 months. There is no longer any difference between the army and the navy, just as there is no longer a call for “jackets” - officers who were trained at the military departments of civilian universities.

The terms of service under the first contract differ:

  • For soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen - at the choice of the serviceman, 2 or 3 years.
  • With foreigners serving in the rank up to sergeant major - for 5 years.
  • For employees in positions where the rank of warrant officer, midshipman or officer is required - for 5 years.
  • For cadets of military universities - the training period plus 5 years after graduation.
  • For military school cadets training mid-level specialists - the training time is plus 3 years (in some cases - 5 years).
  • For those who have graduated from the military department and are entering to serve as an officer - 3 years or 5 years (from January 31, 2022 - only 5 years).

In the future, the serviceman can, at his choice, enter into a new contract for a period of 1 to 10 years . An indefinite contract is also allowed - up to the age limit. However, this applies only to citizens of the Russian Federation: a foreigner cannot enter into a second contract (however, if he has a residence permit (RVP) obtained in the army, he can apply for citizenship).


There were benefits for the literate:

  • Those with primary education served for 4 years.
  • Those who graduated from a city school – 3 years.
  • Those who graduated from the gymnasium served for up to 1.5 years.
  • higher education allowed one to serve for up to six months.
  • Those who graduated and were fit for service were enlisted in the militia, in which they remained until the age of 43.

Personal list of workers and employees of the city of Aleksandrovsk liable for military service who received a deferment from conscription for military service, 1916

What will happen if you fail to appear at the military registration and enlistment office on a summons?

If a conscript receives a summons but does not appear at the military registration and enlistment office according to it, he will face liability under the law.

Administrative responsibility

Administrative liability arises in accordance with Art. 21.5 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. This article implies punishment in the form of a fine in the amount of 100 to 500 rubles. A fine is imposed for the following actions:

  1. Failure to appear on a summons to the military registration and enlistment office.
  2. Failure to appear for registration or deregistration.
  3. Not reporting to the military registration and enlistment office about leaving for another municipality for a period of more than 3 months.
  4. Not reporting about going abroad for more than six months.
  5. Not a message about a change in place of residence, work or study.

Separately, liability is provided for evading a medical examination. According to Art. 21.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a fine in the same amount will be imposed.

Criminal liability

In the event that a conscript not only does not appear when summoned, but maliciously evades conscription and service, he will face liability under Art. 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Here the punishment will be a number of measures - from a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles to imprisonment for 2 years.

This article is applied taking into account the requirements expressed by the Plenum of the RF Armed Forces in Resolution No. 3 of 2008. In particular, only men and only those under the age of 27 can be held accountable.

But if during the investigation it turns out that a citizen who is already 27 years old has previously evaded the crime, the period of liability is extended until the statute of limitations expires, that is, for 2 years.

In addition, when considering the case, the court must establish whether the conscript was trying to evade. This requires that he fail to appear on the summons at least twice (if he fails to appear once, only administrative liability arises).

Also considered evasion is feigning illness, deliberate self-mutilation, and forging documents giving the right to a deferment or exemption from conscription.

The procedure for determining the type of military service for a conscript

When distributing citizens called up for service to specific branches of the military and units, the following factors are taken into account:

  • Fitness category. For example, a conscript with category B4 will never be accepted to serve in the Airborne Forces.
  • Physical data. Some branches of the military have their own restrictions on personnel. For example, for service in tank forces there is an upper height limit of 1 m 75 cm. Even an absolutely healthy, but taller conscript will not be sent to serve in a tank unit. The reason is the limited volume of the fighting compartment.
  • Sports and military-applied pre-conscription training.
  • The need for troops in personnel. GOMU (Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate) of the RF Armed Forces and the WMD of a specific military district maintain lists indicating which units need what number of conscripts during this period. The lists are communicated to employees of regional military registration and enlistment offices, who keep records.

In addition, the Instruction, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 400 of 2007, requires that the following factors be taken into account:

  1. Called twin brothers, if possible, are sent to the same unit.
  2. Conscripts from the Far East who are suitable for the fleet are sent to the Pacific Fleet, residents of the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions are sent to the Northern Fleet, and natives of Kalingrad and the surrounding area are sent to the Baltic.
  3. Citizens who graduated from civilian river or sea transport schools before conscription are sent to serve primarily in the Navy.
  4. Citizens with children or sick and elderly parents are, if possible, sent for service to units located in the same subject of the Russian Federation.
  5. A citizen who has a complex military qualification obtained in civilian life has the right to choose where exactly he wants to serve.

In general, both the Instructions and Law No. 53-FZ require that the distribution take place taking into account both the order sent to the regional military registration and enlistment office from the Main Military Directorate of the RF Armed Forces, and the personal data of the conscript.

What personal items can a conscript take with him?

Having arrived at the unit, the recruit becomes fully paid by the army. Therefore, it is recommended that he take a minimum of things with him:

  • Food for several days and a supply of drink for at least a day (only in plastic containers).
  • Outerwear for the season. After the start of service, it will either remain in storage in the unit, or the soldier will be able to send it home by parcel.
  • Two or three changes of underwear and socks.
  • Personal hygiene products: razor, toothbrush with toothpaste, soap (necessarily in a soap dish), comb, towel.
  • Toilet paper or paper napkins (optional, but recommended).
  • Plasters and bandages: Recruits wearing combat boots tend to get blisters.
  • Black shoe polish and brush.
  • A set of threads and needles. The threads must be of the statutory colors, that is, black, green and white. Whites will be needed the most.
  • Envelopes and letter paper (no stamps required), ballpoint pens with spare refills, pencils.
  • Books and magazines are allowed to be taken and stored, but, as a rule, a soldier has no time to read during his service.
  • For smokers - cigarettes, preferably with a supply. Tobacco allowance in the army was abolished back in 2013.
  • Money. It’s not worth taking large sums, but it’s worth having 4-5 thousand in small bills with you.
  • Cellular telephone. However, he must be without a camera (any unauthorized filming is prohibited) and without the ability to access the Internet.
  • GOI paste and a piece of felt or felt are useful for polishing the belt badge and buttons.
  • Wristwatch (preferably cheap).
  • Oddly enough, you are allowed to take musical instruments with you into the army - in particular, guitars. However, this is not recommended: as a rule, guitars in clubs of guitar parts are already available.

What is prohibited from taking:

  1. Deodorants and perfumes in cans (roll-on cans are allowed).
  2. Medicines (with the exception of the simplest ones - such as brilliant green, iodine or medical patches). A soldier can receive all medications only at the medical unit.
  3. Any alcohol.
  4. Equipment for photo, video and sound recording.
  5. Piercing and cutting objects that can be used as weapons. These even include nail scissors - it’s better to take cheap tweezers instead.
  6. Jewelry and ornaments. The only exception can be a pectoral cross or amulet for believers.

Will a military ID be useful in the future?

After the service period has ended, the serving soldier receives a military ID, which is kept in the unit until that time.

But where might this document be needed in the future?

A military ID may be presented in the following cases:

  • When applying for a job. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation requires employers to report whether they have employees liable for military service.
  • When applying for a passport.
  • When registering at a new place of residence (this is not necessary, but, as a rule, it is required to be presented).
  • When passing a medical examination to obtain a driver's license. This is also not necessary, but it greatly simplifies communication with a psychiatrist and serves as additional confirmation of health.
  • When receiving a loan from some banks. The fact that the citizen has already served or will not be called up for health reasons has a positive effect on the loan decision.

Options to get a military ID without the army

For various reasons, many young men are not ready to spend a year studying military disciplines, living in barracks conditions, being exposed to physical stress, and unquestioningly obeying orders.

Knowing the need to obtain a “military certificate”, which is a document without which difficulties in finding employment and difficulties with the law will arise in the future, guys often consider different ways to become the owner of a certificate:

  1. There is the possibility of fulfilling military duty by proving the right to alternative service, but the list of citizens falling under the categories of persons who can undergo the ACS is limited.
  2. Attempts to pretend, buy a document, give a bribe, or believe scammers who promise to “make a military record” always end in a bad way. By using illegal methods, a conscript risks wasting money, time, and losing his freedom.
  3. A reliable option to avoid the upcoming army remains a discovered diagnosis that does not allow you to serve. To substantiate health complaints, you will have to stock up on a package of documents in advance: certificates, examination results, extracts.

Not every young person is able to collect documentation that guarantees exemption from guilt, to conduct himself correctly during a medical examination, a meeting when the final verdict is made, so it is worth using the help of specialists.

Medical examination for conscripts

Every citizen registered with the military is required to undergo a medical examination. It should include doctors from at least the following specialties:

  1. Therapist.
  2. Surgeon.
  3. Neuropathologist.
  4. Psychiatrist.
  5. ENT.
  6. Oculist.
  7. Dentist.

If necessary, other specialists may be included.

Suitability categories

Based on the results of examination of conscripts at the medical examination, they are divided into several categories depending on their state of health:

  • “A” – absolute suitability. A conscript with this category not only does not have any current illnesses, but has never been sick in the past, or has recovered without any consequences. This category opens the way to any type of service, up to elite units with strict selection based on health (marines, airborne forces, underwater units of the Navy, etc.).
  • “B” – suitable with minor restrictions. Some diseases have been discovered that do not prevent service, but impose certain restrictions on the possible choice of type of military service.
  • “B” – limited validity. This means that the conscript has quite serious health problems, and he can serve only as a last resort. In peacetime, conscripts with this category are immediately enlisted in the reserves, and during military mobilization they must be drafted mainly into rear units and units of the 2nd line. Such conscripts are assigned a VUS according to their civilian specialty (for example, if they have a license, they are registered as a vehicle driver).
  • “G” – temporary delay. Serious health problems have been discovered, but the conscript has a chance of recovery. In addition, this category is assigned to university students for the period of study. The deferment is given for a period of at least 6 months, and based on the results of repeated re-examination, the person is either called up, assigned categories “A” or “B”, or is written off to the reserve in category “B” (for example, if the health consequences turned out to be irreversible).
  • “D” is absolutely unusable even in wartime. It means that the conscript’s health condition is such that he can no longer serve. With category “D” a person is usually exempt from military registration and is not enrolled in the reserve. The exception is for military personnel who have already taken the oath and received category “D” due to injury or injury during service: they continue to be in the reserve and can be called up during the war to serve in units of the 2nd line.

In addition to categories, for “A” and “B” there are also subcategory indicators that indicate the conscript’s possible purpose during service. There are four of them for each category, and as the number increases, the overall suitability decreases: if with “A1” you can serve anywhere, then “A4” means that there are restrictions on the permissible load. It’s the same with “B”: with B1 they can even be taken into an air assault brigade, and with B4 they will only have to serve in communications units or in the maintenance and protection of missile systems and other military structures.


Deferment from service is granted for several reasons:

  1. For health reasons (assigned category “G”). On this basis, a deferment is given for a period of 6 months to 1 year, after which the conscript again undergoes a medical examination.
  2. For family reasons. In particular, people who care for disabled relatives, are raising a minor child alone, are caring for a minor brother or sister, have two or more children or a disabled child, etc. are not called up for service.
  3. In connection with service in other paramilitary organizations. Persons who have entered the service of the police and other units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the fire department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc. are not subject to conscription.
  4. In connection with obtaining higher or secondary education - until graduation. This type of deferment is given once. The only exception is if the conscript first received a deferment while receiving secondary education and then entered a university.
  5. For other reasons. In particular, citizens who have been convicted in a criminal case are not subject to conscription. In this case, the citizen is not conscripted until his criminal record is cleared.


Conscripts are completely exempt from service on the following grounds:

  • Those called up for medical examination who are completely unfit (category “D”) or partially fit (category “B”). The former are not drafted at all and are not in the reserves, the latter are exempt from service in peacetime.
  • Having already completed military service both in the Russian Federation and in another state, if there is a corresponding international treaty with this country. In particular, military service in any CIS country exempts you from conscription in Russia. In this case, the conscript must provide supporting documents to the military registration and enlistment office, translated into Russian (or originally drawn up in Russian - for example, if he served in Belarus) and certified by a notary.
  • Having an academic degree.
  • Holding the rank of reserve officer. As a rule, these are students of universities where there is a military department.
  • Sons or brothers of military personnel who died in action. Such people are not conscripted according to general principles, but can go to serve voluntarily.

Legal basis of military service

In the last lesson, we talked about the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Let's remember that they were created on January 7, 1992 on the basis of the former Armed Forces of the USSR, stationed on the territory of the RSFSR, as well as groupings of troops and naval forces outside Russia.

Let us recall that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

- a state military organization that forms the basis of the defense of the Russian Federation. They are intended to repel aggression directed against the Russian Federation, for armed defense of the integrity and inviolability of the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as to carry out tasks in accordance with federal constitutional laws, federal laws and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

The main task of strengthening

defense is to give a qualitatively new look to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation while maintaining the potential of strategic nuclear forces by improving the organizational structure, the system of territorial basing of troops, introducing new types of weapons and military equipment, improving operational and combat training.

Modernization of the Russian Army

affects the recruitment system, compulsory and voluntary preparation of young people for military service, improving the quality of training of reservists and the prestige of military service.

The Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” determines the structure and content of military service.

Military duty -

it is a statutory duty of citizens to serve in the Armed Forces and perform other duties related to the defense of the country.

The structure of military duty provides:

· military registration of citizens,

· compulsory preparation for military service,

· conscription for military service,

· completion of military service upon conscription,

· staying in reserve,

· conscription for military training and its completion during the period of stay in the reserve.

Registration of citizens for military registration

regulated by the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” and other laws and regulations.

Military registration

- This is an integral part of the military duty of citizens. All male citizens who have reached military age, as well as those liable for military service at their place of residence, are subject to military registration in the Russian Federation.

The initial registration of male citizens for military service is carried out from January 1 to March 31 in the year they reach the age of 17 years. The initial registration for military registration is carried out by a special commission for registration of citizens for military registration, created in a district, city or other administrative entity.

Officials of organizations or educational institutions are obliged to provide citizens working or studying in these organizations or institutions with the opportunity to timely appear when summoned by the military commissariat for military registration. If citizens subject to military registration do not work or study, upon receipt of a summons from the military commissariat, they are required to personally arrive at the military commissariat at their place of residence for initial military registration.

The initial military registration of female citizens after they have received a military registration specialty, as well as persons who have received citizenship of the Russian Federation, is carried out by the military commissariat throughout the entire calendar year.

The commission for registering citizens for military registration is obliged to organize a medical examination of citizens, determine their suitability for military service for health reasons, carry out measures for professional psychological selection of citizens to determine their suitability for training in military registration specialties and make a decision on registering the citizen for military registration or submit for consideration by the draft commission the issue of enlisting a citizen recognized as partially fit for military service, or the issue of exempting a citizen recognized as unfit for military service from military duty.

Medical examination of citizens upon initial military registration is carried out by specialist doctors: surgeon, therapist, neurologist, psychiatrist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, dentist and, if necessary, doctors of other specialties.

Based on the results of an examination of a citizen during initial military registration, a specialist doctor gives a conclusion on his suitability for military service in categories (A, B, C, D, D).

After completing all activities related to the initial registration of citizens for military registration, the chairman of the commission (or, on his instructions, the secretary of the commission) is obliged to announce the decision of the commission to the citizens and explain their responsibilities for military registration.

Please note that all citizens of the Russian Federation are required to be registered with the military.

The exception is citizens:

· exempted from military duties in accordance with the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”;

· undergoing military service or alternative civilian service;

· serving a sentence of imprisonment;

female who do not have a military specialty ( military specialty

- this is a military registration category indicating a military specialty obtained upon completion of a certain educational institution);

· and permanently residing outside the Russian Federation.

Persons who are not included in this list are required to:

· be registered with the military at your place of residence or stay;

· appear upon summons (summons) to the military commissariat at the established time and place;

· report to the military commissariat about changes in marital status, education, place of work, study and residence;

· withdraw from military registration when moving to a new place of residence or place of temporary stay, as well as when leaving the country for a period of more than 6 months;

· register with the military at a new place of residence, place of temporary stay or upon returning to the country;

· upon dismissal from military service, register with the military at your place of residence;

· carefully store your military ID and promptly report its loss.

Military registration is intended to determine the state’s capabilities to ensure the recruitment of personnel to the Armed Forces. At the same time, the law establishes the administrative liability of a citizen who fails to appear when called by the military commissariat without good reason.

The history of our Fatherland shows that the need to defend the state and protect the interests of Russia constantly put forward demands for improving the system of manning the Armed Forces, taking into account the country’s population capabilities.

The troop recruitment system developed gradually. The first chronicle mentions of the military organization of the ancient Slavs are found in the works of Byzantine historians of the 6th century. In those days, the troops of the Slavic tribal unions were militias consisting of all adult men of the tribe.

Accustomed to holding a plow with one hand and a sword with the other, so as not to become a victim of the attack of numerous enemies, the Slavs quickly mastered military affairs. If at first Byzantine historians wrote that the Slavs “do not recognize the military system, they are not capable of fighting in a proper battle,” then after some time they will write with respect that now the Slavs have “a lot of weapons and are more trained to fight than the Romans (Byzantines) "

With further development, military craft became a professional activity, an occupation for the prince's servants and associates. Already at the end of the 7th century, the military organization of the ancient Slavs included princely squads and people's militia. The princely squads, consisting of specially armed people, were not numerous - up to 400 soldiers. These were strong, brave, well-trained professional warriors, bound to the prince by a personal contract of service and loyalty. The squad was the permanent core of the army and the main support of the prince. During large military campaigns or repelling attacks from external enemies, the princes collected a militia from townspeople and peasants. When the prince announced a campaign to the people, as a rule, the father and the eldest sons, no matter how many there were, went on it, and the youngest (but already an adult) remained at home to protect the family. The militia warriors - “voi” - went on a campaign with their weapons.

In the last lesson, we mentioned that in order to strengthen the military power of the Russian state in the middle of the 16th century, the government of Ivan the Terrible carried out a military reform, as a result of which the service of the nobles was streamlined and the Streltsy army was created.

And under the leadership of Peter the Great, military reforms were carried out, turning the Russian army and navy into regular armed forces. A unified troop recruitment system gradually took shape. In 1705, by decree of Peter the Great, conscription military service was legislated. And service in the army and navy was for life.

But the defeat in the Crimean (Eastern) War showed Russia’s military backwardness from European countries and the need for radical changes. Reforms of the Russian armed forces were carried out under the leadership of Minister of War Dmitry Alekseevich Milyutin.

So in 1874 the “Charter on Military Service” was approved. Instead of outdated recruitment kits, all-class military service is being introduced. All men who had reached the age of twenty, regardless of social status, were subject to conscription into the armed forces. The period of active military service is significantly reduced: for privates in the ground forces - up to 5 years, in the navy - up to 7 years. Servants of religious worship, doctors, and teachers were exempt from military service.

And in 1977, Article 31 was introduced into the Constitution of the USSR, which determined that “the defense of the socialist Fatherland is one of the most important functions of the state and is the business of the entire people. In order to protect socialist gains, the peaceful labor of the Soviet people, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state, the Armed Forces of the USSR were created and universal military service was established.”

Thus, a system of military registration of all Russian citizens has historically developed, who, if necessary, can be drafted into the ranks of the armed forces in order to defend their Fatherland with arms in hand.

Recruiting the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation at the current stage of development of science and technology requires highly qualified military specialists capable of effectively and skillfully operating weapons and military equipment in difficult conditions. In such a short period of compulsory conscription military service (one year), it is quite difficult to prepare highly qualified specialists from soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen serving in conscription. Therefore, contract military service is one of the promising areas of modernization of the modern army.

Military service under contract

is a voluntary act (decision and necessary actions) of a Russian citizen upon entering military service. A Russian citizen enters into a contract, which stipulates the conditions of the citizen’s military service, his rights and obligations, and the duration of the contract.

Enrollment in military service under a contract begins with the submission of an application and other necessary documents to the military commissar. The first contract for military service can be concluded by citizens of the Russian Federation aged 18 to 40 years. The contract provides for the observance of social rights not only of the serviceman himself, but also of his family members.

One of the most important features of military service is taking the Military Oath


Its text was approved by the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”:

“I, (last name, first name, patronymic), solemnly swear allegiance to my Fatherland - the Russian Federation.

I swear to sacredly observe the Constitution of the Russian Federation, strictly comply with the requirements of military regulations, orders of commanders and superiors.

I swear to fulfill my military duty with dignity, to courageously defend the freedom, independence and constitutional system of Russia, the people and the Fatherland.”

Citizens who have entered military service are led to take the Military Oath in front of the State Flag of the Russian Federation and the Battle Banner of the military unit.

It is interesting that for the first time the ritual of taking the oath of allegiance was enshrined in the Russian military “Charter of military, cannon and other matters relating to military science...”. According to this document, a military man must take an oath, “serve faithfully and be obedient and submissive to everyone.”

Thus, the Military Oath is an important stage in the life of every serviceman, because until it is taken, he cannot be involved in combat missions: participation in hostilities, combat duty, combat and guard duty. Weapons and military equipment cannot be assigned to him. After taking the Military Oath, the serviceman is fully assigned official duties - he assumes the honorable duty to defend his Motherland and his people.

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