Rosgvardia - goals of creating the unit, functions and powers. How to enlist in the Russian Guard

The Russian Guard is a division of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which is the central command and control body of the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation.

The Russian National Guard is a large department, with a staff of about 340,000 people. This is a little more than a third of all employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Why was the unit created?

In the history of Russia, the state has always stood up to protect citizens from internal and external enemies.

The main reasons for creating the unit were:

  1. The nature of threats to the security of Russian society has changed. In recent years, there has been an intensification of extremist and terrorist groups.
  2. Radical members of society with anti-government and anti-constitutional protests have become a threat to the safety of citizens. Their actions may lead to riots, which will have a negative impact on citizens.
  3. Providing additional assistance to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in maintaining public order. The overload of the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not allow them to carry out work quickly and efficiently. After transferring part of the powers to employees of the National Guard, the Ministry of Internal Affairs can devote more time to preventing and solving crimes and operational investigative activities.

France: child of the French Revolution

The world's first National Guard is a child of the Great French Revolution. Spontaneously created after the storming of the Bastille in 1789, it left a controversial mark on history. The French guards at various times suppressed anti-monarchist (and later monarchist) uprisings and themselves participated in them, and at some point even headed the provisional government. The French National Guard was abolished in 1871.

  • National guards of the world: what is it and what are they for?

  • Functions

    The Russian Guard, like the police, ensures public order and performs the following tasks:

    • fight against extremism and terrorism;
    • participate in the defense of the territory of the Russian Federation;
    • monitor compliance with emergency situations;
    • control the circulation of weapons;
    • supervise private security and detective activities;
    • protect important government facilities, monitor public order and prevent its violation.

    National Guard members are recruited to help eliminate natural disasters, free hostages, etc.

    Powers of representatives of the Russian Guard

    Have powers:

    • stop a citizen to check documents and detain him if he is suspected of committing a crime;
    • stop and inspect the vehicle;
    • can enter residential or commercial premises to prevent a crime, if life is threatened, as part of the fight against terrorism;
    • create a database;
    • use civilian vehicles for official purposes and block traffic;
    • detain citizens for up to 3 hours;
    • draw up a protocol on the commission of an offense;
    • set up a cordon and blockade buildings, structures, areas;
    • can use special equipment (electric stun guns, rubber batons), traumatic weapons and firearms.

    Georgia: emergency assistance

    The National Guard appeared in Georgia in December 1990, and subsequently it served as the basis for the creation of regular armed forces of an independent country. Guardsmen took an active part in the civil war in Georgia in the early 1990s, on both sides. In 2000, the structure was reorganized - now it is responsible for army conscription and is ready to help the government in emergency situations.

  • National guards of the world: what is it and what are they for?

  • How to enlist in the Russian Guard

    The National Guard is recruited in two groups:

    • conscripts - after passing the draft board, a conscript can write a statement of desire to serve in the National Guard, but there is no guarantee that he will end up in these particular troops. For complete information, please contact the military registration and enlistment office at your place of residence;
    • Contract soldiers - civilians and military personnel can apply to sign a contract. The unit commander reviews the applications and, if the results are positive, directs them to undergo a medical examination, tests and physical standards. The application is rejected if there is no position on staff or does not meet general requirements.

    To get into service in the Russian Guard you need to meet the requirements.


    • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
    • reaching the age of 18 years (coming of age);
    • fluency in Russian;
    • no criminal record;
    • absence of violations of the law leading to interaction with law enforcement agencies;
    • health fitness group A.

    Priority candidates are persons who have served in the internal or border troops, as well as persons with sporting achievements and a shooting rank.

    Girls enter the service on a general basis and undergo a medical examination and tests. They cannot apply for any position. Also, girls are not involved in combat operations; this is possible only in case of emergency.

    Reasons for which they cannot refuse admission to service in a unit:

    • gender identity;
    • social or property status;
    • nationality;
    • religious affiliation (with the exception of belonging to a sect or religious movement prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation).

    What should a conscript who wants to serve in the National Guard do?

    A guy of military age, in order to get into the Russian Guard, needs:

    • At your place of registration, contact the military registration and enlistment office and submit an application;
    • fill out the attached form;
    • write an autobiography on an A4 sheet of paper;
    • sign an agreement on the use of personal data.

    National Guard

    On May 18, 2016, the State Duma adopted in the first reading a bill on the creation of the National Guard in Russia. Earlier, in April, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the formation of the National Guard. Structures with the same name were and are also in some other countries of the world, for example, in the USA, France, Portugal, Georgia, and Ukraine. What do they have in common?

  • National guards of the world: what is it and what are they for?

  • Structure


    The troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation were transformed from the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia while maintaining the structure of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and are headed by the Director of the Russian Guard - the Commander-in-Chief of the Troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation.

    Until 2022, it is planned to transfer to military service in the National Guard Troops employees serving in the special forces of SOBR and OMON of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the special purpose center of the rapid reaction forces and aviation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which were operationally subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the corresponding heads of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Russia. During the organizational and staffing measures, special attention during the reorganization into the National Guard Troops will be paid to the higher state education of officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, their diplomas, faculties (specialties) and educational institutions.

    By presidential decree, the staffing level of the central apparatus of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation is 2,100 employees.

    District National Guard Troops

    Soldiers of the SOBR "Lynx" at demonstration performances (Interpolitech).

    To manage military units (units), districts of the National Guard Troops operate in the territories, as a rule, of the federal districts of Russia of the same name.

    The exception is the Eastern District of the National Guard Troops

    , which manages military units (units) stationed in the Far Eastern Federal District, as well as
    the North Caucasus District of the National Guard Troops
    , whose area of ​​responsibility includes the South and North Caucasus. In total, 7 districts of the National Guard Troops were created in 8 federal districts.

    Names of districts and cities in which they are located:

    • Central Orsha-Khingan Red Banner District of the National Guard Troops - Moscow
    • Northwestern Order of the Red Star District National Guard Troops - St. Petersburg
    • Volga District of the National Guard Troops - Nizhny Novgorod
    • North Caucasus District of the National Guard Troops - Rostov-on-Don
    • Ural District National Guard Troops - Yekaterinburg
    • Siberian District of the National Guard Troops - Novosibirsk
    • Eastern District of the National Guard Troops - Khabarovsk


    • Main article: Separate operational division

    ODON at the parade in Moscow.

    Directly subordinate to the Central Office of the FSVNG is the oldest formation stationed in the Moscow region - the Separate Operational Division of the National Guard Troops (ODON VNG). This division was previously, until 1994, known as OMSDON. In total, the division has more than ten thousand personnel, hundreds of armored vehicles, helicopters and artillery. Units of the division took part in special operations that took place in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh, Central Asia, North Ossetia, Chechnya, and Dagestan. Currently, the division's combined units continue to participate in counter-terrorism operations in the North Caucasus. For the courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty, thousands of soldiers and officers of the division were awarded military orders and medals, and 19 were awarded the title Hero of the Russian Federation. Military personnel of the division, together with units of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for the city of Moscow and the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for the Moscow Region, serve to protect public order and ensure public safety during socio-political, cultural, mass and sports events, and patrol duty in Moscow and the Moscow Region. The ODON parade squad traditionally represents the Russian National Guard Troops

    (since 2016) at the Victory Parades on Red Square. Units of the division take part in ceremonial events dedicated to the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow on June 22 and the parade on November 7, 1941.

    Higher educational institutions of the National Guard Troops

    • Novosibirsk Military Institute of the Russian Guard named after. Army General I.K. Yakovleva
    • Perm Military Institute of the Russian National Guard Troops
    • St. Petersburg Military Institute of the Russian Guard
    • Saratov Military Order of Zhukov Red Banner Institute of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation

    Also, at the Military University of the Russian Ministry of Defense there is a faculty that trains officers for the Russian National Guard Troops.

    The training of artillerymen for the Russian National Guard Troops is carried out at the Mikhailovsky Military Artillery Academy.

    And also, there is a faculty of “Tactics and Operational Art of National Guard Troops” at the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Ground Forces “Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,” which trains officers of the Russian National Guard troops.

    Portugal: almost police

    The Portuguese National Guard appeared in 1911, although previous structures with different names had existed in the country since the beginning of the 19th century. Here the National Guard is a paramilitary police force, organized along the lines of the French gendarmerie. It ensures order mainly in rural areas, and is partly involved in the security of government buildings and customs control.

  • National guards of the world: what is it and what are they for?

  • About the troops

    The National Guard Troops (VNG) are a military structure that monitors security in the country, protects the peace of the civilian population, and protects citizens at any time of the day or night. They are part of the structure of the central governing body - the Russian Guard. The Russian Guard is a state paramilitary body, the predecessor of the internal troops under the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    The Russian Guard is called upon to protect the independence of the state and the interests of all citizens who live in it. They serve as honest, valiant and loyal fighters who have military skills, extraordinary skills, are selfless even in everyday life and are a support to the people around them.

    Laying wreaths

    In Moscow, every year on March 27, the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Guard and his deputies lay a wreath at the monument to Emperor Alexander I. The sculpture is located in the center of the capital and on the day of celebration thousands of citizens and military personnel who are in one way or another connected with the national troops flock to it. They pay tribute to the memory of Emperor Alexander the First, who laid the foundation and created a special army intended for public service.

    On the day of the Russian National Guard, flowers are laid at the monument to “Warriors of the Internal Troops” in the capital. Tribute is paid to all generations who died in the line of duty.

    The laying of wreaths and flowers on this day occurs throughout Russia and in all cities where the service of compatriots is remembered and appreciated.

    Cyprus: National Army

    In Cyprus, the National Guard refers to the armed forces of this republic, which appeared with its independence in 1960. This includes the ground forces, naval and air forces of the country. The republic has universal military service, the service period is two years.

  • National guards of the world: what is it and what are they for?

  • Holiday traditions

    It is on the day of the Russian National Guard that it is traditional to present state awards. One of these is the assignment of military ranks. Special or early ranks are assigned. Distinctive awards are presented from the command, including honorary ones, for merit, for distinction, including in battle, for educational achievements, as well as to combat participants and veterans. On this holiday, gratitude is announced from management and superiors, state diplomas and memorable gifts are presented to veterans and current employees.

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