Women's army in Russia: how to get into service

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In Russia, women, like men, can serve in the army. However, unlike male representatives, girls join the armed forces exclusively on a voluntary basis, by concluding a standard contract for military service. At the same time, all candidates must meet basic physical requirements, have high mental abilities, as well as sincere and tireless devotion to the Motherland. Let's take a closer look at how a girl can get into the army in Russia.

Conditions for joining the service

Often, yesterday's schoolgirls have a question about how to get into the army for girls in Russia. Despite the fact that in the Russian Federation there is no compulsory conscription for military service for women, nevertheless, they, along with men, can become military personnel. This can be done by concluding a contract for military service at your own request. However, you can take a military position only if you meet the requirements for candidates set by the Ministry of Defense.

In particular, in order to conclude your first contract you must:

  • be between 18 and 40 years of age, this qualification is established by Art. 8 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1237 of September 16, 1999;
  • not be a defendant in a criminal case, do not have a conviction behind them, in addition, persons released from prison who were previously subject to administrative punishment for the use of narcotic (psychotropic) substances without a prescription from a doctor are not allowed to serve, in other words, in biographies of potential contract soldiers, according to clause 5 of Art. 34 of Law 53-FZ of March 28, 1998 there should be no “dark spots”.

Thus, candidates who do not meet these two requirements are eliminated already at the first stage of selection. But contrary to popular requirements, a woman’s presence of a family, including young children, will not be an obstacle to a military career.

By the way , you can apply for some military positions after the 9th grade under a contract; the list of suitable vacancies can be found at selection points or on the official portal of the Ministry of Defense. It should be taken into account that to serve in the army, having a basic general education behind you is not enough, since compliance with the age limit is required.

List of documents for a girl to become a military personnel

A girl who wants to go to serve will need to provide the commissariat with a certain set of documentation, which usually includes:

  • passport confirming Russian citizenship;
  • statement of desire to serve the Motherland;
  • a personal biography in brief form;
  • a copy of the work record book certified by a notary;
  • a document confirming the presence of specialized secondary or higher education;
  • copies of documents certified by a notary regarding marital status, presence of children and similar issues.

Having these papers, you can safely go to the recruiting office and submit them for consideration.

What jobs can women hold?

When planning to join the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on a contract after college, women usually think about what positions they can count on.

Important! According to paragraph 4 of Art. 8 of Presidential Decree No. 1237, a girl can be accepted into military service only if there are vacant positions that can be filled by females.

The list of specialties that girls can take up is approved by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Conventionally, all types of professions that women can get into in the army can be divided into several types:

  1. Communications - in this area, a woman can undergo special vocational training to become a radio operator, communications installer, or communications operator.
  2. Medicine - in this area you can study to become a disinfector or X-ray mechanic. But in order to take the position of a nurse or paramedic, you will need at least a secondary specialized education in the field.
  3. Printing - engraver, equipment adjuster.
  4. Computer technology - computer operator.

In addition to the named specialties, women in the army can be involved in other jobs and areas. For example, they often become dog handlers and protect the borders of Russia with dogs or join the mine-detecting service. In addition, women can be accepted into military units as cooks, controllers, psychologists, and translators.

It should be noted that in order to occupy the desired position in the army, a woman requires specialized education, and often relevant work experience.

Thus, from the above it follows that the selection of a vacancy is influenced, first of all, by the presence of a suitable level of education, as well as professional skills.

However, the final decision is made by a commission based on the results of a medical examination, psychological tests, physical fitness standards and professional selection.

Women's positions in the Russian army

All female professions in the Russian army are divided into several main groups:

  1. Military-technical;
  2. Acquired in special military educational institutions, which subsequently give the right to work in the military sphere;
  3. Civilian specialties that a girl can obtain by studying in educational institutions.

Among the technical specialties of girls, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Cartographer. In this position, the girl’s main task is to study the terrain, soil and deposits. The tasks will also include creating maps and various diagrams using special software. It is possible to take part in expeditions to study inaccessible areas;
  • Telecommunications installer. The communications operator's duties will include the installation of complex equipment for specific military purposes;
  • Radio operator. In order to be able to work in this specialty, you must undergo special training. The radio operator’s tasks will include setting up radio equipment, debugging and repairing it;
  • Optical mechanic. The position involves working with optical equipment. The employee’s task is to assemble and install equipment;
  • Telegraph operator. The task of a female telegraph operator is to transmit data via communication channels;
  • Meteorologist. Military personnel in this position must be able to predict changes in weather conditions in a certain area;
  • Engineer. Having such a high-level position, women must monitor the operation of military equipment and have the skills to maintain it.

Among the specialties acquired in special educational institutions are:

  • Nurse. To have a position working in the military as a medical personnel, you must complete education and training at a medical school. But in order to obtain this profession, training must take place in a special institution with a military medical direction;
  • Psychologist. It is necessary to undergo appropriate training, the purpose of the work will be to ensure the mental health of military personnel;
  • Translator. Training to become a translator takes place in a regular educational institution, but to work in the military sphere it will be necessary to undergo retraining in a specialized institution to study complex military terminology.

No less popular positions for women in the Russian army are cook, journalist, economist, accountant, clerk, and personnel department worker. Thus, the list of all possible professions for women is quite extensive.

How to join the army?

The procedure for joining the armed forces under a contract is the same for both men and women. It is regulated by Art. 5 of the Regulations approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1237 of September 16, 1999.

According to this legal norm, after the 11th grade you can join the army under a contract.

To do this, the interested person must come to the military commissariat at his place of residence, or to a military unit and submit an application. It usually begins with the words “I ask you to consider my candidacy for voluntary military service...”. In the document, the applicant asks to be accepted into service in a specific military unit, branch of the military, for a certain period with a probationary period.

For reference: according to clause 3 of Art. 38 of Law No. 53-FZ of March 28, 1998, the first contract is concluded with a military personnel for two or three years, if the military position corresponds to the rank of soldier, sailor, sergeant or sergeant major. For a five-year period, a contract is signed if the position provides for the rank of officer, warrant officer or midshipman. Thus, it will not be possible to conclude a contract for only a year.

Together with the application, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 5 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1237, a woman will need a package of documents:

  • applicant's passport;
  • an application form on a standard form, it is always filled out in the candidate’s own hand for military service;
  • the applicant's autobiography in handwritten form;
  • a copy of the work book, if the citizen has one; if a woman refused a paper work record in favor of an electronic one at her previous place of work, then she submits a certificate in the STD-PF form containing information about her work activity;
  • diploma or other documents confirming the applicant’s level of education;
  • marriage certificate if the applicant is in an official relationship;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • other documents depending on what specialty the girl has chosen.

In addition, you will need two photographs of the applicant (9*12), as well as a description. You can choose to provide it from your place of study, work, or residence. It is important that all copies submitted along with the application are properly certified.

How to go to serve under a contract for a girl - procedure

There are two main ways a girl can get into the army:

  • go after school to study at a military university for a military specialty;
  • enlist during the next conscription by simply contacting the nearest military registration and enlistment office.

With the first case everything is clear, let’s consider the procedure for the second option.

In order for a woman to be successfully drafted into the army, she must first have a conversation with an instructor at the selection point. Depending on the girl’s education, inclinations and wishes, she will be offered some options for contract service.

When all this is agreed upon, you will have to undergo a special professional and psychological selection and, if successful, join the ranks of the Russian Army.

Passing a medical examination

After a decision has been made to admit the applicant to a medical examination, he is given a corresponding referral. The purpose of the examination is to ensure that the candidate's health status meets the medical standards established by the Ministry of Defense. The Army requires that future soldiers do not have diseases or physical disabilities that would interfere with their service.

Women, like men, must undergo standard examinations to enter into a contract. In particular, they will be required to:

  • fluorography results;
  • cardiogram;
  • blood and urine test results.

Among other things, you will need to pass a test for the use of narcotic and psychotropic substances. If the result is positive, you will have to forget about military service.

In addition, the examination involves passing a medical examination, during which the candidate is examined by a surgeon, dermatovenerologist, otolaryngologist and dentist. In addition, positive opinions from a neurologist, therapist and ophthalmologist will be required. In addition to them, if necessary, you may need to undergo additional specialists. By the way, a psychiatrist makes his decision based on the results of psychological selection.

Based on the results of the candidate’s medical examination, a decision is made on his suitability or unsuitability to serve in the army under a contract.

It is important that a citizen’s health status is assessed according to the following categories:

  • A ” - fit for military service without restrictions;
  • B ” - fit for service, but with minor restrictions;
  • C ”—limitedly fit for military service;
  • G ” - temporarily unsuitable for concluding a contract;
  • D ” - absolutely unfit for service in the armed forces.

Only those women who have been recognized by the Military Military Commission as fit for military service in category “A” or “B” with minor health problems will be able to conclude a contract. The last group “D” is usually assigned to citizens with chronic or progressive diseases. For example, when detecting malignant neoplasms, detecting HIV, glaucoma, and the like. Health category “G”—temporarily unfit—is assigned to women who are pregnant. Women who refuse to undergo a medical examination are declared unfit for military service by the commission.

If a girl enlists in the army for health reasons, she is sent to the next stage of psychological selection, regulated by Art. 5.2 of Law No. 53-FZ of March 28, 1998

Physical training

In order to enter military service under a contract after university or school, you must pass general physical training standards.

It should be noted that women have their own requirements. They are regulated by Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 200 dated April 21, 2009 in Appendix No. 20.

So, in order to pass the selection, women need to do a choice of only three exercises for each of the qualities: strength, speed and endurance. If a candidate fails to meet the minimum standard for exercises, a contract will not be concluded with him.

Table No. 1. Physical fitness requirements for women.

Types of exercisesRequirements for the number of repetitions and completion time
Up to 25 yearsAfter 25 years
Bending and extending the arms from a lying position12 times10 times
Bend the torso forward25 times20 times
Running a distance of 60 m.12.9 s13.9 s
Running a distance of 100 m.19.5 s20.5 s
Shuttle run, 10 meters 10 times38.0 s39.0 s
Running a distance of 1 km.5.20 min.5.45 min.

Exercises from the categories presented above are performed by the army candidate in sports uniform throughout the day.

The person being checked must be familiar with the results of the check. By the way, the obtained indicators of the candidate’s level of physical fitness must be entered into the record card and stored until the end of the service period. It should be taken into account that the contract employee has the right to re-pass the standards. At the same time, his level of physical fitness will be checked in full.

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