Recruits of 2022 - what things you can take with you to the service

Nowadays, more and more young guys want to serve in the army by conscription, since the army is a real school of life, hardening the body, and is also very interesting with the introduction of the latest scientific developments in the field of weapons into the arsenal. Many have heard that the conditions for military service are getting better and better every year, and this is quite true.

Let's say a young man successfully passed a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, was declared fit, and has a summons to the army with a specific date - time to pack his things. But here the everyday question arises - what should a conscript take with him into the army in 2022? Why is the year important? Because, I repeat, the conditions of military service change every year, in particular the hygiene products provided to conscripts, military uniforms, and so on. The question of what a conscript should take into the army is quite relevant, so we will answer in detail what’s what.

However, before we get down to business, let us remind you that military service is associated with enormous stress on the conscript’s body, as well as with handling military weapons. In this regard, only fit young men have the right to serve in the army.

. You may ask, but I was declared fit, right? It is worth noting here that an examination at the military registration and enlistment office is a medical examination, not an examination, and the purpose of this event is to confirm the fact of the presence of the disease if the conscript has brought the appropriate certificate. If the young man has not provided any certificates and, at first glance, is healthy, then he will be considered fit.

Our practice shows that when a full medical examination is carried out, which can be completed in a few hours, 95.4% of conscripts have diseases for which military service is prohibited by federal law

, and they are entitled to a military ID and exemption from the army due to health.
Contact us for advice (addresses and telephone numbers in the Contacts section), and we will organize an independent health examination for you, provide consulting and legal assistance to conscripts, and you will be surprised that you should have received a military ID by law. It’s not too late, even if you have a summons to the army
, since an independent examination will invalidate the results of the medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office. Call, ask for help.

What should you take with you to the army?

Let’s immediately decide what you obviously can’t go to the army without, that is, what you really need to take with you to the army. Theoretically, you don’t need to take anything with you, but that’s just a theory. Of course, basic hygiene items are necessary: ​​toothbrush, toothpaste, shaving accessories, toilet soap and others. Despite the fact that in most military units, conscripts must be given an army travel bag - a bag with an exhaustive list of supplies for personal hygiene. Your department may not issue them or issue them only after 2 months - a soldier cannot be unshaven all this time. Therefore, you need to take all the basic things with you to the army. Let them be cheap and last for 1-2 months, but they must be with you. It is also necessary to take rubber slippers for showers so that the conscript does not contract infectious/fungal foot diseases on the first day of service. Let's summarize what you need to take with you into the army:

  • documents, namely a passport and a military registration document - a registration certificate from the military registration and enlistment office, it is advisable to take them in special cases so that they do not get wet or dirty;
  • all hygiene supplies (except for scissors - replace them with special nail clippers), inexpensive, for approximately 1 month;
  • rubber slippers for shower;
  • some food, with the exception of perishable food, the trip to the military unit can take up to 7-10 days, and even food for 1-2 days, it is advisable that the young man have something to eat during this time;
  • a plaster for feet is an absolutely necessary thing, since wearing new army boots will inevitably cause chafed wounds, and the plaster will be a salvation from infection and dirt - take more, because otherwise you will have to buy it, which is very problematic - not everyone is allowed outside every day parts;
  • a little money (after the recent price increase, already 2200 - 3500 rubles) - not necessary, but in the absence of any important little thing, such as shaving foam, etc., you can only buy it, which is not possible without cash;
  • a kit for repairing clothes, in other words, threads of several colors - army green, as well as neutral black and, most importantly, white, as well as a couple of needles - also does not accommodate basic sewing skills;
  • the clothes in which you travel should be discreet, comfortable, not expensive - they will have to be stored for the entire duration of your conscription service - take one so that you don’t mind;
  • The conscript will also need several sets of underwear, and according to the regulations there must be a handkerchief - take a pair, they will come in handy.

Now you know what you need to take with you to the army - this list has remained virtually unchanged for many years.

Alternative service

Alternative service is suitable for those who do not want to serve in the army. As part of it, the teenager will have to benefit the state. And also to society. But, at the same time, without serving in the army.

However, this option is not very good. The fact is that a man only has to serve one year in the army. And in alternative service - twenty-one months.

The distribution of alternative workers is handled by the department of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment. He can send a man to very hard work. Which is paid for with little money. And, besides, it may be very far from the place of his actual residence.

To enroll in alternative service, you need to write an application at the military registration and enlistment office. The commission will check whether the person was able to fulfill all the necessary conditions for alternative service. If so, he will enroll him in it.

What can you take into the army?

  • Mobile phone. You can take a phone into the army, but not just any phone. Since much of the information available to a conscript in the service is classified (even the location of buildings in a military unit), photographing and disclosing this information is strictly prohibited - there is serious criminal liability for this. Therefore, you need a cell phone as simple as possible: without a camera and the Internet. Otherwise, it may be confiscated before the end of the service on the first day.
  • Cigarettes. If a young man smokes, then you should take at least 5-10 packs for the first time. The army issues special free cigarettes for soldiers, but due to the specific composition, these cigarettes are very different from “civilian” products, and most conscripts buy their usual cigarettes in stores.
  • Wristwatches, chains and other jewelry can be taken into the army, but it is better not to do this - if they contradict the appearance of a soldier according to the regulations, they will be confiscated. Also, so that you don’t feel sorry for losing.

Who else is exempt from military service?

According to the law, Russian citizens who:

  1. They serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations or the Federal Security Service.
  2. They have a suspended sentence. Or were released on parole.
  3. They are accused in a criminal case.
  4. They study full-time at the university. Or are graduate students.
  5. Have a wife and two children (or more).
  6. They are single fathers. Or they are caring for elderly parents.

What you cannot take with you to the army (prohibited to take)

  • Items that can be used as weapons, such as scissors, glass containers, etc.
  • Medicines and pills, if there is no certificate or prescription from a medical organization/clinic.
  • Drinks containing alcohol and drugs.
  • Video cameras, voice recorders, photographic equipment.

Now you know what you cannot take with you into the army. It turns out that the answer to the question “What should a conscript take with him to the army” mostly remains hygiene supplies, as well as a simple telephone, some money and other things that we listed above. But let us repeat once again, if you are not 100% sure that you are fit for health, then it is better to conduct an independent examination - citizens are given exemption from the army by law for many diseases that are not visible during examination.

When does the call start?

Conscription into the army usually takes place in the spring. Its duration is from the first of April to the fifteenth of July. For three and a half months, all men between the ages of eighteen and twenty-seven must come to the military registration and enlistment office. In the event that they do not have a deferment.

Men living in the Far North may not come to military registration and enlistment offices throughout April. They are given the right to appear before the relevant body starting from the first of May. A similar opportunity is given to those men who work in schools, colleges, educational institutions, and other educational organizations. The right to come on the first of May is given to teachers in order to take exams for students. And then go to serve.

Men who live in rural areas may not come to the military registration and enlistment office in the spring. The Department of Defense is giving them the opportunity to begin serving in the fall. In order to have time to harvest in the summer.

Can you give me a list of what to take into the army?

Evgeniy Aristov

Mainly, all things are needed with which the conscript will maintain a neat appearance. The list of things to take to the military includes: toilet paper, soap, shower products, and something to wear on your feet so you don't have to stand on the shower floor with your bare feet. Also, the list must include money so that something necessary can be quickly purchased. As a rule, during the first month of service, conscripts already have a ready list in their heads of what else they will need, and they order everything from relatives. The parcel will arrive in 2-3 weeks, then the young man will have everything he needs.

Alexander, Ekaterinburg

Why do they give a deferment?

A deferment from service is given in the following cases:

  1. If a man needs to regularly care for his seriously ill or elderly relative.
  2. If a man has a child with a disability. His age must be no more than three years.
  3. If a man's wife is pregnant. Moreover, its duration is more than six and a half months.
  4. If a man is studying at university.

To receive a deferment, the conscript must come to the military registration and enlistment office. And provide specialized documents confirming the right to receive it. If you do not bring the papers to the military registration and enlistment office, it will be impossible to get a deferment.

Is it possible to take a phone into the army in 2022?

Evgeniy Aristov

You can take a phone, but be sure to not have a camera or the Internet - these options can potentially be used to disclose information that is a state secret. A simple phone remains charged for a long time, which is also important when on duty. Also, the answer to this question may depend on the type of troops in which the conscript will serve. It is worth checking with the military commissar in your city whether it is possible to take a phone into the army; perhaps he will tell you any additional rules.


When going to a recruiting station, you should not wear expensive clothes or shoes. You need to wear something that will be comfortable for you to get to the part. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of shoes; it is better to give preference to light sneakers or simple sneakers.

There is no need to take clothes with you. Upon arrival at the place of service, the recruit receives full uniform, and all personal belongings will have to be deposited in the storeroom or sent home by mail.

Any jewelry that is contrary to army regulations will be immediately confiscated. It is better to leave chains, watches, bracelets and other accessories at home. In addition, there is a possibility of losing them.

The only things you need to take are a few pairs of socks and a change of underwear (you can fold a couple of sets).

Personal care products

It is necessary to think over a list of accessories for personal use that will be useful not only on the road, but also at the place of duty:

  • soap /necessarily in a soap dish/;
  • toothpaste and a case with a toothbrush;
  • roll of toilet paper;
  • small washcloth;
  • if you take deodorant, then only roll-on / not spray/;
  • rubber slippers for shower /they will help avoid fungal infection/;
  • shaving machine with spare blades /it is better to purchase disposable machines/;
  • for and after shaving;
  • nail clippers /scissors cannot be taken/;
  • handkerchiefs /several pieces/;
  • comb-comb of compact sizes;
  • towel.

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What are the dangers of napping for older people?

You should not take a large amount of cosmetics; it is also better to leave expensive perfume at home.

You should definitely take a spare medical adhesive plaster with you, since wearing new army shoes inevitably leads to chafing, wounds and calluses. The patch will prevent infection.


It is important to store documents in the safest and most protected place. There is a list of documents that a conscript must have with him:

  1. Passport.
  2. Summons from the military registration and enlistment office.
  3. Attribution certificate.

If the conscript has a driver's license, you can also take it with you. They may be required if a conscript wishes to become a driver in the army. It is better to store all these documents in covers, preferably in a folder with secure fasteners.

Communication equipment

The soldier is allowed to have a mobile phone with him. It is recommended to give preference to an inexpensive and reliable model - without a camera and Internet access function. It is important to understand that the entire territory of the military unit is a closed facility where photographic or video recording is prohibited. There is criminal liability for distributing such materials.

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