Innovations for gun owners starting in 2022. 9 major changes to the Weapons Law. What restrictions await Russians

Major changes for gun owners in 2022

  • Introduction of new and clarification of old concepts in legislation. The definitions of rifled and smooth-bore weapons have been clarified and previously unclear points have been eliminated.
  • Recognition of weapons as a source of increased danger. In the event of damage, the owner of the weapon will be held accountable regardless of guilt.
  • Increasing the age for issuing a weapons license. The age for obtaining weapons on a general basis was raised from 18 to 21 years.
  • Tightening requirements for convicted persons. The category of previously convicted persons who will be denied a permit has been expanded.
  • Restriction on gun ownership for the first two years. Some types of weapons can only be purchased with two years of ownership experience.
  • Obligation to notify the Russian National Guard about decommissioned weapons. An obligation has been introduced to inform the Russian National Guard about the storage, acquisition, and sale of decommissioned weapons.
  • Tightening liability for violations. The amount of fines and the list of offenses for which weapons may be confiscated have been increased.
  • Confiscation of weapons for refusal to undergo a medical examination. If the owner is suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs and refuses to be examined, the weapon will be confiscated.
  • Obligation to report the loss of weapons. A person who has lost or otherwise lost a weapon will be required to report this to the authorities of the Russian Guard on the same day.

Hunting carbine from a sports prototype

As indicated earlier, the new KSZ-223 carbine is a development of the Kalashnikov concern. The product turned out to be very interesting indeed! In terms of reloading technology, we are talking about a pump-action model. Externally, the new weapon is very similar to the Kalashnikov assault rifle. However, if you look closely, the wide under-barrel handle is precisely what reveals the fundamental technical difference.

To prepare for the next shot, the shooter should only move the handle “back and forth” in the under-barrel part. Everything is like in the cool foreign action films of the 90s, and what athletes need!

Having looked at the sample and then tested it in action, the Russian Deputy Prime Minister gave KSZ-223 a high rating. But at the same time, he gave the developers a very unexpected idea - to create a hunting version of this weapon based on the new carbine. Namely, you need to increase the caliber from 5.56x45 to 7.62x39.

For what? According to Dmitry Olegovich, fast reloading is an opportunity that increases the hunter’s survival in the event of an encounter with a predator such as a bear.

Indeed, the Russian bear only seems clumsy. In fact, it is impossible to escape from him, and trying to climb a tree is also stupid. Moreover, the mass of the animal is such that sometimes several shots are required before the predator is neutralized. In this case, a few very quickly fired bullets should save the hunter.

And such a case of miraculous salvation, by the way, can be told more than once by you to your fellow hunters. Can you imagine sitting by the fire where excellent soup or porridge with real army canned meat

(and even according to one of your favorite camping
recipes with stew
!), You will begin your story with the words: “And this purchase once saved my life!..”.

Introduction of new and clarification of old concepts in weapons legislation

The bottom line. The law will clarify the definition of smooth-bore and rifled weapons. Before the reform, weapons were classified as smooth-bore or rifled, depending on the presence of rifling in the barrel. But there was a gap - partially rifled weapons were classified as smoothbore. Now such weapons will also be considered rifled and require a separate permit after 5 years of experience in owning a smooth-bore weapon.

The striker and trigger mechanisms were added to the list of main parts of weapons, and they were given a definition - this will mean a ban on their independent alteration. The very concept of altering weapons has also been clarified - actions that only specialists have the right to perform.

author Nikolay Dergachev/author Nikolay Dergachev

The 15th anniversary Arms & Hunting exhibition was held in Moscow. I decided to share my impressions about it and about the arms market in general. In my report, I decided to move away from trying to describe all the new items at the exhibition. It seems more important to me to talk about trends, illustrating them with specific examples.

What was not included in the main report is here

For the first time in many years, Kalashnikov Concern, the country's largest weapons manufacturer, was absent from the exhibition. Is it good or bad? I don’t know about KK, but for other manufacturers, who have always been in the shadow of this weapons giant, its absence at the exhibition provided an opportunity to better advertise their new products.

As for the main trends, the passion for “under-rifled” .366TKM cartridges and the new 9.6/53 Lancaster is clearly visible. Many manufacturers have tried to get involved in this topic in order to carve out a niche for themselves.

For example, VPMZ “Molot” now offers the most complete collection of weapons for .366TKM and 9.6/53 Lancaster. To the already known “Vepryam” and the usual “Mosinka” VPO-220 in 9.6/53 Lancaster, an almost match modification of the VPO-223 was added.

In the lighter class for .366TKM, Molot exhibited an AK with detachable barrels – VPO-302 for .366TK, 7.62x39 mm and 6.5x35 Grendel calibers. As an artifact, the VPO-302 will probably go down in the history of weapons design, but I don’t see much practical meaning in just such a set of calibers. However, perhaps we are seeing development of the “AK with an interchangeable barrel” design, which will then result in something more interesting in other calibers.

Molot also showed a new line of Ermine bolt-action carbines in 5.45x39 mm, 6.5x35 Grendel, 7.62x39 mm, .223Rem and .366TKM.

The set of calibers shows that it is positioned as a competitor to the Izhevsk Bars.

The modification that seemed most interesting to me was the “Ermine” PO-215 for the .366TKM caliber, made in the “kulak cut-off” form factor.

But the main novelty for the new 9.6/53 Lancaster cartridges was shown by “TECHCRIM”. This is a redesigned Zastava M70 chambered for a new cartridge. I talked about this gun, which is called TK598, in detail, becoming one of the first bloggers who managed to shoot with this weapon. TK598 has already appeared in gun stores at an average price of 70 thousand rubles.

“At the request of the workers,” a shortened modification of the TK598 with a Full Stock or “mountain carbine” stock also appeared. True, it will only be supplied to order, the price is slightly higher than the base model.

Another niche is covered by the TK 518, an ideological relative of the German and Austrian Kipplaufs, created on the basis of the IZH-18. It also comes in 9.6/53 Lancaster plus 12th.

.366TKM inserts for the 12-gauge IZH-18 were also presented. This kit is called TK600.

Another new product from TEKHKRIMA is the traumatic Colt T1911T of 44TK caliber. Production samples differ significantly in finishing from the pre-production ones that I saw in Izhevsk in the summer.

Ceramic-coated models in gray and green appeared, as well as a “royal” pistol with black chrome and wooden handles.

As for the timing of appearance on the shelves, they are moving closer to December, the recommended price is 55 thousand rubles.

The previous model of LLC TEKHKRIMA, P226T TK-Pro, also received a “ceramic” design and... a “golden” frame (titanium oxide) for... mmm... people who love pretentiousness.

Another new product was the Kurbatov Arms carbine chambered for the 9x19 mm R-701 pistol cartridge, tailored for practical shooting. Quite an interesting model, especially since it is respected because it is produced by a company from scratch, which previously did not have its own weapons production.

Tula gunsmiths decided to exploit the theme of the civilian VSS. Under the name KO VSS and in the “native” caliber 9x39 mm, a fair number of rifles of different colors and shades were presented. True, it is not clear who their consumers are, except for a very narrow category of collectors.

Let's talk now about foreigners. The traditional trendsetters in our market are the Germans and Italians. And if the former have significantly reduced their presence, showing almost only smoothbore, then the Italians are not even thinking about “squeezing in” somehow.

But first I’ll say a few words about the “Germans”. The extremely scanty Blaser exposition seemed to make it clear that these are the sanctions. A living embodiment, so to speak.

True, there were still new items. This concerns Blaser’s sister brand Sauer - they brought a self-loading rifle with an inertial reloading system Sauer SL5. It’s not like it’s some kind of global news; it appeared last year, but it didn’t make it to the last Arms & Hunting. I first saw this gun at the January exhibition in Augsburg. And now it is in Moscow.

Everyone present at the presentation was asked to disassemble and reassemble it, focusing on ease of maintenance. They admitted that the Sauer SL5 is made in Italy, not Germany. The basis of the gun (as well as the basis of Benelli) is an Italian patent from Breda.

Now in Moscow they are asking about 150 thousand rubles for such a gun. A little expensive for today's times.

The Italians were represented in great diversity. Franchi, celebrating its 150th anniversary this year, has been turning heads with new versions of the now-hit thousand-dollar Franchi Horizon rifle. Now, in particular, the .243 Win caliber has been added.

Other Italians, Benelli, brought two new products - the 828 sports sideflint and the Raffaello be Diamond semi-automatic.

Benelli Raffaello be Diamond

Benelli 828

Benelli stand

Finishing the “Italian” topic, I’ll mention Beretta, FABARM and Caesar Guerini. There was nothing globally new there, but thanks for coming.

But there were not just a lot of “Turks”, but I would say indecently many. Moreover, Turkish companies began to offer not only smoothbore, but also rifled weapons.

For example, ATA Turqua, which is said to cost no more than 50,000 rubles in .308 Win caliber.

The Turkish Kral Arms exhibits a very wide range of smoothbores - from “analogs” of the Russian MP-27 and MP-155 to “bulpups” and AR-like smoothbores.

Kral Arms are imported by Izhevsk Arsenal. They also carry Serbian Zastava M70s.

Concluding the review of the weapons part of the exhibition, I can draw the following conclusions. In the coming years, we will see an increase in arms supplies from “non-traditional” manufacturing countries, which is due to the sanctions’ geography. The demand for high-quality rifled weapons will grow, but it is not yet clear how it will be satisfied. There is hope for private arms factories that appeared after 1991, such as, for example, “TEKHKRIM”, Kurbatov arms. They come up with bold design ideas that are supported by their close contact with salespeople and market research. As for traditional weapons factories, unfortunately, so far there has been a stomping around AKs and other military systems, with very rare exceptions. So far, I would call VPMZ “Molot” the only “classical” plant that is at least somehow trying to look for new niches. There are also big changes coming to the import market. Instead of expensive and “pretentious” weapons, cheaper analogues of well-known systems will be imported, possibly from budget sub-brands of well-known manufacturers (see the example of Franchi).

Now let's move on to weapon accessories. The most interesting for me was the FAB Defebse stand, where a stock for the SKS was finally presented. It is polymer, comes in different colors and has a folding stock. There are Weaver-type fastenings on its surface,

And owners of “Vepra” with a Weaver rail on the receiver cover were pleased with Tula, which presented the long-awaited side bracket for this weapon. I am already testing one such bracket, which I will tell you about a little later.

In the night optics section, I went to the Yukon/Pulsar stand.

Among the new products is a thermal imaging pseudo-binocular. A modification with a built-in rangefinder is planned. Soon it will be on sale in Russia, the price has not yet been determined exactly.

Another news is about digital sights. The budget Yukon Photon series will be gradually phased out (although it will be in production for at least another year), and its supplies to the Russian market will cease. What will happen instead of Photon? This is the Sightlight series, which features a sensitive matrix of the same class as on the Digisight 355. The Sightlight has a different form factor (rail mount) than the Photon. Budget sights will differ from the older Digisight line by the absence of a number of functions such as a built-in recorder, Stream Vision, etc. The approximate price of the sight in the top version is 50 thousand rubles.

Two Photons on the left, two new Sightlights on the right.

Quadcopters with thermal imagers on board are becoming fashionable.

About cartridges.

TechCrim's 9.6/53 Lancaster caliber continues to evolve. I have already talked about the introduction of the 18g SP semi-jacketed bullet for this cartridge.

In addition, they are preparing for serial production of a shot cartridge (shot No. 7, weight 14 g, speed 450 m/s), buckshot *5 buckshot 8 mm, speed 490 m/s, cash register 18.8 g), as well as a Dary bullet ( lead with polymer coating) and ECO made of light zinc alloy.

It was especially nice to see videos from my Youtube channel at the TECHKRIMA stand.

The Novosibirsk Cartridge Plant is changing the design of its boxes starting in the new year. Now they will be done in gray tones.

Off-road vehicles at the exhibition were presented in a single copy - the ZUBR all-terrain vehicle. A new “waterfowl” modification of the ZUBR ARNEE (water buffalo) was shown, which has a new bow and its own propeller.

Recognition of weapons as a source of increased danger

The bottom line. Previously, only the court decided which item was considered a source of increased danger. This uncertainty has been removed.

Now any weapon is classified by law as a source of increased danger. And the owner will be obliged to compensate for any damage caused by his weapon, regardless of his own fault. It is possible to get rid of this only in two cases: in circumstances of force majeure and in the case of the guilt of the victim himself (Article 1079 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Fundamentally new developments for shooters

Gunsmith specialists in Izhevsk began developing fundamentally new weapons for shooters, which (according to them) will be completely different from the well-known Kalashnikov system. The weapon will be of a modular type, which significantly simplifies production, and for its development (according to some information) ballistic ammunition is used, which is characterized by increased range, accuracy and enormous penetrating power. Today, new rifle products are under development, and Izhevsk gunsmiths say that they will only be seen closer to 2022.

New missile systems

When discussing Russia’s new weapons in 2022, experts emphasize that a new Sarmat missile will appear on the market. Data about it, naturally, are classified, but there is evidence that it will be able to move along different (unexpected for the enemy) trajectories and its flight range will reach 16,000 kilometers. A separate advantage will be the missile load, which will reach 10 tons (previously this figure reached only 8.8).

There are also plans to launch a new railway missile system, the design of which is being carried out by Moscow specialists. It will be equipped with nuclear warheads, so the new product will be highly anticipated.

Increasing the age for issuing a weapons license

The bottom line. Before the amendments came into force, any citizen over 18 years of age could apply for a weapons permit. The exception was receiving a traumatic weapon - permission was issued for it from the age of 21.

Now the general age has been raised to 21 years, but exceptions to the rules have appeared - they receive permission in the old way from 18 years of age:

  • citizens who have served in military service;
  • security company employees;
  • professional foresters.

Hypersonic installation and its features

The most anticipated new weapons in Russia in 2022 also include the innovative ultrasonic Zircon missile, which many countries are already calling one of the most important threats to the state security of the Russian Federation. According to data received from an official source, the missile will be super-powerful - one strike can destroy two aircraft carriers at once, while the maximum destructive effect will be 1000 km. It is noteworthy that the specified data is not limiting, that is, it can be increased, which makes the missile launcher truly threatening.

It will be possible to launch a rocket launcher both from water and from land, and the principle of its design is simple (which is its genius) - after the rocket reaches maximum speed, its head will become hot, which triggers the mechanism for the formation of plasma (anti-radar cloud ), as a result of which the missile not only moves at maximum speed, but is also invisible, which can inflict a truly devastating blow on the enemy (it is extremely difficult to shoot it down).

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New air defense systems

When discussing Russia’s new weapons in 2022, it is worth paying special attention to the development of an updated multifunctional air defense system, which will be called “Standard”. Development of the system should begin in 2018, but from 2022 the country will devote all possible efforts to creating a universal weapons system. Experts emphasize that Standard will develop a new generation of anti-aircraft systems and other new weapons that will help form an updated network-centric system.

Based on new air defenses (according to statements of experts), weapons will be developed on new physical principles, that is, Russian specialists will begin to develop weapons using processes that have not been used before, which means it is worth preparing for a breakthrough by the Russian Federation “in the arms race.”

It will be more difficult for those who have committed a previous offense to become gun owners

The right to purchase weapons will be denied to persons who have violated the law in one way or another, such as:

  1. Having previously committed an intentional offense with a valid criminal record;
  2. Ever convicted of:
  • especially serious or for a serious offense;
  • intentional offense related to weapons trafficking;
  • offense of a terrorist or extremist nature;
  • committing violence against a minor;
  1. Those who have committed an intentional offense using explosives, weapons, drugs, psychotropics, poisons, radioactive materials or medicinal preparations;
  2. Convicted for offenses of any nature more than once.

The right to own weapons will also be denied:

  • Those who have had an administrative arrest for a relevant offense;
  • Those held accountable for the use of psychotropic substances or drugs in the absence of a doctor’s approval;
  • Those who have been charged with driving while drunk or who have entrusted the steering wheel to a “drunk” person.

They will be denied a license within 12 months from the end of the administrative punishment.

In order not to receive the stigma of an administrative offender, it is necessary, in circumstances that threaten prosecution, to immediately seek the services of lawyers. We are ready to provide legal advice around the clock by calling 8 (495) 969-77-44.

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