The latest Russian weapons developments in 2022

Everyone is aware that the current intensity of passions on the world stage is very impressive. And therefore, many states strive to provide decent military forces on their territory. The latest developments in Russian weapons in 2022 will allow us to maintain the palm in the relevant field.

The country is constantly concerned about equipping the Armed Forces with the latest scientific achievements. Thus, the army receives equipment for sale to other powers, secret developments, and amazing defense systems against possible enemies. Let's see what the Russian Federation is able to resist in the New Year under force majeure circumstances.

First, it is necessary to understand the nature of weapons creation operations. All experiments are carried out under the heading of secrecy. New types of repelling aggression are constantly being produced. But only some of them are revealed to the public eye. As part of the current material, we will talk about new Russian weapons that can now be identified.

Number of combat-ready equipment

Protecting the peace of citizens is the prerogative of the defense industry and the army as a whole. Among the means of protection there are many specimens that are rightfully considered the pride of the Immense.

Below is a list of equipment that is planned to equip the Armed Forces:

  • 600 air vehicles - long-range vehicles, bombers, fighters, etc.;
  • three hundred installations to repel air attacks;
  • Russia's new weapons of 2022 also contain as many as 1.2 thousand helicopters for various purposes;
  • supersonic ballistic missiles with nuclear missiles on board;
  • innovative developments in the nuclear field;
  • precision weapons;
  • rifle protection units;
  • means of destroying enemy ground vehicles;
  • hypersonic weapons;
  • new ammunition for army personnel.

The listed capacities guarantee timely and high-quality protection of the safety of the civilian population.

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In 2022, the Russian Armed Forces received new missiles, aircraft and armored vehicles

Recently, the Armed Forces have received 57 military space satellites, 109 Yars intercontinental missiles, 108 submarine-launched ballistic missiles, 4 Project 955 Borei-class strategic submarines, 7 modern submarines and 161 surface ships, as well as 17 missile systems anti-ship defense "Ball" and "Bastion", more than 1 thousand combat aircraft and helicopters, more than 3.5 thousand armored vehicles.

According to Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, 12 missile regiments were re-equipped with Yars complexes, 10 missile brigades with Iskander complexes, and 20 anti-aircraft missile regiments were armed with the S-400 Triumph air defense system. At the same time, 13 aviation regiments received modernized 4++ generation aircraft: MiG-31BM, Su-35S, Su-30SM and Su-34, Ka-52 and Mi-28 helicopters. The first Tu-160M ​​strategic bomber, built from scratch, took to the skies.

Strategic nuclear forces

In 2022, more than 95% of launchers in the Strategic Missile Forces are kept in constant readiness for combat use, the military department reports. This year, three missile regiments of the Strategic Missile Forces were re-equipped with Yars missile systems.

The re-equipment of the first regiment with a missile system with hypersonic glide winged units “Avangard” continues. The Avangard missile system consists of a launch vehicle and a hypersonic winged unit. The speed of the Avangard hypersonic unit is M28, which approximately corresponds to 7.5 km/sec.

The strategic aviation nuclear forces were replenished with five modernized Tu-95MSM missile carriers. When modernizing an aircraft of this type, the following are installed: a new set of weapons, a new set of on-board electronic equipment, new modified engines and propellers, as well as new weapons control systems, aircraft control systems, flight and navigation equipment, an on-board communications complex, a radar station, and objective control equipment. After this modernization, the combat capabilities of the Tu-95MSM approximately doubled.

The lead strategic missile submarine cruiser (RPK SN) of the Borey-A project, Prince Vladimir, armed with Bulava ballistic missiles with a modern set of means to overcome missile defense, has been accepted into the naval strategic nuclear forces. The Project 955A strategic submarine missile carrier “Prince Oleg” is approaching.

From the first three Boreys (submarine cruisers Yuri Dolgoruky, Alexander Nevsky and Vladimir Monomakh), Project 955A submarines are distinguished by less noise, more advanced maneuvering and retention systems at depth, as well as weapon control.

Project 955A RPK SN are capable of carrying on board 16 R-30 Bulava intercontinental ballistic missiles with a flight range of more than 9 thousand km.

Ground troops

In 2022, the Ground Forces received more than 3.5 thousand new and modernized weapons, including 220 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, over one and a half thousand units of automotive equipment.

During the year, the troops received T-72B3M, T-80BVM tanks, BTR-82A/AM armored personnel carriers, BMP-3 with the uninhabited combat module "Epoch" and BMP-2M with the combat module "Berezhok", serial deliveries of new T-tanks began 90M.

The tank divisions of the RF Armed Forces received more than 100 modernized T-72B3M tanks, which are equipped with a new 1130 hp engine. pp., as well as a modular complex of dynamic protection of a new generation.

The troops received more than 60 BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles with the Berezhok fighting compartment, which, in addition to the main BMP armament, consisting of a 30-mm 2A42 automatic cannon and a machine gun, includes new sighting equipment, as well as an automatic grenade launcher for destroying manpower and four Kornet anti-tank missiles, mounted in pairs on the sides of the turret.

More than 100 BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles, 460 BTR-82A and BTR-82AM armored personnel carriers were delivered to units and formations of the Ground Forces.

The Ministry of Defense announces the acquisition in the near future of more than 35 units of 152-mm self-propelled howitzers 2S19M2 "Msta-SM" and more than 30 multiple launch rocket systems "Tornado-G" and "Tornado-S".

Military air defense units and formations received two Buk-M3 divisional sets in 2020. Man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems "Verba" began to be supplied to the troops. An important advantage of this system is the high probability of hitting air targets such as unmanned aerial vehicles and cruise missiles at altitudes from 10 m to 4.5 km and at ranges from 500 m to 6.5 km.

State military tests of the 2S35 Coalition-SV self-propelled artillery mount (SAU) were completed this year, after which 12 such mounts entered service with the troops.

The TOS-2 heavy flamethrower system is being transferred to units and formations. The machine is currently undergoing trial operation. In addition, the Russian army is modernizing the TOS-1A already in service.

The airborne troops received more than 40 new armored vehicles BMD-4M and BTR-MDM "Rakushka" this year.

In 2022, state tests of a prototype robotic complex developed as part of the Kungas development work were completed. By the end of 2022, their experimental military operation will be carried out.

The Kungas RTK consists of a central control center and four platforms of varying weights. These are a wearable robot weighing 12 kg, a light robot weighing 200 kg, a transportable robot weighing up to 2 tons and the Nerekhta combat robot. The complex also includes a robotic version of the BTR-MDM “Rakushka”.

The Armed Forces are receiving AK-12 assault rifles of 5.45 mm caliber. The weapon was developed by the Kalashnikov concern as part of the Ratnik program as an element of a promising complex. A number of design features were introduced into this machine gun, which made it possible to achieve greater combat effectiveness, versatility of use, accuracy and accuracy of fire. In total, by the new year 2022, 112.5 thousand units of AK-12 assault rifles will be delivered to the troops.

Aerospace Forces

In 2022, the Aerospace Forces received 147 aircraft, more than 150 types of air defense equipment, including four regimental sets of S-400 Triumph air defense systems and 24 Pantsir-S combat vehicles.

By the end of 2022, the VKS will receive more than 20 Su-35S 4++ generation fighters. This vehicle is distinguished by high maneuverability, a wide range of weapons and intelligent pilot support.

About 20 Su-30SM fighters were delivered to the Aerospace Forces this year.

The Aerospace Forces began to receive the first modern complexes with medium-range reconnaissance and strike unmanned aerial vehicles “Inokhodets” and “Forpost”. In total, more than 900 UAV systems have been supplied to unmanned aviation since 2012. The medium-range aircraft-type unmanned aerial vehicle "Inokhodets" is designed to conduct round-the-clock and all-weather reconnaissance of ground (surface) objects. It can carry a payload of 450 kg and stay in the air for 30 hours.

The Forpost medium-range unmanned aerial vehicle complex is designed for aerial reconnaissance of enemy targets and providing data for target designation to strike (fire) weapons. The complex includes three aircraft.

Over the past year, the combat capabilities of the Unified Space System (USS) have been increased. In May of this year, the fourth Kupol spacecraft was launched. Thus, the second stage of deployment of the EKS orbital constellation has been completed.

The launch complex for Soyuz-2 rockets and the assembly and testing complex for heavy-duty launch vehicles were reconstructed. A test launch of the Angara-A5 rocket with a weight and size mock-up of the spacecraft was successfully carried out.

For aviation technology, early deliveries of 94 aircraft and helicopters are envisaged by the end of 2024. These include 22 Su-57 aircraft, the number of which will be increased to 76 by 2028.


The Navy, according to the military department, received two modern submarines, 7 surface ships, 10 combat boats, 10 vessels and support boats.

By the end of the year (it is possible that this deadline will be shifted to the right), the advanced Project 885M (Yasen-M) nuclear submarine Kazan is planned to be transferred to the fleet.

The submarine was laid down at (part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation) in 2009 and launched on March 31, 2017. It is planned that the boat will become part of the Northern Fleet, where the lead submarine Project 885 of the Yasen series, Severodvinsk, is already serving.

By the end of 2022, the fleet will be replenished with two corvettes - “Gremyashchiy” and “Hero of Russia Aldar Tsydenzhapov”.

The Project 20385 corvette Gremyashchiy, intended for the Pacific Fleet, was accepted on December 25 by the state commission. On December 29, they plan to raise the St. Andrew's flag on the new corvette.

The Project 20385 corvette “Gremyashchiy” opens a series of similar ships. With a displacement of more than 2 thousand tons and a length of 104 m, they will be able to develop a speed of up to 27 knots. The cruising range is about 4 thousand nautical miles, the crew is 99 people.

The newest corvette of Project 20380 “Hero of the Russian Federation Aldar Tsydenzhapov” entered the Pacific Fleet on December 25. It became the third multi-purpose patrol ship of Project 20380, which became part of the Pacific Fleet. The first two - "Perfect" and "Loud" - were broadcast earlier.

In terms of the number of coastal missile systems “Bal” and “Bastion”, the Coastal Forces of the Russian Navy reached 74% of the requirement in 2022.

The use of advanced financing makes it possible to solve the problem of the shortage of funds for the construction of ships in the far sea zone and to ensure a reduction in delivery times for modern aircraft.

Currently, the construction of 16 and the modernization of 19 surface ships of the far sea zone is underway, and government contracts will be awarded for another six next year.

In total, taking into account existing government contracts, the total number of warships being built and modernized in the far sea zone will be 41 units.

The Ministry of Defense is working to improve pricing methods. This made it possible to exclude an unreasonable increase in the cost of government contracts in 2018-2020, and to maintain 551 billion rubles in the volume of the State Program. and use these funds to re-equip troops.

The planned indicators for the purchase of modern models due to the measures taken will make it possible to bring the level of modernity of the army and navy to 75.9% by the end of 2024.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu noted that our Armed Forces are among the most advanced and most technologically developed armies in the world. “In terms of modernity, we are higher than similar indicators of the armed forces of many states. At the same time, in terms of defense spending this year, Russia has moved from eighth to ninth place,” the head of the military department emphasized at a meeting of the expanded board of the Ministry of Defense on December 21, 2021.

What potential lies in the depths of the defense industry?

Everyone already expects that new achievements of the Russian defense industry are a source of pride for the country. As mentioned above, the main part of the weapon is simply closed from prying eyes. But we will focus on the most interesting equipment.

Robotic military units

Unmanned aircraft have truly impressive speeds. They can neutralize the enemy much faster than with human participation. Manufacturers decided to work towards this feature of aerial robots.

Today, units of equipment are being sold that are specifically designed to improve newfangled methods of combat. Political forces also intend to implement the creation of other types of transport that move without the participation of management personnel:

  • submarines;
  • torpedoes;
  • fast cars;
  • ships.

Russia's newest weapons will bring nuclear support with robot troops. In addition, this type of equipment will be capable of transporting cargo for various purposes. It is very difficult to calculate the designed mobile defense; however, it has limitless potential.

Although the military themselves will also have a chance to “play around.” The management intends to give an order for the production of electronic warfare installations.

A weapon called “Bylina” is designed to determine stations providing radio signals and satellite communications. The RB-109A being developed can suppress radio broadcasts from the enemy side.

Production of laser units

Another type being prepared for sale on the military market. The combat weapon “Peresvet” is currently under a veil of secrecy. However, it is known that it will be located on the chassis of armored vehicles. "Peresvet" was created to destroy ground and air targets.

High precision missiles

We got to the new Russian weapons of 2022, capable of destroying the enemy with extreme accuracy. The “Dagger” weapon set, which is about to see the world, is a unique development that has no equal. Hypersonic equipment can rightfully be considered one of the key achievements of the Russian defense industry.

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