Gas spring for pneumatics. Air rifle with gas spring

Many owners of air guns with a spring-piston firing mechanism have heard about the miraculous gas spring. There are quite a lot of positive reviews in the media about this accessory for pneumatics, but there is no information at all about the principle of operation and the process of installing it on a rifle. This needs to be fixed urgently. The focus of this article is a gas spring for pneumatics, its structure and recommendations for selection and installation.

Advantages and disadvantages of gas spring rifles

Many fans of gas springs may not believe it, but such an energy source has not only positive aspects, but also negative ones. You can find out about this if you carefully study the reviews of experts and rifle owners. Based on this information, we have compiled a block that lists the main pros and cons of gas springs:

High technical characteristics (this includes both the accuracy of the fire and the speed of the bullet with muzzle energy)Complexity of installation (not every gunsmith will be able to change the standard trigger to a gas one)
Service life (rifles with a gas spring serve their owners about 5 times longer)Capriciousness in operation (you will have to replace the gas cylinder from time to time)
No double recoil during the shot (instead the shooter experiences an unpleasant tremor)Thermal dependence (unfortunately, the gas spring cannot be used in low temperature conditions)
Impact on other systems (the gas spring has virtually no detrimental effect on the trigger)Cost (compared to a standard coil spring, a gas spring costs about 3 times more)

However, for some owners, certain points may seem critical. For example, a gas spring should not be purchased by residents of the far north, which spend most of the year in subzero temperatures.

Which spring is better for pneumatics - gas or regular?

The logic of the masters does not fail

If you think about it, you can come up with the idea of ​​​​creating a gas spring from improvised means, the same car accessories for opening the trunk. A homemade gas spring for pneumatics will definitely cost the gun owner much less than purchasing a branded one. It will not be difficult for craftsmen to drill the cylinder and install a bypass valve with the same ball mechanism that innovators love to install in cars.

There is one big pitfall in this entire system - the small thickness of the walls of the working cylinder, which is not designed to work with high pressures. It is this reason that always leads to rupture of the gas spring and damage to the air gun modules. Perhaps the Kulibins will find this advice useful: branded gas springs have a wall thickness of 2-2.5 mm, the cylinder for opening the trunk of the domestic auto industry is 1-1.5 mm, and imported ones are 1.5-2.5 mm.


Mainsprings for air rifles can be divided into three types: twisted steel, high-pressure gas (HPG) and low-pressure gas (LPG).

Twisted steel spring

Numerous experiments by their manufacturers with various materials, notches, and “square” profiles ended in nothing. It is not surprising that all currently produced steel springs for pneumatics do without innovations and visually differ mainly in the cross-section of the wire, diameter and number of turns, depending on the characteristics of the compressor.

True, the material differs very greatly: which manufacturer uses which steel grades, quenching and tempering modes - this is a great mystery. It is difficult to determine the difference by eye, but already upon installation, pure Dian softness appears immediately. And vice versa, on the same Diana 350, in pursuit of power, they often installed cut springs from Gamo Hunter 1250. It’s not clear why spoil a truly accurate rifle with an even shot? Well, if you want “power”, buy a “Hunter” right away or even a cheap one in comparison with the German models “Hatsan 125”.

There are usually few standard sizes within one manufacturer. Gamo, for example, until recently, actually used, with the exception of its “children’s” models, only two. Another one was added with the advent of the so-called “black” series of powerful rifles, of which the “Black Bull” became a prominent representative.

Table of characteristics of steel mainsprings

spring parameters
manufacturermodeltypeFlengththicknessturnsweightan effortrigidity
GamoHunter 44019.82903.03410092*
Hunter 125022.54003.540180150*
Marvic Gold/Storm18.43353.0
WeihrauchHW 3018.52052.829
HW 50
HW 803.832
HW 95FAC18.82703.034
HW 9719.82853.034110
HW 9820.52853.234
Air ArmsTX200, Pro-SportSTD FAC21 21225 2352.8 3.324 28
The length indicated is for an uncompressed spring. *For Gamo Hunter 440 and 1250 the maximum purely technical force characteristics are given - with full compression until the coils touch

** “Smersh R3”, as well as “Ruger Black Hawk” (Chinese clones of “Diana 31”)

*** “Smersh R4/R10”, as well as “Ruger Black Hawk Magnum” (Chinese clones of “Diana 350”)

The situation with the Chinese clones of Gamo and Diana is strange. Their owners often complain that the purchased springs turn out to be either shorter or longer than necessary, or do not fit into the piston. Counterfeit? Having original rifles, I have never encountered anything like this, although I purchased more scarce Dian spare parts not in a store, but via the Internet.

In addition to original imported springs, which are mainly presented on commercial Internet resources, there is a whole segment of domestic analogues produced by specialized enterprises. One of them is, for example, “ UralTorgService ”. Here is his VKontakte page, and here is the official website. Here you can find not only spare parts for widely used models, such as MP-512, Gamo-440 or Diana-31, but also much rarer springs for the entire line of “Weirauchs” or the even exotic “Haenel Suhl mod.300”. By the way, in the comments I already provided a link to UralTorgService - just answering a colleague’s question about purchasing a part for the 300th Zulya. And now I just decided to include this information in the article itself. Among the advantages of steel springs, of course, are price, widespread availability (for major rifle models) and lack of maintenance. The average resource is about 3 thousand shots.

Disadvantages: a metallic ringing when fired, which is almost absent among the “Germans” with a central hook, and creaking when cocking (all can be cured by installing a plastic cup in the piston), plus the inability to walk for a long time with a cocked rifle - supposedly, the spring “sits down” quickly. I don’t know about the day, but nothing will happen to her in a couple of hours.

High pressure gas spring (HPG)

In essence, they are not particularly complex (see drawing). But they require very careful adjustment of everything. It is especially not recommended to skimp on seals - the rod can easily become skewed during installation.

Until recently, only models of domestic “handicraft” production were present on the market, which were based on pneumatic stops for “fifth” doors and car hoods. I put quotation marks not by chance: after the massive appearance of branded products on sale - “Vorteks”, “Nitropistons”, etc., it turned out that they were significantly inferior in quality and durability to the products of folk craftsmen.

In terms of the level of production culture, appearance of products and design, our people also rose to the occasion (photo above).

Recently, the “firms” have improved the quality, but the sediment remains... But on the Russian market there have appeared many domestic outright fakes of “foreign cars” and even some springs that IzhMekh never produced. In general, willy-nilly you should be vigilant and attentive.

I can’t say anything definite about the use of nitrogen in a number of branded GPs (Nitropiston, IGT, etc.). After all, almost four-fifths of ordinary atmospheric air consists of nitrogen. It seems that all this is more a part not of technology, but of marketing and fashion, like the practice of inflating car tires with nitrogen, now almost forgotten due to absolute stupidity. But the use of dried air for “blowing” is quite justified, as it extends the service life of the product.

As a rule, the pressure in the gas springs is optimized by the manufacturer for each rifle model. Sometimes craftsmen, reluctantly, make GP at the insistent requests of lovers of “power”. The result is always the same - it’s good if the valve has the ability to bleed air. Never before has a fanatical race for additional meters per second yielded anything, since spring-piston pneumatics, especially high-end ones, are a fairly balanced mechanism, where changing only one parameter leads to very unexpected results (see “Types of spring-piston rifles”).

A small digression. Yes, among a certain layer of airgunners who love “super-duper-speed”, popular are gas springs sold by some, which are filled with, say, not the required (for the maximum reinforced version, mind you) 125, but as much as 180 a, or not 170, but 220 a . What does this mean in practice? Oh, the bullet that has escaped from the rifling, accompanied by the clap of breaking the sound barrier, is quickly, quickly carried away somewhere into the bright distance! The young shooter has a great feeling, just like being hit with an SVD gun – it’s great, isn’t it? In this case, however, you have to say goodbye not only to accuracy and accuracy, but also to the bypass, the cuff, and often the piston fungus...

Why do they sell all these products with the loud names “Power”, “Magnum”, “Premium”, etc.? Let's take a specific example.

So, for each rifle model there is an optimal spring force and, accordingly, pressure in the GP. Responsible sellers warn buyers about the right choice. This distinguishes recognized masters - Gnome, Vado, Lex and others, who with great reluctance take on the production of GP for lovers of “power”, warning in correspondence against the wrong step.

In this regard, it is more difficult for online stores. For example, go to the Airgunstore website. There you will see a list of GPs in several sections. The first is entitled “We recommend! [100%]". It contains the correct springs for each model. Now look at the next two sections - “MegaPower VD [125%]” and “GigaPower VD [150%]”. These are the notorious “reinforced” GPs. As you can see, Airgunstore does not recommend them, but is forced to sell them, because otherwise it would lose thousands of buyers from the orderly ranks of beginning airgunners.

Approximate values ​​of the optimal scramjet force:

IZH53, IZH60\61 - 45 kg (optimally 90 atm) MP-512 (bypass 4.3mm) - 50-55 kg MP-512 (bypass 2.8-3.2mm) - 57-60 kg (optimally 115 atm)

Magnums: Gamo “breakthroughs” and clones (“Crosman”, “Stoeger”), CFX - 58-62 kg (optimally about 125 atm) Hatsan 55/70/80/90/105/ “Striker”/ “Dominator 200” and etc. — 68-72 kg (optimally 140 atm)

Supermagnums: Hatsan 124/125/130/135/150 and 155 - 80-85 kg Gamo Hunter 1250/Socom 1250/G-Magnum 1250/Replay 10 Magnum - 80-90 kg For "supers" the optimal pressure is 160-170 atm.

Both cocking a rifle and firing with an optimally inflated scramjet is really different from the classic one. There is no ringing by definition, the sensations are more “noble” or something. Plus the ability to keep the rifle cocked for a very long time, like the closed “fifth” door of a station wagon or hatchback, however, only in the warm season.

Moreover, gas springs have recently been used in the construction of bows and crossbows, especially ultra-compact versions.

Among the disadvantages: the price is three to four times higher than that of coil springs, dependence on temperature, inability to carry out maintenance yourself. After a certain time, the gas spring will have to be sent to the manufacturer for maintenance and recharging. In short, when installing the scramjet engine, do not throw away the original steel spring.

A little personal note. I don't really like cocking rifles with GP, except for better acoustic comfort (no squeaking). But if with a conventional steel spring the fracture of the barrel/under-barrel lever is relatively easy, and the cocking force gradually increases towards the end of the process, then with a scramjet the breaking force is very high, and even then it remains constant and quite considerable until the very end. For hunting this does not matter much, but when we are talking about dozens, or even hundreds of shots in a row...

Installing gas springs also poses certain difficulties. Due to the possibility of the rod being skewed, it is better to use special devices here. They are easy to make yourself.

Attention, new article on the site! Read “Characteristics of compressors and gas springs of air rifles“. There are given the optimal GPU parameters for all MP models, Hatsan, Gamo, Crosman, Stoeger, as well as other manufacturers

Low pressure gas spring (LPG)

In my opinion, they are intended mainly for super-powerful rifles by the standards of spring-piston pneumatics, the so-called “supermagnums”. Just to tame this power. By adjusting the pressure, you can achieve a reasonable compromise between it and accuracy, as well as the comfort of the shot. By the way, the pressure itself for each rifle model is no different from that in a scramjet engine, it’s just that the name happened that way, most likely due to the possibility of manual pumping.

The beauty of the GPND lies in the possibility of independent maintenance and configuration. Even repairs, fortunately the main spare parts and accessories are always included in the kit (these rubber rings attached to the pump are in the photo below)

As you can see, unlike high-pressure springs, GPND is a complex technical complex. Hence the rather high price and very narrow selection. There is only one (!) master making them in the whole country, who has already become a kind of legend among pneumatic enthusiasts - KarrMan . I provided the address of his page in the “Ammunition and Accessories” section of the “Useful Links” section.

By the way, the top photo shows a spring for the Gamo Hunter 1250. Its filling valve is located at the end of the cylinder. And this is how it looks on the rifle itself (photo):

Please note: to access the hole in the rear plug of the receiver, we even had to make a small cut in the stock.

And yet, both the gas spring itself and its installation on models with a plug are much simpler than on the so popular Hatsan “supermagnums”. As far as I know, the master mastered their production several years later than Hunter’s.

In the bottom photo, the difference in the location of the HPLP filling valve for the Hatsan-125 (hole on the side of the cylinder) is clearly visible.

And if on the Hunter the valve self-centers in the plug, then on the Hatsan you will have to manually align the filling valve with the drilled side hole in the receiver (pictured below right)

But we finally get the opportunity to curb the hot Turkish stallion and, while maintaining all the brutality of the “bucket shooter,” achieve quite reasonable comfort and accuracy.

And for the walnut flagship, the GPND itself is asking for it, since for a simple plastic “one hundred and twenty-five” it is somewhat expensive. The same as for the classic “magnums” from the 55th to the 90th model, especially since they are still not as restive as their older brothers.

Not so long ago, production expanded significantly, and now KarrMan offers HPPG for all Gamo magnums (Hunter 440 and dozens of other models), as well as their clones from Crosman, Stoeger and other companies. Or more precisely, for a specific order - in general for ALL models of air rifles. This is what we've really been waiting for a long time!

For example, quite often the site asks the question, where can I find an original 3-joule spring for the MP-512C? Frankly speaking, we haven’t seen anything like this in regular online stores; there are literally single offers in some online stores. Therefore, they advised us to turn to the few domestic craftsmen who manufacture GP to order according to technical specifications. However, now there is a completely universal option - KarrMan has launched adjustable HPPDs for the MP-512 (pictured), as well as MP-60 and MP-53. That is, the question of finding a spring suitable for joules has disappeared altogether - pump as many atmospheres as you need.

Yes, and the master also produces (quote) “steel, heavy and strong moderators,” including integrated ones, for the entire length of the barrel (photo), for any model of air rifle.

More on the topic:

Characteristics of compressors and gas springs of air rifles

Machine for installing springs on pneumatics

Rating of quality mainsprings for air rifles

Coil springs for pneumatics

Coil spring for MP-512M

The MP-512 air rifle produced by the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant is designed for training novice shooters. Its shot energy is 7.5 J. Models with such characteristics do not require a license. Shooting from it is permitted in a specially designated place.

Important! For violating this rule, the owner of the MP-512 faces a fine of 40,000 to 100,000 rubles.

In our review, it is presented in the M (Magnum) version with a muzzle energy of 25 J. The material of the stock can be birch, walnut or plastic. A dovetail mount is provided for mounting the optical sight. This is already a hunting weapon that requires a license. The combat power of the MP-512M is provided by a reinforced VP of 35 turns, made of steel wire, 3 mm in diameter, with an outer diameter of 19 mm. The weight of the part is 105 g. The average price of the product is 160 rubles.

Coil spring for MP-512M


  • significantly increases shot energy;
  • affordable.


  • strong recoil.

Hatsan 50-60-70-80-90-100x-105x (original)

VP from the best Turkish manufacturer - Hatsan. Used to equip a number of PP rifles with a shot energy of no more than 7.5 J. Does not require a license and is suitable for training young shooters.

During its manufacturing process, high-strength wire with a diameter of 3.3 mm is wound onto a mandrel of 47 turns, subjected to heat treatment, the end turns are pressed in and ground. Product with outer diameter 19mm, compatible with Hatsan 50 – 100/105. The average price is 555 rubles.

Hatsan 50-60-70-80-90-100x-105x (original)


  • powerful enough for shooter training;
  • inexpensive.


  • typical: high loading force, recoil, vibration.

Norica Titan/ Sport/ Shooter (original).

Made of high-strength steel wire Ø3 mm, outer diameter 20 mm, with a number of turns of 28. Used for equipment and repair of models of the Spanish company Norica. Its guns are distinguished by their pleasant design, reliability and accuracy. Designed for training and recreational target shooting. It is considered prestigious among shooters to own a Norica air rifle. Suitable for a wide range of barrels: CA-56, Shooter, Sport, Titan. Average price: 650 rubles.

Norica Titan/ Sport/ Shooter (original)


  • high quality material;
  • provides decent shot energy;
  • affordable price.


  • not identified.

2.Gamo Hunter 1250

A product of a Spanish arms company. Designed to equip the Gamo Hunter 1250 rifle, one of the most powerful airguns. A 40-turn VP with an outer diameter of 22.5 mm is made of high-strength steel wire with a diameter of 3.5 mm. The product provides a lead bullet of 4.5 mm caliber, weighing 4.45 g, with a speed of 380 m/s. Can be installed on other models: Gamo Hunter Express/Extreme/Socom 1250 b 1250 FT. The average price of a part is 745 rubles.

Gamo Hunter 1250


  • provides quite powerful muzzle energy;
  • high quality workmanship;
  • affordable price.


  • not identified.

Diana 48, 52, 54, 56, 460

The best reviews are received by the VP of the German company Diana Mayer & Grammelspacher. Compatible with Diana 48/52/54/56 and 460 barrels. All barrels in this line are hunting options. The presence of a mount for an optical sight only confirms its hunting purpose. Powerful, provides a 4.5 mm bullet with a speed of 350 m/s. It is made of steel wire with a diameter of 3.3 mm, an external cross-section of 21.3 mm, with 33 turns. The average price of the product is 1190 rubles.

Diana 48, 52, 54, 56, 460


  • high quality product;
  • provides high initial speed to the bullet.


  • not identified.

Gas springs for air guns

5.GP for Gamo 440/890/CFX

The Izhevsk plant produced a batch of GP specifically for the Spanish Gamo Hunter 440/890 rifles. The products can also be installed on Gamo CFX, Shadow Sport/RSV/CSI. Installation of the GP does not require structural changes to the receiver and can be done on your own. However, manufacturers recommend entrusting this operation to professionals.

The GP is a cylinder with an outer diameter of 18 mm and a rod with a diameter of 8 mm. All parts are steel. The finished cylinder is filled with a working mixture containing at least 80% nitrogen. Pumped under a pressure of 145 atmospheres, the mixture imparts a force of 64 kg to the rod. The design does not provide for a bleed valve. Prevention is carried out at least once a year. The cost of the product is 900 rubles.

GPU for Gamo 440/890/CFX


  • elimination of unnecessary vibrations;
  • increased shooting accuracy;
  • increased working resource.


  • not identified.

Gas spring for IZH 60, IZH61, 53M (90 bar.)

Developed and produced by the Austrian company Vado 123. Designed for equipping IZH 60/61, 53M rifles. Provides accurate shooting, absence of vibration and fluctuations. Designed for 20,000 shots. The GP is filled with nitrogen at a pressure of 95 bar. Made of steel. Rod diameter – 8 mm. Equipped with a gas release valve to regulate the pressure and combat characteristics of the weapon. The manufacturer recommends performing preventive maintenance on the product once a year. The algorithm for performing operations is described in the operating instructions. The average price is 1500 rubles.

Gas spring for IZH 60, IZH61, 53M (90 bar.)


  • high quality product;
  • provides comfortable shooting.


  • high price.

3.PREMIUM MAX for HATSAN 125,135,150,155 (170 atm.)

GP from the Russian manufacturer Neva - Target, for the popular Turkish models Hatsan 125-135, 150-155. Compatible with Hatsan Sniper Sas model. In the basic configuration, the listed rifles are manufactured as PPP models. Replacing coil springs with PREMIUM MAX GP gives the weapon undeniable advantages: absence of vibrations, increased shot energy, increased shooting accuracy.

A compressed mixture of nitrogen-based gases pumped into the cylinder under a pressure of 180 bar, the GP creates a force of 90-92 kg on a Ø8 mm rod. The cylinder is equipped with a bleed valve. The working life of PREMIUM MAX allows you to fire 25,000 shots without maintenance of units. The product requires maintenance at least once a year. The average price of the device is 1,500 rubles.

PREMIUM MAX for HATSAN 125,135,150,155 (170 atm.)


  • solid work resource;
  • significant improvement in weapon characteristics.


  • high price.

2.GP “Premium” for IZH 60/61

Combat gas spring from the Russian auto parts manufacturer LLC SAT. Used to equip popular models of Izhevsk rifles MP 60/61. The MP 60 and its multi-charge modification MP 61 are initially produced in a PP version. GP “Premium” is designed to replace twisted spare parts on these barrels in order to eliminate all characteristic “diseases”.

This modification can be easily done with your own hands. As a result, vibrations and other unnecessary vibrations during shooting disappear. The bullet speed remains unchanged, regardless of the number of shots fired, shooting accuracy increases, and muzzle energy increases by 25%.

The “Premium” case has a diameter of 18 mm, the stem is 8 mm. Both parts are made of steel. The cylinder is filled with nitrogen under a pressure of 100 atm. The manufacturer recommends prophylaxis of HP after 10,000 shots, but at least once a year. The average price of a product is 1,500 rubles.

SE "Premium" for IZH 60/61


  • reliability;
  • high quality;
  • comfortable shooting;
  • very long working life.


  • high price.

Types of gas springs for pneumatics

The time has come to talk about what types of gas springs exist, because not all energy sources have the same technical characteristics. This information will come in handy in order to decide on the purchase of a specific trigger for each type of rifle.

Gas springs “Standard” (up to 140 atm)

A classic and ubiquitous version of gas springs that can be found in most gun stores. Such an energy source increases the power of the muzzle energy to approximately 7.5 J (depending on the stiffness of the spring itself), and the shot speed becomes equal to 200-250 m/s. It is logical to assume that the part is most suitable for installation on those rifles that are not able to withstand overloads: MP-512, IZH-22, as well as various submachine guns from Umarex.

Reinforced gas springs (up to 170 atm)

Don’t let the difference of 30 atmospheres confuse you - in fact, such energy sources are much better suited for hunting than the previous option, since they increase the muzzle energy to 11 J and the shot speed to 320 m/s (calculations are approximate, since a lot depends on the rifle - barrel length, number of rifling, and so on). It is best to install such a spring on a rifle that can withstand heavy loads, for example, most models from Hatsan, Crossman, as well as modern pistols from the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant.

Reinforced gas springs, serviceable

How to choose a mainspring

The selection criteria in this case depend on the task at hand. If we are talking about replacing a worn-out part, it is enough to determine its type and order exactly the same spare part. Another thing is replacing the VP with a gas one. Here you can’t do without consulting specialists. You have to take into account the size of the product so that when replacing, you do not use any inserts or linings.

You can visit the manufacturer's official website. There you will definitely find information about GPs suitable for replacement on a particular model. In addition, online stores selling spare parts for pneumatics indicate in their descriptions of the GP their suitability for installation on certain types of guns equipped with VP. All that remains is to place and pay for the order and wait for delivery. The rest is a matter of technique.

Review of the best springs

We invite you not only to familiarize yourself with the theoretical information about what gas springs are, but also to choose the optimal model for yourself. To do this, we have compiled a special block that lists the best energy elements, according to users, as well as their cost:

Number of turns - all turns of the spring, working and non-working
PlaceNameRatingPrice, rub
1Premium Gamo (170 atm)9.9/101740
2Hatsan Striker (140 atm)9.7/101480
3Hatsan Patriot (180 atm)9.5/101130
4Baikal “Moray eel” (140 atm)9.3/10970
5Gamo G-Magnum (200 atm)9.0/101870

Taking action

Installing a gas spring on a pneumatic is a rather complex and time-consuming process. Many owners of air guns entrust this work to professionals, who are often the sellers themselves in the gun store. However, judging by numerous reviews in the media, it is better to carry out the installation process yourself, moreover, all branded springs are accompanied by complete instructions for modernization in Russian.

Before installing a gas spring, it is recommended that you take the time to study specialized sources of information on modernizing the weapon that will be upgraded. Very often, professionals recommend sealing excess grooves in the breech with epoxy resin or boring and grinding in weapon components to increase power. All modernization actions are always accompanied by photographs, so there should be no mistrust of information sources.

Safely increase pneumatic power

When installing a reinforced or double spring, it is worth remembering the following restrictions:

Workshop address and contacts

The first service center is located near the Tekstilshchiki metro station (SEAD): The workshop is located in Moscow, within walking distance from the Tekstilshchiki metro station (about 2-3 minutes on foot). Also, the nearest stations to us are Volzhskaya, Kuzminki, Tekstilshchiki and Pechatniki. There is free parking on site at the store. Exact address: st. Lyublinskaya, building 9, building 3. Before arriving, be sure to coordinate the time of your visit by calling 8 . If you arrive without calling, there is a chance that you will not get into the workshop, and the likelihood of urgent repairs also decreases. Directions to the workshop: Within walking distance:

You can also get to the workshop by bus:

The second service center for the repair of pneumatics is located near the Molodezhnaya metro station (JSC): Telephone: 8 (499) 149-17-57 Opening hours : Mon-Sun, from 10:00 to 20:00 Workshop address - Moscow, Yartsevskaya st. , 4 (Molodezhnaya metro station) Before arriving, be sure to agree on the time of your visit by phone. If you arrive without calling, there is a chance that you will not get into the workshop, and the likelihood of urgent repairs also decreases. Directions to the workshop: How to get to the workshop (5-10 minutes by public transport):

Increased demand for classic pneumatics?

It’s no wonder that with the release of pre-pumped systems, potential buyers are in no hurry to run to the store to make purchases. It's all about the price, which deters most buyers from making a bad purchase. A gas spring for pneumatics will definitely cost the buyer less than purchasing a superweapon.

Pundits in the media recommend not to chase innovation; it will come to airgun owners when the time comes.

After all, in classical pneumatics, if you look at it, there are many advantages that expensive systems with pre-pumping are deprived of. The same safety - no seller can be sure that the cylinder supplied with the kit will withstand maximum pressure. But there are a lot of photographs in the media showing cylinders with the manufacturer’s company logos torn to shreds.

Areas of use of GP:

  • automotive industry (car doors, hoods, trunks);
  • furniture industry (office swivel chairs, book sofas, wardrobe beds, armchairs, kitchen cabinets);
  • medicine and sports (beds for palliative patients, medical equipment, rehabilitation simulators, etc.),
  • weapons production (air guns);
  • printing (covers and casings of photocopying and printing machines);
  • construction (window frames, doors and glass showcases);
  • engineering networks and many others. etc.

Thus, in our daily life we ​​regularly come across objects equipped with modern mechanisms based on gas springs.

Additional coil spring and biological oil

DICTATOR gas springs are equipped with reliable seals that prevent a premature decrease in gas pressure. This ensures the durability of the springs.

The compressed gas inside the gas spring exerts a force on the seal towards the piston rod. This causes a clutch that significantly reduces the force of the gas spring, especially at the beginning of movement after a long static period.

This binding effect on smooth sliding surfaces is reduced by an oil chamber containing hydraulic or biological oil and/or an additional coil spring.

Additional coil spring (7)

We recommend that you order the DICTATOR gas spring with an additional coil spring if you wish to automatically open doors or windows after they are unlocked. These coil springs successfully cope with the friction caused by the clutch at the beginning of movement, especially after a long static period.

The coil spring can be installed inside the gas spring cylinder or on the piston rod. To determine the appropriate option, please contact our service advisory department.

We are ready to send you information materials regarding the available DICTATOR gas springs with coil springs.

Such gas springs are most in demand for automatically opening hatches and windows for emergency evacuation and smoke ventilation.

Biological oil (8)

The environmentally friendly biological oil is based on rapeseed oil and provides gas springs with damping for applications where the use of mineral oil or synthetic oil or silicone is not permitted, such as in the food industry, machinery and chemical plants, dyes, and also in the pharmaceutical industry.

DICTATOR gas springs and dampers that use biological oil are subject to extensive testing over a wide temperature range.

Such gas springs can be used at temperatures from -20°C to +60°C.

Safety recommendations and technical instructions can be found here.

Basic operating principle

This section provides a description of the operating principles of different types of gas springs. Moreover, all gas springs operate on the same basic operating principle:

Gas springs are filled with nitrogen gas at the appropriate pressure. This pressure is equal on both sides of the piston. The piston rod always extends due to the fact that the surface area of ​​the piston on the rod side is less than the surface area on the opposite side of the piston without the rod.

The resultant force F in Newtons (N) is calculated by multiplying the gas pressure P (bar) and the surface area (A) of the piston (mm²): F = P x A

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