Air rifle IZH: review, device, characteristics

general information

To reload an IZH air rifle, the method of breaking the barrel is used. The most popular caliber is 4.5 mm. This factor allows us to classify the weapon as a small-caliber weapon.

The barrel of the product is made of steel, the butt can be made of plastic or hardwood. The polymer analogue lightens the weight of the entire gun. Barrel rifling guarantees maximum charge ejection speed. This figure is at least 100 meters per second. Depending on the design features, the starting speed can reach 220 m/s.


Izhevsk gunsmiths provide a wide range of models in the category of pneumatic weapons. Most specimens are popular not only among amateurs, but also among professionals.

Let's start the review with the IZH-22 air rifle. This variation has good design potential and a reasonable price. The diameter of the spring block is 2.8 mm, the initial speed of the bullet is from 100 m/s. The modification is reliable and easy to use.

The model in question belongs to the initial samples presented in this category. The rifle serves as a prototype for the next version under the designation IZH-38. Cocking of the working mechanism is carried out by rotating the barrel part along the axis. The device was pre-paired with the barrel to avoid tearing down the structure.

Repair and replacement of parts

IZH-38 is a structurally simple rifle when compared with many other models. But its mechanisms often require repair, especially if the weapon is worn out and frequently used.

It is better to entrust repairs or replacement of parts without relevant experience to a specialist. Here are some parts that fail before others:

  • spring - it gradually loses its elasticity;
  • cuff - it will have to be replaced after 1200–1500 releases of the hook;
  • sight - prone to breakage due to careless handling of the weapon;
  • stock - gradually cracks, especially plastic, if the gun is often used in frosty weather.

Assembly and disassembly

Complete disassembly of the weapon should be resorted to in exceptional cases, if it is necessary to eliminate critical breakdowns or complete cleaning. When carrying out manipulations, first separate the magazine from the receiver by unscrewing the fasteners and removing the axis that secures the box and barrel.

At the next stage, the pin is knocked out. In this case, it is necessary to carefully monitor that the element is removed completely. At the end of the procedure, the piston and spring mechanism are removed. Reassembly of the IZH air rifle is carried out in the reverse order - the process begins by placing the piston in the receiver cylinder.

Design and principle of operation

The bullet is pushed out of the barrel by compressed air generated as a result of the movement of the piston at high speed in the cylinder under the action of a spring.

The design of the sight allows you to adjust shooting vertically by rotating the sight screw, and horizontally by moving the entire sight.

The stock is made of plastic or wood.

The existing locking mechanism ensures safe handling of the rifle.

Advantages and disadvantages

The IZH air rifle, the characteristics of which are listed below, has a number of advantages. Among them:

  • maximum similarity with combat analogues;
  • convenience and ease of use;
  • affordable price;
  • good technical parameters.

The disadvantages of the gun include low power, single-shot type, and the sighting bar malfunctions after several shots. To return the sighting part to its original position, adjustment is required, which takes a certain time.

Advantages and disadvantages

This model of air rifle is affordable in terms of price. These are products that have a fairly wide consumer circle. In fact, the low cost is a significant advantage of the model. This variation of weapons has found a huge number of fans precisely because of its cheapness.

IZH air rifles are generally quite inexpensive of their kind. But novice shooters appreciate them not only for this. IZH air rifles are also easy to operate and have the ability to be tuned and improved. Tuning allows you to increase the power of the product.

At the same time, IZH air rifles have low recoil. Which again allows you to install a sighting device on the variation and use it successfully. Other advantages include not so large dimensions and high compactness. Very important parameters if you need to transport weapons. Repairing an IZH air rifle, if necessary, will cost you little, and this is another plus of the model.

A rifled barrel, which is made of steel, allows you to achieve the longest range of ammunition from a rifle. These are, perhaps, all the advantages of the IZH-38. Now let's talk about its shortcomings, so that people who are planning to purchase the appropriate products will think about everything carefully again.

The main disadvantage of this air rifle is its single-shot nature. Someone can try to argue with this, but no one can cross out the fact that a single-shot weapon makes the weapon impractical. To do this, it is necessary to constantly break the barrel. And this leads to the fact that the axial bolt simply becomes loose. The result is clear - the accuracy of fire is reduced.

Characteristics of the air rifle IZH

Below are the main parameters for the IZH-22 model (the characteristics of the MP-512 are indicated in brackets):

  • caliber – 4.5 (4.5) mm;
  • rate of fire – 100 (120) m/s;
  • magazine capacity – 1 (1) cartridge;
  • weight – 2.4 (3) kg;
  • size – 1.05 (1.09) m;
  • charge supply energy – spring mechanism;
  • type of bullets – lead ammunition;
  • manufacturing material – plastic, wood, metal;
  • power indicator - 7.5 J;
  • barrel - rifled steel element;
  • descent – ​​unregulated type;
  • fuse – no (automatic);
  • sight - front and rear sight.


MR-512 "Murka" has a limited resource, which ends at around 250 m/s. However, for the money it is one of the best rifles in Russia. The advantages also include the presence of a fuse (which is not present on the IZH-61) and increased shooting accuracy.

Unless you have financial constraints, you will most likely buy a Gamo or a more expensive rifle. If low price is important to you, then choose MP-512. If you wish and have skillful hands, you will unlock its potential and save several thousand.

Air rifle IZH-38

This weapon is equipped with a single-shot spring-piston mechanism and is produced in Russia at . The model has a rifled barrel and lead bullets are used as projectiles. The starting speed of the bullet is up to 180 meters per second. Cocking is carried out by breaking the barrel - moving it back down and up and forward. When performing this manipulation, the breech section opens for manual loading.

The design of the IZH-38 air rifle includes an automatic safety lock that stops the trigger when loading the weapon. The front sight is closed type, fixed, the rear sight is adjustable in the horizontal and vertical plane using micrometric screws. The length of the aiming line is also subject to adjustment. The trigger force is about three kilograms. Metal elements are coated with an oxidized composition. The forend and butt are made of durable plastic or wood, mainly tinted birch.


The design of the IZH air rifle of this family was developed by a group of designers at the Izhevsk Arms Plant back in the 80s of the last century. The main purpose of the product is to train novice shooters. Due to its parameters, the combat unit could also be of interest to professional users. The deviation from the initial flight does not exceed 0.4 percent. The dispersion period is no more than 8.5 millimeters at a distance of 10 meters.

The rifle mechanism is a single-shot spring-piston assembly with a rifled barrel. Caliber – 4.5 mm, barrel length – 45 cm. Only lead bullets are used as ammunition. The starting charge speed is 110-150 m/s. The design provides a longitudinal sliding bolt with a rammer, as well as a working cylinder located in the butt, which made it possible to reduce the overall length of the weapon.

Installation of the pneumatic weapon in question into the firing position is done using the right side lever, moving it back/forward. Trigger adjustment and trigger pull are adjusted to provide a smooth, smooth trigger action. The sight uses a closed fixed front sight and an adjustable rear sight. In the horizontal plane, its position is corrected by micrometric screws, and in the horizontal plane - by tightening analogues. In practice, this solution creates certain inconveniences. It is possible to mount optics or a collimator.


Below are the parameters of the IZh reinforced air rifle:

  • type – spring-piston design;
  • caliber - 4.5 mm;
  • ammunition starting speed – 173 m/s;
  • trunk length – 42 cm;
  • magazine capacity – 10 rounds;
  • muzzle energy – 7.5 J;
  • total length – 65 cm;
  • weight – 2.8 kg.

The working mechanism uses a metal drum compartment with a capacity of 8 charges. It is capable of turning 1/8 of a turn after cocking the lever. To use metal balls, the drum is replaced with a “snail” in which the ammunition is held using a magnetic trap. Changing the clip to another type is done by pressing a button located on the applied comb.

Technical specifications

Table 1.

Parameter nameMeaning
Caliber, mm4,5
Barrel length, mm450
Trigger force, N20…30
Rifle length, mm1050
Weight, kg, no more2.8

The list of assembly units and parts of the pistol is shown in Table 2.

Table 2.

Designation in the figureNameQtyDesignation in the figureNameQty
1Trunk122Trigger block1
2Sighting bar122*Trigger block1
3Sight base123sear1
4Sight screw124Lock lever1
5Sight axis125Axis of sear and locking lever2
6Sight spring126Spring sear and locking lever1
7Hinge axis127Trigger1
8Hinge128Pad pin1
9Cocking lever axis129Trigger spring1
10Deadbolt pin130*Front stock screw1
11Barrel axis131*Rear stock screw1
12Set screw132*Lodge1
13Cocking lever assembled133Front stock screw2
14*Receiver135Trigger guard1
15Piston screw136Rear stock screw1
16Piston screw washer137Screw3
17Piston gasket138Lodge1
18Cuff139Back of the head1
20Combat spring141Deadbolt spring1
43Barrel gasket1

1. *Parts are intended for rifles with a plastic stock only.

2. Parts positions 14, 27, 33-39 are for rifles with a wooden stock only.


This modification is a symbiosis of the AK-47 assault rifle and the Kornet pistol. The transformation of the product into a combat unit is prevented by the presence of a steel rod in the gun barrel. The trigger mechanism is secured to the inside of the receiver so that the handle and trigger element are engaged like a standard guard.

The technical plan parameters are primarily determined by the characteristics of the pistol. The barrel is as low as possible; the axis of the barrel does not coincide with the automatic analogue. In connection with such nuances, the Junker is equipped with a hollow cleaning rod, which serves as a continuation of the common barrel. The part is curved at the bottom to prevent interference with the operation of the flame arrester and the ejection of the bullet ball.

Brief characteristics:

  • trunk length – 15 cm;
  • caliber – 4.5 mm;
  • length/width/height – 943/70/263 mm;
  • magazine capacity - 23 rounds;
  • starting charge speed is about 130 m/s.

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Optical sights

Sights for IZH air rifles come in a variety of variations. Optics and collimators are popular. Thanks to the special design, it is permissible to use almost all types of sights on the weapon in question.

When choosing this element, you should pay attention to some points, namely:

  • multiplicity;
  • lens size;
  • the material from which the lens is made;
  • bracket height;
  • type of brand used.

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