TOP 6 best aerosol pistols for self-defense

General characteristics of aerosol guns

This is a type of weapon equipped to fire tear gas. It shoots natural or artificial pepper concentrate or a mixture of gas and concentrate in a specific proportion. A small-sized canister projectile (BAM) in which pyroelectric detonation of the charge occurs.

Pistols have a high destructive power. From a distance of 3-5 meters, you can eliminate the enemy threat if you hit the head. The action of the component that the weapon fires is expressed in profuse salivation and tearing, and a burning sensation. The aggressor, animal or human, is neutralized for twenty to thirty minutes. However, there will be no serious harm to health.

Such pistols are similar in appearance to real weapons, but they do not have a barrel. They are called "barrelless weapons for self-defense."

By design they are divided into pistols:

  • with one charge and many charges;
  • single-barrel and multi-barrel;
  • with laser sight;
  • firing pepper and tear gas, noise and signal cartridges.

Distinctive features

  1. Impact on the enemy. A gas gun causes various types of irritation: tearing; skin and eye disorders; burns. Trauma causes physical harm. Hematomas and abrasions remain on the skin.
  2. Impact on others. A traumatic weapon shoots only one person. Those around you do not take damage unless they were the target of the shooter. A gas gun, when used in a confined space, can cause harm to all people in the room, since the aerosol substance completely fills the atmosphere of the room.
  3. Bullets. Aerosol weapons have a wider selection of cartridges, since there are quite a lot of chemical compounds that cause disturbances in the functioning of the body. Rubber bullets are used for trauma.
  4. Hit. The gas gun disperses crystalline powder, which is converted under pressure and temperature into an aerosol state. Since rubber cartridges are used in trauma weapons, the enemy receives an accurate blow to a specific part of the body.
  5. Workout. When using traumatic weapons, accuracy is important. It is recommended to undergo training in the use of the device, or regularly train in equipped shooting ranges or training grounds. There is no requirement to take an operational course to use an aerosol weapon. When used, the fact of the shot itself is important, not its accuracy.
  6. Availability of a license. No permit is required for the storage and use of traumatic weapons, unlike a gas pistol, which is a prohibited weapon.
  7. Operating principle. In a traumatic gun, a shot can be fired by burning gunpowder or expelling gas. An aerosol gun is a firearm.
  8. The effectiveness of self-defense. If a person is attacked by a group of bandits or robbers, a gas pistol is most effective, since it will almost instantly neutralize the entire group at once. When using trauma against several people, a quick reaction is required. If the device must be reloaded after each shot, it is ineffective in this situation.


We present the top best aerosol gas pistols.


The weapon is capable of firing 2 or 3 shots (depending on modification) without pauses. You neutralize the aggressor for a long time. Externally, the unit looks serious, almost frightening. There is a modification of the pistol equipped with a laser sight. However, even without it it is difficult not to hit from a distance of 3-5 meters.

It stands out among other aerosol weapons by the presence of an electric system for igniting propellant charges (an electric capsule is available). The caliber of cartridges used is 18*55. Among the disadvantages, it is worth highlighting the large size of the unit; it can be taken as a pocket weapon, but it is inconvenient.

Spray cans for pistols are produced by Tula, divided into pepper and mixture. The first ones work unstably - the spray can come in a stream, and sometimes it is thrown out in the form of a large droplet spray. In the second case, the effectiveness of the weapon decreases.


The pistol is produced by Fortuna LLC from Nizhny Novgorod. The unit throws tear liquid at short distances - up to 2 meters. The range depends little on weather factors. The liquid flies out in a precisely directed stream, so the weapon can be used both outdoors and indoors. The device is compatible with BAMs of other products from this company.

The weapon has a well-coordinated assembly, there are no distortions or backlashes. The body is made of strong plastic. The handle contains a magazine for 5 BAMs. The weapon is equipped with an impact device and has anti-slip notches on the handle. There is a manual safety lock. Immediately after the salvo, the spent cylinder is thrown out automatically. Therefore, no traces of pepper remain on the gun, and the weapon does not need to be cleaned additionally. The cartridges used are 13*50 caliber cartridges.

Of the minuses, it is worth noting the following - the lower part of the handle is thicker, so access to the trigger guard is difficult. It has a stiff feed spring. In addition, two and three BAMs are thrown out at once instead of one. This may appear after a while.


The “Sorcerer” aerosol pistol is manufactured by the “A+A” company from Tula. He has two cans of ammunition at once. 1000 shots guaranteed. The destruction range is 3 meters. It has two calibers - 13*60 and 13*50 cans are used. There are modifications with and without a flashlight, laser.

The weapon is small in size and can be easily carried in a jacket pocket. Can be used as a flare gun and fire flares into the air. The unit has almost no recoil. "Sorcerer" is convenient to use for self-defense. It can be quickly removed from the safety lock and immediately put into use.

However, it has a number of disadvantages. It has poor ergonomics and less than ideal build quality. It happens that 13*50 caliber BAMs do not work in a pistol. It's not easy to hit an enemy in the face with a weapon.


The weapon is compact in size, designed for a couple of shots. The projectiles fly out of the muzzle at speeds of up to 90 meters per second. You will be able to hit the aggressor from a five-meter distance. The spare clip contains 2 cartridges. It has a durable body and has an additional magazine built into the handle.

Can be equipped with a laser sight. In addition to BAMs, it uses threaded cartridges. An adapter is used to adapt the projectiles.

There is an option where there is a laser designator. The device uses cans of caliber 18*51, 13*50 and 13*60. The kit includes 13*50, 13*60 must be purchased separately. Using the adapter, you can fire a hunter's signal, as well as flash-and-noise charges of the "Thunder" type. They are a good help against stray dogs.

The disadvantages of the pistol include the limited clip - you can only fire two shots. Previously there were difficulties with adapters and cassettes, but in new devices the problems have been resolved.

Due to the budget cost, the weapon has a short service life. Some parts wear out quickly, and it may be difficult to fix the clip.


A five-shot pistol, as a rule, hits an attacker from three to four meters. But under favorable circumstances, you can stop the aggressor at a distance of 5 meters. The weapon handle contains five cans at once. The adapter makes it possible to use several calibers and signal shells at once.

The pistol body is made of lightweight, durable fiberglass. Therefore, the weapon lasts a long time. The unit works smoothly due to the presence of a striking mechanism made of metal of proper quality. The standard weapon life is 1000 activations. In this regard, you can buy a pistol and BAMs once. You no longer need to spend money on self-defense for a long time.

"Udar" M2

The device appeared on the market in 2008. It uses “short” 13*50 caliber cartridges. This is an effective and easy to use pistol. You can fire five salvos. It weighs little, is compact, and is comfortable to hold in your hand. Previously, Udars were characterized by distortions of the cartridges in the body; today this defect has been eliminated.


When deciding which is better - the Pioneer or the Premier 4 pistol, it is important to understand that each of them is good for its own purposes: the first is convenient for concealed carry, it can shoot not only with gas, but with signal or noise cartridges, which is easy to use for entertainment or for attracting attention.

The second one is better to carry in a holster. It is suitable for security company employees, motorists, and law enforcement officers. Its advantages include increased concentration and area of ​​damage, but its large size makes everyday hidden wear inconvenient. And yet, despite these differences, each of these devices:

  • guaranteed to neutralize attackers;
  • does not cause them serious harm;
  • can be used in cross winds and rain;
  • applied precisely, without hitting anyone other than the target;
  • Suitable for tight spaces and close distances.

With each of the presented samples you can be absolutely confident in your safety; everything else is a matter of personal preference. By the way, the warranty for these models from the Tula manufacturer A+A is 1 year or 1000 throws.

Which is better: a gas or an aerosol gun?

Today there is a wide selection of different weapons on the market used for self-defense. Therefore, it is not easy to understand which option is right for you if you do not know what types of self-defense means exist and what their features are. Gas pistols are quite effective, but with all the advantages they also have disadvantages:

  • in order to buy them and use them in the future, you need to obtain permission, which is issued by the internal affairs authorities;
  • gas mechanisms are not budgetary;
  • their shot is too weak and does not guarantee complete neutralization of the aggressor.

Sometimes, in order to stop an opponent's aggressive actions, you need to repeatedly aim at him. But there is a weapon that makes neutralizing an aggressor simple and effective. If you want to quickly purchase an inexpensive means of self-defense, then an aerosol gun is for you!

Review of gas “weapons”
© Mikhail Grinberg, chief designer of Tekhkrim JSC, candidate of technical sciences

The trade offers the buyer a large selection of gas pistols, revolvers, cartridges for them, as well as self-defense means in aerosol packaging (gas cans) of both domestic and foreign production. It is not easy for a buyer who is far from weapons problems to navigate among such diversity. The situation is aggravated by the impossibility of fully checking the operation of the product when purchasing it and the lack of information available to the consumer about the mandatory requirements for gas weapons.

Numerous publications about gas weapons are scattered, contradictory, or represent hidden or overt advertising that significantly exaggerates the merits of a particular product. There is a need for a qualified analysis of issues related to various aspects of the circulation of this type of weapon, taking into account the requirements of the Russian Federation Laws “On Weapons” and “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” state standards and mandatory certification requirements. This is especially important due to the fact that some of the weapons sold are still not certified or certified with significant violations.

Let's start with the fact that all weapons (pistols, revolvers, cartridges, gas cartridges), both domestic and foreign, are subject to mandatory certification. When purchasing, the seller is obliged to present the buyer with a certificate of conformity of the Russian State Standard for this model of weapon. The certificate must be issued:

  • the central body for the certification of service and civilian weapons with the certification body code SA01 (only until May 1996);
  • body for certification of handguns and cartridges with body code SA02 (since May 1996);
  • body for certification of service and civilian weapons with the body code MZhOZ (since October 1996).

Any other certificates and conclusions, including those issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, have no force. When purchasing foreign-made weapons, according to the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” the seller is obliged to provide the buyer with a free translation into Russian of the passport or inscriptions on the labels.

During certification tests, the strength and safety of gas pistols and revolvers is checked by firing test cartridges that provide increased pressure of powder gases. Pistols are tested with two shots, revolvers with one shot from each cylinder socket. In addition, gas pistols and revolvers are subject to forensic tests to ensure that they cannot be converted to fire bullet cartridges.

During certification tests, cartridges for gas weapons are checked for entry into the chamber of a minimum size, pressure of powder gases and trouble-free operation when fired from a standard weapon. Gas cartridges are checked for leaks, safety from impacts and falls, and trouble-free operation of the valve. In addition, gas cartridges, blank cartridges and gas cartridges are subjected to medical-biological and chemical-analytical tests in the laboratories of the institutes of the Ministry of Health for toxicological and traumatological safety, effectiveness and compliance with the requirements for the content of active substances.

Obviously, you only need to buy weapons that are certified in full compliance with the requirements of laws and government standards that impose strict requirements for reliability, safety and efficiency. Therefore, it is important to learn how to determine whether a weapon meets at least basic safety requirements. Practice shows that a consumer, having the necessary information, can carry out such a check on his own when purchasing a weapon, while the main parameters of gas pistols that affect performance and safety can be determined after several shots.

Gas pistols

There are a lot of gas pistols and revolvers on sale. The bulk of foreign models are made in Germany. Most weapon models are certified. Among domestic pistols, the products of the State Enterprise “Izhevsk Mechanical Plant” deserve attention - gas pistols 6P36 (IZH-77) and especially 6P37 (IZH-78) and 6P42 (IZH-79). Developed on the basis of the MTsMK (IZH-77) sports pistol and the PSM (IZH-78) and PM (IZH-79) military pistols, they are durable, reliable and their characteristics significantly exceed the requirements for gas weapons.

Domestic-made weapons (on the bolt or on the frame) must indicate the trademark or name of the manufacturer, weapon model, serial number, caliber, mark of conformity for mandatory certification, the mark of testing the weapon for strength and the mark of the testing station that carried out the certification tests. Foreign-made weapons must have everything the same, with the exception of the conformity mark.

When choosing a weapon, the following circumstances should be taken into account:

  • revolvers provide higher reliability compared to pistols;
  • there is no direct relationship between the size, caliber of a weapon and its effectiveness;
  • the effectiveness of weapons and reliability when firing are largely determined by the quality of the cartridges;
  • You should not buy revolvers produced at the same time, designed to fire several types of cartridges and equipped with replaceable inserts for the cylinder sockets.

When purchasing a weapon, you should definitely purchase blank cartridges and shoot at least one magazine (drum) in a suitable place. Before purchasing cartridges, you must carefully study the weapon passport to find out the possibility of using certain cartridges for shooting from a given model of pistol or revolver. When firing a pistol, it is necessary to trace the place where the cartridges fell and collect them for subsequent inspection. If possible, spent cartridges should not hit hard objects, as this will complicate the analysis of possible defects.

When firing, there should be no failures in the automatic operation of the pistol (failure to remove the cartridge case, sticking or misalignment of the cartridge, failure to send the cartridge into the chamber), misfires or any other delays. If, when shooting, there is a noticeable difference in the recoil force from shot to shot, then we can conclude that the quality of the cartridges is low. This is also evidenced by the large distance between the places where the spent cartridges fall with the gun in the same position. When firing from a revolver, there should be no delay in the rotation of the drum. Spent cartridges should be removed from the revolver cylinder without significant effort.

Spent cartridges should be inspected for ruptures and transverse cracks, through penetration and loss of the primer. Minor longitudinal cracks are allowed on the muzzle of the cartridge case, crimped like a multi-beam star.

One of the problems with revolvers is the displacement of the primer when firing, which can lead to a delay in the rotation of the cylinder. Even a slight protrusion of the primer above the end of the bottom of the cartridge case should be considered as a very serious defect that can lead to weapon failure. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the following circumstances:

  • the mark from the firing pin on the capsule must be deep enough (if the depression on the capsule is barely noticeable, misfires are possible in the future);
  • the mark from the firing pin must be located exactly in the middle of the primer of centerfire cartridges; a displacement clearly visible to the naked eye indicates a defect, which can also lead to misfire when shooting;
  • the mark from the firing pin should be located opposite the end of the cylindrical part of the cartridge case of rimfire cartridges;
  • when firing from a pistol, the trace from the ejector on the inside of the rim of the cartridge case should not be visible or should be inconspicuous; the presence of a significant depression or crumpling in this place indicates abnormal operation of the weapon;
  • when firing from a pistol, the cartridge case should not have deep longitudinal scratches, the presence of which indicates increased resistance when removing the cartridge from the magazine;
  • the outer surface of the sleeve should not be heavily smoked.


There are enough blank and gas cartridges of domestic and foreign production on sale. The most common calibers are 5.6 mm (.22 Long) rimfire, 7.62 mm (domestic production only), 8 mm, 9 mm PA, 380/9 mm R (revolver), 45 K (11.43 mm turret ). The bulk of foreign cartridges are produced in Germany and Eastern European countries. It should be noted that some models of cartridges do not have certificates of conformity or have certificates and conclusions issued by organizations that do not have the right to do so, so when purchasing cartridges you need to be especially careful.

You need to buy only those cartridges, the possibility of use of which is indicated in the weapon’s passport. When choosing cartridges, you should keep in mind that the efficiency of foreign-made gas cartridges is usually low, and the quality of cartridges produced in Eastern European countries is usually lower than the quality of cartridges produced in Germany. In addition, it must be taken into account that there is no direct relationship between the caliber of gas cartridges and their effectiveness.

Chloroacetophenone (CN), orthochlorobenzalmalonodinitrile (CS), dibenz (b, f) (1,4) oxazepine (CR), and pelargonic acid morpholide MPK (PS) can be used as tear irritants (irritants) for filling gas cartridges. Cartridges filled with CR are not currently produced and will not be produced in the foreseeable future. The effectiveness of the CN substance is significantly lower than that of CS and is significantly reduced when exposed to people under the influence of alcohol and drugs, so you should only buy gas cartridges filled with the CS substance.

The purpose of the cartridges should be marked on the bottom of the cartridge case or determined by the color of the cap or sprocket: blanks - green; gas, filled with CS substance - yellow; gas, filled with the substance CN - blue, white, red, PS (pepper) - dark brown. Cartridges must have the manufacturer's markings and caliber designation on the bottom of the case, while rimfire cartridges must have the manufacturer's markings only. If foreign-made cartridges are always marked, then domestic cartridges are marked only by Tekhkrim JSC (TEKHKRIM), Novosibirsk Low-Voltage Equipment Plant OJSC (LVE) and Tula Cartridge Plant OJSC (TPZ), although there are significantly more manufacturers. A significant part of the cartridges are not marked, their manufacturer is unknown, and I would not recommend buying them.

Rimfire cases marked V ("East") have been used by many ammunition manufacturers in recent years and do not allow identification of the manufacturer. The inscription “Made in Russia” on the label also means nothing. If unmarked cartridges even have a certificate of conformity, then keep in mind that it was issued with gross violations and there is no trust in it.

Gas cartridges must be packaged in a transparent plastic box. On the box, and sometimes on the label that is inserted or pasted on the box, the trademark and name of the manufacturer, cartridge model, caliber, designation of technical conditions, number of cartridges, active substance, mass of active substance, minimum range of use, batch number, must be indicated. expiration date of the shelf life, mark of conformity for mandatory certification, image of the mark of the testing station that carried out the certification tests of the cartridges, means of removing the composition in case of contact with eyes and skin, instructions for storing cartridges. Some of this information may be contained on the back of the label.

For blank cartridges, the trademark and name of the manufacturer, cartridge model, caliber, designation of technical conditions, number of cartridges, minimum range of use, batch number, expiration date of storage period, mark of conformity for mandatory certification, image of the mark of the testing station that carried out the certification tests of the cartridges are indicated.

The quality of blank cartridges for pistols and revolvers is checked by shooting using the already described method. It is undesirable to check the quality of gas cartridges with a large number of shots due to the possibility of damage by an aerosol cloud and subsequent unpleasant cleaning of the weapon. Two or three shots may be fired with the necessary precautions. After firing from a gas pistol, the cartridges must be picked up and inspected, but then not touched with your hands to your face and especially your eyes until you thoroughly wash your hands. If it is not possible to clean the weapon immediately, it should be placed in a pre-prepared plastic bag or other tightly sealed packaging. There is a clear connection between the effectiveness of gas cartridges and the strength of the discomfort experienced from contact with the weapon after firing.

Before opening a box of gas cartridges, you must make sure that there is no white, sometimes yellowish coating or powder on the walls of the box. The presence of plaque indicates that the cartridges are leaking and powder composition has spilled out of them. Such cartridges are dangerous to handle and should not be used. Often, after opening the box, you feel irritation in your nose and start sneezing; it is also better not to take such cartridges. In addition, when purchasing cartridges, you must make sure that the manufacturer's designation on the bottom of the cartridge case and on the label, as well as the distinctive coloring of the cartridges and the contents of the label do not contradict each other.

It must be remembered that the Law of the Russian Federation “On Weapons” prohibits the use of cartridges filled with small metal shot, which are permitted in some countries of Eastern Europe.

Gas cartridges

The choice of gas cartridges in Russian specialized stores is quite large, and recently there has been a tendency to replace foreign-made models with domestic products. Moreover, most of the models are certified.

The canisters differ from each other primarily in size and the active substance used. Gas cartridges are allowed to be filled with tear irritating substances CN, CS, CR, oleoresin capsicum (OC) and pelargonic acid morpholide (PAM). As well as cartridge cartridges filled with CR substance, they are not currently produced. The effectiveness of the CN substance is significantly lower than that of other irritants, and, in addition, sharply decreases when exposed to drunks and drug addicts, so draw your own conclusions. The effectiveness of canisters containing the CS substance is beyond doubt, but their disadvantage is the lack of effect on most dogs. As for OS, this substance is an extract from certain varieties of pepper. It must be borne in mind that OS is not a homogeneous substance, but a mixture of several components, which is why its effectiveness can vary greatly from batch to batch and is determined by the ratio of components, the content and composition of impurities, manufacturing technology and a number of other factors. Due to the lack of necessary plant raw materials and proven production technologies, domestically produced OS should be treated with special caution. Pelargonic acid morpholide is a synthetic analogue of OS and is not inferior in effectiveness to the natural product. An important advantage of cans containing OS and MPC is their repellent effect on dogs.

The canister body must indicate the trademark and name of the manufacturer, model name, designation of technical specifications (for domestically produced products), active ingredient of the composition, mass of the active ingredient, minimum range of application, operating temperature range, expiration date, mark of conformity if mandatory certifications and a number of warning notices.

It should be especially emphasized that, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Weapons,” only tear-irritating substances can be used as active ingredients in gas weapons. The use of any other substances, in particular nerve agents, is completely excluded. This is necessary to know; For example, in the early 90s, in our country, spray cans were sold that were made in Germany and had the inscription “nerve paralytic” in large print in Russian. In fact, they were equipped with CS substance.

When purchasing a gas cartridge, you must keep in mind the following circumstances:

  • Foreign-made cans, as a rule, stop working at sub-zero temperatures;
  • canisters filled with CN and CS and having a predominantly tear effect act instantly;
  • cans containing OS and MPC have a predominant effect on the respiratory system and are fully effective only after the object of influence, being in the aerosol cloud, inhales;
  • cans filled with OS and MPC contain approximately 10 times more active substance compared to CN and CS, so their cost is always slightly higher;
  • the effectiveness of cans filled with CS, OS and MPC when affecting drunks and drug addicts is reduced slightly;
  • You should be very careful when using canisters containing CN and CS on dogs, since they have no effect on most dogs and can sometimes even cause increased aggression.

An interesting solution is to use two active ingredients in gas cartridges simultaneously. The effectiveness of such canisters increases significantly if one of them causes a predominantly tear effect (CN, CS CR), and the other predominantly affects the respiratory system (OS, MIC).

The main manufacturers of gas cartridges in Russia are JSC Tekhkrim (Izhevsk), Scientific and Technical Center "Khiton" (St. Petersburg), and JV Aerosol (Tyumen).

Special attention should be paid to the “Udar”

. It is a firing device with cartridges, and the fact that it is certified and sold as an aerosol spray is puzzling. In real conditions, the effect of using “Strike” may not occur. This is due to the fact that when fired from the “Udar”, an aerosol cloud is not formed, but a narrow jet is emitted, which must hit the target directly in the eyes, otherwise he will not only not lose the ability to take active actions, but at first he simply will not feel anything .

You can verify the effectiveness of the purchased gas weapon without exposing yourself to great risk in the following way. In a suitable place in calm weather, you should fire a gas weapon or spray the contents of a gas canister for a second, then quickly take two or three steps forward towards the resulting aerosol cloud. If there is a sharp pain in the eyes, accompanied by involuntary compression of the eyelids, lacrimation, burning of the upper respiratory tract when using CN or CS, or a sharp suffocating cough when using OS or MPC, then the weapon can be considered quite effective. If these symptoms are mild or absent, then you should not use such a self-defense weapon.

In conclusion, a few recommendations for buyers of gas weapons:

  • you need to remember that the presence of a mark of conformity on a weapon is not proof that it is certified in the prescribed manner;
  • To purchase a gas pistol or revolver, permission from the Ministry of Internal Affairs is required;
  • To purchase a gas canister, permission from the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not required;
  • gas cartridges are not inferior in efficiency, and in many cases superior to gas pistols and revolvers;
  • small gas cartridges are convenient for carrying in outerwear pockets;
  • gas cartridges are 20-50 times cheaper than a gas pistol or revolver;
  • a gas pistol or revolver in many cases produces a significant psychological effect;

Only weapons certified in full compliance with the requirements of state standards significantly guarantee the consumer safety and effectiveness during use.

Which self-defense tool is better?

It is impossible to predict under what circumstances self-defense will be needed:

  • Indoors or outdoors.
  • Against one bandit or a group of people.
  • With or without witnesses.

Traumatic weapons are more accessible because they do not require a permit. A gas pistol requires a license to use.

It is better for an inexperienced user to purchase an aerosol weapon, since specialized skills are not required to use it. If a person wants to have a more professional remedy, they can use traumatism.


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