TOP 5 best smoothbore shotguns for self-defense

Every week there is news in the media that people have been maimed as a result of the use of traumatic weapons. Motorists are sorting things out while shooting at each other, young people are shooting near nightclubs, and one gets the impression that our people, like the heroes of Westerns, are ready to shoot at each other anywhere.

DG decided to find out what weapons for self-defense are now available to mere mortals, how to use them correctly, and whether “our people” really shouldn’t be given firearms in their hands or whether these are horror stories from journalists. Vasily Zaitsev, a specialist from the Okhotnik store, dispelled myths and answered questions.


— Vasily, there are more and more calls to ban traumatic weapons. Even Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin spoke in favor of banning “traumatic guns,” believing that the presence of such weapons among the population aggravates the crime situation. How dangerous is “trauma” and what is it?

— Since 2011, the energy of a cartridge for weapons of limited destruction is limited to 90 joules. This is clearly not a sufficient number to cause a serious wound. Moreover, this is even in summer, and in winter there is very little chance of breaking through bulky clothes. It turns out that the energy of this weapon is clearly insufficient to solve the tasks assigned to it.

“Besides, a working pistol cannot fire on its own.” It’s not the weapon that shoots, it’s the “weapon-cartridge-shooter” complex that shoots, where the weakest part of this complex is, of course, the shooter. Lack of preparation, incorrect assessment of the situation, often just a desire to get into trouble - these are the characteristics of the average shooter.

- Patron is a horror that floats on the wings of the night. Ammunition produced by AKBS has been regularly causing weapon malfunctions lately. The bullet gets stuck in the barrel, which stops shooting and often damages the weapon. The most reliable part of this triple complex is the weapon. But there are spots in the sun too. No sample is 100% foolproof. Let's just say that any training course says: when you have an abnormal shot, you should stop shooting and inspect the weapon. What does a person do when something goes wrong? He chambers the next cartridge and pulls the trigger. Quite often, weapons are damaged due to the fact that the shot occurred with the barrel bore blocked.

— The weapons themselves are basically scarecrows, externally copying real weapons. For example, a rubber-fired copy of a Makarov pistol or a copy of the 4th generation Glock that vaguely resembles in appearance.

- In addition, for self-defense, licensed ones like these are used - barrelless self-defense weapons. The idea was good, but they managed to ruin it well. The fact is that the cartridges have an electrically ignited primer. An unreliable thing in general, plus our microprocessor technology. As a result, we have a huge number of refusals. He cannot shoot himself, although theoretically there is a possibility from static electricity. But it’s easy not to shoot against the owner’s wishes.

Shotgun considerations

There is a lot of anticipation that you need to find and select the best shotguns for your local defense.

By considering the different options you are faced with, you will become an empowered buyer who can make informed decisions about your gun investment. If you have a solid knowledge of gun options, you will be a safer buyer.

When you are looking for the best shotguns, there is a lot to consider. While you already know the purpose of why you are investing in a gun, you will still have to consider things like barrel length, gun barrel length, choke, length of pull and the caliber of the gun. The length of pull is the measurement between the pistol's stock and the trigger.

You will definitely want to purchase a gun that you are comfortable with. You have to hold the weapon in your hands, put it in the firing position and see how the weapon feels when you hold it. To do this, you need to take into account the weight of the gun.

There are left-handed and left-handed shotguns, and while some people are ambitious and don't care which hand is dominant, for others it's important to get a gun based on the use of your dominant hand. However, additional considerations include the brand of weapon, size, and which of the four main types of shotguns you want to use for local defense, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

“Necessary defense”

— A classic Hollywood action scene. A criminal, driven by the darkest and most vile motives, breaks into the home of a model American family. Suddenly, the father of the family appears on the scoundrel's path. He stands in his shorts, the color of the national flag, scratching his belly, swollen from harmful hamburgers, and swinging a huge shotgun on his shoulder. The criminal, taken by surprise, tries to escape, but in the United States of America it is rude to let guests go without a gift. A crooked grin on the face of the owner of the house, a flash, the roar of a shot, and the bandit, loaded with lead, flies a couple of meters along the corridor, breaks the railing and falls from the second floor onto the glass table in the living room.

“Our legislation is such that it is much easier and safer to kill yourself than to defend yourself.” As for shotguns that are used for self-defense, most often they buy tactical shotguns of this type, this is a very serious mistake.

“This thing cannot be stored ready to fire.” It's just technically impossible to do this. Theoretically, you can equip the magazine with 8 rounds and keep it separately. This is not prohibited by law. But the box magazine handles 12 gauge ammunition very poorly. After 6-12 hours, depending on the type of cartridge, they will take on a flattened appearance and will not fit into the chamber for chambering. Those cartridges that were perfect for these stores were produced by Barnaul in a soft steel case, but they were discontinued due to lack of demand!

— You can use a shotgun with a tubular magazine for self-defense. At shotgun range, this thing outperforms a submachine gun. But again, you need to use it correctly. We have problems with this, because we have a lot of courses, but they are empty, no one goes. There are very few people training, the filling of groups is sad. The instructors, guys with vast experience, are simply idle.

Passive safety is much more effective and efficient than active safety. You don't have to defend yourself from attackers, rather than go where you might be attacked.

— The classic option for home use is a shotgun without a stock. Theoretically, you can remove the stock from any hand-loading shotgun, pump-action as we say, and install a pistol grip. But in order to shoot a 12-gauge weapon without a stock, you need to take an appropriate course. If you don't pass it, people break their hands with a few shots.

— Having protected women and children and shot back from the attacking crowd of inadequate drug addicts with chainsaws, can a citizen be calm that the law is on his side?

— Our law is very good. There is an article “necessary defense”. According to this article, you can “wet” left and right. But besides the law, there are by-laws and law enforcement practice. We have traditionally established that if a person kills someone during defense, he will be held accountable for premeditated murder. Or, if he was very lucky, for “exceeding the necessary defense.” What is the point of this matter? Most often, the legal nihilism of the user himself. He believes that since he defended himself, that means everyone knows about it and he can fold his arms and wait for a fair decision. This does not happen in any country in the world. Even in America, which our “ganophiles” are used to referring to, that is, gun lovers, any case of self-defense, even if you were attacked by an armed group, leads to huge material temporary losses. A person goes to court for a long time in order to avoid responsibility, spends a lot of money on a lawyer, and, according to the law, he is not subject to liability. Many of us simply do not know about this.

— There is an opinion that a person, having acquired a weapon, attracts situations when he has to use “trauma”.

- No. A person can attract trouble on his own. If a person has an internal task to attract trouble, he will accomplish it with or without weapons. At the same time, I know a lot of gun carriers who carefully avoid any trouble.

- Our defense of any subject consists of two parts - active and passive. And passive safety is much more effective and efficient than active safety. You don't have to defend yourself from attackers, rather than go where you might be attacked. Carlos Castaneda has this: “The absolute warrior cannot be attacked, because he simply will not be where he can be attacked.” But our people are capable of attracting trouble at any time in any place. For example, a man walks at night through an area that enjoys well-deserved notoriety. What does he do first of all?! First of all, he puts headphones in his ears and turns on the player louder so as not to hear everything that is happening around him. That is, a person deliberately neglects passive safety measures. Instead of monitoring his surroundings, he sets himself up.

“At the same time, if a person sees that a couple of migrant workers are approaching him with bad intentions after hours, he can simply maneuver. Put them at an awkward disadvantage. “You shouldn’t wait for the first blow, because it may turn out to be such that you will forget to resist,” as Peter I said. There is, of course, a category of people who believe that by purchasing a pistol, they have become cool and have gained complete security. At the same time, they usually don’t even deign to learn how to shoot.

— Let’s say a citizen nevertheless decided to purchase a traumatic weapon, studied the legislative framework and realized his responsibility. But you have to know how to handle a weapon.

— Before purchasing a weapon, you need to complete a training course. Unfortunately, in our country the course of study is essentially fundraising. The training is like this: the instructor muttered what you need to know. All. Whether a person listened or didn’t listen, that’s his problem.

— Training is not about giving a certain amount of knowledge, but about ensuring that the necessary actions are performed under stress. Teach how to use your arms, body, and legs. In our country this matter is ignored by law. If, after purchasing a weapon, a person turns on his brain and realizes that he needs to learn how to use this thing, then in our city we have, for example, the Alpha shooting gallery. You're welcome, wonderful instructors. There is a shooting gallery “Socrates”, where veterans act as instructors. Very good guys. At the same time, you can shoot from your own weapon in the official shooting range. Once you shoot, you will feel it in your hands.

— A license is required for firearms. It takes a long time and is still expensive. But there are also more accessible means of protection. For example, stun guns and gas cartridges.

— What is a stun gun? In my life I have never seen a normal use. Unless while grazing sheep. As a cattle race, it’s a normal thing. Even the most obstinate cow runs where it needs to go! But for the purposes of self-defense, I don’t know any successful examples.

— Regarding gas cylinders. “Techkreem” produces a huge amount. What they did before took the attacker off his hooves very easily, and in any condition. Stoned, drunk - anyone. Now, to protect citizens, these nuclear mixtures are prohibited. Some of the substances that were active in self-defense cylinders were simply taken out of circulation. For example, MPA is pelargonic acid morpholide, chloroacetophenone CN is the famous “Bird cherry”. Civilian spray cans are not made with them.

The use of a gas cylinder should be unexpected and targeted. In the face and respiratory organs. It's best to inhale. This moment is very easy to track. If a person raises his hand to hit you in the turnip, at that moment he needs to be pollinated!

- Now there are only three substances left. These are oleoresin capsicum (OC), CR, a synthetic analogue of red pepper, and CS, orthochlorobenzalmalonodinitrile. This thing is, let's just say, not very good. They say it causes genetic failures and so on. Nevertheless, it is allowed in our country, but in such quantities that no one can be seriously poisoned. A single dose in one package does not exceed 80 ml, which is very little for self-defense needs. Gas cylinders must be used like any other weapon. Most often used unskilledly. That is, first they show the whole world that I have a balloon in my hand, then they start pouring it anywhere. In fact, the application should be unexpected and targeted. In the face and respiratory organs. It's best to inhale. This moment is very easy to track. If a person raises his hand to hit you in the turnip, at that moment he needs to be pollinated!

Shooting and bombing action games.

Single shot weapons and shotguns are two types of weapons you should consider. Below you will find information about single shot and pump action capabilities when looking for weapons for local defense. The pros and cons of each are listed. Keep in mind that single shot and bomb weapons are two of the four options you have when purchasing a gun.

weaponAdvantages and disadvantages
One shotThis type of weapon only contains one bullet at a time.
Pro: The gun is often one of the cheapest guns on the market.

Pro: Because these pistols fire one shot at a time before requiring a reload, they are considered slightly safer than pistols with a slower reload requirement.

scam: This may not be good in a situation of anxiety or in a state where you are protecting your life or your home.

con: A single-shot shotgun is less effective if you need multiple shots on a moving target.

Pump actionA shotgun that allows you to fire more than one bullet, but which also requires you to pump the gun before each shot. Inflating the weapon causes a spent shell to come out of the shotgun.
Pro: Affordable.

SCAM: This is a not-so-silent weapon that can alert an attacker to your presence before you want to.

con: The pumping action slows it down in a situation that requires fast or fast repetitive action.

There must be a shotgun!

— Opponents of firearms and even “trauma” believe that our people have a special mentality and as soon as the carrying of real weapons is allowed, the streets will be drenched in blood and filled with mournful cries of widows and orphans.

- This is complete nonsense. People are the same everywhere. In the post-Soviet space, not only in the cultural Baltic states, but also in the not very prosperous Moldova, citizens are allowed to carry short-barreled firearms. They kill with legal weapons regularly. But, compared to shooting from criminal weapons, this is about 0.2-0.4%. Moreover, this figure remains the same in any country in the world. A vanishingly small percentage. In addition, we must take into account that this aspect is usually ignored in our country; the use of legal weapons very often allows one to avoid very serious crimes. Number: For every criminal killed by police in America, two criminals are killed by citizens with civilian guns. For some reason, the guardians of people’s protection somehow ignore this aspect. Of course, I understand that it is very difficult to count the number of crimes that either did not take place or were prevented in the process with the help of legal weapons. But it’s also not worth ignoring the fact that legal weapons can save lives in many cases.

— In the most shooting country in the world, no more than 13% of the adult population is interested in firearms. Across countries, this figure ranges from 11 to 13%. Fact is fact - about the same number of people are interested in firearms. Of course, there are some peculiarities. A friend told me: I went to Texas to visit an acquaintance, the acquaintance turned out to be a pacifist. He is asked:

- You are allowed to openly carry anything here. What are you going with?

- No, I don’t have any weapons at all!

And in the corner next to the door there is a loaded shotgun.

- And what's that?!

- Well, this is a shotgun. There must be a shotgun! But I don’t have a weapon!

Shotgun selection

When talking about choosing a gun for self-defense, it is impossible to give one general piece of advice that would suit everyone. There are a number of factors to consider here. What experience do you have with such weapons? What can you afford? Under what circumstances and how exactly do you plan to use your weapon?

For most people, a pump-action shotgun is the best choice. Semi-automatic machines are more suitable for those who already have some experience. In addition, a semi-automatic shotgun can be recommended to those who, due to their physical build, have difficulty handling the movable forend of a pump-action gun. The best option for a self-loading shotgun for self-defense, according to many experts, are various modifications of the Benelli Super 90 series. The only drawback of this excellent weapon is its price.

Remington Model 870 Express

The Remington 870 Express is a 12 gauge tactical model with 2 3/4 and #8243; up to 3" chambers and 18 1/2" barrel. The weapon has front sights, a synthetic matte black finish on the forearm and butt of the weapon, and weighs a total of 7 1/2 pounds. The receiver and barrel of the pistol have a bluish tint. The weapon has a capacity of 7 bullets and a Rem strangler. The Remington 870 Express is one of the best shotguns for home defense due to its ease of use and maintenance.

The weapon is also ideal for use on hunting and shooting ranges. The Remington 870 Express is renowned for its rugged design, precision and compact size. For around $500.00 you will find the weapon affordable and the weapon comes with several customization options. The Remington Model 870 Express works well with your ammunition, and you'll find the gun reliable in serious situations. One of the disadvantages associated with the gun is that ammo is a bit expensive.

Escort MPP TackStock

Escort MPP TacStock under $350.00. The 12-gauge pistol features an 18-inch pistol, 2 3/4 and #8243, a 3-inch chamber and a semi-automatic action. This gun features a ghost ring/fiber optic for HiViz viewing. The crossbolt and cylinder choke. The barrel and receiver have a matte blueish finish while the rod and forearm have a classic matte black synthetic finish.

The stock of this weapon has a special carrier where you can carry two additional cases. The weapon looks menacing. The handle is easy to use and attach. Once you shoot the last frame for the Escort MPP Tacstock, the weapon opens. The magazine tube allows for a total of five shells.


The shotgun is a great choice when it comes to local defense. Finding one of the best shotguns for home defense depends largely on your skill level as a gun operator, your gun preferences, and the characteristics of the gun in question. You will need to compare the best guns and consider the features, operations, advantages, disadvantages, and your budget if you are going to choose the right gun for your needs.

Be sure to include the weapon's storage method as soon as you purchase it. If you want a gun for home defense, you also need to protect your home and the people in it from accidental injury.

Winchester Super X Pump Defender

The Winchester Super X Pump Defender is a shotgun with a deep grooved forearm that provides an additional element of stability to the weapon in question. The gun is made of metal with an anti-reflective surface, and you can use bullets or pellets with the gun. This weapon serves a wide range of use thanks to its sinking cannon.

The forearm and stem are made of durable composite material. This 12 gauge weapon holds 18 1/2 and #8243; barrel 2 3/4 and No. 8243; 3-inch camera and lighter than the Remington 870 Express and Mossberg 535 as it weighs 6 pounds 4 ounces. The gun is equipped with brass sights.

The barrel and receiver are matte blue, while the stock and forearm are matte black. The safety is a cross-breech block and the gun has a cylinder choke. This weapon has a capacity of five in five in the magazine and one in the chamber. The Winchester Super X Pump Defender is one of the best shotguns for local defense due to its price. The weapon costs approximately $390.00.

The Winchester Super X Pump Defender is easy to care for, lightweight, durable and great for short range applications, range, hunting and home defense. Disadvantages associated with the gun include the lack of a warranty or owner's manual.

Mossberg 535

Another reasonably priced tactical shotgun, the Mossberg 535 makes our list of the best shotguns for local defense. The gun has a 20-inch barrel equipped with a cylindrical shutter. Unlike the Remington Model 870 Express, the device only has five bullets. The pistol has a 3.5" barrel, ghost ring sights and black synthetic sights that can be adjusted. The pistol is a 12 gauge pistol with adjustable sights on the front and rear.

The barrel and receiver have a matte blue finish, while the stock and forearm have a matte black synthetic finish. The Mossberg 535 comes with a cross bolt safety and holds four in the magazine plus one in the chamber. You'll find the Mossberg 535 is lightweight, easy to use, easy to clean, and makes it an easy shot with excellent accuracy.

The weapon has a brutal and intimidating appearance, making it an excellent weapon for local defense. The Mossberg 535 has a price tag that matches the Remington Model 870 Express within $500.00.

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