Shotgun weapon: the second coming of shotguns

For people of military specialty, whose professional activities involve the frequent use of firearms, situations are well known when success is brought by one powerful volley. The use of large-caliber weapons for this purpose, firing bullets or shot charges, allows you to quickly achieve a certain tactical advantage. A shotgun smoothbore weapon can easily be included in this category. The name of the barrel alone speaks volumes about its mode of action.

Shot shooting

This type of firearm is well known to hunters who hunt game birds. In this case, the main damaging element is shot, which allows you to achieve a large damage area. Despite the fact that the use of smooth-bore hunting rifles for military purposes turned out to be ineffective, the military was able to properly evaluate the effect when shooting shotguns. The result of the transformation of smooth-bore guns into powerful military weapons was combat shotguns, which are used today by the army, special forces and law enforcement forces.

Technical side of the issue

A shotgun is a smooth-bore firearm, derived from a hunting rifle, which gunsmiths have converted in accordance with the conditions of combat use. A pistol grip was added to the butt used for shooting from the shoulder, allowing firing from the belt line or offhand. Combat shotguns have also retained hunting calibers, which vary in the range of 5.5 mm - 5 cm.

Weapons of this type are divided into the following types:

  • by trunk type;
  • by the number of trunks;
  • according to the recharging mechanism.

Depending on the type of barrel, guns can be smooth-bore or combined, capable of firing both bullets and shot charges. Depending on the number of barrels, shotguns can be single-barrel, double-barrel or multi-barrel. This type of weapon also differs in its loading mechanisms. There are models with a pump-action reloading mechanism and with a lever-action reloading device. The model range includes self-loading and automatic shotguns.

Double-barreled shotgun

The double-barreled shotgun is the most popular and widespread type. Most amateur hunters prefer to use this particular weapon design in their craft. Typically, a hunting shotgun is a typical double-barreled hunting shotgun that is loaded by breaking. The main effect is achieved through a double shot, when a double charge of shot is fired from two barrels with a difference of a fraction of a second. For all its enormous firepower, this type of gun suffers from a significant drawback - a rather intensive reloading process. A double-barreled shotgun is a first-strike weapon when there is no urgent need for urgent reloading. However, due to low accuracy, a large affected area is achieved. This quality is especially valuable when hunting birds and small animals. From the point of view of combat use, shooting from a shotgun may be the only effective one in close combat or in defensive combat conditions.

Duck shooting

Cartridge caliber is not everything

Speaking about cartridges, we should not forget that caliber is not the main characteristic that determines the power of ammunition. There are many nuances: the type of ignition of the cartridge, the type of primer, the shape of the cartridge case and the type of its extraction, the shape of the bullet itself, the “filling” of the bullet, its weight and other equally interesting details. All these characteristics can also be written in the name and it looks different in different countries.

For example, in the West they use a special designation for “Russian” cartridges - the English letter R. For example, 7.62x54 R - where R = Russian (popularly) or Rimmed (according to classification). The “Russian” designation suggests the type of ignition or the type of cartridge case extraction.

Even on Western cartridges, the type and amount of gunpowder in it is indicated by markings +P or +P+, etc. Outwardly, they are no different from each other, but have much greater muzzle energy.

Classification of small arms calibers:

  • small-caliber (less than 6.5 mm),
  • normal caliber (6.5-9.0 mm),
  • large-caliber (9.0-20.0 mm).

Shotgun Ammo

The main reason for the increased interest in this type of firearms from the military is ammunition. The short firing range is more than compensated by the enormous power of the shot and the high penetration ability of the striking elements, which are so necessary during a combat clash in a limited space. Today, most models of military smoothbore shotguns are designed to fire special cartridges. All of them are created on the basis of hunting ammunition. No, these are not the same hunting cartridges that you can equip at home. This is factory-made ammunition that meets all the necessary specifications.

12 gauge cartridges

If the main caliber for all hunting rifles is 12 gauge, then an assault shotgun (military weapon of special forces) can also have 10 gauge. Each caliber corresponds to certain conditions for using weapons. Despite the enormous recoil force when fired, 10-gauge cartridges have monstrous penetrating power, which is often necessary during assault operations.

It is enough to compare the power of a shot from a 12-gauge cartridge loaded with buckshot with the power of a shot made from a 9 mm caliber PM Makarov pistol. The weight of each buckshot with a caliber of 8.2 mm is 3.9 g. The initial flight speed when fired from a smoothbore gun is 380 m/s. In this case, the flight energy of buckshot is 280 J, which is almost the same as the flight energy of a 9-mm Makarov pistol bullet. There are 9 such buckshots in a hunting cartridge, so if we multiply 9 by 280, we get a total charge energy of 2520 J. Is it worth commenting?

The result of shooting with buckshot

Despite the enormous penetrating power, a significant drawback of such a powerful weapon is the large recoil force and small magazine capacity.

The 12-gauge hunting shotgun is a balanced weapon that allows you to shoot from the shoulder and still achieve the desired result. 20-gauge shotguns have limited firing capabilities due to the weak stopping power of the fired charge.

The main equipment of live ammunition is large-caliber shot (type 00), flechettes (rod shot) and special bullets (jacans). Combined-action cartridges are used in combat conditions, where, along with small shot, there is buckshot with a diameter of 8 mm. Each type of shotgun uses its own cartridges. If for a weapon with a manual reloading mechanism it is enough to have a cartridge with a 70 mm sleeve, then a semi-automatic shotgun or an automatic combat shotgun is equipped only with cartridges with a 76 mm sleeve. This is due to the fact that in this case the functionality of the reloading machine is influenced by the charge energy. The caliber of the cartridge for automatic rifles can be either 10th or 12th.

Shotgun calibers

Main features of 16 gauge

During the Soviet years, the 16th gauge competed with the 12th for a long time and was considered in many ways even better. However, over time, weapons companies realized that guns with a barrel diameter of 16.8 millimeters were not very popular, so their production began to decline. One of the brightest impetuses for this was the story of the IZH-57, a 16-caliber modification of the legendary double-barreled shotgun IZH-54. During its entire existence, no more than 20 thousand copies of this model were sold.

However, one should not think that the time of the 16-gauge has passed and hunters do not choose such a weapon as a faithful ally. To this day, in gun stores you can find interesting models that perform well on the hunt. The main difference with the 12 gauge is that the 16 gauge is more highly specialized. Such a gun is used mainly for hunting waterfowl, as well as shooting fur-bearing animals.

16 gauge is typically used for small game hunting.
As for the main features, they look something like this:

  1. Weapon weight. Compared to 12-gauge double-barreled shotguns, models with a diameter of 16.8 millimeters are significantly lighter because the barrel is smaller. It is convenient to move with such a weapon, and the hunter gains additional maneuverability when shooting.
  2. Recoil. One of the undeniable advantages of a 16-gauge shotgun is that it has much better ergonomics due to lower shot power and a relatively small amount of gunpowder (up to 3 grams) and shot (up to 34 grams).
  3. Assortment of guns. Despite the fact that you can still find samples of 16-caliber smoothbore weapons in gun stores, manufacturing companies are extremely reluctant to produce new models due to their low popularity.
  4. Availability of ammunition. Many hunters complain that they have to wait weeks for 16-gauge ammunition to arrive at their local gun store. And considering that some guns only shoot branded ammunition, the problem only gets worse.
  5. Variety of cartridges. Despite the fact that the 16-gauge can be loaded with a bullet or buckshot, in practice such ammunition is used extremely rarely. After all, the main purpose of this gun is to shoot shot loads from 23 to 34 grams.

However, supporters of the 16-gauge are right that such a weapon is much better suited for hunting game birds. The accuracy of the battle remains at 55% (chok) and 45% (poluchok) when shooting from a distance of up to 50 meters. Well, at long distances it is the large spread of shot that allows you to shoot game birds. And on a fur-bearing animal there will not be as many wounds as from a shot from a 12-gauge. The most important thing is to choose the appropriate shot number and the optimal amount of gunpowder.

A 16 gauge shotgun is effective at short range

Pros and cons of 16 gauge

Let’s highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of 16-gauge in a table to make it easier to form an objective opinion:

Low recoilLow shot power
Small weight of weaponsPoor combat accuracy
Poor range of guns
Monotony of cartridges
Ammunition shortage

As you can see, the situation is completely opposite. However, does this mean that the 16 gauge is much worse suited for hunting? To some extent, yes. But if hunting with a 16-gauge shotgun is carried out on the right game, then some of the shortcomings (lack of power and accuracy) simply lose their relevance. The only problem that remains is with choosing a gun and ammunition, which is partially solved by the ability to order everything you need via the Internet. If you like to buy everything in a store, then there’s nothing you can do about it - they have a really small assortment.

One last thing: is a 16-gauge shotgun suitable for the beginning shooter? Yes, and much better than the 12 gauge, but provided that the hunter does not switch to a larger option in the future. Otherwise, it will take quite a long time to get used to the recoil that appears, and you will need to acquire all shooting skills again. But if a hunter does not strive to become a professional, but only occasionally goes out to the river for ducks, then learning to shoot accurately at the target will be much faster. So when choosing a weapon, you should also look to the future.

Thus, there is no single piece of advice on which gun is best for hunting. Yes, the 12 gauge is versatile and suitable for shooting most types of game. But what if the hunter plans to shoot hazel grouse and partridge? So all these disputes are pointless, because the tastes and preferences of different people differ from each other, not to mention the fact that each gun has its own purpose.

The history of the emergence of a shotgun as a melee weapon

Let's start with the fact that the prototype of modern pump-action shotguns and shotguns are ancient muskets. The first units armed with smooth-bore guns, which have enormous penetrating power, appeared in armies at the end of the 18th century. The first samples of these weapons were extremely imperfect. The muskets had a large combat mass, had a huge caliber and were loaded from the barrel. However, despite its clumsiness, this weapon demonstrated enormous power from its first days on the battlefield. Heavy large-caliber bullets at short distances inflicted huge losses on the enemy. Firing a shotgun during hand-to-hand combat became a favorite tactical technique during naval battles or during assault operations.

Muskets in battle

In those early years, a firefight between lines of opposing troops rarely exceeded 2-3 salvos, after which the opponents rushed into hand-to-hand combat, wielding a bayonet and knives. The use of shot as a striking element was limited and was used mainly to equip irregular combat units. With the advent of rifled firearms, smoothbore guns migrated to the hunting industry, where shotguns found their worthy use.

We remembered the firing properties of smooth-bore weapons already in the 20th century, when positional warfare came into fashion. The troops dug into trenches and hid under the protection of fortifications, from which they could only be driven out during a direct combat encounter. The Americans were the first to use shotguns in combat conditions, who encountered the factor of trench warfare during the battles of the First World War. The Winchester Model 1912 repeating shotgun is the first American 12-gauge shotgun used in combat. This gun became the weapon of choice for infantry units of the US Army during close combat when clearing enemy trenches. More advanced was the Trench Gun Model 1917, which was an improved version of the sporting rifle. Both models have proven themselves to be powerful melee weapons. From that moment on, shotguns of various models began to be used to solve certain problems by both the army and law enforcement agencies. Subsequent events on the fronts of World War II, in particular fighting in the tropical jungle, forced the Americans to return to this proven means of armed struggle.

Shotgun in battle

Using the experience of combat use of smoothbore shotguns, specialists from security agencies and police units have developed their own concept for the use of shotguns. Six-shot pump-action shotguns came into use by the American police during a fierce fight against organized crime. In the post-war period, shotguns began to be equipped with law enforcement forces, gendarmerie, carabinieri and police. The police shotgun significantly increased the firepower of units during the suppression of street riots, and assault groups and the force of police special forces received a powerful tool for solving assigned tasks.

Choosing the right ammunition: the best 12 gauge cartridges and their cost

12-gauge hunting ammunition is produced by various manufacturers who have managed to gain a secure foothold in the arms market. It is worth paying attention to the cartridges, which will be discussed below.


Ammunition from this company is inexpensive.
At the moment, ammunition is produced under the Glavpatron brand, which is intended for various purposes. Each of them is suitable for a specific animal or bird, and also has its own working distance.

In the production of cartridges, raw materials are used, namely cartridge cases and gunpowder, from the company’s Italian partner. The entire manufacturing process is carried out on German equipment.

Glavpatron products are distinguished not only by good quality, but also by affordable prices.


The cartridges produced by the Vetter brand are ideal for hunting. They can be purchased in Moscow and other Russian cities where there are specialized weapons stores.

During production, Italian quality equipment is used. The brand uses its own components.

Fetter supplies the finest 12 gauge ammunition available for a variety of critical applications. They successfully cope with their targets even at low temperatures, which not every bullet can withstand.


For more than a century and a half, the brand has been supplying the world market with excellent quality ammunition. They are intended for weapons of different types.

The company's production is concentrated in different places: America, New Zealand, European countries and Argentina. Initially, the main goal of the brand was to improve quality and increase the range. To achieve these goals, it was decided to introduce new technologies and use high-strength materials. It is thanks to this approach that the company has achieved success in its business.

Modernity and the shotgun

At the moment, almost all paramilitary structures have adopted smooth-bore guns. A tactical shotgun, depending on the ammunition used, allows you to solve various tactical problems.

Shotgun ammunition range

This is facilitated by the extensive range of manufactured ammunition, represented by the following types:

  • rubber and regular bullets;
  • buckshot, large or small shot;
  • tear gas cartridges;
  • high-explosive and high-explosive fragmentation grenade cartridges;
  • flash-noise grenades.

The versatility of the design of modern models of these weapons is ensured by the presence of special attachments that allow not only firing with live ammunition, but also performing a number of tactical and technical manipulations. In law enforcement and assault army units, shotguns are used in the following cases:

  • means for quickly breaking doors;
  • non-lethal means of armed warfare;
  • offensive melee weapon.

Of all the listed methods of application, each is specific and is used in certain conditions.

Shotgun in close combat

Manufacturers today produce a wide variety of models of such weapons, among which the most popular are lever-action pump-action shotguns and an automatic shotgun. Typically, traditional shotgun models are single-barrel combat shotguns with a lever-action reloading mechanism. The best shotguns in this category are the legendary Remington Model 870, the FN SLP police shotgun - a self-loading shotgun, and the Mossberg 500 smoothbore pump-action shotgun, produced since 1962. All of these models can be found in the arsenal of current police forces around the world.

Best shotguns

Automatic shotguns, which are equipped with army units today, are much more advanced weapons. Together with an improved reloading mechanism, such models have an increased rate of fire and a larger magazine capacity. One of the latest innovations in this area was the appearance on the arms market of a double-barreled automatic shotgun. The DP-12 double-barreled shotgun is capable of firing at a distance of up to 22 meters from two barrels, alternately. In just half a minute, you can fire 16 rounds of 12 mm caliber from this weapon.

Despite the emergence of modern models of these weapons, it is difficult to call a combat shotgun a universal combat weapon. An increase in the number of barrels significantly increases the combat and firing characteristics of a smoothbore gun. The combat qualities were greatly affected by the appearance of an automatic reloading mechanism and the expansion of the range of ammunition that shotguns can be equipped with today. However, the situation with the aiming range does not change for the better. The maximum possible sighting range provided by a shotgun is no more than 60 meters. In modern products, the firing range is an order of magnitude shorter - only 22-25 meters.

The newest American double-barreled shotgun DP-12

The way out of this situation was the creation of rifled models of automatic weapons, complete with an under-barrel shotgun. Such weapons increased the firepower of the shooter several times, making him a universal combat unit.

The most popular samples and a little more about classification

What is used most often? The most popular trinity are 12, 16 and 20 gauges. They allow you to kill a wide range of game, from bears, moose and wild boars to ducks, hares and quails. Slightly less popular in our latitudes are 24, 28 and 32 calibers, which are often used by hunters in hunting. Larger samples, such as 4 and 8, are popular abroad. In our country, even 10-gauge smoothbore weapons are extremely rare and can only be found among collectors. Although 4 (aka 26.5) is often found in the form of signal pistols. In addition to the caliber, it is customary to indicate the length of the cartridge case in the designation of ammunition for smooth-bore weapons. For example, 12/76. This means that we have a 12-gauge cartridge with a sleeve length of 76 millimeters. Why is this so important? The fact is that if you use a cartridge case with a length shorter than intended, this can lead to rupture of the chamber and damage to the weapon. This is compensated by the fact that you can always use longer-lasting ammunition. For example, the most common sleeve lengths in the world are 65, 70, 76 and 89 millimeters. You can also come across 60. If the gun is designed for 70 mm cartridges, this means that 76 and 89 can also be used. Although it is still better not to overuse it, since the resource of the firearm will be used up somewhat faster. In our latitudes, the most common caliber is 12, length is 76, followed closely by 70. In order of popularity of ammunition, after 12 there are 16, 20, 36 (aka .410), 32 and 28. It should be noted that a good the indicator 36 (.410) is due exclusively to the mass production of Saiga carbines with this caliber. Now let's look at the most popular representatives.

Popular models of our time

Most models of pump-action shotguns are developed for the needs of the civilian weapons market. However, as they go on sale, as often happens, such weapons quickly find their niche in paramilitary structures. Currently, almost any automatic hunting shotgun has a military or police equivalent. The commercial market is driving progress in this regard as well. The creation and development of new types of smoothbore shotguns is proceeding at an accelerated pace. These weapons are produced all over the world. Among the popular models you can find American, Italian, Belgian and Turkish models of smoothbore shotguns, each of which was created for a specific category of consumers.

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