Conversion of aerosol pistols for injury ✔ Is it possible to make Dobrynya for injury

How it works

Let's start with the fact that Dobrynya is made not of steel, but of plastic. It is not designed for dynamic loads that occur when a bullet is fired, as it was created for BAMs - small-sized aerosol cylinders.

There is practically no barrel, there is only an imitation. The main load falls on the plastic tabs, which are charged by the same BAMs. The magazine can accommodate 5 charges. The only metal part is the spring with the striker. But there is no return on them.

To fire cartridges, high muzzle energy is required, which creates pressure on the walls of the chamber. Usually this place is specially reinforced. We're talking about a piece of plastic here.

Review of the Dobrynya aerosol pistol

Buy aerosol gun Dobrynya

When an ordinary gas canister is not enough, and you don’t want to bother with licenses, then you discover devices that are on the brink. This is not yet a traumatic pistol, but it is no longer a gas spray. The most famous of these devices is UDAR, which has undergone several modifications, and as far as I know, has three versions: UDAR, UDAR-M and UDAR-M2. For the first time, such a device was specially developed in the 80s for special forces of the KGB of the USSR. This complex was called “Violet” (or special liquid pistol PSG) and was developed at TsNIITOCHMASH. It was developed as a non-lethal weapon for detaining people in crowded places where firearms cannot be used.

The special device was made of metal and had a mechanical filling, and subsequently the legendary IMPACTS were developed on its basis. The latest modification of the UDAR-M2 has metal stops, which increased the reliability and service life of the device, and a classic trigger guard, which made it possible for left-handed people to use it.

Despite progress in design, UDAR still has a number of disadvantages. The main and critical thing for many is the lack of a muzzle in an aerosol gun. Although its role is played by a cartridge called BAM, there is always a chance to partially cover with your hand the area where the irritant (pepper mixture with an irritating liquid) exits and, if you don’t get a jet in your face, then definitely reduce the effectiveness of the hit. In addition, there were cases of distortion and jamming of BAMs.

In general, the next round in the development of unlicensed non-lethal weapons was the appearance of Premier-4 and Premier aerosol pistols, and subsequently Dobrynya.

Let's look at what the five-shot Dobrynya is like.

Classic packaging for Tula craftsmen.

Inside is the gun itself, instructions with a warranty card and 5 adapters for BAM size 13×50. Standardly, Dobrynya uses 18x51 BAMs with a percussion igniter primer.

The adapters allow you to charge classic BAMs from UDAR-M2, so you can use any 13x50 BAMs, including idle (noise) and high-power BAMs with CR “Black Widow” and “Tarantula”. They are inserted with little effort and fit tightly.

Loading occurs according to a familiar principle, like the UDAR, or almost like a shotgun. We insert the BAM from above and move it forward a little to fix it.

By the way, in order to remove the BAMs, there is a special stop at the back that easily allows you to unload the pistol.

As you can see in the photo. The pistol is assembled from two halves secured with screws.

Let's unscrew the 7 screws and see what's inside. “Everything ingenious is simple!”

He understands it quite easily. Unscrew, unclench and catch two springs.

One flies out of the handle, but in principle does not fly further, and the second from the front part, and here you just catch it, it is not fixed by anything other than the inner wall, and the size is quite small.

The striker mechanism is completely metal, which is nice. There is nothing to check the quality of the metal, but it looks quite durable. Without Chinese technologies with tin and silumin.

The handle has grooves for moving the abutment bar to push out the BAMs, as well as a compartment for guiding the spring so that it does not wrap up while bending.

The firing pin is activated by pressing the trigger guard, simultaneously self-cocking. From here the descent is moderately tight, but with a little practice you quickly get used to it and the descent did not cause any discomfort even for my wife. As for mechanical devices, we can also recommend buying a Pioneer aerosol pistol, although it only has two charges, but a larger selection of ammunition.

5 BAMs are placed inside the handle. I heard how some craftsmen, by filing the spring, managed to place 6 shots in the IMPACT. Most likely, such a “trick” will not work here, but in any case, I would not recommend doing this.

In the hand, the pistol lies quite ergonomically, except that the handle is a little short and the little finger fits under it, as if supporting the entire structure.

I wonder, if they lengthened the design a little just for the 6th cartridge, would it become more convenient? I think this question will be in the air for a long time. But the release of the five-shot “Dobrynya” was already delayed, and there were a lot of people who wanted to receive it. Perhaps there is a relationship in the number of shots and the coordination of the design as a whole.

OK. It's time to do some field testing. We charge it with 4 BAMs, a pair of different types, and charge the last one empty, check the volume.

The tests will involve pepper BAM 18x51 from “A+A” and the well-known BAM 13x50 “Black Widow”.

I specifically let my wife shoot Dobrynya, she took him in her hands for the first time, this can be seen from the reaction to the ejected cartridge case from a blank cartridge :)

After firing from Dobrynya’s aerosol pistol, for comparison, I fired two shots from the PU-2 “Hunter’s Signal” launcher. The first is a threaded blank and the second is a pepper threaded BAM 18x60 from the same.

Shooting results at improvised targets:

My wife is also a shooter. I:) need training, almost all the shots went to the top of the targets and one was even higher. For the first time, and especially for a woman, this is a more than worthy result. Dobrynya did not disappoint!

A target completed with a threaded pepper BAM 18x60 from a PU-2 launcher:

After the shooting, Dobrynya’s advantage over UDAR, as expected, became a slight disadvantage:

There were small streaks of iritant on the outside of the barrel. Therefore, you need to be careful after use and, if possible, not touch the front of the gun with your hands.

Like any aerosol product, Dobrynya is susceptible to wind. It’s good that we were wearing glasses, because after zeroing, the camera with which the video was shot and everything else within a radius of 3-7 meters was probably covered with fine drops of iritant. See the photo above, I specially darkened it so that the drops were visible, this is a sheet of unused paper lying on the right, onto which the wind brought small drops. But the wind resistance of the Dobrynya aerosol pistol is still much higher than that of a pepper gas spray.

But these are all drops from “A + A”, in some ways it’s even better, in others it’s worse. Black Widow rounds produce heavier droplets and do not spray as finely. Moreover, unlike gas canisters, there were no very small droplets in the air and there was no “coughing effect”.

But the idle of the “Hunter Signal” is clearly louder, interesting...

BAM after the shooting. From left to right: Single, Black Widow, Pepper A+A.

BAM 13×50 “Black Widow” in an adapter.

And the iritant spread along the trunk, which was not wiped off in time.

The trunk from the inside.

And what remains on the napkin if you wipe it.

The Dobrynya five-shot aerosol pistol can be equipped with a belt holster:

The holster is slightly different from the holster for the Premier, not only in the inscription, but also in size. There is also an operational (shoulder) holster for Dobrynya, made of genuine leather.

Well, for comparison, how the purchased Premier and Dobrynya pistols lie in the hand, sorry for the left:

To summarize, we can say that the model turned out to be very successful. It will undoubtedly take its rightful place among other representatives of unlicensed self-defense weapons. Of the minor disadvantages, this is a slight hit of iritant inside the pistol, but for me this happened after a dozen shots. With a single use, I think this will not be very pronounced. The pistol format itself is not convenient for everyone due to its size; a pepper spray can is still a compact universal solution, but in terms of spray range and wind resistance, Dobrynya certainly wins. Possible disadvantages include the use of adapters, although... This is rather a plus, because with them you can use not only BAMs from A+A, but also from UDAR. And the second advantage compared to BLOW is the presence of a muzzle (it’s interesting that it’s both a plus and a minus). With a muzzle, there will be no situation where you can cover the exiting stream of iritant from the BAM with your finger, and aiming with it is somehow more intuitive, clearer and more accurate.

Review provided by our regular customer RubyFox.

Buy aerosol gun Dobrynya


The result of a shot from a converted Dobrynya with re-equipped ammunition is always the same - injury, and it is not always the attacker who is injured, but sometimes the defender himself, or both of them.

In such a situation, the court will clearly find that the limits of necessary defense have been exceeded. This means that two articles of the criminal code will be used against Samodelkin. Moreover, causing harm to health can lead to the award of financial compensation to the victim, as well as an increase in the sentence for the shooter.

Is it possible to repurpose an aerosol can for trauma?

In principle, such manipulations are possible. There are, for example, chambered for a traumatic cartridge. Homemade “Kulibins” bore the barrels of the “Dobryn” in order to “shove” large ammunition with a rubber bullet, and tightly secure the clips of the “Pioneers” with screws. In general, there are always solutions. But - not for an ordinary person without above-average technical knowledge and special tools.

Of course, homemade traumatic weapons can be ordered on the Internet. But the responsibility for such a “gun” is considerable. Firstly, altering the Dobrynya aerosol pistol or any other is a crime. Believe me, the police will be very happy to find such an exclusive, and it won’t be possible to shift the blame to “some guy on the Internet.”

The minimum penalty is a fine, and the maximum is a suspended sentence. And if you use your device in a skirmish and injure your opponent – ​​voila! - the deadline turns into a real one. What to do, the system doesn’t like it when people try to deceive it.

Options and packaging

In a blue box with a large red inscription and a photo of the device on the front side there are, sealed in a plastic bag:

  • the gun itself;
  • instructions in the form of a thin book;
  • two adapters for firing BAMs with a length of 50 millimeters and a diameter of 13 millimeters.

The operating principle of the Dobrynya aerosol dispensing device for self-defense (pistol) is discussed below.

The unpacking of the Dobrynya aerosol device is captured in this video:


Technical characteristics of the Dobrynya metered aerosol spray gun:

Charges usedBAM-OS 18x51
Number of charges (maximum)5PC.
Device weight (without charges)175G
Trigger force70N
Shot rangefrom 1 to 5m
Irritant stain sizefrom 150mm
Operating temperature rangefrom -20 to +50°C
Guaranteed number of shotsup to 1000PC.
Warranty period1year

Weapons and self-defense: “hit parade” of self-defense means

Gas sprays The best means of self-defense for women are aerosol-gas devices. Gas cartridges are very affordable and widespread, sometimes they are even sold in supermarkets. The principle of operation of such a device is the damaging effect of a special gas on human mucous membranes.

The gas is harmless to human life and has only a temporary effect, namely: lacrimation, pain, disorientation, and respiratory rhythm disturbance. With this method, coordination of actions is important, since if the gas jet does not hit the target (eyes, mouth), the enemy will not receive proper damage and may become even more angry. Telescopic baton Some means of self-defense at first glance are completely harmless.

For example, when folded, a telescopic baton resembles some kind of case for pens.

How dangerous are self-made “injuries”?

In addition to liability before the law, converting aerosol “Pioneers” and “Premiers” into a traumatic pistol is fraught with other consequences.

  • Device breakdown. In “modified” “Premiers” and “Pioneers” the clip lock breaks, the clip itself bursts, and the cam mechanism becomes unusable. In Dobrynya, heavy ammunition with a rubber bullet instantly wears out the magazine, breaks the feeder spring, and destroys the carriage and firing pin.
  • Shot power is too low. Converted BAMs cannot compare with a traumatic cartridge. And the pistols themselves are not suitable for a standard cartridge with a rubber bullet - a different design of the firing pin (for Dobrynya), low voltage of the electronic detonator (for Premiers).
  • A powerful cartridge bursts in the barrel with all the ensuing consequences - or rather, flying in your face and causing serious wounds. Injuries to the arms, chest and neck, eyes, disfiguring scars - this is the minimum risk that the “Kulibins” take. And the attacker will hasten to add a few bruises to the hapless self-defender “as a souvenir.”


The exterior of the self-defense device in question is significantly different, in the best sense, from most analogues. The pistol has an aesthetic design; some users compare it with the silent Vul gun, which is in service with the intelligence services of some countries, including Russia. Although the external design of the weapon is not of primary importance in the design, the similarity with military analogues has its advantages, including the psychological effect on the attacker.

Experts consider the commercial attractiveness of the new product to be an advantage. The militaristic exterior is one of the factors due to which the unit is popular with buyers. A well-thought-out design, along with an affordable price, as well as a simple design of the Dobrynya aerosol model are aimed at widespread use of the modification among the population and in special services.

Conclusion: the best is the enemy of the good!

Converting Pioneer and Premier aerosol pistols for injury use, although possible, is completely impractical. If the loss of the device itself, its low efficiency and high probability of injury does not frighten you, then His Majesty the Law, a fine and rest in a “government house” are a more impressive deterrent.

If you really want a traumatic pistol, then find a way to get permission (there are always options in our country!) and buy a normal one or an Osu.

“Premiers”, “Pioneers” and “Dobrynya” are very powerful weapons. Half an hour of tears, snot, suffocating cough and unbearable pain from the pepper irritant are much better than a bruise from a rubber bullet!

Effective means of self-defense

  • contact with the skin and mucous membrane of the eyes causes an acute burning sensation (corresponding to an exorbitant portion of chili pepper);
  • effective against both animals and humans;
  • Convenient bottle shape and spray button.

a powerful sprayer breaks the contents into a fine suspension, which can have a damaging effect on the user.

Based on the type of spraying, self-defense spray cans are divided into aerosol, gel and jet. What are their advantages and unique features, and what are the main disadvantages - we will find out from the detailed comparison table.

The modern world is far from ideal. Outbreaks of violence and aggression among civilized society are no longer an exception. And they are increasingly becoming widespread. It is almost impossible to predict where and when the next conflict of interest will occur, so anyone can become a participant in a non-standard situation, regardless of their desire. Stun guns Today, purchasing a self-defense device without a license is not particularly difficult - you can find a suitable model on the Internet or visit a specialized store. Despite the saturation of the market with new and more improved personal protective equipment, the leading position is still occupied by the time-tested stun gun. A small device, easily hidden in a pocket or handbag, can produce a voltage of up to three million volts, which, in fact, amazes the enemy.


Let us consider, for comparison, models that are analogues.


The closest analogue is “Premier”, this is the previous model. It can also be loaded through the barrel. Has two charges in the first version.

The fundamental difference is that the trigger operates on battery power, which reduces reliability. The pioneer has a high-quality impact mechanism.

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