How to Make a Makarov Pistol From Plywood • Making a Barrel

In the modern world, many children are practically indifferent to toys. Electronic gadgets are of much greater interest now. Of course, every parent is concerned about this and tries to introduce their child to games with real objects.

One of the best ways to wean your child off from virtual worlds is to make a toy with him. A do-it-yourself machine will be an excellent toy with which you can have a lot of fun. And if you manage to save it, it will be an excellent souvenir “from childhood”, bringing with it a lot of pleasant memories.

There are several ways in which you can create an automaton. It all depends on how much time and effort you are willing to put into the craft. Another important factor is the availability of all the necessary tools. After all, not everyone has a whole carpentry kit in stock.

If the child for whom the product is intended is old enough, then you can further diversify the toy. Namely, add a shooting function.

The main thing to remember is that in order not to overshadow the process of creating a wooden machine, you should also not forget about basic safety rules. Protect your hands when working with cutting tools. Purchase a protective mask and respirator in advance for working on a grinding machine or with sandpaper.

There are a huge number of fun things you can play with your children. Undoubtedly, these are outdoor games. At the same time, an integral advantage of a wooden toy is its durability. The same cannot be said about plastic analogues.

Expert opinion

Strebizh Viktor Fedorovich, leading construction foreman

To shoot from such a design, you need to take the pistol in your hand, while your thumb pushes the sear upward, it slides and moves the piston along the barrel. If you want to clarify something, please contact me!

Rubber Shot Pistol – Master’s Secret – Do It Yourself

  • Start cutting straight lines using a circular saw;
  • Pay special attention to cutting out the curved parts of the machine. To do this you need to use a jigsaw;
  • Use a sharpener to contour the weapon;
  • To make the machine more interesting, do not forget to drill holes such as the barrel;
  • Polish the resulting weapon using sandpaper by hand;
  • Take a small piece of wire, preferably aluminum, to construct the trigger;
  • At the end, paint the machine or varnish it;

Drawing using pixel technique

This is a very simple drawing technique because... Here, checkered paper is used, and the drawing is made along these same squares (pixels). This technique is perfect for children.

Below are step-by-step instructions for drawing using this technique.

  1. On checkered paper you need to mark the outline of the drawing with dots. This can also be done using a cut out gun stencil.
  2. Now we paint over only those cells that indicate the outline of the image. You can immediately choose pencils in dark shades similar to the color of the metal.
  3. There should be no smooth lines, only clear squares. Then the image will look like a greatly enlarged photograph, which is what the pixel technique implies.
  4. You can fill the interior space with any color you like, or with different colors. It is not necessary to observe the similarity with a real weapon, because such a gun will look like a toy.

How to make a realistic Kalashnikov assault rifle

A realistic model of the machine can be made at home using available tools. So, here is a list of things you will need:

  • Thick and wide board (thickness should be at least 4 cm);
  • Wood handle (quite thin);
  • Plywood sheet;
  • PVA glue;
  • Dye;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Milling machine;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Magnets;
  • Marker;

First, choose the necessary material for work. It is better to choose a pine board.

When choosing wood for a product, please note that there should be no knots or splinters on it.

We make a sketch on the wood. Using a marker we outline the outline of the future Kalashnikov. It is worth considering that the magazine will be separately attached to the machine, so you need to draw it separately. When the image is ready, begin to carefully cut out the blank using a jigsaw.

Next, on a sheet of plywood, draw two sketches of the side parts of the machine. These parts will be needed to hide the magazine mounting location in the future. For this you should choose thin plywood.

In order for the magazine to be securely attached to the base of the weapon, you need to try it on and sharpen it several times. Nothing should get caught, only in this case the child will be comfortable while playing.

Use a milling machine to add volume to the product. To do this, it is necessary to chamfer the handle, as well as the butt. Subsequently, sand the workpieces as best as possible.

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Take the prepared side parts, cut from plywood, and glue them to the main part of the machine, generously smearing them with glue. Particular attention should be paid to the contour of the workpiece. Then press all the parts for more reliable gluing, and leave for several hours until completely dry. As a result, it is worth sanding the product again so that the plywood parts do not stand out.

At the final stage, start painting the resulting machine model. You can use dark paint or varnish.

If you prefer paint, use water-based paint. It's safer.

Now the wooden machine gun is ready. This weapon model is very interesting and realistic, which means it will undoubtedly be in demand among children.

A fascinating kit for self-assembling a replica of a pistol on a 1 to 1 scale of the Makarov Pistol “PM”

- Russia. The assembled pistol can be played with. The pistol model has moving parts - a magazine, a hammer and a cocking mechanism.

The product is sent disassembled as a set of ready-made parts for self-assembly; inserts of various sizes are used for fixation; to improve the quality of assembly, we recommend using wood glue such as PVA.

Assembling a Makarov pistol is a fascinating activity in which the attached instructions for the pistol or the video on the website will help you assemble

The assembly kit is intended for children from 6 years old, and can also be assembled together with adults; for assembly you may need a mallet, a file and sandpaper, and PVA glue. After assembling the pistol, the trigger will work, you can remove the magazine and cock the pistol.

You can choose a version of this gun - as an option for assembly, assembled gun, assembled and painted

How to make a wooden machine gun - step-by-step instructions for creating a machine gun 3 useful tips for creating toy weapons

A realistic model of the machine can be made at home using available tools. So, here is a list of things you will need:

Expert opinion

Strebizh Viktor Fedorovich, leading construction foreman

For the initial finishing you need a hammer, chisel, hatchet, plane, wood saw, metal hacksaw, drill, level. If you want to clarify something, please contact me!

Necessary materials

Before you start drawing, you should prepare the materials:

  • Simple pencils of different hardness. Those marked H with or without a number are pencils with a hard lead; the higher the number, the harder the pencil. Leaves a weak line. Marking with the Latin letter B - a pencil with a soft lead. The size of the number indicates the intensity, but in this case the softness and fatness of the lines created.
  • Thick and soft eraser.
  • Ruler.
  • Suitable paper for sketching if you are using a graphite pencil.
  • A set of colored pencils in matching shades of gray-brown.

Drawing of a Makarov pistol made of wood. Cool homemade weapons with your own hands

I made a Makarov Pistol with my own hands and I want to share with you the creation process. The model is made of MDF and PVC.

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Expert opinion

Strebizh Viktor Fedorovich, leading construction foreman

To understand how to make a pistol from wood, it is worth knowing that the design of this product is divided into three elements: one-piece handles and barrel, pistons and rubber bands. If you want to clarify something, please contact me!

Drawing Glock from CS GO by cells

Even by drawing by cells you can get an equally interesting version of the picture. Let's try, together with, to draw a Glock from the popular game CS GO. Let's prepare a checkered sheet of paper and multi-colored markers. Begin:

  1. We use dots to mark the contours of the future pistol.

    We count sixteen cells. We arrange them in a horizontal row. From the left down we add three cells, at the bottom we put nine dots. To represent the trigger we put seven dots.

  2. Let's outline the contours of the handle. We place three dots near the trigger, and place three more under them. We will draw the lower part using six cells. All that remains is to draw the contours of the rear part, as shown in the sample.

  3. Let's start coloring. Those cells where dots are placed must be circled. Let's make them black. We paint part of the handle blue, leaving one row of white cells on the left side. We shade the five cells in the front of the weapon with the same color. The remaining row needs to be made even darker and paint over the empty space on the handle.

  4. We make the seven cells at the very top yellow. Below we make another yellow row, but two squares longer. Add one cell of this color on top and another one on the right. Fill in the voids with a pink felt-tip pen.
  5. In the back part we fill the remaining cells with blue. All that's left is the trigger. It can be painted over with a gray felt-tip pen.

The picture is ready. Here's how to draw a pistol from CS step by step.

How to Make a Makarov Pistol From Plywood

Preparing rubber arrow parts for assembly

  1. We clean all the parts with sandpaper, the pistol handle and the trigger hook can be given an anatomical shape, all protruding edges of the parts can also be rounded. Thoroughly clean the areas where the rubber bands of the barrel and bolt touch. Attention! The tops of the shutter (M1) should not be rounded! Do not round the upper edges of the trigger! If you are making a masterpiece, you should sequentially process the external parts with sandpaper with a lower grit number.
  1. We insert the axle into the trigger of the crossbow and, with light blows of a hammer, insert the axle into the bolt (M1)
  2. We place one pad on a flat surface and place the parts of the handle, barrel and gun stop and check the operation of the mechanism (watch the video). The handle should take its position and not interfere with the operation of the shutter and act as a stop for the trigger in the extreme position of the shutter release. The barrel should also limit the movement of the trigger when releasing the bolt. When the bolt is cocked, it should rest on the trigger pad. Understand and figure out how the mechanism works so that your further work can be done consciously. If necessary, sharpen the bolt support pad on the trigger.
  3. Use a pencil to mark the position of the handle, barrel and stop on the wall of the box.

Expert opinion

Strebizh Viktor Fedorovich, leading construction foreman

The bulk of consumers by purchasing a signal pistol or revolver partially satisfies the desire to have an item that is as similar in appearance as possible to a short-barreled firearm. If you want to clarify something, please contact me!

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