Traumatic pistol Makarov MP 79-9TM. cal. 9 mm R.A.

PM is well known in most foreign and post-Soviet countries. The MP 79 9TM pistol and its other traumatic variants are popular and in high demand among weapon enthusiasts and collectors, and owners of civil self-defense equipment.

It is simple and easy to use, affordable, and can be easily modified and repaired. It's no surprise that he became a true legend.

MP 79 9TM

Produced by the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant based on the gas Izh-79-8. The MP 79 9TM pistol differs from it in the presence of three special protrusions of reduced size, which, according to the manufacturer, allow it to obtain greater power when firing standard 50J cartridges (Figure 1).

Technically, the MP 79 9TM traumatic pistol is very similar to the combat version:

  1. Automation works based on the use of blowback recoil;
  2. The return spring is located around the barrel rigidly fixed to the frame;
  3. Double-action hammer-type trigger with safety cock;
  4. The safety lever is located on the left side on the back of the bolt-casing - when turned on, it safely releases the trigger, blocking the firing pin, sear and bolt.

Figure 1. External features of the injury
The MP 79 9TM 9mm barrel deserves special attention. It is made of steel and has three depressed protrusions-obstacles in the channel. They develop muzzle energy when firing cartridges of 50J to 70J. The original design excludes the possibility of firing metal bullets, but such an attempt causes deformation and destruction of the specimen.

History of the development of the MP 79 9TM pistol

Initially, the model was planned as a non-lethal firearm of limited destruction on the basis of an existing gas model with the ability to fire rubber bullets.

In this regard, the MP 79 9TM trauma unit can boast of a colorful history of its development:

  1. Its basis was the gas Izh-79-8, which was transformed into the Izh-79-9T, launched into production in February 2004, but is no longer produced.
  2. In 2006, two more brainchildren of the Izhevsk plant came out - Izh-79-9TM and Izh-79-9TM-10, which were subsequently also discontinued.
  3. The version chambered for 9 mm began to be produced in September 2007 with a clip capacity of 8 shells and successfully replaced outdated models.
  4. The next MP-79-9TM-10 was distinguished by the presence of a two-row magazine with 10 (13) rounds.

On its basis, the MP-80-13T is produced for .45 Rubber ammunition, with a capacity of 6 units, and the service MP-471, designed for employees of private security structures.

Since its introduction into the series in 2004, the product has been modernized several times. The MP 79 9TM traumatic pistol has undergone a number of changes. It had a strengthened barrel to make it possible to fire more powerful cartridges and began to produce cast and forged bolts, like those of the Izh-79-9T.

Since the fall of 2008, it has been assembled by remaking previously released PMs.

Currently, Makarych MR 79 9TM is one of the most popular means of self-defense. It combines an affordable price for the product and ammunition. It has a simple design and a steel frame, a shutter casing, inspires confidence in its reliability and unpretentiousness in operation and is convenient for concealed carry due to its small dimensions.

Pistol MP-79-9TM "Makarych" - video

Despite all the complaints from the owners of these pistols, “Makarych”, which is the name of this traumatic version of the PM, has become one of the most common “traumatic” weapons in the Russian Federation. There are currently a lot of options for the Makarov traumatic pistol, however, the three models that are most similar in appearance to their combat relative are of greatest interest: Izh-79-9T, MP-79-9TM, MP-80-13T.

It’s worth noting right away that, in principle, these three pistols are a consistent line of development of the Makarych traumatic pistol and, in general, the characteristics of each next one are better than the previous one. However, each of them has its own nuances that can be critical when choosing, in addition, these are the only models that are as close in appearance to a Makarov pistol, which is why they were chosen for comparative analysis.

Traumatic pistol Izh-79-9T

For most buyers of this pistol, its external resemblance to the PM plays an important role, but it is worth noting right away that even among these models there is no option completely identical to the Makarov pistol. The differences are visible not only in the changed proportions of the pistol itself and the inscriptions on the side, but also in the absence of a “beard” under the barrel, which immediately catches the eye. We cannot ignore the fact that the latest model MP-80-13T, due to the fact that it uses a more powerful cartridge with a larger caliber bullet, has a handle that is completely different from previous versions of the Makarych and certainly from the PM. In principle, it will be almost impossible for a person who has seen a combat Makarov only a few times in his life to find the differences, especially in low light conditions, therefore, basically, buyers of this pistol are counting more on the effect of intimidating an attacker than on the actual use of the weapon for its intended purpose. How effective the “Makarych” is as a traumatic pistol can be judged from the table above. Only the MP-80-13T has more or less decent parameters, while the Izh-79-9T is really intended more for intimidation with its external resemblance to a combat pistol, but if the enemy is lightly dressed, then it is possible at short distances of 1-2 meters There will be a certain effect when hit.

Traumatic pistol MP-80-13T

Do not write off ten-shot versions intended for export. Despite the fact that they are completely identical to eight-shot ones in their parameters, they are completely different in appearance, although due to the fact that they are intended for sale abroad, their quality is an order of magnitude better than those offered to us. The first thing worth talking about when it comes to Makarych pistols is ammunition. It is impossible to count the number of pistols that were “killed” by their owners due to the use of harder bullets in cartridges. For the Makarych Izh-79 and MP-79, a hard bullet is the certain “death” of the barrel. The fact is that the barrels of traumatic weapons, to prevent the possibility of firing hard bullets, have indentations through which a soft rubber bullet passes freely, losing only part of its energy. Bullets made of harder rubber can tear in the barrel, which can lead to it getting stuck, as a result of which the subsequent shot can have very disastrous consequences, including injury to the shooter. Actually, this is the main difference between the Izh-79 and the MP-79. The Izh-79 has two indentations at the very beginning of the barrel, which create a small gap for the bullet to pass through, the result of which is lower power of the pistol, as well as the fact that even with standard cartridges the barrel very quickly becomes unusable. There are three indentations in the MP-79, two as in the Izh-79, but the upper indentation is much smaller, and there is another indentation located at the bottom of the barrel a little further. Thus, the gap for the bullet to pass through increases, which has a positive effect on the power of the pistol; skeptics argue that this results in loss of the sighting range, but let’s face it, what kind of sighting range can a pistol equipped with a light nine-millimeter rubber bullet have?

The recommended cartridges for Izh-79 and MP-79 are KSPZ with a mandatory note that they are for Makarych and AKBS, unfortunately the latter are no longer produced. If we talk about how fastidious the MP-80 is when it comes to cartridges, then it is an order of magnitude ahead of its relatives. Due to the larger caliber, the thickness of the barrel was increased, which made it possible to use bullets made of harder rubber. The operation of Makarych pistols is outrageously simple in comparison with other traumatic pistols; only barrelless types of traumatic pistols are easier to maintain. Disassembly and reassembly are carried out in exactly the same sequence as the combat counterpart for all three models, and will not cause difficulties even for someone who has never encountered small arms at all. It is only worth noting that the MP-80 has a more robust design compared to its predecessors, which increases its reliability and wear resistance during use. The MP-80 also has slightly greater recoil when firing, but the differences, oddly enough, are little noticeable unless you shoot with one and immediately take the other. The weight of the pistol is a little confusing, since it is made of steel, and given its small dimensions, it seems much heavier than foreign traumatic weapons. There is no need to talk about how comfortable the pistol is in the hand, given that the progenitor of the Makarych was developed more than fifty years ago, more convenient options can be found. The last drawback is fully compensated by the wide variety of holster options, which is called for every taste and color.

Comparison of MP-80-13T and 6p42-9 pistols

Separately, it is worth noting the ability of the Makarych to fire gas cartridges, however, unlike other traumatic guns with a similar capability, the Makarych differs in that it will have to be reloaded manually after each shot, since there simply is not enough power for automatic reloading. The MP-80 is especially interesting in this matter, since reloading in it is carried out “at the discretion of the pistol itself,” that is, it may or may not reload. Agree that it is better to know for sure that the gun is not reloaded than to guess how it really is. Thus, the MP-80, if you do not take into account the issue with gas cartridges, leaves far behind both the Izh-79 and MP-79 both in its reliability and in power. It must also be said that if you come across an Izh-79 for sale at a very low price, you should not immediately rush to make a purchase, since after 2006 the quality of this model has dropped significantly. This is evidenced by the fact that they are still on sale, despite the fact that they have not been produced for a long time.

Characteristics of injury MR 79 9TM

The product has a certificate of compliance with limited-kill firearms, which are usually used for self-defense (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Main technical characteristics of the model

Brief characteristics of the MP 79 9tm are given in the table.

Caliber9mm R.A. (9x22mm)
Size161 mm
Barrel length93 mm
Height127 mm
Width30 mm
Dry weight630 g
Magazine capacity8 rounds

More detailed technical characteristics of MP 79 9tm and its varieties.

Start of production200420072008
Caliber9mm R.A. (9x22) 9mm R.A. (9x22) 45 Rubber
Muzzle energy30-70 J50-70 J80-90 J
Weight (uncharged)630 g630 g730 g
Length161 mm161 mm162 mm
Thickness30 mm30 mm30 mm
Clip volume8 (10)8 (10)6
Possibility of firing gas cartridges+++

Options and modifications

IZH-79-9T “Makarych” - “gas pistol with the ability to fire a rubber bullet” chambered for 9 mm PA cartridge The first model, production started in February 2004. Currently not produced.

IZH-79-9TM is a traumatic pistol chambered for 9 mm PA cartridge, magazine capacity is 8 rounds. Produced since 2006, instead of the IZH-79-9T model. Currently not produced.

IZH-79-9TM-10 is a traumatic pistol chambered for 9 mm PA. It differs from the IZH-79-9TM model in a double-row magazine with a capacity of 10 (13) rounds. Currently not produced.

MP-79-9TM is a traumatic pistol chambered for 9 mm PA. It has been produced instead of the IZH-79-9T model since September 2007. Magazine capacity - 8 rounds.

MP-79-9TM-10 - traumatic pistol chambered for 9 mm PA; It differs from the MP-79-9TM model in a double-row magazine with a capacity of 10 (13) rounds. Produced instead of the IZH-79-9TM-10 model.

MP-80-13T is a traumatic pistol chambered for .45 Rubber. Magazine capacity - 6 rounds

MP-471 is a service traumatic pistol chambered for 10x23 mm T, developed in 2004, produced since 2005 for employees of private security structures.

During production, changes were made to the design of the pistol, so IZH pistols of the first years of production (designed for the use of cartridges with a power of 35-50 J) are not designed for the use of cartridges of increased power, certified in subsequent years.


Since the Makarov pistol is quite well known throughout the post-Soviet space, its traumatic variants are popular and consistently in high demand among owners of civilian self-defense weapons, weapon lovers and other categories of citizens. The advantages of Makarov traumatic pistols include:

— external resemblance to the PM combat pistol; — structural similarity with the PM pistol (which simplifies the handling of the pistol for persons who have experience in handling the PM pistol); — availability and relatively low price of spare parts and accessories; — relatively low price (with the exception of the MP-80-13T model). — Reliability of all components and mechanisms, with the exception of barrel designs of different versions.

According to police colonel I. Shutov, “Makarych” can be “quite easily and quickly converted into a combat pistol.”


- Controversial ergonomics inherited from PM - a development 60 years ago. — The latch system for fixing the magazine imposes significant restrictions on the speed and convenience of reloading (with the exception of the IZH79-9TM-10 and MP-79-9TM-10 models, which use a push-button fixation system) — Low and unstable quality of production of the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant. — Large and abundant obstacles in the barrel, compared to other models of traumatic weapons. — Small magazine capacity (model MP-80-13T) — Low reliability of the barrel design of different versions

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