Methodical recommendations “Rifle shooting technique while standing”

The advantages of an air rifle over a firearm are obvious: reasonable price, optimal weight, lack of recoil, level of complexity and most importantly - safety. We will tell you everything you need for those who want to master the skills of proper shooting from an air gun, but have no idea where to start.

You definitely need to learn how to shoot with an air rifle! Let us highlight three main reasons why it is advisable to do this only on this type of weapon.

  • Anyone can do it. The relatively light weight of an air rifle and the complete absence of recoil when fired makes shooting from an air rifle much easier than from small arms.
  • Price. Of course, the price of a shot depends on the price of the weapon itself. The prices of firearm models and consumables (cartridges, bullets) are much higher, so choosing a pneumatic one will not hurt your pocket.
  • Safety. Beginners make a lot of mistakes and are often inattentive. When shooting from an air rifle, gunshot wounds, accidents and injuries due to incorrect recoil calculations are excluded.

Safety precautions

At the beginning of airgun shooting training, to avoid unforeseen circumstances, the instructor explains safety rules. The complete list consists of the following items:

  • Always be extremely careful and make sure your rifle is loaded.
  • Never point the muzzle towards a person; no one is safe from accidents. Be sure to control the shooting area in front of you; no one should be there while shooting.
  • Shoot only when you are absolutely sure that the bullet will pass through, in order to avoid unexpected injuries. If the surface is hard, ricochet may occur.
  • Check the fuse for proper function before use. Always keep the safety on until you fire. If you notice a breakdown, it would be better to change the weapon or postpone training.
  • You should only pass the rifle to another person unloaded, so make sure the magazine is empty after you finish shooting.
  • Until you are ready to shoot, remove your finger from the trigger. This error is the most common cause of unexpected injuries.

Practical shooting and live shooting

Techniques and rules for firing a hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher

Practical shooting is a type of shooting sport in which all exercises imitate a combat situation as much as possible. At the same time, the use of practical shooting techniques in combat conditions is a sure path to suicide.

The goal of combat shooting is to save your life and complete the combat mission. The goal of practical shooting is to score the most points for accuracy.

Combat shooting from a pistol.

Practical shooting competitions are held in stationary and well-lit halls. In combat you have to shoot in difficult weather and landscape conditions, in the dark, with temporary loss of vision or blindly. Also, during combat shooting, the shooter’s stance is not regulated; the target is not static, but moving and posing a threat.

Preparation, determination of the dominant eye

The first step in learning the rules of shooting is to find out which eye a person will aim with.

  • How? Stretch your arms forward so that you can see an object in the distance exactly between them. Close first one, then the other, this way you will understand which eye you see a distant object with.
  • For what? This is done in order to determine which eye you will aim with. To relieve the load on the shooter, experienced shooters advise covering the other eye with non-translucent fabric, rather than squeezing your eyes shut.

Pistol shooter training that will soon bring success

The main thing to train is not the target and the bullets flying through it, but this is exactly what 80% of shooters do, according to our observation, but what needs to be trained is the feeling of the right shot, the feeling of an accurate deliberate shot at the center of the 10, this is what the leading shooters in the world do. Just hold, press and look at the target - they don’t do that. The work is going on at the highest level. In general, forget about the shot and the hole: our sport is about working on yourself.

There is such a type of training - shoot “on Fridays”, this means that all days you work without a cartridge and without a bullet - idle training, and only one day a week you can afford to work with a bullet. This is often used locally, during training at the “home” shooting range, especially during the off-season. Also, such training is used to train shooters who find it difficult to perform elements of technique and coach tasks, when regular training and working with a cartridge do not give the desired result.

Working idle all week, except for one day - Friday, the shooter implements what the coach has planned, works on the program for each shot that the coach suggested. The shooter works on mastering the accuracy of preparing a shot, delving into the essence of the given work, and mastering the processing of the trigger. During these periods, coaching control is very important. You, as a coach, observe the athlete, not allowing him to make a single mistake.

We’ll describe pistol training schemes some other time - the main thing for you is to take away a wealth of knowledge from each training session, I repeat, from each one. If you left the shooting range and you have nothing to write down in your shooting diary, it means you were thinking about paying for an apartment or paying off a loan, about getting a bad grade at college, but not about polishing every shot

Moreover, it doesn’t matter how many shots you make during such training, it is important that you forced yourself not to make mistakes. You were patient, you wanted to “cheat,” but you fired all the shots when you were ready. And you don’t need to convince yourself that an overall ten is 10, believe our experience - an overall ten in training is an iron “nine” in competitions, and at least no less

And you don’t need to convince yourself that an overall ten is a 10, believe our experience – an overall ten in training is an iron “nine” in competitions, and at least no less.

In our lessons, we want to tell you that shooting is not only about shooting at a target - it is, first of all, about working on your psychology and your mistakes, on the difficulties of hitting the very navel of the target, and for this you need to do some work. When practicing every shot in training, it should be like the last and decisive one. If you conduct every training session throughout the year, you will confidently declare yourself at the level of a candidate for the national team. We have worked with athletes of the highest level, and believe me, we know what we are talking about.

May God grant you health and patience.

With respect to all hard workers - Team of Ukrainian trainers.

How to shoot an air rifle?

The main difference between long-barreled weapons is a more accurate shot trajectory. Therefore, it is usually used for long distances. The shooter has a reserve of time to take the desired position, readiness, aim and shoot.

The three main shooting positions are: prone, sitting and standing.

Lying position

This option is more relaxed, takes less energy from the shooter and allows you to maintain an even breathing rhythm, which is why instructors recommend this position for beginners.

How to shoot in the selected position:

  1. Lie down with the gun in front, resting on both elbows or only on the left, resting on the lower part of the butt on the right.
  2. Please note that the angle between the body and the line of sight should be 15-30 degrees, depending on the individual characteristics of the shooter. The accuracy of the shot and the degree of tension acting on the body depend on the correctly set angle. In the correct position, the elbow of the left hand is relaxed, located under the gun, easily setting the direction of the shot.
  3. To avoid blocking your breathing in the chosen position, do not lie directly on your stomach, move your body slightly to one side. It will be easier to aim, easier to breathe. The left straight leg is supporting, the second is slightly bent at the knee.

Sitting position

The usual position of the human body, the muscles are as calm as possible. An alternative is to stand with your chest on the counter. The selected location makes it possible to easily change the target and make the sight line movable.

How to shoot in the selected position:

  1. We hold the weapon with our right hand, at the level of the trigger. Grip the handle with your fingers on the left, with your thumb on the right. The left hand is closer to the barrel. The thumb is on the left, all the others are on the other side. The barrel of the rifle lies in the palm of your hand.
  2. Body position: slightly to the left of the air. The left elbow and shoulder are pushed forward, the right elbow is fixed at body height. The butt rests on the shoulder. In the correct position, you can lean your face against the butt while sighting.
  3. The dominant eye looks through the slit at the top edge of the target so that it is in the center of the slit, with the side edges at the same level.
  4. We aim not at the middle, but at the bottom of the target.
  5. Before shooting, hold your breath, check your heart rate, shoot at the moment of “pause”.

Standing position

Learning the rules of shooting from an air gun in a standing position is very difficult and takes a lot of time, so choosing this position is recommended only for experienced shooters.

In general terms: The butt rests on the shoulder, the rifle rests on the left palm. The emphasis of the shoulder on the body, with fixation of the entire arm - you should get a strong support.

  • If possible, first observe and analyze the actions of an experienced shooter, this will help you learn how to shoot with an air rifle.
  • Carefully inspect the gun to see if the screws are loose - this can lead to an inaccurate shot trajectory.
  • The front sight and aiming rib must be firmly attached to the barrel - pay due attention to this during inspection
  • For beginners, it can be helpful to shop for bullets and ammo from different manufacturers to determine what suits a particular shooter.

Learning to shoot with pneumatics will be an ideal option for beginners in this matter. Always follow safety rules, be careful, inspect your weapon carefully before use, then air rifle shooting will take pride of place among your favorite hobbies! For beginners, we can recommend a proven pneumatics store in Minsk, Argument.

Recharge quickly

The ability to reload quickly is a critical skill that requires practice. Set up a single target at 6.5 meters and load all of your existing magazines, but only with two rounds each. With them and the belt holster in their normal positions, fire two quick shots at the target, remove the empty magazine, let it fall to the ground, and reload the weapon. Repeat the exercise, reloading magazines as necessary, until you have fired about 20 shots.

This basic drill will help you prepare for matches, but you will also learn from the match itself. Try to get into a team with Master and Expert class shooters. But don't be intimidated by their skills. Learn from them - most will be happy to share their knowledge. This knowledge can be just as valuable as that gained at an expensive shooting academy - but will cost you much less.

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Required accessories

Before starting training, you need to purchase sufficient quantities

spare parts for the pistol. Watch the video review of air pistols.

  1. Holster.
  2. Spray can (for gas pistols).
  3. Shop.
  4. Muffler.
  5. Bullet holder.
  6. If you need quick access to the pistol (when storing it in a car or at home), purchase a pistol holder.

Devices that help improve the performance of the pistol,

You can purchase gradually, but it’s best to take the necessary items in advance:

  1. Night sight.
    Necessary when trying to hit a target in the absence of proper lighting. The disadvantage of this device is its insufficient efficiency in dim lighting conditions or at dawn. It does not have enough power to fully illuminate the space when the reflection of sunlight appears, when natural light is not yet sufficient. When there is practically no light or there are single sources of light (lanterns), the sight helps to perfectly see everything that is happening several meters ahead.
  2. Tactical underbarrel flashlights. They serve not only as bright and targeted lighting, but also as an additional method of gentle defense. If you direct it into a person's eyes with a sharp movement of the hand, the enemy will experience short-term loss of vision. This element makes the weapon heavier. You should purchase high-quality models of this invention, then there is no risk of it breaking.
  3. Trim adjustment.
    It can be done for each pistol by adjusting the hook or by shortening the length of its stroke. This improvement will help you hit targets much more accurately. With this modification, a larger sequence of shots is achieved. It is necessary only when the trigger is moved too tightly or it is necessary to hold it for a long time until it stops. In other cases, no modernization is required.
  4. Rubber lining on the handle. The gun is made more convenient, it is easier to hold in your hands, there is no risk of slipping or slightly tilting. Such accessories are especially useful for people with massive palms. You need to make sure that they do not have the ability to move on their own, otherwise the shot may be inaccurate. When using such coatings, additional care will be required; you need to regularly clean out the dirt that accumulates under them.

Lesson No. 2 – “What is needed for proper pistol training”

Response from the Team of Trainers:

A simple click? - This is not enough. Simple retention is also not enough. This is you training static endurance, which no shooter can do without. Try the “wave” pattern: hold for 20 seconds – 20 seconds rest, 25x25, 30x30, 40x40, 60x60, and back – 40x40…. After this, a break of 20 minutes, after that we repeat... and then don’t say that you didn’t train yesterday, they won’t believe you...

Working with your eyes closed is the first remedy for horizontal vibrations. Get your hand with the pistol to lower into the aiming area, lower it without visual control, i.e. with closed eyes - solely on muscle sensations. Make sure the gun is in the aiming area.

When working with a pipe, or on a Scatt, force yourself to navigate by the holes on the target in a different way: a shot in the central ring of the ten is “10”, a shot in the overall ten, or if you didn’t touch the central circle of the ten, it’s nine (“ 9”!), a shot at nine is eight..., a shot at eight is seven... This will make your work more accurate and prevent you from chasing ten, because... Only the central one will be 10 - from 10.5 - ten.

Mushroom julienne with sour cream and cheese

Kneeling position

This type of shooting is carried out in the following stages:

  1. First, the left leg is brought behind the right limb. In this case, a clear straight line should form, the distance between the legs is approximately equal to the width of the shoulders.
  2. Then you need to squat down, bringing your right knee down. The heel of the right foot is used as support. Your feet should be straight and your toes pointed in the direction of the target.
  3. The pistol is taken out, the safety is removed, and a shot is fired.

This shooting position requires a lot of training, after which the shooter will be able to spring on bent legs, changing positions and direction of fire.

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