A born leader. ATA Arms. Manufacturer's dossier

The arms company Ata Arms is one of the leaders in the Turkish market. They opened relatively recently: what is a couple of decades compared to Tula or Izhevsk weapons traditions? And, nevertheless, Ata guns are quite popular in the world, and even in Russia. In our country, their official representative is.

The Ata company is represented by five different lines of double-barreled and single-barreled shotguns in the mid-price category. It is the good combination of low price and high quality, comparable to European brands, that makes the products of Turkish gunsmiths so in demand.

The Ata company is distinguished by its ambition and courage, which is evident even from its name: the word ata means “father” in Turkish. And the source of this ambition lies in the head and founder of the company - the weapons genius and legend of Turkey Celal Yolu. He founded his company at the age of 23, and designed his first gun at 13.

This text is entirely devoted to one of the lines, namely the Ata Arms NEO 12 shotguns.

Operating principle

Reloading in the NEO line occurs due to the energy of the shot: it moves the bolt frame with the bolt back, compressing the inertial spring. At the same time, the used cartridge case is ejected.

The compressed return spring straightens, pushing the bolt forward. He, in turn, picks up a new cartridge, sending it into the chamber. After this, the shooter can fire the next shot. Ata Arms NEO smoothbore shotguns are designed for 5 shots.

Ata arms neo 12 walnut


The motto of the Ata Arms NEO line is simplicity and reliability. And, indeed, the design of these guns is as simple as possible. The reloading mechanism consists of only three parts: the bolt, the cylinder and the inertial spring.

Such simplicity is the key to the reliability of the mechanisms. In addition, the simpler the design, the easier it is to care for the weapon. Disassembly for cleaning and lubrication will not take much time and will not require any special effort.

And the inertial mechanism itself is more reliable than the reloading mechanism using muzzle gases. Particularly because with such a system the mechanism is not contaminated by settling gases. The recoil in such cases is much lower, since the energy of the shot is partially spent on reloading.

The Ata Arms shotgun from the NEO line is also distinguished by excellent ergonomics and grip. It is comfortable to hold in your hands and is pleasing to the eye. Externally they are very similar to the Benelli Montefeltro, but this is not a replica. Ata Arms NEO also uses the Turkish company’s own developments, although the experience of its predecessors was taken into account during the design.

Ata arms neo 12 synthetic

Advantages and disadvantages

To truly appreciate this gun, you need to hold it in your hands. No description will give you a true understanding of what it is. By the way, in terms of quality, Ata’s products are not so much inferior to their European competitors. But the price differs quite significantly, by 30-40%. And this is, perhaps, their main advantage: a competent combination of price and quality.

Also a big plus is the availability of various modifications of one model. Among them, hunters and sports shooting enthusiasts, and even those who need a gun for defense or recreational shooting will find their own option. Everyone will find their own NEO model.

High shooting accuracy, as well as ease of care and cleaning are also clear advantages of Turkish weapons. By the way, NEO can be loaded with cartridges with any weight of shot. This is also quite convenient.

Ata arms neo 12 laminated

In general, it performs very well during tough and extreme use on hunting, or even in shooting clubs with absolutely incredible shooting, using cartridges of different power and minimal maintenance. A study was conducted that examined the condition of weapons after a year of “service” in one of the shooting clubs. It can be assumed that such a biography does not benefit the weapon. However, after disassembling the Ata Arms NEO 12 shotgun, only light abrasions were found on some parts of the mechanism, including the trigger, but otherwise the barrel remained in excellent condition.

There are no weapons without flaws. Like everything in this world, the Neo model gun has its drawbacks. So, those who actively use guns of this brand have noticed that at times, after several accurate shots, the charge begins to move away from the target. Moreover, the weapon has no apparent reason for this. Experts advise you to adjust the butt. In some cases, this helps get rid of the defect.

Another drawback is typical for modifications with a wooden butt. It is made from Turkish walnut. And this wood does not always withstand use in difficult conditions. Loses its appearance. However, this does not affect the behavior of the gun in any way. And yet, for those who are going to actively use it specifically for hunting, it is better to opt for plastic models.

Ata arms neo 12 camo

A born leader. ATA Arms. Manufacturer's dossier

ATA Arms produces 60 thousand guns a year. In 1992, the company released the first Turkish semi-automatic with a gas-operated reloading system. The founder of the company was one of the founders of the Turkish arms industry. ATA Arms also has a long-term collaboration with the famous Italian company Pietro Beretta.

Do you remember Ataturk? The same, unforgettable and still revered - Mustafa Kemal, the leader of the Turks? So, the Turkish word "ata", literally meaning "father", is also used in the meaning of "chief" or "leader". It is quite natural that an enterprise with such a name strives for leadership in its business. The validity of such claims is confirmed by production indicators: ATA Arms products are exported to 60 countries.

The main consumers are the United States, which buys 15 thousand guns a year, Lebanon and the Middle East with 10 thousand, as well as Russia, where 7,500 guns were sold per year. Last year 50 thousand guns were produced, and this year there are already 60 thousand, which means an increase of about 20%. These figures were achieved thanks to the commissioning of a new plant with a production area of ​​9000 m2, located in the Cekmekoy quarter of Istanbul. The production capacity of the new enterprise allows doubling the volume of products.

Brothers Yavuz (47 years old) and Fatih (42 years old) Yollu are the president and vice president of ATA Arms.
Behind them is a portrait of their father Celal, one of the founders of the modern Turkish arms industry. ATA Arms is the second largest enterprise in the Turkish arms industry. Since its move from Duzce to Istanbul, the company has annually increased production, the total volume of which currently amounts to about 7000-7500 shotguns per month, including inertia and gas-operated semi-automatics, double-barreled over/unders (such as the ATA SP Trap) and pump-action shotguns. In a separate room there is a warehouse, a woodworking workshop and an immersion printing workshop (immersion printing, or 3D decoration - a technological process of applying decorative and protective coatings that imitate valuable wood species). Celal Yollu founded ATA Arms for his sons, and now the eldest, Yavuz Yollu, is president, while his younger brother Fatih serves as vice president of manufacturing. Selal, who died in 2010, is rightfully considered one of the founders of the Turkish arms industry. Since childhood, he was interested in weapons, then became a gunsmith, and in 1967 he began making double-barreled shotguns; a little later they were joined by sideflints - and finally, in 1992, the Selala Yollu plant produced the first Turkish semi-automatic.

Selal Yollu's first single-barreled gun, made by him in the 60s of the last century

In 1973, Yollu produced his first side flint at the Duzce plant. This 16-gauge shotgun with a locking system borrowed from Beretta was produced under the Avsan brand

Here is the 92A - the first Turkish semi-automatic, produced by Vursan, which was acquired by Beretta in 2002

250 guns per day

“He was a very gifted person who thoroughly knew the production process and was able to think about different things at the same time,” this is what they say about Selal Yollu at the plant, which currently employs 250 people, producing 250 guns a day, that is, approximately 60 thousand a year . And this is not the limit - the company continues to develop rapidly. For example, there are currently six engineers working in the design bureau, but soon there will be ten.

There are 25 four-axis CNC machines installed in the production, but there are also five- and six-axis ones - the latter are used for the production of wooden parts. Commitment to the implementation of modern technologies made it possible to receive a government subsidy for the further development of the company.

Among the promising areas are six military projects, as well as plans to produce a self-loading pistol. The chief engineer of the plant, Omer Bilgijli, previously worked for the Sikorsky aviation holding company, designed a sniper rifle of .308, .338 and .50 calibers for the Kale company, which was then produced by the Mkek company, and also worked in the Turkish branch.

Robot finishing parts

Ebru Ozcan performs incoming inspection of materials and heads the metrology laboratory, where a variety of material science studies of steel are carried out, including Rockwell, Brinell and Vickers methods, while chemical analysis is carried out by third-party laboratories. Non-destructive testing is carried out using optical measuring instruments and magnetoscopes, the operating principle of the latter is based on detecting changes in the magnetic field strength near defects. Breech blocks, bolts, combat cylinders, locking mechanisms and blocks are subject to especially careful control.

In the Turkish metalworking industry, tolerances of 0.4 mm are accepted for unloaded parts, but here they were able to bring them to 0.2 mm. During various tests, approximately 200 thousand rounds of ammunition are fired per year. Barrel blanks made of Sae 4140 steel, that is, 42CrMo4, are purchased in Italy. They are ground and polished at the ATA Arms factory to very tight tolerances not exceeding 0.08mm.

All components are produced at one plant, and sometimes the necessary technological equipment is also manufactured there. The most difficult part is the combat larva; it takes 7-8 minutes to make.

As for the wood used for the manufacture of stocks, the ATA Arms production has walnut of all categories: ordinary and classes 2+, 3, 4, 5. After sorting in accordance with their intended purpose (for expensive or mass-produced guns), the blanks are sent to a five-axis machine, which makes a finished stock in 10 minutes.

The workshop has 25 work centers with numerical control

Then it takes another 12 minutes for polishing on an automatic machine, after which comes the turn of manual operations - fitting, painting, impregnation with oil or gummilak (the latter is applied in ten layers, which takes up to three days in total). The corrugation on the contact areas of the stock is done with a laser. ATA Arms also owns such advanced technology as immersion printing, which is used to apply decorative or camouflage films.

Promax and Venza

The Venza is ATA Arms' most advanced semi-automatic. Sleek and dynamic, with bronze, gray or green metal finishes, ambidextrous adjustable walnut or synthetic stock, gas valve and proprietary recoil mechanism

The Venza semi-automatic is a symbol of modernity and originality of ATA Arms. It features slender and dynamic lines, pleasingly angular contours, bronze, gray or green metal finishes, a beautiful ambidextrous adjustable stock made of walnut or synthetic material, and a proprietary, maintenance-free gas valve and return mechanism.

This 12-gauge shotgun weighs just over three kilograms. The completely redesigned trigger features a short trigger throw and only one mounting pin. But the design of the shutter is quite traditional: locking is carried out using a wedge.

The Promax barrel has incredible ballistic performance at ranges of 50m and beyond. It is no coincidence that ATA Arms is limited to barrels with a length of 710 mm - despite the fact that hunters, in particular American ones, like longer barrels (at least 760 mm). However, barrels of other lengths are currently being tested. The drill profile has also been changed.

Previously, a transition cone 13 mm long with an angle of 15 degrees was used; however, after modeling the movement of pellets in the bore using the Flow 3D program, it turned out that this movement is extremely chaotic. Based on this, an expanding cone was developed, which acts like a siphon and reduces the speed of the shot shell.

The diameter of the first straight section is now just over 18.2mm, and the diameter of the second is just under 18.7mm. The second cone is long and very flat. The third ends near the choke and again accelerates the shot by 5-10 m/s, while simultaneously reducing the pressure.

At a distance of 35 m, the accuracy and sharpness of the fire of such a barrel is much better than that of its competitors, and shooting at pigeons and ducks, even without the use of sixty-gram cartridges, is always very effective. According to the manufacturer, 94% of pellets hit the target, and all of them have significant penetrating power. Even at 70 m, 23% of the pellets from a 42 g cartridge end up on the target.

Avsan, Vursan and ATA

The age difference between the brothers running the company is five years. The youngest, Fatih, is the main hunter in the family, he is 42 years old, and he never parts with his German hunting dog, which still runs around the factory yard. The older brother, Yavuz, is an electronics engineer. Since 1992, Fatih, who was then only fifteen years old, began working with his father, and by that time he already had experience as an engraver and gunsmith. Yavuz considers him the best craftsman at the plant, capable of producing any part and thoroughly knowing the entire production process. It was Yavuz who told us about the strategy of his enterprise and its history: “My father was interested in weapons from childhood. He lived in Anatolia and made his first money in 1954 by repairing his uncle's gun.

CY Promax caliber 12/76

Model CY is a 12-gauge gas-operated semi-automatic.
Its name consists of the initials of the company’s founder - Selal Yollu. Model CY is a 12-gauge gas-operated semi-automatic machine. Its name consists of the initials of the company’s founder, Selal Yollu.

CY are the initials of the company's founder, Selal Yollu. This gun is a direct descendant of the first semi-automatic, released under the Vursan brand in the early 90s of the last century. Its weight is 2942 g, length is 1225 mm, receiver length is 200 mm, trigger force is 3132 g, the magazine is ceramicized. The bolt weighs 285 g and has a locking wedge in its upper part. The gas release mechanism is equipped with two replaceable valves corresponding to cartridges of different power. On the right side are the safety and slide stop buttons and the reloading handle. On the left side in front of the trigger guard there is a magazine release button.

The latest Promax barrel measures 700mm in black chrome and weighs 992g; according to the manufacturer, its accuracy with a “full choke” reaches 94% when firing a cartridge loaded with 32 g of shot No. 6 (initial speed 415 m/s) at a distance of 35 m, which is 32% better than competitors, and with increasing distance this indicator even improves. My personal experience fully confirms these data. So, at a fifty-meter distance, 62.5% of the pellets from the RC Magnum cartridge with a 50-gram load of shot No. 2 fell into a circle with a diameter of 750 mm. The barrel bore consists of two sections: a cylindrical section with a diameter of 18.2 mm and a length of 400 mm, followed by a conical section with a diameter of 18.6 mm all the way to the choke. Marco Conti, European champion in 1992 and three-time Italian trap champion, collaborating with the Turkish company, believes that Promax guarantees unprecedented sharpness of the fight even at “cosmic” distances.

Chrome plated bolt with carriage and top locking wedge

The gas release mechanism is equipped with two replaceable valves for cartridges of different power

The Promax barrel offers unrivaled long-range performance

Then he independently made a turning point single-barreled gun, after which he turned to double-barreled guns. He made the first of them in 1967 - and it also turned out to be the first Turkish gun with horizontally paired barrels. Then he began selling components to companies Conya and Düzce. The first was able to establish production, but the second did not, so they had to invite their father. In 1973, he designed his first sideflint under the Avsan brand.

Thus, the city of Düzce, where Selal Yollu moved from Kayseri, became the center of the Turkish arms industry. I saw with my own eyes (and photographed) his first breakthrough single-barreled gun, as well as a double-barreled gun with the inscription Made in Sentetieu, which was supposed to mean Saint Etienne - then in Turkey they were copying the European with all their might. And even now everything that can somehow work is also copied - sometimes with improvements, if possible. “First of all, we want to find out what the Americans want, and then we do it,” Yavuz shares his secret.

In 1990, Selal Yollu founded, says Yavuz. “Here he took up the technological development of the enterprise. In 1992, production of the first semi-automatic 92A began.

NEO 12 caliber 12/76

The NEO inertial semi-automatic, just like the CY, can be equipped with a Promax barrel.
Inertial semi-automatic from ATA Arms. Equipped with a bolt weighing 451 g with a rotating combat cylinder (like Benelli shotguns). The total weight of the gun is 3076 g, length is 1300 mm. Barrel length - 750 mm, weight - 1019 g, drill diameter - 18.4 mm. Finish: black chrome. The barrel coupling is chrome-plated, on a threaded connection with a lock. Receiver length - 220 mm, width - 34 mm, height - 60 mm. Trigger force - 3074 g.

The length of replaceable chokes is 50 mm. A five-millimeter extension is provided for the stock. The variable geometry trigger is equipped with a magazine cutter. The NEO semi-automatic machine is distinguished by good workmanship and reliable operation with cartridges of any type and weight, which we personally verified at the sporting site.

Combat larva. Mounting the under-barrel magazine. Sighting bar with triangular gaps. High contrast LPA front sight

Its popularity turned out to be so great that the plant could not keep up with demand. In 1995, the father began to negotiate with Pietro Gusalli Beretta, Marco Corbetta and then Beretta CEO Maurizio Roman. In 1995, a crisis broke out in Turkey, but Vursan continued to produce pistols and pump-action shotguns for Egypt. Beretta was so surprised by the level of our technology and the variety of our products that in 2000 the Italian arms giant acquired a 51% stake in Vursan.

Meanwhile, the ATA enterprise was founded in 1997, headed by Fatih and our sister’s husband. In 2002, my father decided to sell the remaining shares and devote himself entirely to a new business. We assembled a new team and in 1998 we manufactured our first gas-operated semi-automatic machine. In 2008, ATA Arms released its first shotgun with an inertial reloading system, and in 2009, the first sideflint. About 15 years ago we started exporting our products. Technology is developing at a breakneck pace, but we try to keep up with the times. The first industrial robot in Turkey was installed at our plant. It is no coincidence that in 2004 Turkish exports exceeded exports from Italy. We remain open to industrial and commercial cooperation."

World of Hobbies Hunting & Weapons


Ata Arms NEO is a whole line of single-barreled shotguns, which allows everyone to find exactly what they need: a hunting, sports or recreational weapon. The models of the line differ in the length and shape of the barrel, the material from which the butt and stocks are made, as well as choke tubes. In addition, almost all modifications are produced not only in 12 gauge, but also in 20, and if desired, in 28. A total of 17 basic configurations are provided.

  • The Woodcock is a wood-stocked shotgun designed for hunting woodcock, the bird depicted on the receiver. Barrel length 610 mm, magazine for 2 cartridges.
  • Walnut is another variation on the theme of hunting rifles with a wooden butt. To protect the wood from environmental influences, the stock was covered with a special weapon laminate, the texture of which follows the structure of the wood.
  • Tactical is a lightweight shotgun with a barrel shortened to 410 mm and a pistol grip. The butt and fore-end are made of lightweight and durable plastic. The model is intended for recreational shooting, suitable for self-defense.
  • Sporter – this model is positioned as a gun for sport shooting. Its main feature is the high and wide aiming bar, which facilitates the aiming process.
  • Plastic – a model with a plastic butt and a barrel shortened to 610 mm. A simple and reliable hunting rifle.
  • Camo is a gun with a plastic butt in camouflage colors. There are several types of camouflage, as well as a gun with a carbon fiber finish. An excellent hunting model: practical and comfortable.
  • Engraved – this model can be called a collector's item. Rich engraving on the receiver and a varnished walnut stock are the distinctive features of this gun. This may not be the most practical variation, but it is perfect as a gift.

Almost every modification has several branches, differing in color and the presence of barrel attachments.

Ata arms neo 12 nickel engraved

Budget vertical - the call of the times

Double-barreled hunting and sporting shotguns ATA Arms.

It’s March, the beginning of spring and the first month of spring hunts, which, starting in the southern and western regions, will spread to central Russia by April and end in June in the north. On the eve of the season, our hunting instincts excite us and we begin to revise our rifle arsenals in order to replenish them and prepare them for the upcoming hunts.

A more pressing question is “what to go hunting with?” is worth it to novice hunters - you need to get a license to purchase a gun, make a decision on what to choose, find it at a budget price, buy it, have time to register it and conduct your first test shooting. First of all, you need to decide on the type of weapon, and here, as experience shows, a double-barreled shotgun is beyond competition - a 12-gauge over-and-under. It is more preferable and more convenient for all spring hunting, with the possible exception of goose hunting, where a self-loading rifle still has some advantage. Secondly, taking into account the current general economic situation, I want to find a suitable gun in the budget price segment, which today is also not an easy task. Of course, there is no need to consider the imported Western European weapons that were available not so long ago, and their prices have exceeded 120–170 thousand rubles abroad.

A hunting rifle with an artistic design, the Engraved I model, along with its purely utilitarian functions, is also close to the subject of applied weapon art. Excuse me, why not Beretta?

Taking this into account, our choice is significantly narrowed and also significantly simplified: either the model range of Izhevsk double-barreled guns, which is rather poor in options, or the offer of the most famous and well-established Turkish gunsmiths in our market, for example, the ATA Arms company - a long-time partner of the St. Petersburg armory. The choice, of course, is up to the hunter, but the second option may turn out to be more rational and attractive, with all our great sense of patriotism - ATA Arms double-barreled shotguns today are quite technically advanced, well made, have a good action, pleasant design and good ergonomics, while remaining this is in the budget price segment. What allows me to write about this is my two-time visit to the factory of this company with editorial assignments, participation in various test shootings of these guns on stands, as well as experimental and control shootings of them on paper targets with the determination of the main characteristics of the barrel engagement.

Let's take a closer look at the ATA Arms verticals model lines. The whole variety of models and modifications of these guns (today there are already about 20 of them) can easily be divided into two main groups: the first - mainly hunting guns, which, of course, do not exclude amateur shooting on a stand at flying targets; the second is sporting shotguns, also suitable for many types of hunting.

As we can see, in functional terms, such a division of double-barreled shotguns with vertical barrels is somewhat arbitrary in nature, although from a technical point of view, their ergonomics, weight and size indicators, layout, survivability, wear resistance and strength are quite justified.

Among ATA Arms hunting rifles, three subgroups stand out: artistically decorated rifles; universal basic models, as well as specialized guns for specific types of hunting. So - hunting rifles with a highly artistic finish on the bolt box, using high-grade walnut wood for the stocks and treating it with oils. These are models SP Engraved I, SP Engraved II, made with highly artistic relief engraving of all surfaces of the steel box and safety bracket, as well as SP Deluxe and SP Elegant shotguns with side decorative plates of the box, richly decorated with floral patterns, arabesques, figurines of hunting animals and birds. Taking into account the high-grade walnut stock, the unique notch on the neck of the stock and fore-end, the glossy treatment of stock surfaces and its impregnation with oils, and the buttplate made of wood - these guns are examples of piece work without much replication of similar variants. A highly qualified fitter-assembler, a master stock-maker, and an engraving specialist take part in their production and design. As a result of their joint work, the appearance of the guns, their entire appearance, is significantly transformed, creating a feeling of high design and elegance of the weapon as a whole. In technical terms, all four of these models are similar, they are made in caliber 12/76, the barrel length for our market is usually 760 mm, and the nominal bore diameter is 18.4 mm. The barrels are equipped with five standard interchangeable muzzle attachments, the sighting rib is ventilated, raised, the front sight is cylindrical, reflective, red. The surface of the sighting bar is corrugated. Pistol-type stock, beavertail-shaped forend with a latch button mounted on the front end of the forend. The hammer-type trigger mechanism, the so-called frame system, is located in the gun box. The mainsprings are twisted, cylindrical, have an upper sear, and there is one release for both impact mechanisms. The safety is not automatic; its slider is combined with the firing order switch (selector). Switching of impact mechanisms when firing occurs according to an inertial scheme.

One of the hunting basic models of ATA Arms over/unders is SP White with a steel box, in caliber 12/76

The guns are equipped with ejector mechanisms. The bolt boxes and receiver blocks of these shotguns, like all other ATA Arms over/unders, are made according to a modified model of Beretta hunting and sporting shotguns, models 686 and 687 series, with the same basing and rotation of the barrel block on two side axle consoles boxes. In this case, the receiver block turns out to be low-set inside the box with a low profile of the box itself. This improves the vertical position of the gun by shifting the center of mass of the entire weapon to the bottom. This arrangement of the gun helps reduce its weight and increase its overall compositional harmony and completeness. The locking of the barrels here is also carried out according to the principle of the above-mentioned Beretta shotguns - the barrels are locked by means of two conical longitudinal pins extending from the box shield with their entry into the corresponding holes in the side bosses (“wings”) of the barrel coupling. Such a locking unit, along with reliability, also has the function of self-regulating tightening as the gun is used and the mating surfaces of the locking mechanism become naturally worn out. The guns have good balance, they are posadistic and quite easy to use for a hunter of average build. The weight of the guns is about 3.2 kg.

SP Camo Max5 shotgun with a special protective coating on the stock, frame and barrel block

The next group of ATA Arms hunting rifles are the basic models, the most universal: SP White, SP Black, SP Nickel, SP Silver and SP Combo. The first three models are produced in 12/76 caliber; the SP Combo shotgun, in addition to the 12/76 barrel block, has additional barrels in 20/76 caliber. The barrel length for our market is mainly 760 mm. Models SP Silver and SP White are available with a steel box in light colors, with special coatings in white or silver. SP Black has a black-coated box made of steel or a lightweight, highly durable alloy based on aluminum, copper, magnesium and other metals. The light-alloy box is reinforced with steel inserts in areas of greatest stress. The SP Combo also comes with a steel or alloy frame in black. The stocks of all four models are made from medium-grade walnut wood and have a simple finishing oil treatment.

There are many features on the barrel block coupling and in the trigger mechanism of the SP White shotgun that are similar to early models of mass-produced Beret over/unders

The remaining technical characteristics of these shotguns are close or identical to those of the artistically decorated models described above, and here we can only note that the barrels of all ATA Arms shotguns are made by drilling and applying a chrome coating to the walls of the bores. The weight of guns in this group is about 3.2 kg with a steel frame and 2.8 kg with a light-alloy frame. The SP Combo shotgun with a 20-gauge barrel block weighs about the same, since the box is designed to match the characteristics of a 12-gauge.

It is advisable to include “verticals” with a special film coating on the box, stock and receiver block as a separate group. These are models SP Camo Max 5 (in light camouflage), SP Xtra Green (camouflage with greens), SP Carbon Fiber (in a dark gray checkered coating to resemble carbon fiber), and SP Fonex - in high-grade walnut. These guns have a reinforced and more durable coating of external surfaces and are more reliably protected from the effects of adverse climatic and weather factors (high air humidity, sea water and others). All four models are available in 12/76 caliber, 760 mm barrels, steel or light alloy boxes.

And the last group of hunting rifles are specialized models for certain types of hunts and groups of hunters. This is an SP Woodcock for fast shooting at short and medium hunting distances at flying targets, in the increasingly rare caliber 12/70, barrel length 610 mm, five interchangeable choke tubes, barrels are soldered only at the breech and muzzle, there are no side connecting strips. Regular profile sighting rib, ventilated. The gun box is black, light alloy with steel inserts, decorated with images of golden woodcock figurines. The stock is made of medium-grade walnut (grade 2) with a final matte oil finish. The gun is unusually attractive, especially for red game hunters with pointing dogs, long-awaited and even rare. It’s impossible to celebrate autumn without him now. The gun weighs about 2.8 kg.

SP Combo shotgun with two blocks of barrels: one in 12/76 caliber, the second 20/76. Barrel length 760 mm

The next model in this group is the SP Youth for young shooters and hunters, as well as for women. Available in caliber 12/76, barrels 610 mm, soldered along the entire length. The box is alloy, black, without decorations. The weight of the gun is about 2.7 kg. Medium-grade walnut with matte finish. The weapon is equipped with five interchangeable muzzle attachments.

For shooting bullets, the SP Slug shotgun is offered in caliber 12/76 with 610 mm barrels, soldered only in the muzzle and breech, without an aiming rib, with a mechanical rifle sight. The muzzle devices are not replaceable - cylinders. Box made of steel or light alloy. The walnut of the stock is medium grade, the weight of the gun is 3.2/2.6 kg.

Schematic representation of the bore of the SP MP Bore shotgun. In order to optimize intra-ballistic processes during firing and improve the parameters of shot fall in flight, the barrel is equipped with an elongated transition cone, the nominal bore diameter is 18.7 mm, it is equipped with matched replaceable choke tubes such as MP Choke Tubes

For lovers of “strong charges” in the “semi-magnum” and “magnum” categories and for shooting at long hunting distances, the SP MP Bore model is available in caliber 12/76 with barrels 760 mm long. The diameter of the barrel channels has been expanded to 18.7 mm, the transition cone has been extended. The rest of the gun is consistent with the characteristics of the basic guns described above, with the exception of the type of replaceable choke tubes. They are specialized for drilling trunks with a diameter of 18.7 mm, index MP Choke Tubes and a length of 70 mm.

The SP Sporting sports shotgun in caliber 12/70 with a barrel length of 710 mm is equipped with an easily detachable trigger, a mechanism for adjusting the butt comb in height, a wide sighting rib with a taper to the muzzle (10×6), an adjustable trigger and a number of other characteristics of a sports weapon. Gun weight 3.6 kg

And we conclude this brief review of ATA Arms over-and-unders with a presentation of sporting shotguns for clay pigeon shooting. This is, first of all, an SP Sporting shotgun in 12/70 caliber with 710 mm long barrels, specialized for sporting and skeet. The sighting bar is wide and narrows towards the muzzle (10×6). There are two types of interchangeable choke tubes - standard, which do not protrude beyond the muzzle of the barrel, and extended choke tubes, purely for sport. The gun frame is steel in light colors. The trigger mechanism can be easily separated from the box for quick maintenance or replacement if necessary. Blitz type trigger, modular, compact, fast action. The position of the trigger can be adjusted, which allows, if necessary, to change the distance from the middle of the butt plate to the trigger within 375–390 mm. The trigger force is in the range of 1.2–1.6 kg. Walnut stock of the second category with a matte final oil treatment. The weight of the gun is 3.6 kg. The butt is equipped with a mechanism for adjusting the height of the butt comb, the butt handle has a sharp bend, is sporty, and the forend is also of a sporting type.

The SP Trap shotgun is also available in 12/70 caliber with 760mm barrels. The aiming rib is wide, not narrowed towards the muzzle (10×10). The sets of interchangeable choke tubes are the same as those of the previous gun, with a maximum constriction of Full. The gun is configured for trench shooting and has a correspondingly reduced vertical butt. The box is black steel, the trigger is also easily removable, with an adjustable trigger. Walnut for the stock of the second category with a matte finish. The butt has an adjustable comb height, a sharply curved butt handle, and a sport-type forend. Weight of the gun is 3.7 kg.

And the last thing is the company’s new product, the SP Sporter model in caliber 12/76 with 710 or 760 mm barrels, five chokes. The sighting bar is wide; side connecting strips of the receiver block are slot-type. Black steel box. USM is not detachable. The butt has a comb height adjustment, the handle and forend are of the “hunting” type. Weight of the gun is 3.5 kg. According to its characteristics, the Sporter is somewhere in the middle between basic hunting and purely sports models; with it you can go on some not too physically demanding hunts, as well as practice shooting at flying targets on a stand. There's no feather in your cap when hunting with ATA Arms rifles.

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