Ways to get into Russian PMCs, available vacancies in 2022

Referring to the history of mankind, the hiring of residential military force has always taken place, and today only the forms have changed, but the main essence has remained the same.

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Private military companies have been used all over the world for many years to implement numerous tasks, ranging from the protection of facilities to active participation in various military operations, right up to organizing a coup d'etat.

This means that PMCs will find paths to a place that regular troops cannot get to for obvious reasons. This is their main difference.

While operating in the interests of the country, private military companies are able to solve the most complex problems throughout the planet, while remaining in the status of a mercenary force with numerous consequences.

Advantages of a private army

A number of specialists, mercenaries and private military companies (hereinafter referred to as PMCs) state that, regardless of the existence of peace agreements, there are other ways to successfully make money.

For example, when the movement of individual armies on the territory of a separate state is limited, then PMCs have a “free hand” - their actions in this regard are not limited.

Note! A private army can, when concluding a separate agreement and sending it to another state, perform multiple tasks. This also includes work related to security, but mostly professional mercenaries, for a monetary reward, take the position of one of the warring parties and fight for it.

In addition, PMCs are attracted to overthrow a separate political regime. The main condition for this work is a sufficient financial base, and specialists with a high level of professionalism will be sought.

PMCs are suitable for people who have been to “hot spots”, but upon their return were unable to live normally in peaceful conditions – “in civilian life”.

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How to conclude a contract correctly through the official website

Speaking about the opportunity to sign a contract via the Internet, there is simply no such opportunity.

This is largely due to the fact that:

  • many companies hide information about themselves;
  • In any case, it is necessary to pass exams in order to determine compliance with the stated requirements for potential candidates.

When making a decision to sign an agreement with one of the PMCs, you need to remember that their main task is not only to obtain maximum income, but directly to survive.

It is for this reason that it is extremely important to meet all the stated requirements, which are quite strict in terms of strength and tactical training.

At the same time, the activities of private military companies have both advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantages include:

  • there is an opportunity to officially employ former military personnel who were unable to adapt among the civilian population after leaving the army;
  • a significant reduction in losses among conscripts and the regular army as a whole;
  • the ability to form a military base in any corner of the planet;
  • additional investment of the state treasury;
  • there is an opportunity to solve any problem that requires high skills and abilities. In particular, the ability to solve the problem outside the country without violating international rights;
  • implementation of strategically important objects at a high level;
  • providing assistance in resolving numerous issues that are related to national interests;
  • the presence of a high efficiency indicator in contrast to the regular army.

The main disadvantages include:

  • the presence of some kind of counterweight to regular troops;
  • inability to exercise control over private military companies at the state level;
  • high level of cost of providing services of such companies;
  • the formation of armed groups on the territory of the country that are not controlled by the state;
  • signed contracts do not have sufficient transparency;
  • private military companies know about numerous state secrets;
  • there is high fear on the part of the civilian population.

It must be remembered that, according to numerous experts, private military companies today are the main threat to the country's security, since their work is not sufficient

Requirements for candidates

Who has a chance to join the ranks of PMCs, who is in demand for this work, what are the requirements for candidates?

A random passerby looking for work, or a pensioner temporarily working as a watchman, will definitely not get into the company.

Candidates are subject to clear requirements regarding both physical and psychological indicators. Mandatory skills are an essential attribute.

Persons wishing to become PMC employees are subject to the following requirements:

  • acceptable age – within 25-45 years;
  • height – 175 or more;
  • no bad habits or addictions (from chemicals, drugs, drugs, etc.);
  • high level of physical fitness – no health restrictions allowed;
  • Willingness to perform assigned tasks in different regions of the world and in any climate.

Additional criteria that candidates are required to comply with:

  • no criminal record (including expunged);
  • dismissal from the ranks of the Armed Forces is permitted, but not for discreditable articles;
  • is not suspected of involvement in activities related to terrorism;
  • strict observance of the rights (freedoms) of citizens.

The selection is also made according to a number of psychological criteria.

A person needs to be:

  • stress-resistant with a balanced psyche;
  • attentive and responsible;
  • conscientious;
  • ready to perform work in any severe stressful situation;
  • punctual and disciplined;
  • ready for increased physical activity loads;
  • must not suffer from mental illness (documented) and have any physical restrictions. and psychological stress, other diseases are categorically not acceptable;
  • quickly adaptable, have a high recovery rate, and have endurance.

Is it possible to become a mercenary, or Who are the “dogs of war” and “wild geese”?

Many textbooks write that a mercenary army is worse than an army of heroic patriotic citizens. However, at all times, various states have resorted to the services of mercenaries.

The beginning was made in Ancient Greece. As a result of the fact that physical education turned into fun, and the number of wars did not decrease, the demand for mercenaries increased sharply. The army gradually turned into a professional caste of mercenary soldiers.

The second period of massive use of mercenaries occurred in the late European Middle Ages. The military organization of the army in the form of knighthood and militia was losing effectiveness in battle, and organizing a regular army in the conditions of an undeveloped state apparatus and the same economy turned out to be impossible.

In the 20th century, the peak of mercenary activity occurred in the 1960s and 70s, when a wave of liberation revolutions took place in Africa, and a huge number of rebellions and coups required new military forces.

At that time, the name of the most famous mercenary today thundered - Bob Denard, who is repeatedly mentioned by Frederick Forsyth in his novel “Dogs of War”. He has about a dozen coups to his credit: he fought in the Congo, Nigeria, and Angola. In 1975, he tried to carry out a coup in Benin, seizing the country's main airport along with a group of his soldiers. Three years later, Denard's command of fifty mercenaries landed in the Comoros, overthrowing the socialist government of Ali Soualih and replacing him with President Ahmed Abdallah.

However, let's return to today...

How to start a career as a mercenary warrior? As always, when solving any problem, there are several ways to solve it.

Method one (illegal). You can try to go abroad and contact any of the pseudo-mercenary organizations. For example, with the association of former soldiers “The world is our country” in France. By the way, it was created and headed by the same Colonel Denard.

Naturally, there is no guarantee that you will be welcomed with open arms. I can even bet that they will gently and unobtrusively explain to you where to go, and the direction will not be very attractive to you. In addition, there is every chance of making a mistake in choosing an employer and getting involved in the most banal crime. And then (if the police are lucky, and not you) - “farewell, native freedom, for many years to come!”

I don’t think it’s worth saying why I called this method “illegal.” Everything is quite obvious.

The second method (semi-legal). Recruitment centers of the so-called French Foreign Legion (FIL) officially operate in France. This organization is subordinate to the French Ministry of Defense and is an army consisting of citizens of other countries who are hired employees. The legion is prohibited from recruiting into its ranks abroad. At the French embassy they will explain to you that you can sign up as a mercenary only by going to France.

When you arrive at the recruiting station, you will be interviewed by an officer from the “HR department.” If your training, specialty, etc. parameters suit the employer, you will be able to sign a contract for 8 years. Up to 60 Russian citizens do this every year.

At the end of the contract, you will receive French citizenship and a new French passport in any name. Naturally, provided that you remain alive after some raid into the jungle and subject to exemplary service.

I classify service in the FIL as semi-legal, since it does not violate the laws of France. But in Russia, on this matter, any lawyer will advise you to familiarize yourself with Article 359 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which will tell you that mercenaryism in our country is a crime for which you can get up to 7-8 years in prison. And under certain conditions - up to 15.

The third method (relatively legal). In the “decaying West” there have long been companies providing so-called “services for planning and implementing security and defense measures.” Formally, these are huge security companies. However, their charters are written so vaguely that they allow them to do very, very many things. In fact, these are private armies with their own infantry, artillery, and even navy and air force.

The most famous of them are the American Dyncorp (formerly PEA) and Military Professional Resources Inc., the British company Sandline International (formerly Plaza 107 Ltd.). There are about a hundred private “security firms” operating in Africa. A very real way to earn money, because in fact you will work as a simple security guard. True, there is one “but”: if a war breaks out while you are guarding something, then most likely you will have to become a participant in the hostilities. That is, to fight and get paid for it.

According to Article 47 of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions of 1949, a mercenary is a person who is specifically recruited locally or abroad to fight in an armed conflict. The mercenary actually takes a direct part in hostilities, guided mainly by the desire to obtain personal gain, and who is actually promised by or on behalf of a party to the conflict a material reward. The remuneration substantially exceeds the remuneration promised or paid to combatants of the same rank and with the same functions within the armed forces of that party.

Since Art. 359 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is based precisely on the Geneva Convention, then, most likely, you will have to either hide the truth or go to a “state house” for up to 7 years.

In order to become a professional soldier legally, you need to serve in the Russian army, and then come to the nearest military registration and enlistment office and say your strong “I want it!” Despite the obvious advantage of legality, there are a lot of disadvantages that the media tell us about every day: low wages, virtual absence of benefits, problems with housing, etc. Plus, there is also the offensive nickname “double bass” (that’s what soldiers are called in our army -contract workers).

Many people ask the question: why are people who are professionally involved in war ready to travel again and again to any part of the world, even if they do not need money? The answer is simple - adrenaline. They can no longer live without it. Bob Denard honestly says that he “can’t imagine a peaceful existence.”

Dear reader! This article should not be taken as an ode of praise, glorifying the romance of the life of the “dogs of war.” Moreover, my work should not be regarded as a call for a change of profession. Please be reasonable. Peace to you!

Tags: war

If you have no experience

The foundation of such indicators as the “level of training” and “professional skills” of an employee, allowing him to work in a PMC, begin to form during compulsory military service.

Please note! The chances of employment increase for candidates who have served in special forces or similar units of the rapid response team.

In practice, it will not be enough just physical. training even for specialists of this class, so you should additionally have several specialties of a narrow focus.

Candidates must have military combat experience, otherwise no one will be willing to sign an agreement with them.

How much do private military companies earn?

However, if in doubt, it is enough to seek advice at any of the selection points through which contract workers pass. They will help you sort out the details and direct you to the military registration and enlistment office in the necessary way. Next, you will need to write an application and provide a passport. And only then the young man will be sent for a medical examination, which will be decisive.

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But it is best to contact the military commissariat at your place of actual residence and write a statement confirming your desire to go to work in Syria.

Assigned Responsibilities

The list of functions within which PMC employees operate are directly related to the company and the operation assigned to be performed.

Conventionally, private military companies according to the scope of their activities are divided into the following types:

  • teaching, preparing and “supplying” specialists in order to solve combat missions;
  • performing consulting functions. Such companies are engaged in planning operations, developing instructions, organizing combat training, strategy, etc. The employees of such companies do not directly participate in any combat operations;
  • those involved in providing customer support (logistics, engineering, etc.);
  • conducting maritime operations;
  • conducting operations on land.

Important! Regarding the list of rights (obligations) of such companies - they were approved in 2008 in the Montreux Document - it was signed by 17 states.

This document establishes all the obligations assumed by the company and the practical features of its participation in various armed conflicts. In addition, the definition of the concept of “PMC” is documented here.

When do they give a deferment from the army in Russia?

Read how to renew your weapons license in 2022 here.

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About the moral side

Very often, the question of how people become mercenaries is asked by previously convicted citizens. According to experts, this category will definitely not become employees of PMCs. A person with an already expunged criminal record should not be a mercenary. A military man will also be denied entry if he is dismissed from the armed forces under a discreditable article.

Strict rules are due to the fact that such people, as psychologists are convinced, tend to disobey or violate discipline. If a young man has an impeccably clean reputation, but is related to terrorists, then he will not be accepted either.

Completion of training

When a group is formed to carry out the assigned task, fees are assigned. They study the state where the operation is planned. Employees are trained in a number of necessary disciplines.

This training is primarily funded by the company.

Such special courses at PMCs are a common practice, since they reduce the risk of problematic issues arising during the operation.

The retraining procedure is a mandatory stage for the most “savvy” soldiers serving in the company. In addition, employees are taught to master the use of modern technology (information systems, etc.).

Benefits of contract service

Another sad side: Wagner’s personnel, to put it mildly, are of a completely different quality. And further point by point: the equipment and weapons are disgusting, the level of training is low, the effectiveness of the command also leaves much to be desired - people die there all the time. This is known quite well in our circles.

We are not mercenaries. Any information you wish can be found on the Internet. Many people get jobs through friends. You take a foreign passport and come to Syria as an ordinary tourist. A special person meets us there. Why is it bad? For years I worked as a “programmer for hire” AKA a freelancer - that’s what I said: “I’m a mercenary, I negotiate with everyone.”

Situation in Russia

At the moment, it is not yet officially allowed to open military companies in the Russian Federation, so there is actually no mercenary army in Russia. However, this does not stop some entrepreneurs: private organizations such as Wagner PMC and Tiger Top-Rent Security are being created. They continue to operate on the territory of the Russian Federation, since they are mostly security forces and do not get involved in serious conflicts, but the trend of companies now is that they are gradually moving to a more aggressive level and are ready to show themselves in serious firing points.

Now a bill has been submitted to the State Duma for consideration, according to which Russia’s private armies can become completely legal. In this case, they will receive permission to conduct military operations and will become a full-fledged analogue of Western organizations. The issue should be resolved by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin.

The public is concerned about this statement, because the presence of armed forces that obey any orders for money is scary. However, according to the bill, all armed activities will be regulated. Private armies simply will not have the opportunity to disturb the civil peace of the residents of the Russian Federation, since they will be redirected to other countries: to Iraq to guard oil pipelines or to Syria for military operations. This is a common practice - almost all PMCs operate in countries other than their homeland.

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