Order No. 300

Let's consider the main provisions of Order No. 300 of 2015. All military uniforms are divided into categories, types and seasonality.

The main types of forms include:

  • ceremonial (for formation and out of formation) - worn when holding a parade with the participation of internal troops, receiving awards from the state, launching a ship joining the ranks of the army and raising the flag above it, enlisting in the guard of honor. Also, such uniforms are allowed to be worn on days off;
  • field - intended for conducting military operations in case of emergencies, emergency response, in the event of natural disasters and disasters, for conducting training exercises, practicing maneuvers or performing combat duty;
  • everyday – applies in all other cases.

According to seasonality, the form is divided into:

  • summer;
  • winter.

When switching to summer/winter uniforms, as well as once every three months, a drill inspection of all types of uniforms is carried out (depending on seasonality).

Officers, warrant officers, and midshipmen who were transferred to serve in the central department of military command, to military departments of educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense and to conduct advanced training courses for officers can wear the uniform in which they arrived to perform their assigned tasks.

Navy personnel wear uniforms established for naval personnel.

New field military uniform of the Russian Armed Forces

Valentin Yudashkin was blamed for the failed project of a new military suit. In 2012, he spoke to reporters and stated that the clothes he used were very different from his version. In particular, to reduce costs, materials were replaced with lower quality ones. Journalists came to the conclusion that all that remained of the designer’s version was the appearance.

The modified VKPO set includes a basic suit, several types of jackets, boots for different seasons and much more, including a balaclava, a synthetic belt and high-quality socks. Military uniforms are made from mixed fabric, which includes 65% cotton and 35% polymer materials.

Every soldier had new-style Russian military clothing at the end of 2022, as previously planned by the Ministry of Defense. The change of equipment took place in three stages. In 2013, 100 thousand new kits were issued, in 2014 - 400 thousand and in 2022 - 500 thousand. In 3 years, a million military personnel were provided.

The complete rejection of foot wraps deserves special attention. Modern images of military uniforms include 12 pairs of socks for one soldier, which he uses throughout the year. It is planned to soon increase the number of pairs per military man to 24.

VKPO kits for wearing at different atmospheric temperatures

The new model military uniform is presented in two sets:

  • Basic uniform for wearing at temperatures above +15 degrees Celsius;
  • Multi-layer system for wearing in temperatures from +15 to -40 degrees Celsius.

In winter, soldiers wear lightweight or fleece underwear sets. They are selected depending on the air temperature. In particularly cold areas, both sets of underwear can be worn one on top of the other.

For equipment in the summer, trousers, a jacket, a beret and boots are used. The surface of the clothing is carefully treated with an innovative solution that repels moisture. It allows clothes to remain dry in the rain for up to two hours. To protect against mechanical influences, military clothing is equipped with reinforcing elements. Such kits are used in parts with a high degree of load.

A demi-season military suit is intended for the autumn period. The material from which it is made provides reliable protection from the wind, a good degree of vapor permeability and dries quickly after getting wet. During heavy rainfalls, it is permissible to use a wind and water protection kit. The membrane and reliable sizing of the layers provide reliable protection from moisture.

In winter, insulated jackets and vests are worn to protect against moisture and wind. Despite the high degree of frost protection, they are light and practical. For very low temperatures, an insulated hat and balaclava are provided.

Military uniform

The formation of modern military clothing began in 2007. During this period, the post of Minister of Defense was occupied by Anatoly Serdyukov.

At the same time, a sketch competition was organized, in which the famous fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin won.

Then, over the course of several years, specialists developed the final versions of a new uniform for the military, which was intended for further equipment of the Russian army.

The end result was a kit that was similar to American uniforms.

However, the uniform caused some dissatisfaction, especially the winter version. The kit did not protect against frost. The Ministry of Defense constantly (daily) received complaints about the disgusting quality of clothing. Military personnel began to get sick often.

However, complaints were also made about the appearance of the uniform: many style elements were copied from kits in other countries. Moreover, the quality of the threads and fabric left much to be desired. The clothes quickly became unusable.

The new form was created after analyzing several thousand reviews from the soldiers themselves, which came from all over the Russian Federation. Clothing has become multi-layered, thanks to which young people have the opportunity to independently choose the necessary elements of clothing, comparing weather conditions and the level of tasks.

Features of wearing clothes

The rules for wearing military uniforms determine the use of hats, shoes, accessories and clothing itself.

Wearing hats

The following requirements are put forward for wearing hats:

  • Hats are used with a golden cockade.
  • Astrakhan headdresses with a visor are used with a gold-colored cockade.
  • In the presence of field conditions, a hat with earflaps is worn with a cockade of a protective shade.
  • Ushanka hats with earflaps pulled down are used in temperatures below -10 degrees. Wearing hats with “ears” tied at the back is permitted when carrying out technical work, during economic activity or under other similar conditions, which is confirmed by the decree of the commander of the military unit.
  • Woolen caps are worn with a golden cockade.
  • Wool caps are worn with a golden cockade and white or blue piping.
  • Cotton caps are used with a golden cockade.

Rules for wearing outerwear

  • Wool coats are worn with red or blue piping.
  • Blue tunics are used by military personnel without a tie or shirt, and black versions can be worn with the top button undone or buttoned.
  • Wool trousers are worn with piping of different colors.
  • Shirts or blouses with long sleeves are worn without a tie or jacket in the warm season or when staying indoors.
  • Shirts or blouses with short sleeves are worn without a tie, without a jacket and with a button undone in the warm season.
  • Winter jackets can be worn with or without a muffler. Winter jackets can be used in warm seasons during field work.
  • Summer field jackets are worn with the button buttoned or undone. In hot weather, sleeves may be rolled up.

Wearing accessories

  • Gloves are used in winter for building. In other situations, having gloves isn't a charm.
  • Belts are used over coats, tunics and jackets.
  • The color of the socks depends on the color of the military boots.

Regardless of the type of military uniform, military personnel's clothing must be clean, in good condition and ironed. It is strictly prohibited to wear shoes, clothing or accessories that are damaged, dirty or worn.

Military personnel also cannot combine military uniforms with other items of clothing that do not comply with these rules. Military personnel are also prohibited from using awards, insignia, or any other elements that are not related to these requirements along with their military uniform.

Find out what features the Russian Post uniform has?

We also recommend reading about what a modern chef's uniform is.

The correspondence between Chinese and Russian clothing sizes can be found here.

Women in uniform or Military woman.

Woman Warrior. From time immemorial, this concept was only an exception to the rule, because women were created to care for children and provide comfort at home when their men were at war. However, today, in the 21st century, the existence of such professions as a female police officer and a female soldier has not surprised anyone for a long time. It is worth noting that women today serve in many armies of the world; in Israel, conscription service is mandatory for both men and for women. If we talk about Europe, the most “feminine” army today is the French one, in which 23 thousand women in uniform serve, which is 8% of the total number of personnel - from private to colonel. There are women in almost all units, with the exception of the Marine Corps, the Foreign Legion and submarine crews. Other successful examples of exercising one's right to military service are the armies of the United States, Great Britain, Germany, Australia and Canada. So, according to data published by the Pentagon, out of 1.42 million soldiers and officers who are on active duty, 205 thousand are women (more than 14%), while 64 of them have the ranks of general and admiral.

Today, women in the Russian army also reach high command heights.
Thus, the deputy head of the Main Directorate of International Military Cooperation (GUMVS) of the Russian Ministry of Defense is Major General Elena Knyazeva, who, having received this rank, after a long break, became the only woman in the Russian military generals. Women have even penetrated into such a purely “male” branch of the military as the Airborne Forces. For example, the media has repeatedly published information that about 383 women serve in the famous 76th Airborne Division, stationed in Pskov, including 16 officers. Moreover, while women in medical and financial services have not surprised anyone for a long time, women in the position of platoon commanders are a rather rare phenomenon. It was in this position in the communications battalion that Lieutenant Ekaterina Anikeeva served as guard, and all her subordinates were men. Moreover, the Ryazan Airborne School does not stand still. This famous educational institution, which today educates applicants from 32 countries, began accepting girls in 2008. Representatives of the fair sex are invited to master a profession called “Use of airborne support units.” Graduates of the school - female officers - will command squads of parachute handlers, as well as help in the release of military equipment and paratroopers, including using complex multi-dome systems and special platforms. As studies specially carried out in Russia show, female military personnel represent a fairly significant reserve for replenishment and recruitment of the Russian Armed Forces, while they have no fundamental contraindications for military service. Moreover, the results of studies indicate that women in the army are characterized by a higher level of health compared to male military personnel. And the Russian army itself already has experience working with women, who, among other things, serve under contract. It is believed that women are the “weaker sex,” but this is not true. Yes, it is known that the physical strength of a woman with equal body weight is slightly less than that of men, but at the same time, this lack of physical strength can be compensated by the woman’s mastery of weapons and training. A trained female soldier is able to easily defeat an untrained man. I suggest you just admire women in uniform =)

Girls in the Kurdistan Self-Defense Units (YPG). Islamic State militants are afraid of dying at the hands of these women, since in this case they will not go to heaven, but to hell.


Ukraine. US Marine Corps. Russia.


India. US Marine Corps.

Australian Army signaller Natasha Miller poses for a photo during a deployment to Iraq, September 2015.


US Air Force. Latvia. Russia.


Kazakhstan.Germany.India.North Korea.Russia.Italy.Norway.




Ukraine. Norway.

The first female pilot of the Italian army. Brazil.

Israel.Great Britain.Russia.Kazakhstan.Slovenia.


Croatia. Russia. Serbia. Chile. British Navy. Girls from the Ryazan Airborne School.


Lieutenant Elena Boldyreva. First platoon airborne forces. Head of the Airborne Forces Analytical Station. Graduate of the Chemical Defense Academy.

Belarus. US Army personnel during the Army Ranger School. Ukraine. Belarus.



Portugal.Israel.Kazakhstan.Oath of girls at the Military Space Academy.


At the joint exercises of Russian and Kazakh paratroopers “Interaction-2008″Ukraine.

Commandant (Major) Virginie Guyot - the first woman in the Patrouille de France, commanded this unit in 2009-2010, at the age of 32. Greece. Russia.

Serbia.USA.Basic Combat Training (BCT), namely “Red Phase of Basic Combat Training”, which means passing through a gas chamber during basic training in the US Army. During this training, all newcomers are required to undergo the so-called. gas chamber. The gas chamber is a very fun challenge. It’s very funny to look at the recruits who come out of it covered in tears and snot, while coughing wildly. Some of the D.I's came into this cell when they suffered from a cold or cough - the cough seemed to go away, and the cold went away within a day. The gas chamber allows you to develop moral stability in the face of visible and tangible danger; over time, as a rule, after the second run, the fear of the gas chamber disappears, because After 20 minutes, the effect of tear gas stops. The camera is a mandatory test, all military personnel undergo it once a year.




What does the office uniform of military personnel of the Russian Federation look like?

Everyday office uniform for officers, generals and employees of the Ministry of Defense with a high rank is distinguished by a yellow (gold) device, and the uniform of officials is distinguished by white (silver). In terms of gender, there are not so many differences. The men's uniform standard consists of:

  • a soft cap darker and brighter than the usual colors, without piping, a black varnished visor (a blue beret for the Airborne Forces, a cap with a varnished strap for contract soldiers, and a cap for military conscripts);
  • shirts made of thick fabric with a collar, long or short sleeves, breast and side pockets, without a tie and over trousers;
  • T-shirts in white (light green or blue) to be worn under a shirt (for the Airborne Forces and Navy - striped vests in blue and black);
  • straight-cut trousers to match the shirt and cap, without stripes or piping.

The office military uniform of female military personnel (officers and warrant officers) has only minor differences or additions according to the season:

  1. khaki wool cap;
  2. blue blouse and blue jacket from death;
  3. dark skirt made of thick fabric;
  4. black tie with gold clasp;
  5. black low-heeled shoes.

In the winter season, a jacket of a basic color with a fastening hood with fur, detachable shoulder straps and sleeve insignia is provided; it is allowed to wear a hat with earflaps instead of a cap.

Military uniform in the Russian army or what a soldier should look like in 2022?

The new military uniform is based on 8 component layers, which are put on one by one. They are able to protect the employee in cold weather - 40, and be optimally comfortable at a temperature of +15.

Summer option:

  1. Lightweight knit shorts + T-shirt. Has properties to balance the soldier's thermoregulation.
  2. Summer field suit made of lightweight cotton fabric, with durable inserts on the elbows and knees.

Winter option:

  1. Lightweight underwear. (Pants and jacket)
  2. Fleece suit (brushed suit)
  3. Fleece jacket.
  4. Windbreaker jacket.
  5. Demi-season suit.
  6. Windproof suit with a separate cape hood.
  7. Vest.
  8. Insulated suit with headdresses in the form of a mask and a hat with earflaps.

Already in 2022, more than 500,000 sets of uniforms for soldiers were produced. Military personnel give positive comments about the modern production of clothing. They believe that this form is one of the best due to its ability to maintain heat.

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